#jacob leon rubenstein
taxi-davis · 2 years
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Just days after President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, Lee Harvey Oswald was apprehended for the crime. As Oswald was being moved from the Dallas police station, Jack Ruby (Jacob Leon Rubenstein) shot him on live television. Howard Brodie, having worked for two decades as a newspaper illustrator, called an army buddy who was a CBS executive to offer his services in covering a trial that forbade filming. He became one of the first courtroom illustrators to work for television. This drawing of the empty courtroom depicts the names and positions of the defendant, defense attorneys, judge, district attorney, assistant district attorneys, bailiff, court reporter, jury, and even the spittoon.
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stopkingobama · 7 years
Bilderberg Group meets just outside of DC as Deep State steps up war on Trump. Here’s the attendee list.
Photo: Public Domain
Top global political and business leaders of the Bilderberg Group will meet just miles from the White House this week, as “Deep State” actions to take down President Donald Trump grow more intense.
“The Bilderberg Group meeting in Chantilly, Virginia, will attract 131 elites on Thursday – from politicians and bankers to business titans and European royalty,” The Daily Mail reports. “They will discuss transatlantic relations, the future of the European Union and ‘a progress report’ on the Trump administration behind closed doors at the four-day meeting.”
It has not been revealed what the “progress report” on Trump means. Chantilly, in suburban D.C., is 30 miles from Washington.
Among those participating in this year’s Bilderberg Group meeting are Trump’s Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, Trump’s National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, Trump advisers Peter Thiel and David Petraeus, U.S. Senator Lindsay Graham and Obama CIA Director John Brennan.
The meeting comes as leaks from within the U.S. government’s security community, intended to cripple President Trump, worsen.
“At least 180 federal employees have signed up for a workshop next weekend, where experts will offer advice on workers’ rights and how they can express civil disobedience,” former Clinton administration Labor Secretary Robert Reich gleefully notes.
“Federal workers are in regular consultation with recently departed Obama-era political appointees about what they can do to push back against the new president’s initiatives…,” Reich notes, “…The State Department has emerged as the nexus of opposition to Trump’s refugee policy, in part because it has an official dissent channel where Foreign Service employees can register opposition without fear of reprisals. The channel, formed in 1971, has been used to raise policy objections to the Vietnam War and other conflicts. Several hundred employees signed the dissent cable objecting to Trump’s refugee policy.”
CHAIRMAN Castries, Henri de (FRA), Former Chairman and CEO, AXA; President of Institut Montaigne
Achleitner, Paul M. (DEU), Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG
Adonis, Andrew (GBR), Chair, National Infrastructure Commission
Agius, Marcus (GBR), Chairman, PA Consulting Group
Akyol, Mustafa (TUR), Senior Visiting Fellow, Freedom Project at Wellesley College
Alstadheim, Kjetil B. (NOR), Political Editor, Dagens Næringsliv
Altman, Roger C. (USA), Founder and Senior Chairman, Evercore
Arnaut, José Luis (PRT), Managing Partner, CMS Rui Pena & Arnaut
Barroso, José M. Durão (PRT), Chairman, Goldman Sachs International
Bäte, Oliver (DEU), CEO, Allianz SE
Baumann, Werner (DEU), Chairman, Bayer AG
Baverez, Nicolas (FRA), Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher
Benko, René (AUT), Founder and Chairman of the Advisory Board, SIGNA Holding GmbH
Berner, Anne-Catherine (FIN), Minister of Transport and Communications
Botín, Ana P. (ESP), Executive Chairman, Banco Santander
Brandtzæg, Svein Richard (NOR), President and CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA
Brennan, John O. (USA), Senior Advisor, Kissinger Associates Inc.
Bsirske, Frank (DEU), Chairman, United Services Union
Buberl, Thomas (FRA), CEO, AXA
Bunn, M. Elaine (USA), Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
Burns, William J. (USA), President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Çakiroglu, Levent (TUR), CEO, Koç Holding A.S.
Çamlibel, Cansu (TUR), Washington DC Bureau Chief, Hürriyet Newspaper
Cebrián, Juan Luis (ESP), Executive Chairman, PRISA and El País
Clemet, Kristin (NOR), CEO, Civita
Cohen, David S. (USA), Former Deputy Director, CIA
Collison, Patrick (USA), CEO, Stripe
Cotton, Tom (USA), Senator
Cui, Tiankai (CHN), Ambassador to the US
Döpfner, Mathias (DEU), CEO, Axel Springer SE
Elkann, John (ITA), Chairman, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
Enders, Thomas (DEU), CEO, Airbus SE
Federspiel, Ulrik (DNK), Group Executive, Haldor Topsøe Holding A/S
Ferguson, Jr., Roger W. (USA), President and CEO, TIAA
Ferguson, Niall (USA), Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
Gianotti, Fabiola (ITA), Director General, CERN
Gozi, Sandro (ITA), State Secretary for European Affairs
Graham, Lindsey (USA), Senator
Greenberg, Evan G. (USA), Chairman and CEO, Chubb Group
Griffin, Kenneth (USA), Founder and CEO, Citadel Investment Group, LLC
Gruber, Lilli (ITA), Editor-in-Chief and Anchor “Otto e mezzo”, La7 TV
Guindos, Luis de (ESP), Minister of Economy, Industry and Competiveness
Haines, Avril D. (USA), Former Deputy National Security Advisor
Halberstadt, Victor (NLD), Professor of Economics, Leiden University
Hamers, Ralph (NLD), Chairman, ING Group
Hedegaard, Connie (DNK), Chair, KR Foundation
Hennis-Plasschaert, Jeanine (NLD), Minister of Defence, The Netherlands
Hobson, Mellody (USA), President, Ariel Investments LLC
Hoffman, Reid (USA), Co-Founder, LinkedIn and Partner, Greylock
Houghton, Nicholas (GBR), Former Chief of Defence
Ischinger, Wolfgang (INT), Chairman, Munich Security Conference
Jacobs, Kenneth M. (USA), Chairman and CEO, Lazard
Johnson, James A. (USA), Chairman, Johnson Capital Partners
Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. (USA), Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC
Karp, Alex (USA), CEO, Palantir Technologies
Kengeter, Carsten (DEU), CEO, Deutsche Börse AG
Kissinger, Henry A. (USA), Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc.
