#jamie tartt x cousin mcadoo
ofstarsandvibranium 1 year
omg please write more of the jamie x mcadoo!reader i love the protective family member dynamic!! especially with a character like isaac!馃
Meet Cousin McAdoo
Fandom: Ted Lasso
Pairing: Jamie Tartt x F!Reader
Summary: You're visiting your cousin, Isaac, in Richmond for a few weeks. During your stay, you become familiar with the little city as well as its very own AFC Richmond football club.
A/N: I was going to do a bunch of headcanons but i suddenly got bit with the writing bug and it ended up being a full fledged fic. Whoops!
Isaac walks into the locker room with a determined look on his face. A majority of his team was already there, so he stands in front of everyone and hollers, "Oi! Listen up!" he waits until he sees that all eyes are on him, he continues, "My cousin is visiting Richmond for a few weeks. She's comin' over here so I can show her around. I want all of you," he points around the room, "to be on your best behavior. Understand?"
"What's happenin'?" asks Jamie as he walks in.
"Isaac's cousin is visiting, so be your best behavior," Sam says, catching the striker up.
Jamie grins, "Aren't I always on me best behavior?"
The guys roll their eyes as Jamie makes his way to his cubby, getting ready for practice.
Everyone's on the pitch when Higgins comes out, "Sorry, team, can I have a moment?"
"WHISTLE!" Roy yells, which causes everyone to pause.
Higgins speaks up, "Isaac, your cousin is here."
Isaac looks confused, "She's not supposed to be here until tomorrow."
"HI ISAAC!" you yell from Rebecca's office window. You're waving your arms excitedly.
"I thought you were comin' tomorrow!" He yells up at you.
"Surprise!" you're giggling, "I'll be down in a bit!"
Isaac nods and gives you a wave.
The boys are back to practice when you join Roy on the sidelines of the pitch, "Nice to meet you, Coach Kent," you don't offer a hand to him. You know, from what Isaac's told you, he isn't fond of touching people.
He nods and grunts, which you don't take personally.
Isaac, lightly jogs over to you, "Hey, cousin!" he goes to hug you but you stop him.
"Ew! Don't hug me, weirdo. You're all gross and sweaty."
"Pft," he puts out his fist and you fist bump him, "It's good to see you."
"Thanks for letting me stay with you while I'm here."
Isaac shrugs, "Of course."
"WHISTLE! WHISTLE!" Roy cries out and you look at him, bewildered, then back to Isaac, "Does he-"
"He's allergic to metal," Isaac answers swiftly.
"Interesting," you say with a nod.
"Take a five minute break!"
At Roy's words, Colin comes up to Isaac's side, "Hi! I'm Colin. Isaac's-"
"Best mate! It's so nice to meet you!" you shake his hand and the rest of the boys follow.
You meet Jan Maas, Richard, Sam, Dani, etc. etc. The meeting goes by quickly as Roy yells for everyone to get back to drills.
Isaac gives you a wave as he heads back onto the pitch. You stand on the side watching everything.
"Isaac," Dani catches his Captain's attention.
"Yeah, bruv?"
"You and your cousin do not look alike."
"We're not blood related. Her aunt married my uncle. We're cousins by marriage but still family nonetheless."
"Your cousin is very attractive," Jan Maas states in his usual Dutch bluntness.
Isaac's eyes narrow at Jan Maas and grabs his shirt by the collar, "Don't talk about my cousin like that."
Jamie joins in, "But he's right, Isaac. Your cousin's mad fit!"
Isaac pauses his drill and looks at the boys around him, "You all listen to me and listen well, none of you are worthy enough for my cousin. So stay away. Got it?" The angry and protective look on Isaac's face was enough to make the guys nod and scurry away, not wanting to be the receiving end of their captain's potential anger.
After Isaac's showered and changed, he gives you a tour of the place. His knowledge is lacking since there are certain places he hasn't been to before, but he tries his best. When he tells you the team has a therapist, you're very impressed, especially since Isaac admits to going a few times himself. You find it very admirable.
The tour then ends at the locker room after Isaac makes sure that everyone's decent.
You pout a little, "Dammit, Isaac, I wanted to see some fit naked footballers!" Isaac looks at you with disgust while some of the guys chuckle.
"You still can if you want!" Bumbercatch responds, but gulps after Isaac shoots him a look, "Just kidding."
