theemporium · 8 months
On that note, sugar daddy!James whose parents adore you just as much and also want to give you whatever you want
“Jamesie, could you tell her no just this once on those boots? Yes, I know she really wants them but I already bought them for her birthday so if you could just hold out until then”
reader coming from a family where maybe she was the black sheep or not treated well, so she's this wee people pleaser who wants to make everyone else's life easier even if hers isn't
but then she makes the mistake of falling for james potter and she doesn't even realise what she is getting into until she is spending christmas at his manor and finds a very, very large pile of presents with her name on it
and it takes a good while for the potters to break her down to accept everything. but she will have her moments were her stomach twists with guilt and she tries to refuse it, but euphemia just shushes her softly and fleamont assures her it isn't that big of a deal. meanwhile james just grins and tugs her close as he kisses her to stop her rambles before he's like, "you're a part of the family, love, can't keep denying our love"
and it just hits her how this is the family she always wanted and now she has found it🥹
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theemporium · 6 months
Following up on James and the forgotten date -
he’s running around trying to make it up to you right then but you’re just not having it, you don’t want to talk to him or have him touch you, you just need the space
but he’s still buzzing around, trying to be the one to hand you the softest washcloth to take your makeup off, bring your favorite bath soak stuff when you start running the water, make you an omelet with all the stuff you like in it because you were waiting for him to have dinner and you should eat something when you get out of the bath, throwing your favorite pajama pants and one of his hoodies in the dryer so it’s warm when you get out
and he’s really trying to be good, sitting on the chair instead of the couch with you when you put a show on after you get out, but when you start nodding off and he asks if you want to come to bed and you say no, you want to sleep on the couch, he just gets even more sad
when you wake up with him curled around you in your bed in the morning, you’re confused and he knows it and sleepily tells you that he tried to leave you there, he really did, but he couldn’t sleep at all without you next to him so he carried you in and really how could you be upset at that
or maybe he just planned on carrying you to the bed and taking the couch instead so at least you wouldn’t get a sore back. but sleepy you just clung onto him and wouldn’t let go and he just didn’t have the heart to leave you alone😭
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theemporium · 6 months
i saw your post about missing the marauders and I’ve been meaning to send in an ask abt them (given that james was LITERALLY the reason i found your blog),
just like imagine him doing ANYTHING to make your life easier.
you have a bag to carry? james already has it. shoelaces undone? he’s putting you foot on his knee and tying it.
ALSO if it were like a muggle au and you’re driving around he’d be you actual chauffeur.
You know that trend on TikTok where girlfriends decorate their seat in their bf’s cars? James would left you do it, even buying any like stickers or anything you wanted to add lol
(If you couldn’t tell im a certified james lover, for some reason i just thought you wanted to stop posting about them lmao)
james is truly the definition of ‘acts of service’ like this man is going above and beyond to show you how much he loves you😭not even in doing wee tasks to make your life easier, but also to show you his love
like I’m just imagining this boy making a mixtape (or a playlist if it’s modern!james) specific to you and maybe he even has different ones for different moods
and this boy would rather DIE than let you open a door for yourself. like he would genuinely get quite huffy if you manage to do it before him and it takes him around five minutes of you kissing all over his face before he’s grinning again and happy once more
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theemporium · 6 months
I feel like we have to do something more with the whole “James is insecure about people shipping his nerd girlfriend with Remus” thing
what if she’s a prefect with Remus and they’ve managed to convince whoever makes the on duty schedule to put them on together and after a few months of having that dedicated hang-out time they’ve got all kinds of inside jokes and maybe even a secret handshake but when she comes and sneaks back into the boys’ dorm room after taking a shower and putting on her pajamas after a shift, she’s still flopping into James’ bed and curling into his side or waiting for him under his duvet, throwing her arms open to say “Bambi! I missed you!” when he walks back into the room
so he knows intellectually that he has nothing to worry about but it’s still eating at him and he knows Remus would just laugh at him thinking of himself as the lesser object, hot rich buff funny popular sweet James Potter yeah right
no because he would feel so guilty for how he feels😭he knows she loves him and he knows remus wouldn’t even think of you that way, let alone betray him like that. but it’s just this constant lingering voice in the back of his head that’s convinced yous two would be better off together
and maybe it starts to become noticeable and she’s worried for her boy but he won’t confide in her or even remus. maybe they get sirius involved and maybe sirius gets it out of him and something in her heart just breaks at the idea that james didn’t think he was worthy enough
and the softness afterwards🥹the constant reassurance as she’s kissing all over his face and murmuring all the things she loves about him and talking about how she can’t wait to spend the rest of her life with him and just🥲
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theemporium · 8 months
Reader, holding her wand to James’ throat: Are you— Are you hard?
James, shamelessly: Yes.
it's giving jude and cardan and I LOVE IT
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theemporium · 8 months
Reader, after being caught making out with James by the other Slytherins: *slaps him*
James, shocked but gets even harder:
james is like, “I didn’t know you were into that sort of thing, but I’m down to try—” before reader slaps her hand over his mouth💀
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theemporium · 4 months
i am a FIRM believer that James has the filthiest mouth ever. he's so so polite and well mannered around your family and so insanely respectful in your relationship but the moment you're in bed it's like a switch is flipped. he's so so filthy with his dirty talk and it just makes your head spin 🤭
he is a gentleman, he was raised to be so and he would never let his manners slip. but behind closed doors? when he has you panting and raking your nails down his back? when you're begging for him to touch you? he is like a whole new man who's fucking you like it's your last days on earth every single time
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theemporium · 6 months
omg literally 😭 you know those tiktoks where the girl opens her door a crack, but her bf like shuts in from inside, does a flip over the car and opens it? (if that makes sense) bc that’s literally what he’d do
no because he would😭
even just imagining james with a muggleborn reader who takes him back home and shows him all these muggle gadgets. and this boy sees the car door and he doesn’t know how it fully works but he would be damned if his girl opens a door!!!
