#for ceaserslies
fuckyeah-dragrace · 2 years
thinking about single mom au tonight
you know what, me too Ro! Also, take this as a late birthday post because ur amazing so I hope u enjoy this babes!!
Moving Day
Daya dropped the last big box onto the ground and huffed, wiping the sweat from her brow as the patter of feet echoed down the hall. She was starting to feel her hands shake as she ran her hands through her hair.
“Mama, Mama! This house is so big!” The 3 year old giggled, her blonde curls trailing behind her as Jasmine chuckled, her own .
“Yeah, yeah it is, dragonfly.” Daya said, her voice just a smidge softer than normal as she leaned against the white wall. Jasmine picked up the little girl and kissed her cheek. “Sure is, baby. This house is big enough for you and all of your toys Auntsco and Auntie Cam got you for your birthday.” Ava giggled and wrapped one arm loosely around her mothers neck and rested her head against her shoulder.
“Then Auntie Gigi and Cryssie can come visit, right Mama?” She looked at Daya excitedly, smiling wide with her little teeth.
Daya could feel her head pounding now as her vision seemed to blur. She nodded weakly as Ava tilted her head in confusion. “Mama?” Now Jasmine looked at her partner, back straightening taking in Dayas appearance. She put Ava down, kissing her head and heading over to the taller woman, hands on her cheek.
“Di, baby, look at me.” Daya could barely hear her, ears ringing as she fought the black spots coming into her vision. “Daya, when was the last time you ate anything?” Jasmine asked, her voice more forceful as her eyes grew more frantic, taking in Dayas' nearly unconscious state.
“Couple hours.” Her voice was weaker as she struggled to keep her words from slurring, she could faintly hear Jasmine mumble something as her warm hands held onto her clammy flesh. She feels herself sink to the floor, a warm body press flush against her back and arms wrap around her front, keeping her upright and her head nestled against her shoulder. Jasmine was saying something to her as Ava left the room, thumping against the wood.
“It’s okay, baby. I got you, I got you.” Jasmine said, rubbing up and down Dayas arms soothingly. It’s all a blur as she hears more footsteps and Jasmine talking but not understanding what she’s saying as she feels a straw come to her mouth. She faintly hears Jasmine coax her to sip and she’s so groggy and can’t remember how her lips managed to get to the plastic. Jasmine's voice becomes clearer as she hears the gentle praise and feels her lips against her forehead as her hand brushes away her short hair.
“There you go, good job baby.” Jasmine felt her heart slow down from its erratic beating as Daya groaned and blinked awake, her eyes fluttering open.
“Jas? Wha happened?” She mumbled.
“Someone let their sugar get too low.” She kissed her cheek and sighed. “You scared me, Di.” She whispered, little twinges of fear coming in as she squeezed her tighter for a moment.
“I’m sorry, baby.” She mumbles, looking away and at the ground for a moment as she regains more feeling over her body. She stares at the ground and notices the little feet standing further back, still as stone and planted there at the heel. A sinking pit of dread filled her stomach. Ava saw, she let her daughter see her like that.
Jasmine rubbed Dayas shoulder and beckoned the little girl over. She stood there a moment and then walked over quickly but with a caution so unlike the little spitfire Daya knew. She came over to her mothers side and held onto her shirt tightly, tucked behind Jasmine's head and hair as she peeked over.
“Ava, honey.” Jasmine said softly, pulling an arm away from Daya and pulling it around her daughter. “It’s alright, baby.” She curled into her mothers arms, watching Daya carefully for any signs of hurt and a wave of shame washed through Daya.
“Dragonfly,” her voice was weak as she clears her throat. Ava sniffled and looked at her mother, her little green eyes a little watery. Daya smiled, tiredly but she still managed a smile for her little girl. “I’m alright, bug. Mamas okay.”
“You looked gwoss.” Daya laughed lightly.
“I felt gross, baby.”
“Mommy looked scared.”
Jasmine squeezed Ava again. “Mommy didn’t want Mama to get hurt, baby. That’s why Mommy was scared.” She kissed her crown.
“I was scawed too.” She said quietly, wiping her eyes. Daya smiled softly at how caring her little girl was.
“C'mere bug.” Daya shifted against Jasmine and reached for her daughter. Jasmine brought the girl over to her partner warily. Ava brought an arm over her mothers shoulder and held on loosely as Daya wrapped her arms around the little girl's waist.
