#jasper badun imagine
Fashion and Flames Miniseries (200 Fic Celebration)
Jasper Badun x Angela Young
Chapter 1: 2nd Time Around
Chapter 2: Sabotages
Chapter 3: Break In
Chapter 4: Up in Flames
Chapter 5: Cruella De Vil
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dilatorywriting · 2 years
Heroes vs. Villains : The Staff
Platonic GN!Reader x NRC Staff vs. RSA Staff Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: Woe to the Ramshackle Prefect, being caught up in the drama between the Disney Villains and their respective heroes. NRC Staff Version (Part 1: Crewel and Crowley)
ie. Headmaster Crowley is a nightmare, and Professor Crewel is, well, cruel. And to be perfectly honest, after meeting another dog-loving professor who doesn't treat you like absolute garbage, the Royal Sword Academy is starting to look a lot more appealing.
[PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3] [PART 4]
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‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me!’
Crowley had chirped that very sentiment to you ad nauseum, with all the enthusiasm of an old raven eyeing a shiny penny.
“Do you really believe that?” you sniffled, angry, as you sat slumped over in one of his rickety office chairs.
People at this stupid school were mean. And yeah, school yard insults and casual accusations of being the House Wardens’ little bitch were one thing—but these assholes would go right for the throat. All of your insecurities—your fears—all laid out like a nice spread of hors d'oeuvres ready for the picking. You had endured enough sharp barbs for a lifetime, and the fact that your glorious Headmaster and self-proclaimed parental figure kept writing it all off as a ‘learning experience’ was driving you mad.
“Of course I do, dear child!” he beamed. “What sort of educator would I be if I didn’t practice what I preach! Words are but the wind, as they say!”
You nodded, sage, and shot him a smile so sugary sweet it could rot the teeth right out of his skull.
“I wish I’d never met you and I hope that all your feathers fall off one by one,” you chirped. “And I use the ‘Number One Child’ mug you gave me to scoop water out of the toilets when the plumbing fails.”
Crowley’s mouth fell open with a nearly audible clunk, and if he weren’t so wrapped up in all kinds of immoral, black magic, bull-shittery, you would have liked to imagine that maybe that had been the sound of his heart cracking in his stupid, embroidery-covered, chest.  
You popped up from your chair and breezily made your way to the exit. You propped yourself up against the intricate, wooden, frame and clapped your hands together like a bubbly preschool teacher addressing a room full of particularly dull children.  
“I’m glad we could get that out in the open in a completely pain-free way. Words really can’t hurt anyone!”
You managed to slip the door closed just as he started to wail.
That afternoon you made your way to Professor Crewel’s office, as had become your routine. It was nice. Sometimes you would help him grade papers, sometimes you would just nibble on fancy cookies and listen as he ranted about the incompetence of certain staff members which shall not be named.
Sometimes his dogs were with him in the afternoons—a pair of giant, lithe, wolf-like beasts that were most certainly of a very proud and expensive lineage. Jasper was the black one and Badun the white, and each had a coat so glossy and well-maintained that they could put your own hair care to shame. Badun was enthusiastic, charismatic, and would bound to greet anyone who entered. Jasper was more quiet, reserved, but he was secretly your favorite of the duo. Whenever you stopped in after classes, the shadowy hound would lumber over and rest his giant head in your lap.
“No puppies today?” you called when you were greeted with silence rather than a wave of happy kisses.
“They’re in for their groom,” Crewel mumbled, busy at work with his head bowed over some lab reports or other. Normally he would grouchily correct you that his two precious pooches were adults. Dogs. And should be addressed as such. He must have been really distracted today. Or maybe you were just wearing him down.
You settled into the lovely, plush, chair off to the side that you had long since claimed as your own, and set your bookbag on the floor by your feet with a thump.
After a few minutes of comfortable silence with nothing but the sound of scratching ink over paper to break up the monotony, Professor Crewel dropped his head into his hands with a miserable sort of sigh.
“You should not have spoken to Crowley as you did.”
You blinked, startled. “What?”
“I of all people understand how frustrating the Headmaster’s antics can be,” Crewel continued, firm. “But you are still a student of this Institution—and one in a precarious enough position as it is. So you need to be mindful of your tongue.”
Indignation roiled through your gut, followed by a sharp prick of disquiet that you couldn’t quite place.
“Then he should be mindful to treat me like a student and not some—some pet project,” you huffed, kicking irritably at your patched backpack for want of nothing else to do. “And besides, what’ll he even do? Expel the one person in this entire college who mops up every single one of his messes? And I mean, it’s not like he’s running around the school crying or anything. I wasn’t that mean.”
Crewel pinched the bridge of his nose and you paused, mouth parting in surprise.
“Oh come on, he did not.”
“In the name of preserving our esteemed leader’s dignity I will say no more on the matter,” he grit out, and you fought the urge to immediately whip out your phone to message Ace, and Cater, and every other rabid gossip you could think of.
“Well, maybe he deserved it,” you snipped, crossing your arms stubbornly across your chest. A bit of cautious warmth spread through you and you nervously plucked at one of the loose threads on your uniform sleeve. “And besides,” you mumbled. "He can cry about me calling him a shitty father all he wants. You’ve been way more of a dad to me here than he could ever try to be.”
“I beg your pardon.”
You froze, fingers locking in place around the picked-apart edges of your jacket. The ice in his voice was unfamiliar and entirely unpleasant. It sent a frigid wave of worry curling through your veins. Had you overstepped? You’d thought—You’d just thought—
“I-I mean,” you spluttered. “I only meant that, well… Uhm… You’re really nice to spend time with. A-And, I just…” He made you feel like you were home again. Like even though Ramshackle was empty and cold, that you could still walk into this little office and say ‘I’m back!’ to an actual, real-life person and not just the shadows that lived in your foyer.
“Let me be perfectly clear, Prefect,” he sneered. There was an undercurrent of hostility running so sharply through every word that you were left wondering frantically if you’d unintentionally trampled over a sensitive topic. You hadn’t thought it was a big deal. You just—you just really, really looked up to him. And felt safe with him. And—And—
‘I’m sorry,’ you wanted to say. But instead you just let out an odd kind of choked squeak.
“I have no intention of playing parent to anyone,” he snapped. “Let alone an untrained brat who can’t even be bothered to play civil with the people who do attempt to care for them.”
“R-Right,” you spluttered, swallowing around the burbling lump in your throat and the warmth prickling along your lash line. “O-Of course. I’m sorry for assuming. I—I… uhm…”
‘I’ll just go then.’
But just like with failed apology, those four little syllables just couldn’t seem to make it past your lips either. So instead you just shakily snatched your bag from the floor and bolted from his office, burrowing your stinging cheeks as far into your collar as they would go. The last thing you needed to do was give anyone at this stupid school any more ammunition against you. And ‘Cry Baby Prefect’ sounded like another nasty nickname that would stick to you like gum to a flat-heeled shoe.
It’s fine, you whispered to yourself, voice wobbling far more than you would have liked. Grim hated when you came back smelling like dogs anyways.
“My goodness, are you alright?”
You blinked, harried, and glanced around yourself properly for what felt like the first time in hours. You were… not on campus anymore. Huh. What a trip. You’d never been so upset that you’d blindly run off into an entire new town before. But you supposed there was a first time for everything. You did remember feeling too nauseous to return to your little hovel for the evening, but you hadn’t really expected your frantic pacing to take you quite this far out of the way.
“Hello? Can you hear me?”
Oh. Someone was talking to you, weren’t they?
Standing in front of you was a tall, lanky, man in a tweed jacket. He was stooped down a bit to make eye contact with you, and those hazel eyes were creased with worry. His blonde hair was pushed half-off his forehead in a style that looked more haphazard than intentional, and the hand he was offering you was littered with splotches of ink. There were patches of white and black dog fur littered across his entire outfit like some horrible fashion statement, and the thought of puppies made your throat tighten up all over again.
“My name is Cliff Rogerson,” he said, steady and kind. “I’m one of the instructors at the Royal Sword Academy. Are you lost? Do you know how to get home from here?”
Do you know how to get home?
You laughed once, manic, and then promptly burst into tears.
“Oh, dear,” he sighed, his heavy brow furrowing low with concern, and patted you consolingly on the shoulder. “Oh, dear.”
You were herded into a nearby café and directed into one of the quiet, corner, booths. The lights were soft and fuzzy in here, and the pleasant warmth of fresh pastries brushed gingerly along your frayed nerves. Mister Rogerson pressed a steaming mug of hot chocolate into your hands, and placed a delicately wrapped muffin off to the side of it. It was a tempting offering, and you decided to unbury your head from your hands long enough to partake.
“So how did you end up out here, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“I’m a student at Night Raven,” you mumbled into your cocoa.
You could tell he was doing his best not to look shocked, which was at least a dozen steps above the way the rest of your stupid school would just gawk at you in outright consternation.
“Forgive me,” he smiled, gentling his apprehension into something that was more polite curiosity that anything. “But you don’t really seem like one of their usual pupils.”
So you explained your situation—the Mirror, and the magiclessness, and the homelessness. You talked about your friends, and your new demon cat/evil baby, and how much you missed stupid things like good shower pressure and fuzzy socks. Mister Rogerson listened to all of it with an attentive sort of sympathy that you hadn’t seen since, well, probably since you were dropped face-first into a school full of burgeoning war criminals.  
“That sounds like a time and a half,” he said once you’d finally tired yourself out. “I’m sorry you’ve had to go through all that.”
You picked at your muffin. It was ridiculously fluffy and eating it felt like pulling bits and pieces out of a cloud. A very, very delicious cloud.
“Forgive me for saying so,” he hummed, pensive. “But your situation doesn’t sound particularly safe.”
You laughed. “That’s one word for it.”
Mister Rogerson frowned, another twitch of that uneasy worry playing across his face. He ruffled around in his jacket pocket for a moment and pulled out a neat, cream colored, business card.
“It may be overstepping of me to offer, but at the same time I do think as an educator it’s my duty to try and help every student that I can,” he smiled, kind. It crinkled the skin around his eyes. “The RSA is not overly far from Night Raven College. If you ever want to stop by—if you ever need an ear to listen, or just a space to get away from it all—my door will always be open to you.”
You took the little piece of paper carefully, like it was something precious. There were swirls of colorful music notes splattered across the backdrop of it—raucous bursts of neons that were as endearing as they were ugly.
‘Tacky,’ spat a too-familiar voice in the back of your head. ‘What sort of statement was this lowlife trying to make?‘ You could practically feel the phantom distaste emanating from wherever a certain two-toned professor had camped out for the evening.
Probably at home, you thought bitterly. Because he has a home, right? And you are not at all upset that you will never be welcomed into it. And that you will probably never get to cuddle his puppies ever again. Nope. Not at all.
You swallowed the little burst of unpleasantness that accompanied the train of thought, and pocketed the card with a smile.
“Thank you. I’ll definitely have to take you up on that.”
Divus Crewel was many things, and unfortunately, being as cruel as his namesake was often one of them. He glanced back to the clock ticking on his wall for what was perhaps the dozenth time that hour. You hadn’t been by since his—ah—outburst a few weeks prior.
He had perhaps reacted a bit more unpleasantly than he normally would have. You’d just… caught him off guard was all. It was a bold declaration you’d made, and what? Had you really expected him to be overjoyed by the idea of forced parenthood? To swoon over the notion that someone had decided to latch onto him and his perfectly pressed suit like a leech despite the fact that he was so obviously thriving in his life of solitude?
And it wasn’t that he expected you to take his biting comments lying down. Oh no. You were fierce, and determined, and were most likely on your way here to bang down his door demanding recompenses for all your suffering. There was a tray of those too-expensive cookies you liked tucked away in his top drawer. Just in case you did show up and throw one of your tantrums, and he needed something quick to pacify you. That… That was all.
But each day that he waited for you to sneak back into his office was another spent in quiet solitude. Badun had taken to whining at the door and Jasper hardly got up from his bed at all—just tucked his black nose into his equally black paws and stared straight into Crewel’s soul. Like he was judging him.
He caught himself glancing at the clock again and forcibly turned back to his work.
This was ridiculous. You were ridiculous. And stubborn. And so, very, danger prone. Had something happened maybe? Was that why you’d disappeared—because you’d gotten caught up in some sort of trouble again?
Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick—
He looked back at the clock.
Tick. Tick. Tick—
His office door flew open with a BANG and he swiveled in his chair, ready to chastise you for making such a ridiculous entrance. Instead, he ended up nearly nose-to-nose with a weeping Dire Crowley. The man wailed into his clawed hands, looking very much like he might accidentally stab himself in the eye all the while.
“What?” Crewel gaped, head spinning. “What’s happened?”
Crowley let out another inhuman squawk and shoved a piece of parchment into the alchemist’s crimson-gloved hands. It was torn at the top, likely from where it’d been pinned to something before the raving Headmaster had swiped it. Crewel read over the familiar script with narrowed eyes, something unpleasant twisting in his belly.
‘The Ramshackle Prefect kindly sends their regards, but unfortunately has other commitments for this evening. Please contact Professor Cliff Rogerson of the RSA music department in case of an emergency.’
“MY BABY LEFT ME!” Crowley sobbed, nearly inconsolable. “WHO’S GOING TO DO MY TAXES NOW?!”
The leather of Crewel’s gloves groaned in protest as his hands tightened into fists—his nails biting into his palm even through the sturdy material.  
“What do we even do?” the old crow lamented, sounding so genuinely crestfallen it was almost unnerving.
Jasper and Badun circled their master’s ankles wearily, eyes bright and lips twitching with nervous whines.
“I think,” Crewel grit out, the note crumpling between his fingers, “that it’s well past time that we have a chat with the Prefect about the importance of personal safety. And of the consequences of running off with strangers.”
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blizzardheart12 · 2 months
Descendants headcanon/theory || Carlos’s father
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This one’s been talked about a lot, but I’ve always loved the theory that Carlos De Vil’s dad is Jasper. Here’s my take on how that would’ve played out in the Descendants universe.
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Although Cruella De Vil and Jasper Badun were in love at some point, Cruella did not want to be a mother, or even worse, admit that she and Jasper were even together in the first place. The latter drove a serious wedge into their relationship.
When Carlos was born, Jasper desperately wanted to be there to help raise him on the Isle, but after some years it was clear that Cruella wanted to keep their kid to herself (as more of a servant than a son, unbeknownst to him), and so he respected her wishes and grew as distant as he could, though it pained him immensely.
When Jason (Jasper’s son in the books) was born, it was basically the signal that he had moved on, or at least attempted to. But he still had a soft spot for his firstborn. Cruella allowed Carlos to be friends with Jace under the condition that Jasper never tell him that the boys were related. As far as she knew, Carlos had no idea who his father was. She never really understood just how intelligent he truly was.
And so, Jace became Carlos’s friend— er, henchman, alongside Harry (Horace’s son), clueless that he was really working for his big brother. Jasper’s mind was put at ease knowing that his boys had each other. Jace never really understood why his dad always seemed to have so many questions about Carlos whenever he came home from Hell Hall, but he never said anything about it.
Unlike Jace, Carlos knew the truth about his family. He had always known that Jasper was his father— the resemblance became obvious with time, and he had come to recognize the very faint look of tension (and possibly panic) in Cruella’s eyes whenever he uttered Jasper’s name as a sign that she was hiding something. Plus, he had a few faint memories of his dad from his infancy which he could just barely recall only because they were distinctly joyful and untainted by any sort of fear and anxiety. Carlos knew that Jasper being his dad made Jason his half-brother, but he never, ever brought up any of this information to anyone (or even thought about it much) purely out of fear of his mother. Because of this, he never really talked down to Jace (or Harry, for that matter) as most villains on the Isle did with their sidekicks. His intellect and kindness were evident from the start.
Speaking of intellect, I’m adding this late because I just thought of something. Remember the museum scene in Descendants 1 when Carlos called the head of security to help disable the alarms? Not only was that terribly clever, but that’s exactly something Jasper would’ve done in the Cruella (2021) movie. The similarities there were uncanny.
When the Isle’s barrier finally came down for good, Carlos decided he wanted to work on his relationship with his dad. They developed a close bond and they were the happiest they had ever been. They got to spend two amazing years together before Carlos passed away. Cruella and Jasper mended their relationship (a bit).
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Sorry if that last bit caused some heartache. Personally, I found it painful to imagine this whole scenario because I know that if Carlos was born in the “Cruella” universe, she and Jasper probably would’ve stuck close the whole time and been pretty great parents.
