outlawintheredhood · 4 years
@ixamxbatgirl​ "i liked your joke. i mean, it wasn’t funny. that’s why i laughed, " Babs said as she sat on table watching her little brother get ready for his rounds.
Jason let out an offended huff at her words, pausing in where he was adjusting the holster strap at his thigh to give Barbara a withering look. “I’m hilarious, thank you. And it wasn’t a joke. I do think it would be fun to relive some memories and carjack Bruce’s ride.” He grumbled, pulling the strap taught before moving to put on his chest armour. “Would certainly make me feel better about him being here.”
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ccfstephaniebrown · 4 years
cont. from here
“Don’t mess with a mom and her pumpkin patch pictures,” Stephanie said wit faux sterness.
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continued from
Hearing his name he suddenly appeared in a soft flash of light John’s hands went to Babara’s waist. John’s tie was askew but, it was obvious that he had cleaned himself up. Pulling her gently against him he offered a slight smile before brushing his lips against her shoulder. Taking in her delicate scent and the feel of her skin against his lip pulled a chuckle from the man. “Breath taking as always, Rose.”
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ixamxbatgirl · 7 years
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Oh, Bruce, you always send me on the worst vacations. There’s a reason bats don’t take vacations. Even for miracle treatments.
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ccfsaturngirl · 7 years
do you find Barabra beautiful?
Friend Barbara is very beautiful for being so small.
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maddoxstone · 2 years
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“The great Stephanie Brown and Barbara Gordon here in the same room.” He paused for a beat. “Is it my birthday? I’d be naught in saying I hadn’t heard many a fantasy about about you the two of you in Gotham. Where’s the rest of your family? They usually slip into places like this like shadows to cracks.”  
@ccfstephaniebrown​ @ixamxbatgirl​
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whitecanary-lance · 3 years
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“This is a real nice set up, Gordon.” Sara hissed. “Although, I’m a little surprised that I had to find out after almost being shot by a laser. I know Star City isn’t what it used to be but I never thought you’d leave for Central City. Let alone leave the tower for a midsized loft owned by a cop.”
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redrobinxdrake · 3 years
“I’ve brought together the brightest technological minds in the family.” Tim pushed away from his make shift desk situated in the middle of his living room. “I think it’s time we go fully off the grid. I’ve had a lot of time to think about this and I’ve got a base code for a fully self sustaining network to ensure none of us, brainwashed or otherwise, can compromising moving forward. 
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“Now, I need your brains to help me make it happen.” 
@lukexfox​ @ixamxbatgirl​
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Envy.  There’s so many ways to give in.
Sir Isaac Newton proposed one of the most f u n d e m e n t a l laws of physics applicable to man: “with every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
What happens when the opposite reaction is greater than the action that preceded it?
Ivy’s Garden (City Hall)
Objective: The epicenter of the chaos that has plagued the crown jewel of the Midwest, Central City. Alicia Baker’s plans are motion all thanks to the manipulation of Pamela Isley’s godly gifts. Wedged in the center of the city, Pamela is reigning hell fire down from the heavens on the unworthy while Alicia pulled the strings. After weeks of prolonged neglect of her own personal health, Alicia is dealing with the voices of doubt that force her to attack the city she wishes to claim. Nimue, Tamiel, and Zatanna Zatara has been drawn to the city hall by the immense power radiating from it. All three women possess abilities beyond this world and may be the key to help save the people of this city. Barbara Gordon has been station in the Mayor’s office for a meeting earlier and has been trying to tap back into the systems without detection. City Hall is surrounded by fatally toxic growths to protect Poison Ivy from any threats. Once inside, the woman must act before irrevocable damage is done to the city. 
 Will the woman at the helm allow such infringement on her grand plan?
If the group of cannot successfully pull Poison Ivy from her trance, the consequences are as follows: 
The infected people of Central City will perish from the toxin. Especially Central City’s wonderful Mayor Van Buren. Upon her death, Alicia will assume control of the city by becoming the new defacto Mayor of Central City. 
