#jasmine really tries with the cooking lessons but it’s just so difficult
phrynewrites · 2 years
ugh i stan blind date au! can we get some more cooking hcs ?
Thank you so much hun!! I’m so glad you’re enjoying it!
Cooking HCs:
1. When Jasmine’s sick, Bosco decides to be a *good not girlfriend* and buy her soup. So they come over to Jasmine’s empty the can of condensed tomato soup into a bowl, and hand it off to her. And Jasmine, tripping on cold meds, accepts a spoon full of it before promptly spitting it out. Bosco doesn’t get it until Camden hears them mumbling to themself and has to tell Bosco that they have to heat up soup AND dilute it with water. And then takes a picture of the gloppy cold tomato concentrate and sends it to the gc.
2. When it’s their turn to host dinner for their friends, Jasmine always has Bosco plan the table setting and set it, telling them to “go as big as their heart desires.” This not only lets Bosco show off their artistry, it gives Jasmine at least two hours to actually cook the meal without Bosco either being a pest or trying to help cook, which Jasmine knows she’ll have to do over again anyway.
3. When Bosco first tries cooking Jasmine a nice dinner, they’re sending progress pictures to the group chat like “I’ll put the garlic on first because it smells good” and “and now I boil the water with the pasta” and “I think this is call deglazing but I put the wine in the pasta water because everyone likes wine” and the whole time everyone’s yelling at Bosco not to do what they’re doing but they simply ignore because they’re making pasta that maybe only Jasmine will appreciate. (Jasmine takes two bites of the alcoholic mush, compliments Bosco’s efforts at trying new things, how much she does in fact love pasta, and how they should order some pasta and maybe try to remake it together tomorrow)
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fourteenacross · 8 years
2016 in Review
I’ve done these stupid surveys every year for the past ten years and I don’t care if LJ is dead, I’m gonna keep doing them.
The writing one is still in progress because it involves a lot of linking and thoughtful responses. Below are Fandom in 2016 and Life in 2016, mostly for my own records.
Fandom 2016
1. Your main fandom of the year?
Oh god, this has a different answer for the first time in five years, but definitely Hamilton? Up until SM, the only fannish words I wrote this year were Hamilton, most of the shit I reblogged on Tumblr was Hamilton...jesus, it’s like 2004 up in this joint.
2. Your favorite film watched this year? This is really difficult. Um, probably Ghostbusters because it blew me away and was totally unexpected as a favorite. I knew I’d probably like it, but not necessarily six-times-in-theatres level of liking.
Runners up are The Conjuring 2, which would have won without Ghostbusters, and Moana, which I found surprisingly moving and would probably see six more times without getting bored.
3. Your favorite book read this year? I’m gonna say Shadowshaper by Daniel José Older, which is an amazing modern urban fantasy set in Brooklyn about an afro-latina teenager who discovers she’s part of an old spiritual order that can channel spirits into art. IT’S SO GOOD? But I will say that The Diviners by Libba Bray and the Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo were neck and neck with it right up until I made my final list for our WBS year-end episode. The best middle grade book I read was George by Alex Gino.
4. Your favorite album or song to listen to this year? I honestly am not sure that I listened to any “new” albums outside of The Hamilton Mixtape this year? I spent the start of the year listening to Hamilton and Great Comet non-stop, then listened to every Dar song in order and all of the 69 Love Songs in order for a couple months...but yeah, the only ~*~new~*~ thing I can think of is The Hamilton Mixtape.
5. Your favorite TV show of the year? Prooooobably Brooklyn Nine-Nine? Or maybe the end of Gravity Falls. 
6. Your favorite online fandom community of the year? idk. To be honest, I still don’t quite ~*~get~*~ tumblr (tho I had some nice conversations via the chat function, despite my general awkwardness as a human), LJ is dead, and while I connect with fandom friends and talk about fandom on Twitter, I don’t do that as much as I whine about my life. I guess AO3 has been great via comments received, but that also feels one-sided, as chatty cathy as I sometimes get when responding to people’s comments. Most of my fandom conversations this year have PROBABLY been over text? 
7. Your best new fandom discovery of the year? I’m trying to think if there was anything new I was super into? Maybe Six of Crows, which I talked about a lot and read a couple fics for?
8. Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year? X-Men: Apocalypse, for sure. Man, after DoFP, I had SUCH HIGH HOPES for XMA, which was totally my own fault. Every time someone made a comment about how weird something looked or how dumb something sounded I rolled my eyes, because they had done the exact same thing for DoFP, which was AMAZING. But, uh...this time they were all right. The more I thought about the movie, the more it fell apart for me. 
9. Your TV boyfriend of the year? Strictly teevee,  probably...idk, Luke Cage?
10. Your TV girlfriend of the year? I don’t watch SNL regularly, but can I cheat and say Kate McKinnon?
11. Your biggest squee moment of the year? Seeing Hamilton. Seeing Great Comet. Ghostbusters. 
12. The most missed of your old fandoms? I really missed the joy I got from DoFP when I was watching XMA :(
13. The fandom you haven’t tried yet, but want to? I’m p mono-fannish, so I’m good for now.
14. Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year? Going to Chicago in May! Heroes! DragonCon! WBS liveshow! Maybe other things! I don’t know, I haven’t planned that much of the year yet!
