#jamie's birthday is 20 oct 1997
tartt9 1 year
i just did some very difficult math for me to find out that jamie could have indeed been 14 when zava was playing on ajax which means that zava was on the team that jamie's father took him to see play in amsterdam when he was 14 :) enjoy that pain :)
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lunar-years 8 months
I just saw your tags on that Jamie birthday post and omg exact birthday twins??? 馃槶
we're not actually, lol. His "official" birthday according to FIFA is Oct 20, 1997. But that doesn't work with the ages we're presented with in canon. people better at the timeline than me have informed me that he has to have been born in late 1996 or Jan 1997 in order for the ages we're told he is at various points in canon to math right.
So he technically doesn't have a real canonical birthday and i just made up that he was born in January 1997 because that's my bday and i want us to be birthday twins <3 i love projecting!!
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The one thing we know for sure about the FIFA game date accuracy is that 1997 is wrong- he was born in 1996, he had to have been, if Oct 20 is his birthday and he is 23 when he says he's 23 (in 1.04) - consensus is that whoever made up the dates is like "uhhhh if its 2020 what year would he be born to be 23? 1997" and didn't take into consideration that the date they say he's 23 is in early February and he's still 23 by the finale in May. Not sure how much difference it makes to his chart but he's definitely not born October 1997. It's either October 1996, or some other date between June 1996 and January 1997.
Thank you.
Normally I'm all whatever is on screen is the ultimate canon. Even though this show is usually great with the details I can chalk this up in my head to them just not fretting over what month it was when Jamie said that line because they didn't think psychos like me would be making a birth chart lol.
Also I just hate the 1996 chart. There's Mars in Leo which, YES. The rest sucks though. It gives him a Virgo Venus and Aquarius Moon and I just can't accept that after looking at the 1997 version.
Maybe if he's a 1996 Gemini (May-June) or Leo (July- August)... but I'm only making charts for specific, or near specific, dates provided.
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tartt9 11 months
was talking about this off dash this weekend but jamie's birthday is oct 20 1997 which means he was 22 in s1, turned 23 sometime probably before the events of s2 (maybe when he was on lust), and turns 24 during s3. i know ted & keeley both say he's 23 during s1 but.... im saying ted either doesn't know exactly how old jamie is or did the math wrong bc he's only been there for like. a month. and keeley was rounding up to make her point about dating 23 year old footballers
jamie's 24-25 as of his fourth season at richmond/the main verse here !!
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