Klatten, Susanne (DEU), Managing Director, SKion GmbH
Kleinfeld, Klaus (USA), Former Chairman and CEO, Arconic
Knot, Klaas H.W. (NLD), President, De Nederlandsche Bank
Koç, Ömer M. (TUR), Chairman, Koç Holding A.S.
Kotkin, Stephen (USA), Professor in History and International Affairs, Princeton University
Kravis, Henry R. (USA), Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, KKR
Kravis, Marie-Josée (USA), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Kudelski, André (CHE), Chairman and CEO, Kudelski Group
Lagarde, Christine (INT), Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
Lenglet, François (FRA), Chief Economics Commentator, France 2
Leysen, Thomas (BEL), Chairman, KBC Group
Liddell, Christopher (USA), Assistant to the President and Director of Strategic Initiatives
Lööf, Annie (SWE), Party Leader, Centre Party
Mathews, Jessica T. (USA), Distinguished Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
McAuliffe, Terence (USA), Governor of Virginia
McKay, David I. (CAN), President and CEO, Royal Bank of Canada
McMaster, H.R. (USA), National Security Advisor
Mexia, António Luís Guerra Nunes (PRT), President, Eurelectric and CEO, EDP Energias de Portugal
Micklethwait, John (INT), Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg LP
Minton Beddoes, Zanny (INT), Editor-in-Chief, The Economist
Molinari, Maurizio (ITA), Editor-in-Chief, La Stampa
Monaco, Lisa (USA), Former Homeland Security Officer
Morneau, Bill (CAN), Minister of Finance
Mundie, Craig J. (USA), President, Mundie & Associates
Murtagh, Gene M. (IRL), CEO, Kingspan Group plc
Netherlands, H.M. the King of the (NLD)
Noonan, Peggy (USA), Author and Columnist, The Wall Street Journal
O’Leary, Michael (IRL), CEO, Ryanair D.A.C.
Osborne, George (GBR), Editor, London Evening Standard
Papahelas, Alexis (GRC), Executive Editor, Kathimerini Newspaper
Papalexopoulos, Dimitri (GRC), CEO, Titan Cement Co.
Petraeus, David H. (USA), Chairman, KKR Global Institute
Pind, Søren (DNK), Minister for Higher Education and Science
Puga, Benoît (FRA), Grand Chancellor of the Legion of Honor and Chancellor of the National Order of Merit
Rachman, Gideon (GBR), Chief Foreign Affairs Commentator, The Financial Times
Reisman, Heather M. (CAN), Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.
Rivera Díaz, Albert (ESP), President, Ciudadanos Party
Rosén, Johanna (SWE), Professor in Materials Physics, Linköping University
Ross, Wilbur L. (USA), Secretary of Commerce
Rubenstein, David M. (USA), Co-Founder and Co-CEO, The Carlyle Group
Rubin, Robert E. (USA), Co-Chair, Council on Foreign Relations and Former Treasury Secretary
Ruoff, Susanne (CHE), CEO, Swiss Post
Rutten, Gwendolyn (BEL), Chair, Open VLD
Sabia, Michael (CAN), CEO, Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec
Sawers, John (GBR), Chairman and Partner, Macro Advisory Partners
Schadlow, Nadia (USA), Deputy Assistant to the President, National Security Council
Schmidt, Eric E. (USA), Executive Chairman, Alphabet Inc.
Schneider-Ammann, Johann N. (CHE), Federal Councillor, Swiss Confederation
Scholten, Rudolf (AUT), President, Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue
Severgnini, Beppe (ITA), Editor-in-Chief, 7-Corriere della Sera
Sikorski, Radoslaw (POL), Senior Fellow, Harvard University
Slat, Boyan (NLD), CEO and Founder, The Ocean Cleanup
Spahn, Jens (DEU), Parliamentary State Secretary and Federal Ministry of Finance
Stephenson, Randall L. (USA), Chairman and CEO, AT&T
Stern, Andrew (USA), President Emeritus, SEIU and Senior Fellow, Economic Security Project
Stoltenberg, Jens (INT), Secretary General, NATO
Summers, Lawrence H. (USA), Charles W. Eliot University Professor, Harvard University
Tertrais, Bruno (FRA), Deputy Director, Fondation pour la recherche stratégique
Thiel, Peter (USA), President, Thiel Capital
Topsøe, Jakob Haldor (DNK), Chairman, Haldor Topsøe Holding A/S
Ülgen, Sinan (TUR), Founding and Partner, Istanbul Economics
Vance, J.D. (USA), Author and Partner, Mithril
Wahlroos, Björn (FIN), Chairman, Sampo Group, Nordea Bank, UPM-Kymmene Corporation
Wallenberg, Marcus (SWE), Chairman, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB
Walter, Amy (USA), Editor, The Cook Political Report
Weston, Galen G. (CAN), CEO and Executive Chairman, Loblaw Companies Ltd and George Weston Companies
White, Sharon (GBR), Chief Executive, Ofcom
Wieseltier, Leon (USA), Isaiah Berlin Senior Fellow in Culture and Policy, The Brookings Institution
Wolf, Martin H. (INT), Chief Economics Commentator, Financial Times
Wolfensohn, James D. (USA), Chairman and CEO, Wolfensohn & Company
Wunsch, Pierre (BEL), Vice-Governor, National Bank of Belgium
Zeiler, Gerhard (AUT), President, Turner International
Zients, Jeffrey D. (USA), Former Director, National Economic Council
Zoellick, Robert B. (USA), Non-Executive Chairman, AllianceBernstein L.P.
