starryeyxdmckinnon · 3 years
Who: @jamspctter​
Where: Summer Solstice Ball, East India House
Truthfully, Marlene hadn’t forgiven James yet after everything that had happened at Remus and Mary’s party. While granted, she should have and for most of her friends she might have, but her and James had a painfully complicated history which didn’t make situations like this any easier. Especially when he played with her trust so carelessly; something that was hard to come by from McKinnons and even more so harder to gain back after broken. 
Granted, sure, she’d play the pleasantries for the benefit of the friendship group; but that didn’t mean she had to willingly. Or for a matter, at all when it was just the pair of them. So really, when she caught an eye of James moving towards the drinks table she was standing beside, Marlene couldn’t help the automatic roll of her eyes at his presence. “I definitely haven’t had enough alcohol for this conversation.” The witch muttered with light tension in her jaw before downing a shot of fire whiskey, much to the apparent displeasure of an elderly pureblood couple watching her. To which, she raised another shot with a delicate faked smile, cheers them, before knocking it back with a scrunch of her nose. 
Tossing her hair over her shoulder and brushing the sequins adorning her golden dress, the witch set herself a task of pouring herself and Mary drinks so she didn’t have to pull her eyes up to the other. “What do you want Potter? Not got anyone else to bother right now?” Marlene spoke, words blunt, her features tight. “There is another drinks table over there- go use it.”
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inkstainedmac · 3 years
Who: James Potter @jamspctter​
Where: Diagon Alley
With her walkman on - a gift from her brother -, Sersh had been blasting The Beatles Yellow Submarine into her ears in an attempt to block out her own thoughts even if it was momentarily. Ever since that night, Sersh felt like she’d been left with more questions than answers. While Celia was too busy caring for the sick to answering her pressing questions, it felt like every rock she tried to turn over simply left her with nothing. It didn’t add up, not Benjy, not Booker. How could it? When the very thing that they had been advocating to protect was the very thing that hurt and killed? Blowing a frustrated puff of air from her cheeks, the witch clutched her notebook tighter to her chest clasped in her ink stained hands, trying to piece things together like it was a plot in a story, that was until she caught sight of the familiar raven haired male. “Oi-! Oi- Potter-!” The witch called as she wiggled her way through the crowds to get to the other. “Ye got a minute to talk? I was wonderin’ if I could ask ye some thing about Benjy?” The irish girl asked hopefully. Quickly adding: “It ain’t for the Quibbler- just ye know- he were a mate- so was Booker- Just tryin’ to make sense of it ye know?” 
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badgepuff · 3 years
LOCATION: The Ministry of Magic. FEATURING: James Potter. @jamspctter​
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While he planned to visit Amelia after the holidays, he thought it would be wise to make a stop along the way. After all, he still had property of James’ that needed returning. He couldn’t just nip by when he was back in Whitby, regardless of how tempting the thought was. Finding his office, Ted knocked on the door and called out cheekily. “’scuse me, I got a delivery fer a James Potter ‘ere!” 
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oh-evans · 3 years
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have you heard of tapes? think you’ll enjoy this. threw in some of my all-time favorites too.
evans x
p.s. don’t read into this too much. 
a used walkman, along with three tapes.
-- billy joel, the stranger
-- kate bush, the kick inside
-- abba, super trouper
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bainbridgehqs · 3 years
( timothee chalamet, 20, he/him ) Welcome to Bainbridge University, DALLAS REILLY ! HE is in SECOND year studying VETERINARY MEDICINE, and is from OREGON, USA. They are known for being PROTECTIVE, INDEPENDENT, HOT HEADED, and STUBBORN. ( tam, 24, MST, they/them )
welcome to bainbridge, DALLAS REILLY ! be sure to study your checklist before posting. you have 48 hours to send your account in ! 1/15
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edgar-bones · 3 years
where: main bar at east india house when: the solstice ball
Edgar was having a jolly time with his mates, Gus had disappeared and suddenly Sersh was off somewhere too and he found himself alone at the main bar for a moment. Looking to his right, he spotted a familiar face that caused him to blush. After about a minute or two arguing with himself if he should say hello he smoothly slid down the bar till he was standing next tot James Potter. “uh – hey.” Is what he could manage. The two of them had been pretty drunk when they had kissed at the Yule Ball and whilst it wasn’t the worst kiss in the world it definitely was an awkward one and a conversation with James afterwards explaining that that’s simply not how he felt about Edgar was just as odd. Edgar just wanted to make things right, friendly again between them without this awkward feeling chasing them for the rest of their lives. “You here with the lads?”