You snort, "I was joking too, but thanks for the offer." You nudge Isaac, "Can we grab something to eat now? I'm starving."
"Yeah! Actually," he turns to Sam, "Are we good?"
"A table is already waiting for you at Ola's."
"Sweet. Thanks, bruv!" Isaac goes over to Sam and they do a typical 'bro hug'.
"It was nice meeting all of you! I'll probably see you again during my time here!" you wave at the team and they all wave back as you and Isaac exit the locker room.
All eyes are following you out. You look back and your eyes catch the blue-gray eyes of none other than Jamie Tartt. He gives you a shy smile and you give him a wink before you continue following Isaac out.
"Oi!" Colin thumps Jamie's head, "Isaac said to be on your best behavior."
"All I did was smile at her! She's the one that winked at me!" the striker explains, defending himself.
"I'm keeping an eye on you Tartt," Colin says before walking out of the locker room as well.
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ofstarsandvibranium 1 year
Caffeine Crash
Fandom: Ted Lasso
Pairing: Jamie Tartt x F!Reader
Summary: You go on a morning walk and you, quite literally, run into Jamie.
A/N: Part of my impromptu Jamie Tartt series, read Meet Cousin McAdoo
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Isaac was still asleep when you woke up. You could hear his snores from down the hall where you stayed in his guest bedroom. For some reason, your body woke up early. It wasn't super early though, just nearing 8am. The weather was nice, so you figured you'd explore Richmond a little bit, maybe seek out a cafe for some coffee.
You got dressed in some jeans, a t-shirt, and a light jacket. You made sure you had your wallet, phone, and the spare key that Isaac lent you. Out the door you went to explore your home for the next few weeks.
Jamie was jogging ahead of Roy, per usual. It was almost eight thirty in the morning, which means his training session with Roy is ending for the day.
As Jamie's rounding a corner he crashes into someone, causing their cup of coffee to spill onto him and the person.
"Shit! I'm so sorry!" the person says and he realizes it's you, Isaac's cousin.
You seem to also realize who you ran into and you groan, "Fuck. I'm really sorry, Jamie. I guess that's what I get for trying to take a picture of my coffee," you snort, "acting like it's 2014 again or something." You give a chuckle and a shrug.
He shakes his head, "No, no. I shouldn't have rounded the corner so fast."
Roy, who finally caught up, stopped at Jamie's side, assessing the situation. He looks at Jamie then you, then Jamie again, saying "The fuck did you do to her?"
"It was an accident," you and Jamie reply in unison.
Roy gives his usual grunt and then Jamie says, "Let me get you a new drink."
"That's alrigh-"
"Please," he insists and you agree, "Okay. I'll buy you a scone then, as a thank you."
"I don't like scones."
"He doesn't like scones."
Both Roy and Jamie say at once.
You giggle, "Okay, a croissant then?"
Jamie looks at Roy, silently asking him for permission and the former footballer replies, "Fine."
The three of you proceed to head to the cafe that you were previously at and walk inside. The barista smiles politely at you, "Back so soon?"
You nod, "There was a collision and my drink was collateral," you explain.
"So same drink?"
"Yes, please," you answer. You step aside for Jamie to pay and then you're in front again, "He'll have a croissant," you nod to Jamie, "I'm paying for it." You look over your shoulder, "Coach Kent, do you-"
You chuckle, "Maybe a water for the coach here. Thanks." you proceed to pay and move towards the pick-up counter.
You sit at a table that has three open chairs, Roy and Jamie occupying the other seats. You lean back in your chair with a polite smile, "So, what brings you out this morning, boys?"
"Trainin'," Jamie says, gesturing to Roy, "Grandad here wakes me up every day at four for runs and drills."
You look at him wide-eyed, "Four in the morning?!" When they nod, you look at Roy, "Do you not value sleep? Maybe that's why you're so grumpy all the time."
Jamie laughs, "That's what I tell 'im!"
The older man glowers at you two, "Sacrifices need to be made in order to be the best."
Jamie shrugs and puts his attention back to you, "What about you? Why're you out and about alone?"
"Isaac's still asleep. I woke up a little earlier than usual. Figured I'd grab a coffee and explore Richmond a bit."
"I can give you a tour if you'd like," Jamie offers before he can even think about it.
"Oh! You don't have to. Besides, aren't you still training?"
"We've finished. Besides, I'm here and ready. Who knows how much longer Isaac will be sleeping for. I'm a great guide, by the way," he gestures to Roy, "Gave 'im a tour of Amsterdam while we were there for a game. Taught him how to ride a bike too."
