changxlingfae · 1 year
@ixmxgod​ asked: ❝  oh yeah.  now you’re all quiet.  not so bold when you’re not the toughest guy in the room,  huh?  ❞ -from Harry
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Bex didn’t whimper - he’d been in plenty of fights. The one on the ship had been quite enthusiastic, with the plank out and in use for the first time, as far as he knew. This felt different. Like his skin was really on the line, and not as a side bar that might get hurt in the mix up of things. He swallowed once, watching Harry intervene.
His aggressor had been going on for a while now, far too much talk about all the things wrong with Bex, his face, his own mocking starlight and shiny insults thrown in while Bex’s arm was aching with a hand print bruise forming from how tight the man had squeezed him. His knuckles were just as cut up from the punches he’d thrown, knees scuffed from the hell he’d tried to give.
He just didn’t expect Harry to cut in.
“Can-“ He tried to tug his arm free. “Can we just go?”
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kaylathebitch30 · 5 months
I'm going to make a full list of all my muses in a bit, but for now here's my strongest muses at the moment listed from the most to the least amount of muse. My original main is thatbitchkayla30 and I'm working on getting tumblr to unlock it. PLEASE If you DM do it to this blog bc for some reason it's not giving me access to messages for the side blogs despite giving this one admin status on them.
Danny Phantom (@aidanwaynealghul)
Dan Fenton (@aidanwaynealghul)
Reborn Maria Di Angelo (@landofgodsxmonsters)
Talia Al Ghul (@aidanwaynealghul)
Jason Todd (@batfambitches)
Harry Hook (@ixmxgod)
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thatbitchkayla30 · 5 months
Harry Hook is my only Muse where I am like "I am 100% willing to auto ship and I am fINE with it if the only reason you're interacting with me is to ship with him" bc honestly, he's a hoe ass bitch.
Anyway, go to @ixmxgod and interact with Harry pls and thank you he's yelling at me for attention
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worldly-diversity · 5 years
“She used to make me sandwiches and sew buttons on my shirts.” -Hades had to much to drink and is telling Mal about Persephone? Yes. That.
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“Gross…” Mal muttered as she glanced at her father, wondering what on earth had brought that on. If any boy asked her to do those things she’d deck them.
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pinkgodcss · 5 years
Closed Starter W/ @ixmxgod
If there was one thing that she was unluck of was, it was getting the news. She was always the last of many to find out of anything. It was a few months ago that she had just then found out about a few children from the Isle coming to Auradon. News that at first filled the goddess with hope, but things were clarified to her by Hermes. There was no sign of Hades whatsoever.
She had returned back to her garden, finding no joy in any other part of the world without Hades. Persephone began to count all the flowers, then all the petals on them. She could walk in her garden blindfolded and tell anyone what flower she stood by. When she got bored of that, she counted the blades of grass. A much more tideos task that took more time and patience.
One fall’s afternoon she was counting the blades of grass, casually interrupted by whichever leaf fell. However her work was abruptly stopped when Hermes had come rushing to her. At first the God talked so quickly, she couldn’t comprehend a single word he said. The goddess did no questioning however, when she heard the name of ‘Hades’ she quickly had rushed right towards the isle.
Scrambling around the preparatory school. Seeing all the children laughing and dancing together, noticing how there was now a mixture of VKs and AKs. “Excuse me, have you seen Hades? He’s a god with blue hair? Likes leather a lot! And eye makeup!” Desperately info going from one teenager or parent to the next. Wondering where her long lost lover could possibly be.
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harryhooktm · 5 years
vampiricarchangel replied to your post “no one:no one at all: me: who’s going to give harry a boyfriend”
Okay so like, a hELPFUL reply to this: I have a muse Zagreus on my Descendants multi ixmxgod and I mean, he's a Greek God so by default is bi af and tbh would probably ship well with a Harry
um? give him to us
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changxlingfae · 1 year
@ixmxgod​ asked: ⛓️ -From Harry, I have no thoughts on how this could go except 'Ooo fun'
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“Our parents are insane for trying this,” Bex said. His hips were dropped back against a kitchen counter, one ankle crossed over the other as he leaned back and arms just as crossed over his chest. “But... I’m not the worst to be around, for what it’s worth.”
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changxlingfae · 1 year
@ixmxgod​ asked: ❝  you’re gonna lose a finger if you don’t get outta my sight right now.  ❞ -I'm sure you can guess
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Bex blinked in surprise. Moments ago, his gaze had been filled with one of the Coachman’s sons, namely Charlie. Tall, bulky Charlie with breath like sardines. Bex’s back was pressed tight against the alley wall, he could feel moldy brick digging into his hair and thought Charlie’s nose was far too close right until he saw that hook cut into his vision.
“... Harry?” He asked in surprise.
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changxlingfae · 1 year
@ixmxgod​ asked: ❝  lucky for you,  i don’t wanna ruin their night.  but i see you sniffing around here again you might not be so fortunate.  ❞ -Harry✨
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Bex slowly lowered the serving tray. He wasn’t officially on staff at the Chip Shop, didn’t often act as a server. It was a once in a bloom moon sort of thing, once in a desperate blue moon. Mostly because of things like this.
He’d never told Harry about the way some people acted when he was serving them, but Harry must have overheard the things they said. Shame burned in his ears as he hid behind the wall of the kitchen. He curled a hand to his chest, the tray flat against his body as he did. He shouldn’t let these things get to him. He really shouldn’t. The thing was, he had been having fun. Harry was fun, and wait staffing at the Chip Shop had a certain comradery to it. Uma cared about her crew, and it was an intense, strange sort of feeling. Now Harry knew, and he felt it melting down all around him.
