#jason micic
nbalovers · 1 year
Thunder agree to deal with former EuroLeague MVP European star Vasilije Micic h... #usa #uk
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Nah, that was a cushy job, man. As much booze and girls as you wanted. I mean, I got paid to fight. I said, "Sign me up, motherfucker. I was born for this shit right here." I found what I was good at. The hustle. The grind.
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heresathreebee · 4 years
Garrote part 9
[Starz Power Diego Jimenez x Jazmine Mann (Black!OC)]
Word count: 3k words
Warning(s): Explicit (+18) | sibling angst, mention of past drug use, roleplay sex!, UNPROTECTED sex (wrap your willy before you get silly), clothed sex, dirty talk, oh uh minor voyeurism. Previous Masterlist Next
AN: No beta, all mistakes are my own. Why is it so goddamn difficult to apply gifs to a post. I promise I’ll sort the masterlist tonight! Also tags will be moved to the bottom under the cut. Let me know if you’d like to be added
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Gif creator @padfootwantsatummyrub​ thank you!
Alicia agreed to meet him that same night, and he tried to be presentable, and though he couldn't hide the alcohol on his breath, he was miraculously clean. That was thanks to the girls, of course, he hadn't had a second to snort coke with all their attention and literal begging. His sister was out on a job– Healy had given them the name of the low level thug who stole Porsche. Kennedy belonged to Jason Micic's organization, but Alicia discovered the boy usually did his own jobs. Diego met her just a few miles from his place and watched her work. His presence seemed to make Jason's Right Hand man nervous. 
"Look miss," he had been calling her 'lady' sarcastically before he noticed Diego lurking around in the shadows, "I hear what you're saying and I promise we're gonna fix it. By this time tomorrow, nobody's ever gonna know that kid's name." 
"Good." Alicia took a drag from her cigarette and held out a hand. The man reached out to shake it, but she snatched his wrist and put the cherry out on his forearm. He screamed, lurching his arm out of her grasp and gaining a few claw marks in the process. "Make sure it never happens again, claro?" 
They left him cradling his arm and stalked over to the alleyway of a greasy midnight diner. Diego held the door open for her, instructing her guard with a look to wait outside (his guard did the same). Alicia picked a booth in the back and ordered whiskey and fries– the very mention of which made Diego's stomach growl. 
"What do you want, Diego?" Alicia was stoic, already a note of disappointment fell from her voice as if she expected something childish. 
He took a deep breath to collect himself. 
"I'm sorry, sister," he said. She raised an eyebrow, but he continued, "I've been reckless and stupid and I almost got us caught because of it. You said those fucking pigs wouldn't have had anything on us except for my gun, and I can't let that happen again. So until we cross the border… no more coke." 
Alicia was, understandably, surprised. "No more coke? You think you can handle that, Diego?" 
His eyes were hard as stone– determined. "For us? Yes." 
His sister relaxed into the red cushions of the booth. Her eyes searched his– for mockery, for tricks, for falsehoods– until her jaw tightened and some raw expression flashed that Diego didn't know how to read. 
"On our mother's grave," he vowed. The trust Alicia was giving him now could not be squandered. It filled him with determination and a desire to be redeemed in her head. On our mother's grave. 
She hugged him. After sitting in perfect, tense silence while he ate all the fries and took a sip of her whiskey, as they were walking back out the door, she hugged him. He felt like a kid again. He felt like he had when their mother had passed away. Those were the only times she had hugged her brother, and it left him feeling raw and exposed like a nerve ending. His head drifted as he drove home and he swiped a tear from his cheek. 
I can do this, he decided. For us. 
It was nearly dawn by the time he got back to the penthouse. The cityscape was always bright at night, but there were a few precious hours in the evening and the morning when enough lights went out that made the city feel truly peaceful. Diego slipped into bed, barely managing to kick off his shoes before falling asleep watching the flurries of driven snow fly past his window. 
Someone was jiggling the doorknob. Diego had just enough strength to turn his head and look at the clock to read the time was 5:40 AM. The door to his bedroom opened violently as someone fell in. He lifted his head groggily and recognized the pretty kitten heels hanging from the brown arm with a death grip on the door knob. Jazmine pulled herself up with great difficulty, swaying on her feet like a drunk and slowly maneuvering the door to close behind her. Her half lidded eyes landed on Diego and she smiled. 
"Hey." She sounded hoarse and slurred. "I didn't think you'd actually be here…" 
Diego groaned and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, trying to sit up just a bit. "You asked me to be here. What do you want?" 
Something like sickness flashed over her face but only for a second. Her brow smoothed with determination and she sauntered with purpose to the side of his bed. Jazmine pulled his hair lightly and elicited a grunt from him. 
"I saw Haagen last night," she sighed. "When I left, I got a cab and got drunk and… well, here I am." 
Diego had a hard time focusing on her words, what with the gentle petting of his hair causing distraction, but he understood the unspoken story hidden between the lines. He rested a hand on top of her thigh and felt her twitch under his touch but not away from it. 
"If you're not too tired…" Her soft hand slid down, down, down. Stroking over the side of his neck and the open collar of his shirt, caressing his chest and pressing into the plain of his stomach until it mirrored his own touch on her thigh. She even gave him a squeeze which caused him to twitch as she had. "I could use a nice massage." 
Diego felt himself smirk involuntarily. She had his blood pumping now and pushing out the grogginess of a near sleepless night. He squeezed her back in answer but made no move to sit up or do anything else. 
On Jazmine's part, she couldn't take her eyes off of the man. There was something about the calmness and the plain white shirt that made him seem altogether a different man. He didn't look like a drug lord right now– he looked like somebody's husband. Maybe even somebody's dad. She could put that thought to good use…
"You like roleplaying, Diego?" His eyes had drifted shut but one opened curiously. "I can start." 