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ritcskeetxr · 3 years
closed with @jamspctter​
where: the crystal pavilion 
“Why James, have you done something with your hair?” Rita asked as she casually walked up to the young man, sipping his champagne. “Was it something you read about in the flirting advice I gave you?” 
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fairsebastien · 3 years
Where: The Leaky Cauldron Who: @jamspctter​
Sebastien realized he spent much of his time at bars, and had taken to ordering butterbeer instead of alcohol several nights out of his week. Even wizards had livers to take care of, and he didn’t like to be less inebriated than his clients. Tonight, though, he was nursing a bit of a hangover from his date the previous evening, ordering bar snacks and plain water. Several seats down from him sat a sad, beautiful man. Something Sebastien could not bear to see. He stood and slid his items with him as he walked over to sit beside the other man, resting an elbow on the counter and peering up at him. “You look upset about something, but you are far too pretty to be sad. Tell me what it is and let me buy you another round?” He wasn’t hitting on the man, and hoped it wouldn’t be misconstrued as such-although that misconception wouldn’t be the worst one in the world, looking at the other-but offering a friendly hand to someone who looked down and trying to uplift them. He had a sneaking suspicion, anyway, that the man had woman troubles on his mind. He knew that look all too well.
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wickedbellax · 3 years
Where: Outside Madam Primpernelles Beautifying Potions Who: @jamspctter​
With no near end to the Aurors searching for Fenwick’s attacker, Bellatrix had allowed her mind to focus on other things. Of course she still had to worry about those that attacked Erik, Caius, and Gideon but now she could give most of her attention to the possibility of opening up the cause to her sisters. Making a quick stop over to Madam Primpernelles in hopes to find something that may soften the blow with Narcissa, she hoped that a few potions would butter the woman up for all the lies and secrecy the family had been holding back lately. It was as she was exiting the shop though that she noticed James lingering around, if she had to guess he was working but that wasn’t going to stop her from bothering him, “Decide to give more unsolicited opinions, Potter? Or did my sister set you straight at that bloody march?”
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peterpxttigrew · 3 years
where : florean fortescues ice cream parlour. 
who : @jamspctter​
James Potter was one of the best support systems that Peter Pettigrew had. Along with Remus and Sirius of course. But on the night of the march, James had remained a steady constant. A constant that Peter needed as he seemed to crumple into a disassociated mess after witnessing the attack. A type of cowardice that Peter hoped to never stoop to again. But James had understood, and was there. More that what Peter could have asked or hope for. And now, with James seeming deflated, Peter hoped he could provide that same support system for James. 
His hands clutching two cartons of Florean Fortescue Ice-Cream, Peter returned to the table. Setting his own tub of fudge and butterscotch ice cream on the table beside James’ favourite flavour. Hoping that the warm spring air and a sweet treat would perk up his best mate. Peter sat down in front of his friend, a furrow in his brow as he noticed James’ preoccupied stare. “Sickle for your thoughts, Prongs?” 
