#jaewon my man he is down so bad lmao
piganatur · 1 year
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Lim Jisub's mannerism and body language as Seo Jaewon is so intricate and fascinating (sorry for the crappy screencaps I can’t gif to save my life OTL) When Yoonwon tells Bitna about the club rule that underclassmen should refer to upperclassmen by the title sunbae (❌ no oppa and the likes) for a few seconds, Jaewon pulls out of the conversation (even Jihyun is more present, smiling a little at the side) looks at Jihyun from the corner of his eye then down at the table. It’s like he either logs off because the freshmen girls’ cutesy act let’s just say... isn’t his cup of tea OR (and my bet is this) he’s already mourning the loss of his chance to hear Jihuyn call him hyung. That tiny detail explains why he reacts so strongly when Jihyun finally calls him hyung on the beach and I’m in awe bc once again, Lim Jisub is an actor who acts... the TALENT
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sgnjae · 4 years
                                               WASSUP EVERYONE !   ✖  ◞   
this intro is embarrassingly late, but hello! faye here ❤ i wanted to introduce y’all to my wannabe casanova ◞  nam jaewon but really he just goes by jae. he’s a sohopmore majoring in business administration and he like? oddly doesn’t hate it :) he’s also minoring photography and local fuckboi cinth member ✌  i kinda fell behind schedule and didn’t get time to throw together a bio or a plots page ( rip ) but i will place some information under the cut so we can get some stuff going. so hit the LIKE button and i’ll hop into the ims for plotting.
also a little fyi, i’ll be slow with messages/threads until wednesday due to some personal/medical things - so bear with me. usually i’m like slow, but not that slow, but forgive me pls edit: also have a discord + krp twitter for plotting if that’s easier!
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                                               THE NEED TO KNOW  ✖  ◞  
fist off, his profile page is here for all the tiny details
nam jaewon, 20, born in seoul to JANG JURA & NAM JISEOK
literally the definition of the perfectly family for awhile; his parents were high school sweethearts and led pretty normal lives. they had normal, average paying jobs so jaewon had mostly everything he wanted within reason. 
( TW ILLNESS & DEATH ) his grandfather grew ill, but didn’t really have anyone to take care of him back in the states. so jaewon’s father decided to take his family to california where he could keep a close eye on his father as his conditioned worsened. however, jaewon’s mother decided to stay in seoul and work on her career despite his father’s pleas. jaewon and his father moved to LOS ANGELES in 2008, and his grandfather died in the summer of 2012. ( END TW )
needless to say, love was not powerful enough to overcome the distance between his parents. while jaewon, who adopted the name JAE during his time in america bc it was annoying how everyone failed to correctly pronounce his name, and his father visited during every break - the relationship between the couple was strained. his father used the money he earned doing construction in the area on jae, but sent most of it back to sk to his wife. he always saw his dad put forth the effort to make the relationship work, but wasn’t convinced he saw the same energy from his mother.
( TW SUBSTANCE ABUSE, MENTIONS OF ABUSE ) his mother admitted to an affair over the phone, deciding she wanted to end the marriage even when his father expressed the desire for them to work it out. they divorced in 2014 & his father barely put the bottle down since. the man was rarely aggressive with jae, only when he was really deep in self-pity. but jae never showed any resented for his father, rather for his mother whom he felt had abandoned their family for a new one.
( TW CONT., DEATH ) drunk driving is what took his father from him at the end of his third year of high school ( early 2017 ), and jae 100% blamed his mother. forced to uproot his life and pack his things back to seoul, he lived with his mother and her new husband’s family in GANGNAM. ( END TW )
so with all this new money his mother has so conveniently married into, jae is enrolled in a private school for his last year of high school and begins grooming to take over his step-father’s business. they make a bunch of the medical machinery/equipment for big hospitals around the world and he doesn’t trust his daughters to take over so yay :) 
enrolled in seongnam, funded by his mother/step-father and we’re pretty much caught up
                                              THE EXTRA BITS  ✖  ◞  
personality wise he’s generally pretty easy to hang around. he’s not really short tempered and rarely serious, so he’s literally acting stupid 97% of the time. 