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americanlibertypac · 7 years
Bilderberg Group meets just outside of DC as Deep State steps up war on Trump. Here’s the attendee list.
Photo: Public Domain
Top global political and business leaders of the Bilderberg Group will meet just miles from the White House this week, as “Deep State” actions to take down President Donald Trump grow more intense.
“The Bilderberg Group meeting in Chantilly, Virginia, will attract 131 elites on Thursday – from politicians and bankers to business titans and European royalty,” The Daily Mail reports. “They will discuss transatlantic relations, the future of the European Union and ‘a progress report’ on the Trump administration behind closed doors at the four-day meeting.”
It has not been revealed what the “progress report” on Trump means. Chantilly, in suburban D.C., is 30 miles from Washington.
Among those participating in this year’s Bilderberg Group meeting are Trump’s Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, Trump’s National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, Trump advisers Peter Thiel and David Petraeus, U.S. Senator Lindsay Graham and Obama CIA Director John Brennan.
The meeting comes as leaks from within the U.S. government’s security community, intended to cripple President Trump, worsen.
“At least 180 federal employees have signed up for a workshop next weekend, where experts will offer advice on workers’ rights and how they can express civil disobedience,” former Clinton administration Labor Secretary Robert Reich gleefully notes.
“Federal workers are in regular consultation with recently departed Obama-era political appointees about what they can do to push back against the new president’s initiatives…,” Reich notes, “…The State Department has emerged as the nexus of opposition to Trump’s refugee policy, in part because it has an official dissent channel where Foreign Service employees can register opposition without fear of reprisals. The channel, formed in 1971, has been used to raise policy objections to the Vietnam War and other conflicts. Several hundred employees signed the dissent cable objecting to Trump’s refugee policy.”
CHAIRMAN Castries, Henri de (FRA), Former Chairman and CEO, AXA; President of Institut Montaigne
Achleitner, Paul M. (DEU), Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG
Adonis, Andrew (GBR), Chair, National Infrastructure Commission
Agius, Marcus (GBR), Chairman, PA Consulting Group
Akyol, Mustafa (TUR), Senior Visiting Fellow, Freedom Project at Wellesley College
Alstadheim, Kjetil B. (NOR), Political Editor, Dagens Næringsliv
Altman, Roger C. (USA), Founder and Senior Chairman, Evercore
Arnaut, José Luis (PRT), Managing Partner, CMS Rui Pena & Arnaut
Barroso, José M. Durão (PRT), Chairman, Goldman Sachs International
Bäte, Oliver (DEU), CEO, Allianz SE
Baumann, Werner (DEU), Chairman, Bayer AG
Baverez, Nicolas (FRA), Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher
Benko, René (AUT), Founder and Chairman of the Advisory Board, SIGNA Holding GmbH
Berner, Anne-Catherine (FIN), Minister of Transport and Communications
Botín, Ana P. (ESP), Executive Chairman, Banco Santander
Brandtzæg, Svein Richard (NOR), President and CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA
Brennan, John O. (USA), Senior Advisor, Kissinger Associates Inc.
Bsirske, Frank (DEU), Chairman, United Services Union
Buberl, Thomas (FRA), CEO, AXA
Bunn, M. Elaine (USA), Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
Burns, William J. (USA), President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Çakiroglu, Levent (TUR), CEO, Koç Holding A.S.
Çamlibel, Cansu (TUR), Washington DC Bureau Chief, Hürriyet Newspaper
Cebrián, Juan Luis (ESP), Executive Chairman, PRISA and El País
Clemet, Kristin (NOR), CEO, Civita
Cohen, David S. (USA), Former Deputy Director, CIA
Collison, Patrick (USA), CEO, Stripe
Cotton, Tom (USA), Senator
Cui, Tiankai (CHN), Ambassador to the US
Döpfner, Mathias (DEU), CEO, Axel Springer SE
Elkann, John (ITA), Chairman, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
Enders, Thomas (DEU), CEO, Airbus SE
Federspiel, Ulrik (DNK), Group Executive, Haldor Topsøe Holding A/S
Ferguson, Jr., Roger W. (USA), President and CEO, TIAA
Ferguson, Niall (USA), Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
Gianotti, Fabiola (ITA), Director General, CERN
Gozi, Sandro (ITA), State Secretary for European Affairs
Graham, Lindsey (USA), Senator
Greenberg, Evan G. (USA), Chairman and CEO, Chubb Group
Griffin, Kenneth (USA), Founder and CEO, Citadel Investment Group, LLC
Gruber, Lilli (ITA), Editor-in-Chief and Anchor “Otto e mezzo”, La7 TV
Guindos, Luis de (ESP), Minister of Economy, Industry and Competiveness
Haines, Avril D. (USA), Former Deputy National Security Advisor
Halberstadt, Victor (NLD), Professor of Economics, Leiden University
Hamers, Ralph (NLD), Chairman, ING Group
Hedegaard, Connie (DNK), Chair, KR Foundation
Hennis-Plasschaert, Jeanine (NLD), Minister of Defence, The Netherlands
Hobson, Mellody (USA), President, Ariel Investments LLC
Hoffman, Reid (USA), Co-Founder, LinkedIn and Partner, Greylock
Houghton, Nicholas (GBR), Former Chief of Defence
Ischinger, Wolfgang (INT), Chairman, Munich Security Conference
Jacobs, Kenneth M. (USA), Chairman and CEO, Lazard
Johnson, James A. (USA), Chairman, Johnson Capital Partners
Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. (USA), Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC
Karp, Alex (USA), CEO, Palantir Technologies
Kengeter, Carsten (DEU), CEO, Deutsche Börse AG
Kissinger, Henry A. (USA), Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc.