“Mama’s okay, baby.” Her hand rested on her small back and rubbed gently as Ava relaxed against her chest. “I forgot to eat and moving all those boxes made me tired.”
“But you always remember when Mommy and I gots ta eat.”
“I have to take care of my girls. And a little Ava monster comes out when someone gets too hungry.” She tickled lightly at Avas sides, getting her to giggle and squirm slightly on her chest.
“And we have to take care of you too, honey.” Jasmine brushed away some of Dayas hair and rested her chin on her shoulder. “Now it’s our turn to take care of Mama, right baby?”
Ava nods her head. “Yeah. Like when I got sick an I got ta stay home from daycare.”
“Exactly.” Jasmine kissed her little nose. “So, that means Mama gets all the cuddles and kisses to feel better.”
“Do I get any say in this?” Daya chuckles.
“Nu uh.” Ava hugs her tighter. “Doctors orders.” Daya smiled and rubbed her back, kissing her forehead. Jasmine kissed Dayas cheek.
“We got you, baby.” They sat together on the floor, as a family.
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moonshotsx · 2 years
jasmine convincing animals to mess with daya is so funny😭
jasmine has got the aquatic animals on her side, daya could never win lmao
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alittlebitgoofy · 2 years
this is my official request for u to write daya screaming at transphobes on bosco's (and jasmine if u want to do a throuple) behalf
it is coming- that is all i have to say
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thecollectionsof · 2 years
now i'm picturing daya doing my T shots why would u do this to me
hehehe that was my evil plan all along you fell for my trap !!!
ok but like. imagine. daya being so practiced and confident at giving shots, but taking extra time to really make sure there are no air bubbles in the syringe, flicking it and looking at it so closely to make sure she got out all of the air. imagine daya bending down to wipe down the area, humming quietly to distract you from the process. imagine her giving you the shot and then kissing you on the head for being so still and putting a band-aid on the injection site, just in case. imagine daya being so sure to sterilize everything for you, being so careful to make sure there’s nothing that could hurt you in any way
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 2 years
hi nattie my dear 💍💍 how are you?? i hope you’re having the best day today, love <3 this… isn’t a question. sorry about that. anyways: give someone a compliment. it can be about anything—their blog layout, something they said/posted that you liked, their writing, anything. it’s a nice day to be positive, let’s spread some positivity today!! (bonus points if you leave a different person a nice ask!!! and, of course, it can be on anon if that's more comfortable for you <3)
gi my beloved betrothed partner 💍💍💍
ohhh jesus give people compliments?? theres just so many to give and not enough words in the world for it so i'll do 3 since that's the magic number also so sorry that this is late but i had such a hard 
@ceaserslies: Ro Ro the best of bros! although we don't talk as much because schedules are dumb and awful to deal with but you are the coolest dude in the world. you are so so creative and cool with the prompts you sent in and everything you do, also little shout out, you literally drew the tattoo designs for one of my fics for me... THATS AMAZING AND SOSOSOSOSO COOL!! you're fantastic and i wish the best for you!
@methydcox: lynnie your are so so so talented at writing shit that makes me cry i still haven’t emotionally recovered for 4th of July because AHHHHHHHH whywhywhywhywhyw?!?! you're fantastic and amazing and I love love love obsessing over Jankie with u and i will definitely be bothering you more often with thoughts cuz also ur like so so amazing to just like talk to because we could literally go for hours bouncing from topic to topic so seamlessly and like i love that sm and i cannot be a luckier mootual with you <3<3<3
@moonshotsx: of course, the mother, the spirit, the one who started it all, julia. omfg i swear to god finding ur blog has been the single most greatest thing that happened to me and i don’t know where i would be, probably not obsessed and living a life where i sleep but ANYWAYS, but i really do mean it. you are the person that got me into writing and gave me the confidence to post and omfg you’re just amazing and smart and so so so so creative and imaginative with the aus you create and literally i want to give you all the kisses and hugs for vorever HGNNNNHHH
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 2 years
21 + 36 for single mom jasya obvs
Of course my good sir 💖
“We haven’t had a normal day in years.”
“Get in out of the rain, you’re shivering.”
