#jacob frye modern
vadlings · 9 months
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utter art style crisis. frye twins be upon ye
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soleil384 · 2 months
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My silly drawing of French Frye
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corvus-the-trickster · 2 months
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Someone had to do it...
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abbaalpha · 1 year
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20timemachine12 · 3 months
Modern AU
Imagine minding your damn business as a motorcycle rider on the highway when a pack of bikers with green Rook patches passes you, Frye twins in the lead.
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paintsplantspaws · 5 months
So I really love the blog modernauass and I thought of this thing that I thought would totally happen in this AU.
Spamming spam callers
Bayek keeps getting spam calls at the most inconvenient times. So Desmond and Jacob take it upon themselves to make the spam calls fun for the whole group. They decide to be unhinged as soon as the call is answered. Chaos ensues often. The other frat members soon join in.
It started with Jacob asking about if the man on the phone wanted to join the rooks
Desmond asked him for his number
Then things got unhinged fast
Alexis screamed “This is Sparta”
Poor Arno just screamed
Conner is very concerned for his mental health.
Kassandra asked if he had heard of death sidous the wise
Evie really wants to slap Jacob
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missbenzayb · 1 year
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When my favorite Assassin's Creed characters along with the COD characters~
Jacob and Ghost has no chill, Soap and Shay can get along quite well, and the gentle giants!
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I think that if the Frye twins existed in the modern day Jacob would be addicted to TikTok. He's got ipad kid energy. Evie would be to smart to have a social media account
And Evie would actually take internet safety seriously but also, like, she doesn't rely on it too heavily and really only uses it for Google or reading online books and has a few social media apps Jacob BEGGED her to get *my brother peer pressured me into getting Among Us, so girl, I feel your pain*
But also, like, I feel like she'd unironically get a tracking app installed in Jacob's phone just because. Like yes, she's aware her brother is a fully grown man but he's an IMPULSIVE fully grown man.
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glitchedsecrets · 3 months
been listening to carrie underwood, and i will stand by the idea that one of her songs would come on the radio at some point, and that jacob would get like way too into singing along
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deadlysequence · 9 months
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Christmas kiss
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theacblade · 2 years
AC Medical AU
Okay so like I have a medical AU idea. I’m not going to write a fic because I have two already going. But yeah I was just thinking of these and figured i would share :) Also note I know nothing about medical stuff so yeah just a heads up. 
Okay first Altair. Altair is an Oncologist (Cancer Doctor). He is the best of the best. He was one of the youngest doctors ever but then botched a surgery due to his arrogance. He almost lost his medical license and he had to work a few years to regain what he lost. Along the way he met amazing people and quit being an arrogant asshole. His best friend is Malik who is an Orthopedic surgeon. He also gets in fights with the Anesthesiologist Maria Thorpe but something seems to be growing between them. 
Malik is an Orthopedic surgeon (working with limbs). After losing his arm it inspired him to help make prosthetics and help those with them. He is at the top of his field and knows what he is doing. Altair and him hated each other at first but as Malik watched Altair grow up and learn from his mistake he had great respect for Altair. Malik also loves talking smack with Maira about Altair.  This trio works well together since Malik has cancer patients every so often. 
Maria Thorpe is an Anesthesiologist (puts people to sleep). She used to work at Abstergo Hospital but they treated her horribly. Altair then convinced her to work for him at Creed hospital.  Maria performs exceptionally in her field and is not afraid to correct a doctor. She even yelled at Altair in the operating room and Malik was impressed while Altair was in shock. Maria also gets mad at Altair easily but does love the banter they have. One Maria’s best friend is Elise who is an ER nurse at both Abstergo and Creed. Maria is trying to have Elise over at Creed permanently. 
Ezio Auditore is a Dermatologist (skin doctor). It's been in his family forever. Ezio is one of the more attractive doctors and the ladies love seeing him. He is extremely talented with a blade and is said to have the hands of god. His best friend is Leo who works as a pathologist (examines dead bodies). Ezio also has an intense rivalry with Borgia's dermatologist. His siblings are also doctors. His brother Fredrico is a plastic surgeon and his sister Claduia is an OB GYN (Reproductive doctor). Ezio has also been known to sleep around or is this a rumor spread by the Borgia's who knows. 
Leo Da Vinci is one of the best Pathologists. He makes some of the best drawings and diagrams of the human body. He is extremely smart and some believe he could easily scrub in for surgeries. Leo is best friends with Ezio and has made special blades for him to operate on people. Leo also has to keep telling Abstergo no about working over there. 
Conner Kenway is a Cardiologist (Heart doctor). He is very hell bent on helping his people and making sure they get equal treatment. His dad Haytham Kenway is the medical director at Abstergo. Haytham wanted Conner to follow in his shoes but Conner wanted his own path. Conner loves what he does and wouldn’t change it for anything. His mentor Achilleas helped him alot in his field. He works closely with Pulmonologist (Cardio health) Aveline. They both seem to have a mutual attraction towards one another. 
Aveline De Grandpre is a Pulmonologist. She works with the Cardio section of the body. She is all about being fit and healthy. She started this career when her dad had a health scare when she was eight years old. Her step mom works at Abstergo and its very awkward at family dinners. Aveline has gotten closer to Conner since the departments are close together. 
Shay Cormac is a Cardiologist at Abstergo. He used to work at Creed but had a nasty fallout with Achilleas over a medical manuscript. As he was job searching Monroe saw Shay’s resume and knew Absertgo would do well. He got Shay hired and now Shay works at Abstergo. Shay also sees the Kenway drama from Haytham's perspective.