"Every girl likes doctor and nurse," he mumbled almost to himself. 
Jazmine shook her head. "I've got something else in mind." 
She stood up and tossed her shoes to the side. Only as she was taking it off did Diego notice she was wearing a t-shirt over her dress (in his defense, they were the same color). What she wore beneath was modest, something she could pass off in a church, which was a far cry from the little number she had worn to the club. Jazmine started her story by removing his belt with an agonizingly slow pace. 
"You," she said, tapping the buckle, "are a 9 to 5 office jockey who loves his parents and makes a decent living wage." 
"So sexy," he drawled sarcastically. 
"And I–" she ripped the belt from the loops of his pants eagerly and in one motion, "– am your wife." 
Diego's voice dropped. "Keep going." 
"I take care of the kids and our three story suburban house." She unbuttoned his pants with one hand, struggling and constantly bumping into his junk just to drive him crazy. "And we're so busy with everything we haven't had time to ourselves since our second kid. But guess what?" 
The button finally popping forced air out of Diego's lung, and he pulled his pants down himself as he became impatient. Jazmine was intent on keeping control and straddled his hips with force. His hands found their way up her skirt with ease and he fingered the strap of her panties as he waited for the other shoe to drop. "It's their first day of kindergarten." 
Diego's lust addled brain took a second to catch up. It was harder to do with her warm core putting pressure on his hardening cock, but he managed, and when he did he cocked an eyebrow at her. "Are you saying we haven't had sex in five years?" 
Jazmine hummed. She ground down on his hips, and he couldn't help but buck into her, feeling rock hard and ready. The woman slipped into her role like she was born to it, donning a face of longing with just a pouting lip. 
"I've missed you so much, baby..." 
God, he could not wait to get naked– this would just have to do. Diego sat up until he was chest to chest with 'his wife' and slipped his hands into his boxers to free his cock from its confines. Jazmine wrapped her arms around his shoulders and held onto him for dear life as he pushed her panties to the side and slipped a finger in. 
"So wet, baby," he groaned, "estas listo?" 
American girls loved hearing his Spanish and Jazmine was no different judging by the way she shuddered. He had to do everything by feeling since she refused to let go of him. She slid onto his cock like she belonged there, and although it was truthfully the first time, it felt like the first in a long time. 
Jazmine gasped when he finally bottomed out. Without a condom, she could feel every single vein and ridge of his thick length wedged into her pussy, and just the slightest movement caused the greatest sensations. Diego's warm breath fanned over her chest and she wished she could reach the zipper on the back of the dress to offer her nipples to him. He was content, it seemed, to try and taste them from the outside, and she squeezed his cock as a reward. 
"Oh fuck me." 
It wasn't meant as a request but Diego obliged her nonetheless. He gripped the soft curves between her hips and her waist and used them to bounce her in his lap, not too fast and not too deep, limited by the position but also like he wanted to keep her close to him. His watering mouth soaked through her dress and her lacy bra and when he pulled away to attack the other it left the last cold. 
The sweet burn of Diego's ministrations allowed Haagen's to wash away like footprints on a sandy beach. All that mattered now was Diego, and the unexpectedly tender way he fucked her like she really was the mother of his children. It made her ache where it shouldn't have, deep in her chest, but she didn't fight it and soon the tightening coil in her core won over her attention. 
Diego moaned with his mouth still on her and Jazmine keened in response, wrapping her fingers in his hair and dragging his head up to look at her. His pupils were blown wide but the light from the window still illuminated the deep brown ring of his eyes in a way that was so hypnotic she couldn't look away. 
His lip curled (of course) and the unhinged mischief of his former self shone through. "Want another..." 
She couldn't tell if it was a question for her or a statement from him. He kept her bouncing on his cock as his eyes drifted down to her mouth and back up again. Every time she came down it was harder and deeper than before as she let her whole weight crash into him. "Put another baby in you, huh, muñeca? Make it three…" 
That should not have been as hot as it was. Jazmine whined involuntarily and put both of her hands on his chest to push him onto his back, stalling their impeccable rhythm for a second as she basked in how deep his dick really went. 
He could do it. For real– his cock was naked in her pussy and he had the length to do it better than most. Oh fuck, it's curved, she thought, wishing she was fucking him the other way around. Can't stop now. Can't wait. 
Jazmine began to ride Diego and listened to all the filthy things that fell from his lips. No wonder I married you. 
"Yeah, querida? You like this dick? Want me to cum inside and paint a pretty picture?" 
"Yesss," she hissed. "Oh god. Fuck…" 
"That's it, mama, keep fucking yourself. Don't need my help, do you? Got it all figured out. Put a baby in you and watch you grow again…" 
Jazmine gasped, she was so close, hanging right on the edge. "Fuck, daddy…" 
She didn't even know she'd said the magic word, but the pair came together, and hard. Diego's grip on her waist was bruising and merciless, he filled her up with all he had and then some, and just to make it extraordinary, he made her hips grind into him for good measure. Jazmine's mouth dropped low and saliva dribbled out and dripped into his shirt, her hands tearing a button off as her pussy clenched down on his pulsating cock for a true flood. She was seeing stars when the torrent of endorphins finally drew back, and she collapsed onto his chest, boneless and gasping for air. 
When their breathing had finally slowed down, Jazmine moved just enough of her weight to make them both comfortable without adding distance– for her sake as much as his. There was sweat cooling in the small of her back, Diego’s chest rose and fell beneath her head, and the memory of Haagen faded away like static on a television set. 
“So,” Diego hummed, “I take it that was a bit of a fantasy of yours, eh?” 