“Of course it had to rain.” Jasmine laughed, her white dress soaked. She was standing under a gazebo with Daya by her side, her suit also soaking wet. Daya laughed and tilted her head back. “Perfect for us.”
“We can’t have one normal day huh?”
“We haven’t had a normal day in years baby.” Jasmine smiled. That was true. Her life has never been the same ever since she took a chance on the grumpy girl at the coffee shop. Everyday has been an adventure ever since and she’s loved every second of it. Every long night, every date, every heartbreak. She’s loved it all because she was able to meet the person she knew she’d spend the rest of her life with. “And I wouldn’t trade anything in the world for it.”
Daya smiled and pulled Jasmine close, her chin resting on the girls head. “Neither would I.” She kissed Jasmine and felt everything calm down, enjoying kissing her new wife. Jasmine hummed and cupped Dayas cheek. She smiled and looked out at the pouring rain. She left Dayas arms and went into the rain.
“What are you doing?”
“Having my moment.” She smiled as the rain pelted her face and dress.
“Get out of the rain, you’re shivering.” Daya called as Jasmine continues to spin and dance in the rain, her shoes abandoned and her feet slapping the cold stone of the walkway.
“Make me.” Jasmine laughed. Daya sighed and went out into the rain.
“I love you Jas.” She took her wife into her arms and picked her up, spinning her in the rain.
“Daya!” Jasmine squealed. Her smile wide held on tightly to her wife. Daya out her back on the ground and smiled. She extended her hand out.
“May I have this dance Mrs. Cox?” Jasmine smiled and accepted the hand.
“Of course Mrs. Cox.” Their hand around their destined spots as the swayed in the rain, their foreheads resting against each other, whispering I love yous and more sweet confessions.
“Mommies!” They turned to see Ava running towards them, her green dress just as wet as their own clothes. She barreled into their legs, pushing them to the ground. They all shouted as the fell, holding each other tightly. Avas eyes went wide.
“I’m sorry! Are you okay Mama?” She sat in Dayas lap and held her cheeks. Jasmine laughed, holding her daughters waist. Daya didn’t respond. Instead she just laughed, pulling Ava and Jasmine in closer. They all lay against the cold stone in the rain, holding onto each other and laughing.
Jasmine never expected to get married, let alone in the rain. But she wouldn’t change it for the world.
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 2 years
32 jasco 🥺
Of course of course my loveliest bro💞 plus it’s been a while since I’ve written for the strangers to lovers AU
32. Kiss to wake up
“Bosco? I’m here.”
Jasmine had just gotten back to Boscos apartment when she noticed how quiet it was. Tobi and Tito were resting in their respective places on the couch, the tv wasn’t on, and their certainly wasn’t any sign of the black haired enchantress in the apartment.
Jasmine put her purse down on the table along with the coffee and tea brought for the both of them. She knew it was probably dumb to bring a barista coffee but she thought the gesture would be appreciated. She walked down the hall, moving quietly as to not disturb the sleeping cats.
She made her way to the bedroom, very familiar with the path and stopped in doorway. She smiled and shook her head. There lay Bosco, fast asleep in their bed under the covers just like Jasmine left them this morning for her run.
She stepped quietly into the dark room, making her way to Bosco, who was actually burrowed into the blankets. Jasmine leaned down by Boscos head, hearing their even breaths and little snores. Jasmine placed a tiny kiss to Boscos cheek, feeling her twitch but not wake up. Jasmin smiled again and placed more all over her face; her forehead, brow, cheeks, and corners of her lips. Boscos nose began to twitch as their eyes fluttered open.
“Jas? You back?” They asked, voice heavy with sleep. Their blue eyes blinking slowly as Jasmine smiled.
“Yeah. I got coffee if you want some. They didn’t have oat milk so it’s just black since you don’t like the other kinds.” Jasmine said, her hand petting Boscos black hair gently. They smiled and couldn’t explain how pleasantly their heart squeezed at the fact Jasmine remembered her little ramble from a week ago.
“I can go get it if you want?” Bosco shook their head. Their hand came up under the covers and found Jasmines arm, holding on limply.
“Cmon, nap time.” They said gruffly, tugging onto Jasmines arm. Jasmine laughed and happily sat onto the bed. Bosco lifted the covers and wrapped Jasmine in the warmth. She hummed and scooted closer to Bosco, thankful for how warm the girl runs.