You smirk at Roy, "You didn't know-"
"We don't talk about it," he cuts you off with a glare.
You chuckle, "Alright," and you turn back to Jamie, "I'd really like that if it's no trouble."
Jamie beams at you, "None at all."
The barista then calls out your order numbers and you stand, "I'll get them."
Jamie watches you walk the short distance away and Roy leans, "You better be fucking careful."
"I'm not doin' nothin'!"
"Isaac said to behave yourself around her."
"I'm just giving 'er a tour of the city! It's not like I'm proposin' or anything!" Roy leans back giving a skeptical groan.
You come back with two drinks and a pastry bag, "My drink, your croissant, and Roy, your water," you say as you hand out the items.
Jamie bites into the croissant and lets out a moan that's damn near sinful, "I missed carbs so much," he says after he swallows.
"You'll be doing extra laps during practice today," Roy sneers as he downs his water and then stands, "I'm going home."
You give him a wave and a smile, "See you around, Roy!" When he leaves you look to Jamie, "He seems fun."
He shrugs, "He's not always like that. He has some good moments." He stuffs the rest of the croissant into his mouth and you watch in amusement, sipping your coffee.
He wipes his face and hands, then stands, "Alright, nothin' like the present, right? Let's get your tour started."
"Right!" you follow him out the door, ready for this adventure with your new...friend?
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ofstarsandvibranium 1 year
Tour de Richmond
Fandom: Ted Lasso
Pairing: Jamie Tartt x F!Reader
Summary: Jamie gives you a tour of Richmond as well as gets to know you better. When you tell your cousin of his teammate's generosity, he suddenly becomes a bit hostile towards Jamie.
Meet Cousin McAdoo | Caffeine Crash
A/N: i looked up the bare minimum of the Richmond area. if anything is wrong, please let me know!
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"So you've been around here, yeah?" Jamie asks, gesturing to the small shops that neighbors the cafe you were just at.
"A bit. Haven't really gone in any of these shops. But they're cute!"
"We can pop in a few if you'd like?" he suggests, pointing to a bookshop to your left.
"Another time."
Jamie shrugs, "Suit yourself."
He guides you away from the shops and towards, "The Richmond Green. The general gathering spot for people here. Kids like to play football here. There's sometimes cricket tournies here too."
You smile at the gathering of people scattered around the green acres. You see a small group of people doing yoga, three teens kicking a football around, people walking their dogs around. It's a very comforting atmosphere.
Jamie does his best not to be obvious about looking at you. He finds himself smiling to himself because you seem to find joy in the sights before you. He then turns to the view and realizes that he's never really enjoyed watching everything and everyone. He's always ran past them all during trainings and whatnot.
"Sorry, is it okay if we sit down and people watch for a little?"
"Uh, yeah, sure," he follows you to a bench where you both sit down.
You sit your drink and stare, "It's nice to just sit here and watch everything. I find it very calming. I don't get to do it much back home, though, always too busy with work and life."
"I don't think I've ever done this. I felt like I need to be on the go, ya know? Spend my time trying to get better, improvin' and all that."
You turn your attention to him, "You've never given yourself a break? What do you do during the off season? Don't you go on vacation?"
He shrugs, "I'm busy practicin'. I'll visit me mum and Simon sometimes, but they're doing their own travelin' a lot of the time," he nudges you with his shoulder, "What about you? Have you done any travelin'?"
"When my aunt married Isaac's uncle, that was the first time I travelled. They had a destination wedding in France. Wanted to be in the city of love and romance. That's where I met Isaac. We became really close through that trip. He's like my big brother. Always looking out for me." you take another sip of your drink and stand to your feet, "Okay. I'm ready to continue."
Jamie follows as you two continue to walk around the green. He points over in one direction, "Right there is the Richmond Palace. The Tudors lived there and some shit. Over there is the Richmond Theater. They do plays and stuff there."
You snort at Jamie's explanations, "Some tour guide you are! You're not going to give me a brief history on the town or these historic landmarks?" you give him a playful smirk.
He chuckles, "I'm sorry I didn't do me homework before offerin' you a tour. Here," he pulls out his phone, quickly typing something and clearing his throat, "Richmond was founded following King聽Henry VII's building in the 16th century of聽Richmond Palace. 聽The town and palace became particularly associated with Queen聽Elizabeth I聽, who spent her last days there," he lowers his phone down, smirking at you, "Better?"
