#j christ goes wild I’m obsessed
tired-and-swaggy · 5 months
one thing about lil nas x is that no matter what he releases, it will slay
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For the a to z headcanon thing, could you do otis driftwood and chop top for any letter(s) please? I love your writing!
I very much so can!! I’ve already done Otis so here is that !!
Thank you so much for the request and thank you for the sweet sweet compliment!
Heres some choptop lovin!
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Headcanon Game - A to Z (NSFW)
A = Aftercare (What they're like after sex)
I know it's hard to believe but lemme tell you right now Choptop actually can show lotta compassion for his S/O. He may be a redneck ass Cannibal but he actually cares about you a lot. You're his precious little Sweetheart and he wants to make sure you're okay. If you need hugs, he will hug you and kiss you and squeeze you until your eyeballs POP out. If you need a bath, he will most certainly arrange that...somehow. Hey, it's not my job to figure out the logistics of the Sawyer family bathing while living in an abandoned amusement park,, again, not my job. My job is simply just to make your fantasies come true smut wise. Capiche?
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
Hmmm, I'm not entirely sure why but I've got it in my head that Chop top finds his neck relatively attractive. Although on you,, oh god don't make him choose. For the love of Christ don't make him choose! He's so obsessed with your body in its entirety he doesn't know what to do. From your lips to your thighs-- it's all just perfect.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically... I'm a disgusting person)
THICC. This stuff is hot, sticky and so so sweet and lemme tell you,,, there is TONS of it.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
I dunno if it's fair to out him like this, really I don't think it is but I can tell you right now that Choptop hold's a dirty secret regarding him, a busted door lock and Drayton. I'll let you put those pieces together to look at THAT puzzle.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
I don't think Chop top has a lot of Experience but he does try. I feel like he can pick up on the flow of things pretty quickly. Out of Nubbins, Bubba and Him I think he is the one who can pick up on social cues pretty quickly. If you're hinting at wanting to try out Oral he can usually string the pieces together and figure out whatcha want.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Ride !!!! Him !!! Look hear me out, I think Chop Top has the most intense Worship kink. He is obsessed with admiring your body and if you're riding him and he doesn't have to do much? He gives him the perfect opportunity to sit back and enjoy the view.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
A good balance for Chop Top. It really depends on his partner. If you want a more serious in the moment experience, he will give you that 100% but if it comes more like a fun spur of the moment kinda thing I think he can crack a few jokes here and there.
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I feel like a broken record. None of these slashers Shave!! I don't know what else you want me to say, they just don't care about pubic hair the way people might think they do. They don't. Seriously.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect...)
Again, it's really up to you. Despite him being chaotic I feel like he's got a soft side on him when it comes to you. If you really want to have an intimate moment with him he will do his very best to provide you with that. He'll call you sweet pet names and worship your perfect body. Yeah. Lots of that.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Ooooh okay, so I feel like Choptop is really secretive about his Masturbation habits. He claims he doesn't but he's absolutely in love with doing so.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Someone has a Queening and Worship kink and I can tell you it's not me.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Literally, any place he can get away from his stinky family.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
While Dirty talk is a big turn on, Surprise him!! Dress up for him!! Got anything new and sexy? Put it on, ask him what he thinks about it!! He'll probably tell you it's lovely but would probably look better on the floor.
N = NO (Something they wouldn't do, turn-offs)
Choptop is not a fan of Anal as a concept just...hngeueri. He also probably isn't fond of the idea of threesomes. Maybe it comes from insecurity or maybe a place of wanting to protect you from other prying eyes.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Chotop has an oral obsession!! He adores giving and receiving!! But mostly giving, nothing and I mean NOTHING gets him more excited than to see you squirming and whining as he uses his tongue on you!! However,, he wouldn't admit to this but he does enjoy receiving...he won't pressure it but he does enjoy it.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
It's all on you sweetheart!! If you ask him to do it Fast and rough he will certainly rip you apart but if you'd like to have that slow and Sensual moment,,, he can also arrange that.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Hmmm. It's complicated. With as busy as he is, Quickies are convenient but nothing beats proper sex. Again, he'll engage in a Quickie if you're desperate for him but he'd honestly rather wait till you've both got some free time so he can do it right.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Hell yes!!!! Choptop is so game to experiment and take risks!! Any kink you might have he's down to try. Any position you wanna try, he'll give it a shot. He'll pretty much try anything if you ask him to.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last...)
Between you and me this boy has some Stamina. Choptop could honestly go for days if you let him and he lasts awhile. It takes him a hot minute...or a hot couple of hours to finally get himself off. If you have a high sex drive please just know Choptops is higher.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Choptop doesn't have any,, however, if you've got any toys and want to experiment a little bit- he is so totally down to give that a shot !!