Bosco, not satisfied, pulled Jasmine into their arms, making the blonde inhale sharply. Bosco rested their head on top of Jasmine’s shoulder. Their arms wrapped around Jasmines waist, legs tangling effortlessly.
“Night ‘sco.” Jasmine sighed, taking in the pleasant scent of sandalwood and coffee in their bed. Bosco mumbled something that Jasmine couldn’t understand before falling back asleep, their breath tickling Jasmines neck.
Jasmine thought to the tea and coffee on the table that would most definitely be watered down but she didn’t care. Her eyes became heavy as she yawned, finally falling asleep in Boscos arms.
At least her girlfriend made a mean cup of coffee.
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 2 years
20 for pillby or goodesco 👀👀
Ooooo a little bit of Goodesco? Why not.
20. Kiss on a scar
Bosco and Gigi finally had the day off together and were not wasting any precious time. They had been watching some sappy romcom Jasmine recommended but quickly grew bored. Completely randomly, Gigi suggested a simple kiss, to show how ya know, real friends who don’t have a thing for each other kiss because obviously they could do it. Of course Bosco agreed and that is how they got into this situation.
Bosco was on top of Gigi, her hands pining Gigis wrists to the bed as their lips traveled down her throat. Gigi moaned deeply and threw her head back into the pillows, giving Bosco all of the area she needed to mark up.
“Fuck me.” Gigi exhaled, her eyelids closed tightly as Bosco made her way to Gigi’s breasts, nipping at the tender flesh.
“I plan too.” Bosco huffed, their eyes looking up at Gigis blissful face. Gigi squirmed in Boscos grasp, growing impatient as Boscos tongue barely graced her nipple. Instead of sucking on the pert nub, Bosco decides to tread further down Gigis body, making the brunette whine and mewl. Bosco chuckled darkly before kissing the girls stomach.
“I’m getting to it babydoll.” Gigi moaned again as Boscos sucked a dark hickey on her stomach, her thighs pressed tighter together. Bosco continues to kiss before stopping. So lost in the pleasure. Gigi opens her eyes and the loss of sensation. She looks down to see Bosco staring at a her stomach, their eyes thoughtful as their grip slackened. One hand leaves Gigi’s wrists and traces the jagged skin. Gigi squirms again as Bosco looks at them, curious eyes meeting lust filled ones.
“Where’s you get that thing doll?” Bosco asks. Gigi squirms, turning her head to avoid Boscos gaze, panic filling her stomach like a sink hole.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay.” Bosco coos, her free hand cupping Gigis jaw. Gigis eyes meet Boscos blue ones, beginning to blush again. “It’s just wanna know.”
Gigi huffs, her eyes watery. “It’s nothing. Just some stupid ugly scar from when I was a kid.” She says quickly, her free hands tracing Boscos sides. Bosco rolled their eyes and kissed Gigi gently. Gigi smiled, finally getting what she wanted, but she soon grew frustrated feeling no sense of fire or desire behind the kiss.
“It’s not ugly.” Bosco says firmly against Gigis lips. She lifts her head and crawls back downwards for Gigis navel where the scar cut through. Bosco leaned down, their hands now gripping onto Gigis hips. They pressed multiple kisses along the scar, giving what Gigi perceived as pure kisses. Her throat closed up and her eyes watered.
Bosco finished their trail and meets again at Gigis head. Their eyes glowing in dark room, piercing into Gigis soul. They lean down and kiss Gigi gently, lips barely pressing against Gigis. She closes her eyes and melts, letting her head flood with a rush of that sickening fuzzy feeling.
“Guess Im going to have to show babydoll.” Bosco whispered, almost like a vow. Gigi didn’t have time to question what Bosco meant before she threw her head back and moaned loudly.
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phrynewrites · 2 years
hi yes i miss blind date au. can you write some more whippedsco and protective bosco hcs?
Hun I also miss blind date au like it's my favorite child out of all my aus 😍. Like wow when that au was first building? My brain was unstoppable. Now? It's exceptionally stoppable kgdfksjg. Anyway, here's some whippedsco and protectivesco headcanons:
Whippedsco 🤠:
Bosco's interns and Jasmine's interns both start a collaborate bet to see which one of their bosses will say the phrase "my wife" more often and how many times will it be said in a day. Bosco figures out what they're doing and totally messes with the bet, saying "my wife" as often as possible, like "if you're getting coffee *my wife* I'll take a *my wife* iced *my wife* coffee with *my wife* vanilla syrup *my wife* and *my wife* two *my wife* sugars *my wife*"
Jasmine starts forgetting jackets on purpose, mainly because she knows that Bosco will always lend her theirs. Bosco definitely doesn't mind this because Jasmine looks very cute in their jacket and it's another way of subtly telling the world that Jasmine is theirs.