You giggle, "You're funny. Are all of Isaac's teammates like you?"
"Nah. I'm the best outta all of them. I'm the funniest, best lookin'-"
"Most humble," you add with jest.
Jamie's smiling at you. He enjoys your company. He feels at ease around you and he's only spent maybe an hour in your presence. He likes this little back and forth you and he seem to be doing. It's nice. It's fun. Maybe-
A ringing comes from your bag and you swiftly pull your phone out, answering, "Good morning, sleepy head...I woke up early and thought I'd grab a coffee," you roll your eyes, "Don't be dramatic, Isaac, I'm an adult. I can handle myself...I'm not alone. Jamie." you sigh, "Yes, Jamie Tartt. Hold on," you pull the phone away from you and hold it out to Jamie, "He wants confirmation I'm really with you?"
Jamie takes the phone and presses it to his ear, "Yeah, what's good, man?"
"You better keep her safe, bruv. If anything happens to her-"
"Oi! Chill man! We're just walking around the fuckin' park."
"I'm serious, Jamie."
"We'll be fine. She's a grown adult, man. Let her be," he hands the phone back to you.
"If you're going to be like this my entire visit, I'm getting a hotel, Isaac...yes, I'm serious! ...again, I can handle myself. I'll see you soon. Bye!" you immediately end the call and take a long sip from your coffee.
"I get he loves you and all, but Jesus. I can practically see that vein in his head ready to pop out."
You burst out laughing, "I know exactly what you're talking about! Also the way he frowns when he's all serious. Like," you do your best impression of Isaac frowning and Jamie laughs, "That's pretty good."
"Thanks," you reply with a smile, "I'm sorry about Isaac, by the way. Like I said, he's like my big brother and he sometimes takes the role too seriously. But he means well."
"I know. He's a good guy."
Another hour goes by of you and Jamie chatting, him occasionally pointing out some other Richmond landmarks. It was a very pleasant morning spent. He walked you all the way back to Isaac's.
"Thank you, Jamie. This morning was fun."
"I'm glad. Sorry again for crashin' into ya like that."
You shrug, "It's okay. It led to a fun little adventure with you."
Jamie slowly backs away from you, "See ya around."
"See ya!" you wave as he's lightly jogging down the street. You continue to watch him as he fades from view. There's a little fluttering in your chest and you feel a bit giddy.
You open the door to Isaac's and you yelp in surprise as he's standing there, arms over his chest, looking very stern.
"Uh, hi?"
"Did Jamie try anything?"
"What? No! He just gave me a tour of the town!"
"So he didn't try to kiss you or nothin'?"
You roll your eyes, "Nothing happened, Isaac. And if something did, it's none of your business! Besides, I thought you said Jamie is a better person now."
"Doesn't mean he can date you."
"Whatever," you pass him and head to the kitchen to make yourself a snack.
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ofstarsandvibranium 11 months
Go For It
Fandom: Ted Lasso
Pairing: Jamie Tartt x F!Reader
Summary: There's a bit of tension between you and Isaac since he doesn't want you to get hurt by any of his teammates, especially Jamie. But you're a grown woman and you what you want.
Meet Cousin McAdoo聽|聽Caffeine Crash | Tour de Richmond
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It'd been a few days since you've seen Jamie. You figured you'd keep your distance since Isaac was making a big fuss about you two hanging out.
Eventually, you said "fuck it". You're a grown woman and Isaac can't tell you what to do. You wanted to see Jamie again. Therefore, you came by the pitch in the middle of their practice. Isaac was taking you to a show at the West End later so it'd make things easier for him anyway.
"Hey, Roy!," you nod to the coach, who gives you a grunt in response.
Your presence is noticed by the boys who all give you nods and waves. Your eyes lock with Jamie's and you smile, giving him a wave. He smiles and waves back but then when he sees everyone looking at him, he immediately stops and looks down.
You sigh, "Did Isaac give him a talk?"
"Gave everyone a talk. You're off limits."
You groan, "For fuck's sake. I can see whoever I please."
"Whoever you please? Like Jamie?"
You cross your arms over your chest, "Maybe...has he mentioned me?"
"Maybe he has. Maybe he hasn't," he matches your pose but looks a lot more intimidating than you, "What would your intentions be with him?"
