#izuku would never let me touch the garbage LMAO
izvmimi · 10 months
this is for the 'acts of service' hoes, but what mundane chore does your fave do for you that you hate doing?
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 026: Obstacle Course Part 2 (Conclusion)
Previously on BnHA: The kids of class A busted their way through the sports festival obstacle course like the young gods-in-the-making they are. Everyone was like, whoa, these kids are kicking ass. Momo made a gun and I may have cried a little. Some girl from the support course macguyvered her way through with moon shoes and a utility belt. Fucking Deku tore through the entire thing carrying a giant metal plate and just whomping robots left and right and shimmying across the floating islands of Pandora like fucking Spider-Man. He then catapulted himself onto a bunch of mines in a fucking minefield and fucking surfed the resulting explosion and I’m fucking done you guys.
Today on BnHA: Deku nearly commits a murder but it nets him first place. Todoroki spits in the face of continuity. Everyone in class A advances to the second round of the festival. Midnight announces that round 2 will be a cavalry battle. Deku has a target painted on his back because no good deed ever goes unpunished.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 48 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.) 
oh my god look at these huge text boxes. are these all Deku?? this kid is fucking twacked out on something right now I swear
yeah I guess this is Deku’s POV from when he was like “RARRRRRRRR [BOOM]” from before
seriously this kid is out here channeling the Hulk or something
holy shit he actually dug up the mines in order to jump on them??
All Might what have you done. look what you’ve created
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more like blasting shounen maniac
also I forgot Kacchan’s arm was frozen and I had to stare at it for a sec before my memory filled in the blanks there
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so we’re all in agreement that Deku has actually gone crazy right?
“yup this is intense” totally fucking bananas
Kacchan has such an over the top wtf expression that for a moment I actually thought Deku had hit him in the head on the way down
he didn’t think about the landing. of course not. shounens never think about the landing
well maybe this guy can inadvertently help you out with that somehow
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wow look at his face. Deku what have you done
now Todoroki’s making an ice path
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by the way, so Todoroki apparently doesn’t need to physically touch whatever it is he’s freezing, then? because here he’s just stomping on the ground and it’s immediately turning to ice, but he’s wearing shoes. I can’t remember if he’s done this before, but I feel like up till now it’s always been his hands
in fact, I just went back and checked his intro in chapter 11 and it specifically said he freezes things with his right hand (left hand is the fire one). so I consider this panel a plot hole unless Horikoshi decides to come along and explain it later
(ETA: not only did they not explain it, they didn’t change it for the anime either. WHAT KIND OF GARBAGE IS THIS. I CAN’T BELIEVE THE ENTIRE SERIES IS RUINED JUST LIKE THAT OMG.)
Deku seems more worried about losing time on his landing than he is about, you know, landing badly and breaking every bone in his body. I guess once you’ve already done that a few times, you kind of become accustomed to it and it’s no big deal anymore
(ETA: let’s not talk any more about Deku not giving a shit about his own broken bones holy shit.)
why do shounen people always take such a long fucking time to fall
lol the other two are rushing past him while he’s slowly drifting into the frame upside-down
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grab onto them and use them as your sled dogs!
holy fuck what is he doing lmao
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this kid is really out here with his HEEERE’S JOHNNY face deadass about to commit murder live on camera in front of 100,000 people
oh thank god he didn’t actually hit them. though I feel like it wasn’t for lack of trying
he hit the ground again and of course, more land mines
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I feel like he ended up murdering them anyway tbh
and EH is all “I didn’t even do anything they’re just like this”
Deku actually made it back first! holy shit. and all he had to do was go completely off the deep end and murder two of his classmates to do it
oh my god his mom is watching
I mean, of course she’s watching, but it only just occurred to me. is he actually going to use his quirk here at some point or what? and if he does, just what the hell is she going to make of that?
I hope he comes clean with her afterwards, honestly. I have faith in her ability to keep a secret that would put her child’s life in jeopardy otherwise
(ETA: Deku is a liar and a thief and his poor mom deserves better)
and speaking of that, scrolling back up to the panel above Izumama, there’s this other random guy watching Deku who seems to also recognize him
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what’s this about exactly? a year ago would be right around the time of the Sludge Incident. does he remember him from that? or does he somehow know Deku from back in his middle school days?
