phlebaswrites · 3 years
Created Monsters
To step into a Jaeger is to Drift.
To become one of two.
A fusion with Pacific Rim.
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Rating: Mature Fandom: Naruto, Pacific Rim Relationship: Gen Word Count: 1240 (Complete)
Entry for @izuna-appreciation-week​
Day 5 - November 5: Sci-Fi AU | Steampunk AU
Written for @woofgang69​ and @hellotheremaryrose​ because they wanted to kiss a Kaiju. For @longliveustherecklessandthebrave​ and @heyitswrenn​ because they volunteered to be pilots. @shadiekid​ did not volunteer but was conscripted.
My first foray into the self insert genre.
The title comes from Raleigh's line in the film, "To fight monsters, we created monsters."
Izuna took the metal steps two at a time, the ringing impact of Tobi's boots right behind him. "Hurry up! We're going to miss it!"
"We're not going to miss it."
How Tobi managed to sound so calm and collected, Izuna couldn't tell. "We are! They've already launched both the Ghoulgang and the Mizukage!"
Izuna grabbed the doorframe and swung himself into the control room, ignoring Tobi's bitching about not using the Ghoulgang's proper designation. He didn't care. He wasn't going to use a name that made a Jaeger sound like a sex toy for god's sake!
Instead he rushed over to the screen. "What's happening!"
"Calm down, Izuna. They're still walking out to meet the Kaiju." Nii-san's deep tones were soothing. "We were lucky. Someone was out at sea and called it in before our instruments even figured out what was going on."
"We need to calibrate them for multiple Kaiju incursions." Tobi interjected.
Izuna rolled his eyes. "Tobi, if we do that, we have to take them offline for at least 48 hours! We can't afford to!"
"We can't afford to be wrong either." Tobi's face was set in stubborn lines, and Izuna knew that he wouldn't be moved from his point. "Lives depend on the accuracy of our data."
Izuna exchanged a look with his brother.
They both knew that Tobi was right, but there was no one else who could do what they did. How could they justify leaving the base - the city - open to attack for two whole days? If they could call upon some of the other Jaegers, then perhaps it would have been possible, but the number of Jaegers was steadily declining as base after base fell to the Kaiju. Humanity was in steady retreat, and Izuna felt desperation in the people all around him.
They needed something else.
But what?
Read the rest on AO3!
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phlebaswrites · 3 years
Protecting a Person
Tattoos can be a mark of ownership or an offering of safety.
(Context is everything.)
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Rating: Mature Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Izuna Word Count: 314 (Complete)
Entry for @izuna-appreciation-week​
Day 3 - November 3: Clone Jutsu | Hiraishin
Written with permission for @junsui4089​ as a complement and compliment to their amazing artwork.
Part of A Life (Lived in Love), the final story arc of my Seducing Tobirama series, the collection will be posted on AO3 over the month of November.
Izuna winces under the bite of the needle as it pricks on the vulnerable nape of his neck. Over and over again, small pains that jab, creating something more than the sum of their parts.
Tobirama's breathing is steady, calm, and he takes comfort in it's rhythm, trusting in Tobirama's knowledge. After all, who would know the Hiraishin better than its creator?
It's almost like meditation, and he matches his breaths to those of his husband, letting his mind drift. It's only when he feels a gentle press of lips against his shoulder that he opens his eyes.
The sun has moved, it's near the horizon.
Sunset comes early in winter, but still.
It's been hours.
He's lost time.
And yet...
"Is it done?" His voice is raspy from not speaking, and Tobirama helps him to sit up.
"Yes." A featherlight touch brushes over his neck, and Izuna holds steady under it. "Your skin will be sore for a while yet, but Anija will heal it tomorrow."
Izuna takes the water that Tobirama hands him and drinks it down, draining the cup. Tobirama refills it three times before he feels less dehydrated.
"Would you like to see?" Tobirama offers him a mirror, but Izuna shakes his head.
Instead, he pulls his yukata up around his shoulders. "No. It's your mark, and that's all I need to know."
Tobirama halts his movement, embracing him tightly, and Izuna sighs contentedly against his husband's chest. "Thank you for this, Izuna." Calloused fingers trace the seal he now bears. "Now I will always be able to come to you, no matter where you are."
"I know." Izuna smiles, gripping Tobirama's kendogi in turn. "And I will always be happy to be found."
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phlebaswrites · 3 years
Love's Jewelled Screen
Izuna dresses to fit the occasion.
Tobirama appreciates it.
