#jamie’s canonical chaotic good alignment
fanficfanattic · 5 months
Instead of writing a car accident scene for a fic, I have accidentally written a crime thriller with @ihavenousername1 in a post’s comment section.
Someone hurts Henry, and Beard is ready to enact one of his (many) elaborate revenge plans . He didn’t count on Roy wanting to be right there with him. Or Trent trying to create an alibi. Or Mae contributing to the alibi. Or Roy, covered in paint and feathers explaining it to the team as “Tartt training.”
Jamie, unwittingly made a co-conspirator, is all “Just Roy things, innit?” Without contradicting anything Roy says.
Beard “You’ve made Jamie an accessory after the fact. But his chaos makes for a good cover. Just got to commit to the bit.” And Jamie asks no questions about why paint and feathers have entered semi-regularly into their training regime.
Trent is writing past diary entries about how him and the coaches regularly hang out doing meditations in the middle of the night. He knew leaving random blank pages would come in handy.
Ted feels guilty that he doesn’t feel guilty about the person who hurt his boy having had something befall him. He has no idea what’s happened or is happening. That’s just how Beard has always planned it.
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tk-duveraun · 5 years
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Tagging @ghilenan do Dawen 👀 @lyriumyue Jamie 👀 @elalavella your halamshiral AU lad 👀
Tagged by @apostatetabris thanks fren!
full name: Kirtida Lavellan
gender:  ciswoman
sexuality:  demi-bi. She’s far more excited about the idea of researching, studying and exploring than a relationship or sex, but will come around a bit for the right person. And then stay up reading in bed after sex.
pronouns:  she/her
family: Her parents are alive and well in Clan Lavellan! Her father is Keeper and her cousin is the First.
birthplace: Clan Lavellan camp in the Nevarran side of the Silent Plains.
job: she’s the clan researcher and Lore Keeper. She informs the Keeper and the First of any inconsistencies in their beliefs and discusses with them what exact beliefs the clan will follow and which variations they will teach at large. This allows the Keeper to teach without losing time doing the research themself.
phobias: she develops one for caves over the course of Inquisition.
guilty pleasures: reading texts the human Chantry has disavowed and learning the history they’re trying to erase. She’d feel the same way with the Shaperate, she just doesn’t have much if any dwarf exposure.
hobbies: practicing magic, trying to combine different schools of magic, figuring out what her bronze falcon can do/playing with it, writing ‘fairytale’ versions of the Elven histories.
**M O R A L S
morality alignment?  chaotic good, but it’s not super firm
sins: Desire / Despair / Envy / Fear / Hunger / Pride / Rage / Sloth
virtues: Charity / Chastity / Diligence / Humility / Justice / Kindness / Patience
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert:  introverted
organized/disorganized:  organized
close minded/open-minded:  open-minded
disagreeable/agreeable:  agreeable, becoming less so 
cautious/reckless:  mildly reckless
patient/impatient:  patient
outspoken/reserved:  slowly becoming outspoken
leader/follower:  leader, though she would be shocked to hear it
empathetic/unempathetic:  empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic:  optimistic
traditional/modern: modern - but in that she modifies traditions to suit changing times rather than creating completely new things
hard-working/lazy:  hard working
otp: Kirtida/Arlo
Acceptable ships: Kirlas would have interesting character growth, but requires no Cakara-Aquila-Juniper in ‘verse. I’m open to other OC/OC pairs, though :)
ot3:  None yet! She and Arlo are a little on the young side for Inquisition canon characters and most of my OCs
brotp:  Cakara, Vasili, could be platonic with Arlo, Dagna, Ilena
notp: She has an extremely strong preference for Dalish, but will consider other elves. That said, I can probably rig something up for most pairings that aren’t likely to be unhealthy or abusive in nature. (e.g. Samson)
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everything you need to know (and everything you don’t want to know) about eddie brock
BASICS. Given / Birth Name : Eduardo Carlos Allan Brock Nickname / Preferred Name : Eddie Alias(es) :  Venom Birthdate / Age :  January 21, 1990 / 29 Place of Birth : San Francisco, CA Current Location : Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn, New York Gender Identity : Cis Male Sexual / Romantic Orientation : Pansexual / Panromantic, but if you ask him he just gives a non-committal shrug because he tries not to think about it Ethnicity / Race / Cultural Heritage: Mexican Marital Status : Single Occupation : Investigative Reporter / Vigilante Religious Beliefs : Roman Catholic
