lonely-vault-boy · 2 years
I'd like to see the rest of the every 'gang should include' meme 👀👀
“Hehe~ I’m in ur walls ❤️😊🤭”
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“She’s always like this.”
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Short genius, travels in style
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A kid they adopted
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alaztlan · 4 years
año nuevo + sungcito y el pendejo de xiang (no me atrevía pero en esta casa somos sinvergüenzas)
*   xiang y sung
Quién es más probable de tomarse hasta el agua de los floreros. sung es de carrera corta y me imagino que xiang debe mantenerse en forma así que,,,, ninguno u_u
Quién es más probable de acostarse a dormir primero. sung obvio jkajas
Quién es más probable de tirar fuegos artificiales. ninguno.
Quién es más probable de confesar algo profundo después de beber. xiang admitiendo que tiene sentimientos :-)
Quién es más probable de arruinar la fiesta con un drama. xiang ahre es de los que quiere hablar con el gerente, mientras que sung es de ay ya vamanas q vergüenza y se derrite en su asiento
Quién es más probable de ponerse cursi al momento de saludar. ninguno 
Quién es más probable de pasar las fiestas encerrado en la habitación. sungberto
Quién es más probable de invitar a los vecinos a festejar. ninguno u_u tampoco creo que los vecinos les quieran, seguro odian al aquelarre porque alguien estacionó su coche en su pedazo de calle :-/ ahre se fue bien lejos el hc akjaj
Quién es más probable de enviar fotos/videos/gifs de año nuevo por redes sociales a los demás. sung haciendo caritas chistosas
Quién es más probable de tomarse un largo rato eligiendo un outfit. mm xiang, sung podría ir en pijamas
Quién es más probable de hacer los chistes de fin de año / año nuevo. sung
Quién es más probable de hacer las compras de las fiestas a último momento. sung jakakj
Quién es más probable de estar en la cocina todo el día para que la cena sea perfecta. creo que nadie cocina ahí así que.... se cancela. a lo mejor comen gracias a una cena patrocinio de xiang jkah 
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the-moon-pal · 5 years
Mianite x guard tom? -kiwi
Tho it does sound like an interesting ship 👀 >:y
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majorkainmarching · 10 years
i've seen more people raging on atheist owl city fans, though. and i'm a christian myself.
I haven't seen much of that, so far only seen aetheists rage on Christians. Sigh. It's terrible eitherway.
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lonely-vault-boy · 1 year
What dogs would the Harbingers have?
Part 1 of 2
Ok well in the Genshin universe Childe technically has this lil fella follow him around in Inazuma-
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And I had that whole thing with him and a rift hound back in ye olden days before they actually came out.
But I’m just gonna use normal dogs bc I can
Pierro- Caribert (St Bernard)
Yeah that’s it’s name. It’s not referencing anything at all, and it definitely doesn’t serve as a reminder for all that was taken from his people
Low key I think it’s bc they’re big and skilled rescue dogs (since Khaenri’ah needed to be rescued- I mean what)
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Capitano- Soldier (German Shepard)
He had never named something before. He called it soldier as if it was a standard recruit, but eventually that just became the name
A bit cliche, but I think it suits him. They’re loyal and intelligent. They’re also very capable dogs who don’t need constant attention
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Dottore- Pie (bulldog mix thing)
Was named P13 bc that was it’s testing number (he created it himself as a cloning test). Childe started calling it Pie and it just kinda stuck
Bulldogs/Pugs/etc are notoriously inbred and I feel like that’s the closest thing
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Columbina- ✨ Pom-Pom ✨ (Pomeranian)
She says she named it after a cute bunny she saw once, but that’s probably just more of her riddles
She carries him around in her arms and he sleeps on her chest
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Arlecchino- Fang (pitbull)
It sounded intimidating to potential traitors
I think pitbulls get a lotta shit that’s undeserved. That being said, I feel like she’d want a dog more prone to aggression. Sometimes the two of them go on traitor-hunting missions together
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Pulcinella- Muffin (mini schnauzer)
Childe let it slip to his siblings that there was a dog named Pie. When Pulcinella got a dog of his own, he agreed to let Childe’s siblings name it. They picked Muffin to fit the theme
Idk they’re underrated and I adore them. They’re also really sweet and can be pretty playful
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Sandrone- Schrödinger (chihuahua)
She named it after a fellow woman of science
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It looks cute it a weird way, but it’s also the most viscous and bloodthirsty creature you’ve ever met
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lonely-vault-boy · 2 years
What are your thoughts on Childe and Pantalone's relationship? I like to think that Pantalone sees Childe as his younger brother and likes to spoil and take him to cool places whenever they both have the time to, and even gives some advice (mostly financial stuff that Childe doesn't understand but listens to nonetheless). Childe doesn't understand why Pantalone cares so much about him and sometimes questions it, but he doesn't complain and secretly enjoys being in the banker's company.
I agree!! I’m also not-so-secretly a pantorre/dottolone shipper, and I think the idea of Pantalone trying to have a nice family outing with Dottore and Childe is super funny. Namely Childe having to deal with their old man bs.
Also I love the idea that he was in charge of teaching lil country murder gremlin politics and economics and that’s where Childe’s fucked up sense of money comes from.
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lonely-vault-boy · 2 years
im a little disappointed that there are no "childe fell into the backrooms" memes because thats literally how he became childe. He fell into the backrooms of Teyvat
lol i saw this on twt like yesterday but i agree. its funny
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lonely-vault-boy · 2 years
Btw i HOPE that when hyv reveals which harbinger bodied diluc we get like a TON of fanart of diluc in the family guy pose with the harbinger standing above him doing peace signs
I hope it wasn't one of them, but actually just like 3 of them bouncing him around bc they though it was funny
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lonely-vault-boy · 2 years
we got 1(one)background frame of childe like a cryptid after another year of not seeing him ingame,im parched im starving give us our boy hoyo
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Yeah but at least he’s pretty tho 😢
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lonely-vault-boy · 1 year
Whats your twitter again i lost it
My old acc got banned bc I replied “ew” to gross art of the kid characters in Genshin and apparently that’s a sin lol
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lonely-vault-boy · 2 years
me and a friend of mine made a list of what instruments we'd see the fatui harbingers playing!!! >:)
pierro: conductor/woodwind/sax
capitano: cello????/organ
dottore: some sort of middle eastern instrument (oud????)
columbina: BIG ASS HARP
arlecchino: piano pulcinella: conductor
sandrone: flute
signora: lyre/piano
pantalone: violin (if hes from fontaine)/guzheng (if hes from liyue)
childe: acoustic guitar
I can see it and I'm so here for it. Also just Pantalone playing the violin and waltzing over like his dead victims.
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lonely-vault-boy · 2 years
K so idk if u know this yet but theres been a arleccino concept leak on twittr
There’s a w h a t
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lonely-vault-boy · 2 years
Signoras design is based on music/violins, theres been user on bilibili that made a whole post about this. Her catalist is even a certain note? Idk i forgot and her leg tattoo looks like a clef note
I’ve never heard that before, but it actually kinda makes sense? Especially bc she used to love singing before her cwof era
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lonely-vault-boy · 2 years
I’ve been getting/responding to more messages recently (which I love pls keep sharing hcs and ideas with me), so I’m now tagging them #jakask. Just a heads up incase anybody wants to not see them lol
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lonely-vault-boy · 2 years
Want me to send the tweet? I have the link right here
Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t that end up being fanart? /gen
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