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Rating: Explicit Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Izuna Word Count: 3207 (Complete)
Entry for @izuna-appreciation-week​
Day 2 - November 2: Festival | Funeral
This story is for @silverutahraptor​ who posted a link to this kimono in my server and for @greencuttingmat​ who gave me the idea about the mole.
The title comes from this poem, taken from The Ink Dark Moon: Love Poems by Ono no Komachi and Izumi Shikibu, Women of the Ancient Court of Japan.
Those nights when we slept behind love's jewelled screen, were we even aware of the opening dawn skies?
Left behind to grow old in this world without you, the flowers I pick lose their beauty, dyed with dark ink.
Tobirama taps his fingers impatiently on the support of the engawa. Izuna said to wait for him before heading to the Tanabata festival, and Tobirama is doing just that.
It's just... Izuna is taking a long time.
Izuna has a point about delegation though. He's assigned people, and he should leave them to do their jobs in peace without hovering over them.
He simply wants this festival to go well.
Their clans have not had the time or the resources to hold a Tanabata festival, not since they came together to form the village, and this is setting a precedent. It may not be spectacular, but it is theirs, and he would like for it to be enjoyable.
At least for the children.
"I'm here! Thanks for waiting!" Izuna's tones are cheerful and bright, with a warmth that matches the heat of the evening.
"I was wondering what was taking you so..." Tobirama feels the words falter in his suddenly dry mouth.
Of all the things he's seen Izuna wear, not that there have been many apart from the ever present Uchiha mantle, this is something that is completely outside of his experience. Shimmering in the light of the setting sun, the yatsude leaves seem to caress Izuna's body even as his hair blends with the dark silk.
Izuna is a vision, unlike any that he's ever seen.
Tobirama's swallow is audible to himself, and, from the look of satisfaction on Izuna's face, his rival as well. He clears his throat. "You look very nice. Very… presentable."
Izuna gives him a saucy wink. "Wouldn't want to let down the village! That would be terrible, right?"
Tobirama nods jerkily even as he forces his eyes to stay on Izuna's face instead of following the line of his neck.
"Let's go then, don't want to be late!" Izuna's geta clatter down the steps, and he sets off, hips swaying.
Safe from observation as he follows behind, Tobirama traces the low neckline of Izuna's kimono with his eyes, pulled almost as low as the geisha wear it.
Perhaps, if tonight goes well, he might try his luck at more than Kingyo-sukui.
Read the rest on AO3.
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phlebaswrites · 3 years
Being a Woman
Izuna is a shinobi first and a woman second.
She only wishes that everyone else would accept that.
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Rating: Explicit Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Izuna Word Count: 1609 (Complete)
Entry for @izuna-appreciation-week​
Day One - November 1: Kunai | Armour
The title comes from this quote by Joseph Conrad:
Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men.
Tobirama tenses up as he hears a splash from the other side of the bamboo fence.
He keeps his face calm and still, kneading chakra to fuel his sensory abilities even as Madara jerks upright. They can both sense the killing intent leaking off Izuna in waves, as well as the chakra of various other shinobi who are being swiftly snuffed out like the flames of candles in a strong wind.
Madara lunges for the fence but Tobirama grabs his wrist.
"Izuna? Are you alright?" He keeps his voice absolutely even, not letting any of his concern flavour it, as Madara fights his grip.
"I'm just fine! Thank you!" Izuna sounds like she's panting, but it's not exhaustion or distress - he knows those tones intimately. He was the cause of them often enough during the war.
This is Izuna enraged.
Well then.
"Do you need any help?"
He strongly suspects that the offer will be rejected, and it is. With prejudice.
"No!" There's a grunt of effort, and a bitten off cry before he hears the sound of metal on stone.
"Let me go!" Madara finally escapes, splashing away from him towards the edge of the pool. "IZUNA!"
"She said she didn't need any help." Tobirama can't resist reminding the other man. "She won't appreciate it if you barge in."
"I don't care! She's my sister!" It's a snarl and Madara takes a deep breath before charging the fence, smashing right through it into the women's side of the baths. "IZUNA!"
Read the rest on AO3!
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phlebaswrites · 3 years
Dreaming of Desire
Sleep is overrated
(That's Izuna's opinion of it anyway.)
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Rating: Explicit Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Izuna Word Count: 458 (Complete)
Entry for @izuna-appreciation-week​
Day 7 - November 7: Cuddling | Headache
Written with permission for @junsui4089​ as a complement and compliment to their amazing artwork.
Izuna curls up at Tobirama's side, resting his head on a strong shoulder.