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goodeveningjasper · 6 months
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Birthday — Aug 5th 1985 Zodiac Sign — Leo Sun, Aries Moon, Capricorn Rising MBTI — ENTJ Enneagram — Type 8 Primary Vice — Greedy Primary Virtue — Determined  Element — Fire 
Mother — Diana Badun Father — Rupert Badun  Mother’s Occupation — Seamstress Father’s Occupation — Shift Lead Union – Screw Factory Family Finances — lower class – enough to get by – funded by Jasper now Birth Order — Middle Son Brothers —  Older Brother Arthur (deceased) & Younger Brother Horace Sisters — N/A Other Close Family — Aunt Libby – mothers sister widowed and lived with the family growing up  Best Friend — Ralph Pines – military right hand man. (NPC) has followed Jasper since Libya. The only man he can really trust with knowledge of the business but still keeps him at a distance. Other Friends — Jasper does not really have any friends…he has those just around him Enemies —  anyone who tries to take him down Pets — none Home Life During Childhood — grew up in a loving close family; never really knowing their financial situation or where they fit in the hierarchy of life. As he grew older his father was more and more pressed with work and trying to compensate for their lifestyle. As he grew older and older he started to resent his family and the position they were in – finally realizing how they stood out against the rest of the famlies Town or City Name(s) — The Spine Birmingham UK - London What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — Small bedroom with metal bed frame and flat mattress. Torn curtains and a half broken dresser. Everything he needed but was poor quality. Any Sports or Clubs — n/a Favorite Toy or Game — Jasper doesn’t play game – besides gambling Schooling — Jasper completed primary and secondary school – enough to enlist in the military. Considered Military college but did not have the money – would like to attend PrideU as an adult Favorite Subject — Economics and Accounting Popular or Loner — Jasper has always been popular even without trying. There was an aura about him that drew people in even before his partnership with the demon. Important Experiences or Events — Realizing he was poor. Joining the Military. Saving his entire brigade by striking a deal with a demon. Winning Military awards for heroic duty. Finally making more money than he could ever imagine Nationality — English Culture — Brummy Religion and beliefs — non practicing
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Cillian Murphy Complexion — pale light complexion with freckles covering his forehead and chest Hair Colour — mousy brown Eye Colour — bright blue Height — 6’0” Build — Tall, slim, toned Tattoos — none as of now Piercings — none Common Hairstyle — fade up the sides with the top tapered and swept to the side; usually under a hat Clothing Style — well dressed whenever in public. Suits, Sports coats, slacks, fitted shirts, and clean cut lines. Mannerisms — natural glare and always watching Usual Expression —
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Overall (do they get sick easily)? — as a child he was sick often but family could not afford medical care Physical Ailments — scars all over his hands Neurological Conditions — none Allergies —  none Grooming Habits — clean cut - always Sleeping Habits — does not sleep much – maybe three hours a night Eating Habits — Although he could afford the most expensive meals he still tends to eat like his poor family just to keep his mind sharp of where he could end up if he stops grinding Exercise Habits —  not much working out – yet very agile and quick Emotional Stability — very emotionally sound but is cold Sociability — Attracts just about anyone but is not the most sociable person Addictions — nicotine Drug Use — no Alcohol Use — moderately
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — manipulative, secretive, cold, and very abrasive Good Habits — very determined, hard working, loving, loyal  Best Characteristic — Jasper has layers but deep down he is very loyal – that loyalty is to a fault Worst Characteristic — Rude, secretive…and impulsive   Worst Memory — Watching his father slave away to afford uniforms and education for him and his brothers. Watching his brothers casket come home during the same war he was fighting. Best Memory — Pairing with the Demon. Proud of — his career, his drive, his goals Embarrassed by — his families financial status Driving Style — very safe, has multiple cars Strong Points — loyal, determined Attitude — cold, unbothered, conniving Weakness — his family Fears — failure  Phobias — nothing serious Secrets — Badun Guarantee being a criminal ring  Regrets — not able to save his brother – even though it would be impossible Feels Vulnerable When – he lets down his wall Pet Peeves — incompetence Conflicts — tbd  Motivation — to have an empire Short Term Goals and Hopes — get his business set up in Swyn Lake, make connections Long Term Goals and Hopes — join the government Sexuality — straight Day or Night Person — both Introvert or Extrovert — introvert Optimist or Pessimist — both  Greatest Want — success Greatest Need — acceptance
Likes and Styles:
Music — classic rock Books — historical fiction - fantasy Foods —  meat pies, oatmeal, dry ceral Drinks — tea, regular coke, and iced water Animals — dogs Sports —  horse racing Social Issues — pro majik, will take any side to gain allegiance Favorite Saying —you have no idea what I can achieve Color — dark green and dark yellow  Clothing — classic, vintage, clean Jewelry — none Games — gambling TV Shows — history channel, Geordie Shore, love island  Movies — War Movies, cult classics, comedy
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — Mansion in The Woods – planning to buy it from who hired him Household furnishings — house is currently covered in unused furniture covered in sheets and still in boxes Favorite Possession — vintage ford mustang Most Cherished Possession — him and his brother dog tags Neighborhood — The Woods Town or City Name — Swynlake Married Before — No Significant Other Before — one serious girlfriend before the war – she is married and moved on now Children —  none  Relationship with Family — Jasper cares about his family and financially provides for them but does not keep close contact with them Car — 1970 Ford Mustang - 1924 Chrysler Model B-70 – 1963 Mercedes-Benz 230 SL Career —  Badun Guarantee – Gambling ring Dream Career —  Business empire Dream Life —  Own homes his family could never own, move his family into a world they never have to worry about, infiltrate the government, take business stateside   Love Life —  single and desperately needs connection Talents or Skills — very personable – demon feeds off greed  Intelligence Level — very smart almost too smart but does not let it show Finances — very very very independently wealthy
0 notes
exceptionimagines · 3 years
Meeting and Dating Jasper Badun
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- Unbeknownst to you, you and Jaspers story starts long before you meet for the first time. 
- You see, ever since Jasper was a young lad; one with a gaze that was willing to stray away from petty crime long enough to notice the opposite sex, he’d had eyes for you. 
- ‘But Why?’ You may ask. ‘You were nobody special.’ Not some rich girl he’d watched gingerly step out of her chauffeured car or a model in a store window or some actress on the screen. You were an average person who lived a very average life …but that was just it....
- You were real. A girl from a middle class family: one that went to school, went shopping with her mother on the weekends, got a working class job once she was old enough. A girl who was perfectly normal to everyone else yet perfect to him. 
- He’d watched you from afar for quite some time. Admiring your looks yet also admiring your spirit; your strength. You were living a life he didn’t think himself capable of: a normal, honest life; and you’d never let it break you down. 
- Time in and time out, you worked on your feet all day, burnt yourself on scalding coffee, heaved trash into the bin outside, scrubbed floors until your back ached, and rode a stuffy bus to and from work most days. Yet you still were able to offer him that charming little smile of yours every time you caught each others eye. 
- You probably thought you looked like a mess but he thought you were the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen; even if he thought your choice of lifestyle was a tad bit stupid. 
- His interest in you didn’t go unnoticed of course. Both Horace and Estella; and even little Wink, caught on and teased him about you whenever they could; much to his embarrassment and defensiveness. 
- But, it’s a good thing they did, since they’re one of the only reasons he got anywhere with you. 
- It was a day like any other, you were riding home on the bus, the same bus him and his friends found themselves jumping onto during a quick escape, and, in a brilliant example of Estella's devious nature, she’d spotted Jaspers gaze locked on you and decided that something had to be done. …So she stole your wallet. 
- Like most people, you didn't notice; and neither did Jasper until she was shoving it into his hand and nodding over at you.
- The two of them shared an array of pointed looks before he took a deep breath and tapped you on the shoulder; glaring at her as she happily turned away and pretended to be busy. 
“Excuse me miss,” he’d said to you, holding up the leather square before he offered it forward. “I believe this is yours.”
- In an instant your eyes had widened and you broke out into a chorus of thank you’s, taking your wallet from him and clutching it tightly in your hand; not suspecting an ounce of foul play. 
- And …then it was your stop. You said goodbye, thanking him again before getting off, leaving him and Estella to argue about what he should have done. What, I’m not gonna chase after her as she walks home!?
- The next time the two of you meet, it’s one of the worst days of your life. 
- You’d just gotten fired for no real reason at all and were sat on a bench, trying to calm yourself while rifling through all of your options as you suppressed the urge to tremble and cry. 
- That was when he approached you, greeting you before noticing the state you were in and asking if you were alright; Jasper was always the insightful one. 
- For a reason you can’t really explain; perhaps grief or the need to say something to someone before you exploded, you told him everything that had happened, unloading your problems onto the man who was still practically a stranger. 
- Once you’d finished, he nodded and told you he was sorry that that had happened to you. It was then that he came up with a brilliant idea. 
- If you had the chance to get justified revenge on your ex employers, would you take it? Because that was what he was offering. 
- He, of course, sugarcoated his words and made himself seem like less of an unapologetic criminal but the sentiment was still the same. He could help you get back at the bastards who’d worked you to the bone day in and day out before dropping you without a second thought and all you had to do was give him a little information and a whole lot of trust. 
- What's the saying? Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned? 
- Soon enough, you found yourself helping Jasper and his merry band of crooks into the building/home you’d worked in and keeping a lookout for them as they did their thing. 
- And after that, you were more or less apart of the gang. 
- It’s a couple months later that Jasper finally confesses his feelings for you. You’d just finished dinner, Estella was in her room intent on working on some designs and Horace and the dogs were on the couch watching the game. 
- You and Jasper were still in the kitchen, doing the dishes while exchanging playful banter. It was then that he earnestly told you he was glad you were there. You told him you were too and you shared a knowing look before you both looked back down at what you were doing. 
- It’s not long after that the two of you go on your first date. It’s one of those rare times that Jaspers little family has some money; mainly because you’d just finished illegally obtaining said money, and he’d put it out there that he could go for some pie, looking over at you for a response.
- You can’t say no to him so you agree and Estella stops Horace from saying that he wants some too, telling the two of you have fun. So the two of you go to some little diner on your own and enjoy yourselves on what you consider to be your first date.
- You share your first kiss during another heist. You’re both huddled up in some back room as he’s setting up some electronic interference and before you know it, the close proximity and mutual feelings has the two of you sharing a kiss.
- You’re interrupted by Horace over your radios, bringing the two of you back to reality and forcing you to scramble back to the jobs you were doing but neither of you regret it.
- The petty thief stole your heart and there was nothing you could do about it.
- Oftentimes, when you’re out in public, the pda you’re engaging in is serving a purpose; like when you’re on “a mission” and need to cover your faces or act like an inconspicuous couple, but he does like to show you affection just because as well. 
- A lot of the time he’ll give you little pokes, prods, and touches for no real reason at all; besides just wanting to touch you I suppose. 
- When you’re walking together, you’ll usually have your arms locked; oftentimes pretending to be a couple that's far more posh than you are. 
- Sometimes I just have these weirdly specific forms of affection that I have to try to explain to you guys and this is one of them so I apologize in advance, but you know when couples just sort of magnetically connect when they’re near each other? Like they’ll start out standing near each other and just wordlessly drift closer until ones loosely hugging the other or has something wrapped around them in some way and the others leaning against them? That's the two of you. 
- Lots of face kisses. He likes to loop his arms around your shoulders and press one onto you. 
- Soft, slow kisses; usually with his hands running up and down your arms. 
- I have a feeling that Jasper sleeps in a small, crickety old bed, so when you’re cuddling with each other, you’ll usually have to squeeze in close in an attempt to fit in the same bed. Because of that, you usually wind up laying almost completely on top of him with your head resting on his chest. 
- He tends to avoid pet names when you’re around the others; unless it’s for a particular reason like speaking to some store clerk in front of them, but when you’re alone he lets them slip out a lot more frequently. Most of the time it’s things like luv and babbs or saying things like “atta girl” but he does particularly enjoy referring to you as Mrs. Badun or having you refer to yourself as his wife/him as your husband for one reason or another. 
- Depending on the type of person you are, you either find a decent job and provide the gang with a regular; albeit small, stream of income in-between their heists or you join them in their petty thievery. Although, regardless of the type of person you are, the proud look on Jaspers face when you successfully pickpocket; or do something similar, is enough to make you consider a life of crime. 
- Him getting you out of any trouble you’re in. He’s always looking out for you ahead of everyone else; especially since you’re new to his sort of lifestyle and because he’s the one who got you into the world of thieving.
- Piggyback rides. It’s not your fault Estella throws you in stilettos whenever she can or that she chooses to have long stakeouts until early morning!
- Talking and joking about your disguises. You’ll joke about how he should grow out a real moustache like the fake one he’s wearing or he’ll tell you that you should wear more stockings; grinning like a little shit as you tease him.
- He cannot take compliments or any sort of affectionate words. He’s terrible at it.
- He’s always trying to get you the best that he can. He knows what you want more than anything in the world and he already lies, cheats, and steals …what’s a little more for your sake? 
- Random gifts; none of which are payed for or obtained in an honest way. 
- I feel like the two of you probably collect specific little things and whenever the other person is out and sees said thing, they show their love by bringing it back home and surprising the other with it.
- Getting visited at work. He’ll drop in whenever he’s nearby; usually with Horace and the dogs.
- Horace cluelessly third wheels a lot of the time; though you rarely mind. They’re sort of a packaged deal so lets hope that the two of you get along.
- Cheap dates. Most of the time, Jasper and his little family doesn’t have a whole lot of money to spare so you try not to waste a ton of it on expensive outings. 
- Sneaking into more upscale places and pretending to be richer than you are. It’s surprisingly easy to crash wealthy peoples parties and eat expensive hors d’oeuvres. 
- Once him and his found family get their inheritance, he starts treating you to more luxurious things. You stuck by his side and loved him when he had virtually nothing so now that he has something, he wants to give you everything he could only have ever dreamed of giving you.
- Him cooking for you. He’s the chef of the house so it isn’t unusual for you to come home to a nice candlelit dinner. 
- Him making sure that you take care of yourself, whether that be drinking or eating enough, watching over you while you’re sick, or making sure you get to sleep at a decent time; he’s definitely carried you to your bedroom when you’ve haphazardly fallen asleep where you were sitting. 
- Having tea together. 
- Adopting each others little mannerisms and different ticks.
- Sneaking away to have little moments with each other. 
- Taking walks around the city; sometimes with your little entourage of dogs. 
- Stargazing and taking in the city. It takes no money to admire the world we live in, right?
- Lazy days spent inside doing whatever you feel like. 
- Board games. You and the gang probably have family game nights.
- Him playing the guitar for you.
- Going to jazz clubs.
- Grand gestures; probably organized and partially thought up by Estella/Cruella. They have a knack for making a scene, don’t they?
- Speaking of Estella: the two of you get pretty close and she uses you as a model for quite a few of her designs.
- He can never say no to his girls so you and Estella sometimes team up on him to get your way. Although, you can usually persuade him fairly easily on your own. 
- If you aren’t living with him, you’re probably sneaking him into your house/apartment because you’re living with your parents or under the watchful eye of an old woman landlord. He’s got enough experience sneaking into places so it wont be hard for him. 
- If you’d like to think that you met him after the events of the movie, you’d definitely be shocked to see that your boyfriend lived in a ridiculously expensive mansion. You’d also be terrified during your first meeting with Cruella who looked like a literal movie villain sitting in front of her fireplace with menacing hounds.
- You’re probably the person he comes and rants to whenever Cruella is being, well, cruel. 
“I mean where does she get off? We’re helping her. She doesn’t get to treat us like that!”
- He’s always so happy to see you. It always makes you smile to see him all chipper when he spots you and you can always rely on him to cheer you up.
- He’s almost always the one who talks sense into people so you’re either his worst “client” or the one who helps him deal with things. He’s a sympathetic person who tries to be understanding whenever he can so even if he isn’t sure of what exactly he should say, he’ll still try to help you out if you’re dealing with something. 
- Jasper puts up with a lot when it comes to jealousy, oftentimes letting you be a riot and have your hot girl summer; though he’s definitely a bit snippy afterwards and always keeps a eye on you. 
“Looks like you had lots of fun with him.” He’ll comment after you finish flirting with another guy for one reason or another. 
- He’s always looking out for you in any situation you’re in. The minute things start to heat up, he’s by your side, making sure that you’re getting out of the mess you’re in the second that you can. 
- Whenever he has an issue, he tends to try and have a normal talk with you about them so fights rarely get too out of hand. Although, honestly, sometimes fights are just unavoidable; especially in some of the high stress situations you guys get yourselves into. He can definitely say things he doesn’t mean when he’s upset so there’s that as well. 
- After you’ve had a fight, he definitely tries to bridge the gap by carefully approaching you with some tea he’s made you, softly placing it by you and slowly sitting down to test the waters. He’ll apologize and calmly try to explain his side of things. If you’re the one who needs to apologize then lets hope you have a good reason and apology because he likes holding grudges. 
- He tells you that he loves you pretty casually. He doesn’t like making a whole spectacle about it so he oftentimes says it nonchalantly whenever he’s saying goodbye or in a similar situation. 
- He definitely asks you to move in with him and the gang when they get Hell Hall; though I could honestly seeing you living with them prior to that and maybe even getting married or living your lives like you are. 
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askauradonprep · 6 years
Descendants Book Read Along - Isle of the Lost. Chapter 7
- Carlos is inviting people by making up stuff Mal will do to people if they don’t come. He’s only going along with it because of his low social status on the Isle. I am DYING LAUGHING. He has to MAKE UP stuff Mal will do to scare people into coming. I get Mal can be genuinely intimidating but he has to come up with stuff like Mal banning people from the streets. 
- On that note - Carlos. HONEY. That trick didn’t work. A) It was Maleficent who did that. B) That ban was never enforced. Okay, fine, most people don’t know that and think Evie was just allowed to leave. But she just WALKED OUT. There was no special permission! I mean, granted, he’s saying this to the Gastons, Le Fou and easily intimidated first years. So, like, probably not the most observant and cerebral people in the world. Plus, since apparently all you need in this place to win is a high charisma roll, I can believe people thinking she can do that until they get banned and realize Mal can’t enforce it at all. He even SAYS in his narration he’s exaggerating. I guess so people will believe it by force of acting. I just...I love this. Mal is a PUNK and Maleficent is flattering herself highly calling herself queen. 
- The waters around the Isle are infested with alligators.
- Carlos and Le Fou Deux are lab partners in Unnatural Biology. 
- There’s something called Doomball nets in PE. The Gaston twins stuff each other in them. 
- The best threat is probably the Slop thing. If there’s one thing mean teenagers do, it’s not let embarrassing nicknames and incidents slide. Plus, Mal’s already done it with Uma and ‘Shrimpy’ so there’s that.