Jazmine’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean? Three kids, a house, and a spouse?” She thought about it for a moment and shrugged, “doesn’t everyone, in their own way?” 
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” 
"I will admit it was probably most definitely brought on by this," she plucked at his white shirt, smirking with pride at the missing button and pocketing it in her drenched bra. "You look like… well I don't know exactly but this shirt screams normal and I figured you couldn't possibly own something like that." 
Diego hummed but offered no explanation for the unusual attire. He could probably go incognito through a crowd and never be seen with that thing. Now uncomfortable, Jazmine sat up and flung off her dress, admiring the red handprints on her sides. She lay back down into his embrace and chuckled. 
She started drawing circles on his chest with a finger. “I wasn’t sure you could get off without, you know, an audience.” 
Diego shrugged his shoulders (jostling her head in the process) and she could hear the smile in his voice when he said, “of course I can come without an audience. It’s a preference, not a medical condition.” 
“Oh right, sure. Sure.” The warm hand on her back began to slide, tracing up her sides and just short of cupping her face, she felt his fingers graze her earlobe. A groan of irritation ripped through her throat. “I guess you did get an audience after all.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean exactly?” 
Jazmine took her sweet time answering him as she rolled up and over top of him to get to the other side of the bed and to touch the room light remote on the nightstand. Now brighter in the slick black design of Diego’s bedroom, she leaned over him on her elbow and pointed. 
Directly at her fake hearing aid. 
Diego stared for a moment before his cheeks puffed and he blew a raspberry trying to hold his laugh. It exploded from his chest like a bark and his entire body curled into it, which in turn warmed Jazmine to join in. For as cool and unbothered as Agent Healy portrayed himself, there was no way he could have been able to ignore the sounds on the other end of the listening device by the sheer volume of the activities on the receiver. 
Ever the exhibitionist, Jazmine was not surprised to find Diego’s hand pressing into the back of her neck to draw her closer. She rolled her eyes when he leaned forward to speak directly into the microphone, “like what you heard, Healy?” 
The answer came in an instant. Just as Jazmine was debating whether to settle back into the bed or to get up, Diego’s phone rang. The man was having far too much fun as he pushed her under him and reached for the nightstand even though she was closer. His knee fell between her sensitive thighs as he checked the screen. Despite everything, he still looks at her with disbelief as Healy’s contact glares back at him. 
Healy’s voice sounded somehow right coming from a speaker. It matched the sometimes robotic way he delivered them lines about his purpose or his plan. “Yes, Mr. Jimenez, I am always on the edge of my seat when you make a pass at my informant.” 
The expression only flashes for a second across his face, but for a moment Diego looked as uncomfortable as Jazmine felt. It was strange, knowing the name and the face of the person who was surveilling you. Knowing they hear everything all of the time and forgetting, only to remember and wonder if you’ve done something to warrant the shame and embarrassment that floods through you upon recollection. Jazmine was more often than not completely unaware of the thing until it beeped its death notes. She would have to remember to set a schedule for charging it every night, as Healy had suggested before. 
“It’s fascinating the things people get up to when they think they’re alone,” Healy continued, “but if it is any consolation to you, Miss. Mann, I am accustomed to turning a blind eye– or ear, I suppose– to your nonessential activities.” 
Well at least that was something. Diego hung up (or Healy did, she wasn’t paying attention), then turned to look her in the eye with a mischievous glint. 
“Jazz Mann.” 
“Shut the– I’m going to fucking strangle you.”
Alrighty, I think this was pretty successful! But know that it’s all downhill from here (OK, mostly downhill from here). 
@1zashreena1​ @kid-from-new-zealand​ @nicke0115​ @girlpornparadise​ @mental-bycatch​ 
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tharedlabel · 4 years
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#repost @starzpowerheaven ・・・ Jason Micic was one of my favourite character on @power_starz he’s canadien so i’m i! At least it was GHOST who took him out no one else could’ve 🤷‍♂️ #powerneverends #WhoShotGhost @courtneyakemp @50cent #Powerseason6 #thefinalbetrayal #teamtommy #teamghost @power_starz @josephsikora4 #BestShowOnTV #GhostsNeverDie #FreeGhost #PowerTV #ghost #power #tommyegan #jamesstpatrick #50cent #powerstarz #powerstarznetwork #ghostpower #starzpower #Starz #omarihardwick #josephsikora #powerbook2 #curtisjackson #jamesghoststpatrick #powerseason5 #powerseason2 #PowerBestShowOnTV #redlabel https://www.instagram.com/p/CA5HWNppmes/?igshid=icv6ka2vpdxv
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showlexsite · 5 years
Power: 6x11
After being framed by Ghost for the murder of Jason Micic, Dre plans on leaving New York, but first he needs to take care of unfinished business. Read the full article
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our-showlex · 5 years
Power: 6x11
After being framed by Ghost for the murder of Jason Micic, Dre plans on leaving New York, but first he needs to take care of unfinished business. Read the full article
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show-lex · 5 years
Power: 6x11
After being framed by Ghost for the murder of Jason Micic, Dre plans on leaving New York, but first he needs to take care of unfinished business. Read the full article
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dizigang · 5 years
Still DRE
After being framed by Ghost for the murder of Jason Micic, Dre plans on leaving New York, but first he needs to take care of unfinished business. source https://dizigang.com/dizi/power/sezon-6/bolum-11
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nbalovers · 1 year
Thunder, Vasilije Micic Agree To Three-Year Deal European star Vasilije Micic has ag... #usa #uk
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animal kingdom & power│crossover│loyalty [fic: loyalty]
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quiiescenza · 5 years
Ooh. I got a few in mind! Here’s a few songs for your list. G.O.A.T. by Polyphia. Stardust by David Maxim Micic. Jason by The Midnight. Electricity by The Avalanches. Crab Rave by Noisestorm, Crush by Periphery. I guess that’s all I could recommend since it’s a mixture of metal and electronic that you should give a chance ^.^
Thank you!!! I'll check it out! I'm sure I will enjoy it and that I will feel good and extremely pumped while listening to it 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
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celebritybiograph · 6 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhI4kFUAAmE) 
Mike Dopud the Canadian Actor and Stuntman interviews with Mark J. Gross of Celebrity Biograph.  MIke Dopud has over 160 roles and credits to his name, recently as Jock Lewis in Detective Samantha Sturgess. In 2018 Ward Avery in in TV mini series: Caught. In the TV series: Power: Jason Micic, and The 100. He has been in Lethal Weapon, S.W.A.T: Under Siege, TV series: iZombie, and TV series: Arrow as Viktor.He has been in Dark Matter, Criminal Minds, Tv series The Strain and many more.