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inkstainedmac · 4 years
It was a rarity that Saorise came to the Ministry let alone on a night like this. Decorated to the highest level, it was no surprise that the Ministry spared no expense when it came to their annual affair. While her eyes wondered the party completely captivated by everyone’s characters, Sersh couldn’t help but be highly intrigued by the building itself and had accidentally wondered off out of her own curiosity. Though she didn’t get very far before she was met with a figure in black, a gold mask concealing his identity as she turned the corner. “Fecking heck-” Saorise jumped at the sight, the fright causing her to spill some of the giggle water in her hand on the bottom of her dress. “Merlin’s beard..” She muttered with a puff of air, blowing a silver strand of hair from her face. A hand giving her dress a quick brush off with a light shrug of dismissal. The blonde wasn’t much for appearances, a spilt drink was really the last thing she was going to worry about. “What the heck are ye doin’ lurkin’ round corners?” The Irish witch asked before turning her attention fully to the other “Sorry ye just scared me. Em-.. Ye look grand and all- sorry I didn’t get any on ye did I?” @jamspctter​
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cwfprophet · 3 years
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Where do I begin? The Yule Ball was definitely less dramatic than All Hallows Eve, but when the entrance fee includes free alcohol drama was bound to unfold. Generally, when it comes to getting drunk on cheap champagne we tend to allow our hearts to drive us. JAMES POTTER was one of the first to let it go to his head. To say that he had an eventful night would be an understatement. It seems like he has overcome his obsession with redheads (to LILY EVANS delight I’m sure) and has diversified his selection pool. Not only was he seen baking biscuits with NARCISSA BLACK the week before, but he was also spotted entering the wizard’s bathroom with EDWARD TONKS with his pants around his ankles. Considering that the two men came out with different trousers on, whatever went on there must have been so steamy that they couldn’t see who’s pants were who’s. Two down, a few to go. James then found his way to EDGAR BONES. Sure, sometimes a kiss means nothing like the kiss that LUCIUS MALFOY and AMELIA BONES shared whilst trapped under enchanted mistletoe. However you could see literal sparks fly as these two allowed their lips to embrace. Obviously Edgar’s kissing skills must be horrid as James was then later seen trying to make out with CLARICE FARIBAULT. Dearest James, I hate to burst your bubble but not everyone wants to kiss that mug of yours hun. 
Speaking of kissing skills, MARLENE MACKINNON thankfully refrained from kissing anyone which has apparently resulted in one less person dying than last time. Even RABASTAN LESTRANGE must have some skill with those lips, how else would he have managed to convince AUGUSTUS ABBOTT to hold his hand and dance with him? This debacle hasn’t seemed to sit well with Augustus’s friends. SAOIRSE MACMILLAN was seen exiting the pavilion in a rush and was shortly followed by Augustus who just couldn’t keep up. Whilst Edward Tonks, had other plans for the party. Not only was he seen arguing with Rabastan, no doubt over Augustus, but he was also spotted cosying up with ANDROMEDA BLACK. The two of them returned from a break outside, suspiciously smelling of smoke and cheap cologne. Although the two would make an adorable couple, I can’t help but wonder if Narcissa knew about that since she also seemed to be getting her fair share of Ted that evening. But “Rita, the Black siblings, pining over someone like Ted? Surely I have my facts wrong?” I tell you beloved readers, I witnessed these events for myself! Either this generation of the Black family have decided to disregard tradition and break free from their parents grip like SIRIUS BLACK had, or there was some serious foul play at work. Perhaps Narcissa was simply distracting Edward whilst her cousin REGULUS BLACK was up to no good or cleaning that ridiculous crown he wore. 
Speaking of the Black sisters, what was even more interesting and out of character was that Bellatrix left the ball without a stolen wand in her hand or in handcuffs. I suppose it’s good to have a change now and again, it keeps us all on our feet. Bellatrix was rumored to have spent the night with a Half-Blood, who I’m guessing was SEVERUS SNAPE. Snape was also blamed for hexing Jame’s pants but if you ask me it was James who just couldn’t keep them on. Bellatrix then left the ball in a hurry and was soon followed by Rabastan who abandoned Augustus at the ball. Poor Gus, breaking all those friendships just to be ditched at the end of the night. Hun, if you ever need someone to take you home, you know how to find me, x. Speaking of being ditched, HARRISON BAGNOLD was seen running from HESTIA JONES and towards the back wings of the pavilion. Merlin only knows what Hestia did to deserve that and someone should tell PATRICIA RAKEPICK that Harrison is trouble before she decides to have another intimate conversation with him. It seems Patricia wasn’t the only Gryffindor alumni making bad choices. ALICE YEN was also seen arguing with Rabastan that evening. Perhaps if these Aurors paid more attention to things, ROSALIE FLINT might have never gone missing. Who knows what happened there but that’s a story for another article. 