- There’s an Anti-Social Club that’s planning a Foul Ball.
- Carlos isn’t the total bottom of the pecking order - he stuffed a first year in his locker (presumably - most bullies pick the kids locker to stuff them in if its a random kid). Apparently the word’s gotten around and Carlos is proud of himself for planning a cool party. 
- Cruella tells her son he’s useless at everything but chores and also that he’s boring for just hanging out with electronics. Apparently Cruella knows how to enjoy herself. Carlos hopes that eventually she’ll see him as more than a live in servant who happens to be related to her. 
- Cruella has lots of left over black and white stuff from her Dalmatian coat plans. Balloons and crepe paper and stuff. So Carlos is using that to decorate the now decrepit Hell Hall. He’s also repurposed her stuff, like rubber from chew toys, nylon from leashes and crates for bookshelves. She gets mad but he doesn’t care because he’s a scientist who needs materials. He considers himself a pragmatist and a scavenger. 
- Harry and Jace Badun - the sons of Horace and Jasper - are helping him decorate. Carlos says they’re his second and third best friends. I imagine ‘friends’ is a ‘for lack of a better word’ term for most of the Isle, but its still cute.
- Nobody can stand up to Mal, eh? Funny. Evie did just by walking out of the cave. Heck, Jay and Carlos BOTH ignored her. Carlos just got intimidated by her. It’s a lot easier to believe with Mal though, I’ll give it that. It’s easy for a charismatic bully to control a high school. Much easier than an ineffective so called self proclaimed ‘Queen’. I still call some serious shenanigans on Maleficent. 
- Harry and Jace try to act tougher and more competent than they are. Apparently their dads are back to loyal minion hood. Cruella forces Carlos to hang out with them. She picked his friends. She says minions > friends though. Much like I said - ‘for lack of a better word’ only. 
- Carlos doesn’t have a first best friend. He wants a real friend for that, not someone who’s dad makes them hang out with him. </3 In any case, they all believe they’re doomed if Mal doesn’t like the party. She will be merciless in her bullying, true, but fortunately her bullying is mostly third grade stuff. 
- Jace is taller than his dad, Jasper, who is already tall. So Jace is basically a giant I guess.
- Apparently any Isle party isn’t complete without a chandelier rope swing. 
- They use rotary phones on the Isle. Neat! THESE ARE THE DETAILS I BOUGHT THESE BOOKS FOR.
- Diego is a singer in the Bad Apples. They’re looking for gigs. They sing out of tune and Diego rocks a black and white mohawk. I am crying, of course this crappy music is popular on the Isle. 
- Carlos puts Jace on photo taking duty with a Polaroid camera and Harry gets to hand the guests their pictures.
- Jay brings cider, super spicy wings, devilled eggs, stinky cheese and withered grapes. I’m worried about the quality of the meat, eggs, and cheese, but it doesn’t seem too bad and he was stealing from the first ship, so hopefully it’s relatively fresh or just stuff that didn’t sell and hasn’t spoiled yet. Other than the grapes, it sounds decent. The cider is apparently made with sugar. Interesting. So they do have sugar, but only in alcoholic drinks made in the wharf. It says its made in the Isle so apparently the dock side knows its way around alcohol (makes sense - pirates). 
- Guests arrive at midnight: Gaston twins (who always show up first to get first crack at the buffet table and because they have the largest feet, and who spend time head butting hellos and slamming pitchers of root beer - which has to be SMUGGLED into the Isle apparently), Harriet’s crew (who ‘maraud’ through doors), Drizella’s older daughters (who ‘beg’ not to be chased while clearly enjoying being chased by pirates and the twins), Anthony (who rolls his eyes at his cousins), Ginny Gothel (who brings a bushel of wormy apples for ‘bob for the wormiest apple’ ewwwww. Little Sammy Smee plays, btw).
- There is a dance off. I LOVE THESE CHILDREN. 
- Mal shows up looking like a rock star in head to toe leather, with apparently smoke, neon, and sparkles in the background. Whaaaaaat. Her knock gets a lot of attention even though its not different. Somehow. Whatever. Nat 20 charisma I guess.
- Go away is the Isle’s traditional greeting. Relatable tbh.
- Carlos wants his mommy at the sight of Mal. Awwwwww, my poor baby. 
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Fashion and Flames Chapter 5: Cruella De Vil- Jasper Badun x OC
Jasper Badun x Angela Young
Description: As Angela and Jasper become close while working on Cruella’s master plan, feelings finally surface between them but with no time for them to do anything about them. Will they finally get their happy ending? 
Word Count: 2.1k
Cruella, Artie and Angela arrived at an unfamiliar (to the last two) house less than an hour later with their little tribe of dressmakers in tow. They walked in without knocking and Cruella faced the group. 
“Alright everyone, find a free space and get to work. The Baroness’ charity gala is this weekend, we don’t have time to waste,” she instructed firmly before facing Angela. “Angie, there’s someone who wants to see you. Come along.” The girl shot Artie a confused look before obeying the woman, following her upstairs. 
“Who is it?” She inquired, not even attempting to hide the curiosity in her tone. 
“Always so impatient, Angela,” the woman teased over her shoulder as she walked over to a window, gesturing to it. “Go on.” Angela raised an eyebrow at her incredulously, but sighed and looked out the window once Cruella shot her a pointed look. She instantly lit up when she realized that Jasper was standing on the small balcony outside, facing the sun as it began to set. She had no idea how he wasn’t still in jail, but to be honest she really didn’t care.
“I’ll leave you to it,” Cruella muttered before walking away, but Angela barely heard her. She was thankful that she opted for pants instead of a skirt today as she carefully opened the window and climbed through. Jasper turned around upon hearing shuffling behind him, and a smile immediately appeared on his face as Angela made her way over to him. 
“Hi,” she muttered before she could stop herself. She didn’t really know what else to say as she stared up at him. Maybe she was still in disbelief about the situation. 
“Hey,” he breathed out, his smile widening. Angela opened her mouth to say something, but couldn’t find any words. She finally closed her mouth and instead pulled him into a tight hug. Jasper was obviously surprised by the suddenness of it, but he found himself hugging back immediately. 
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” she all but whimpered, her voice muffled by his shirt. “I thought you guys…” She couldn’t finish her thought, not even wanting to tempt the possibility. 
“Hey, look at me,” he instructed, to which she obliged. “We’re okay, all of us. There’s nothing for you to worry about.” She had to admit his words comforted her, but it didn’t take back the absolute fear she felt when she first read that newspaper. It seemed that he could tell what she was thinking because he attempted to lighten the mood. 
“Were you worried about us?” He teased lightheartedly, which made her giggle as she looked at him once more. 
“You would love it if I was, wouldn’t you?” She responded in the same tone. Jasper shrugged with a nonchalant look, but he grinned when the girl laughed again. 
“Well, I was worried about you,” he responded simply. “I didn’t know what you’d think when you heard about the fire.”
“I knew that you guys didn’t do it,” she said genuinely, moving to take a seat on the edge of the balcony. “You may not have liked Cruella’s attitude, but not enough for murder or arson, especially of your own home.” Jasper chuckled as he sat beside her. 
“Very true,” he muttered before looking at her. “I missed you.” Angela couldn’t help the giggle that left her lips. 
“It’s only been a few days since I’ve seen you,” she pointed out. 
“Still,” he shrugged. She grinned softly then rested her hand over his. 
“If it’s any consolation, I missed you too.” That made him grin once more, and he turned his hand over and grasped hers. They sat there for a minute before a knock was heard on the window, which effectively caught their attention. 
“Sorry lovebirds, Cruella wants us to get to work,” Artie called from the other side of the window with a bright smile. The nickname made both of them blush, and Angela was quick to avert her eyes from Jasper’s shy gaze. Her eyes caught Artie’s before he turned, and he shot his friend an apologetic smile. She brushed it off before facing the man beside her. 
“I’ll see you later?” She asked hopefully, receiving a nod from him. 
“Definitely.” Angela nodded and stood, dusting herself off. She offered him a quick goodbye before climbing back through the window to find Artie, leaving the man watching after her longingly (though she didn’t see it). 
Work had been almost nonstop since the plan was set in motion, but Angela didn’t mind. She loved the adrenaline that ran through John’s house at all times. Everyone was excited to be on board and they wanted to make it perfect just as much as Cruella did. Unfortunately, Angela didn’t get the chance to talk to Jasper until the day of the charity gala as she had to help a few others with last minute details then had to get ready herself. 
Angela dressed in a form fitting half black and half white gown with off the shoulder short sleeves and pulled her hair up into a bun. Once she was happy with her look, she decided to go around and help anyone who needed help getting ready. The first door she happened upon was Jasper’s, who had opened it just enough for someone to see through. 
The man in question was standing at a full length mirror fully dressed, aside from his tie. He looked wonderful, Angela thought. The suit really did him justice because it was like him: simple. Jasper never cared for extravagant outfits, and that opinion has stayed with him to this day. He was just wearing a simple tux, nothing added, just the suit. He seemed to be focused on his appearance though, as he hadn’t greeted her, or noticed her at all. Upon closer inspection, Angela realized he was having trouble with his bowtie. She knocked twice on the door, waiting for him to call her in before entering.
“Having trouble Jas?” she inquired in a teasing tone. His shoulders shook as he chuckled and  turned around to make a witty comeback, but paused. Any retort he had died on his tongue as he looked her up and down in shock, which made Angela smile. 
“Wow, uh, you look incredible,” he complimented, still looking blown away. She blushed in response and absentmindedly smoothed her dress down. 
“Thank you, but that’s not why I’m here. Give me your bowtie please,” she instructed, holding her hand out for the piece of fabric. Jasper looked like he wanted to protest, but ultimately gave in. The girl thanked him and stepped closer, wrapping the tie around the back of his neck. Her eyes stayed on his neck as she tied it, too shy to look into his eyes with how close they were. Meanwhile, he couldn’t find it in himself to look away from her. She looked so cute when she concentrated, usually she hit her lip but not tonight unless she wanted to risk ruining her lipstick. 
Once she was done, she straightened out his tie then slid her hand to the collar of his nice shirt and folded it down. Only then did she finally look at him.  
“All done,” she broke off, noticing the look he was giving her. She couldn’t quite figure out the look in his eyes, but she knew that it was nothing bad. 
“I- uh,” she started, but she had no words to finish her thought. Not like she had the chance anyway. 
“Time to go!” Artie called down the hall. Both their heads snapped to the doorway, then to each other. 
“I- uh, I should be going,” Angela muttered quickly, stepping away from him and ignoring the loss she felt from not being so close to him anymore. 
“Right,” he responded with an awkward smile. “Uh, good luck.” His hands went into his pockets as she shot him a dazzling smile. 
“You as well. See you out there,” she responded before walking out of his room, closing the door behind her and trying to get her heart rate back to normal.
She arrived with Artie, showing their “invitation” to John, who let them in with a knowing look. They gave him their coats then headed to the ballroom filled with black and white wigs in memory of Cruella before splitting up to make sure that everything went according to plan. She caught Jasper’s eyes several times, which made her grin and look away shyly, practically hearing his chuckle from across the room without looking at him.
With one last nod to each other, Angela sent him a wink and continued to walk around. Once it was time to get everyone outside to the cliff, Angela went arm in arm with Artie to see why was happening. The Baroness was talking to Estella right beside the railing between the property and the cliff. Her eyebrows furrowed as she watched the Baroness hug the girl, then gasped in horror after the woman promptly pushed her over the railing. Angela’s knees buckled under her, but she quickly caught herself so she didn’t bump into Artie. All breath left her lungs as the Baroness began claiming that Estella had jumped. Just faintly, she could feel her friend grip her arm. 
“Come on,” he muttered, beginning to pull her towards the front of the mansion. Jasper and John were already there looking like they were waiting for someone. Upon hearing the girl’s sniffle, Jasper turned to the approaching duo. 
“Jas, sh-she- I…Estella-“ she attempted to stutter out, but she had a hard time even doing that. She barely registered the man’s arms wrapping around her in a tight embrace. 
“Shh shh shh, it’s okay Angie,” he muttered soothingly, kissing the top of her head. “Just trust us, everything goes according to plan.” That confused Angela. Surely he saw the Baroness push Estella, why was she the only one distraught? 
“Here she comes,” John informed them, cutting off Angela’s question. She followed the man’s line of sight, and saw a vehicle driving towards them rather quickly. Her eyes widened when she realized that it was a very familiar black and white Panther De Ville. The four of them went back a few steps as the car skidded to a halt in front of them. Everyone else surrounded the now parked car, and the girl’s mouth dropped open as Cruella de Vil stepped out of her car. 
“No way,” she breathed out with a small laugh. 
“Didn’t I tell you to trust us?” Jasper muttered into her ear, arm going around her shoulder and squeezing it. She couldn’t help but laugh and faced him. Before she knew what she was doing, Angela grabbed the folds of his suit jacket and pulled him closer to her, pressing an impassioned kiss to his lips. Though initially surprised at first, Jasper's arms went to her waist and he held her hips firmly in his hands. Angela was the first to pull away, her eyes opening just enough to look at him. 
“I- um...sorry. That was a heat of the moment thing,” she tried to excuse, blushing profusely. The man in front of her only smiled a toothy grin and pulled her even closer to him. 
“I don’t regret it,” he responded at the same volume. “I love you Angela.” His words made her heart swell with joy and a bright smile graced her lips. 
“I love you too.” The man shook his head with a small chuckle. 
“I can’t believe it took two faked deaths and a few days in jail for us to admit it,” he explained upon noticing her curious gaze. That made her giggle. 
“I guess Cruella has rubbed off on us a bit more than we’d like to admit,” she answered, glancing at the still posing woman with a fond look. Jasper nodded, though he was still looking at her. He didn’t get to say anything before someone else spoke.
“Can’t you idiots see,” The Baroness muttered as they passed the group. “That Estella person, that’s a trick! She’s really Cruella!” 
“Cruella de Vil,” Cruella announced with a triumphant smirk. Angela shook her head in disbelief at the sight in front of her as the Baroness was shoved into the police car a few feet away. Camera flashed practically blurred her vision as Cruella urged them to stand beside her for the cameras. She stood to the woman’s right with Jasper on the other side of her, arm still around her waist comfortably. 
Things were much different after that. Angela and Jasper began dating, that one was a no-brainer. Now that the Baroness was in jail, they had no reason to worry about Cruella going crazy for revenge again, and Angela was happy to continue working for her along with Artie, John, Horace and especially Jasper. Angela had always fantasized about getting a happy ending with someone that she loved and they loved her that she read in fairytales. It was a little unorthodox, but she could tell that she got what she wished for. That was enough for her.
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Fashion and Flames Chapter 3: Break In- Jasper Badun x OC
Jasper Badun x Angela Young
Description: Angela is commissioned by Jasper and Horace to be their getaway driver when they pretend to break into the Baroness’ warehouse and ends up spending the night with them. Just ignore the feelings that have started forming between them. 
Word Count: 2.1k
Angela looked up from her sewing machine as a knock sounded from her door. A sigh left her lips and she hesitantly stood, though she didn’t want to. The fashion flash mob at Regent’s Park was tomorrow and she wanted to finish her project as soon as possible, but it seemed that someone else had a different plan. She walked out of her sewing room and to the front door. It was fair to say that she was surprised to see Jasper and Horace standing on the other side. 
“We need your help breaking into the Baroness’ warehouse,” Jasper said before she could even open her mouth. Her eyebrows shot up and her lips pursed in thought. After staring at them for a moment she finally shrugged. 
“Okay. Let me get my coat,” she responded, leaving the door open as she walked away as an invitation for the men to enter. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see them glance at each other before walking in. 
“Okay?” Jasper repeated confusedly. “No questions asked?” The girl shrugged again and faced them again. 
“Yeah, why not? What are we breaking into the warehouse for?”
“Well, you’re not actually going to break in, per se,” Horace responded as she reached for her coat. That’s what confused Angela, and she faced them once more with furrowed brows. 
“We need a getaway car,” Jasper explained. “We’re still working on ours but this needs to be done asap. Cruella wants to put the Baroness on edge for her plan to go through now that the dress for the Baroness’ show is done.” Angela made a noise of understanding as he helped her into her coat. 
“I see. So what’s the plan?” 
“We wait until dark, after everyone’s gone and no one can see us. You wait outside in the car while Horace and I get in and cause havoc. Your job is to just wait there and drive once we get back out. Got it?” 
“Got it,” she repeated. “I’m afraid I’m pretty boring though. I can’t provide much entertainment aside from my tv while we wait for it to get dark.” Horace shrugged. 
“The game’s probably on,” he responded simply as he made his way over to the couch and took a seat. “Works just fine for me.” After speaking, he grabbed the remote and turned the tv on. Angela shook her head at him amusedly before facing Jasper. 
“I’ll be working in the sewing room if you need me. It’s just the first door on the right here,” she gestured to it. “Make yourself at home, there’s food in the kitchen if you’re hungry.” Jasper nodded and offered her a grateful smile. 
“You mind if I keep you company? I’m not really in the mood to watch the game,” he inquired hopefully, which made the girl smile as well. 
“Of course, come on,” she responded, leading him into the sewing room. They sat side by side and talked about her latest project (and everything else, really) until it got dark. They hadn’t even realized the sun had gone down until Horace knocked on the door to inform them. From there, Angela allowed the guys to change into their all black outfits for the break in while she started the car. The drive to the warehouse took no time at all, and once Angela pulled around the back she looked at them. 
“Be careful in there you guys,” she muttered earnestly. Though she didn’t say anything, she was a bit worried about this. It was risky, even for them. Jasper, who sat in the passenger seat, offered her a comforting grin and rested his hand on her arm. 
