#jason todd. / verse. / arkhamknightreigns
myhiraeth · 1 year
@noblehcart​​ con’t from [ here ] 
"You're far more paranoid than I took you for."  
Because the militia had their fun with him dealing blows, but now he sat on the singular bench of a cell with his hands cuffed. Or at least whatever version of cuffing it was. It seemed like new technology that he unfortunately wouldn't be able to pick or manage to twist his way out of.
Blue eyes flickered over the visage of the Knight encased in armor that revealed nothing. "I'm in a rather impervious cell and with a dislocated shoulder to add to that. The cuffing is a bit unnecessary, don't you think? I'm already imprisoned as it is."
It wasn't. If the Knight knew anything about him then he'd know that it might not be enough for now, but he couldn't be sure about what the Knight had on him or what his sister told him. What he did know is that his sister didn't know exactly what level of military work he had been involved in. So he had to assume the militant dictator knew nothing but that he served in the military which meant little in the face of the highly trained militia working for him.
"Just what exactly are you afraid of, Knight?" He dared as he got to his feet and leisurely walked to the glass that separated the two of them. "Paranoia and fear go hand in hand."    
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His face is hidden behind the mask, but the smirk in his voice is so easily discernible the mask makes no difference.   “ Your sister has taught me never to underestimate an Ivanov. So this is me, not underestimating you. You should take it as a compliment, really. ”
Despite his bravado and his confidence, Stefan Ivanov is right- he is afraid. Afraid of the unknown. He’s gotten bits and pieces out of Liesel over time about her militant brother but mostly what he got was more questions. He’s not sure if Liesel has intentionally kept her brother’s career and skills vague or if she genuinely has no real idea what Stefan does in his career. Regardless, a military man is not someone the Knight wants to take chances with, especially one that had gotten this far into his inner city with a vested interest in ‘saving’ his sister and who keeps company with brokers like Cerci London. So the extravagant imprisoning will remain.
“ You know, people always call it ‘paranoid’ until something actually happens, then you know what they call it? Prepared. ” He saunters closer to the clear pexiglass of the cell, eyeing the man inside it. He was looking worse for the wear- the Knight was going to be in deep shit if Liesel saw her brother like this, so he’d have to make sure she didn’t.    “ What are you doing here, Ivanov? ”
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myhiraeth · 2 years
@noblehcart con’t from [ here ] 
The words of warning had been a formality at best. She was pissed, and when she got pissed, she got loud. At least, she did these days. If he let himself think about it for too long he’d start wallowing in sorrow for the kind, quiet girl he’d fallen for turning against her will into a bold, defiant woman who would stand toe to toe with him over the smallest thing.
So he didn’t think about it too long. Instead he laughed in the face of her demands.   “ It’s cute when you give me orders. Like a kitten bullying a tiger. ”   Funnier still when you considered that grown cats often feigned losing fights against their pack kittens.   “ But all the same: no. ”   He taps her beneath her chin, partially to touch her and partially to piss her off even more- sometimes he doesn’t even know what his end goal is with her most days. Does he want her to want to stay, or is it simply an ‘all attention is good attention’ from her and fury is easier to elicit than affection?
“ If you think she’s ever been of my sight, you clearly don’t know your little friend as well as you think you do. Surveying the enigmatic Miss London isn’t about you, I’m sorry to say Liesel, but about me. She’s valuable, and I like knowing where she is and who she’s talking to, in case she becomes a problem to solve instead of a problem solver. ”
“ If you want to use the copious amounts of goodwill you have from me, you’ll have to pick another cause to use it on. Circe London stays on my radar, that’s non-negotionable. ”
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myhiraeth · 1 year
“You know, people always call it ‘paranoid’ until something actually happens, then you know what they call it? Prepared.” -me, via the Arkham Knight
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myhiraeth · 1 year
@noblehcart sent: you don’t have to be gentle with me. (AK /Liese) meme things || always accepting 
He chuckled, curving an arm behind his head to rest his head on as he looked up at the ceiling peacefully. They had the night to themselves and they’d already started making the most of it- two rounds worth. His Liesel hadn’t always been so lusty but these days she seemed to be willing to do almost anything to keep the mask off longer. He’d already told her he wasn’t going to be needed until the morning, already told her he’d given specific instructions to the militia that unless the city was burning down not to disturb him. But still, she seemed to think she needed to convince him to stay. 