He talks to Mark J. Gross I f Celebrity Biograph about his many TV and movie roles, what inspired him to be an actor and his up coming roles in 2018. Watch the interview with Mike Dopud on the Celebrity Biograph Channel on YouTube: https://youtu.be/HhI4kFUAAmE
CELEBRITY BIOGRAPH with Mark J. Gross and Renee Grindlinger is an entertainment channel for Celebrity Interviews, News and Convention happenings! We feature celebrity interviews, photos and articles! Checkout Celebrity Biograph on Facebook to learn more: https://www.facebook.com/CelebrityBiograph/
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motleysgroup · 7 years
Big Ten Wrestling Championships 2018: Final results, scores, brackets
Big Ten Wrestling Championships 2018 saw Ohio State win the team title. Find the final results, scores and brackets below.
Penn State finished in second place. The championships were at Michigan State.
Big Ten Wrestling Championships 2018: Brackets 125 POUNDS
Round of 16
Travis Piotrowski (ILL) def. Drew Mattin (MICH), 7-1 decision Ethan Lizak (MINN) def. Johnny Jimenez (WIS), 3-1 decision Sebastian Rivera (NW) def. Brandon Cray (MD), 9-2 decision Nathan Tomasello (OSU) def. Carson Kuhn (PSU), technical fall (5:52) Luke Welch (PUR) def. Mitch Maginnis (NEB), 6-2 decision RayVon Foley (MSU) def. Eljiah Oliver (IND), 15-3 major decision
Nick Suriano (RU) def. Piotrowski (ILL), 9-2 decision Lizak (MINN) def. Rivera (NW), 3-2 decision Tomasello (OSU) def. Welch (PUR), 14-3 major decision Spencer Lee (IOWA) def. Foley (MSU), fall, 2:42
Lizak (MINN) def. Suriano (RU), medical forfeit Tomasello (OSU) def. Lee (IOWA), 2-1 decision
Tomasello (OSU) def. Lizak (MINN), 10-7 decision; Tomasello (OSU) wins title
Jimenez (WIS) def. Cray (MD), 7-4 decision Kuhn (PSU) def. Maginnis (NEB), 12-3 major decision Foley (MSU) def. Mattin (MICH), 3-2 decision Welch (PUR) def. Jimenez (WIS), 10-2 major decision Rivera (NW) def. Kuhn (PSU), 13-2 major decision Oliver (IU) def. Piotrowski (ILL), 7-3 decision Welch (PUR) def. Foley (MSU), 6-4 decision Rivera (NW) def. Oliver (IU), fall, 4:55 Welch (PUR) def. Suriano (RU), medical forfeit; semis Lee (IOWA) def. Rivera (NW), 12-0 major decision; semis Foley (MSU) def. Oliver (IU), 8-6 decision; Foley (MSU) takes 7th Rivera (NW) def. Suriano (RU), medical forfeit; Rivera (NW) takes 5th Lee (IOWA) def. Welch (PUR), tech fall, 3:28; Lee (IOWA) takes 3rd
MORE: Sign up for our Big Ten wrestling newsletter here!
Round of 16
Stevan Micic (MICH) def. Jhared Simmons (MD), technical fall, 3:43 Scott Delvecchio (RU) def. Jens Lantz (WIS), 4-1 decision Jason Renteria (NEB) def. Logan Griffin (MSU), fall, 3:57 Mitch McKee (MINN) def. Colin Valdiviez (NW), fall, 1:54 Dylan Duncan (ILL) def. Paul Glynn (IOWA), 9-1 major decision Luke Pletcher (OSU) def. Garrett Pepple (IU), 5-4 decision
Micic (MICH) def. Ben Thornton (PUR), 10-2 major decision Renteria (NEB) def. Delvecchio (RU), 3-1 decision McKee (MINN) def. Corey Keener (PSU), 9-4 decision Pletcher (OSU) def. Duncan (ILL), 4-3 decision
Micic (MICH) def. Renteria (NEB), tech fall, 7:00 Pletcher (OSU) def. McKee (MINN), 6-4 decision
Micic (MICH) def. Pletcher (OSU), 7-4 decision; Micic (MICH) wins title
Lantz (WIS) def. Griffin (MSU), 3-0 decision Pepple (IU) def. Glynn (IOWA), 3-1 decision Duncan (ILL) def. Simmons (MD), fall, 6:21 Keener (PSU) def. Lantz (WIS), fall, 3:47 Delvecchio (RU) def. Valdiviez (NW), 10-1 major decision Thornton (PUR) def. Pepple (IU), 3-0 decision Duncan (ILL) def. Keener (PSU), 12-0 major decision Delvecchio (RU) def. Thornton (PUR), fall, 6:59 Duncan (ILL) def. Renteria (NEB), 9-8 decision; semis McKee (MINN) def. Delvecchio (RU), 8-5 decision; semis Keener (PSU) def. Thornton (PUR), 11-3 major decision; Keener (PSU) takes 7th Renteria (NEB) def. Delvecchio (RU), 3-2 decision; Renteria (NEB) takes 5th Duncan (ILL) def. McKee (MINN), 8-3 decision; Duncan (ILL) takes 3rd 141 POUNDS
Round of 16
