#janka spg
boneinator · 2 months
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Can everyone come pick their children up they're doing things in my sketchbook I don't like it . Also yeah sorry if you posted a fanbot and we're mutuals Buzzer is their buddy I don't make the rules
( Joyce and Mask belong to @steamanband , Boopsy Doodle to @brooklynisher , Janka to @ramenwithbroccoli and Starry to @asmogorna !! )
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ramenwithbroccoli · 3 days
silly outfit time
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@steamanband @loveandsupportmachine @asmogorna @boneinator your robots (and a walter worker) raided my closet can you guys pick them up please
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boneinator · 2 months
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Happy fanbot Friday everyone I made it this time :] but without colors ,,
I really feel like GG would be the one to hang out with fanbots the most tbh
(mask belongs to @steamanband , Janka to @ramenwithbroccoli , and Boopsy to @brooklynisher)
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boneinator · 11 days
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@steamanband @ramenwithbroccoli @brooklynisher sorry for tagging you in the late night slop your guys are appearing in my canvas again 😔 don't look at it for too long pretty please
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boneinator · 29 days
I have accepted I'm never going to actually make it to fanbot Friday so . Here
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Sorry for getting lazy with the coloring I'm tireddddd and have no more time but they're so important to me .. the characters ever
(Janka and Giewont belong to @ramenwithbroccoli , Hearty and Skips to @loveandsupportmachine and Boopsy to @brooklynisher , as always)
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boneinator · 25 days
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The beloved oc's . Literally so important for me they're everything
Also sorry for so much Rosetta I got the slightest form of recognition for her and got too excited
@steamanband @ramenwithbroccoli @loveandsupportmachine @brooklynisher yk the drill
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ramenwithbroccoli · 2 months
This is my way of saying my fanbot would adore her.
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Janka would make an entire love song compilation for them. because that's what valentines robots like, right?
i think she would really enjoy spending time with Hearty Harmoni and Skips (creator-didn't-make-them-legs gang), but there is always something missing when she can't communicate her exact feelings, often just staying silent to not waste her energy. so when the night comes, she thinks about what would it be like - to go on a walk and have a nice chat, using your own words :]
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ramenwithbroccoli · 25 days
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still thinking about Patricia eating everything she gets her hooves on... no more being horse girl for janka. how sad!
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ramenwithbroccoli · 27 days
Chat how tall are your robots and also where do they live currently QUICK ‼️
okay so
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let's assume the guy in the middle is the standard man heigh. janka is kind of the size of a sitting person and giewont is just tall enough to be a bit off-putting for most people (and easier to spot)
as for where they are now... they did live in poland for quite a bit, after the war i imagine that janka was sent around the world as a curiosity, while giewont just wandered around for most of their history. they might have even met at some point in their journeys and travelled together, bonding over their origins and non-humanity. but yeah, to answer your question they are everywhere. hope this helps 💥💥💥
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ramenwithbroccoli · 1 month
Woe Janka be upon ye!
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ramenwithbroccoli · 2 months
A Janka in return for the beautiful tenrec :>
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Id love to know more about her, I find her incredibly interesting and she's absolutely gorgeous
If there's anything you'd like to share about her or her story please do
Shes lovely and was very fun to draw :>
since the main timeline got kind of settled, i can just give a little bit of trivia
after being discovered and taken out from the basement there was an attempt to separate her from the music box. it was futile and fairly stupid as the 'human - like' part of her actually doesn't carry that much electronics. because of the incident she lost quite a lot of the older records
since she can't see, she constructed a list assigning colors to certain songs so she could know "what they are like"
since 1960, there have been many attempts to rebrand Janka into something more popular with people. most of them failed (especially the DJ one)
she likes to listen to people reading poetry (especially their own)
if she puts her middle finger on the record, it plays backwards. the pinky makes the songs sped up, and the rest of the fingers are just back-up needles
her favourite spg songs are "i'll rust with you" and "starscrap"
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ramenwithbroccoli · 11 days
Mój przyjaciel. Co oznacza 17? Prześladują mnie twoje przypadkowe bazgroły. Czy ktoś... był z nią "romantyczny"?
answering this in english since it touches on the Janka lore 💥💥💥
although the comic idea was there more for the laughs, there's a significant difference between Giewont and Janka when it comes to relationships with people. The first one used to be a hard worker but got betrayed by humanity. They're wandering around, with no place on this earth, scared of what being around people will do to her. Forming meaningful connection is hard and they're not even sure if they really want to do that.
on the other hand we have Janka, designed to look nice, to be amiable. she's always there to listen. she knows your favourite songs and brightens your day. she can't leave you unless you get rid of her yourself!
i think it's an idea that would need some more exploration. people who are lost or lonely or angry or searching for whatever feeling they need in their life try to find a thing to bestow those feelings upon. and sometimes it ended up being Janka. whether or not the feeling was reciprocated or not, or if they've seen her as an object or as a person - that's a question for another time
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ramenwithbroccoli · 12 days
i miss my guys. stupid doodle time
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ramenwithbroccoli · 24 days
I miss Janka can you tell me something about her :[
well! because her hands are powered by a steam engine (which generates warmth) when she spent time with basement rats, some of them nestled inside her. she had no way of knowing this as she doesn't feel touch, so there still may be some rats somewhere - or whatever's left of them. someome needs to check inside this box for real
another thing - she didn't pick her looks herself, and if she saw what she looks like she would probably be dissapointed! the folklore-y peaceful countryside outfit was created to advertise her, nobody asked for her opinion. she would much prefer the typical style of actresses from the midwar period.