The water systems of Central City will be tainted further with a slim likelihood to be cleared before killing more residents. 
If the group does successfully break through to Poison Ivy, the consequence are as follows:
Poison Ivy can release her hold on the city but risks being a wanted enemy of the city by all federal agencies. 
The water will be still contaminated but can be cleansed by Nimue’s powers of the potent vertigo. The half life of the fear toxin will still be present in the water ways no matter the solution.  
[ @ixamxbatgirl @tammy-melinoe @ccfxanadu @sdrawkcabtiyasi @dickxgrayscn @poisonousisley ]
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detectivechucklxs · 4 years
“We weren’t gone that long but this shit has been piling up,” he huffed. Christian waved the bundle of parcels over his head. “You got some unknown debts, Red?”
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ccfdawngranger · 5 years
Bird || Babs
“So, are the Birds a thing here, and if not, can it be?”
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outlawintheredhood · 5 years
[ crawl ] Jason and Babs
[ crawl ]  for  your  muse  to  crawl  into  bed  with  mine
“‘M fine.” Jason mumbled into his pillow, shaking his head even as he felt a hand at his shoulder, gently coaxing him to turn onto his side.
“Jaybird, come on. Talk to me.” Barbara murmured, laying down next to him and trying to catch his eye. He avoided it as best he could, but didn’t resist when she turned to face him, arm moving around his middle and pressing their bodies together.
“I didn’t think I’d care.” He muttered eventually, his arm moving to hold her closer, a fist bunching the fabric of her shirt as he worried the fabric between his knuckles agitated. “I-I don’t care. I’m gla-glad he’s gone.” He sniffled roughly as he finally looked up to meet Barbara’s eyes, his own bloodshot and puffy. He had no use crying over the man who made his and his mother’s lives hell - Willis Todd wasn’t worthy of the title of father. Children feared monsters under their bed but Jason had only ever feared the one that stalked the hallways reeking of cheap booze. “I’m fine.” He insisted, even as Barbara stroked back the hair from his forehead, urging his head down to rest on her shoulder until the tears soaked into her shirt instead of his pillowcase.
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ccfstephaniebrown · 4 years
All hopped up on Mountain Dew || Barbara
“Have you met me? All I do is drink Mountain Dew and make bad decisions?  “
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John was crafty, but he was also a hopeless romantic. It wasn’t well known he only showed this side of himself when he felt like it was worth it. So as he dropped off a small package in Barbara’s bedroom he disappeared before anyone could catch him physically. He left the package on the end of her bed with a small note. Want to go dancing?
-Love, John.
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ixamxbatgirl · 7 years
Kitchen Talk || Christian and Barbara
Christian: Christian sat at the counter waiting for the kettle to brew. The scolding feeling of hot tea burnt away any real craving to drink. The burn felt the same but the effects of the liquid didn't. It's the best of both worlds--or at least that's what he told himself. He didn't want to bother Barbara who seemed to finally settle. Their ride home from the hospital had been a silent one. He couldn't give her all the answers, some of them he just couldn't bring himself to share. At least not the ones about his addiction or the father of her child. Everything seemed raw, too raw to handle tonight.
Barbara: Babs sat on the bed for what seemed to be hours. She was in pain. Physically. Emotionally. Her dream had always been to have a baby. Start a family. With someone she loved. Now her felt the child kick her and she knew most mothers would be excited, but there was a disconnect. Something just didn't FEEL right and she didn't know what it was. She just knew it wasn't right. She heard the kettle whistle and found herself moving to the kitchen. "Can -- can I have a cup. "
Christian: Christian knew all about the dreams that had been painted in her head. A family with roaring laughter all bundled together in a picket fence out of Central City. For a long time, Christian wished it would come true no matter his true feelings for the redhead. The wailing whistle hardly registered, his mind far too consumed with all the possibilities. It was her voice that cut through to him and snapped him back. "You never have ask, Red." He said gently before turning in towards the cupboard. "Two sugars?" Christian placed down another mug and poured in the scolding water.