Joey McKenna (OSU) def. Javier Gasca III (MSU), fall, 2:09 Vince Turk (IOWA) def. Eli Stickley (WIS), 6-0 decision Chad Red (NEB) def. Ryan Diehl (MD), 6-0 decision Michael Carr (ILL) def. Alex McKenna (NW), 10-2 major decision Cole Weaver (IU) def. Sal Profaci (MICH), 7-3 decision Nick Lee (PSU) def. Mike Van Brill (RU), 12-2 major decision
McKenna (OSU) def. Turk (IOWA), 4-0 decision Nate Limmex (PUR) def. Red (NEB), 6-4 decision Carr (ILL) def. Tommy Thorn (MINN), 8-6 decision Lee (PSU) def. Weaver (IU), 13-3 major decision
McKenna (OSU) def. Limmex (PUR), 6-0 decision Carr (ILL) def. Lee (PSU), 10-6 decision
McKenna (OSU) def. Carr (ILL); 13-0 major decision; McKenna wins title
Stickley (WIS) def. Gasca III (MSU), 7-0 decision Profaci (MICH) def. Van Brill (RU), 2-1 decision Stickley (WIS) def. Weaver (IU), 3-2 decision Diehl (MD) def. Thorn (MINN), 9-1 major decision Red (NEB) def. McKenna (NW), 2-0 decision Turk (IOWA) def. Profaci (MICH), 3-1 decision Stickley (WIS) def. Diehl (MD), 6-4 decision Turk (IOWA) def. Red (NEB), 5-4 decision Limmex (PUR) def. Stickley (WIS), 3-2 decision; semis Lee (PSU) def. Turk (IOWA), 8-3 decision; semis Red (NEB) def. Diehl (MD), 6-3 decision; Red (NEB) takes 7th Turk (IOWA) def. Stickley (WIS), 4-1 decision; Turk (IOWA) takes 5th Lee (PSU) def. Limmex (PUR), 15-5 major decision; Lee (PSU) takes 3rd 149 POUNDS
Round of 16
Steve Bleise (MINN) def. Malik Amine (MICH), 6-2 decision Ke-Shawn Hayes (OSU) def. Eric Barone (ILL), 12-1 major decision Colton McCrystal (NEB) def. Jwan Britton (MSU), 17-5 major decision Ryan Deakin (NW) def. AJ Raya (IU), fall, 1:40 Eleazar Deluca (RU) def. Austin Nash (PUR), 14-5 major decision Alfred Bannister (MD) def. Cole Martin (WIS), 14-6 major decision
Zain Retherford (PSU) def. Bleise (MINN), 14-1 major decision Hayes (OSU) def. McCrystal (NEB), 7-6 decision Deakin (NW) def. Deluca (RU), 11-1 major decision Brandon Sorenson (IOWA) def. Bannister (MD), 4-3 decision
Retherford (PSU) def. Hayes (OSU), 10-0 major decision Sorenson (IOWA) def. Deakin (NW), 7-2 decision
Retherford (PSU) def. Sorenson (IOWA), 2-0 decision; Retherford (PSU) wins title
Barone (ILL) def. Britton (MSU), 7-2 decision Nash (PUR) def. Raya (IU), 3-1 decision Bannister (MD) def. Amine (MICH), 7-5 decision Deluca (RU) def. Barone (ILL), 4-1 decision McCrystal (NEB) def. Nash (PUR), fall, 2:45 Bleise (MINN) def. Martin (WIS), 3-1 decision Bannister (MD) def. Deluca (RU), 5-4 decision McCrystal (NEB) def. Bleise (MINN), 8-5 decision Hayes (OSU) def. Bannister (MD), 9-1 major decision; semis McCrystal (NEB) def. Deakin (NW), medical forfeit; semis Bleise (MINN) def. Deluca (RU), fall, 4:20; Bleise (MINN) takes 7th Bannister (MD) def. Deakin (NW), medical forfeit; Banniter (MD) takes 5th Hayes (OSU) def. McCrystal (NEB), 7-5 decision; Hayes (OSU) takes 3rd 157 POUNDS
Round of 16
Michael Kemerer (IOWA) def. Jake Danishek (IU), fall, 3:51 John Van Brill (RU) def. Griffin Parriott (PUR), 4-2 decision Tyler Berger (NEB) def. Shayne Oster (NW), 8-3 decision Andrew Crone (WIS) def. Justin Alexander (MD), 10-1 major decision Jake Short (MINN) def. Kyle Langenderfer (ILL), 4-0 decision Jason Nolf (PSU) def. Jake Tucker (MSU), fall, 2:37
Kemerer (IOWA) def. Van Brill (RU), 15-5 major decision Micah Jordan (OSU) def. Berger (NEB), 4-3 decision Alec Pantaleo (MICH) def. Crone (WIS), 7-3 decision Nolf (PSU) def. Short (MINN), 15-2 major decision
Jordan (OSU) def. Kemerer (IOWA), fall, 5:43 Pantaleo (MICH) def. Nolf (PSU), forfeit (medical forfeit for precautionary reasons)
Pantaleo (MICH) def. Jordan (OSU), 3-1 decision; Pantaleo (MICH) wins title
Parriott (PUR) def. Danishek (IU), fall, 0:44 Tucker (MSU) def. Langenderfer (ILL), 7-3 decision Short (MINN) def. Parriott (PUR), fall, 5:34 Crone (WIS) def. Oster (NW), 6-2 decision Berger (NEB) def. Alexander (MD), 7-2 decision Van Brill (RU) def. Tucker (MSU), 5-2 decision Crone (WIS) def. Short (MINN), 8-4 decision Berger (NEB) def. Van Brill (RU), 5-1 decision Crone (WIS) def. Kemerer (IOWA), medical forfeit; semis Berger (NEB) def. Nolf (PSU), medical forfeit; semis Short (MINN) def. Van Brill (RU), fall, 2:31; Short (MINN) takes 7th Kemerer (IOWA) vs. Nolf (PSU); tie for 6th (both medically forfeit) Crone (WIS) def. Berger (NEB), 6-2 decision; Crone (WIS) takes 3rd 165 POUNDS