General 2016
What did you do in 2016 that you'd never done before? Voted for a woman for President. Went to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Um...probably other stuff too? Gosh, I don’t know, I’m so boring.
Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
+ Make a writing schedule and stick to it Did not do this. Like, at all. I got maybe a week on schedule over the course of the whole year /o\
+ Go on more dates Yes! I did do this! None of them really went anywhere, but I went on a whole bunch!
+ Get into the cooking habit and stay there Ish? I got better about making lunches for the week, but I wasn’t super consistent with it. Another thing to try in 2017.
+ Read more I did do this! Sort of! I didn’t keep super good track of it and I was mostly trying to read more adult books and I failed MISERABLY at that.
For 2017: + Read more adult books + Keep track of good things that happen + Make a writing schedule and try to stick to it for at least a month + Be better with money--pay off half the credit card + Go on more dates
Did anyone close to you give birth? Joni had a baby! It was so weird! One of us grew a tiny human! He’s ADORABLE.
Did anyone close to you die? My (step)grandfather.
What countries did you visit? Just this one! But within this one I went to...Charlotte, ATL, Orlando, Arkansas...and, you know, the Northeast in general.
What would you like to have in 2017 that you lacked in 2016? I'd like to feel more on top of things. I'd like more organization in my life. I'd like more sleep. I'd like a girlfriend.
What dates from 2016 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? November 8, not for good reasons, unfortunately. May 21 (Hamilton, Hadestown), November 12 (Great Comet), stuff like Heroes and DCon. 
What was your biggest achievement of the year? Finishing the goddamn ghosthunters fic, HOW DID THAT EVEN HAPPEN?
What was your biggest failure? idk what my biggest PERSONAL failure was, but I certainly know what my biggest failure as an American was :\
Did you suffer illness or injury? Brain stuff, some colds, and I broke my foot.
What was the best thing you bought? Great Comet tickets, plane tickets to visit various people. My dumb Silhouette machine that I love. Tiny John Laurens and The Washingtonians, both of which are within my sightline. This fuzzy blanket.
Whose behavior merited celebration? My friends. A lot of excellent activists.
Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? The American people as a whole and everything associated with our clusterfuck election outcome.
Where did most of your money go? Grown-up type stuff (rent, utilities, groceries), cons, and travel.
What did you get really, really, really excited about? HeroesCon, DragonCon, Hamilton, Hadestown, Great Comet, The Conjuring 2, finishing the ghosthunters.
What song will always remind you of 2016? I mean, mostly just The Hamilton Mixtape, probably.
Compared to this time last year, are you: a) happier or sadder? Uh. Up until November I would have said “happier,” but currently I’m definitely sadder and more anxious. b) thinner or fatter? Same. c) richer or poorer?��Same.
What do you wish you'd done more of? Writing. Sleeping. Hanging out with people.
What do you wish you'd done less of? Being depressed. Obsessing over stupid shit people said on the internet.
Did you fall in love in 2016? With this fuzzy blanket.
What was your favorite TV program? Brooklyn Nine-Nine!
Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? Many, many people. THANKS, POLITICS.
What was the best book you read? Shadowshaper by Daniel José Older. See above for more details.
What was your greatest musical discovery? Nothing really new, tbh.
What did you want and get? Cons, brunch, travel, Great Comet tickets.
What did you want and not get? A female President. A girlfriend. More sleep.
What was your favorite film of this year? Spy or Star Wars or Jurassic World, I guess?
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I turned 31! The weekend before, me and @pearlo​ and @cygnaut​ and @littledust​ saw XMA a couple times! And Laura and Erica and I went to the Gardner and then I had a party and people mostly hung out and played Drawful and drank a lot of champagne. On my actual birthday, @ginthusiastic​ and I just went out for dinner after work and I had a drink that was the same color as my dress.
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? A different election outcome. Literally anything. A box turtle could be our president and I’d be happy.
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2016? Retro-y dresses.
What kept you sane? @ginthusiastic @pearlo @caphairdadbeard @isjustprogress @intrikate88 @anachronistique @lisapizza @charmingpplincardigans @brilligspoons  and the rest of the Boston crew whose tumblrs I don’t know/remember, and the DCon crew and The Hamilton Mixtape and theatre and the cast of Hamilton and crime show marathons.
Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? I have a Daveed Diggs problem. And an unfortunate swing crush on Morgan Marcell. And Kate McKinnon was A THING that happened. And Jasmine exists and also Stephanie Beatiz and XMA was a bust, but Sophie Turner was A+.
What political issue stirred you the most? Gee, I wonder.
Who did you miss? Pretty much everyone when they are not right next to me. Sarah Bay, a lot, but I feel weird singling one person out. [This is exactly what I wrote for the last two years, but I'm keeping it because it's still true.]
Who was the best new person you met? I’m trying to think of actualfax new people I met? Boston Maja is the only IRL person who comes to mind immediately? Oh, and I met Ellen at DCon? Online-wise, I met a slew of great folks through Hamilton-related crap and you’re all lovely 💜
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2016: I’m still not sure what the lesson from the ‘16 election is. Don’t trust polls? People are more misogynistic than you think? People are more racist than you think? I don’t know. I guess I’m still learning it.
Quote a song that sums up your year: I am the one thing in life I can control
Maybe THAT’S the lesson of 2016. idk, man.
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