Klatten, Susanne (DEU), Managing Director, SKion GmbH
Kleinfeld, Klaus (USA), Former Chairman and CEO, Arconic
Knot, Klaas H.W. (NLD), President, De Nederlandsche Bank
Koç, Ömer M. (TUR), Chairman, Koç Holding A.S.
Kotkin, Stephen (USA), Professor in History and International Affairs, Princeton University
Kravis, Henry R. (USA), Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, KKR
Kravis, Marie-Josée (USA), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Kudelski, André (CHE), Chairman and CEO, Kudelski Group
Lagarde, Christine (INT), Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
Lenglet, François (FRA), Chief Economics Commentator, France 2
Leysen, Thomas (BEL), Chairman, KBC Group
Liddell, Christopher (USA), Assistant to the President and Director of Strategic Initiatives
Lööf, Annie (SWE), Party Leader, Centre Party
Mathews, Jessica T. (USA), Distinguished Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
McAuliffe, Terence (USA), Governor of Virginia
McKay, David I. (CAN), President and CEO, Royal Bank of Canada
McMaster, H.R. (USA), National Security Advisor
Mexia, António Luís Guerra Nunes (PRT), President, Eurelectric and CEO, EDP Energias de Portugal
Micklethwait, John (INT), Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg LP
Minton Beddoes, Zanny (INT), Editor-in-Chief, The Economist
Molinari, Maurizio (ITA), Editor-in-Chief, La Stampa
Monaco, Lisa (USA), Former Homeland Security Officer
Morneau, Bill (CAN), Minister of Finance
Mundie, Craig J. (USA), President, Mundie & Associates
Murtagh, Gene M. (IRL), CEO, Kingspan Group plc
Netherlands, H.M. the King of the (NLD)
Noonan, Peggy (USA), Author and Columnist, The Wall Street Journal
O’Leary, Michael (IRL), CEO, Ryanair D.A.C.
Osborne, George (GBR), Editor, London Evening Standard
Papahelas, Alexis (GRC), Executive Editor, Kathimerini Newspaper
Papalexopoulos, Dimitri (GRC), CEO, Titan Cement Co.
Petraeus, David H. (USA), Chairman, KKR Global Institute
Pind, Søren (DNK), Minister for Higher Education and Science
Puga, Benoît (FRA), Grand Chancellor of the Legion of Honor and Chancellor of the National Order of Merit
Rachman, Gideon (GBR), Chief Foreign Affairs Commentator, The Financial Times
Reisman, Heather M. (CAN), Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.
Rivera Díaz, Albert (ESP), President, Ciudadanos Party
Rosén, Johanna (SWE), Professor in Materials Physics, Linköping University
Ross, Wilbur L. (USA), Secretary of Commerce
Rubenstein, David M. (USA), Co-Founder and Co-CEO, The Carlyle Group
Rubin, Robert E. (USA), Co-Chair, Council on Foreign Relations and Former Treasury Secretary
Ruoff, Susanne (CHE), CEO, Swiss Post
Rutten, Gwendolyn (BEL), Chair, Open VLD
Sabia, Michael (CAN), CEO, Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec
Sawers, John (GBR), Chairman and Partner, Macro Advisory Partners
Schadlow, Nadia (USA), Deputy Assistant to the President, National Security Council
Schmidt, Eric E. (USA), Executive Chairman, Alphabet Inc.
Schneider-Ammann, Johann N. (CHE), Federal Councillor, Swiss Confederation
Scholten, Rudolf (AUT), President, Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue
Severgnini, Beppe (ITA), Editor-in-Chief, 7-Corriere della Sera
Sikorski, Radoslaw (POL), Senior Fellow, Harvard University
Slat, Boyan (NLD), CEO and Founder, The Ocean Cleanup
Spahn, Jens (DEU), Parliamentary State Secretary and Federal Ministry of Finance
Stephenson, Randall L. (USA), Chairman and CEO, AT&T
Stern, Andrew (USA), President Emeritus, SEIU and Senior Fellow, Economic Security Project
Stoltenberg, Jens (INT), Secretary General, NATO
Summers, Lawrence H. (USA), Charles W. Eliot University Professor, Harvard University
Tertrais, Bruno (FRA), Deputy Director, Fondation pour la recherche stratégique
Thiel, Peter (USA), President, Thiel Capital
Topsøe, Jakob Haldor (DNK), Chairman, Haldor Topsøe Holding A/S
Ülgen, Sinan (TUR), Founding and Partner, Istanbul Economics
Vance, J.D. (USA), Author and Partner, Mithril
Wahlroos, Björn (FIN), Chairman, Sampo Group, Nordea Bank, UPM-Kymmene Corporation
Wallenberg, Marcus (SWE), Chairman, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB
Walter, Amy (USA), Editor, The Cook Political Report
Weston, Galen G. (CAN), CEO and Executive Chairman, Loblaw Companies Ltd and George Weston Companies
White, Sharon (GBR), Chief Executive, Ofcom
Wieseltier, Leon (USA), Isaiah Berlin Senior Fellow in Culture and Policy, The Brookings Institution
Wolf, Martin H. (INT), Chief Economics Commentator, Financial Times
Wolfensohn, James D. (USA), Chairman and CEO, Wolfensohn & Company
Wunsch, Pierre (BEL), Vice-Governor, National Bank of Belgium
Zeiler, Gerhard (AUT), President, Turner International
Zients, Jeffrey D. (USA), Former Director, National Economic Council
Zoellick, Robert B. (USA), Non-Executive Chairman, AllianceBernstein L.P.