“We’ll be fine, this isn’t the first time we’ve done something like this,” he responded softly. “We’ll be in and out within ten minutes.” Angela sighed, but ultimately nodded. 
“Alright, just go before someone realizes we’re here.” 
“Yes ma’am,” Horace responded jokingly as he slid out of the back seat with some rope in hand that Angela thought better to ask about. Jasper gave her a nod before also getting out. 
“Good luck,” she muttered just before he closed the door. Once they were out of view, she sighed. She probably should have thought it through before saying yes. If they were caught, she would not do well in jail if she was being honest. 
Thankfully she didn’t have to ponder it for long before she heard an alarm ringing. Her head snapped up as Jasper and Horace ran towards the car. She was quick to unlock the doors shortly before they got in. 
“Drive,” Jasper instructed urgently, and Angela wasted no time in doing so. She flinched when her tires squealed before they took off, though she could barely hear it with her adrenaline pumping. After getting a considerable distance from the warehouse, she slowed down to a normal speed and began heading to their house.
“Well that was quick,” she muttered conversationally as she drove.
“We didn’t have to do much,” Jasper shrugged before looking at her. “You’re awfully calm considering the circumstances.” 
“At the moment I’m trying not to panic and look in my mirrors every two seconds so I’m talking to you two,” she responded without hesitation, which earned a chuckle from him. 
“We’re safe Angie,” he said soothingly. “Look, we’re almost home. Why don’t you come inside for tea?” She glanced at him with an appreciative smile then nodded as she pulled into their warehouse. When they walked inside, they were quick to notice Cruella at her craft table working on hemming a dress. 
“How’d it go?” She asked monotonously, not looking up from her work. 
“Well, we weren’t caught,” Horace responded, plopping on the couch beside the dogs as Jasper took his cap off and threw it to the side. 
“But they know you broke in?” The woman inquired, finally looking at them. 
“Of course,” Jasper responded, which she nodded at and looked back down. “And of course ‘thank you for doing all my dirty work, guys’ Hey, don’t worry about it. We’re a team,” he added sarcastically, though Cruella paid no mind to it. Angela, meanwhile, had to suppress a smile as she took her coat off and set it down. The Dalmatians, upon noticing the girl walking over to them, barked happily and ran to her. She giggled when they nearly knocked her dog and began petting them. 
“Hello guys,” she greeted in a baby voice, scrunching up her nose when one of them stood on his hind legs and licked her cheek. 
“You know,” Cruella piped up as she watched them. “They really would make fabulous coats.” That made the girl’s eyes widen and she faced her. 
“The dogs?” She asked unsurely, pausing her petting of the dogs. Cruella smirked then chuckled wickedly. 
“I’m joking,” she responded lightheartedly. Angela managed to muster a small chuckle, but she was still nervous. After getting to know Cruella, she learned that anything could really go with her. She was willing to do anything to reach her goal, so Angela wouldn’t be surprised if the woman wasn’t joking. 
“Right,” Jasper muttered, mimicking the girl’s discomfort. 
“You know what I miss?” Cruella questioned rhetorically, looking at the man. “The Jasper that had a sense of humor.” That made the man scoff, and he took a seat beside her. Angela decided to let them have their privacy and make tea while she waited, but she couldn’t help but listen in. 
“You know, we’ve all had bad things happen to us,” he started gently. “Me, him, you. But we’ve always been there for each other.” 
“And that’s all I’m asking. Is it so hard to back me up?” Cruella questioned. 
“No. Not Estella, that’s easy. But to help Cruella, it’s a nightmare.” The woman sighed at his response and shook her head. 
“Cruella gets things done, Estella does not,” she stated simply. “And I have things to do. So if you’re done chatting, and by ‘if’ I mean you are.” She shot him a pointed look before returning her attention to the dress she was hemming. Jasper stared at the woman in disbelief before shaking his head and walking away. Meanwhile Angela’s jaw set at the woman’s dismissive attitude, but she sighed and let it go as he walked into the kitchen. She nearly jumped out of her skin as the kettle whistled, and she took it off the stove. 
“Where do you keep your tea, Jas?” She inquired, beginning to open cabinets. She paused when she felt his presence behind her, and her breath hitched when he reached around her to open the cabinet she was just about to open. He grabbed a box of teabags from one of the upper shelves as she faced him. 
“I usually hide my favorite because Stella likes to steal it,” he muttered with an awkward grin, which made her giggle. 
“Fair enough,” she responded softly. “Why don’t you go change into something more comfortable while I finish with the tea?” The man nodded with a small thanks, handing the box to her  before grabbing some clothes and heading to the bathroom for privacy. 
“Tell Jasper I’m going to bed,” Angela heard Cruella instruct from behind her as she made tea. She paused, glancing at Horace, who was already asleep on the couch. Cruella must have been talking to her. 
“I will.” 
“And don’t stay up too late,” she added pointedly. “We have a lot to do tomorrow before the show.” 
“Okay, goodnight Cruella,” she responded kindly, not looking away from her task. The woman returned her words before walking to bed, leaving Angela standing by herself once again. Thankfully she didn’t have to wait for long before she heard footsteps shuffling towards her. 
“I see everyone else has gone to bed,” he mentioned with an amused grin. A quiet giggle left her lips as she faced him, holding out one of the two mugs on the counter which he took. 
“They’re quite tired. We do have a big day tomorrow,” she pointed out, taking a sip from her own mug afterwards. The man shrugged, humming in agreement as he also drank. They sat in silence for a few minutes before Angela glanced at the clock. 
“It’s so late,” she sighed. “I really don’t know if I can drive home.” 
“You could always stay the night,” Jasper pointed out softly, but she shook her head. 
“Where would I sleep?” 
“You could sleep in my bed,” he gestured to his hammock hanging beside them. 
“Where would you sleep?” 
“On the floor.” 
“Absolutely not,” she responded without hesitation. 
“Why not? It’s not uncomfortable,” Jasper defended. 
“If that were the case then I would be sleeping on the floor,” she shot back. “We can share a hammock for one night. That is...unless you’re uncomfortable with it?”
“No,” he responded quickly. “I just wanted to be chivalrous, I didn’t want you to think lowly of me.” Angela’s shoulders dropped a bit and she smiled softly. 
“I could never. I’m comfortable with it, but I would prefer some pajamas to sleep in.” She glanced down at her outfit: bell bottom jeans and a Beatles t-shirt tucked into them. Jasper chuckled then rummaged through his drawers before pulling out some clothes. 
“They’re a little big, but they’ll do for tonight,” he muttered as he handed them over. The girl shrugged nonchalantly then thanked him before heading to the bathroom. It didn’t take her long to change and take off her makeup using Cruella’s makeup wipes. When she walked out, Jasper was washing their mugs. She grinned and walked back over to him with her now folded clothes. He turned off the water then faced her when he heard her approaching. 
“Ready for bed?” He inquired softly. Angela could hear the tiredness in his voice, and it made her grin as she nodded.
“After you,” he gestured to the hammock. She climbed up with his help, and he followed soon after. It took them a minute to get comfortable as it was a bit awkward for two people to lay in without cuddling. By the end of it, Jasper was laying on his back with one arm under her while Angela’s arm rested at the nape of his neck and one of her legs laid over his. It made them chuckle, but they were quick to settle down after Jasper leaned over the side of the hammock and turned the light off. 
“G’night Angie,” he muttered quietly, not wanting to disturb the peacefulness of the atmosphere. 
“Night Jasper,” she whispered, her eyes already closed and breathing beginning to even out. If she had been a little more alert, she would have felt Jasper press his lips to the crown of her head.
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Fashion and Flames Chapter 2: Sabotages- Jasper Badun x OC
Jasper Badun x Angela Young
Description: As Angela continues helping Cruella, she finds herself becoming closer to Jasper (and not just because she now does their laundry as well). One night she finds herself being invited to a sabotaging of  the Baroness’ newest fashion line debut by him.
Word Count: 1.9k
Things had been rather hectic since Angela and Artie agreed to work for Cruella, who as it turns out was Estella’s alter ego that she created to get back at the Baroness. It was quite the ordeal for Cruella to explain to the duo, one could imagine their confusion. Nevertheless, they continued to help her design and make outfits to crash every single one of the Baroness’ shows without delay between working at the shop. 
Angela noticed the mess that had begun accumulating in the living area of Cruella’s warehouse not long after they began helping her. It didn’t take her long to realize it was because the guys had been helping out with the technical side of the stunts. That meant that they didn’t have a lot of time before they became tired and went to bed. Laundry was beginning to pile up and dishes littered almost every space in the kitchen. Considering Angela quite literally had no life outside of work, she figured that she would help pick up the slack. 
“Guys, come put your laundry up,” she called softly, setting the newly emptied laundry basket to the side. Jasper and Horace, who were both resting before another stunt for Cruella, both perked up from their respective beds. Jasper was the first one to appear at her side considering his hammock hung in the kitchen where she was. 
“Thanks Angela,” he muttered gratefully, taking the folded clothes that sat on the table and moving to put them away. Horace wasn’t far behind him in grabbing the clothes. 
“Thanks Angie,” he said, much louder than his brother. Angela, who had gotten used to his abrupt booming voice, only grinned and shook her head. 
“I better not see you unfold your clothes to fit it in your drawer again Horace.” She pointed a warning finger at the man, but he just waved her off and moved to his small dresser, no doubt doing the exact opposite of what she said. 
“I thought you were working on Cruella’s dress for tonight,” Jasper mentioned, hopping up into his hammock again. “What are you doing, doing our laundry?” 
“Procrastinating,” Angela responded without hesitation. That made the man laugh, which in turn caused a smile to slip onto her face. 
“I’m kidding,” she added, beginning to wipe off the table. “I finished early and got bored. I figured I could make myself useful around here.” Jasper nodded, swinging his legs over the side of the hammock so he was sitting up. 
“Are you going tonight?” He inquired. Angela offered him a shrug. 
“I wasn’t invited,” she responded simply. She leaned against the table as he shot her a kind smile. 
“Well, this is my invitation to you then. You could ride in the truck with me,” he suggested, which lifted Angela’s spirits a bit. 
“I would love to,” she stated, crossing her arms comfortably. 
“Groovy,” he said a little too enthusiastically before catching himself and shooting her an awkward grin. “We...uh, we leave at 6:00 to get the truck.” She nodded, saying that she understood shortly before the lift arrived on their floor. They looked over in unison as Cruella opened the gate and walked in. 
“Hello darlings, I hope everything has been going to plan,” she greeted broadly. “Angela, is the dress ready? You redid the hems on the connecting fabrics?” The girl in question nodded dutifully and stood up. 
“Yep, everything is downstairs for when you get ready.” The woman nodded before looking at Horace. 
“Has the necklace come out yet?” She inquired impatiently, huffing dramatically when Horace shook his head. 
“Nothing yet,” he responded. Cruella rolled her eyes, mumbling an insult under her breath as she faced Jasper. 
“And the truck?” 
“It’ll be here,” he answered simply. 
“On time?” Cruella shot him a pointed look, which made the man roll his eyes. 
“Of course,” he said as if it were obvious. Angela could instantly sense the tension as it entered the room, and decided to diffuse it.
“Hey Cruella, while you’re here, do you mind putting your laundry up?” She inquired, gesturing to the last pile of clothes on the table. “It just gets rid of the clutter around here.” The woman hummed thoughtfully then shook her head, beginning to walk back to the lift. 
“I’m afraid not darling, I have a lot to do before the show tonight. I trust that you can put them up though,” she paused as she stepped into the lift, closed the gate and pressed the down button before shooting her a smile. “Ta-ta Angie.” She gave the girl a finger wave as the lift began descending, leaving Angela to watch her in disbelief. 
“Okay then,” she muttered defeatedly, picking up the clothes. 
“Hey, hey, hey. No,” Jasper said quickly, hopping down. “It’s her clothes, she should be the one to put them up.” His hand went to one of her wrists and gripped it gently in an effort to stop her, but she moved away. 
“Jasper, she’s obviously not going to do it,” she shot back, walking over to Cruella’s dresser. “I don’t want clutter around here and I’m sure you don’t either.” The man sighed, but shook his head as he took a seat at the table. 
“She didn’t even thank you,” he muttered bitterly. “I can deal with it if she doesn’t thank me or Horace, even though she should, but it isn’t fair to you. You’re not getting paid for any of this, you’re just doing this to be nice and she doesn’t even care.” As he talked, Angela put the clothes up and walked back over to him. She offered him a kind smile as she sat beside him. 
“That’s very sweet, but you don’t have to be angry on my behalf,” she said softly, resting her hand over his. The man blushed at the contact, but brushed it off with a sigh. 
“I’m just getting a little tired of Cruella’s attitude,” he admitted in the same tone as before. 
“I get that,” Angela responded simply. “But sometimes you’ve just gotta grit and bear it for a little bit then it’ll be over.” Jasper didn’t look convinced, so she continued. “You know, you can always talk to me if you need to rant to someone. I don’t really have a life outside of this, so I’m free quite often.” That made the man chuckle, and he nodded. 
“That’s good to know, thanks Angie.” Angela couldn’t help but grin. That was probably the first time he’d ever used a nickname on her. 
“Well, now that that’s sorted, I should probably get ready for our little performance tonight.” The man watched as she patted his hand then stood. 
“Okay,” was all he could muster as he watched her grab her bag and say a goodbye to Horace. Angela waved to Jasper as she walked to the lift and his eyes stayed on her as she disappeared out of sight. 
Just a few hours later, Cruella was in her latest creation and she was in the back of the (what Angela hoped wasn’t stolen) garbage truck with Jasper driving and Angela in the passenger seat. Jasper allowed the radio to play faintly as they drove, and he couldn’t stop the small smile that slipped onto his face when he noticed the girl’s head nod along to it. 
“You’re very quiet tonight,” she mentioned after the song ended, which made him glance at her for just a moment before looking at the road again. 
“Don’t have much to say,” he shrugged simply. 
“Any reason why?” She pushed, moving so she could face him. He didn’t answer at first, seemingly debating on what to say.
“You don’t have to answer,” Angela added quickly. “We just have some time to kill.” The man nodded then shot her a small grin before sighing. 
“It’s Cruella again. She and I got into a small fight before we picked you up and I’m just thinking about it,” he explained. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” She inquired softly, offering him a sympathetic smile. Jasper shook his head though. 
“Not really. I just want to forget it,” he responded. 
“Fair enough,” the girl shrugged. “Just know you can talk to me if you want.” Jasper offered her a thank you in response shortly before the girl perked up. 
“There it is,” she called softly, which made the man beside her slow the truck down. They had finally reached the Baroness’ newest show. The woman herself was outside in front of the photographers, drinking what looked like champagne and posing for the cameras. A mischievous smile appeared on her face and she looked at Jasper. 
“Ready to take out the trash?” That made the man smile as he stopped in the middle of the road and began to back up towards the building. 
“Did you come up with that one by yourself?” He teased, which made her roll her eyes playfully. 
“Come on, you’ve gotta admit that was a good one,” she responded defensively. Jasper shrugged as they stopped the truck. 
“Can I do it?” She asked eagerly. 
“Go for it.” He gestured to the button that would drop the trunk of the vehicle, and Angela smiled brightly as she pressed it unceremoniously. They could hear several gasps as what looked to be a huge pile of fabric fell out. Angela looked in the side mirror as Cruella popped up from the mass and cameras began flashing at her. The woman smirked and stepped onto the small step at the back of the truck, hitting it twice as a signal to Jasper to start driving forward, which he did. 
“That was very exciting,” Angela commented as they continued to drive down the street, watching the tail of Cruella’s dress flow behind it. 
“It isn’t any different than the other sabotages we’ve done,” Jasper pointed out with an amused grin. 
“Still,” she shrugged. “It’s fun being a part of something like this, for the most part at least. I don’t really like how she treats us sometimes.” 
“You and me both,” the man grumbled, slowing down a bit so that Cruella could safely climb back inside the trunk. 
“Hopefully it’ll blow over soon though,” she added optimistically. 
“Hopefully,” Jasper repeated. After a few minutes of silence, they arrived at Angela’s house. The girl shot him a small smile before hopping out. She was surprised when Jasper also got out, walking her to her door.
“Thanks for inviting me tonight Jasper,” she muttered shyly as they stopped in front of the door. “I had a lot of fun.” 
“Thanks for keeping me company,” he shot back, resting his hands in his pockets. They stood in silence for a moment, neither really knowing what to say. Angela noticed him begin to open his mouth to say something, but was cut off by a horn honking behind them, which nearly made them jump out of their skin. 
“Come on Jasper,” Cruella called from the window. “This dress is heavy to wear.” Neither of them even realized that she had climbed into the front seat, but neither really cared. Jasper waved to Cruella then faced the girl with an apologetic smile. 
“Sorry about her,” he muttered embarrassedly, but Angela just shrugged it off. 
“Don’t worry about it,” she paused and, in a moment of bravery, leaned up to press a kiss to his cheek. “See you tomorrow Jasper.” A light blush dusted her cheeks as she unlocked the door and began stepping inside. 
“G’night Angela,” the man muttered shyly. She gave him a small wave before closing the door, a bright smile etched into her face. Little did she know that Jasper had the exact same smile on the other side of the door.
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Fashion and Flames Chapter 4: Up in Flames- Jasper Badun x OC
Jasper Badun x Angela Young
Description: Angela participates in the latest fashion show with Jasper, then finds out some terrible news the next morning. Luckily, things aren’t always as they seem. 