Barbara: She sat down and went to nod before hesitating. "Do you think it's safe for the baby," she asked feeling stupid. She was seven months along and she felt as connected to this child as she did her most recent binge watch. Which had been seven months ago. Now she had to ask someone else if something  was safe for her child.
Christian: "I don't think a little sugar will hurt anyone. It's not like I'm gonna dump the bag in there, Red. Don't worry." Christian sense the turmoil that seemed to surge within her. It killed him to know that she had to live with such conflict. He poured in some sugar and swirled it around in her mug before pushing it closer to her. "How are you feeling? Are you hungry?" Christian knew partly how pregnancies seemed to work. He was half lucid and attentive during Aurora's.
Barbara: She nodded and sighed after the first sip. She thought through his question. "I guess  for someone who woke up from a coma and seven months pregnant  I'm okay." She said quietly. .
Christian: "You know, if anyone else said that I'd think they were crazy. You're not like anyone else, Barbara Gordon." He stepped forward, his hand laying on her shoulder. "I think you should stay here for a while, okay? I know you're some independent woman and everything in you will fight me on this. I just want to be here for you and as my friend you should let me."
Barbara: Barbara hesitated, she wanted to stay. She wanted to curl up in Christian's arms and let the world fad away. He would always protect her that was one of the many thing she always love about him.
Christian: "C'mon, Red. It'll be old times when you used to hide away at my place when your dad was off at one of those police function with Uncle David. I'll make you some bomb ass french toast for dinner," he said hoping to persuade her to stay. It would ease his mind knowing he could protect her.  All he had to worry about was explaining his absences during certain moments of the day. AA wasn't as flexible and it was why it seemed to work for him.
Barbara: She was about to say yes when the baby kicked and she hissed then remembered. She could put this on him. She didn't even know who the father of her baby was. A sinner or saint. "I haven't decided what to do about the baby. It could be Dick's. It could a clown's," she whispered. She didn't know if Dick was telling the truth when he said Joker was sterile. How could she ask that of Christian?
Christian: Christian took a moment to think over her words. Of course she'd be modest and try and keep him as far from the blast zone as possible but he wasn't gonna let her do this alone. "I don't care who the kid's father is, Red. This kid is a part of you and that matters to me. I am open my home to you because I love you and I can't stand the thought of you alone right now, alright. You're getting me all sap and shit and we know how that goes--don't fight me on this."
Barbara: Tears welled in Barbara's eyes. Stupid hormones, she thought before reaching her hands out making grabby hands at him wanting a hug. She felt so vulnerable and Christian was one of the only people she let comfort her in times like these. "You have to come here and hug me. I'm too far to get to you," she said wetly as he took her into his arms. "I love you too," she whispered her head resting on his shoulder.
Christian: Christian couldn't help the smile that broke along his lips with her plea. He placed his tea back on the counter before rounding the island. His arms enveloped her frame with such tender love, it felt good to hold her. "I know, Red." His fingers curled up in her wild curls as he rubbed the back of her neck. "You and me against the world, that's never gonna change."
Barbara: She relaxed into his arms. They were going to take on the world. He was going to help her with the baby, even if it wasn't his. The baby kicked and Barbara laughed feeling it. "I think the baby approves," she said wetly refusing to let go of Christian. It felt warm and safe in his arms. "I'm scared," she whispered.
Christian: Christian's hand dropped down between them, grazing his fingers along the crest of her belly. "This kid can't help but love me. I'm resistible."  A real charming recovering alcoholic, that's right. "I know but I'm here with you. I always have been and I always will. Remember when we used to sneak out when we were kids? You always seemed to come off so fearless and I followed behind you just in case you needed a hand to hold. I was scared. I am scared but I had you and you made me bold, Red."