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4bestmarks · 5 years
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Deitel The Good Earth: Introduction to Earth Science 4th Edition by David McConnell Price = $25.95 Introduction to Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Sport 10th Edition by Angela Lumpkin Price = $25.92 QuickBooks Desktop 2018: A Complete Course 17th Edition by Janet Horne Price = $29.81 Introduction to Biotechnology 4th Edition by William J. Thieman Price = $26.97 Operations Management: Processes and Supply Chains 12th Edition by Lee J. Krajewski Price = $27.69
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teekino · 6 years
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Jack Ruby Jack Leon Ruby (born Jacob Leon Rubenstein; March 25, 1911– January 3, 1967) was the Dallas, Texas, nightclub owner who fatally shot Lee Harvey Oswald on November 24, 1963, while Oswald was in police custody after being charged with assassinating…
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korrektheiten · 7 years
Das sind doch bloß Verschwörungstheorien wie aus dem Bilderbuch
LePenseur:"Wenn sich die Bilderbücher ... äh ... -berger treffen, dann ist das doch ein harmloses Kaffeekränzchen honoriger älterer Herrschaften, die halt ein bisserl plaudern wollen ... über frühere Zeiten, und über Gott und die Welt. Nicht erwähnenswert. Wer's doch erwähnt, ist ein Verschwörungstheoretiker. Harmlose, ältere Herrschaften? Älter ... nun ja: Jugendliche werden in Führungsetagen generell eher selten zu finden sein. Harmlos & honorig ... nun, das sollte angesichts der Teilnehmerliste doch noch hinterfragenswert bleiben: Bilderberg 2017: Liste der Teilnehmer Vorsitz: * Castries, Henri de (FRA), Former Chairman and CEO, AXA; President of Institut Montaigne Teilnehmer: * Achleitner, Paul M. (DEU), Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG * Adonis, Andrew (GBR), Chair, National Infrastructure Commission * Agius, Marcus (GBR), Chairman, PA Consulting Group * Akyol, Mustafa (TUR), Senior Visiting Fellow, Freedom Project at Wellesley College * Alstadheim, Kjetil B. (NOR), Political Editor, Dagens Næringsliv * Altman, Roger C. (USA), Founder and Senior Chairman, Evercore * Arnaut, José Luis (PRT), Managing Partner, CMS Rui Pena & Arnaut * Barroso, José M. Durão (PRT), Chairman, Goldman Sachs International * Bäte, Oliver (DEU), CEO, Allianz SE * Baumann, Werner (DEU), Chairman, Bayer AG * Baverez, Nicolas (FRA), Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher * Benko, René (AUT), Founder and Chairman of the Advisory Board, SIGNA Holding GmbH * Berner, Anne-Catherine (FIN), Minister of Transport and Communications * Botín, Ana P. (ESP), Executive Chairman, Banco Santander * Brandtzæg, Svein Richard (NOR), President and CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA * Brennan, John O. (USA), Senior Advisor, Kissinger Associates Inc. * Bsirske, Frank (DEU), Chairman, United Services Union * Buberl, Thomas (FRA), CEO, AXA * Bunn, M. Elaine (USA), Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense * Burns, William J. (USA), President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace * Çakiroglu, Levent (TUR), CEO, Koç Holding A.S. * Çamlibel, Cansu (TUR), Washington DC Bureau Chief, Hürriyet Newspaper * Cebrián, Juan Luis (ESP), Executive Chairman, PRISA and El País * Clemet, Kristin (NOR), CEO, Civita * Cohen, David S. (USA), Former Deputy Director, CIA * Collison, Patrick (USA), CEO, Stripe * Cotton, Tom (USA), Senator * Cui, Tiankai (CHN), Ambassador to the US * Döpfner, Mathias (DEU), CEO, Axel Springer SE * Elkann, John (ITA), Chairman, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles * Enders, Thomas (DEU), CEO, Airbus SE * Federspiel, Ulrik (DNK), Group Executive, Haldor Topsøe Holding A/S * Ferguson, Jr., Roger W. (USA), President and CEO, TIAA * Ferguson, Niall (USA), Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University * Gianotti, Fabiola (ITA), Director General, CERN * Gozi, Sandro (ITA), State Secretary for European Affairs * Graham, Lindsey (USA), Senator * Greenberg, Evan G. (USA), Chairman and CEO, Chubb Group * Griffin, Kenneth (USA), Founder and CEO, Citadel Investment Group, LLC * Gruber, Lilli (ITA), Editor-in-Chief and Anchor „Otto e mezzo“, La7 TV * Guindos, Luis de (ESP), Minister of Economy, Industry and Competiveness * Haines, Avril D. (USA), Former Deputy National Security Advisor * Halberstadt, Victor (NLD), Professor of Economics, Leiden University * Hamers, Ralph (NLD), Chairman, ING Group * Hedegaard, Connie (DNK), Chair, KR Foundation * Hennis-Plasschaert, Jeanine (NLD), Minister of Defence, The Netherlands * Hobson, Mellody (USA), President, Ariel Investments LLC * Hoffman, Reid (USA), Co-Founder, LinkedIn and Partner, Greylock * Houghton, Nicholas (GBR), Former Chief of Defence * Ischinger, Wolfgang (INT), Chairman, Munich Security Conference * Jacobs, Kenneth M. (USA), Chairman and CEO, Lazard * Johnson, James A. (USA), Chairman, Johnson Capital Partners * Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. (USA), Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC * Karp, Alex (USA), CEO, Palantir Technologies * Kengeter, Carsten (DEU), CEO, Deutsche Börse AG * Kissinger, Henry A. (USA), Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc. * Klatten, Susanne (DEU), Managing Director, SKion GmbH * Kleinfeld, Klaus (USA), Former Chairman and CEO, Arconic * Knot, Klaas H.W. (NLD), President, De Nederlandsche Bank * Koç, Ömer