Round of 16
Isaiah White (NEB) vs. Te’Shan Campbell (OSU), 6-1 decision Evan Wick (WIS) def. Austin Hiles (MSU), fall, 0:33 Richie Lewis (RU) def. Brendan Burnham (MD), 20-7 major decision Vincenzo Joseph (PSU) def. Mike Sepke (NW), fall, 3:41 Nick Wanzek (MINN) def. Bruce Martin (IU), 5-2 decision Logan Massa (MICH) def. Jacob Morrissey (PUR), tech fall, 3:38
Isaiah Martinez (ILL) def. White (NEB), 7-4 decision Lewis (RU) def. Wick (WIS), 6-4 decision Joseph (PSU) def. Wanzek (MINN), 18-10 major decision Massa (MICH) def. Alex Marinelli (IOWA), 8-6 decision
Martinez (ILL) def. Lewis (RU), 8-5 decision Joseph (PSU) def. Massa (MICH), 5-4 decision
Martinez (ILL) def. Joseph (PSU), 4-1 decision; Martinez (ILL) wins title
Burnham (MD) def. Hiles (MSU), 11-4 decision Martin (IU) def. Sepke (NW), 12-6 decision Marinelli (IOWA) def. Campbell (OSU), 9-3 decision Wanzek (MINN) def. Burnham (MD), 11-2 major decision Wick (WIS) def. Martin (IU), 8-3 decision White (NEB) def. Morrissey (PUR), 12-3 major decision Marinelli (IOWA) def. Wanzek (MINN), 11-4 decision Wick (WIS) def. White (NEB), 3-1 decision Lewis (RU) def. Marinelli (IOWA), 7-5 decision; semis Wick (WIS) def. Massa (MICH), 4-3 decision; semis White (NEB) def. Wanzek (MINN), 5-1 decision; White (NEB) takes 7th Massa (MICH) def. Marinelli (IOWA), 6-3 decision; Massa (MICH) takes 5th Lewis (RU) def. Wick (WIS), medical forfeit; Lewis (RU) takes 3rd 174 POUNDS
Round of 16
Mark Hall (PSU) def. Logan Ritchie (MSU), fall, 5:30 Ryan Christensen (WIS) def. Chris Pfarr (MINN), 4-0 decision Johnny Sebastian (NW) def. David Riojas (ILL), fall, 4:01 Myles Amine (MICH) def. Joe Grello (RU), 6-0 decision Joey Gunther (IOWA) def. Beau Breske (NEB), 4-3 decision Bo Jordan (OSU) def. Josh Ugalde (MD), fall, 1:34
Hall (PSU) def. Christensen (WIS), fall, 0:51 Sebastian (NW) def. Dylan Lydy (PUR), 2-1 decision Amine (MICH) def. Devin Skatzka (IU), 9-5 decision Jordan (OSU) def. Gunther (IOWA), 8-3 decision
Hall (PSU) def. Sebastian (NW), 4-1 decision Amine (MICH) def. Jordan (OSU), fall, 5:28
Hall (PSU) def. Amine (MICH), 4-3 decision; Hall (PSU) wins title
Ritchie (MSU) def. Pfarr (MINN), forfeit Ugalde (MD) def. Breske (NEB), fall, 6:29 Gunther (IOWA) def. Ritchie (MSU), 2-1 decision Skatzka (IU) def. Riojas (ILL), 12-2 major decision Lydy (PUR) def. Grello (RU), 6-3 decision Christensen (WIS) def. Ugalde (MD), 6-0 decision Gunther (IOWA) def. Skatzka (IU), 5-4 decision Lydy (PUR) def. Christensen (WIS), 2-1 decision Sebastian (NW) def. Gunther (IOWA), 3-2 decision; semis Jordan (OSU) def. Lydy (PUR), 6-2 decision; semis Christensen (WIS) def. Skatzka (IU), 10-7 decision; Christensen (WIS) takes 7th Lydy (PUR) def. Gunther (IOWA), 3-2 decision; Lydy (PUR) takes 5th Jordan (OSU) def. Sebastian (NW), 9-5 decision; Jordan (OSU) takes 3rd 184 POUNDS
Round of 16
Brandon Krone (MINN) def. Mitch Sliga (NW), 6-5 decision Nick Gravina (RU) def. Buddy Conley (IU), 3-0 decision Emery Parker (ILL) def. Shwan Shadaia (MSU), 5-1 decision Dom Abounader (MICH) def. Mitch Bowman (IOWA), 13-2 major decision Ricky Robertson (WIS) def. Niko Cappello (MD), tech fall, 7:00 Myles Martin (OSU) def. Max Lyon (PUR), fall, 2:46
Bo Nickal (PSU) def. Krone (MINN), fall, 1:27 Parker (ILL) def. Gravina (RU), 5-2 decision Abounader (MICH) def. Taylor Venz (NEB), 6-4 decision Martin (OSU) def. Robertson (WIS), tech fall, 7:00
Nickal (PSU) def. Parker (ILL), 5-2 decision Martin (OSU) def. Abounader (MICH), 7-3 decision
Nickal (PSU) def. Martin (OSU), 7-5 decision; Nickal (PSU) wins title
