#japanese crowley definitely talks way less about 'his side'/'your side' and way more about 'demons'/'angels'
quoththemaiden · 11 months
Good Omens' Noah's ark scene in English and Japanese:
English!Crowley: But they’re drowning everybody else? — Not the kids. You can't kill kids. …well, that's more the kind of thing you'd expect my lot to do. Japanese!Crowley: But they’re drowning everybody else? Including children? They’re also killing the children!? I wouldn't think even demons would go that far!
Losing the "kids" pun was unsurprising, but the tweak from saying "this feels like my side's work" to "this goes beyond demonic" stood out in terms of characterization. What does that imply regarding Crowley's feelings towards "his" side?
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