M. (TUR), Chairman, Koç Holding A.S. * Kotkin, Stephen (USA), Professor in History and International Affairs, Princeton University * Kravis, Henry R. (USA), Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, KKR * Kravis, Marie-Josée (USA), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute * Kudelski, André (CHE), Chairman and CEO, Kudelski Group * Lagarde, Christine (INT), Managing Director, International Monetary Fund * Lenglet, François (FRA), Chief Economics Commentator, France 2 * Leysen, Thomas (BEL), Chairman, KBC Group * Liddell, Christopher (USA), Assistant to the President and Director of Strategic Initiatives * Lööf, Annie (SWE), Party Leader, Centre Party * Mathews, Jessica T. (USA), Distinguished Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace * McAuliffe, Terence (USA), Governor of Virginia * McKay, David I. (CAN), President and CEO, Royal Bank of Canada * McMaster, H.R. (USA), National Security Advisor * Mexia, António Luís Guerra Nunes (PRT), President, Eurelectric and CEO, EDP Energias de Portugal * Micklethwait, John (INT), Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg LP * Minton Beddoes, Zanny (INT), Editor-in-Chief, The Economist * Molinari, Maurizio (ITA), Editor-in-Chief, La Stampa * Monaco, Lisa (USA), Former Homeland Security Officer * Morneau, Bill (CAN), Minister of Finance * Mundie, Craig J. (USA), President, Mundie & Associates * Murtagh, Gene M. (IRL), CEO, Kingspan Group plc * Netherlands, H.M. the King of the (NLD) * Noonan, Peggy (USA), Author and Columnist, The Wall Street Journal * O’Leary, Michael (IRL), CEO, Ryanair D.A.C. * Osborne, George (GBR), Editor, London Evening Standard * Papahelas, Alexis (GRC), Executive Editor, Kathimerini Newspaper * Papalexopoulos, Dimitri (GRC), CEO, Titan Cement Co. * Petraeus, David H. (USA), Chairman, KKR Global Institute * Pind, Søren (DNK), Minister for Higher Education and Science * Puga, Benoît (FRA), Grand Chancellor of the Legion of Honor and Chancellor of the National Order of Merit * Rachman, Gideon (GBR), Chief Foreign Affairs Commentator, The Financial Times * Reisman, Heather M. (CAN), Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc. * Rivera Díaz, Albert (ESP), President, Ciudadanos Party * Rosén, Johanna (SWE), Professor in Materials Physics, Linköping University * Ross, Wilbur L. (USA), Secretary of Commerce * Rubenstein, David M. (USA), Co-Founder and Co-CEO, The Carlyle Group * Rubin, Robert E. (USA), Co-Chair, Council on Foreign Relations and Former Treasury Secretary * Ruoff, Susanne (CHE), CEO, Swiss Post * Rutten, Gwendolyn (BEL), Chair, Open VLD * Sabia, Michael (CAN), CEO, Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec * Sawers, John (GBR), Chairman and Partner, Macro Advisory Partners * Schadlow, Nadia (USA), Deputy Assistant to the President, National Security Council * Schmidt, Eric E. (USA), Executive Chairman, Alphabet Inc. * Schneider-Ammann, Johann N. (CHE), Federal Councillor, Swiss Confederation * Scholten, Rudolf (AUT), President, Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue * Severgnini, Beppe (ITA), Editor-in-Chief, 7-Corriere della Sera * Sikorski, Radoslaw (POL), Senior Fellow, Harvard University * Slat, Boyan (NLD), CEO and Founder, The Ocean Cleanup * Spahn, Jens (DEU), Parliamentary State Secretary and Federal Ministry of Finance * Stephenson, Randall L. (USA), Chairman and CEO, AT&T * Stern, Andrew (USA), President Emeritus, SEIU and Senior Fellow, Economic Security Project * Stoltenberg, Jens (INT), Secretary General, NATO * Summers, Lawrence H. (USA), Charles W. Eliot University Professor, Harvard University * Tertrais, Bruno (FRA), Deputy Director, Fondation pour la recherche stratégique * Thiel, Peter (USA), President, Thiel Capital * Topsøe, Jakob Haldor (DNK), Chairman, Haldor Topsøe Holding A/S * Ülgen, Sinan (TUR), Founding and Partner, Istanbul Economics * Vance, J.D. (USA), Author and Partner, Mithril * Wahlroos, Björn (FIN), Chairman, Sampo Group, Nordea Bank, UPM-Kymmene Corporation * Wallenberg, Marcus (SWE), Chairman, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB * Walter, Amy (USA), Editor, The Cook Political Report * Weston, Galen G. (CAN), CEO and Executive Chairman, Loblaw Companies Ltd and George Weston Companies * White, Sharon (GBR), Chief Executive, Ofcom * Wieseltier, Leon (USA), Isaiah Berlin Senior Fellow in Culture and Policy, The Brookings Institution * Wolf, Martin H. (INT), Chief Economics Commentator, Financial Times * Wolfensohn, James D. (USA), Chairman and CEO, Wolfensohn & Company * Wunsch, Pierre (BEL), Vice-Governor, National Bank of Belgium * Zeiler, Gerhard (AUT), President, Turner International * Zients, Jeffrey D. (USA), Former Director, National Economic Council * Zoellick, Robert B. (USA), Non-Executive Chairman, AllianceBernstein L.P. Da tummelt sich viel Geld, und noch mehr Macht. Von White-Collar-Kriminalität ganz abgesehen. Von menschlich-moralischer Letztklassigkeit wollen wir erst garnicht zu reden anfangen, denn da ist der Pegel erfahrungsgemäß eng zum wirtschaftlichen und politischen Erfolg korreliert. Nur: bloß Verschwörungstheorie, wenn man das faktisch doch "halbgeheime" Bilderbergertreffen nicht taxfrei als Kaffekränzchen einstuft ... will man uns verkohlen? Die Frage zu stellen heißt ... http://dlvr.it/PJB91N "
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politicalfilth-blog · 7 years
BILDERBERG 2017- Official List of Participants and Agenda Items
We Are Change
Luke Rudkowski is on the ground at Bilderberg 2017!