When Jasmine takes a job on the other side of the country, fresh out of fashion school, Bosco flies out there every other weekend. On one occasion when all the flights were booked for that weekend, they were going to take off a few extra days and make the drive, only for Jasmine to end up flying back to New York instead.
Protectivesco 😤:
When Bosco takes Jasmine as their *date not-date*to some fashion parties they're invited to, they're extra weary of anyone giving Jasmine a once-over. Jasmine's confused, but not complaining about how touchy Bosco's being, going as far as to lie to their colleagues and tell them that Jasmine *is* their girlfriend so everyone backs off.
When Jasmine's going on about something that happened during her shift or at class and their friends are just groaning about it because they know they're in for a long, rambling story about nothing, Bosco's always sure to ask extra questions, give their friends a Look to get them to try and pay attention, and are always reassuring that they want to hear what Jasmine's saying.
Before they're dating and before Bosco "decides to get dinner at the diner Jasmine works at coincidentally on nights when she's closing so they can walk her home" they insist that Jasmine text if they've gotten home safe after work, feeling a bit uneasy about Jasmine walking alone at night.
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phrynewrites · 2 years
ugh i stan blind date au! can we get some more cooking hcs ?
Thank you so much hun!! I’m so glad you’re enjoying it!
Cooking HCs:
1. When Jasmine’s sick, Bosco decides to be a *good not girlfriend* and buy her soup. So they come over to Jasmine’s empty the can of condensed tomato soup into a bowl, and hand it off to her. And Jasmine, tripping on cold meds, accepts a spoon full of it before promptly spitting it out. Bosco doesn’t get it until Camden hears them mumbling to themself and has to tell Bosco that they have to heat up soup AND dilute it with water. And then takes a picture of the gloppy cold tomato concentrate and sends it to the gc.
2. When it’s their turn to host dinner for their friends, Jasmine always has Bosco plan the table setting and set it, telling them to “go as big as their heart desires.” This not only lets Bosco show off their artistry, it gives Jasmine at least two hours to actually cook the meal without Bosco either being a pest or trying to help cook, which Jasmine knows she’ll have to do over again anyway.
3. When Bosco first tries cooking Jasmine a nice dinner, they’re sending progress pictures to the group chat like “I’ll put the garlic on first because it smells good” and “and now I boil the water with the pasta” and “I think this is call deglazing but I put the wine in the pasta water because everyone likes wine” and the whole time everyone’s yelling at Bosco not to do what they’re doing but they simply ignore because they’re making pasta that maybe only Jasmine will appreciate. (Jasmine takes two bites of the alcoholic mush, compliments Bosco’s efforts at trying new things, how much she does in fact love pasta, and how they should order some pasta and maybe try to remake it together tomorrow)
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phrynewrites · 2 years
can we get more drunk blind date au hcs 🥺 also some family hcs🥺🥺
Ugh the way I live for blind date au like they're fully my ogs and I'd love for them to have a Revival here 😎
Drunk HCs
Drunk Jasmine will get into literally anyone's lap. She's always teetering between h word and soft.
One night, pre-admitting feelings, Jasmine has her eyes set on Bosco. She's pulling them out to dance, grinding all over them. And of course Bosco doesn't mind, wanting to take Jasmine home just as much as she wants to come home with them.
However, when Bosco takes her home, she's too drunk and ends up falling asleep in Bosco's bed instead. Jasmine cuddles up so close against Bosco the minute they join her in bed (after they're done removing her make up)
Family HCs
The last person Bosco brought to family Thanksgiving was their ex, who was the literal worst and in no way wanted to be there. She didn't engage with their family, acted like Bosco putting their arm around her was a personal affront, and complained the whole time.
So Bosco's sister immediately likes Jasmine more, especially given how she's somehow positive after a cross country flight, and is bringing both nice wine and garbage wine to dinner (because Bosco insisted that their sister likes the garbage wine, but Jasmine doesn't believe Bosco because that sounds like something they'd lie about so their sister won't like her.)
