#j!sam is so funny. yeah we're meant to be yeah he's my one and only yeah i'm devoting my whole life to him yeah he's made for me
dr3amofagame · 6 months
i know this is a kinda cursed question but what would be the birdhouse au guys in omegaverse?
tbh i don't have as exciting of an answer for you as you'd probably like bc the premise of the AU hangs so heavily on the idea of these guys being alternate versions of each other that having them have different secondary genders doesn't reeeeally make that much sense, but hey why not here's a few hypotheticals under the cut:
the most obvious scenarios in this case are sams all alphas + dreams all omegas, and sams all omegas + dreams all alphas in terms of like, traditionally how omegaverse ship content tends to pan out. so we'll start from here. regardless of who's who, the uh Biological Compatibility, let's say, is a draw and repellant to both the dreams and the sams, depending on who and when and in what context. j!Dream is absolutely down to babytrap himself into more privileges, especially if he's capable of becoming pregnant. c!Dream is deathly afraid of that same possibility. j!Sam is uhhh well. He's Got Feelings about the whole idea of being ~meant to be~ biologically and also afraid that it'll be used against him through Dream's Manipulations (whether he's an alpha or omega, in this scenario)--depending on the scenario, he's definitely ping-ponging between putting Way too much emphasis on the secondary sex thing or completely ignoring its existence. ummm ff!Sam kindaaa dgaf besides how it all justifies stuff sexually like he's just horny that's it.
if either sam or dream are betas, then that whole like "inherent compatibility" thing wouldn't exist and affect their dynamics. if the sams were betas, they'd definitely like appreciate the relative detachment biologically, especially when compared to ruts/heats where dream loses control while sam gets to keep it. if the dreams are betas, then sam is probably keeping them pretty far away from ruts/heats just bc they don't like the feeling of being vulnerable like that in front of dream.
if we have alpha/alpha or omega/omega, i kinda almost feel like there'd be a point of proving how dream is "evil" because he's...a worse alpha or omega? not from a sexual standpoint, but like, just in general. the similarities are kinda discomfiting to sam and sam is making a general effort to put some distance there. dream is a bad alpha bc he's overly domineering and doesn't give a crap about his pack, dream is a bad omega because he's not nurturing enough and too assertive or whatever stupid excuse etc. and beta/beta is just kinda normal ig.
i'm boring, i feel like there's stuff that could technically be explored in all these scenarios but alpha sams + omega dreams kinda works best for the format and characterizations. (for the record, i'm not talking abt coparents here bc that's not my turf, though i'm 90% sure that theyd both be alphas? ik angela has said pream alpha before.) w/ mayfair specifically, a lot of what makes it go down the way it does is j!awesamdream kinda just kinda diving headfirst into craziness just bc nothing's there to stop them, and i feel like being enabled biologically fits much better for their whole Progression compared to if biology were to work against their whole dynamic. pre-birdhouse, j!sam is seeing mayfair as the Ultimate Victory, and like. him and dream and a perfect house, his prisoner, his omega, whatever? combined with the ways that four square would deeefinitely touch on this in an omegaverse AU, it's really the perfect excuse for him (and dream) to let biology run its course and uh, take over. it's the perfect excuse for him to see dream as his and the perfect excuse for them to just, go fucking nuts with it. so they go fucking nuts with it.
j!dream would prefer being an omega like for the record. like i mean there are a whole host of reasons but also like bc he's a little dumbass a huge one is literally just convenience. yeah it's not hard to carry lube around everywhere but it's the principle of the matter you know. c!dream, on the other hand, is even more high-strung and anxious than he is in canon bc of this whole deal nuh uh do not pass go do not collect $200 GET HIM OUT OF HERE [rattles the bars of his cage] etc. heats would be. an especially sore spot--a point of abject terror before he gets involved with anyone and kinda just awful when he does join the hell polycule; sam isn't cruel during them, but that doesn't really make the lack of control feel better. especially when his sync up with j!dream. sam...probably isn't going to get him suppressants tho 😭also jmah!duo are too stupid to be biologically compatible the chances of j!dream getting knocked up and dying are astronomically high whenever it's possible
in terms of like, allowing for a little more variability between the sams and the dreams, i'd say that p!dream as stated earlier would likely be an alpha. c!dream and j!dream have to be the same it's part of the premise for their universes that's not gonna change, omega for them and alpha for j!sam again for the reasons outlined above yes i'm boring. i can totally see ff!sam as either a beta or an omega. omega ff!sam is really awful in a kinda funny way kenjo would probably support the "let ff!sam have a baby" agenda but i think all of the rest of us are against his parenting. p!sam is...im pretty sure he's an alpha but im not sure that's angela's turf. there's something a little funny to me personally with birdhouse involving alpha trans guy pream + omegas cis guys c/jream i wont lie like i think theyd kinda make a joke or two about that.
just for like, very general non-secondary gender specific notes? pheremone stuff allows for another means of communication that doesn't easily allow for lying, for better and for worse. there's a lot of fear in this house. it probably lingers in the corners. the basement reeks of it. it makes it a little more obvious too when someone's had sex, which i mean, it's not like they were subtle before but yknow. mating/bonds kinda work differently i think depending on how people's omegaverse rules work But i think j!sam in general hesitates on initating mating bonds like, for awhile. ff!sam has no desire to be mated to either j! or c!dream; they're prisoners. not mates. i actually do like the idea of er j!sam ending up claiming j!dream during a very specific incident, especially when the creation of a bond incorporates like a level of greater sensitivity? or whatever to the other's emotions, or like outright emotional telepathy in some versions. j!sam can't admit the drive behind why he did what he did, especially in the scenario in which he does it, but also the added connection to j!dream is. somewhat intoxicating. uhh h what else exists in omegaverse...the added biological component to the conditioning for j!Dream is. errrr. bad. really bad. mayfair probably gets cranked up to a higher intensity than it already is which is insane considering mayfair (gestures vaguely again at the whole, theyre too stupid to be biologically compatible thing, technically j!sam is probably careful enough to remember birth control consistently but i dont trust this mans for my life). no clue what theyd smell like for the damn record. maybe cinnamon, for c/jream. either like cinnamon/vanilla/warm spice-y or something like, clean and fresh and very faintly floral, mostly like grass. shrug. ummmm idk idk .. sam would fucking love having an alpha voice holee fuck this guy was already talking to dream with a bad dog voice in the prison break. tho he basically like engineers that without omegaverse in jmah already bc he's a freak. the ways theyd work with and against their instincts is kinda interesting? anyway yea that's it
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