Here are the recently released agenda items as well as the official list of participants.
According to the official press release on the Bilderberg website, this year���s agenda includes:
The Trump Administration: A progress report
Trans-Atlantic relations: options and scenarios
The Trans-Atlantic defence alliance: bullets, bytes and bucks
The direction of the EU
Can globalisation be slowed down?
Jobs, income and unrealised expectations
The war on information
Why is populism growing?
Russia in the international order
The Near East
Nuclear proliferation
Current events
And these are the people listed as the participants:
Castries, Henri de (FRA), Former Chairman and CEO, AXA; President of Institut Montaigne
Achleitner, Paul M. (DEU), Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG
Adonis, Andrew (GBR), Chair, National Infrastructure Commission
Agius, Marcus (GBR), Chairman, PA Consulting Group
Akyol, Mustafa (TUR), Senior Visiting Fellow, Freedom Project at Wellesley College
Alstadheim, Kjetil B. (NOR), Political Editor, Dagens Næringsliv
Altman, Roger C. (USA), Founder and Senior Chairman, Evercore
Arnaut, José Luis (PRT), Managing Partner, CMS Rui Pena & Arnaut
Barroso, José M. Durão (PRT), Chairman, Goldman Sachs International
Bäte, Oliver (DEU), CEO, Allianz SE
Baumann, Werner (DEU), Chairman, Bayer AG
Baverez, Nicolas (FRA), Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher
Benko, René (AUT), Founder and Chairman of the Advisory Board, SIGNA Holding GmbH
Berner, Anne-Catherine (FIN), Minister of Transport and Communications
Botín, Ana P. (ESP), Executive Chairman, Banco Santander
Brandtzæg, Svein Richard (NOR), President and CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA
Brennan, John O. (USA), Senior Advisor, Kissinger Associates Inc.
Bsirske, Frank (DEU), Chairman, United Services Union
Buberl, Thomas (FRA), CEO, AXA
Bunn, M. Elaine (USA), Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
Burns, William J. (USA), President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Çakiroglu, Levent (TUR), CEO, Koç Holding A.S.
Çamlibel, Cansu (TUR), Washington DC Bureau Chief, Hürriyet Newspaper
Cebrián, Juan Luis (ESP), Executive Chairman, PRISA and El País
Clemet, Kristin (NOR), CEO, Civita
Cohen, David S. (USA), Former Deputy Director, CIA
Collison, Patrick (USA), CEO, Stripe
Cotton, Tom (USA), Senator
Cui, Tiankai (CHN), Ambassador to the US
Döpfner, Mathias (DEU), CEO, Axel Springer SE
Elkann, John (ITA), Chairman, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
Enders, Thomas (DEU), CEO, Airbus SE
Federspiel, Ulrik (DNK), Group Executive, Haldor Topsøe Holding A/S
Ferguson, Jr., Roger W. (USA), President and CEO, TIAA
Ferguson, Niall (USA), Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
Gianotti, Fabiola (ITA), Director General, CERN
Gozi, Sandro (ITA), State Secretary for European Affairs
Graham, Lindsey (USA), Senator
Greenberg, Evan G. (USA), Chairman and CEO, Chubb Group
Griffin, Kenneth (USA), Founder and CEO, Citadel Investment Group, LLC
Gruber, Lilli (ITA), Editor-in-Chief and Anchor “Otto e mezzo”, La7 TV Guindos, Luis de (ESP), Minister of Economy, Industry and Competiveness
Haines, Avril D. (USA), Former Deputy National Security Advisor
Halberstadt, Victor (NLD), Professor of Economics, Leiden University
Hamers, Ralph (NLD), Chairman, ING Group
Hedegaard, Connie (DNK), Chair, KR Foundation
Hennis-Plasschaert, Jeanine (NLD), Minister of Defence, The Netherlands
Hobson, Mellody (USA), President, Ariel Investments LLC
Hoffman, Reid (USA), Co-Founder, LinkedIn and Partner, Greylock
Houghton, Nicholas (GBR), Former Chief of Defence
Ischinger, Wolfgang (INT), Chairman, Munich Security Conference
Jacobs, Kenneth M. (USA), Chairman and CEO, Lazard
Johnson, James A. (USA), Chairman, Johnson Capital Partners
Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. (USA), Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC
Karp, Alex (USA), CEO, Palantir Technologies
Kengeter, Carsten (DEU), CEO, Deutsche Börse AG
Kissinger, Henry A. (USA), Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc.