You snort, "I'm not like a gold digger or something, Roy. I like Jamie. He's funny and sweet," you let your arms drop, "I get it though. You're protective of him."
Roy drops his arms too and scoffs, "I'm not protective of him. He's lil' prick!"
You pat his shoulder, "Suuuree. Try all you want, Roy. But I'm well aware of how that mean exterior covers up what a complete softie you are inside," you poke his cheek and then turn your attention onto the pitch, "If I go over there, will you hurt me?"
"Do you want to take that risk?"
You shrug, "I'm sure I'll be fine," you say as you walk onto the pitch to approach your cousin.
"You were supposed to come after practice was over," Isaac states as he's watching his teammates dribble balls up and down the pitch."
"I got bored. Figured I'd watch hot sweaty men kick a ball around."
Isaac grabs a ball and lightly kicks to you, "Have a go?"
"Alright," you toss your things to the side and do your best to control the ball.
The guys cheer you on as you do your best to keep the ball as close to you as possible. Sometimes you'd kick it a bit too hard and you'd chase after it.
"WHISTLE! Five minutes then scrimmage!" Roy yells and you plop yourself onto the grass. Isaac tosses you a spare water bottle and you drink from it.
"That was fun."
"You're not very good," Jan Maas states, which earns him a slap to the chest from Bumbercatch.
You laugh, "No, it's okay. I'm well aware my football skills are lacking. Maybe I should show up at practice to learn from you guys!"
"Wouldn't mind having a beautiful woman here to motivate us," Richard says with a wink but then scurries away from Isaac's intimidating gaze.
You lightly kick Isaac's ankle, "Oi! Knock it off! It's just shameless flirting."
Jamie then walks by you, giving you a nod, as he grabs his water bottle a small distance from you.
"You alright, Jamie?" you ask.
You watch as he glances from Isaac to you, "Yeah. I'm good." He continues to look down, avoiding you.
You roll your eyes and stand with a grunt. You approach Jamie with a whisper, "Hey."
"I'm not really allowed-"
"Oh fuck whatever Isaac says. He's being dumb and overprotective. Listen-"
Five minutes are up! Scrimmage! Now!" Roy yells and you groan.
"Sorry. I need to go," Jamie tosses his bottle down and heads back onto the pitch.
You're not going to let Jamie avoid you. You grab a spare jersey for the team Jamie was one and joined the pitch. Everyone looked at you confused.
"What? I'm bored and wanna see what all the fuss is about!"
The guys then looked at Isaac on what to do. He shrugs, "Let's show 'er how it's done, boys!" they all cheer but then he puffs his chest out and says, "But if any of you hurt her, you're dead!"
The cheering immediately stops.
"I'll be fine! Let's go!" You look to Roy who gives you a questioning look. You give him a nod and he yells, "WHISTLE" and the scrimmage starts.
You do your best to keep up with them. Dani kicks you the ball and you're screaming as you head towards the goal.
"Jamie!" you kick it towards him and he grins, kicking it back to you, yelling, "Go for it!"
You run, kicking the ball as hard as you can and everyone stops as it flies through the air and into the net.
You and the guys burst out in cheers and hollers. Jamie runs over to you and picks you up. He spins you around but then sets you back down as the guys crowd you. They're jumping around and cheering, patting you on the back. You never expected them to be so excited for you.
You laugh as Roy goes over to break it up and get back to playing. Jamie stays back as the rest of the guys head to their positions, "You trying to steal me job?"
You snort, "Hey, you told me to go for it."
He starts to head back but you call out for him, "Jamie!"
You hesitate for a moment, but then that voice inside is yelling, 'Fuck it all!'
"Y/N?" he calls your name, walking closer to you.
You smile shyly, "Would you like to go on a date with me?"
Your question clearly takes him by surprise. His eyes widen and brows shoot up, "Are you sure that's a good idea?"
"Jamie, we're grown adults. We don't have to do what Isaac says."
"He said he'll punch me in me face if I even look at you! And I like me face unpunched!" you couldn't help but laugh the slightly frightened look on his face.
You place a hand on his shoulder, "I'll deal with him. Are you free Friday night?"
"Yeah. I can be free Friday night," he smirks at you.
"Great. I'll grab your number before I leave then."
"Fucking mint," he says in disbelief, smiling widely at you.
"I'm coming!" Jamie yells back and he's running to the pitch, a big smile on his face.
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ofstarsandvibranium 1 year
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