“Sorry,” He said to Uma. “I uh. I think I want to dip out, if that’s okay.”
It wasn’t a big deal at all, thankfully, and before long, he was tucking up the kick stand of his rickety bike, trying to feel a little stronger than needing Harry to yell at his problems implied.
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changxlingfae · 1 year
@ixmxgod​ asked: “  if  you  don’t  terrify  people  a  little  then  what’s  the  point  ?  ” ✨Harry🪝✨
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“To rob them without getting caught and attacked, what do you think?”
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changxlingfae · 1 year
@ixmxgod​ asked: Ϟ “HOW DID YOU GET THIS?”
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Bex looked back in confusion. Ah yes - a jagged line going down the back of his upper arm. The color had mostly faded, leaving it starch white against the rest of his skin, flat yet slightly shiny from how taunt it was. “Oh. Mama got mad at me again for stealing her youth and beauty, or something else she blames the flower on. She threw a plate or a bowl or something, I can’t even recall entirely, but what can you do?”
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changxlingfae · 1 year
@ixmxgod​ asked: “You probably have a concussion, so I wouldn’t be moving aroun' too much if I were you.” -Harry yolo
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“What do you mean? How... how did I get a concussion?”
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changxlingfae · 1 year
@ixmxgod​ answered: “Stop squirming, I’m trying to help.”
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“You really wanna help then a kiss might take my mind off the pain more than a bandage, Starlight.”
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“Ha-ha, you’re so funny,” Bex rolled his eyes. He wrapped the bandage around one more time, an only slighty stained long piece of cloth, it had been washed since its last use, thank you. He pulled on it hard to tighten it, yanking it shut before tightening the knot. Once done, he playfully slapped Harry’s cheek. “There. How’s it feel?”
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changxlingfae · 1 year
@ixmxgod​ asked: “Trouble lurks around every shadowed corner.” -Harry
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“It’s the Isle? Do you have any clue what to do with yourself if there wasn’t trouble around every corner? I don’t think I’d have a clue. I mean, what do you do, just walk without covering a part of your head for safe keeping?”
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thatbitchkayla30 · 2 years
If I share/post any memes to this blog feel free to share them!
My basic RP rules are just "don't be a dick" and follow basic RP courtesy such as no god-moding etc and listen if I tell you I don't agree with something happening in a thread/plot. Otherwise I'm pretty chill and go with the flow with plots and don't really have any triggers bad enough I avoid the things???
Strongest Muses ATM
Listed as most to least muse atm
Danny Phantom (@aidanwaynealghul)
Dan Fenton (@aidanwaynealghul)
Reborn Maria Di Angelo (@landofgodsxmonsters)
Talia Al Ghul (@aidanwaynealghul)
Jason Todd (@batfambitches)
Metis' Sally Jackson Verse (@landofgodsxmonsters)
Harry Hook (@ixmxgod)
RP Side Blogs
@hodgepodgebitches (random muses yolo, mains are Good Omens rn)
@spideystark  (AU version of Peter Parker where he's Tony's Bio son)
@droolstalker (Annabeth Chase)
@landofgodsxmonsters (Greek mythology multi/mostly PJO & Lore Olympus)
@aidanwaynealghul (Danny Fenton as Damien's Twin Crossover/AU, has Jasmine Fenton, Talia Al Ghul and Danielle as side muses)
@problematicbastards(Leonard Snart, Mick Rory, Kol Mikaelson, Bucky Barnes & Clint Barton)
@cwdcbitches (CW Multi Muse blog)
@mcumultibitches (MCU Multi Muse)
@halfmanticorebrothers (Charmed, Half Manticore Baby and Family)
@charmedbitches (Charmed, Various OC's)
@mikaelsoncupid (Charmed, AU/Originals Crossover Coop & Daughters)
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worldly-diversity · 5 years
@ixmxgod continued from here
He’d finally found a place to nap in his panther from where he didn’t think those Auradon brats would bother him and he’d finally managed to doze off, of course, it didn’t last more than a minute though. He was honestly starting to miss the isle, at least there he could get a decent nap in. If he had the guts to face Persephone he could always go back to the Underworld, but honestly, that was unlikely to happen anytime soon.
Too bad some random big cat had decided to pounce on him, causing him to jump up and twist around to fling her off well also moving to pin her. Flames burst out of the tips of his ears as he did and a low growl grew in his throat before he realized that the other panther couldn’t have been much more than a cub and the growl turned more into a groan as he backed off of her and said. “What’s a God gotta do to have a nice nap in the sun around here?”
She was a perfectly full grown adult, thank you very much! At least by panther standards... Human standards classed her a teenager, but since when did she care about labels anyway? She didn't! Human labels were weird, anyway.
His words confused her and her ears twitched as he spoke, slowly shifting back onto her paws when he let her up. She'd figured he'd be startled and pin her, so she wasn't really rattled. She flexed her maw a few times before replying, finding the change to her vocal cords this world had caused somewhat disturbing.
"Hey, why're your ears on fire?" She decided to ask first, padding closer curiously. "Why can you talk? Why can I talk actually?" Her tail flicked excitedly as she circled him, sniffing curiously. "Are you really a god? What's a god?"
Well, she's certainly inquisitive, isn't she?
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