Klatten, Susanne (DEU), Managing Director, SKion GmbH
Kleinfeld, Klaus (USA), Former Chairman and CEO, Arconic
Knot, Klaas H.W. (NLD), President, De Nederlandsche Bank
Koç, Ömer M. (TUR), Chairman, Koç Holding A.S.
Kotkin, Stephen (USA), Professor in History and International Affairs, Princeton University
Kravis, Henry R. (USA), Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, KKR
Kravis, Marie-Josée (USA), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Kudelski, André (CHE), Chairman and CEO, Kudelski Group
Lagarde, Christine (INT), Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
Lenglet, François (FRA), Chief Economics Commentator, France 2
Leysen, Thomas (BEL), Chairman, KBC Group
Liddell, Christopher (USA), Assistant to the President and Director of Strategic Initiatives
Lööf, Annie (SWE), Party Leader, Centre Party
Mathews, Jessica T. (USA), Distinguished Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
McAuliffe, Terence (USA), Governor of Virginia
McKay, David I. (CAN), President and CEO, Royal Bank of Canada
McMaster, H.R. (USA), National Security Advisor
Mexia, António Luís Guerra Nunes (PRT), President, Eurelectric and CEO, EDP Energias de Portugal
Micklethwait, John (INT), Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg LP
Minton Beddoes, Zanny (INT), Editor-in-Chief, The Economist
Molinari, Maurizio (ITA), Editor-in-Chief, La Stampa
Monaco, Lisa (USA), Former Homeland Security Officer
Morneau, Bill (CAN), Minister of Finance
Mundie, Craig J. (USA), President, Mundie & Associates
Murtagh, Gene M. (IRL), CEO, Kingspan Group plc
Netherlands, H.M. the King of the (NLD)
Noonan, Peggy (USA), Author and Columnist, The Wall Street Journal
O’Leary, Michael (IRL), CEO, Ryanair D.A.C.
Osborne, George (GBR), Editor, London Evening Standard
Papahelas, Alexis (GRC), Executive Editor, Kathimerini Newspaper
Papalexopoulos, Dimitri (GRC), CEO, Titan Cement Co.
Petraeus, David H. (USA), Chairman, KKR Global Institute
Pind, Søren (DNK), Minister for Higher Education and Science
Puga, Benoît (FRA), Grand Chancellor of the Legion of Honor and Chancellor of the National Order of Merit
Rachman, Gideon (GBR), Chief Foreign Affairs Commentator, The Financial Times
Reisman, Heather M. (CAN), Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.
Rivera Díaz, Albert (ESP), President, Ciudadanos Party
Rosén, Johanna (SWE), Professor in Materials Physics, Linköping University
Ross, Wilbur L. (USA), Secretary of Commerce
Rubenstein, David M. (USA), Co-Founder and Co-CEO, The Carlyle Group
Rubin, Robert E. (USA), Co-Chair, Council on Foreign Relations and Former Treasury Secretary
Ruoff, Susanne (CHE), CEO, Swiss Post
Rutten, Gwendolyn (BEL), Chair, Open VLD
Sabia, Michael (CAN), CEO, Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec
Sawers, John (GBR), Chairman and Partner, Macro Advisory Partners
Schadlow, Nadia (USA), Deputy Assistant to the President, National Security Council
Schmidt, Eric E. (USA), Executive Chairman, Alphabet Inc.
Schneider-Ammann, Johann N. (CHE), Federal Councillor, Swiss Confederation
Scholten, Rudolf (AUT), President, Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue
Severgnini, Beppe (ITA), Editor-in-Chief, 7-Corriere della Sera
Sikorski, Radoslaw (POL), Senior Fellow, Harvard University
Slat, Boyan (NLD), CEO and Founder, The Ocean Cleanup
Spahn, Jens (DEU), Parliamentary State Secretary and Federal Ministry of Finance
Stephenson, Randall L. (USA), Chairman and CEO, AT&T
Stern, Andrew (USA), President Emeritus, SEIU and Senior Fellow, Economic Security Project
Stoltenberg, Jens (INT), Secretary General, NATO
Summers, Lawrence H. (USA), Charles W. Eliot University Professor, Harvard University
Tertrais, Bruno (FRA), Deputy Director, Fondation pour la recherche stratégique
Thiel, Peter (USA), President, Thiel Capital
Topsøe, Jakob Haldor (DNK), Chairman, Haldor Topsøe Holding A/S
Ülgen, Sinan (TUR), Founding and Partner, Istanbul Economics
Vance, J.D. (USA), Author and Partner, Mithril
Wahlroos, Björn (FIN), Chairman, Sampo Group, Nordea Bank, UPM-Kymmene Corporation
Wallenberg, Marcus (SWE), Chairman, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB
Walter, Amy (USA), Editor, The Cook Political Report
Weston, Galen G. (CAN), CEO and Executive Chairman, Loblaw Companies Ltd and George Weston Companies
White, Sharon (GBR), Chief Executive, Ofcom
Wieseltier, Leon (USA), Isaiah Berlin Senior Fellow in Culture and Policy, The Brookings Institution
Wolf, Martin H. (INT), Chief Economics Commentator, Financial Times
Wolfensohn, James D. (USA), Chairman and CEO, Wolfensohn & Company
Wunsch, Pierre (BEL), Vice-Governor, National Bank of Belgium
Zeiler, Gerhard (AUT), President, Turner International
Zients, Jeffrey D. (USA), Former Director, National Economic Council
Zoellick, Robert B. (USA), Non-Executive Chairman, AllianceBernstein L.P.
    The post BILDERBERG 2017- Official List of Participants and Agenda Items appeared first on We Are Change.
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