#jawbone will tell you that the problem is how you choose to use it and reflect the relationships of your life
theology101 · 7 months
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This man has been nothing but the best for his students, even if they didn’t always get it.
Let’s get something out of the gate - as a Stone Genasi and Oath of the Ancestors, if he was connected to any of the Giant Gods, it would probably be either the one tied to Fall or Spring (My money is on a Cloud Giant for spring and Stone Giant for Fall) and NOT the summer oriented Fire Giant God. It’d make more sense that his Oath of Ancestors means that he’s probably tied to the Stone over the Fire.
And this is all assuming that Porter worships a Giant God - the man isn’t even a giant. Lucy was a Genasi who followed a Giant God, that doesn’t nesacarily mean that Porter is also a Genasi following a Giant God. We don’t even know if he follows a God, it could easily just be an Elder Earth Elemental or like, Peepaw Cliffbreaker. Paladins have oaths, not gods - its just that oaths are sworn most often to Gods that they get it wrong
Anyways - Rage.
Do you think that Brennan Lee Mulligan thinks Rage is bad? Like, this id a narrative and it has a message - and that message probably is not going to end up being ‘Anger is bad.’ Because it ISNT.
Lydia has been in a rage for decades. Put that into perspective a DnD rage is meant to last Ten Rounds - 1 minute - with at most like, 4-5 uses a day. Lydia, for the safety of herself and the world, has been at it for over twenty years.
Adaine was so angry with her dad she killed him, and that moment was justified and cathartic! It was a hell yeah! And it was a moment of raw fucking rage.
“Do you have a warrant? Do you have a fucking warrant?” Gorgug my boy for the first time in your entire life you allowed yourself to get angry without self recrimination or doubt. And you know what Porter’s reaction to that was?
Pride. Absolute Pride.
“Rage is not a bad thing - Ayda… says you’re the greatest wizard of this age. And I feel LUCKY to have you in my class. You’re someone who can use that rage in a smart way but it’s not wrong to want… to fuck shit up sometimes!”
You want to know whats dangerous? What’s bad for you? Bottling up your emotions and never expressing them. Feeling terrible for what you’re feeling. Thinking your emotions are harmful intrinsically.
This is another Nightmare King circumstance. A God and their spouse were murdered, by Sol. People forget that a lot, Sol murdered Cassandra and now we learned it was a double homicide. Does this Summer God of Fire not deserve to feel angry? Is that not justified?
The Rat Grinders are the only followers of this Rage God. What they are is what the Rat Grinders want. As Above, so Below.
If Fig does as Porter told her to, she could restore this God just as Kristen did with Cassandra. If terror and confusion can turn into comfort in doubt, why can’t Unchecked Fury turn into justified expression of emotion?
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Bring Your Smile Back: Examining the Benefits of Dentures and Bridges
Many people believe that the most beautiful thing a person can wear is a smile. A fundamental aspect of our appearance can support our self-assurance and assist us in maintaining a positive self-perception. However, we frequently lose our smile and confidence as a result of dental problems or missing teeth. Luckily, present day dental methods like scaffolds and false teeth can assist you with recovering your certainty and grin once more.
False teeth and scaffolds, two well known dental medicines that can assist with reestablishing your grin and work on your general oral wellbeing, will be the subject of this blog entry.
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Add your thoughts on dentures: A Removable Prosthetic Gadget for Supplanting Missing Teeth
False teeth are a Flexible Answer for Missing Teeth. They are made to replace teeth that are missing as well as the surrounding tissues. There are two sorts of them: False teeth that are halfway complete and full. Partial dentures are used when only a few teeth are missing, whereas complete dentures are used when all teeth are missing.
False teeth offer the accompanying benefits:
Enhancement of Appearance: By restoring the natural shape of your face and filling in the spaces left by missing teeth, dentures can make you look younger and more attractive.
Speech and chewing improvement: When teeth are missing, it can be difficult to properly eat and speak. Dentures can help you nibble and talk better, restoring your ability to participate in your #1 food sources and convey truly.
Increased self-esteem: Smiling is frequently associated with self-confidence, and having missing teeth can make you feel self-conscious about how you look. By restoring your smile and improving your overall appearance, dentures can help you feel better about yourself. Simple to maintain: Dentures are an easy-to-clean and easy-to-maintain option for replacing missing teeth, making them a practical and convenient choice.
Bridges: A Very strong Solution for Missing Teeth
Dental platforms are an enduring solution for missing teeth that are repaired set and maintained by connecting teeth or dental supplements. They are frequently used to replace one or more missing teeth.