also, if you're curious, i've pieced together a playlist of tunes that make me think of her story (or the shared storylines of fanbots as a whole). for now it's mainly in polish but there's a variety of styles and genres, with first songs being from around 1930, ending on some '80 music :]
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ramenwithbroccoli · 28 days
Janka on the mind (it's me, I'm Giewont fans)
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me in my bandaid stall watching people hug Giewont (i will be a millionaire)
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but seriously it's like hugging a bag of fiberglass don't do it 😭
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ramenwithbroccoli · 1 month
‼️ for both Janka and Giewont but can you tell me everything actually . Everything ever about them ever pretty please 🙏🙏🙏
my friend you unleashed the waterfall of words that the world may not be prepared for: i'm about to get into their origins. so i'm putting it under the cut so the people who follow me won't get the urge to follow me home (to murder me for putting it on their dash).
Giewont is obviously based on literature, but i was aiming for that 20-year window inbetween wars, when art and technology was buzzing, squished between just regained independence and the oncoming war. she is based on the glass houses from "the spring to come" which was released around 1925, so it only makes sense. glass houses were an utopian vision - a lie that was told to the book character, Cezary Baryka, by his father, to convince him to come back to the country. they were beautiful, cheaply made and hygenic - but also not real, as he realised when crossing the border. they were the symbol of ideas and plans that may never be finished, a technological revolution that wouldn't arrive. that's why Giewont is broken - because the plans had chances to work, but not like this.
you see, the thing is - this COULD'VE worked. at first everything was perfect - they've been working as much as three men and didn't need much to get by. but when they started to break, instead of being provided with help or assigned with lighter task, she's ordered to dig. her body deteriorates even more. when they're trying to save the farm owner's daughter she cares about but injures her instead, they're the one to be blamed. and only after they've been almost killed and brought back to life do they lose trust in humanity.
because it all could've worked, was it not for all the greed and uncaring attitudes of people who didn't deem her equal, not organic enough to deserve rest. and that's why she has blood on her hands - and some blood in them, as well, that got trapped inside her when the lightning sealed her pieces anew.
that being said, she doesn't hate people. they've expirienced kindness. they've learnt a lot. but trusting people doesn't come back that easily. they're not afraid of authority anymore, letting the kindness towards other guide them, but not shying away from being the one to serve justice to those who deserved it.
Janka, on the other hand, is deeply scared of not being useful or entertaining. as a record player, she was kept around for that one function - entertainment. as she's not able to walk away or speak out against someone, she just tries to please everyone and be in their good graces to not end up in a crowded antique shop. when situation gets really bad, she has to try... different techniques (as trying to drive a man to madness so he would be taken away).
ALSO she's based on that one song from 1930s that i don't think has an official title (it's titled "and i'm playing on my gramophone" but i've also seen verisons called "gramophonomaniac") by Mieczysław Fogg. since it's in polish it's not that accessible to everyone, and i don't think there are any translations (which is a shame, because it's quite a nice song). so, i took matters into my own hands! i was originally planning to make an english cover, but because the recording is really old there are no versions without vocals and also my singing voice is not that great. but - maybe someday i will be able to do that :]
in the meantime - here's "and i'm playing on my gramophone" (i will post the music below, i'd recommend giving it a listen while reading along :] )
in dear miss Janka's dwelling the noise is quite compelling it makes walls and floors almost shake and groan. that's because she's a lover of technologic wonder - she plays music on gramophone. miss janka is intrested in syrena's records she spends all of her money on it and she sings like that: that's why on my gramophone I'm playing. tra-li-tra-la la la, tra-li-tra-la la la when it's hot or cold, through winter and spring, through nights and through the days gramophone plays, and i don't care for nothing, i've got my records here, when something angers me, my gramophone's always near, because when my gramophone plays dearly, then in my gramophone, i have it all. and all those neighbours of hers, their wives and pets and lovers, proclaimed then, not knowing a day of peace: "we've had enough of playing and Janka's disobeying, we need to inform the police." but when policemen came, miss Janka told them kindly "what else to do, when i so fear to sleep here all alone?" that's why on my gramophone I'm playing, tra-li-tra-la la la, tra-li-tra-la la la when it's hot or cold, through winter and spring, through nights and through the days gramophone plays, and i don't care for nothing, i've got my records here, when something angers me, my gramophone's always near, because when my gramophone plays dearly then in my gramophone, i have it all when she proclaimed this fable, the strict mr constable in hopes that this story would not repeat, he came up with an offer, which he deemed right and proper, he said "well, right here i shall sleep". and then each night you could hear right from Janka's room a crashing boom of voice as the constable sang like that: that's why on my gramophone I'm playing, tra-li-tra-la la la, tra-li-tra-la la la when it's hot or cold, through winter and spring, through nights and through the days gramophone plays and i don't care for nothing, i've got my records here, when something angers me, my gramophone's always near, because when my gramophone plays dearly then in my gramophone, i have it all
so yeah if you get through all of that i'm giving you a gold star 🌟 (YAAAY). and if you didn't, then you won't see this anyways but. it's alright :]
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