Word Count: 2.9k
Jasper awoke to an empty hammock, which surprised him. He figured that it would be difficult for one of them to get out without waking the other. Nevertheless, he didn’t ponder it for too long before he got up. The couch and Cruella’s bed were empty, and the Dalmatians were missing. It was safe to assume that Horace had taken the dogs out. Where Cruella and Angela could be, he didn’t know. 
“Morning Jasper,” he heard from behind him, which made him turn around. Angela walked towards him with a lazy grin. She was wearing the same pants from yesterday, but this time he seemed to be wearing one of his shirts. The girl followed his line of sight, then blushed. 
“I hope you don’t mind, I didn’t have a spare shirt with me,” she explained shyly. Jasper, however, was smiling brightly. 
“Don’t worry about it, it looks good on you,” he responded simply, moving towards the coffee pot. “Where are Cruella and Horace?” Angela shrugged. 
“Cruella went to go check on the runway’s construction progress, I don’t know where Horace is. He was already gone when I woke up,” she explained. The man hummed in acknowledgement then glanced at her from over his shoulder. 
“Coffee?” He offered, pouring some grounds into the pot. 
“That’d be great,” she responded gratefully. “Do you mind bringing it downstairs? Cruella said she had some fabric that she wanted me to add to her signature piece and I want to get it done as soon as possible.” Jasper nodded with a small grin. 
“Sure, no problem.” Angela thanked him before heading to the lift. The man hummed softly as he listened to her close the gate before it lowered to the floor below. Just a few minutes later he heard Angela gasp in horror followed by a small cry. His eyes widened and he instantly jumped into action, not waiting for the lift and instead running down the stairs. 
“Angela?” He called worriedly as he reached the next floor. He paused in the doorway, instantly noticing the girl in question staring at her workstation, looking terrified. Carefully, he walked over to her and looked at the table, his mouth dropping open shortly after. On said table laid two yards of...Dalmatian fabric. 
“I thought she was joking,” Angela whispered shakily, finally looking at him. “Jasper you don’t think she-” 
“No, she wouldn’t,” he answered, though he sounded unsure himself. The girl whimpered, which made him look at her once again. Neither had time to say anything before the lift began lowering, which made their heads snap to it. Angela nearly cried in relief when she heard dogs barking. 
“They’re alive Angie,” Jasper muttered, looking relieved as he pulled her into his arms. “They’re okay. Horace just took them outside.” His words comforted her, but she still needed to see it. She stared at the lift as it passed their floor. 
“Morning Angela,” Horace greeted happily, gripping the Dalmatians’ leashes tightly. That’s finally what made her relax in Jasper’s arms, and she hugged him tightly. 
“Thank god,” she whispered, all but clinging to him. A small smile slipped onto Jasper’s face as he stroked her hair soothingly. Upon pulling away from him, Angela shook her head at the fabric. 
“What a cruel prank,” she muttered softly, moving to unfold it. “Even for Cruella.” Jasper couldn’t help but agree. What Cruella had done was wrong on so many levels. Even so, Angela got to work immediately, wanting to forget the absolute horror she felt upon seeing the fabric. The man, meanwhile, went back upstairs to finish making their coffee. 
Jasper didn’t see Angela much after that. Once she finished with Cruella’s signature piece, Artie picked her up to go get ready with the other models. She left the warehouse to both guys and a kiss to Jasper’s cheek, which made him blush. 
“Models are here,” Artie called as he led the group of men and women dressed in their creations towards the runway that was finishing being set up. Jasper looked up from the dj’s booth, where he and Horace were waiting for places to be called. Cruella clapped excitedly and examined each person individually.
“Well, don’t you all look marvelous,” she complimented. “It seems that you had an excellent designer make your outfits.” 
“Designers,” Artie corrected airily, though he didn’t stay long enough to see her brush it off before he headed to the dj booth where Horace now stood, doing a sound check on his board. 
“Showtime in ten minutes everyone. If you have any last minute touch ups, I suggest you either go to Artie or Angela,” Cruella instructed, clapping her hands twice as a way to say ‘chop chop’ before walking off. Jasper’s ears had perked up when he heard Angela’s name, and he looked up from his guitar. 
“Are you ready for your debut as a guitarist?” He heard the girl in question ask from behind him. A smile appeared on his face and he turned to face her. 
“Woah,” he breathed out, eyebrows raised. “You look incredible.” 
“Ah, well I’ve heard it so many times I’m starting to think it’s true,” she joked, but she didn’t look like she put a lot of effort into her response. His brows furrowed. 
“Is everything okay?” He asked worriedly. 
“Oh, just a bit nervous,” she responded, wringing her hands with an awkward giggle. “I’ve never been in a show quite like this before.” That made the man chuckle and he shrugged. 
“Fair enough,” he muttered. “It’s guaranteed to be a night we won’t forget.” Angela nodded in agreement. 
“Places, everyone!” Cruella yelled, clapping her hands loudly before either of them could say anything else. Jasper huffed at her attitude, only to pause when Angela leaned up and kissed his cheek. 
“Knock ‘em dead Jasper,” she cheered him on before following the other models to their places around the fountain. The man called out a response then headed to the fountain with Artie in tow. 
“I see the moths,” Artie called. “It’s now or never!” 
“Places,” Cruella yelled much louder than before. “Lights please!” Upon seeing all the Baroness’ guests run out of the building Angela stood in her beginning pose while the multi-colored lights faded in. She nearly jumped out of her skin when Jasper played the first cord of his guitar. 
“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, I PRESENT TO YOU,” Horace yelled into his microphone as Jasper continued to play. “CRUELLA!” The crowd that had formed around the makeshift runway cheered loudly as the music began picking up and Jasper walked to the end of the runway. 
The show went a lot smoother than Angela expected. She was one of the last models to walk before Cruella appeared on stage, which meant she was close to Jasper. She fell to her knees by his feet and leaned back on one hand, facing the fountain like the other models and began head bobbing to the music as Cruella walked down the runway. Just before she got up, she noticed a small smile on Jasper’s face as he watched her. 
After standing up, the models were allowed to do one last dance or pose before heading back to the fountain, and Angela wasn’t about to waste the opportunity. She stood and moved so she twirled around Jasper, making sure that she didn’t mess with his guitar cord. As she did so, she swung the skirt of her dress in a dancing fashion. That obviously caught the man’s attention and when she was sure that he was watching her, she shot him a subtle wink before following her fellow model back to the fountain. Right before she went to her place she twirled one last time to let the audience see her outfit and get one last glance at Jasper. She cheered internally when she noticed a smile on his face as he watched her. She threw up her hands in one last pose then walked around the fountain to her place. 
Her eyes widened and she looked around when police sirens were suddenly heard. She heard someone shout that the cops were here and Artie instructed everyone to run to safety. Without another thought, Angela ran out of the fountain, then quickly realized in all the panic she didn’t know which direction she was facing. People fled all around her, pushing her away. Before she could fall though, she felt a hand grab hers. She flinched away at first, thinking that a cop had grabbed her, then Jasper appeared in her sight. 
“Come on, let’s go!” He called, not waiting before he began running while dragging Angela behind. She was quick to find her feet and began running with him. Her legs were much shorter than his so he had to slow down a bit, but they managed to get away. Eventually they got far enough that they felt safe to slow down to a walk, keeping their hands together if they were wrong. After a minute Jasper let go long enough to take off his jacket and hold it out to her. 
“I’d hate for you to get sick because you didn’t have a proper coat,” he explained. “Besides, the police won’t spot you if you cover your dress.” Angela wanted to point out the flaw in his first point that he would probably catch a cold without a jacket, but she decided against it. After putting the jacket on, she grabbed his hand once he held it out. 
“That was,” Angela trailed off slowly before perking up. “Amazing! I've never been a part of something so exciting!” Her happiness made Jasper chuckle. 
“We just stopped running from the police and you’re talking about the show?” He pointed out, but Angela just smiled at him. 
“That was the exhilarating part,” she explained. “But the show was amazing. It felt fantastic to see everyone admiring my dress firsthand.” 
“See? Didn’t I tell you so?” Jasper teased lightly. Angela rolled her eyes playfully then gently shoved his arm. 
“Yeah yeah, don’t get too hung up on it,” she muttered before looking up at him once more. “You were amazing out there tonight as well,” she added. A blush settled on Jasper’s face and he shrugged in an attempt to look nonchalant. 
“It was nothing really,” he brushed off, but she wasn’t having it. 
“Well I think it was phenomenal,” she stated matter-of-factly. “Maybe you could teach me to play sometime.” Jasper smiled brightly then looked down at her. 
“I would love to.” Angela grinned then stopped upon reaching her house. 
“Oh, this is me,” she muttered surprised. “I didn’t even realize we had run this way.” Jasper stared at the house then hummed thoughtfully. 
“Well, I’d rather that than having to walk all the way back to get home from the opposite direction.” 
“You make a fair point, Mr. Badun,” she responded before facing him. “Did you want to come inside? I know we’re pretty far from the park but I’d hate for you to get caught on your way home.” Jasper shook his head then hesitantly let go of her hand. 
“Nah, I’ve gotta make sure Horace made it home alright. But I’d be happy to come another time,” he added quickly when he noticed her disappointed look. A small smile graced her face as she nodded. For a moment, they just stood there staring at each other until she noticed the man open his mouth to say something. Her hope rose just a bit as she watched him have what looked to be an internal debate, only to drop once he ultimately closed his mouth.
“Then I guess this is goodnight,” she said softly. Jasper nodded then leaned down a bit. Angela’s cheeks burned red when Jasper placed a kiss on her cheek. 
“Goodnight Angela, sleep well,” he whispered before standing straight once more. She was flustered as she watched him begin to walk towards his house. 
“I’ll be by tomorrow to drop off the dress,” she called softly, to which he nodded. After a minute she walked up the stairs to the front door and stepped inside with a joyful smile. Tonight had been quite possibly one of the best nights of her life. 
The next morning felt like a culture shock when she picked up the morning paper. Cruella’s warehouse had mysteriously caught fire, and police believe the woman perished in the flames. They caught and arrested Jasper and Horace for arson and conspiracy to murder, but Angela refused to believe it. 
It just didn’t make sense, just last night everything seemed fine. Everyone had a blast with the show and even potentially celebrating it. Plus, that didn’t even sound like Jasper and Horace. They loved Cruella, she was like their sister. Sure she had been very pushy before the show, but that doesn’t mean the boys just jumped to murder. That wasn’t them. It was the Baroness, it had to be. But she couldn’t prove that. It was their word against hers. Cruella was dead and that was it. And yet, how was she supposed to just move on as if the past few months of helping the icon meant nothing, as if they weren’t some of the best days of her life?
She called into work that morning. Artie didn’t mind, he said that he probably wasn’t going to open anyway. Though he didn’t say anything, she could tell that he was also upset about what happened. Angela considered going to see the guys in jail, but she was too conflicted. So, she instead just stayed in bed all day mourning the loss. 
The next morning she still didn’t want to go to work, but she couldn’t avoid life going on. She dressed her best and walked into the shop with her head held high. Artie was leaning against the counter reading the paper, but he looked up when she entered. A sympathetic smile appeared on his face and he walked around the counter, holding out his arms. She paused for a moment before finally walking to him and allowing him to hug her. Tears threatened to slip down her cheeks, but she wouldn’t let it happen. She purposefully did her makeup really well to avoid it. When they pulled away, she noticed her friend also trying not to cry. He offered her a tearful smile. 
“You’re sure you want to be here?” He asked softly. Of course he was aware of the feelings that the girl had for a certain boy they’d been spending time with. What kind of friend would he be if he didn’t notice something like that?
“Yeah, I need the distraction,” she muttered with a small shrug. Artie nodded and finally pulled away from her to lead her behind the counter. She took a seat on one of the stools as her eyes landed on the newspaper that Artie had been reading. 
Cruella Up In Flames
Cruella, a shining star in London’s West End fashion scene has tragically died tonight in a warehouse fire. Last night, the fire department received a call about a large house fire in the warehouse district of London, where it was discovered that it was the upcoming fashion icon Cruella’s lair. Just an hour before that she had a flash mob showcasing her new work in Regent's Park, only to get run out by the police. Many people in the fashion industry mourn the loss of the up and coming designer.   
Police caught and arrested Jasper Badun and Horace Ethan for conspiracy to murder, though there was no body discovered among the wreckage. 
Tears blurred her vision, and she found herself sniffling as she continued to read. Artie wrapped an arm around her comfortingly, wiping a few stray tears himself. Neither of them moved until they heard the bell above the shop ring. Their heads snapped to the door and Angela’s jaw dropped open. No way. 
“We’re closed,” Cruella said after someone else walked in behind her. Artie and Angela shared a glance before facing her again. 
“I was just reading about you, ‘the puppy killer,’” Artie greeted, still sounding like he was in shock by the woman’s presence (not that Angela could blame her).
“Oh, well I do love spots,” Cruella responded with a small smirk. The man narrowed his eyes at her thoughtfully. 
“You didn’t,” he challenged. After their small staredown, the woman shrugged. 
“I didn’t. But people do need a villain to believe in, so I’m happy to fit the bill,” she paused and looked at the girl still sitting down. “Hello Angela.” The girl in question could only offer her a small wave. 
“Fabulous,” Artie added with a grin. “Small point: aren’t you dead?” Angela was surprised by how casual the three of them were, but who was she to question it?
“I am, yes,” Cruella responded with a sad sigh. “Sad, really. But also helpful. Now, I have a plan.” 
“Of course you do,” Angela retorted with an amused smile, shaking her head as Cruella smirked. 
“And you’re going to help me with it.” Artie and Angela shared a look before facing her yet again. 
“Hmm, what do we get?” The latter questioned as if they weren’t already on board. 
“A night of fabulousness and mayhem and possible death,” the woman responded without hesitation.
“Check, check, not quite sure about the death though,” Artie mumbled unsurely. 
“It won’t be either of you,” Cruella assured them. Angela grinned mischievously then stood up. 
“I’ll get our coats.”
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Fashion and Flames Chapter 1: 2nd Time Around- Jasper Badun x OC
Jasper Badun x Angela Young
Description: Angela Young works at 2nd Time Around under her best friend Artie. She never knew that working there would lead her to meet three interesting new characters in the form of Jasper, Horace, and Estella. Or- is it Cruella?
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: I feel like I need to provide context so for each hundredth milestone I decided I was gonna write a 5 part mini series to celebrate. I wrote a Harry Potter miniseries for my 100th fic, I wrote this one for my 200th fic, Lord of the Rings for 300th and Stranger Things for my 400th (but obviously I haven't gotten to those in my list yet haha). Anyway, enjoy!
“I really don’t know what you think you’re going to accomplish with that, Art,” Angela spoke from behind the front counter, watching as the man in question dragged a step stool towards the wall opposite the front of the shop. 
“If this bloody radio doesn’t want to stay up here on its own, I’m gonna keep it up here by force,” he responded simply, grabbing a nail from his pocket and showing it to her. The girl couldn’t help but giggle as he turned back around to face the wall again. 
“Do you even own a hammer?” She questioned as Ohio Players’ “Fire” began playing through the radio. 
“Nope, but I have chunky heels.” To prove his point, Artie leaned down and grabbed one of the green heels on display and began using it as a hammer to push the nail into the wall behind the radio. Angela continued to watch him for a minute before the bell in front of the door rang, signalling that someone walked in. 
“Artie,” she called softly as a woman with dark red hair and cat-eye glasses began looking around. That caught her friend's attention and he quickly hopped down, dusting himself off as he faced the new customer. 
“Welcome to 2nd Time Around,” he greeted with a smile. “I’m Artie, or Art, as in: work of.” He gestured to his outfit before looking at Angela, who took that as her cue. 
“I’m Angela, or Angel as in: sent from above.” She gestured to the sky with a bright smile. 
“Wow,” the woman said, sounding in awe as she crossed her arms. “You look incredible.” 
“Oh,” Artie sighed, glancing at his black nails with a small smile. “I hear that all day, so I guess it’s true.” The woman hummed thoughtfully then tilted her head curiously. 
“And how does that look go on the street?” She inquired knowingly. 
“Mmm, some abuse and insults, of course,” Angela started with a sigh. 
“But we like to say that normal is the cruelest insult of them all, and at least I never get that,” Artie concluded. 
“I couldn’t agree more,” the woman sighed out, which made the duo grin. 
“Look around, Cinderella. I have everything a girl or boy could ever want. If you can dream it, we can dress it,” Artie informed her, walking over to the racks of dresses and holding one out. “Dior, 1995, amazing.” He set it back down then picked up another dress. 
“Chanel,1950. Spring Collection,” the girl said before Artie could speak. 
“Ah, you know your gowns,” Angela praised, walking out from behind the counter to head to the front of the store. 
“You two and I are going to be great friends,” she responded simply. Angela grinned then gestured to the window display. 
“Baroness, ‘65, in the window. Winter collection,” she informed her, which made her smile as she nodded. 
“I noticed that, but I’m afraid I can’t make any purchases yet. Maybe soon.” The duo nodded at her. 
“Fair enough,” Artie spoke. “Well, you know where we are when you do need a gown.” The woman left not long after, leaving the two alone in the shop. 
“She seemed nice,” Angela spoke, moving behind the counter once again. “I like her.” 
“Me too,” Artie agreed before beginning to climb up the step ladder. “Now, back to this stupid radio,” he said with enough enthusisasm that it made the girl giggle. 
They were happy a few days later when the girl, who they learned was named Estella, came by again. She ended up buying the Baroness’ dress they’d talked about earlier, and Angela even managed to get her to buy a pair of matching shoes for it. They thought that that would be the last of it, but they were oh so wrong. 
