mini-kirin · 1 year
twst OCs’ first meeting with their future partners (part 2) | twisted wonderland
onto part 2, ft. acebun, izurook, vilinh, deuju, azuru + bonus vilsun!
part 1 || part 3 || part 4 || part 5
acebun: for Basil, all they felt was familiarity and nostalgia. that curly mop of red hair, that overconfident yet mischievous grin, that signature laugh of his. Basil felt like they were in elementary school all over again, peering over their sketchbook as Little Ace hung out with other Cool Kids. Ace, on the other hand, did not recognize Basil at first, so his initial reaction was “aren’t you a little to young to be a tattoo worker?”. very classy, Ace.
izurook: Rook’s first impression was… interesting. he was like a hunter and Izumi was like a prized prey, wanting nothing more but to “catch” her. well, more so to tease her. Rook found Izumi to be very attractive. Izumi, on the other hand saw Rook as someone she needed to respect, the same way she respected Vil; she saw him more so as a work partner.
vilinh: they both saw each other as a worthy rival in potionology, and had their own reasons as to dislike each other at first. rivals to lovers real
deuju: Juno believed Deuce’s goody boy act was just a façade… and they were somewhat correct. meanwhile Deuce saw Juno initially as a fellow classmate. Deuce earned Juno’s full respect though after the latter saw his tough guy side.
azuru: Azul and Yoru are childhood friends, so their first interaction was long ago. Yoru thought Azul was very cute, and thought he was really cool for being an octomer. Azul thought Yoru was beautiful in the way she danced and in her personality.
bonus! vilsun: Vil initially saw Misun as nothing more than a potato, albeit quite a fashionable one. he truly didn’t have many opinions on her at first, not for awhile. meanwhile Misun thought Vil was gorgeous, ethereal, in many ways.
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