but the reader finds it quite adorable, even if they are standing there for like ten minutes before they bargain that she can open the door once to show him how to do it so he can always do it afterwards
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theemporium · 5 months
james potter is the type of bf to give you a piggyback so you don't get your uggs muddy 😌😌
tbh james wouldn’t even need to be asked😭whether it’s raining or he notices you’re struggling to walk in uncomfortable shoes, the man is either carrying her or switching shoes with her because HE IS A GENTLEMAN
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theemporium · 5 months
Ok but I can totally picture James or Remus having a ton of candid pictures of you in his phone (especially of you with your baby when the two of you have one)
and maybe you’re looking through his phone for something else, maybe some recipe he told you he screenshotted or something, and you’re like “why the hell do you have these terrible photos of me?” and he’s personally offended when you ask if you can delete them because he thinks you look beautiful in all of them and why can’t you see it
(this was originally just a Jamie thought but I could also see Remus doing it)
okay but modern!james literally just having an album on his phone dedicated to the candid photos of you he’s taken😭
and when you ask to delete them, he flat out refuses because those photos make him feel better when he’s having a shit day or he’s been away from you for a long time
and just him having a defence for every photo, being able to tell you when and where and what was happening when he took the photo😭it doesn’t even cross his mind as something so wholesome, it’s genuinely just something he did because it almost felt instinctive to want to capture these beautiful moments with you
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theemporium · 9 months
Regulus seeing his sister unhappy without James while she fears to disappoint her big brother and them having a heart to heart and Regulus giving James a shovel talk before his little sister and James make up or not.
regulus just feeling so guilty because you’re barely talking to him and sirius being like, “yeah, what did you expect?” and he realises he lowkey became like your parents and he just feels even worse😭
and he sees how shit james looks as well and it hits him how he’s not even joking and he’s barely smiling, and he realises how badly he’s fucked up
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theemporium · 6 months
Similar reader concept to the last Remus one (forgive me if this is too similar to Jily, it’s been a while since I’ve read anything where she has a real personality)
James with the girl who’s really smart
James who could be with anyone he wants but he chooses the girl he’s with because he finds her so impressive
James who will give the girls who think he could do better the business because he’s perfectly happy with his genius girlfriend
James who gets a little insecure when people tease him that Remus is going to steal her away to have their little nerd love story because he’s really smart too, he’s just not as Type A as they are
James who puts soft kisses on her thighs while he tells her those dumb slytherin boys wouldn’t know who was worth having as a girlfriend if it smacked them in the face
okay but there is something to say about james always feeling so confident in his own skin and who he is, to then suddenly feeling inadequate at the amount of people who makes jokes about reader and remus being together
he is smart and he gets decent grades (would probably do even better if he tried harder) but then just constantly seeing the way her and remus ramble on and the way they seem just so lost in their own world
and he is jealous. he knows he is jealous and he hates that his jealousy is directed towards one of his best friends, but he just can't stop feeling that way and it's so😭
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theemporium · 6 months
i have more angst 🤭
so we all agree james is a rich boy but let's say modern james is rich bc his dad has a business or something?? and he gets offered this job really far away and james doesn't know what to do. he accepts it bc he doesn't want to disappoint his had but he has noooo idea how to tell you ab it. so his dad or someone else just lets it slip at dinner assuming you already know and chaos follows 😧
love me some angst with a happy ending 😔😔
james feeling the pressure to live up to his father's standards even if it's not the dream he had for himself vs wanting nothing more than to live his dream future with you by his side🫠
but also the absolute fucking angst of thinking he didn't trust you with this info!! or that maybe he was never going to tell you until he left!! IT MAKES ME WANNA SOB
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theemporium · 7 months
the thought of James being this absolutely massive super intimidating man who is literally putty in your hands has me so 🫠 and i mean this in two different ways ‼️
he's loverboy™️ like literally the biggest golden retriever ever he just wants to be with you always bc you're literally the reason his heart is beating (he has 1000% said that to you in a handwritten letter 🥹)
but also! you can have him be a whining whimpering mess in seconds and it never fails to drive you crazy that this six foot something man in literally begging for you 🫠🫠
this was wayy longer than i meant but i'd love to hear your thoughts 🤭
he’s just so obsessed with you and so unashamed of it😭he doesn’t care!! he will sing it from the rooftops!! he will tell everyone and anyone who listens!!
and this man’s biggest desire is to have you be his pillow princess🫠he wants to do all the work, he wants you to know your pleasure his number one priority and even if he’s the one physically doing everything and dominating you, he’s the one whining and whimpering and moaning. he’s the one begging you to let him come. he’s the one begging to hear you say his name. he’s the one begging you to let him crawl between your legs and suffocate between your thighs🫠
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theemporium · 7 months
deranged little marauders thought
James who never wants you to be wearing a bra so he has “easy access, lovey”
which really means he wants to be able to lift your shirt and get his mouth on you at his leisure
(I think we said at one point that Siri was the boob guy but this felt so Jamie to me)
james is just such an ass man to me, i cannot unsee it😭however, i would also need little to no persuasion to not wear a bra like take it away!! go ahead!! i don't care!! burn the damn thing if you like!!
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theemporium · 7 months
shut up🥹
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