Barbara: She smiled, "They know how much I rely on you. Fresh tears welled in her eyes, "You can't say stuff like that to me, Christian. It makes me cry all over again." She wrapped her arms around him tighter. "What am I going to do, Christian. This baby could be a mad man's. I -- I can't let evil like that out in the world can I. I have to keep it. If it is his, oh god what if evil is genetic?"
Christian: Christian couldn't help but laugh at the way she'd indulged in the softer side of herself. It wasn't often that Barbara cried like this; he felt pretty damn special that she let her walls down with him. "Barbara--this kid is partly you. It doesn't matter the other parts." He quieted for a moment, looking down at her little bump. "--even great genetics can't save a man from failing and falling apart. It's all about who they're surrounded with and if they're willing to be better. This kid will have you and that's enough incentive to be the best."
Barbara: She let herself believe what Christian was saying for the time being. "What if I'm broken, Christian," she whispered. "I don't feel like it's mother. It's like this thing, this symbiotic organism, that is just leeching off me. What if I don't love it like I should. It makes me a horrible person," she whimpered. "I can't even love the baby I'm carrying. I'm broken."
Christian: "You're not broken," he held her hands between his hands. "You are just waking up in a new world. One you're not ready for. You need to adjust but I know you'll love this kid. You're not one to shy away from a challenge. This is a challenge. Hell, you loved me. An alcoholic loser," he scoffed.
Barbara: Barbara's faced showed the horror and anger at him calling himself an alcoholic loser. She then paused, thinking about all the times she had found him drunk. "Christian, if you are an alcoholic, I know it's an illness. It doesn't make you a loser. It makes you sick and needing help. Like me. If you're a loser, then people would be right to call me a statistic. Would you let any call me a slut or a statistic," she asked cautiously.
Christian:: Christian hung his head in shame, a sigh escaped his lips with her words. "I wouldn't let anyone call you anything, alright? Are you hungry or something." He stepped away from her with a saddened expression. He didn't want her to think less of him.
Barbara: She grabbed his hand and pulled him back. "Hey," she said sharply, "Look at me, Christian. If we're going to do this, we have to be partners. That means sharing each other's burdens. So tell me, the truth. Are you sick," she asked.
Christian: Reluctantly, his eyes fell back towards her gaze. His hand still catch up in her dainty grasp. "Yeah. I mean I've been trying to get clean but it's a hard couple of months."
Barbara: Tears come fresh because she knew without a doubt that she had needed her and she had been unable to help him. She nodded, "I'm here now. I know I can't do this for you. But don't think I don't want to. But I'm here for whatever you need. I'm. It leaves you," she promised to kissing the back of his hand.
Christian: "Hey, hey don't cry. It's okay. I have it handled....sorta. I have a sponsor and I'm doing my best to get custody of Jonathan." Christian smiled down at her brushing away the tears that littered her cheeks. "We are in this together and I'm glad you're here."
Barbara: She smiled and nodded. They were in this together. "So, show me around my new place," she said then paused. "Tell me you sold my condo. I can't ever go back there," she admitted quickly.
Christian: Christian smiled at her mentioning for her to follow him. "This way, Madam." He bowed at the waist with a cheeky grin. They were passed all the emotional stuff--at least for the evening. "I didn't know if you wanted to go back and get your things. I can put it up on the market tomorrow."
Barbara: She took his hand and let him lead her around the house. "Can -- can I just give you a list of what I want," she said quietly. I don't ever want to go back there." She had been shot in her own home. Possibly raped, even if she couldn't remember it, just the thought sent a shiver through her.
Christian: “I’ll go for you, Red. I’ll handle it all.”
Barbara: “Thank you, Christian, thank you.”
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drcaitlinxsnow · 4 years
“You’re a lot easier to find than I thought, Oracle.” Frost hissed through gritted teeth. “I think it’s about time had a heart to heart.” 
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“If you scream, I’ll freeze your tongue and snap it right out of your mouth.” 
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