mini-kirin · 1 year
twst OCs’ first meeting with their future partners (part 2) | twisted wonderland
onto part 2, ft. acebun, izurook, vilinh, deuju, azuru + bonus vilsun!
part 1 || part 3 || part 4 || part 5
acebun: for Basil, all they felt was familiarity and nostalgia. that curly mop of red hair, that overconfident yet mischievous grin, that signature laugh of his. Basil felt like they were in elementary school all over again, peering over their sketchbook as Little Ace hung out with other Cool Kids. Ace, on the other hand, did not recognize Basil at first, so his initial reaction was “aren’t you a little to young to be a tattoo worker?”. very classy, Ace.
izurook: Rook’s first impression was… interesting. he was like a hunter and Izumi was like a prized prey, wanting nothing more but to “catch” her. well, more so to tease her. Rook found Izumi to be very attractive. Izumi, on the other hand saw Rook as someone she needed to respect, the same way she respected Vil; she saw him more so as a work partner.
vilinh: they both saw each other as a worthy rival in potionology, and had their own reasons as to dislike each other at first. rivals to lovers real
deuju: Juno believed Deuce’s goody boy act was just a façade… and they were somewhat correct. meanwhile Deuce saw Juno initially as a fellow classmate. Deuce earned Juno’s full respect though after the latter saw his tough guy side.
azuru: Azul and Yoru are childhood friends, so their first interaction was long ago. Yoru thought Azul was very cute, and thought he was really cool for being an octomer. Azul thought Yoru was beautiful in the way she danced and in her personality.
bonus! vilsun: Vil initially saw Misun as nothing more than a potato, albeit quite a fashionable one. he truly didn’t have many opinions on her at first, not for awhile. meanwhile Misun thought Vil was gorgeous, ethereal, in many ways.
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mini-kirin · 1 year
twst ship names + emojis
notes: i changed Saoirse’s emoji to a diamond, and Harley’s to a music note. might change the emoji i use for Crowley to 🐦‍⬛, but i think either works lol. also i changed Basil’s emoji from the bunny face to the white bunny
leona x yujin :: leoyuu :: 🦁🦋
leona x misun :: leosun :: 🦁🧋
ruggie x romi :: romrug :: 🍩🦝
malleus x zhen :: mallen :: 🐉🦊
jamil x riddle x else :: jamelri :: 🐍🥮🌹
vil x linh :: vilin :: 🪞⚗️
cater x haneul :: catneul :: ♦️🎠
floyd x dayita :: floyita :: 🦈🦋
ruggie x célestine :: célrug :: 🍩☀️
idia x aria :: aridi :: 🎮🪡
azul x yoru :: azuru :: 🐙🪸
rook x izumi :: izurook :: 🏹🦌
deuce x juno :: deuju :: ♠️🌓
silver x iona :: silvio :: ⚔️🎯
jack x chrys :: jachry :: 🐺🔭
jade x lupesina :: jasina :: 🐬🪝
ace x basil :: acebun :: ♥️🐇
sebek x qianjin :: sebjin :: ⚡⚖️
kalim x mariya :: kalimari :: 🦦🪆
epel x saoirse :: saopel :: 🍎💎
trey x atticus :: treyatti :: ♣️🐏
neige x harley :: harnei :: ❄️🎵
chen’ya x sparrow :: chenrrow :: 🐈 🪶
rollo x solène :: sollo :: 🔥⚜️
sam x axel x athalie :: sathxel :: 💀🎩🎨
crewel x arsène :: arwel :: 🐶🌿
crowley x scarlett :: scarcrow :: 🎭🃏
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mini-kirin · 1 year
how my TWST OCs’ families react to their partners | twisted wonderland
a continuation of this post! with some bonus OCs/ships
mallen: zhen’s adoptive parents are very content for her. they’re glad that someone as strong as malleus will be able to be at her side. mi-sun and else are very supportive as well of course; they’re the ones who pushed the two together in the first place! meanwhile the twins think malleus is the most magical thing they’ve ever seen and they beg malleus to play with them. yiran (zhen’s bio mom) is happy that zhen was able to find happiness
leosun: much like with malleus, the twins are fascinated by leona’s ears and tail. her adoptive parents are very supportive of mi-sun, and leona’s got zhen and else’s approval too
jamelri: else had never shown much interest in romance before, so for her to introduce not one but two partners was a delightful surprise to her parents. both amandine and anton think jamil and riddle are very responsible and polite individuals. meanwhile with the twins, they see the poor housewarden and vice-housewarden as new prank targets. zhen and mi-sun, meanwhile, were wary due to the overblot situations, but have come around to support their younger sister’s relationship
vilinh: as linh’s relationship with their family isn’t the best, vil has only met linh’s older sibling. unnamed sibling is a bit apprehensive of vil, and it takes some time for them to get along
catneul: ha-neul’s family is quite reluctant of cater. i mean, a boy from another world?! they ultimately become emotional over how cater dotes on ha-neul, for the kim’s had hardly seen ha-neul smile since before high school
floyita: dayita’s family is quite unsure of what to make of floyd. on one hand, he seems very reliable and capable, but on another… why is he so tall?! floyd was unlike any merfolk on Cildra Isle, so this is rather new territory for them