Angela and Artie stood at the front counter of the shop reading the morning paper. Today’s edition was about the Baroness’ black and white ball that had an unexpected guest crash it. Their heads snapped up when they heard the front door’s bell ring. Angela’s jaw dropped as she realized it was in fact the woman that was on the front of the newspaper. 
“It’s you,” Artie muttered, mirroring his friend’s shock. 
“It is,” the woman agreed in a posh accent. “And you’re reading about me.” 
“And you're in my shop,” the man shot back, standing straight. 
“It’s me,” the woman said, leaning in to whisper-yell to them. “Estella.” A grin appeared on both Angela and Artie’s faces. 
“Oh my,” the latter said, moving out from behind the counter. “My, my, my. You look amazing.” 
“You certainly made a splash,” Angela added, holding up the paper. 
“I’m just getting started darling,” Estella responded simply before looking at the man in front of her. “I want to make art, Artie,” she continued, which made the man chuckle. “And I want to make trouble. You in?” 
“What about Angela?” Artie questioned, glancing back at his friend. Angela began to protest, saying that she would be okay, but Estella interrupted. 
“I figured you two were a packaged deal,” she explained before looking at Angela. “So, what do you say?” The girl couldn’t help but grin and she glanced at her friend.
“Well, I do love trouble,” she responded, which made Estella smirk. 
“Let’s go.” 
Estella opened the gates door of the lift and stepped out nonchalantly while Angela and Artie just stood there shocked as they watched two men attempt to grab what looked like a shoe from the Dalmatians. When Estella noticed that her new friends weren’t following her, she turned around. 
“Oh come on in, they don’t bite,” she spoke, gesturing them closer. 
“The dogs or your friends?” Angela questioned incredulously as she and Artie stepped out with their sewing supplies in hand. The woman shot her a smirk before turning to face the men, who had stopped in their tracks after noticing their guests. 
“Artie and Angela, meet the boys. Boys, this is Artie and Angela. They will be working downstairs, they actually know a thing or two about fashion.” 
“Dogs are very aggressive,” The heavier set man informed her, attempting to get one of the dogs to let go of his shoe.
“Well, you have to walk them, feed them, get that necklace out,” the woman responded boredly. 
“Yeah, well, can’t you walk ‘em as well?” The taller one questioned, glancing at her for just a moment before looking at the aggressive dogs again. “There’s no ‘I’ in team.” 
“Well there is an ‘I’ in imbecile,” Estella shot back. “Now go!” 
“Hey! No, no, no, you can’t talk to us like that,” the man exclaimed. “We don’t have to help you.”
“So don’t.” Everyone became silent at her response, then Angela noticed Artie look around out of the corner of her eye. 
“Oh,” he chuckled almost as if uncomfortable. “Mummy and Daddy are fighting.” Angela nudged his side with her elbow, giving him a ‘not the time’ look before looking at Estella with an awkward smile. 
“We’ll uh, just go set up downstairs,” she started, already beginning to walk off. “Lovely meeting you,” she offered the two still unnamed men, though the tall one didn’t really pay attention. He still looked rather upset at Estella for what she said.
Nearly half an hour later, Angela was helping Artie set up the sewing machines when they heard the lift begin moving from the floor above them. Things had become quiet since Estella had to leave for Liberty in order to keep up her appearance as a worker, so Angela assumed that the guys were either asleep or they left earlier. Both she and Artie looked in the lift’s direction when its gate was opened. The two guys from earlier walked towards them, the taller one sporting an awkward grin while the chubbier one had a jovial smile. 
“Hey,” the taller one started shyly. “Uh, we just wanted to apologize for the position we put you guys in earlier. It must have been really awkward for you guys. We’re not usually like this, but to be fair Estella isn’t either. But, uh, yeah,” he trailed off. Angela and Artie shared a knowing look before facing the guys again. 
“It’s really okay mate,” she responded earnestly. “Things happen, she was probably just having a long day.” The shorter man nodded. 
“Yeah, you can say that again,” he spoke in a boisterous tone, which surprised Angela but still made her grin. Seeing her grin made the taller guy’s smile morph into a genuine one.
“I’m Jasper by the way,” he said before gesturing to the man beside him. “This is Horace. Estella’s practically our sister.” 
“I’m Artie,” the man beside Angela introduced, shaking both the guys’ hands. 
“I’m Angela,” the girl added. “We’ve known your sister for a total of six hours.” Jasper chuckled as she shook his hand, and Angela tried not to blush at the sound. 
“Well, that’s good enough for you two to become best friends in her books, so welcome to the team,” he responded humorously as Angela shook hands with Horace. 
“Glad to be here,” Artie said, leaning back against the table he and Angela stood at. The girl couldn’t take her eyes off of Jasper as she nodded, which made the man smile. 
“Definitely,” she agreed.
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Night In- Jasper Badun x OC
Jasper Badun x Angela Young
Description: Jasper and Angela are excited to have a night to themselves, but their plans are canceled over their exhaustion.
Word Count: 1.4k
Jasper was exhausted, and he could tell Angela was too. Cruella had a big show coming up for the Fall season and work had been dialed up to 100. Artie was out of town visiting his parents, so that left all the executive decisions up to Angela. Jasper, meanwhile, had to help with location and scheduling. Usually they would have it at Hell Hall, but Cruella wanted something different, something new to switch it up a bit. And, she was the boss, so they had to roll with it. 
The show was just around the corner, but Cruella seemed to realize that she was working all her employees practically to the bone. So, she gave them a night off to relax. Originally, Jasper and Angela planned to go out and have dinner, even walk around town a bit. But when he arrived at her house, the comfortably warm atmosphere made both of them hesitant to actually leave. 
“You know, there’s a small convenience store just around the corner,” Angela started slowly, which made him look at her. 
“Okay?” He responded more as a question, imploring her to continue. 
“If we figure out what we want, we could probably just go to the store then make dinner here for ourselves,” she explained, which made the man grin. 
“Yet another wonderful idea from my amazing girlfriend,” he stated matter-of-factly. “Put your coat on, it’s pretty chilly out.” 
“Yes mum,” she teased, though she reached for the coat rack without complaint. Jasper stuck his tongue out at her then grabbed her coat before she could reach it. When she began to say something, he held it up, silently inviting her to slip her arms into the sleeves. Angela’s confused expression turned into a sweet smile and she turned around, allowing him to slip her jacket on. 
“Ready to go then?” He inquired, already reaching for the door. Angela grabbed her purse then nodded, following him out. He waited as she locked her door then took her hand and led her down the steps and onto the sidewalk. 
“So, I hear you’re making my costume for the Fall Show,” Jasper commented as they walked to the corner store. The girl nodded and adjusted her purse on her elbow when it slipped off her shoulder. 
“Yeah. I already have your measurements and I capture your style better, so Cruella figured, why not? Besides, she wanted us to match our outfits,” she explained. That seemed to pique the man’s interest and he looked at her. 
“Really? Why?” Angela shrugged. 
“Everyone's matching with someone aside from Cruella. Since we’re the ones providing the music, we have to match each other.” The man hummed, mulling over her words. 
“What do you have planned for us, my little artist?” He half joked, shooting her a playful grin that made her giggle. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” She teased in response. 
“I would actually,” he chuckled. “Can’t I at least get a peek?” 
“Not until it’s done,” she answered, leaving no room for him to protest as they reached the store. Angela grabbed a cart and they began walking through the store. 
“How does chicken alfredo sound?” She questioned absentmindedly, looking at a few cans of sauce. Jasper hummed thoughtfully then shrugged. 
“Sounds good,” he responded simply, walking to the pasta section. Angela followed him after grabbing two cans. They finished their shopping rather quickly (even grabbing a few things for a movie night after dinner) then walked back home. 
“Why don’t you pick out a record to play while we cook,” the girl suggested as she unpacked their groceries. Jasper nodded then walked to the record player that sat in the living room. He browsed for a few minutes before settling on a Madness album. As “One Step Beyond” began playing, he walked back into the kitchen. Angela crouched down to grab pots and pans then pulled her hair back. 
“What would you like me to do?” Jasper inquired, moving behind her and beginning to rub her shoulders. The girl allowed her eyes to fall closed for a moment before grinning. 
“Definitely not that, you’ll put me to sleep,” she muttered, earning a small chuckle from her boyfriend before he pulled away. 
“Alright then, what now?” Angela hummed in thought then set a pot on the stove. 
“You work on the sauce while I cook the chicken.” The man mock-saluted then did as she said. They worked in silent tandem for a short while, one of them mumbling the words of one of the songs every so often. 
Eventually, all they had to do was wait for the break to bake, and it would be ready. While they waited, Angela began doing the dishes. That was interrupted rather quickly when she heard the music turn up above the running water. Curious, she turned around just in time for Jasper to take her hand and lift it up, cuing her to spin, which she did. 
“What are you doing?” She laughed softly as she attempted to move away from him, but he wasn’t having it. Instead, he pulled her closer and began swaying to the music as his free hand fell to her waist. 
“Dance with me,” he instructed softly. 
“I don’t believe I get a choice in this, do I?” She teased, though her free hand grasped his upper arm gently. Jasper chuckled, then shook his head. 
“Not really.” Angela shook her head then rested it on his shoulder as they continued to dance to the music. They continued to dance until the oven timer went off, and even then they were hesitant to pull away. Finally though, Angela decided that she didn’t want her house burnt to a crisp, so she moved away after pressing a kiss to his cheek. 
“Grab the drinks, won’t you?” She inquired as she grabbed some oven mitts, pulling the pan of bread out as she heard Jasper open the fridge. 
Dinner went absolutely lovely. Music continued to play as they ate, then afterwards they moved to the living room to eat some ice cream that Jasper had found at the store. He had the bright idea of sharing a bowl, so they were all but cuddled together as they ate. 
“Jasper Michael Badun if you keep moving the bowl away so help me god,” Angela warned as she leaned over to grab another bite. 
“Why don’t you just move closer,” Jasper teased. 
“Don’t test me,” she said with a pointed look. 
“Try me,” he shot back. Angela stared at him, trying to figure out whether he was bluffing, but finally shrugged and scooted closer to him. She was practically on top of him, and they were both acutely aware of it. 
“At least commit babe,” he muttered in her ear before wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her onto his lap. Angela couldn’t even begin to attempt to hide her blush and she looked at him, bewildered. 
“Jasper!” She exclaimed, looking extremely shy. 
“What?” He inquired with a nonchalant shrug, scooping up another bite of ice cream and holding it up to her. “Eat.” The girl still looked very red as she leaned forward and took the bite. 
Jasper continued to feed her until their bowl was empty, and Angela elected to set it aside before wrapping her arms around his neck. By this point, they were both tired, and as Jasper quickly learned, she was very touchy. She rested her head on his shoulder and her fingers began playing with the hair on the nape of his neck. 
“You’re going to make me fall asleep if you keep doing that.” Jasper’s chest rumbled as he spoke, but Angela didn’t seem deterred by his warning. 
“Is that a complaint?” She inquired quietly, which caused her boyfriend to shake his head immediately. 
“Then shut up and enjoy having a pretty girl on your lap.” Jasper couldn’t help but chuckle at her tired demeanor but held her closer anyways. 
Neither of them were surprised to wake up the next morning and find that they had fallen asleep in that position. They both awoke with a jolt to someone banging on the front door, then had to explain why 1.) they were in the same clothes as yesterday 2.) their clothes were both wrinkly and their hair was messy 3.) late for work to a smirking Cruella. It was an embarrassing morning, but it was worth it for the amazing previous night.
0 notes
Our Song- Jasper Badun x OC
Jasper Badun x Angela Young
Description: Angela and Jasper attempt to figure out what their song is. 
Word Count: 2k
“Jasper, what’s our song?” Angela questioned, looking back at him from her place on his bed. The man looked at her curiously from where he sat at his desk, not having expected the question. 
“What do you mean?” The girl rolled over so she could face him comfortably. 
“I mean, what’s our song? Artie said his and Gemma’s song is ‘Sugar, Sugar’ by The Archies, Amethyst said her and Cruella’s song is ‘Dancing Queen’ by ABBA, what’s our song?” Jasper hummed thoughtfully then began strumming the guitar that sat on his lap. 
“Well, what do you think it should be?” He inquired. “When you think about us? What song comes to mind?” Angela stayed silent as she thought about his question. 
“I don’t know,” she finally admitted. Jasper shot her a patient smile. 
“How about this, you think it over tonight then come back when you have an answer. I’ll do the same and we’ll see if we think the same thing.” Angela grinned at him. 
“Brilliant suggestion as always, my love,” she responded simply. Jasper chuckled softly and continued strumming peacefully. 
When Angela got home, she made a cup of tea then sat on the couch, deep in thought. There were so many possibilities for what could be their song, but it had to be something special to both of them. She would have to take a trip down memory lane. 
1. Heart of Gold- Neil Young
“I didn’t know you played guitar,” Jasper called from Angela’s bedroom, where he had been getting dressed. He must have noticed the acoustic guitar that sat in the corner of her room. Angela shrugged from where she stood at the stove. 
“I don’t really. My dad used to try to teach me but he was busy a lot. That thing just collects dust now but I don’t want to part with it.” As she spoke, Jasper walked out into the kitchen. 
“I could teach you,” he offered. She glanced at him as she turned the stove off. 
“You don’t have to do that darling,” she brushed off as she grabbed some plates. 
“But I want to.” He walked over and took the plates from her. “Come on, it’ll be fun.” The girl sighed, but finally nodded with a small smile. 
“Alright, when do we start?”
Over the next two months, Jasper taught her how to play. He took his time in teaching her each chord and note, making sure she understood before moving on. Eventually she began learning actual songs. Jasper picked the first one she should learn, “Heart of Gold” by Neil Young. He helped her play it, correcting her if needed (which wasn’t actually a common occurrence), and that had become the first official song she learned how to play. Now, if she had the urge to play her guitar, that was her go-to song every single time. 
The first song she ever learned to play with Jasper’s assistance  was a strong candidate in Angela’s opinion. It was a beautiful song with lyrics that applied to them. It was special to both of them, yet, it still didn’t feel like the one. She’d need to look deeper. 
2. I Wanna Be Your Dog- Artie Katz
Jasper and Angela, being the more musically inclined, had been put in charge to write the song that Artie would sing for their flash mob in Regent’s Park. Upon agreeing to do so, the couple got to work immediately. They went to Angela’s house since they would have more peace and quiet there, and her keyboard was there. 
“Okay, since Cruella wants her Dalmatian piece to be the focal point of the show, maybe we could do something with dogs,” Angela suggested, tapping her pencil against the blank sheet music in front of her. Jasper pursed his lips in thought, then nodded after a minute. 
“Okay,” he responded, beginning to strum a small riff on his guitar before beginning to play an unknown song. The girl listened for a moment, realizing that it was a garage rock/proto-punk type beat, then began adding piano into the mix. Her piano was set to a jazz setting, which added a ragtime sort of tone to the song. 
“Now I wanna be your dog,” she sang out, making sure to add a slight growl to her voice in order to match the music. Jasper looked excited to see her come up with something on the spot and continued to play. 
“And now I wanna be your dog, 
And now I wanna be your dog,
Well, come on,” she drew out the last word, growling at the end of it as they continued to play. The music got louder for a bit, but then Jasper quieted a bit as lyrics came to his mind. 
“And now I'm ready to close my eyes
And now I'm ready to close my mind
And now I'm ready to feel your hand,” he sang before realizing that he had nothing after that. He began internally panicking, but stopped when Angela continued for him. 
“And lose my heart on the burning sands,” she sang before nodding at him, letting him know that they were about to sing the chorus again. 
“And now I wanna be your dog,
And now I wanna be your dog,
And now I wanna be your dog,” Jasper was the only one to extend the last note of that, and Angela smiled brightly as she looked back at her piano. 
“Well come on!” Immediately after singing that, they stopped playing their respective instruments in unison. Both were breathing heavily as the reality of what they’d just created had set in. 
“Jasper! That was so good!” Angela exclaimed excitedly, pulling him into a tight hug. The man couldn’t help but laugh as he nodded with the same enthusiasm. 
“You did amazing on that chorus,” he complimented as they pulled away. “That’s already, like, half the song done.” The girl nodded as she began writing on the sheet music, trying to get it all down before it left her mind. 
“Guess we’re just that good together,” she half joked absentmindedly. Jasper watched her with a small smile. 
Angela smiled at the memory, remembering how much fun they had writing that song. It was such a success. “I Wanna Be Your Dog” was also a good contender, it was quite literally their song, they’d written it together after all. Was it good enough though? That depended entirely on what else she could think of. 
3. Call Me Cruella- Angela Young
“Cruella De Vil,” Angela sang quietly as she worked on her latest design in Hell Hall. 
“Cruella De Vil,
She’s born to be bad,
So run for the hills.” Her singing caught the attention of Jasper, who had been sitting in there with her working on something. He looked up as Artie and Horace appeared in the doorway, the three of them listening intently. 
“Who wants to be nice?” The girl continued, putting on a posh voice to sing. 
“Who wants to be tame?
All of your good guys,
They all seem the same,
Original, criminal, dressed to kill,” she walked over to the mannequin to add several accents to her outfit as she sang the last part. 
“Just call me,” she paused to dramatically turn to her friends with a smirk.
“Cruella De Vil,” she concluded, which made Artie laugh. She grinned then began walking around the room swiftly as she gathered more supplies. 
“Call me crazy, call me insane
But you’re stuck in the past,
And I’m ahead of the game.” She sighed theatrically then grinned at Jasper, swaying her hips as she scurried over to them. 
“A life lived in penance,
It just seems a waste.” The stood and held out his hand when she reached them then twirled her with a small laugh. 
“And the devil has much better taste
And I tried to be sweet,” she continued, resting the back of her hand against her forehead melodramatically. 
