thekingwhofell-blog · 9 years
"Did you know you have the cutest butt I've ever seen?"
Gentle Dom Starters
Robb paused at that, face heating slightly while he pulled his pants on, just having stood up from bed, his shirt still resting somewhere on the floor from the night before.
He managed a chuckle after a moment, looking back at her over his shoulder while he zipped his jeans.  “I didn’t, but... that’s always nice to hear.”  He chortled briefly, shrugging one bare shoulder.
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claudiawillows · 10 years
People I Owe/People that owe
People I Owe:
alwaysworth-the-risk (2 separate threads)
hgremkin (A starter is saved in my drafts, I'm just tidying it up.)
People That Are Up:
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jamieacquaatyourservice replied to your post: Sorry I've been away.
[[Noooo, are you okay?! That sounds horrible!]]
((I'm doing alright but it is just really hard to breathe and I have been working while I'm sick))
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thehonorablegentleman · 11 years
"I figured it would be nice if I introduced myself. My name is Henry Wales. I hope I'm not intruding by sitting here."
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thecommander8 · 11 years
// I am sorry for the people I forget to tag in my posts. 
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+ 5
Kaylee looked up from her spot in the chair at the person that was approaching her. "Hello," she said with a cheerful wave, "what can I do for you today? You needin' help with somethin?"
Tumblr media
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claudiawillows · 10 years
(Mun is getting off for the night)
(The following people tagged, I have your post saved in my drafts and they will get done first thing tomorrow. Goodnight <3)
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claudiawillows · 10 years
(All caught up with drafts. Do I still owe anyone?)
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claudiawillows · 11 years
(A quick heads up!)
((With a crazy week ahead, I'm letting ya'll know now. I will most likely be on sparingly. THAT BEING SAID! Everyone has been put into drafts to be worked on throughout that time. So if you are tagged below, I found your response. IF I haven't responded to yours, please send me an ask! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! HAVE A SUPER FANTASTIC WEEK!!!)
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claudiawillows · 11 years
((like if I owe! ))
(Stuck in class. Will be back when I can)
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Sorry I've been away.
((I got severely sick this weekend. Almost completely bedridden. Anyone wanna rp? Or do I owe any one?))
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Please like if I owe
((I have some work I have to get done, I will do responses tomorrow! Good Night))
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If I Just Lay Here| Open RP
Chris hadn't been feeling well. He had a fever and he felt weak. It wasn't until noon where he was feeling like his body was crashing. His chest ached, his head pounded and he felt like he was breathing shards of glass. He clutched the counter in his small kitchen as he coughed, feeling like his lungs were going to come flying out as he did. 
Then, all of sudden the room spun and turned black. Chris collapsed right there, hitting the wood floor with a thud. He didn't twitch or moan, just collapsed and stayed still for who knows how long.
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M!A Toddler| Open RP
Chris ran around with his arms out to the side, giggling as he ran. He spun and then plopped himself on the floor laughing. "Helloooooo?" Chris called. "'s someone hoooome? I'm hungry!"
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(Going to bed! Like if I owe and I will respond soon!)
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Open RP
Chris was laying down reading his newest book to his collection. He didn't get a roll in the university's production of A Midsummer's Night Dream. Although he had nothing to do, he wanted to keep his mind active. He lay on the sofa of his family's flat and sighed as he read. Next to him was a green cast iron tea pot and a small green cast iron cup. He was doing one of his favorite relaxing rituals. Things were okay.
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