#jamfoot logs
aleganderjamfoot · 2 years
That IDIOT spilled an entire iced coffee directly onto my keyboard.
So I'm taking his blog. What's up, Alegander's friends?
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goresnax-archive · 1 year
"Log number four... finally, after a few months of radio silence, something."
"We have an expedition group."
"It's decently sized. At lest 18, maybe 20 grumpuses!"
"There are a few notable members.. nothing too notable, of course, besides the leader of the expedition, that being Bronica Lottablog..."
"This should be... interesting."
"I unfortunately have no idea what's in store for this group... but it will certainly be intriguing to witness."
"This is Jamfoot, signing out."
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aleganderjamfoot · 2 years
Urgent message to headquarters
The new "blogging device" you have sent me is "too popular". Further correspondence will be "drip style coffee" until "the menu changes"
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aleganderjamfoot · 2 years
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With the acquisition and gifting of this keyboard, my blog is returned to me. It's blue but also rainbow, to match her gay nature. She loves it.
Did [REDACTED] treat you well?
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aleganderjamfoot · 2 years
[REDACTED] actually physically moved me in my rolling chair out of the way in order to help Edyth. I believe she is wanted by the company.
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aleganderjamfoot · 2 years
"Extra large black coffee" needs to CALL ME about her BEANS
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aleganderjamfoot · 2 years
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Us watching Jamfoot be dumb on this website
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aleganderjamfoot · 2 years
Say, to distract me from tracking down the parents of a specific nosy grumpus...
I must ask; what are these images with the stripes in front of them? There are grumps in my "notifications" with avatars that look like an image of some horizontal stripes of different colors superimposed on them.
Some are rainbows, but what does it all mean?
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aleganderjamfoot · 2 years
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Here is a cup of coffee in a location for my lovely followers
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aleganderjamfoot · 2 years
The... "new customer" has found a "coupon" to unknown coffees. They are planning on showing it to "double shot espresso with whipped cream" in order to "maximize deals"
Wishing for control of monitoring to be returned to "classic tea with sweetener" before we "run out of stock"
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aleganderjamfoot · 2 years
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50 posts!
The new digital tape recorder I have received is glitching and repeating "50th post"
Not impacting workflow, just annoying. Status... acknowledged?
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goresnax-archive · 1 year
"Tape number twoooooo~"
[He slides another tape into the tape player]
"Personal log number two.. still nothing of interest."
"I have been sat, observing the island all day, for- Three days now! There is nothing here!"
"Other than an odd goop I see on occasion, there is nothing out of the ordinary here!"
"... I really left home for this."
"Oh well... Jamfoot, signing out."
"... WOW, this guy is unobservant."
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goresnax-archive · 1 year
"Almost six tapes in and still no sign of any infecteds-"
"Personal log number six-"
"I-I witnessed... something I probably shouldn't have...-"
"A grump.. f-from the expedition group... looked to injest that odd goop I mentioned a couple logs back, two nights back..."
"... Today they went feral. They've been going under some... interesting changes, lately..."
"... They attacked and ATE another member today. I witnessed the whole thing through the cameras..."
"They ran off into the woods afterwards... all deformed and bloody, the other one's corpse still hanging from its mouth.. l-like it was a wild animal!-"
".... I think I understand what the higher-ups meant now."
"This place is wrong. A freak of nature, t-turning grumpuses into.. THAT-"
"I need sleep. Jamfoot out."
"... I stand corrected-"
"... It also seems like we have our cause of infection-"
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goresnax-archive · 1 year
[Buddy takes a deep breath]
"Alright, Jamfoot... let's see what happened to you..-"
"Is this thing on...?"
[Jamfoot's voice sounds more rough, almost hoarse.. like he hadn't spoken in a while]
"Ah.. good."
"This is.. Alegander Jamfoot. Log number... ten? I do believe?-"
"I'm unsure.. I haven't touched this thing in.. years. It's odd to be talking to this again..."
"We have.. a new expedition group. This time, run by Lizbert Megafig. They've been here for a month or so.. and they just seemed to get a new friend. Appears to be a journalist.. surprise, surprise, history is repeating~"
[He let's out a weak laugh]
"This group appears to be doing better than the last one... still some deaths and infections, of course, but they're definitely doing better than Bronica's little party."
"These ones seem at least a bit more intelligent when it comes to survival... I look forward to seeing where their adventure goes~"
[A chill runs up Buddy's spine]
"... I think I should head back to camp."
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goresnax-archive · 1 year
"These logs are getting slightly interesting~"
"Personal log number five..."
"There hasn't been anything interesting recently."
"... On a more personal note. Edyth's birthday is tomorrow... It truly pains me that I can't be there with her for that..."
"I always attempt to do something fun with her, every year.. sometimes it's just something cheesy, but we truly do have a good time..."
"It hurts my heart, knowing I cannot do anything with her, this year..."
"... I'll be home as soon as I can, my love..."
[The audio recording ends without a sign-off]
"Well, that's just depressing-"
"Sounds like ol' Jamfoot had someone special though... oh boy-"
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goresnax-archive · 1 year
"Tape three, PLEASE don't be boring-"
"Personal log number three."
"I... I could've sworn I saw something on the cameras today."
"Just a blip.. I.. I can't even tell what it was- Just some.. black blob??-"
"It was.. odd.."
"... This place is beginning to get eery."
"It's fine. I'll be fine..."
"... I just hope she's okay, back home..."
"... Jamfoot, out."
"NOW we're getting somewhere!!-"
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