“I tried to be kind,” she switched hands and closed her eyes. 
“But I feel much better now that I’m
Out of my mind,” she trailed off loudly, falling back and allowing Jasper to catch her. Once she let go of the last note, she stood once more then began walking to the main room casually with all three guys following her. 
“Well there’s always a line at the gates of hell
But I go right to the front ‘cause I dress this wel,” she sang as if she were gossiping. 
“Rip it up, leave it all in tatters
Beauty is the only thing that matters,” she breathed out, moving to the extra supplies then pausing in front of a portrait of the Baroness that they hadn’t taken down yet and pointing at it. “The fabric of your little world is town,” she sang to her before grabbing some thread from a drawer and walking back into the sewing room.
“Embrace the darkness and be reborn,” she concluded before making her voice softer as she grabbed some beads from her desk and began threading them. 
“Cruella De Vil, Cruella De Vil,
The fear on your face,
It gives me a thrill.” She laughed as the three men applauded her. 
“Angela,” Artie exclaimed with a bright smile. “That was amazing!” The girl blushed shyly then shook her head. 
“I agree,” Cruella’s voice came from behind them, which made Angela freeze in place with wide eyes. Her head whipped around as the woman walked over to her, a huge smirk on her face. 
“I’ve heard of villains getting their own song, but I never imagined that I would find mine in the form of you Angie,” she continued teasingly. Jasper couldn’t help but laugh as he followed her. 
“Yeah, sounds like you’ve been working on that one for a while,” he added, wrapping an arm around his girlfriend. “You’ve been writing songs without me?” He pouted, which made her roll her eyes jokingly then gently push him away. 
“I would never,” she responded. The man grinned then kissed the side of her head. 
“Seriously though, you should record that. I could help you with the instrument parts,” he offered, which made her smile. 
“I would love that.” 
That was the first and (so far) only song Jasper and Angela ever recorded. She loved looking back on it. As much as she liked writing and recording it, she didn’t know if it could be their song. She sighed loudly and flopped down on her bed. Now she was left with the same predicament. They were all such good options, but what could possibly be good enough for them? It only took her a few minutes before the answer hit her. 
Their song was not just one song. She shot up as the thought came to her. It’s not just a song. Their song was the laughs that they shared when she messed up a note while she learned how to play guitar. It was the sound of guitar and piano riffs late into the night while they were writing “I Wanna Be Your Dog.” It was Jasper and Angela messing around in the studio while recording “Call Me Cruella,” and it was all the laughter they shared while singing loudly off key just to annoy or distract the other. It was the songs that played in the background while they spent time together and the strumming of Jasper’s guitar when he was bored. It didn’t need to be limited to one song, it didn’t even have to be limited to a song. 
“Did you figure out what our song is?” Jasper asked her the next day, wrapping an arm around her comfortably. Angela couldn’t even begin to attempt to hide her smile as she looked at him. 
“I don’t think we have just one,” she responded simply. The man looked surprised at her answer, but he got over it quickly then nodded with a small smile. 
“I agree.”
0 notes
Puppy Jewelry- Jasper Badun x OC
Description: After a fight with Angela over a necklace, Jasper has to think about how to make it up to her. Luckily, there was a four legged animal there to aid him. 
Word Count: 1.6k
Note: The title sucks but I did my best
Today was just not Jasper’s day. Well, that may have been an understatement. This was just not Jasper’s week. He didn’t even know what started it all, but he was ready for the week to end. Cruella had been stressing out for the past month over an upcoming summer show, which meant that she was a lot snappier than usual. Horace hadn’t been much help, as usual he wasn’t understanding social cues so he didn’t know when to stop talking. That made Cruella snap at him more, to which Jasper defended him, which in turn would cause them to get in a small fight, makeup before the day ended, then repeat the next day. It was like a vicious cycle that made Jasper more irritated as the days went by and today it had all come to a head for something completely unrelated. 
“I’m back,” Jasper called as he walked into Hell Hall, Horace by his side. 
“About time,” Cruella grumbled as she walked over to them. “Do you have it?” She held out her hand expectantly, to which Jasper placed the handle of a bag in. 
“200 white pearl beads, just like you demanded,” he muttered. 
“Great,” Cruella chirped before her smile dropped. “Now move along.” She left no room for discussion before walking away to where the dressmakers were. Horace and Jasper watched her go, and the latter’s eyes narrowed a bit. 
“You’re welcome Cruella,” he grumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Wasn’t like it was hard to get those or anything.” 
“Thank you boys,” a soft voice came from behind them, making the two turn around. Angela was walking towards them as she tied her sewing apron around her waist, suggesting that she had just come back from lunch. 
“I was the one who asked for them, I didn’t realize that they were hard to retrieve. I would’ve asked for something else if I had known,” she informed them apologetically. Her words made a smile form on Jasper’s face. At least she was grateful. 
“S’alright,” he brushed off. “We got them easily enough. Just promise you’ll make something pretty out of them.” 
“You have my word,” Angela giggled. Jasper nodded with a small laugh then perked up, digging in his pocket. 
“Oh hey, I got something for you while I was out,” he mentioned. Angela’s eyebrows knit together and she stared at him curiously, only to gasp when he pulled a diamond necklace out of his pocket. 
“I know you don’t like extravagant things, so I thought this one would do just nicely,” he explained, holding it up for her to see. The necklace itself wasn’t much, it was a gold chain with a diamond in the center of it, but it was the fact that he saw it and thought of her that made it sentimental. He was right, it was perfect.
“It’s gorgeous,” she said, awe in her tone. “Will you put it on me?”
“Of course.” He grinned as she turned around and moved her hair. He wrapped the chain around her neck then clasped it as carefully as he could. Once he was done Angela looked down at it before facing him with a toothy grin. 
“Thank you, Jasper,” she muttered, wrapping her arms around him in a hug. Jasper returned the hug then kissed her cheek. 
“Anything for you.” Their sweet moment was interrupted by the socially unaware Horace. 
“Easiest grab we’ve ever done,” he added with a proud smile. Jasper felt Angela still in his arms, and he knew that Horace just said something he shouldn’t have. Angela slowly pulled away from her boyfriend and looked at their friend. 
“Grab?” She repeated. “You mean, like steal?” Horace nodded, none the wiser to the seriousness of her tone. 
“Yeah, it was just sitting out in the open in the shop. No cameras or anything,” he responded in the same proud tone. 
“Horace,” Jasper whisper-yelled, annoyed. “Zip it.” Horace stared at him confused, but Angela spoke before him. 
“You stole this necklace? Why would you do that?” She questioned firmly. Maybe Jasper spoke too soon about her being grateful. 
“Yeah,” Jasper responded as if it was nothing. “What’s the big deal?” He realized his mistake as soon as the question left his lips. Angela’s eyes widened at him. 
“Jasper!” She exclaimed. “You can’t just steal things and expect everything to be okay!” 
“It’s never done me wrong before,” the man defended, trying to keep his cool. “I don’t understand what the problem is, I did something nice for you.” 
“I appreciate that you got this for me, but I don’t want it if you’re just going to steal stuff like this for me,” she retorted. “I know that you got used to shoplifting in the past, but you have money now. It’s time to let the habit die because if you don’t you’ll end up in trouble with more than just me.” Jasper felt his anger boil over at her words.  
“Give it back then,” he demanded hotly. “If you’re going to complain about every little thing then maybe I just shouldn’t do nice things for you.” Angela stared at him surprised. 
“Jasper that’s not what I meant and you know it.”
“I don’t care. Give me back that stupid necklace. I’ll just give it to Cruella, at least she’ll appreciate it.” Angela’s jaw dropped and she felt herself tearing up from frustration. 
“Fine,” she snapped, then practically ripped the necklace off of her neck. She threw it at him, not caring when it just bounced off his chest. 
"I’m leaving,” she stated, marching over to the dressmaker's room to grab her bag. She called a bye to Cruella, Artie and Horace before leaving, not sparing even a glance at Jasper. It wasn’t until she was outside that she realized 1. She and Artie had taken a cab to get here and 2. It was bloody cold outside and she left her jacket in the house. However, her pride and stubbornness refused to let her go back so she lifted her chin and began walking home. 
It was a long walk home. The spring winds blew harshly against her and her lack of a warm coat was not helping in the slightest. The fact that she was also crying made it worse as her tears would become cold immediately and slide down her face. She took a hot bath upon arriving at her house in an attempt to warm up. During her bath she went over their entire fight, and she became upset once more. Even if she had gotten mad quickly, that didn’t mean that Jasper should’ve compared her to Cruella. Of course Cruella would’ve appreciated it, she’s known Jasper and Horace their whole lives. That was the difference between them, and apparently that meant a lot to Jasper. 
After her (admittedly long) bath, she decided to make tea and watch tv. It was her favorite way to unwind, that’s why she was a bit annoyed when someone knocked on the door. She took a look at the clock on the wall nearby, wondering who would be at her door at 8:00., before making her way to said door. She didn’t look through the peephole before opening the door and regretted it almost immediately. Jasper stood on the other side with an apologetic smile on his face. Before she could close the door or say anything, Jasper held up his arms to reveal a Dalmatian puppy. 
“Say hello to Penny,” he said softly. Angela gasped at the sight of the puppy and her gaze softened. Carefully stepping outside, she picked up the Dalmatian as if she was holding a baby. 
“She's so cute,” Angela cooed, petting Penny behind her ear. “I didn’t know the dog had her puppies already.” Jasper nodded with a small smile. 
“She’s yours. If you want her, that is.” Angela nodded immediately with a bright smile before looking at him. 
“Thank you,” she responded softly. The man nodded once more. 
“Check her collar,” he instructed. Angela furrowed her brows but did as she said, almost immediately finding the diamond necklace from earlier attached to it. Right beside it was a receipt. 
“You paid for it,” she muttered, looking at him with surprise. 
“I also wanted to apologize,” Jasper added. Angela’s shock wore away and she offered him a small smile. 
“How about you come inside and we can talk?” She suggested. The man smiled gratefully at her then followed her inside. 
             The next ten minutes were spent on the couch with Jasper telling Angela all that had been on his mind the past month and how it was affecting him negatively. Angela listened silently, continuing to pet Penny. 
“I wish you would have told me this instead of letting it manifest,” she commented once he was done. “Maybe you wouldn’t have gotten so mad and compared me to your friend.” Jasper looked down, ashamed as his earlier words ran through his head. 
“I know, it was a bloody terrible thing I did. I never compare you to Cruella, that was the only time. That doesn’t make it any better but I want to make up for it,” he responded earnestly. Angela hummed softly, glancing down at Penny. 
“Well, getting me gifts won’t get my forgiveness, but it’s definitely an adorable start.” Jasper grinned when the girl giggled at her own words then nodded. 
“I’ll do whatever it takes.” 
“How about you help me make dinner and stay over,” she suggested with a playful smile. “Depending on how good you cook, I may just forgive you tonight.” Jasper mimicked her smile. 
“You’re on,” he said before standing. Angela took his hand when he held it out for her and they walked to the kitchen together.
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Lunch- Jasper Badun x OC
Jasper Badun x Angela Young
Description: Jasper takes Angela to lunch, where they learn something interesting about each other. 
Word Count: 2.3k
“The full moon's bright. And starlight filled the evening,” came Elton John’s smooth chorus from the radio hanging on the wall of 2nd Time Around. It would have brought a smile to Angela’s face if that hadn’t been the sixth time she heard it in the past two hours. Artie had recently purchased Elton John’s latest album “Captain Fantastic and the Dirt Brown Cowboy” and he brought it into the shop so Angela could listen to it as well. Only problem is their radio seemed to be having problems with it, that song after every other one. At first Angela thought it was just a hiccup, but this was starting to get ridiculous. 
“Artie, it’s playing that song again,” she complained, leaning against the counter. 
“Hitting it seems to help,” came her boss’s voice from the back room, where he was putting price tags on some new stock. “There’s no one here, just hit it until it skips.” Angela looked around, noting that he was right about both things. She was glad that the store was empty, ever since Cruella revealed that Artie and Angela worked for her at the party she threw, people were more eager to visit their shop. Today was Sunday, no one usually shops on Sundays so today was the first day that Artie and Angela could relax and sort of restock. 
Still, that didn’t make her want to do this any less. The girl groaned internally and grabbed the stepladder, setting it up under where the radio hung on the wall. She carefully climbed the steps until she was face to face with that stupid machine and began hitting it in an attempt to make it work properly, trying to ignore the blaring music going straight into her ears. 
“We wrote it and I played it, Something happened it's so strange this feeling, Naive notions that were childish,” Elton continued to sing, successfully covering up the sound of bells jingling, signaling that someone had walked in. 
“Just skip already you stupid radio,” she grumbled, annoyed. The radio didn’t care about the insult, continuing to play that infernal song. 
“Simple tunes that tried to hide it, But when it comes, We all fall in love sometimes.”  She groaned loudly, getting ready to hit the machine again when a voice came from behind her. 
“I don’t know, I actually found that song quite good,” Jasper spoke, hands going into the pockets of his jacket casually. Angela nearly fell off the ladder, having not heard him enter the store, then faced him. 
“Oh! Sorry, I didn’t hear you come in,” she greeted, climbing down the ladder and straightening out her dress. “Welcome to 2nd Time Around. I’m Angela, or Angel as in: sent from above.” She gestures to her body with a bright smile. 
“That was cute,” Jasper commented with a small smile. “Did Artie come up with that one for you?” Angela nodded. 
“I felt a bit left out since he had that ‘Art, as in: work of’ line so he helped me out,” she explained, moving the ladder. “What can I help you with? We just got new stock from Dior, Chanel, and even Saint Laurent. From casual looks for lunch or suits for going out on the town, we have it all,” she explained, gesturing to several racks around them. Jasper let her do her whole spiel, knowing how much she loved coming up with stuff like that, before shaking his head. 
“Well I didn’t originally come here for clothes but it seems that your customer service has changed my mind,” he said, making her giggle. “That can come later though. It’s nearly time for your lunch break so I figured I’d take you out to lunch.” Angela smiled internally, touched that he remembered such mundane things in her schedule. 
“Well, let me just go click out and I’ll be ready,” she responded happily. He nodded and waited patiently as she walked to the back room, informing Artie that she was going on her lunch break, before clocking out and grabbing her coat. She slipped it on as she walked out. 
“Wow, nice coat,” Jasper complimented, making her blush. 
“Well thank you, I designed it myself.” She spread her arms out and turned to show him the entire thing. 
“Beautiful,” he spoke softly before holding out his hand. “Ready to go?” She took his hand with a nod then called a bye to Artie as they walked out. 
“So, how has it been living at ‘Hell Hall’?” She asked as they began walking down the sidewalk. Of course Artie and Angela stopped by Cruella’s new estate for work, but that’s just what it was. Jasper and Horace didn’t like to interrupt the dressmakers while they were working. There was a fashion show coming up so they had to get everything done as soon as possible. With all the chaos at the shop and at Hell Hall, the new couple had no time to see each other. It was surprising to Angela that her boyfriend had come by in fact. This was the first time in a week and a half that they truly got to see each other, and Angela wanted to make that time count. Jasper wrapped the arm closest to her around her shoulders and his other hand went into his coat pocket while hers went into her jacket’s pockets. 
“Strange,” he answered honestly. “I lived in that cramped house for 23 years, I had the chance to get used to it. Now, I could get an entire floor of this huge mansion to myself if I just say the word. And yes, Cruella has tried.” 
“You’re not used to having so much space,” Angela clarified. The man nodded. 
“Exactly. Horace and Estella were always within arm’s reach in case something happened,” he continued. “Now it takes a commute to find either of them. I just- I don’t know…I kind of wish things were how they were. Before I got Estella the job at Liberty, before Estella became Cruella.” He looked at his girlfriend once he finished his rant. She hummed then gave him a patient smile. 
“Things like this take some getting used to Jas. You’re a creature of habit, of course you’re not going to get comfortable right away. And that’s okay, I know that Cruella and Horace understand. And about Cruella, she’s always been there from what I understand. She was going to come out no matter what, it was only a matter of time when. She was like a ticking time bomb, but we all still love her either way. That’s what matters, right?” Jasper sighed, he had a love/hate relationship with her logical thought process. 
“Besides,” she added. “If you hadn’t gotten her the job at Liberty, she wouldn’t have met Artie and I. Then you would never have met me.” That was enough for Jasper to look at her once more with his usual adorkable smile. 
“You’re right. I’d rather die than to never have met you,” he muttered sincerely. Angela smiled and stretched just enough to kiss his jawline. 
After walking a few more minutes Jasper finally opened the door of a small restaurant in a shopping strip for her and led her inside. Lunch went by rather quickly, and before they realized, the check had been placed in front of them. Angela went to grab it but Jasper handed the money to their waiter without hesitation. Their waiter thanked them and walked away to put it up, leaving Angela to jokingly glare at her boyfriend. 
“Jasper I could have paid, you know,” Angela scolded softly. 
“I wanted to wait for us to go on a date so that I could be the one to pay for it, Angela. Like a gentleman, you know. I have the chance to do that now, so please let me.” The girl quieted immediately. She hadn’t thought about that. Rather than responding, she only thanked him and switched the conversation, much to his relief. 
“Well, I still have twenty minutes left of my lunch break. What do you say to a small stroll?” She questioned as they stood in unison. 
“Sounds great love,” he responded, taking her hand and walking out. They walked a few minutes until they ended up in front of what both of them recognized as Liberty, where a worker was setting up the new display case.  
“Oh man, this reminds me of a few months back before I met you guys,” Angela reminisced with a smile. “I was passing by here on my way to work and there was a girl who got drunk and messed up the display case with trash. Man, did the manager look mad.” She laughed, harkening back to that day. 