Despite claiming not to be girlfriends and insisting that Bosco's sister has nothing to worry about with these two *being too loud* sleeping in the same room, the two do in fact have sex. They try everything to be quiet, moving off the rickety bed and onto the floor, fingers in Jasmine's mouth, like everything. And yet when they come downstairs the next day, Bosco's sister still calls them out for being too noisy.
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 2 years
wait wait picture this- ava and a puppy
Stop this is too adorable 🥰
Jasmine knew she made a mistake when she decided to stop by the animal shelter after there trip to the park.
“Come on!” Daya whined. She was sat inside the puppy pen having the absolute time of her life. Ava was sitting not to far from Daya, giggling at all the pups giving her attention.
“We are not getting a dog Daya.” Jasmine said, arms crossed.
Daya huffed. “Why am I surrounded by cat people?” Daya exhaled, currently cuddling a little black lab. The pup barked in response and Daya couldn’t help but laugh. Jasmine giggled but she felt her heart just burst when she saw Ava playing with a tiny grey puppy. They didn’t mind her prying hands tugging at there ears. They played together and Ava rested her head against the pup. Jasmine could feel her internal argument get louder as she saw her daughter become best friends with this puppy. She sighed and crouched down, petting a sleeping puppy gently.
“Maybe it’s not such a bad idea.” Dayas eyes widened and a smile shone on her face.
“Really?” Jasmine laughed at how excited Daya was. She nodded and Daya leaned up to kiss Jasmine. Jasmine giggled and pulled away, the same bright smile on her face.
“Have I told you I love you?” Daya asked, still beaming up at her. Jasmine rolled her eyes.
“Only every other day.” Daya went and kissed her cheek. Jasmine sighed, looking over at Ava and started to laugh. The little girl had fallen asleep with the puppy, both snoring in there little pile. Daya turned and awed at the scene.
“Guess Aveyahs getting a new friend.” Daya commented, finally getting up from her spot. She picked up Ava and the puppy, both staying asleep miraculously and exited the puppy pen. Jasmine tried to take Ava but the girl bables in her sleep, still holding onto the pups leg and not letting go.
“What are we getting ourselves into?” Jasmine asked aloud, linking her arm with Dayas and rested her head against her shoulder.
“I don’t know but it’s going to be amazing.” Daya responded. They left the shelter with a new friend in hand, looking forward to whatever was ahead for them.
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 2 years
literally loved the single mom emojis you did so here's some more! I'll add random emojis and give context but chose to ignore if u want
🦁-zoo trip and/or school field trips
📚-Ava learning to read or her first day of school
🌙- you chose!
I’m glad you loved them💕💖 I really enjoyed writing them and these are so fun!
🦁 Zoo trip Headcanons
Considering the fact that Jasmine absolute adores animals, it’s no surprise Ava loves them too
Like she’s absolutely obsessed with anything fuzzy, small, and 4 legged so they take her to the zoo one day and she is in HEAVEN
Like when I tell you she didn’t stop smiling and she was just 🤩 all day
Daya and Jasmine definitely got there steps in because omg Ava is a bolter, like she just runs to the nearest exhibit
Eventually she gets but in the baby carrier which she isn’t happy about but then falls asleep
If they had to big there favorites to exhibits to see, Jasmine likes the big cats obviously, Daya adores the butterfly sanctuary and Ava only ever wants to go see the bears
No but the funniest thing happened when they went to the big cat exhibit
So Daya was holding Ava in like the carrier, like ones you clip onto strollers, and Ava was already asleep in there and while Daya and Jasmine were looking at a leopard
And ya know Dayas like swinging the carrier around, chatting with Jasmine
The leopard was literally watching Daya swing the carrier and it kept on getting closer and closer till it was like right up to the glass and they both freaked out and sat like 😦
But the biggest struggle at the zoo is the gift shop at the end because Ava grabs like everything and Jasmine is such an enabler because have you seen those eyes??