(ETA: it’s the former, I overthought this)
actually there are a lot of people who went to school with Izuku and specifically knew him to not have a quirk, come to think. what are all of them going to think if he suddenly busts one out here in front of the entire country? I feel like that’s going to seem really fucking suspicious and raise a lot of questions
anyway, moving on here, it seems Tomura is watching too. what a creep
and his hands are gone, just like when he visited the school that day and (presumably) broke in
aww. Deku sought out All Might’s face in the crowd and he’s grinning at him and he looks so proud. he’s crying again sob. and All Might looks fucking ecstatic
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now All Might is having an internal monologue about how so many modern heroes are in it for the fame and so they’re selfish, but Deku isn’t like that, and that’s why he chose him. and interestingly he says he thought that quality would be a potential weakness, but he’s happy to be proven wrong
“but you gotta stop crying all the time!” aww, let him be, he’s emotional, there’s nothing wrong with that. I was gonna add “and he’s still a kid”, but that implies that there’s anything wrong with an adult being emotional which isn’t the case either. I know he’s all about the whole “smiling through the pain” thing, but Deku’s not the type to keep his feelings so hidden, and honestly I think that’s also a strength rather than a weakness
people from the business course are discussing Deku’s draft stock now, and speculating on how they would market him
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yeah All Might I kind of see what you mean here. it’s all about the PR, and the actual hero stuff has almost been taken out of the equation
there’s a panel explaining how the business course members don’t participate in the sports fest directly and instead they just walk around doing boring business things. I’m not at all interested in this but I am dutifully making a note of it
(ETA: though I would be interested if they did some more shit dealing with sudden fame and celebrity and marketing deals. it’s still ridiculous to me that a country with as huge an idol culture as Japan would not be attempting to do this with at least some of these U.A. kids.)
(ETA 2: finally in the latest chapter I read we at least had someone filming a commercial.)
Kacchan and Todoroki have arrived back at the stadium out of breath as losers. sorry losers
Kacchan’s super pissed but what else is new. is your arm okay bud. also you probably could have blasted your way across that final part of the course similar to how Deku did, but you didn’t. you literally have only yourself to blame
oh wow, Ochako and Iida rounding out the top five! what a pleasant surprise
(ETA: yeah this misconception will be rectified shortly, so I’m leaving it)
Iida’s depressed because being fast is His Whole Thing and he still came in like fifth. honestly I feel like that does hurt him a little more than the rest, because if any heroes out there are on the lookout for a speedster, they’re probably going to be less taken with a guy that didn’t even manage to make the podium in the speed competition. but you still have the rest of the festival, Iida. and if all else fails, you’ll still have two more chances after this
Deku is literally hiding his face because Ochako came right up to him and started talking about how great he was
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it was not close, Deku
now he’s saying he got lucky. that was part of it, sure, but dude you were a fucking beast out there. honestly it was scary
Momo made it in sixth! along with this piece of drifting garbage that seems to have gotten stuck to her somehow
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I’m sorry you had to see this, everyone. Momo is brilliant, but I feel like she missed a golden opportunity to make another gun or something and solve our Mineta problem for good. they did say no rules, after all. any lawyer worth their salt should be able to work with that
oh wow, I thought Iida and Ochako were fourth and fifth, but apparently that Poison Ivy girl came in fourth! Ibara, huh? I like her a lot
and this Dia de Muertos guy came in fifth!!
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and Ochako is #16?? EVERYONE, WE’RE GONNA RIOT
class B seems to only have a few standouts, really. thank god tbh. it was hard enough trying to memorize the first twenty kids’ names
(ETA: for a brief moment it looked like this might not be true, but then it was true again lol)
can’t believe Kaminari’s all the way down at #24. what happened?
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are there... two invisible kids here?
(ETA: this literally never came up again??!)
and Aoyama barely made it. the cutoff was at #42 for some reason. they could have easily set it at the much more normal number of 40, but they just liked you that much, Aoyama!
Midnight’s about to announce the second event, but she’s dragging it out so damn much and I can’t take it
“Cavalry Battle”! yay! what’s that
Tsuyu says they’re teaming up but imma need more deets
“participants will form, on their own, teams of two to four members each” okay I can already foresee a few problems here
-- and get into a horse and rider formation, oh my god
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for a brief moment I was like “wow this is really tame compared to the first event.” but then I remembered that they all have powers and will presumably be trying to kill each other and I can see this getting really fucking violent actually
that said! I’m definitely here for it lol
damn she’s still going on. apparently each kid has been assigned a point value based on the results of the previous event. so that means Deku has the highest value I guess. well, he wanted to stand out
TEN MILLION POINTS wow. this seems a bit broken to me
Deku’s face is
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pretty good
what kind of fucked up olympics punishes you for doing well though
ten million points, though. damn. and meanwhile that lucky s.o.b. Aoyama is only worth five
and wow, we’ve reached the end of volume three already! well that sure was fun
Mt. Lady again?
she’s ordering takoyaki
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she’s trying to get it for free omg
it worked omg
that’s it. that’s the comic
now there’s a second comic that seems almost identical to her first comic from an earlier volume. this accountant guy is complaining that she’s lost them so much money
she can apparently grow from her normal size up to about 67 and a half feet. and that’s it. nothing in between
aside from that slight bit of additional detail, this is literally the exact same comic strip from before. I want those twenty seconds of my life back damn it
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