Conley (IU) def. Shadaia (MSU), 8-4 decision Lyon (PUR) def. Cappello (MD), 12-2 major decision Robertson (WIS) def. Sliga (NW), 5-0 decision Venz (NEB) def. Conley (IU), 8-0 major decision Bowman (IOWA) def. Gravina (RU), 6-4 decision Krone (MINN) def. Lyon (PUR), 16-7 major decision Venz (NEB) def. Robertson (WIS), 11-1 major decision Krone (MINN) def. Bowman (IOWA), 11-7 decision Venz (NEB) def. Parker (ILL), 9-4 decision; semis Abounader (MICH) def. Krone (MINN), 8-0 major decision; semis Robertson (WIS) def. Bowman (IOWA), 9-4 decision; Robertson (WIS) takes 7th Parker (ILL) def. Krone (MINN), 6-0 decision; Parker (ILL) takes 5th Abounader (MICH) def. Venz (NEB), 7-3 decision; Abounader (MICH) takes 3rd 197 POUNDS
Round of 16
Eric Schultz (NEB) def. Nick May (MSU), 3-2 decision Hunter Ritter (WIS) def. David-Brian Whisler (MD), 5-2 decision Kevin Beazley (MICH) def. Dylan Anderson (MINN), 9-4 decision Cash Wilcke (IOWA) def. Andre Lee (ILL), 4-3 decision Christian Brunner (PUR) def. Anthony Messner (RU), fall, 4:57 Shakur Rasheed (PSU) def. Jake Kleimola (IU), 8-4 decision
Kollin Moore (OSU) def. Schultz (NEB), 10-4 decision Beazley (MICH) def. Ritter (WIS), fall, 6:31 Brunner (PUR) def. Wilcke (IOWA), 8-2 decision Rasheed (PSU) def. Zack Chakonis (NW), 11-8 decision
Moore (OSU) def. Beazley (MICH), 5-3 decision Rasheed (PSU) def. Brunner (PUR), 10-2 major decision
Moore (OSU) def. Rasheed (PSU), 8-4 decision; Moore (OSU) wins title
Whisler (MD) def. Anderson (MINN), 3-1 decision Lee (ILL) def. Messner (RU), 2-1 decision May (MSU) def. Chakonis (NW), 13-2 major decisoin Wilcke (IOWA) def. Whisler (MD), 6-3 decision Ritter (WIS) def. Lee (ILL), 3-1 decision Schultz (NEB) def. Kleimola (IU), 18-4 major decision Wilcke (IOWA) def. Chakonis (NW), 4-2 decision Ritter (WIS) def. Schultz (NEB), fall, 2:08 Beazley (MICH) def. Wilcke (IOWA), 3-1 decision; semis Ritter (WIS) def. Brunner (PUR), 6-3 decision; semis Schultz (NEB) def. Chakonis `(NW), 3-1 decision; Schultz (NEB) takes 7th Brunner (PUR) def. Wilcke (IOWA), medical forfeit; Brunner (PUR) takes 5th Ritter (WIS) def. Beazley (MICH), medical forfeit; Ritter (WIS) takes 3rd
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Round of 16
Rylee Streifel (MINN) def. Christin Rebottaro (MSU), 3-0 decision Youssif Hemida (MD) def. Ben Stone (WIS), 8-3 decision Sam Stoll (IOWA) def. Razohnn Gross (RU), 4-1 decision Nick Nevills (PSU) def. Duece Rachal (ILL), 11-3 major decision Conan Jennings (NW) def. David Jensen (NEB), 2-0 decision Kyle Snyder (OSU) def. Fletcher Miller (IU), tech fall, 7:00
Adam Coon (MICH) def. Streifel (MINN), 12-2 major decision Stoll (IOWA) def. Hemida (MD), 8-1 decision Nevills (PSU) def. Jennings (NW), 5-0 decision Snyder (OSU) vs. Shawn Streck (PUR), 17-6 major decision
Coon (MICH) def. Stoll (IOWA), fall, 2:12 Snyder (OSU) def. Nevills (PSU), 14-5 major decision
Snyder (OSU) def. Coon (MICH), 4-2 decision; Snyder (OSU) wins title
Stone (WIS) def. Gross (RU), fall, 1:47 Jensen (NEB) def. Rachal (ILL), 7-4 decision Streck (PUR) def. Rebottaro (MSU), 10-4 decision Jennings (NW) def. Stone (WIS), tech fall, 6:10 Hemida (MD) def. Jensen (NEB), fall, 0:45 Streifel (MINN) def. Miller (IU), 7-2 decision Jennings (NW) def. Streck (PUR), fall, 0:39 Hemida (MD) def. Streifel (MINN), 8-3 decision Stoll (IOWA) def. Jennings (NW), fall, 1:48; semis Nevills (PSU) def. Hemida (MD), 6-1 decision; semis Streck (PUR) def. Streifel (MINN), 10-3 decision; Streck (PUR) takes 7th Jennings (NW) def. Hemida (MD), 3-2 decision; Jennings (NW) takes 5th Nevills (PSU) def. Stoll (IOWA), 5-2 decision; Nevills (PSU) takes 3rd Big Ten Wrestling Championships 2018: Standings
These are the team standings
Ohio State: 164.5 (4 individual champions) Penn State: 148 (3) Michigan: 118 (2) Iowa: 90.5 Nebraska: 72.5 Wisconsin: 67 Minnesota: 66.5 Illinois: 62.5 (1) Purdue: 59.5 Northwestern: 55.5 Rutgers: 42.5 Maryland: 30.5 Indiana: 10 Michigan State: 9.5 Big Ten Wrestling Championships 2018: Seeds 125 pounds Nick Suriano, Rutgers Spencer Lee, Iowa Nathan Tomasello, Ohio State Sebastian Rivera, Northwestern Ethan Lizak, Minnesota Luke Welch, Purdue RayVon Foley, Michigan State Drew Mattin, Michigan Tavis Piotrowski, Illinois Elijah Oliver, Indiana Mitch Maginnis, Nebraska Johnny Jimenez, Wisconsin Brandon Cray, Maryland Carson Kuhn, Penn State