After a whole year of being together, Tobirama's house is more than just a place to sleep. There's the onsen in the garden, food in the kitchen, and the tansu is filled with clothing which will never fit the official occupant. Izuna rubs his cheek on Tobirama's yukata and closes his eyes, smiling at the knowledge that this house is slowly becoming their house.
Their home.
Tobirama hasn't said a word about it, but Izuna sleeps here more than half the time and it's no longer uncommon for them to arrive at the office together.
Nii-san huffs but Izuna's glares are enough to make him stay silent on this topic.
The futon is littered with scrolls and books, not unusual for any space which Tobirama occupies for extended periods, and most of them contain work.
But not all of them.
Not the book in Tobirama's large hands.
"Did he appear because I fell asleep thinking of him?" Tobirama's deep voice is hushed in the quiet of the room. "If only I'd known I was dreaming, I'd never have wakened."
The words are familiar, spoken from memory as much as read from the page, and Izuna lifts his head to press a kiss to Tobirama's neck. He'd never known about his lover's well hidden fondness for poetry, not until he caught Tobirama with a book of it over the summer, but Izuna is grateful to know it now.
And he's noticed a trend too.
The poems on which Tobirama dwells are the ones which speak of love and longing, loss and dreams just out of reach.
Izuna is sure that he was once such a dream and is determined to prove that he is very much present. He tugs at the collar of Tobirama's yukata, baring skin to his mouth, and bites down.
"Izuna!" Tobirama tugs on the tail of his hair, braided for sleep and tied as always with Itama's bells. "What was that for?"
"A reminder." Izuna licks the bruise that blooms even as he watches, easing the sting of sharp teeth. "That I'm no apparition to vanish with the dawn. I'll be in your bed for as long as you wish me to be, my love."
Tobirama puts the book aside and rolls him onto his back, covering him with a body larger and stronger than his own. "I'll never ask you to leave, beloved." Eyes like gems gleam in the firelight and make promises of forever. "Never."
Izuna flings his arms around his lover's neck and draws Tobirama down to him.
Poetry can wait for another night.
Right now he only wants the dream made flesh in his bed.
Also available on AO3.
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phlebaswrites · 3 years
Murder, Like Talent
Izuna is a very good killer but he rarely takes the time to clean up after himself.
He has Hikaku for that.
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Rating: Explicit Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Gen Word Count: 413 (Complete)
Entry for @izuna-appreciation-week
Day One - November 1: Kunai | Armour
Inspired by the amazing art of @kurakura0-0​, and written with permission, the title of this story comes from this quote by George Henry Lewes:
Murder, like talent, seems occasionally to run in families.
Hikaku wipes the blood off his own sword and sighs as Izuna performs chiburi.
His best friend is so dramatic.
But then, such has always been Izuna's way.
Face and mantle covered in arterial spray, Izuna looks more like a figure to fear than the White Demon but Hikaku knows better than to say any such thing. And the cheerful smile with which Izuna runs towards Madara-sama shows that, underneath it all, Izuna is still the same happy soul that he's always been.
He's just... a very efficient killer as well.
And not very good at body disposal.
But that's why Hikaku is here.
Hikaku forms the hand signs that he long ago memorised with his Sharingan and his doton creates a hole under their enemies. It takes barely any concentration anymore, he's so used to this, and the bodies are quickly buried.
Far better to keep the dead under the earth than to give them the honour of a cleansing fire. People who would attack their home deserve no better, and burnt flesh always smells terrible anyway.
It puts everyone off pork for weeks and they need the protein.
Yes, everything goes much more efficiently with doton.
Hikaku watches Madara-sama sternly instruct Izuna to go right to the baths and laughs silently as his best friend pouts.
Ah, Izuna.
So dramatic.
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phlebaswrites · 3 years
Clouds and Conversation
Izuna has always loved Tanabata.
(Tobirama loves him.)
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Rating: Mature Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Izuna Word Count: 480 (Complete)
Entry for @izuna-appreciation-week​
Day 4 - November 4: Rain | Flames
Written with permission for @junsui4089​ as a complement and compliment to their amazing artwork.
Part of A Life (Lived in Love), the final story arc of my Seducing Tobirama series, the collection will be posted in full on AO3 over the month of November.
Izuna looks up at the cloudy sky and sighs.
"There's always next year, but I wish it wasn't raining." Izuna knows that he's pouting, but he also knows that Tobirama won't mock him for it. The story of Orihime and Hikoboshi has always been one of his favourites, and the thought of their long separation has only become more poignant to him since he fell in love. "Can you imagine how we'd feel if we could only meet once a year?"
Tobirama wraps a strong arm around him and Izuna cuddles close, revelling in the way he can rest against his love.