He gets it. He spends half his time desperately trying to be around her and the other half actively pissing her off so she would stop reminding him of the boy he used to be before. Before Bats. Before Arkham. Before Joker and Scarecrow and the uprising and subsequent takeover by the new him, the Arkham Knight version of himself. 
“Oh yeah?” 
Yes. Her voice is firm, almost snappish. He only laughs again and she sits up in a pique. What’s so funny about that? 
“Baby, if I weren’t gentle with you I’d break you. You underestimate me because I only show you gentle… ish.” He blinks in surprise as she rolls over, slinging a naked leg over him and straddling him, the only thing hiding her body from him being the babydoll cami that gave him peeks of skin through the slit own the middle when she moved. As she settled atop him though, she wasn’t moving and her skin was protected from his eyes, not distracting him from her fiery eyes looking down at him. 
You underestimate me if you think I need you to be gentle. I don’t think you’d really hurt me.
He huffed a breath through his nose before sitting up a little and wrapping an arm around her waist, rolling them back over so she was pinned beneath him. But she was testing his patience and he didn’t stop there, reaching in a split second motion to pin both her hands above her head, securing them there with a single hand so his other could wrap just a touch too tightly around her neck. The pressure wasn’t enough to impede her breathing, just enough to hitch it. Unamused green eyes gaze down at her, his feet pinning down her slender legs. 
“You were saying?”  
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myhiraeth · 1 year
@noblehcart​ sent: 🔪 (obv liese to ak bc sparring? training? he scared her? IDK)
The blade to his throat is surprising, but still he smiles behind the mask. “ Are you going to kill me, Liesel? ” His gravelly voice, filtered through voice changing technology to make it deeper, harsher- or maybe that’s just how he sounds these days- is amused. She won’t. She wants to, surely. He knows she wants to just as much as she’s scared to. Kill him, kill the vague idea of Jason she thinks is still in him. He’s not a fool- she stays with him, deals with him, because she holds out the vain hope that some stranger she once knew still lives in this home, this body, this mind. 
Most days he’d say she’s the fool for thinking that. But some days, when she lures the mask off and tempts him to lay down his weapons for all-too-brief liaisons, he wonders. Wonders if maybe she’s right after all. Why else was he so drawn to her, why else keep her and protect her here, if not because some of those childhood feelings still lingered? 
She’s panting, the sparring must have frightened her, and it’s a day he thinks she’s a fool for trying to see past him to fantasy pasts. Jason would have stopped, backed off, reassured her. Today, he grabs her wrist with an ungloved hand and moves the blade to the seam of his armour between where the armour rises to protect his neck and where the helmet begins. “ You’re not going to do anything but scratch the suit if you stick the knife just anywhere. You have to find the weak spot between the armour. That’s your opening, that’s where you can sneak in and break skin. Understand? ” He’s still holding her wrist, watching her to make sure she understands.  
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myhiraeth · 1 year
@noblehcart wanted to know how the Arkham Knight and Cerci first met: 
Cerci and the Arkham Knight met officially after his reign started. Cerci is closer in age to Dick than she is to Jason, so she never met with Jason when he was Robin. She’s dealt with Nightwing, on rare instances. Never with Bruce who does his own fact finding. But occasionally Nightwing, occasionally other members of the league or their associates. Less occasionally their foes. Cerci generally keeps her business to mortal humans. She doesn’t often involve herself in the affairs of metahumans or supers or whatever they call themselves. Let those of preternatural abilities deal with each other and leave the ripe pickings of human greed and ambition to her.
In another life, Cerci and the Red Hood would have gotten along splendidly. Hood would have used her to quickly garner information he wanted and she’d have called in the occasional favor when a job turned assassin-y and put her at risk.
Cerci and the Knight however, are somewhat friendly adversaries…
The entire little speakeasy paused as he filled the doorway. Already a wide-shouldered, formidable man, with his armour on, the Arkham Knight seemed twice the size of any man in the room. And he knew it.
Strange how he needed no clear eyes, no expression, to let others know exactly where he was looking and what he was feeling. His mask faced Cerci and everyone knew where he was going to walk with heavy boots before he’d so much as moved an inch. When he did cross the room, conversation quietly picking up in his wake, no one was surprised when he stopped in front of Cerci’s table, least of all Cerci herself.