133 pounds
Stevan Micic, Michigan Luke Pletcher, Ohio State Mitch McKee, Minnesota Jason Renteria, Nebraska Scott Delvecchio, Rutgers Corey Keener, Penn State Dylan Duncan, Illinois Ben Thornton, Purdue
141 pounds
Joey McKenna, Ohio State Nick Lee, Penn State Michael Carr, Illinois Chad Red, Nebraska Nate Limmex, Purdue Tommy Thorn, Minnesota Cole Weaver, Indiana Eli Stickley, Wisconsin
149 pounds
Zain Retherford, Penn State Brandon Sorensen, Iowa Ryan Deakin, Northwestern Colton McCrystal, Nebraska Ke-Shawn Hayes, Ohio State Eleazar Deluca, Rutgers Alfred Bannister, Maryland Malik Amine, Michigan Steve Bleise, Minnesota Cole Martin, Wisconsin Austin Nash, Purdue Eric Barone, Illinois Jwan Britton, Michigan State AJ Raya, Indiana
157 pounds
Michael Kemerer, Iowa Jason Nolf, Penn State Alec Pantaleo, Michigan Micah Jordan, Ohio State Tyler Berger, Nebraska Andrew Crone, Wisconsin Jake Short, Minnesota John Vanschenkbrill, Rutgers
165 pounds
Isaiah Martinez, Illinois Alex Marinelli, Iowa Vincenzo Joseph, Penn State Richie Lewis, Rutgers Evan Wick, Wisconsin Nick Wanzek, Minnesota Logan Massa, Michigan Isaiah White, Nebraska Te’Shan Campbell, Ohio State Jacob Morrissey, Purdue Bryce Martin, Indiana Austin Hiles, Michigan State Brendan Burnham, Maryland Mike Sepkle, Northwestern
174 pounds
Mark Hall, Penn State Bo Jordan, Ohio State Myles Amine, Michigan Dylan Lydy, Purdue Johnny Sebastian, Northwestern Devin Skatzka, Indiana Joey Gunther, Iowa Ryan Christensen, Wisconsin
184 pounds
Bo Nickal, Penn State Myles Martin, Ohio State Dom Abounader, Michigan Emery Parker, Illinois Nick Gravina, Rutgers Tyler Venz, Nebraska Ricky Robertson, Wisconsin Mitch Bowman, Iowa
197 pounds
Kollin Moore, Ohio State Shakur Rasheed, Penn State Cash Wilcke, Iowa Kevin Beazley, Michigan Hunter Ritter, Wisconsin Christian Brunner, Purdue Zack Chakonis, Northwestern Eric Schultz, Nebraska
285 pounds
Adam Coon, Michigan Kyle Snyder, Ohio State Nick Nevills, Penn State Sam Stoll, Iowa Youssif Hemida, Maryland Conan Jennings, Northwestern Shawn Streck, Purdue Rylee Streifel, Minnesota Big Ten Wrestling Championships 2018: Schedule, dates
There are two sessions on both Saturday, March 3, and Sunday, March 4. The Saturday sessions start at 10 a.m. ET and 6 p.m. On Sunday, the sessions begin at 12 p.m. and 3 p.m.
Saturday, March 3
Doors open to public — 8:30 a.m. ET
Session I — 10 a.m. (Round of 16, Championship quarterfinals, Consi R16)
Doors open to public — 4:30 p.m. (arena cleared between the sessions)
Session II — 6 p.m. (Championship semifinals, Consi R12, Consi quarterfinals)
Sunday, March 4
Doors open to public — 10:30 a.m.
Session III — 12 p.m. (Consi semifinals, 3rd, 5th, 7th places)
Session IV — 3 p.m. (Big Ten Championships, Championship finals)
NOTE: One ticket gets in for both Sessions III and IV.
Big Ten Wrestling Championships 2018: TV channels, watch online
Sessions I, II and III can be watched online with Big Ten Network Plus (BTN Plus). Session IV can be watched live on the Big Ten Network.
FloWrestling will stream the championships until the championship finals on Sunday. Find coverage here.
Find the Big Ten Network on your TV here.
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Learn More At: http://www.motleysgroup.com/big-ten-wrestling-championships-2018-final-results-scores-brackets/
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ia-wrestle · 7 years
Big Ten Pre-Seeds
Michael Kemerer leads all #Hawkeye wrestlers in the Big Ten Pre-Seeds Full list of Pre-Seeds:
125 lbs. Nick Suriano, RU Spencer Lee, IOWA Nathan Tomasello, OSU Sebastian Rivera, NU Ethan Lizak, MINN Luke Welch, PUR RayVon Foley, MSU Drew Mattin, MICH Travis Piotrowski, ILL Elijah Oliver, IND Mitch Maginnis, NEB Johnny Jimenez, WIS Brandon Cray, MD Carson Kuhn, PSU   133 lbs. Stevan Micic, MICH Luke Pletcher, OSU Mitch McKee, MINN Jason Renteria, NEB Scott Delvecchio, RU Corey Keener, PSU…
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