It had seemed like a normal day, since Angela lived so close to 2nd Time Around she usually just walked there everyday. She remembered how hot it was, so she wore short overalls on top of a yellow shirt. On her way there, she passed by the Liberty store, but paused when she noticed a few people crowding the display. That, of course, piqued her interest and she pushed her way to the front, apologizing every few seconds. 
There was a woman with red hair who seemed to be asleep on the floor of the display case, empty trash bag in one hand and an almost empty bottle of what looked like whiskey in the other. The man beside her stepped forward and knocked on the window, jolting her awake. 
“Why’d you go and sleep in a window?” Someone on the other side of the knocking man questioned dumbly. Oh, Angela had to show this to Artie. Carefully, she took her camera out of her bag and snapped a few pictures shortly before the manager walked out and grabbed her. Angela took the time to check her watch, and her eyes widened. She was going to be late! Before anyone could do anything else a car came screeching to a halt just outside the store, making everyone turn around. And, that was Angela’s cue to leave. She began pushing past people, knocking someone over almost immediately. 
“Ah! Bloody hell!” The man groaned out upon hitting the ground.
“Sorry!” She called apologetically, though she didn’t turn back as she ran the rest of the way to work. 
While she reminisced, Jasper stopped in his steps, thinking back to when Estella had done that. 
“Wait, were you wearing denim overalls that day?” He questioned. Angela was confused by this, but quickly understood where he was getting at and looked at him with wide eyes. 
“Oh my god, you’re the guy that I ran into after the Baroness arrived!” She exclaimed. 
“You’re the one who snapped a picture of Estella then fell into me!” He responded in the same tone with a toothy grin. 
“Did we seriously meet before we actually met?” She asked with amused disbelief.  Jasper shook his head, feeling the same way as her by the looks of it. 
“I cannot believe this,” he chuckled as they continued their walk. 
“I still have the picture of that,” Angela mentioned. “It’s in my camera roll, I haven’t gotten the film developed though.”
“You know what, I can and will personally go with you to get it developed. That would be wonderful blackmail.” The girl shook her head at that. 
“You’re bad,” she answered, though she couldn’t help but smile. 
“I guess so.” They walked back to the shop, making pleasant conversation. That stopped when they stepped inside and saw Artie talking to someone very familiar. 
“Hello Cruella,” Angela greeted chirpily, unlinking her arm from Jasper’s. “I didn’t know you were coming by. Lots of surprises today.” She took her coat off and began walking to the back room. 
“Thought I’d come see how 2nd Time Around was doing now that you guys have publicity. Artie tells me you two have been working overtime,” Cruella responded, resting on her cane. “You could have told me, I wouldn’t have worked you to the bone after work every night.” 
“Yes, almost two hundred customers a day,” Artie added. Jasper’s eyes widened as Angela walked back out. 
“Two hundred? How are you two still alive?” 
“Lots of determination,” Artie responded simply. 
“And our new coffee machine,” Angela added, leaning against the counter. Jasper rubbed her back soothingly. 
“Well, you guys are closed on Mondays, right? Why don’t you two come over, we’ll have a small sleepover and you guys can sleep in luxury. No offense.” Angela pursed her lips. 
“None taken. I think.” Cruella’s usual smirk settled on her face once more. 
“Great. I’m sure Jasper doesn’t mind driving down here once you close. Until then I have a few more stops to make. Come on Jasper.” She began walking out, pausing in the doorway to wait for him.
“Come back soon,” Angela spoke softly. 
“Of course,” he responded with a sincere smile. “I still have some shopping to do and I heard there was a very cute worker here.” 
“I would say that you’re referring to me, but I think that would ruin the moment, huh?” Artie joked, making the others laugh. Jasper shook his head amusedly and leaned down a bit to give Angela a quick kiss goodbye then began following his friend. The two waved as they watched them walk out, then they heard Elton John’s voice ring out once again. 
“Wise men say, It looks like rain today,” the same song started for the seventh time. 
“Want me to have a go at it?” Artie questioned knowingly. 
“No,” Angela shook her head, surprising Artie though she couldn’t see it as her eyes were still trained on the door her boyfriend just left though. “It’s starting to come around for me.”
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Alive and Well Part 2- Jasper Badun x OC
Jasper Badun x Angela Young
Description: Cruella enlists Artie and Angela’s help to put the Baroness away from good, but once it’s all over, Angela and Jasper are left with only their feelings for each other and no way of knowing how to go about it.
Word Count: 2.8k
Work had been almost nonstop since the plan was set in motion, but Angela didn’t mind. She loved the adrenaline that ran through John’s house at all times. Everyone was excited to be on board and they wanted to make it perfect just as much as Cruella did. That’s why Angela was confused when Jasper came into her room while everyone was on a lunch break. 
“Hey Jas, what’re you doing here? I thought you’d be eating with Horace and Artie,” she greeted the man, trying not to show her confusion. He shot her an almost cutely awkward smile and took a seat beside her. 
“Well, I wanted to keep you company, and check on your dress for tonight,” he responded before looking it over. “It looks amazing.” Angela blushed. 
“Thanks, I can’t wait for you to see the finished product.” 
“I’m sure you’ll look beautiful in it,” he said softly, staring at her with a look she couldn’t quite explain. Her blush deepened, but she couldn’t find words to respond with the way he was looking at her. She noticed his eyes flicker down for a moment before looking into her eyes. 
“Angela, I-” he never got to finish his thought before he was interrupted. 
“Hey guys, Cruella says it’s time to get back to- oh,” Artie stopped mid sentence when he stepped in the doorway. “Uh, sorry to interrupt. I’ll just uh… be out here when you’re done.” 
“Uh no, it’s okay,” Jasper said quickly, standing and dusting himself off. “I should probably go help Horace fix up that car.” With that, he left without looking at the girl. Angela only watched helplessly, dying to know what he was going to say. Unfortunately, she didn’t get the chance as she had to help a few others with last minute details then had to get ready herself. 
She didn’t even see him again until they arrived at Hellman Hall for the charity event. She arrived with Artie, showing their “invitation” to John, who let them in with a knowing smile. They gave him their coats then headed to the ballroom filled with black and white wigs in memory of Cruella. The duo split up to make sure that everything went according to plan, then John instructed her to get an earpiece from Jasper. It didn’t take her long to find him. 
“Excuse me sir, could you direct me to the champagne?” She questioned innocently upon reaching him. His back had been turned when she walked up, but he turned after hearing her voice with a bright smile. 
“Yes ma’am I-” he paused when he noticed her outfit. She looked, in the simplest terms possible, absolutely stunning. Her dress made her look like a literal goddess and her hair all done up framing her face added to the look. 
“Yes ma’am, I?” She prompted him with a teasing smile. He seemed to come back to his senses, only for his eyes to widen. 
“Oh no miss, you’ve dropped your earring,” he informed her urgently. That made her look around and crouch down. He followed suit and pretended to look down, only to hold something out for her a second later. Upon looking at it, she realized that he was holding an earpiece. 
“Oh, you sly dog,” Angela whispered with a giggle, which made him chuckle. As they stood, she placed the device in her ear then covered her hair. 
“Thank you sir,” she spoke openly now. 
“Of course,” he nodded and held out a champagne flute for her. “Enjoy the party, miss.” With one last nod to each other, Angela sent him a wink and continued to walk around. Once it was time to get everyone outside to the cliff, Angela went arm in arm with Artie to see why was happening. The Baroness was talking to Estella right beside the railing between the property and the cliff. Her eyebrows furrowed as she watched the Baroness hug the girl, then gasped in horror after the woman promptly pushed her over the railing. Angela’s knees buckled under her, but Artie was quick to catch her. 
“Come on, we have to go,” he muttered in her ear, leading her off as the Baroness continued to claim that Estella had jumped. John, Horace and Jasper were waiting outside the entrance of the building, looking unphased. Upon noticing Angela’s distressed state, Jasper walked over to the duo and hugged her. 
“It’s okay Angie. Just trust us,” he whispered. That confused the girl, and she looked up at the man. He didn’t acknowledge the look as he led her to the circle of gravel as a car sped towards them. Angela gasped and she plus the men with her stepped back once the car skidded to a stop just a few feet away from them. The girl’s mouth dropped open as Cruella de Vil stepped out of her car. 
“No way,” she breathed out with a small laugh. Jasper’s hand went around her shoulder and gave it a small squeeze. 
“Didn’t I tell you to trust us?” He muttered as everyone surrounded the car. She couldn’t help but laugh and she pulled him into a tight hug that he didn’t hesitate to return as the police led the Baroness to their car. 
“Can’t you idiots see!” The woman shouted. “That Estella person, that’s a trick! She’s really Cruella!” 
“Cruella de Vil,” Cruella announced with a triumphant smirk. 
Just a few days later, “Estella” was laid to rest, finally with her mother once more. Cruella, Jasper and Horace moved into the newly named Hell Hall, but Jasper was quick to notice that there was one person missing. 
“Hey, Artie? Where’s Angela?” He asked his flamboyant friend. The man shrugged absentmindedly as he stared at the ornately designed wall pieces. 
“She was outside by the cliff last I saw her,” he answered distractedly. Jasper thanked him then headed out where everyone had seen the Baroness murder Estella Miller just a few days ago. She was sitting on a bench not far from the cliff, just listening to the waves miles below by the looks of it. 
“Beautiful view, huh?” He asked softly as to not disturb her. Her head turned just a bit to look at him and nod. A serene smile graced her face that made her look even more beautiful than the night of the gala in Jasper’s opinion. She patted the space beside her, to which he sat down. It was a rather peaceful silence, and it was the calmest both of them had been in a week. Cruella allowed the guys all a small break to get settled into the mansion and Artie and Angela were given a break from designing to relax. 
“What were you going to say?” Angela interrupted the silence. Jasper’s eyebrows knit together and he looked at her. 
“What were you going to tell me the day of the charity gala?” She elaborated. “When everyone was at lunch.” Jasper now blushed and looked down shyly. 
“Ah, that,” he started, his tone matching his mood. 
“Oh please, no need to act bashful now,” Angela teased, resting her head on his shoulder affectionately. Jasper didn’t laugh like she expected him to, which worried her. 
“Hey,” she nudged him gently. “What’s wrong?” The man stayed silent for a minute, but was yet again interrupted for the third time in the past three days. Horace walked out with Winky by his feet. 
“Oi Jasper!’ He called despite being only a few feet away from the duo. “Cruella wants you back inside to help her with a few,” he paused and glanced at the palm of his hand. “Executive decisions to maximize the space of the house,” he finished slowly, obviously reading off his hand. Angela couldn’t help but laugh and shake her head at the innocence in his tone. Jasper smiled a little then looked at her. 
“Duty calls, I guess,” he muttered apologetically. Angela brushed him off. 
“Go ahead. I’ll see you later.” The man nodded and bid her a quick goodbye and followed his friend back inside, leaving Angela to sigh and continue to look out over the cliff. 
A few days later. Cruella decided to have a party to introduce herself and all of her workers to the world, not wanting to not give everyone their due credit. Everyone who was anyone was going to be there, so everyone had to make a good impression. 
Angela dressed in a form fitting burgundy gown with off the shoulder short sleeves and pulled her hair up into a bun. Once she was happy with her look, she decided to go around and help anyone who needed help getting ready. The first door she happened upon was Jasper’s, who had opened it a crack. She knocked twice on the door, waiting for him to call her in before entering. 
The man in question was standing at a full length mirror fully dressed, aside from his tie. He looked wonderful, Angela thought. The suit really did him justice because it was like him: simple. Jasper never cared for extravagant outfits, and that opinion has stayed with him to this day. He was just wearing a simple tux, nothing added, just the suit. He seemed to be focused on his appearance though, as he hadn’t greeted her, or noticed her at all. Upon closer inspection, Angela realized he was having trouble with his bowtie. 
“Turn around Jas,” she instructed gently. The man sighed, but turned around upon realizing that it was Angela’s voice. He paused, staring her up and down in shock, which made Angela smile as she recalled the night of the charity gala. 
“Wow, uh, you look incredible,” he complimented, still looking blown away. She blushed in response and absentmindedly smoothed her dress down. 
“Thank you, but that’s not why I’m here. Bowtie, please,” she instructed, holding her hand out for the piece of fabric. Jasper looked like he wanted to protest, but gave in without a word. Angela thanked him and stepped closer, wrapping the tie around the back of his neck. Her eyes stayed on his neck as she tied it, too shy to look into his eyes with how close they were. Meanwhile, he couldn’t find it in himself to look away from her. She looked so cute when she concentrated, usually she hit her lip but not tonight unless she wanted to risk ruining her lipstick. 
Once she was done, she straightened out his tie then slid her hand to the collar of his nice shirt and folded it down. Only then did she finally look at him.  
“All done-“ she broke off, noticing the look he was giving her. What was that in his eyes? Longing? Affection? Love? 
“I- uh,” she started, but she had no words to finish her thought. Not like she had the chance anyway. 
“Guests are arriving!” Artie called down the hall. Both their heads snapped to the doorway, then to each other. 
“Right uh, I should be going,” Angela muttered quickly, stepping away from him and ignoring the loss she felt from not being so close to him anymore. “Cruella requested that Artie and I go down together,” she explained, as if he didn’t already know. 
“Right,” he repeated with an awkward smile. “Uh, good luck.” His hands went into his pockets as she shot him a dazzling smile. 
“You as well. See you out there,” she responded before walking out of his room, closing the door behind her. Jasper was really starting to get annoyed with all the interruptions. 
The party was almost in full swing when Cruella announced that it was time to make their entrance. She  had everyone separated into groups by their importance to her: all of Artie and Angela’s tailors would go down first separated by their part in the dressmaking process, then once they were at the bottom of the stairs Artie and Angela would walk down, they were the ones who got all the fabric and such after all. Then Horace and Jasper walked down side by side, no reason to explain the obvious reason. Then finally, the queen herself at the top of the stairs, completing the pyramid. The applause was almost deafening, and Jasper noticed Angela squeeze Artie’s arm. She had done that before the flash mob at the park, so it didn’t take long for Jasper to realize it was a stress reliever, a way to sort of ground herself around so many people. 
Cruella gave a short speech welcoming everyone then saying what would go on tonight: there would be a sort of q&a for anyone who had questions about them as well as showcasing all their previous designs on mannequins that lined the side walls. But first, there were introductions that needed to happen. Cruella went through all the dressmakers by name and what their specialty was, and as she said their names they walked down the steps as rehearsed. It went by rather quickly and soon everyone was encouraged to mingle until the q&a started. 
Jasper looked about the room, searching for someone in particular, and he found her just moments later. Angela was in a small group that surrounded Cruella’s rubbish dress discussing how long it took to make and such. He had a plan, and no one was going to stop him this time. He made his way over to the group, coming up behind the girl as she listened to Artie talk. She nearly gasped when an arm went around her waist and someone’s lips practically touched the shell of her ear. 
“Meet me outside when you’re done here. By the cliff,” Jasper whispered, which made her relax now that she knew it was only him. She turned just a bit to nod, a sign that she understood. With one more nod, Jasper’s hands went into his pockets as he headed outside to their agreed meeting spot. Just a few minutes later he heard the clacking of heels walking towards him and he turned around. Angela smiled at him upon reaching him. 
“You wanted to talk?” She inquired, just loud enough to be heard over the water below. Jasper nodded nervously. 
“I want to tell you what I’ve been dying to tell you since before the whole fire incident,” he explained, which made her perk up. Finally. 
“Go on, then,” she responded, leaning against the railing beside him. He stayed silent yet again for a few minutes. 
“Jasper,” she called, making him look at her. “I know you’re probably thinking of the right way to put things, but you might want to hurry because we don’t know the next time we’ll-“ 
“Jasper! Angie!” Artie called, stepping outside. “Cruella wants us inside for the q&a!” Jasper watched as Angela’s shoulders slumped in defeat, attempting not to show her disappointment. 
“Nevermind then,” she muttered softly, straightening out her dress as she stood straight once more. Jasper shook his head quickly. No. Not this time. His hand shot out to grab her own as she began heading inside. Angela barely had time to turn and question him before he pulled her close to him. His hand left hers and instead moved to cup her face with both hands and bring his lips to hers. Immediately her hands reached up to cover his and her eyes closed, her lashes looking like a Morning Glory at dusk. This wasn’t just a kiss, it was something that they could get addicted to if they weren’t careful, but neither of them cared about that. All they focused on was each other until Angela was forced to pull away for air. 
“I love you,” Jasper whispered, not wasting a second before pressing another kiss to her lips, this time much more delicate and much less urgent. “That’s what I’ve been wanting to say.” Another kiss. “And bloody hell has it been hard to get a moment alone to tell you that.” Angela couldn’t help but giggle as their lips met yet again. 
“I’m afraid with our line of work we don’t have a lot of time to wait,” she responded simply, her hands now resting on his shoulders. “But for you, I would make time.” 
“There’s no need now that it’s done,” he spoke with a wide smile that she just couldn’t help but copy. “Just stay with me, forever.” 
“I would like nothing more,” Angela answered, wrapping her arms around him in a hug that he returned. 
“Wow,” they heard another voice from behind them, which made them turn around. Cruella stood there with a knowing smirk. 
“That was touching,” she continued. “But now that you’ve professed your undying love for each other, we have a q&a to do so let’s go. Please?” She added after Angela raised her eyebrows at her. Jasper chuckled at the interaction then held his arm out for Angela. 
“Shall we?” The woman grinned at him then linked their arms together. 
“We shall.” With that, they followed Cruella inside to the rest of their lives. 
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