CHARACTERISTICS. Height : 6’3” (Eddie), 7”6” (Venom) Weight : 230 lbs (Eddie), 725 lbs (Venom) Body Type / Build : Eddie is built like a boxer - wide-shoulders, lean hips. Venom is built like a wall - large, looming, unavoidably square. Eye Color : Brown (Eddie), Opalescent White (Venom) Hair Color / Texture : Eddie’s hair is a rich brown that he keeps cropped neatly. It sits thick and he has a tendency to run his hands through it when he’s stressed. Venom is bald and slick. Recognizable Features / Scars : Eddie is pretty unremarkable, but he does have a few noticeable tattoos -- a blue swallow on his chest, near his heart; a rose on his left forearm; a sacred heart on the back of his right arm. Venom healed over his old scar tissue from old battles, erasing them from the surface of his skin. Eddie also has a few small moles scattered across his face. Venom is Really Big and Hard to Miss. Speech Patterns / Accent : Eddie has no discernible accent for the most part, though it could be argued that he sounds very Californian. He tends to drop the last consonant of words, especially verbs and adverbs (i.e., “don’t” becomes “don’” or “saying” becomes “sayin’.”) Languages Spoken : English, Spanish, Spanglish, some ASL Powers / Skills / Abilities : On his own, Eddie is at the top of his game. He’s no genius, but he has very high intelligence and he’s pretty street-smart. He can also lift up to 500 lbs on a good gym day. With help from Venom, Eddie has superhuman strength, stamina, reflexes, and agility. He can also wall-crawl, generate and manipulate his own matter, and in limited cases, shape-shift. The two of them also share a bit of ESP or spider-sense. (Eddie thinks this a dumb name for it.) Overall Health : Health isn’t much of a concern for Eddie now that he has Venom, and now that Venom is no longer trying to eat his organs. He still works out regularly and does his best to eat well, but Venom requires an absurd number of calories and absorbs most of them even when they don’t eat well. (Venom got lucky with a host with a sweet tooth.) Venom also heals any injuries or ailments that befall Eddie.
RELATIONSHIPS. Order of Birth : Second Number of Siblings : 1 Father’s Status + Relationship : Carl Brock - estranged; Carl and Eddie never really saw eye-to-eye. Growing up, all Eddie really wanted was Carl’s approval, but Carl abused Eddie, blaming him for the death of Jamie Brock. After Eddie left for college and became self-sufficient, the two fell out of touch. Eddie has grown comfortable with this for the most part, but still he googles Carl’s name every now and then just in case he’ll find an obituary. Mother’s Status + Relationship : Jamie Saldana Brock - deceased; Jamie died due to complications in childbirth when she had Eddie. Eddie has no memories of her, but cherishes photos of her and stories from others about her. It’s hard to maintain a formal ofrenda for Dia de los Muertos when you travel for work as often as Eddie does, so there’s never anything fancy, but he always buys prayer candles to keep next to his mother’s pictures on a shelf in his living room. Sibling Status + Relationship : Maria Brock + older sister: Maria is eight years older than Eddie. She helped their father raise him, doing much more work than a child should ever be expected to. When they were younger, up until the time Eddie was a teenager, Maria spent a lot of time resenting Eddie, sharing their father’s habit of blaming Eddie for the loss of her mother. Now that they’re both grown and neither really speak to their father, they’ve grown much closer and Eddie calls her every other Sunday to catch up with her. Loyalty / Affiliation : Himself/Venom.
PERSONALITY. MBTI : ISFP Hobbies : binge-watching reruns of How It’s Made, being annoying Bad Habits : compulsive lying, postpones doing dishes longer than he probably should Three Positive Traits : ambitious, charming, curious Three Negative Traits : ambitious, selfish, emotional Moral Alignment : Right on the line of Lawful/Chaotic Neutral
ASSOCIATIONS. One Song : Morph - twenty one pilots One Quote / Piece of Art : “There is something at work in my soul, which I do not understand.” One Fear : isolation One Strength : uninhibited dancer One Object : his motorcycle One Place : the front yard of his childhood home One Food : chocolate One Scent : fresh-baked bread One Lucky Charm : his mother’s rosary
My Eddie and Venom are a mixed bag of canon variations and headcanons! Please bear with me because I do not know what I am doing, we’re all disasters in our own right.
I’m retconning Marvel’s retcon of Eddie’s sister because the man needs to have some stability and some healthy relationships and if they won’t give that to me I will do it myself!!
Eddie and Venom have been bonded for a few years now -- they actually bonded in New York, and were already bonded for several months by the time they moved out to California. A few months ago, they took down Carlton Drake and the LIFE Foundation. Now they’re both back in New York and ready to take on the world (and take down Spider-Man.)
Eddie is currently working as a reporter at the Daily Bugle. It feels good to be acknowledged as a respected journalist again, and work at a renowned news organization. (Take that, Daily Globe.)
If you ever see Eddie having a face journey, he’s probably just having an internal argument with Venom. The best thing to do sometimes is ignore him.
They’re still figuring out the whole vigilante thing -- they try not to go out regularly, but when they do, they do their damnedest to avoid pro-reg hero-types. 
If Eddie had friends, he’d take them to karaoke on weekends. Just a thought.
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