Arno Dorian is an ER doctor. This man is used to chaos and can handle it quite well. He is always busy and all sees the worst of the worst. His favorite ER nurse is Elise. She keeps working at Abstergo but Arno is sure he will convince her to work at Creed. Between all the people coming in abruptly Arno and Elise have managed a strong relationship. Arno also got another doctor fired named Bellec after he found out Bellec was harassing Elise about working Abstergo instead of his job. Overall Arno handles the ER with grace and Elise. The only issue he has is his boss Napoleon who thinks he knows everything. 
Elise De La Serre is an ER nurse. Her dad is a doctor at Abstergo and her mom is also an ER nurse at Abstergo. Elise works at both hospitals for the pay and benefits. She also wants to impress her parents and Arno. Her and Arno keep the ER together with their skills and cohesion together. Elise is best friends with Maira but gets annoyed when Maria tells her to stay at Creed.
Evie Frye is a Neurologist. Ever since she was a child the human brain fascinated her. She is the best in her fields and published several research papers and projects. Evie does strive for perfection and this has led to issues with her self esteem but luckily her brother is there to help pick up the pieces. He is her PA (Physician Assistant) and the two work well in sync.  Whenever she does surgeries Jacob is there to help her. Evie also has a small crush on Henry Green, the head neurologist. Jacob teases her for it. 
Jacob Frye is a Neuro PA. He is always there for Evie and knows what she needs next. He was never interested in neurology however being a PA lets him work anywhere including with his sister. He is trying to start a group called the Rooks that help out around the hospital. He also hates Abstergo and how much they charge patients and won’t take most people's insurance. One of his enemies there is Crawford Starrick who is in-charge of billing at Abstergo.  
Bayek is a pediatric surgeon. He works well with children and wants to offer the best care especially after losing his son. He works well with everyone and some say he is the real leader of the hospital. He is also known for his awesome pet Senu who he will bring sometimes to cheer kids up.
Aya is Bayek’s wife, though their relationship is rocky. She is the head OBGYN and makes sure all her patients get the best treatment and medicine. She has published many papers and wants to be a professor at a university. She had a major fallout with another OBGYN named Cleo. After that Aya has become more reserved in her work. 
Desmond Miles is a jack of all trades. He is a General Physician (just an average doctor) but if you need him for surgeries, dermatology, or even just to help out he is there. He gets along with Atair, Conner, and Ezio the best. He was mentored by all three of them during his residency. Evie was fascinated by his term Bleeding Effect after he could perfect what his mentors did after one try. Desmond is beloved in the hospital and everyone loves to work with him and they all make sure to stay clear of his William Miles. William Miles is Physician Executive( the guy who does all the paperwork) and doesn’t get along with everyone. 
Rebecca Crane is the head of IT. You need an update on your ipad done, the website down not anymore its back, some crazy Abestergo employee trying to hack in no worries Rebecca is there. She is the best at her job and everyone loves her. She gets to meet tons of different people and loves getting to know them. She is also hell bent on stealing or borrowing tech from Abstergo since they are the leading medical tech hub. However they are no match for Rebecca. 
Shawn Hasting is the head Lawyer for Creed. He makes sure no one can get a penny from especially Abstergo who keep trying to sue them for stealing their medical tech. Shawn usually hangs around Rebecca and Desmond. He’s not too familiar with all the medical stuff but he does love learning about it. Shawns has everyone back and is ready to jump theri defense. 
Kassandra is a Psychiatrist (Mental illness doctor). She loves understanding mental illness and wants to help those around her. She studied under one of the best doctors, Hippocrates. She works closely with assistant Kyra and hopes they can have something more. Her whole family works in the medical field so competition is high.  Her and Evie love talking about the brain and Kassandra has helped Co-Author several of Evie papers.
Alexios is a physical therapist. When he was a kid he hurt his leg and saw how important physical therapy is. He is also super athletic and does several marathons. Him and Malik work closely and try to help each other develop the best prosthetics and movements. Alexios also has fierce rivalry with his sister Kassandra.    
Eivor is an Infectious Disease Physician. They have seen it all and want to help make harder to detect diseases more detectable. They were interested in all this since they were a child and saw part of their village in Norway get ill. Eivor also works with their brother Sigurd which is awkward since Eivor may have or may not have slept with Sigurd's wife Randvi multiple times.
I hope you guys liked it! Nothing serious and just some fun ideas I had!
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mattness · 2 years
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"It seems we're late for the dinner" //an illustration for my little fic, "Elevator" (modern AU), in which Jacob and Gwen are stuck in the elevator 👀💖
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soleil384 · 1 month
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French Frye Agent AU
Mission accomplished.
Happy Chinese Valentine’s Day!
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corvus-the-trickster · 3 months
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Some sketches thank you and good night
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abbaalpha · 1 year
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slut4shaundi · 2 years
ok so you guys know how french was considered an international language in the 19th century before the end of WW1? i was just thinking about how the frye twins were probably taught french as a part of their studies.
I imagine Evie to be fluent or near fluency at least; her accent slips every now and then but other than that it's perfect. she could get around france no problem
jacob did not care about his studies at all lmfaoo- he only remembers the basics like bonjour, je m'appelle etc but he still manages to pronounce those wrong or he says them in his british accent,,, like how Ezio still had his strong ass italian accent when he spoke french that one time except jacob doesn't even attempt a french accent. he just talks
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