Ava ends up with just one stuffed animal, took a lot of negotiation, and she sleeps with that polar bear every night
Jasmine also may have bought the cutest little koala onesie and surprises Daya with it one day
📚 First day of School Headcanons
Obviously this is a little further into the future but Ava absolutely loves learning and she can’t wait for school to start
She can’t sleep the night before, she has her entire outfit planned down to her hair bow, her backpack is right next to her bed, she’s even practiced how she smiles in the mirror- she is ready
Daya and Jasmine are absolute wrecks seeing her act so big and they know they’ll only cry more in the morning
Morning of, Ava is running the house and keeping everyone on schedule cuz she doesn’t want to miss her first day like she goes and wakes up her moms and Jasmines like ‘5 minutes’ and Ava literally sits on the bed and watches the clock until it’s five minutes (Daya laughs at that)
Jasmine goes and makes breakfast (chocolate chip pancakes that look like a cat, Ava’s fav) while Daya gets Ava dressed and they way Daya almost cries seeing Ava in her uniform—
She does the little twirl with her skirt and Daya hugs her so tightly and Ava laughs at how silly her mommy is
Jasmine goes and does Ava hair into her favorite braid and that’s when Ava gets a little nervous and asks if it’s scary and Jasmine just 🥺 and gives her all the kisses and says that she’ll be fine
The photo shoot they have before getting to school 😤 top tier
They get to school and there standing outside of the classroom when Ava just kinda freezes and gets so scared and holds onto her moms hands
She gets a big big hug from her proud mamas and she’s off to class smiling and already talking to other kids
Now, if you think Jasmines a crybaby, Daya outdoes her by a country mile
It’s like a constant stream of tears all the way home and Jasmines like laughing at how adorable Daya is and they go home and just cuddle till Daya stops crying
📆Work Headcanons
So Daya performs like night shows on the side to her day job and Jasmine loves having a kinda rockstar as her girlfriend
When Daya has like late shows or gigs, Jasmine always FaceTimes before she puts Ava to bed so Daya can say good night to her and wish her luck before her performance
Jasmine tries to stay awake till Daya gets home but when she does get home, Jasmines usually asleep on the couch
Daya thinks it’s adorable and has so many pictures of Jasmine
Jasmine surprised Daya at one of her performances and she was extra sexy that show, and Jas and Daya get very well acquainted with the storage closet
Whenever Daya has like a lunch or afternoon gig, Jasmine always stops by with Ava who wears her dragonfly onesie that Daya got her and loves seeing
When Ava’s older and she comes to see Daya perform, she always dedicated a song to her
When Jasmine has long rehearsals and Daya gets super bored, she makes TikToks of her and Ava doing the most random of stuff (all not posted for privacy’s sake)
Just like the funniest stuff every and she even does some of the dances with Ava in the carrier strapped to her chest, who’s so chill and smiles through her moms dorky antics
Jasmine comes home and is very confused to see Daya dancing to Lizzo while Ava’s in the carrier with her sunglasses, totally unbothered and done with Daya
One time Jasmine comes home to see Daya holding a blanket wrapped around Ava and lowering her to try and grab the pacifier off the floor with the mission impossible theme playing in the background
She stands there for a good minute and really questions why she decided to date this dork
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 2 years
can we get some single mom au hcs 🥺🫶
maybe when ava gets sick or back to school kinda thing?
Yes yes yes! Sorry this took so long💖 since I’m not feeling the best, you’ll get some sick hcs
Ava is the most cranky lil girl when’s she’s sick oml
definitely has her mommy’s attitude
Daya absolutely pampers the shitë out of that girl, I’m talking the full thing
cuddles? Mandatory
kisses? At the ready
snacks and movies? Already on the couch
Jasmine let’s her stay home from school or whatever else she has going on that day and let’s her rest
makes her favorite foods all day for her
the best thing thing though for Ava is just being held like she needs that comfort and touch and her mommy’s will happily give it
she gets extra stories before bed from her moms and she loves it💖
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 2 years
yes she would! she is such a crybaby for her baby girl. she was lowkey very upset she didn't record the first steps but Ava cuddled with her to make her feel better🥰
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phrynewrites · 2 years
the nerf gun😭
Jasmine's just sitting on a folding chair in the parking lot like "is this really necessary?" and Bosco's like "we've got to investigate the magic bullet theory and you're our only Kennedie, so yeah. It's super necessary."
They flag for Daya to move up a floor to try that angle and Jasmine grumbles that much smarter people have already done all the testing they need. Bosco pokes her with the potential-weapon polka dot umbrella.
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