#jaskieralt fic
jlf23tumble · 4 years
Help, I am freaking out about rent i need a distraction from his hell month, what new things did you love (any fandom), fic rent is due, give me some power!
oh, GOD, yes, I’m happy to help! I sat on this ask for a couple of days so I could include anything that came in up to the wire, so here’s hoping nobody releases anything today!! This would be the stuff I read/loved in March, and it’s surreal to compare the beginning of the month to today, yikes a yikes. Come on, April, pull through for us, jesus christ:
First of all, you know I gotta rec each and every single one of the pubefest fics because they're outstanding in terms of characterization and writing, they're all so short and great, and this fest got some real star power. SWOON!
Reconnected, @star55, G, 1.5k, 1d, louis/harry. One of the very best girl direction fic writers out there, and how is this one possible, so much emotion, an ot5 reunion, zouis angst, an upbeat ending in less than 2k words, unrushed???
from winter sun to summer snow, objectlesson/ @alienfuckeronmain, E, 2k, the witcher, geralt/jaskier. SPEAKING OF PEOPLE WHO DO A LOT IN A LITTLE, this one, yeah, WOW, absolutely nails Jaskier's voice and character (Geralt, too, but his mouth is occupied).
No Control, thegirlwthekittentattoo, E, 2.6, 1d, louis/harry. I follow the ao3 tag for a laff, but every once in a while, an absolute GEM pops up and makes it all worth it, and this made my entire month!! It's all about the hids and how Harry uses them to tease Louis and some self-discovery comes in along the way (as well as some amazingly described bras and other looks). LOVED IT
Pregernante, Blake/ @newleafover, E, 2.8k, Star Wars, finn/poe (stormpilot??). I tell you what, without fail, my very fave birthday presents for the last three years have been fic gifts from Phoenix and Blake. In this one, Blake managed to squeeze an mpreg kink into the least-mpreg-kink-seeming pairing possible? THEIR POWER!
Next Exit, Jaerie, E, 2.9k, 1d, louis/harry. Someone sent me an ask for pregnant girl direction pee kink fics recently, but sadly, they do not exist...enter Jaerie, going for at least part of that brief, and it's the combo I never knew I needed.
Every Drop of Rain, haemophilus/ @h-influenzae, E, 3.3k, 1d, harry/taylor. The amount of gender exploration and dynamics (and Taylor's inner monologue) are simply stunning, I wish I could shake the shoulders of people who can't quit 2013 because the modern era is amazing, and it looks like there’s more to come in this one? GOOD!
Mon Petit, coffinofachimera, E, 3.5k, 1d, louis/harry. I love the entire concept of Harry wearing his fuzzy chick sweater while Louis films him mid-bj on their private jet. The kind of canon I deserve!
revolution, SunshineandLou, E, 3.8k, 1d, louis/harry. I am already prepared to love every single fishnet!harry fic that comes my way, and this one's no exception.
No Light of Day, objectlesson/ @alienfuckeronmain, E, 4.2k, Man from UNCLE, illya/napoleon. FUCK ME UPPPPPPPPP, this entire Tom of Finland series is so goddamned good, and this was a birthday surprise for me that blew my mind (partially because I randomly sent Phoenix a link to a Tom of Finland exhibition that morning), but yeah! In general! Very much yeah!!
into joy i'm sailing, @hereforlou, E, 4.6k, 1d, louis/harry. This was on tumblr as a drabble, and i am SO GLAD it's here now, too, archived! The setup of Harry wearing a dress at home and Louis accidentally seeing him and the aftermath of all that, simply gorgeous, soft.
Steaks High (Bitch I'm a Cow), objectlesson/ @alienfuckeronmain, E, 4.7k, 1d, orville/harry. I thought about this fic about 30 times during the recent Orville youtube living room concert (I’ll think about it in tonight’s, too), it's so tremendously on point with all the dirty talk, I legit hope they've read and loved it.
Will We Talk, gayumbrella/ @hypersoniclesbian, E, 5.1k, 1d, louis/sam. I don't know Sam Fender too well, so I don't know if this is perfect characterization or not, but wowwowowowow, is Louis well done here! And it's such a treat to see him outside of the bbc1 radio dj squad, too, ha.
Have a Nice Trip, @kingsofeverything, E, 6.3k, 1d, louis/harry. I swear to god, this should be in the pubefest rec pile, Harry's OBSESSION with Louis's pubes here is everything.
like sweat dripping down your dirty laundry, objectlesson, E, 8.6k, cars universe, doc/lightning. Best use of a Niall Horan song title outside of a 1d fic? MAYBE SO. But honestly this fic, with all the scent kink throughout, you practically live it.
canon-ish series, by @moonshinelouis-archive, E/M, 8.8k, 1d, louis/harry. MAnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, this is some great kink discovery (BDSM in the first one, body worship in the second, 10 for 10, would recommend 'em both, can’t wait for more).
Whoever, However, Brooklyn_Babylon/ @twopoppies, E, 8.9, 1d, louis/harry. JESUS CHRIST, the dirty talk in this is so fucking good (the way Harry reacts to Louis talking about H's pussy, chef's kiss). I loveeee all these fics related to current photoshoots, bring 'em on! 
(And if you’re into the dynamics of sexy sweet camboy/very interested filmer/more angst/any fandom, As Sweet as Blood Red Jam (cars universe) updated this month, too, god, this story kills me, I wanna hug Doc tight!)
Tangled Up Again, QuickedWeen/ @becomeawendybird, E, 14k, 1d, louis/harry. Technically, I read the third chapter in this specific story, but it feels like a new installment in a series? That's a fine line, I guess, but this is a GREAT girl direction series, and the descriptions of this outfit and the entire tennis competition/aftermath are so visual, gotta love pillow princess harry!
Second Spring, vondrostes, E, 88k, 1d, louis/harry. I tend to read all of Terran's amazing fics through patreon, but meanwhile, my fave is slowly drawing closer to her end on ao3. This is a thorough look into a transition and how it affects multiple people (the way all the characters change and grow, niceeeeee).
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