“The Arkham Knight. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Don’t ask stupid questions. I’ve come a ways to find you.” His voice, distorted by the mask he refused to take off, was deep, intimidating, ominous. Felt a bit like home, in all honesty, that voice did.        
“I thought a tiger made their territory wide enough they never need leave it.”
“Unless that tiger has a taste for a very particular little bird.”
A beat of a smirk, then she laughs softly, waving a hand to the seat across from her. “Well played. Please, sit, order something.”  
“What I want isn’t on the menu.”
“I’m sure we can figure something out…”
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myhiraeth · 3 years
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                           iisms || headcanons || aesthetics || visage || wishlist
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GENERAL. / all verses
name: Jason Todd dob: aug 16 (leo) orientation: bisexual / biromantic  traits:                  + outgoing, generous, brave, selfless, sarcastic           – temperamental, angry, assuming, accusing, snarky   physical features: numerous scars from Arkham torture and beating.                                 NO autopsy scar. NO ‘j’ brand.  occupation: vigilante  notable connections: Bruce Wayne (adopted father, estranged), Catherine Todd (biological mother, estranged), Dick Grayson (brother, estranged), Tim Drake (brother, former adversary, estranged but less so), Barbara Gordon (sister-figure, adversary, notso estranged), Cassandra Cain (sister), Stephanie Brown (sister), Damian Wayne (brother, adversary, friend, its complicated), Duke Thomas (getting to know him but brother), Roy Harper (friend, teammate), Starfire (teammate) 
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My major difference from other Jason Todd blogs is my severe love for the Arkham Knight storyline and I’ve incorporated it into my mainverse bio. For anyone that wants the FULL full breakdown, see [ here ] 
For everyone else, here’s a sparknotes of MY version of Jason as it is a mixture of several of his backgrounds / lores: 
Jason was a streetrat on the streets of Gotham with dad in prison and mom addicted. He was caught stealing tires off the Batmobile and taken in by the Batman. 
Jason was trained by Bats but sent to the Titans (hbo) to learn some control alongside Dick.  Jason was kidnapped, injured, and thrown off a skyscraper by enemy Deathstroke and afterward his mental health declined as PTSD took hold the rest of the Titans turned on him. He returned to Bruce not long after. (bruce did NOT leave in my verses, Jason returned to Bats and returned to training) 
*non comic compliant* Jason hunted the Joker down and against Batman’s orders went to confront him, resulting in him being beaten into submission with the infamous crowbar. Jason awoke trapped and bound in the basement of Arkham Asylum, where he'd spend the next 6 months being tortured, abused, broken down and brainwashed into The Arkham Knight.
Joker sends a video to Batman of Jason being beaten to death with the crowbar rather than shot and its Crane / Scarecrow that resurrects the boy in the Lazarus Pit to continue what Joker started. Once risen, Jason's mind is as broken as his body was, and with Crane now in charge, soon The Arkham Knight is all that's left.
From there the events of Arkham Knight happen as canon. 
RP typically picks up post-arkham. Jason took over the crime syndicate of Gotham as Red Hood, not stopping it per se but keeping it manageable, allowing low level baddies to do their business as long as their customers are of age & they keep the violence among each other. To go after children, to allow innocent death in your crossfire, will bring a very angry Red Hood to your doorstep, & you likely won't live to tell the tale.
Now he's living day by day as a vigilante, keeping tabs on "his" city and occasionally teaming up when he feels like it. He's often at odds with Batman and the batfam but always available to have their backs if necessary. He'll claim to not care about anyone or anything anymore, but trifle with his brothers and sisters at your own risk.
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1. Joker is not dead in any verse I play. Not in AK, not in Titans. Jason's resentment and drive for revenge is driven majorly by the fact that Joker brutally killed him and still Bruce refused to kill the clown for it. In my opinion, it's a huge thing for his character and I'm not compromising on it.
2.  Because I'm mixing lores so the timelines get messy, my Jason died&resurrected at 19 years old: 
Adopted by Bruce: 12/13 years old
Robin w/ Bruce: 13-17
Robin w/ Titans: 17-18
"Not" Robin, captured, tortured, killed: 18-19 
Arkham Knight: 19-22
Red Hood: 22+
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BIO. / mainverse (default) genre: angst, generally  TW: violence, gore, killing, torture mentions, PTSD playable age: 22+ (generally ~25) 
Picks up in the timeline where Jason has become Red Hood post-Arkham-Knight.