he’s just naturally smart??? so he doesn’t really study??? and people are confused because he acts like he doesn’t give a fuck about school ( but he really cares a lot about his grades )
he had plans to go to ucla after high school and wanted to join a frat with all of his friends back in the states BUT THAT DIDN’T REALLY HAPPEN LMAO so that’s really why he joined cinth. that and the partying ofc
he acts like he’s some sort of sex god around the guys but really he’s painfully inexperienced. he’s literally had sex approximately one (1) time at a party when he was heavily intoxicated during his last year of high school and it was so Bad. he may or may not have puked afterwards.  
but if you asked him, he’s at least already sex 4 times that week. and it’s only tuesday ;)
picked up photography that stems from his mother’s love bc she would send him pretty pictures she took all the time while he was living in the states. and business admin. is pretty boring most of the time so he picked up photography as a minor bc fuck it
basic basketball boi who also pretty much has fins in the water. he’s fast af
has two step-sisters, OH HYEWON (POSSIBLE CONNECTION) & OH HYEMI (16), and he’s kinda got a strained relationship with both??? he’s definitely closer to hyemi bc she’s less of a cunt and then there’s hyewon who hates his guts
has one half sister, OH JAEKYUNG (1), who he loves and will babysit often 
his mom has also made a bit of a name out of herself esp after marrying OH INSIK, who graciously funded her photography business. now she photographs a lot of celebrity weddings and shit like that
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vldelijah-blog · 5 years
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well hello ! my name is blaire (19, she / her, est), and though my app and this intro are very late i’m ecstatic to be here ! i’ve had muse for this baby for a while but was taking forever to make him so here he is ... 4am’s mr. elijah kang ! he’s definitely a lot to handle, but he’s here to bring the party to veil and i’m so excited to see all the craziness he gets in ! i’m super excited to plot with you guys, so please like this if you want to plot something, and check here for his bio, private profile, and public profile ! plots coming soon, i swear, but you can find some general ideas under the cut alongside trivia ! let’s go !
born in la, california !! will always be a cali baby at heart, both his parents are originally from korea but moved there because they wanted to start a family in america !
he has two younger siblings - bora, who’s 12, and jandi, who’s 25 ! such an older brother, he teases / loves them to death and will fly to cali just to fight whoever hurts them !
original name is eunkwang elijah kang, but around middle school he changed it because a.) people always asked him about it or couldn’t pronounce it and b.) he didn’t think it fit him
the only people who still call him that are his parents when they’re speaking korean and his grandparents / aunts in korea. he introduces himself as elijah or eli nowadays, though !
but he prefers eli somewhat because elijah makes him feel like he’s getting in trouble ?? lmao !
his mom tried to get him into child acting because acting was always something she wanted to do, but it didn’t go very far for him
his father hated the idea of him going into the entertainment industry because he didn’t feel like it was a stable career, and thought that as the oldest of the family he should be financially well off
consequently, him and his dad’s relationship has become a little difficult now, he loves him a lot but is frustrated his dad doesn’t seem to be happy for him pursuing his dreams
even so, he started getting into singing because his mom had him join the church choir she lead ! he pretended he hated it but he loved getting all the old people to smile on that little stage
but he really got into performing when he tried to impress a girl with a talent show & won second place by doing a really cringy song & dance performance with friends !
feel free to read more in his bio, but long story short he auditioned as a joke and had the surprise of the century when he made it past auditions AND callbacks !
the idea of being in the “kpop” industy still seems so weird to gim, esp bc it’s never something he saw himself doing ?? he’s a r&b type of guy so it was really weird for him to think about at first
they decided to go with this “flirty bad boy image” for him which isn’t too out of character tbh ?? but they also thought he had the look of a rapper so started training him to be one ! so now it’s one of his positions, and though he finds it really fun he’s embarrassed to call himself one because he doesn’t feel like he has the skills to rap. 
he has a v unique voice, similar to wonpil’s, but since he had no proper training prior to joining the company they had to work with him a lot bc he didn’t really know how to use it !
was a little apprehensive at the whole “boy band” thing at first, until he realized just how much he loved it ?? and then became very invested and has been working hard ever since !he has high hopes for the group and thinks that, as long as they work hard, they can gain a stable following
also was like thank god bc he can’t dance for shit so that helped him otu a l o t !!
