golden-lionsnake · 4 years
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Day Six: Your scariest/most monstrous looking dragon. Are they truly a beast, or are they secretly sweet?
Madeus is probably my scariest monster dragon and no it’s not secrectly sweet it will 100% eat you. It lives along some of the more rural roads that lead into Littleton. (Art is by Brahkest and skin is The Nightmare by umphbreada)
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rifter-pride · 4 years
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January Dragon Share Day 10: Primal
I got Neatsfoot here during my NotN spendathon and I have been ITCHING to share them, so here they are! no lore yet I just love them extremely a bunch.
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battlelisk · 4 years
January Dragon Share Day 4- Most Adorable
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for sure Heqet (she/her), my little frog child!!! she’s just a strange little toad creature (yes I am aware frogs and toads are different animals..... I choose to ignore this)....... adore this cute little creature
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toxicigueel · 4 years
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January Dragon Share Day Two: Your newest permanent addition to your lair. How did you get them? What do you have planned? - Dellinger (He/Him)
yes this is 12 days late yes i forgot i was doing this challenge </3
i actually bought this boy just yesterday from a g1 clearout i saw here on tumblr, im already obsessed with him, his colors rlly please me. he’s one of the only dragons in my lair who are getting the privilege of not having swirl eyes cuz hes just not the same without dark sclera. i don’t really know what i have planned for him, hes just so pretty as is!!
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January dragon share - day 6: The most monstrous
Křemík/Silicon (pronouns: ?? I don’t know, Kremik doesn’t know, everybody else is too scared to ask, I’ll be using they/them in this post, as in ‘we just don’t know’)
Křemík is... a cryptid. Just, straight up. A burrowing wyrm that maybe once was a spiral, but is now about hte lenght of a ridgeback with some guardian musculature to boot. But that’s just a theory a flight rising theor-
Their jaws are quite dunkleosteus-like and can cut through metal with ease. They also have a second set of teeth deeper that can... crush rocks... just... don’t put things into their jaws that you don’t want to be Gone. They literally eat metal, metal ores and magically charged stone of all kinds. And although they’re not actively malicious, they’re hongry, rather simple-minded and have no concept of personal property - they pretty frequently munch on the Shifting Expanse’s spires, although mostly at night, bcs they don’t like those shouty creatures, they’re just trying to eat there. So they spend most of their time underground instead.
treasure hoards are like snacc bars
They follow the rest of my shifting expanse mini-clan bcs they can tell Jean radiates powerful magic and doesn’t actually seem to get angry at them for eating his stuff. the rest of them aren’t that thrilled about it but Jean freaking loves them
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figfull · 4 years
January Dragon Share: Day 2
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Gioconda: the Newest Addition
Gioconda curates a small museum filled with curiosities. Most of her collection is on display for the public, but rumor suggests that she keeps her more valuable items reserved for private tours.
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pumpkin-bread · 4 years
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January Dragon Share: Day 20
A Leader
All hail Queen Requiem! Delver of the Wyrmwound, Reaver of the Plaguelands, The One who flourished amidst The Red Fields Affliction! All Hail Queen Requiem! Blessed by the Plaguemother, Survivor of Her Touch! The One Who Rose when others have Fallen! All Hail Queen Requiem! May this kingdom rise with her!
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luciferase-fr · 4 years
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Dragon share day 21: undead dragons this dragon is.. not dead. not all the way, but he certainly isn’t alive. he was accidentally trapped in an undead place, and stayed there long enough to become… symbiotic. what’s left more or less has his conscious, but the collective conscious of the place as well. by all accounts, he shouldn’t have survived, and in some ways, he didn’t. strange things happen in the realm of almost.
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owleics-fr · 4 years
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January Dragon Share challenge: Day 18 (coli fighter)
» Ursa time! She’s a skilled alchemist with an affinity for magic. I still need to finish her art...
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beatcroc · 4 years
january dragon share day 19-not what they seem
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another oc, womp womp. there’s... a lot of ways “not that they seem” could be taken on this one, especially in translating it to a dragon, but i’ll go with the most straightforward.