"It was hard enough when I saw you every day but couldn't touch you." Tobirama's voice is a low rumble against his ear, and Izuna takes comfort from it. "To be without you for a year... that would be difficult indeed.”
Izuna sighs just imagining it.
"I've always wondered that she fell in love with him, much as I've questioned why you chose me." His lover sounds thoughtful and fingers pull his kanzashi out, letting his hair fall freely down his back. "You're more beautiful than any princess of the heavens could ever be."
Izuna looks up sharply, pressing his fingers to Tobirama's lips. "Don't say such things! It's disrespectful!"
Despite the hand against his mouth, Tobirama persists. "It's true. In my eyes, you're always the most beautiful star in the sky."
Even without the Sharingan, Izuna can see that he means it and blushes to hear it.
What words could compare to those?
Izuna leans in for a kiss, but Tobirama stops him with a hand on his chest before standing. He watches curiously as Tobirama steps off the engawa and into the light rain, running through a long and complicated series of hand signs, a ninjutsu that is much too long to be a useful weapon in battle.
He flares the Sharingan, but only catches the tail end of it and he can't make sense of what he does see. That it's suiton is obvious, but more than that...
Which is why he gasps when the clouds part, moving south towards the fields that feed the village and taking the rain they carry with them.
Within heartbeats, the sky is clear and the river of heaven can be seen.
On either side, Orihime and Hikoboshi gleam brightly, shining with the love they bear for each other.
Izuna leaps up and throws himself off the engawa at his lover, trusting that Tobirama will catch him.
And he does.
A large hand tilts his chin up and thin lips cover his own. When his lover releases him, Izuna looks up at a sky full of stars.
Tobirama's gift to him.
"If I can make you happy Izuna, I will always choose to do so." It's said like a vow, and Izuna takes it as such.
This is the man he loves.
Also available on AO3.
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phlebaswrites · 3 years
Born of Love
Izuna is a very good killer but he rarely takes the time to clean up after himself.
Dead bodies have their uses.
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Rating: Explicit Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Gen Word Count: 229 (Complete)
Entry for @izuna-appreciation-week
Day One - November 1: Kunai | Armour
Inspired by the amazing art of @kurakura0-0​, and written with permission, the title of this story comes from this quote by Octave Mirbeau:
Murder is born of love, and love attains the greatest intensity in murder.
Izuna cradles the child to his chest. Barely toddling, she can sit up on her own and crawl but that's about it.
How dare bloodline thieves try and steal a child!
He doesn't know if they were going to try and take her eyes directly, torture her into manifesting the Sharingan, or if their plan was to raise her as a brood-mare and try to get children off her.
He doesn't care either.
They're dead and their blood drips off his kunai.
He looks down into her tiny face, and she gazes up at him with such trust that he feels his heart go out to her. Saving children from eye thieves is the duty of all Uchiha, but bringing a little one like this home is a privilege.
"Don't worry, dear one!" He makes his voice soft and soothing. "They're all dead and gone, no more bad men, none!"
She babbles back, all vowel sounds and nonsense, patting at his chest, and he strokes a finger over her soft cheek, careful to keep the edge of his blade away from her. "Yes, that's right! Now home to kaa-chan, yes?"
She curls up in the curve of his arm, a small ball of warmth, and Izuna croons a gentle lullaby as he strides away.
He ignores the dead bodies behind him. They are no threat to anyone.
Not anymore.
Also available on AO3.
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phlebaswrites · 3 years
The Entire Universe Conspired
Sometimes, you get a surprise.
It doesn't have to be a bad thing.
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Rating: Mature Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Izuna Word Count: 616 (Complete)
Entry for @izuna-appreciation-week​
Day 6 - November 6: Unrequited Love | Soul Swap AU
This story is for @silverutahraptor​, without whose help in idea bouncing it would never have come to fruition.
The title of this story comes from this quote by Paulo Coelho:
So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.
Izuna opens his eyes and knows immediately what's happened.
This is not his futon, not his room, not his life.
This is the day he's been waiting for since he turned sixteen.
At nearly twenty, he's old for it and has been impatiently anticipating it for years.
The stories all say that it only happens when the time is right, when both souls are ready to share - both body and lives - but he's always scoffed at that, dismissing it as metaphysical nonsense.
Sitting up slowly, he stares at the extremely distinctive armour on the stand, with the equally distinctive sword and happuri next to it, and he realises that he may have been a little rash to do so.
Maybe, just maybe, nii-san knew what he was talking about all along.
Read the rest on AO3!
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