like i said before, his personality’s not too different from his brand the company is trying to market him as once they debut ! so “flirty bad boy” pretty much sums it up lmao. he’s got the whole rebellious streak going on, but i wouldn’t call him bad for real because he’s still got a good heart, he’s just dumb and gets into equally dumb scenarios. i think that this pretty much sums it up:
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haha !! anyways he is definitely a flirt, even when he doesn’t mean to be ! but he usually does, and isn’t afraid at all at expressing his attraction to others ! ( on that note - he’s pansexual fyi ! ) but his downfall is that he’s terrible with commitment, he’s just not in the mood to settle down and doesn’t know how but i’m sure he’s got a long list of romantic connections ! 
he’s got a bit of a potty mouth, he doesn’t really have a filter ( unless he’s somewhere for work ofc ) but even then he’s had a few embarrassing slip-ups. def got a few wrist slaps for it bc apparently he can’t shut up !! but please lmk if you don’t want him to curse in our threads bc even though it won’t be that bad in threads, i don’t want anyone to feel uncomfy !
very spontaneous, definitely the type to call you up at 3am on a sunday asking to go out some random place with him, he just loves adventure ! some find it endearing while others find it chaotic, he’s really a hit or miss in terms of this !
a charmer, he knows how to say things that people here....especially when trying to get himself out of a sticky situation ! if he had a superpower it’d be sweet talking people, he’s got a way with words and that’s ultimately how he’s become as successful as he has ! once 4am debuts he’ll definitely give fans lots of fanservice and is the type to “marry” them at fansigns and such.
on that note he’s very deceptive and isn’t pathological liar, but can do it v casually if he thinks it’ll make his situation any better ?? not a good thing but yk just how it is !
bc of these he’s quite the life of the party, and actually gravitates toward quieter people because he wants them to have fun & he’s def the first to try to break the awkward tension !
super carefree - the world could be crumbling, and this man will make a joke about it ! it can be good in stressful situations due to his ability to keep a leveled head, but at the same time it causes him to make poor decisions because he’s less concerned about the end results.
a downside is that he can have a bit of a temper, and if he feels like someone’s competing with him or trying to prove him wrong he gets pretty defensive. also if someone breaks his trust this man holds the biggest grudge i stg
tw: alcohol ! he loves to drink, it’s a habit he started back in america but moved over here ! he can’t do it quite as often bc of company rules he has to maneuver, but if you ask him to go out for some drinks, he’ll never say no.
just...silly lmao !! will literally come into his member’s rooms in the middle of the night just to do a stupid dance then walk out & leave.
very loyal & protective over those he loves !! he’s an older brother, so that’s rooted deep in him and he cares deeply about those he gets close too !
not a leader in any way ( thank god atlas saw that ), but he has his own way of checking up on people ! he’s not the talk-about-your-feelings type per se, but if he sees someone’s down he’ll go out his way to make them laugh or do something to make them feel better
also totally irrelevant but definitely has a retro eboy aesthetic going on here ?? his style very much so resembles jaewon his fc, but with a tinge more grunge ?? his ig is so eboy guys i just...he’s a mess
besties pls ?? 
exes ?? i feel like his exes would’ve ended pretty messily bc he’s the Worst but hey maybe they still vibe !!
drinking buddies ftw !! shall they drink & be merry together !! bonus if ur muse is a stupid drunk two and these two just are losing it 
he misses his siblings a ton so some younger muses, esp girls, for him to interact would be great ? would 100% baby them & treat them like one of his sisters !!
someone equally wild as elijah who he can always count on for a good party or getting into some sot of trouble.
fwb, a no-strings-attached situation except maybe later on ?? depends let’s see he just wants to have fun !
someone very different to him, they’re away of his personality but in contrast are very structured ! it would be super fun to interact with someone like that, see if they butt heads ?
in contrast,  a father-son/mother-son type of friendship where they look out for him to make sure he doesn’t take it too far and he makes sure they take care of themselves and have fun !
give me some rivalry ot enemies pls i love the drama
i promise i’ll add more soon and do a proper plots page but i’m literally so tired i can’t function
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