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ive never finished a drawing of this guy bc it’s a nightmare but jsut roll with it ok. theres supposed to be 8 mechanical arms there.
WILD_DOG WATCHING is some aberrant kind of god; a construct of voatile energy bound to a physical form and imprisioned in crystal out in some unknown dimension, widley either feared or reviled by those who know its name.  and while its appearance, nature, and reputation may seem unkowable and terrifying.... don’t let any of that preclude you from the reality that it’s actually by far the most chill and down to earth deity-type-thing around. 
genuinely my guy is just bored and lonley and wants someone to talk to. wilddog is one of the few gods who will consort with mortals; it is content to lend its power to whomever “shares some same line of thinking as it”. this could be anything from  ‘oh man i wanna pet that big fucked up space creature’* to ‘i want to kill that other god’. and so these “chosen” individuals help to enact wilddog’s will through the universe, and in return they get companionship, immortality, and general sick god powers to use as they please.**
*Messengers, one of whom i shared on day 9; since wilddog cannot act directly it uses these to communicate with its chosen **mostly. dont like, try to become a tyrant with them or anything, wilddog will probably take its power back if you do that.
WILD_DOG WATCHING is actually based on a full album rather than a single track, but this one in particular was probably the most influential in its creation.
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golden-lionsnake · 4 years
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Day Two: Your newest permanent addition to your lair. How did you get them? What do you have planned?
I constantly have new dragons. x-x But I got this darling literally today and I’m very excited. Accent/skin choice might change, it’ll probably depend on what’s available once he actually grows up. But he’s gonna be a potter, and makes very nice tableware for Ash Hollow.
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rifter-pride · 4 years
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January Dragon Share Day 17: Your Favourite G1
well Cuixe's already been featured in one of these so I guess I will just talk about my very blessed hatch from 2020
Vauglais is from an egg I hatched on a lark for my birthday last year. I expected garbage, got an obsidian/indigo xxy instead. I planned to just auction her off but ended up just keeping her because, dammit, FR wished me personally a happy birthday and I'm gonna enjoy that as long as I can. she hasn't got lore, but she is without a doubt another in my long line of goth cowboy lesbian ridgebacks existing in some morally grey zone somewhere.
no theme song obviously though Dirtwire’s “The Whip” [yt] sure sounds like it might could be
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lair-of-bees · 4 years
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Day 9: multigaze/facet eyed
Today's dragon is Fractal! They're an entity who can step in and out of dimensions (which is why when my phone glitches out I blame them)! They don't really,,fully look like a dragon, moreso a collection of shapes that sort of arrange a dragon-like shape that has a lot of eyes. Because of their overall headache-inducing appearance, usually dragons tend to flee at the first chance they get (though Fractal isn't a malicious entity, just curious)
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koobi-fr · 4 years
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Day Fourteen: Your smartest dragon. Were they born a genius, or did they earn their intellect through studying? How do they use their intellect?
Technically my 2nd smartest, but I think I’ve shown off the first before, so I’ll do Daylily! One of the oldest members of the clan, she dedicated her time to researching anything and everything. Now settled down, she specializes in medicine and acts as the clan apothecary. 
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January dragon share day 13: fodder rescue
Minya (she/her)
(prompt list)
Hey guys can you believe Minya cost me just like 7-8kt during Earth’s 2018 festival push?? Me neither. I dressed her up just for kicks back then and the rest is history.
She’s a literal Queen that got shuffled out of the picture by her arranged-husband. Except that now she’s also a powerful oracle and is kinda coming back to get what’s hers (which is the throne, she’s gonna kick her husband tf out), the only problem is that she, for some reason, can’t find her... kingdom... in the Shifting Expanse, something’s wrong...
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pumpkin-bread · 4 years
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January Dragon Share: Day 4
The Most Adorable
I guess that has to be Celebration! He is a g1 born on the same day my son was, so he’s very special to me. ;v;
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