céleggie: solène thinks ruggie is a nice boy who is dependable. their parents are at first very cautious, as they are with most things. it takes time for them to fully bond with ruggie
aridi: aria’s parents are completely disapproving of idia, though what else is new? he may be of a noble house, but the shroud family do not benefit the lykaios clan at all and therefore he is not acceptable. unfortunately for them, aria doesn’t give a crap
linia: xenia’s little brother is quite intimidated by lilia, but perhaps an introduction to video games will help them bond…
izurook: umm they’re kinda intimidated by rook. it’s the prey instinct /j. the shikahara twins have a younger brother. he’s mad izumi didn’t take this opportunity to romance vil. unfortunately vil’s heart was for another (mi-sun at the time; this was before he met linh). rook and toru become the prank duo though. everyone better run
azuru: azul and yoru’s families have known each other for a long time, being childhood friends and all. they’re quite happy to hear that they’ve now grown to be lovers.
deuju: juno’s mentor takes one look at deuce and immediately puts him to work. whether they accept deuce or not depends on how well he does with his trial…
silvio: iona’s adoptive family never wanted her to get married, much less to someone as justly and princely like silver. she’s from a crime syndicate after all; she’s supposed to be a pawn in the schemes the clan lord created. her being tied down to someone she’s truly in love with, to someone whom she wouldn’t betray, is not something a yakuza/assassin is supposed to have. the only person who’s happy for her is her (unnamed) servant, who essentially raised iona.
jachry: chrys’ single mother is accepting of her child’s relationship with jack, though she is quite wary of his huge family. foxes are solitary creatures after all, while wolves are pack creatures. but as long as everyone respects each others’ space, chrys’ mother doesn’t mind and will support chrys
jasina: lupesina’s parents were quite worried about jade at first, but upon learning he’s also a creature of the sea, they eased up. lupesina’s siblings all think jade is very cool, being able to transform into a mer and learning to manage on land. though the younger ones do sometimes get scared when jade bares his teeth…
sebjin: they think he’s loud (lol). everyone was betting on whether qianjin and sebek would get together or not. safe to say that a small minority of qianjin’s family became much richer the day sebjin made it official
acebun: basil’s parents thinks ace is such a gentleman (it’s a façade don’t believe it!), while basil’s older sibling remembers ace as “that one loud, troublemaking ginger from elementary school”. basil’s family is super warming to ace nonetheless, so much so that ace’s mojo is suddenly lost (“baz how the hell am i supposed to impress your parents if they keep making me flustered like this?!”)
kalimari: mariya’s grandmother is just content with having her long-lost granddaughter home, and wouldn’t care whom mariya loves. but the fact that it’s kalim, who helped mariya find her heritage and family, makes mariya’s grandmother all the more appreciative of him and the asim family
saopel: saoirse’s family is quite overbearing; they mean well! but sometimes they can be a bit too much. epel sees this as a challenge, however, and aims to prove his manliness to the brennan clan. this only eggs saoirse’s family on, much to their chagrin
chenrrow: sparrow’s family is also pretty apprehensive about chen’ya. he’s a disappearing cat after all, and sparrow’s family are bird beastmen. you do the math lol
harnei: harley’s family think neige is some saint or angel. they’re very impressed with his work and accomplishments in twisted wonderland. they also wish neige was their son-in-law already
sollo: solène’s family is quickly accepting of rollo, having known him since they were all young children when they used to live in the city of flowers. the first meeting isn’t very awkward because of them crossing paths in the past
treyatti: atticus has a daughter whom they adore, and though she’s very shy, she slowly comes to accept trey as part of the family once he and atticus become more serious
sathxel: athalie’s family knows of sam, but axel is a new addition to the duo. 100% make the twisted wonderland version of the “it’s not a tan it’s a lifestyle brian” audio to axel (lol). they’re very accepting of both sam and axel though. arsène also approves
arwel: athalie was the one who basically forced her half-sister to admit her feelings to the bi-coloured haired teacher, so needless to say she was arwel’s first supporter. arsène’s father is quick to bond with crewel over cars, while arsène’s stepmother likes to ask crewel’s opinion on fashion choices
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