#jack | kyra
dragonsareawesome123 · 6 months
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"It was my fault. I got us in." "No."
Alex Rider (2020-2024), 3x07 - "The Shot"
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freckled-forests · 5 months
Alex: I feel so terrible, in the time I spend with Scorpia I ...broke into like two houses.
Jack, The Lawyer:
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jenna-louise-jamie · 5 months
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is this anything
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aliveaudiencegang · 5 months
the book ending with alex bleeding out on the floor with the ghosts of his parents surrounding him vs the show showing alex taking in his victory injured on the floor with the memories of his family (jack, tom, and kyra) flashing by
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jjclaymore · 6 months
this was so serious to me .. kyra u deserved a mother figure for ur whole life my girl !
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buckethatjedi · 6 months
There are so many thoughts just bouncing around my brain rn so I'm just going to put on blast the main ones:
-HE ALSO HAD CURLS??? WHERE DID THEY GOOOO (the actor for baby yassen was PERFECT he was so good he made me cry for the 2 seconds he was on screen)
-YASSEN AND ALEX CONTENT?? Honestly yassen being the scary guard dog for Alex is so in character i LOVE it
-Also kyra and tom?? Their duo is SO underrated!! They are so funny together and I love how Jack trusts them to bring Alex home 😭
-on the topic of jack she was such an ICON this season!?!!?! "If Alex can do spy shit so can I" girl PLEASE I LOVE YOU SM
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proodence · 30 days
I'm rewatching Alex Rider for like the 7th time but with my boyfriend and guys season 2 is so fucking good SEASON 2 IS SOOO GOOD
Alex being such a cheeky brat with the department and Alan Blunt losing his mind because Alex is being so clever and annoying
The slowly building mystery with all the pieces that gradually come together
Alex and Kyra being so cute with the washer and "survivors club" and "keeping score" of who has saved each other's life the most (and the end scene where he's looking up at her from the stage🥹😭)
Jack having her own storyline that actually serves the story and gives her character a purpose
Tom and Kyra both helping to progress the plot in ways that are genuinely required from them and makes sense for their characters
The subtle hints that Yassen is going to wind up helping Alex in the end, the way his character gradually becomes more complex with each episode
Alex just generally being so smart, so resourceful, so capable and just really encompassing his character, not to mention the genuine depth that comes from his trauma + him accidentally getting people killed over the course of the season (Blunt telling him he has blood on his hands)
The tension that builds within The Department as Smithers and Mrs. Jones start keeping secrets from Blunt about Alex
Damian Cray just getting absolutely dogpiled by Alex and the gang who just keep screwing over his plan again and again
Alex and Yassen FINALLY having a full conversation and it holds so much weight and hits so good
The part where Sabina cracks Anders over the head with her own laptop (honorable mention)
All the cheeky light hearted bits where the kids are just being shitheads with too much power, like cutting off the electricity to the whole postal code just to use the computer lab
And then on the flip the angst that comes from literally no one believing Alex about anything for like 60% of the season
It's just scene after scene of "oH THIS PARTS SO GOOD" and it doesn't stop until the very end
has it been long enough that I can say that season 3 just doesn't hit the same😭
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kyraxyrespace · 7 months
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Day Eleven - Jack Atlas/Carly Nagisa, Scoopshipping (Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds)
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queenthyatira · 5 months
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cosmic-marauder · 1 year
sometimes i hate going through the alex rider tag- bro thats a grown ass man and a 14 year old child
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mejcinta · 1 year
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Alex Rider season 3 date announcement SOON!!!!!!
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freckled-forests · 5 months
Having been a longtime fan of the Alex Rider books, I was very curious whether or not they would keep the book Scorpia ending. I felt like they either had to go all the way and have that bullet really kill him so as to provide closure for the series, or they would have to cut it out entirely so as to not leave any loose ends.
At first, I was hoping they would be true to the books because it would be such an interesting way for the series to end, but after all of the grief and heartache Alex went through during his arc, by the end of season three I was desperately hoping they would let them walk away and be with the people that love him. It would've felt so heartrending and pointless to have Alex survive everything only to die at Kyra and Tom and Jack's feet.
So when the false credit screen glitched out to reveal that sniper barrel MAN
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jenna-louise-jamie · 5 months
kyra casually saying, “everyone breaks into houses!” and jack giving her the side eye was my favourite scene hands down.
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rej11 · 25 days
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When Yassan killed Max while he was unarmed, Alex felt responsible. He didn't pull the trigger but he might as well have, he got them in and past the security, and he was complicit in the man's murder. He was horrified and disgusted, at the murder and at himself. He was terrified of what his friends would think of his involvement and he couldn't bear to see their faces when they found out.
He somehow started seeing himself as culpable for something he was actually a victim of, Alex began to think that because he witnessed and unknowingly aided something he wasn't okay with, that meant it was his fault and because he wasn't able to stop it, that made him responsible.
Scorpia efficiently isolated him from everyone he loved and when they discovered they couldn't break down his morals and convince him to become a killer they were in the perfect position to convince him he had no family outside of Scorpia, and no worth to anyone now that he was tainted with someone's murder. He was trapped.
Julia takes advantage of his vulnerable emotional state and influences him to make the choice to kill Mrs Jones, but his moral compass and compassion end up being strong enough to keep him from going through with it.
He underwent some severe manipulation at the hands of Scorpia and almost didn't make it back. He deserves so much respect for being able to be true to himself even when he was so angry and couldn't see a way back.
In addition, Jack and Tom would have taken him back with no qualms regardless of whether he actually killed anyone or not, they're the kind of people who make that type of manipulation tactic completely ineffective. There is nothing he could do to make them abandon him. There are no lengths he could go that they wouldn't follow. He may not have understood the depth of their love for him, but I think he started to when they welcomed him back with zero questions about whether he killed Max or took revenge on the person who killed his dad. They didn't care, they were just happy to have him home.
In the same vein, I appreciated Kyra's hand in all this just as much as I did theirs. By holding him accountable and making him explain exactly what happened to make him feel like he couldn't come back or let them in she broke the hold of that manipulation. By explaining that "breaking into a house isn't the same as murder" she helped him see that even though he felt guilty and responsible and stayed away from them because of it, he wasn't. When she refused to let him off the hook it showed she cared, she cared that he was scared but made the right choice despite that. She cared that he was manipulated and didn't want that to happen again.
In essence, love pushed Jack and Tom to welcome him home no questions asked no matter what, and love pushed Kyra to hold him true to who he is. And again I circle back around to the fact that love is the most powerful thing in the universe.
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dozydawn · 1 year
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New York City Ballet dancer Kyra Nichols, 1980. Photographed by Jack Mictchell.
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