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Choptop likes teasing in theory but he's terrible at it. Absolutely terrible at it. He tries to tease you really hardcore but he can't help himself!! He just wants to see you naked and all tied up in him!
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Huh? Sorry, I can't hear you, my hearing is messed up because of all the groaning.
Oh, yeah Choptop can get really loud when it comes to sex from the moaning, groaning, growling and panting he's just a really loud guy.
W = Wild Card (random headcanon)
Choptop is one to enjoy a good smash with some music if you get my drift.
X = X-Ray (Let's see what's going on in those pants, picture or words)
Well...I'm sure you'd like to hear all about that fully erect seven-inch dick all up in there right?
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
I've said it once I'll say it again, Choptop has a stupid high sex drive. A ridiculously high one.
Z = ZZZ (... how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Not very. He makes sure you are okay and calmed down before sleeping is even a thought. It doesn't matter how long it takes. You sleep before him. Got it?
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tenseoyong · 7 years
A-Z NSFW: Hansol
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A = Aftercare  Jesus Christ I love Hansol where is he...I really believe Hansol would be one of the best bfs/lovers. Sex with Hansol in general isn’t very rough, so that isn’t really a concern with aftercare with Hansol. With him, it’s really just a quick wipe down or if you can move: a shower. Aaand he’s an extreme cuddler, so look forward to that.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)  I’m obsessed with his lips is that weird idk His favorite is kind of your fault. He has the most beautiful eyes ever?? And if you’re in a relationship with Ji-fucking-Hansol and don’t tell him how pretty his eyes are at every chance you get what are you even doing???? You’ve kinda swayed him into liking his own eyes a lot more than he would’ve but now he’s figured out how his gaze can actually turn you into a pile of mush, and that’s a good discovery in his book. Hansol loves your legsHe’s got really nice legs tbh and he especially loves being able to grasp the warmth beneath his fingers and have them wrapped around his waist..
C = Cum  I feel like Hansol’s classic boy. It’s either in you, or he did a botched pull out attempted to actually cum on a specific spot in mind and it’s just all over your thighs. 
D = Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs)  It’s not so much a secret, it’s more of a secret just how much he enjoys spanking you. He’s pretty cautious with you during sex, so spanking is kind of a middle ground that isn’t going to really hurt you, and he really likes it.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
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B Y E his fucking hips his goddamn legs ya mother fuckin dicc in my fac- anyways...he’s been kept in the basement so long i stg sm give him to us that I doubt he has any experience, but that mother fucker watches some good porn or something how does one move their hips like that without a reference i just????
F = Favorite position His hips are the main event in sex obvi and no matter the position, he’s pretty much constantly in control. Hansol’s favorite position is you topping, having you propped up on your knees to give him room to move beneath you, and hold your hips and thrust wildly up into you. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc) Hansol’s pretty soft in your non-sexual relationship, but in the bedroom he’s very serious and almost in a character role, he’s very intense and focused. The atmosphere is pretty lighthearted, but he’s serious when it gets down to sex. 
H = Hair (How well groomed are they) Can you see my ‘sharp dressed man’ fetish coming out yet Because of how well dressed he is, I’m certain he takes care of himself well; very clean and ‘gentlemanly’ or whatever. I don’t see him being bare, but he definitely manscapes pretty well.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) Hansol’s semi wild in the bedroom, he’s not out of this world rough or anything, no bdsm stuff going on, but it’s not the soft love making movie stuff either. He expresses more romance in your non-sexual relationship to make up for sex, since sex is more of a lust fuck most of the time, aside from like birthdays where he goes all out to show you his love. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation) [See Yearning] I don’t think he’s the most horny boy around, certainly not even the one in NCT. He’s kind of clingy so 99% of the time, if he’s horny, you’re around for some good fun instead of his hand. If it happens, the majority of the time it’s just an in the shower session from morning wood and needing to head to practice, so there’s no time to call you up.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks) [Back to Dirty Secret] He’s not a full blown dom, but he likes having the most control, and spanking is kind of his thing. It’s a fun ‘punishment’ for the both of you, and since a lot of the time you’re topping/riding him, it’s pretty easy to just swing down and cover your skin in his hand print. Nothing hard enough to leave bruises, but you’ll certainly have some lovely red marks and a bit of soreness; something he likes to silently tease you about in public or around the boys with a light tap to you butt to strike the fire through your body again.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do) The bed is the easiest on him, no one really likes rub burns or anything when he’s on his backing thrusting up in you for all it’s worth. Plus it’s the safest, the shower’s a no go after a bad experience....but a bath is a second favorite. He can just plop a bathbomb in the water and feign wanting a relaxing bath with you and end up having you in his lap before the water starts getting cold.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) Hansol’s favorite pre-sex aka foreplay is making out and having you ride his thigh i have an obsession with his thighs....i think im just obsessed with hansol 99% of the time it starts as just a peck and affection and it quickly escalates to you in his lap and him worming his leg between yours, he gets off on seeing you get off on him. 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) While he’s kind of a light dom, daddy kink is waaaay off his list. It’s semi of a joke in your relationship, calling him dad, but when his pants are around his ankles and his dick is in you, that word leaves your lips and he’s shutting it down.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) lord his mouth is perfect Hansol is a master in pleasing you, he likes seeing you squirm and hearing you plead for him and whine from what he does to you. When it’s going down, he’s already hard and ready to fuck the life out of you, a bj isn’t usually necessary, Hansol would rather be in you rather than in your mouth. He’s not typically going to ask for it, but if you initiate it, he’ll definitely sit back and let you have your fun.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.) Hansol’s not particularly rough, he’s got a pretty fast and intense pace. His pace isn’t going to be that porn ‘how is she alive after that!!’ stuff no seriously it looks like it hurts what is going on why but he’s definitely going to scramble your brains...