Most open of the verses, available for a wide array of plotting as Jason's just flitting around doing whatever he wants to better Gotham
Default age will likely be around 25ish but will adjust to appropriate age-difference when playing with batfam members.
Jason has mostly come to terms with what happened to him in Arkham, but still has severe PTSD and certain things will still trigger him, usually to violent ends.
love/hate relationship with his family
best friend: roy harper
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BIO. / titansverse (by request) genre: titans hbo TW: mentions of suicidal thoughts  playable age: 17
default to Titans-team-era Jason.
this verse takes place while Jason is in the Titans in San Francisco.
available for pre and post-Deathstroke capture
Post-capture Jason does have PTSD from being captured & the fall. This shows itself in disassociation, bodily hyper-vigilance ("muscle armoring"), irritability, flashbacks, insomnia, nightmares, suicidal idealization and an actual attempt after he feels the team has turned on him.
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BIO. / #arkhamknightreigns (by request)
genre: Arkham Knight game  genre: canon divergent  playable age: 22+  TW: killing 
open to plotting, not as "easy" to plot as the mainverse or titans as it relies on completely alternate happenings to the universe.– playable age: 22+
alternate universe where Jason succeeds at killing Batman. He proceeds to kill Scarecrow live on air and "save" Gotham, becoming the new hero of the city. Arkham Knight takes over Gotham and establishes a military-style takeover where *he's* in charge and all crime is only what he allows to exist.
He takes control of Crane's henchmen, as well as Roman's after his death, and Arkham Knight's police state is born.– It's a funny loophole space for the Justice League where no one can really prove whether AK or Scarecrow killed Batman and while Gotham is in a martial law / police state situation, AK is technically keeping crime down and innocent bystanders are more scared but physically safer than they had been previously.
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myhiraeth · 3 years
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@noblehcart​ sent: ❛  important question - are you taking applications for a welcome mat ? because like … i could be stepped on .  ❜ (sarcastic liese @ AK gotham order)
He's chuckling as the mask opens, his long strides slow, predatory without meaning to be it's the only way he knows anymore as he enters the apartment. There's a tenseness to his shoulders as he goes far enough in to be able to see with a quick sweep of his eyes that its empty safe, secure that only somewhat melts away once he's insured the safety of the space and returns to her with those same predator strides. 
He invades her space almost as though he doesn't know what he's doing, as though she wants him there, as though trying to intimidate her- he doesn't even know his reasoning anymore- and touches a finger to her chin to make sure her eyes stay on his. "You're not a doormat, Liesel Ivanov... you're a land mine. Anyone that steps on you- boom. Gone, dead, just like that." He withdraws his gloved finger from her and turns to go back further into the apartment. "Have you eaten?" 
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myhiraeth · 3 years
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@noblehcart​ sent: ( SURPRISE ) being found without an article of clothing (-fingerguns jaseliese gotham order-)
"Hel-LO." There was a split second of appreciation at the sight of a lingerie-clad Liesel, lace contoured to her beautiful body like it was made for her ( it was ) and drawing his eyes down and back up before bashfulness and surprise suddenly set in and he spun around to give her privacy on instinct. "Why are you naked?!" The thought of her having someone else over didn't even occur to him- it would be all but impossible to slip someone in without his knowing given this was *his* building and the sheer number of guards too afraid not to tell him what was happening in his own building. There as only embarrassment at having seen her undressed and not by her own choice and abashment that he'd stood there staring for a few seconds too long. 
There was a brief moment of silence where he worried he'd offended her by staring before that angelic laugh of hers sounded behind him. The dress I want is in the laundry room. Another moment, then, Is there a reason you're facing away? It's not like it's anything you haven't seen before.
And boy has he seen it before. Seen that body he can recall in a second clad in loose clothes, fitted dresses, adorned in jewelry and lingerie and seen his own fingers ridding her of that lingerie, too. There's very few ways they haven't seen each other and yet this feels different and his gruff voice reflects how ridiculous and defensive he feels over that fact. "This isn't the bedroom, nor is it something we've both consented to. It's different." He insists, his voice so similar to how cranky he used to sound as a teen madly in love with her that it irrationally makes him more angry and defensive. "Just- get dressed." he snaps, stalking his way to the kitchen without another glance at her.  
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