All in all, I had a lovely evening and was graced with many beautiful faces including HENRY GRIFFIS who could have taken me home but had his mother’s arm around his instead. I hope that everyone had a good evening and that all my readers got home safely after the event! It seems that the nights are growing colder and our streets darker despite winter coming to an end. As always, my owlery is always open and if anyone has anything they’d like to share or if there’s anything that I missed, I gladly respond to anonymous owls in my daily column. xoxo
Rita Skeeter Daily Prophet Scandal Sheet
@jamspctter || @oh-evans || @blondsblack || @badgepuff || @edgar-bones || @lxciuss || @ameliabcnes || @claricefaribault || @starryeyxdmckinnon || @youngestxlestrange || @augustusmabbott || @inkstainedmac || @andromedhs || @padfoot-chaos || @regulus7 || @half-a-prince || @harrisonbagnold || @hextias || @patrakepick || @alicexyen || @foolgraves || @henrygriffis
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badgepuff · 3 years
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Dear James Potter ( @jamspctter​ ),
I wasn’t quite sure what to get you this year, but I hope your gifts are sufficient enough to bring a smile to your face! They certainly brought them to mine.
Best Regards, Edward Tonks
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The first gift is a novelty hamper comprising of various northern teas, nibbles and delicacies that Ted thought he might enjoy. There is a few he’s mentioned in conversation before.
The second gift is a box of hand selected stuffed dates. It’s a cheeky node to their conversation at the Hallows Ball and their lack of company. He found some amusement while picking out this particular gift.
The third and final gift is a hand knitted jumper befitting to the winter season, something Ted and his grandmother lovingly collaborated on.
Attached to the wrapped gifts is a polaroid featuring them both, dated on the back with “Merry Yuletide!” written in cursive, known to be Ted’s handwriting.
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oh-evans · 3 years
where: East India House, in a deserted corridor
who: @jamspctter​ 
The note left in Lily’s bag was in bad shape. It had been crumpled and smoothed out again about a million times, as Lily swore to herself she would not be attending any furtive meetings with a man who was seeing someone and then poured through it again, scanning the sparse writing for any kind of clue or context. She’d memorized every curve of the lines where he’d written where he wanted her to go, the very slant of the numerals of the time, yet she pulled it out one more time just to be sure she wasn’t too early. It was likely the source of her bad mood- the mysterious meeting she really shouldn’t be going to. Her gut said trouble- but she wasn’t a Gryffindor for nothing. “You’re lucky I’m entertaining this,” her voice had an edge to it. She was far more upset over this entire situation than she’d like him to know. “It’s very bad form to meet a girl who’s not your girlfriend in a quiet hallway, in case you didn’t know.” 
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half-a-prince · 3 years
@jamspctter​ at mulpepper’s apothecary 
The thought why do I work in a shop again? went through Severus’ mind daily, if not more. Sure, he liked potions and to be left alone to brew, he appreciated having access to rare ingredients and a boss that paid him generously for the blind eye he turned on his illegal dealings. But whenever he had to mind the shop, or deal with customers in any way, he wondered why it had ever sounded like a good fir for him. This time around, Marigold had caught a customer trying to steal, and wanting to prove himself to his father who’d left the shop in his hands for a few days, had deemed it necessary to call the Aurors about it. Because he’d had the bad luck to be behind the counter as well, Severus was now stuck waiting for whatever useless desk-bound Auror they’d send over, to give a statement that wouldn’t help them catch the thief since they were so useless at everything. He sighed heavily, before finally someone walked towards him, ridiculous little notepad in hand. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” he despaired out loud however, when he realized who would be in charge of deeming him innocent and ruining his afternoon with useless questions. Of course it’d have to be James bloody Potter. 
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camille-rowle · 3 years
Where: The Crystal Pavilion, by the bar
{ status: closed starter for @jamspctter​ }
Happily perched by the bar trying to keep a close eye on each of her gentlemen, always making sure they never come too close she sipped on her cocktail as she did so. Engrossed by the task at hand the man who seated himself next to her went unnoticed for some time. Finishing her drink she turned to beckon the waiter and saw the glass of whisky next to her own that she had just placed down. Looking up from the glass she followed the hand clasping it up the white suit-donned arm and up to the shoulder and neck.  Recognising the rather sharp jaw-line as belonging to an acquaintance she had previously met at the pub and once again at an event much like this one she smiled to herself. 
“Well Mr Potter, now that we have properly established that neither one of us is stalking the other, it would seem that we both have a fondness for the bar at events like these.” She smiled up at him, lifting her newly brought cocktail in the air as a sign of cheers. 
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