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.) Quickies don’t happen very often with Hansol, he likes taking his time with you, building up the intensity and teasing you, having you squirming and begging for him, rarely do you leave his arms without at least 2 or 3 orgasms under your belt so he’s not a big fan on having to rush and missing out on half the fun. They happen occasionally, like squeezing in a quick one before he has to do his schedule or go to practice and knowing he won’t be back for a while, but typically he’d just wait till he has proper time to work your body like he can.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.) After the Shower Incident, experimenting is kept to a minimum, if it sounds dangerous at all(ie. can someone break a leg) he’s very hesitant to try, if he agrees to try at all, so in general locations are pretty much not an option unless he deems it safe. Positions are usually the only thing he’s normally 100% game to try, there’s not much damage that can be done with positions beside pulling a muscle or getting a cramp, which compared to the threat of falling and breaking a bone, isn’t too heavy on his mind. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…) With Hansol, over the getting into it aka making out and foreplay and his teasing and actual sex, he spends well over an hour on your body. ‘Dick entering’ sex lasts longer than average too, well over 10 minutes, he’s not a fast finisher, he takes a while to cum, you’re in for a long ass ride with him, that’s for sure.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) Aside from positions, Hanol’s pretty hesitant to try anything new, toys included. The only thing he owns in several silk clothes, that he uses occasionally to blindfold you or very carefully tie your wrists. But other than that, you’ll have to be the one to bring things in if you want, he’s not going to initiate it. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) Honestly the reason sex with Hansol lasts so long is because of how lengthy his teasing is. He really likes hearing you being vocal, begging and whining and moaning before he’s even inside you. Part of his turn on is just seeing how well he can get you off with just his tongue or fingers. He won’t stop till you’re nearly in tears or use the safe word, he likes watching you wiggle for him.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make) I see Hansol being a groaner, no one outside the room is going to hear him. Hansol really likes marking you too, so most of his sounds are muffled by him sucking and biting purple and red flowers into your skin.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice) The story of why Hansol isn’t down for shower sex anymore: everything’s good and dandy, but lessons were learned that you probably shouldn’t put your foot on the soap dish, well unless you feel like slipping and crashing into the tum and ending up with a dislocated shoulder and having to go to the hospital in just pants and a bath robe wrapped around you because it hurts to much to try to put a shirt on.....don’t ever do it....just sit down and ride him like a horse..
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words) [Insert his damn dick wiggle gif] He’s one of the guys that really knows how to tuck well....Him, Kai, Taemin, etc. I’m weirdly obsessed with how flat the front is....it’s such a mystery, where the fuck is your dick and how do you hide it that well???? I don’t trust those hiding diccs....He’s pretty slender in everything, according to Nana “the dick matches the boy, that’s a fact” no its not So in her words he’s “slender like his pretty lil body but he’s got them looooooong legs...you know what else is long? mhmmm” bye
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?) In general, Hansol’s sex drive is relatively average, nothing insanely high or weirdly low. That being said, he’s always ready if you’re in the mood, it doesn’t take much to get him going and up for a tumble around the bed.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) Hansol’s a little cuddle bug in my mind, after aftercare, he’s down for the count and buried under the blankets and pretty much whines for you to cuddle with him and take a nap/go to bed. 
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