Spans offer the accompanying benefits
Upgraded discourse and chomp: Your discourse and chomp can be impacted by missing teeth. Extensions can help you get your teeth back to where they should be, allowing you to eat and talk without hesitation.
Appearance Enhancement: Since bridges are made to feel and look like your natural teeth, it's hard to tell them apart from your other teeth. Because of this, many people choose them when they want to change their smile.
Long-lasting: As a long-term solution for missing teeth, bridges can last up to 15 years or more with proper care and maintenance.
Cuts down on bone loss: Missing teeth can cause jawbone bone loss, which can affect how your teeth fit together and shape your face. Bridges can help prevent bone loss by supporting the jawbone and maintaining its shape.
Bottom Line
An affecting your certainty, oral wellbeing, and appearance. False teeth and scaffolds are two well-known dental treatments that can help you regain your smile and feel better about yourself. You can get help from your dentist choosing the best dental bridge or partial denture for your needs. This way, don't let missing teeth prevent you from enjoying life to the fullest. Chat with your dental expert today and adventure out towards a superior, more upbeat smile.
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in-tua-deep · 3 years
Hey, hope you don't mind me asking, I don't want to pressure you, but I was wondering about your narnia au, love your writing, and hope your having a good time
narnia au is something that I ever so occasionally add to whenever I’m in a sentimental and wistful mood - which I have been watching an unreasonable amount of call the midwife lately lmao
so here’s a snippet - 
--- “We all have ghosts, Five.”
“Klaus can literally see ghosts. I think if Dad was hanging around, the whole house and half the city would know about it by now.”
Susan gives him a disappointed look that makes him look away, out the window. “You know that isn’t what I meant, and you know it.”
“If anyone has a monopoly on ghosts, it’s my brother.”
Susan sighs, reaching up to cup Five’s cheek in her hand. Her skin is soft, it doesn’t feel like tissue paper against his cheek but it feels delicate, fragile. He can feel the way her fingers shake ever so slightly, stabilizing against his jawbone. “Oh, love. We don’t choose the ghosts that haunt us, and how we live with them until we can put them to rest.”
“My ghosts are my own fault. I was the one that killed people. I was the one who said that my siblings were more important than anyone else, than anyone else’s siblings.”
Susan taps her fingers against his cheek, “Oh? You killed your father? You hadn’t told me that one yet. Good, bastard deserved it.”
It’s enough to draw a startled laugh from his throat, “No! I mean, maybe I should’ve, but Dad died thanks to his own stupidity not mine, thank you. That’s one thing I won’t take the blame for.”
Susan hums, leaning back and taking her hand from his cheek to reach down and grasp his hands between them again.
Fire hesitates, looking down at their entwined hands so that he doesn’t have to look at Susan in the eye. “Sometimes I wake up and I forget, just for a minute. I wake up thinking that I have to get up, because Dad hated us being late for breakfast. He’d give us a swat with a ruler for every minute we were tardy. Allison always teased me about being late even though I could jump, but he was always twice as mad when I did that.”
“It must be a relief to realize you can lie in.” Susan smiles, but Five can’t smile back.
“No. There’s a moment in the morning when I think Dad is still alive, and that’s terrible, but in the same moment I think I’m going to go downstairs and my siblings are going to be standing at attention around the table. I think that I’ll see Klaus trying to kick the back of Ben’s knees without Dad noticing, that I’ll see Vanya hiding a book in her cardigan, I’ll see Luther’s stupid judgemental face even though Allison was late more times than me and she never got his stupid faces. And then I remember all over again, and I lose them all over again.”
Susan looks at him with sad eyes. 
“Is that why you moved to America?” Five asks, shaking his head to try and ignore the stinging between his eyes, “So you wouldn’t get stuck in memories so much?”
“Sometimes.” Susan says slowly, “I won’t say that it wasn’t a factor, that I didn’t think about it. That I don’t think about the English countryside and think of Lucy with mud on her face and Edmund trying to put tadpoles down the back of Peter’s shirt.”
“Klaus put spiders in our beds when he was mad at us. It only ever scared Luther, though. I think Vanya just cried because she thought she squished one by accident.” Five whispers, and Susan graces him with a smile. “I thought about that, in the apocalypse. I ate spiders, sometimes, when I could find them. I always thought of Vanya crying when I did it.”
“Lucy scolded Edmund something fierce over it as well.” Susan shakes her head at the memory, “She was in tears when Edmund pointed out that people ate frogs, but I think they were more angry than anything else. He had a bruise for weeks where she thumped him, yelling about how we didn’t live in France.”
They spend a little while in silence, taking a moment for themselves to remember their respective siblings. 
Susan pats Five’s hands gently, “I was a bit like you, you know, when I came back the first time. Not right away, when we were at the professor’s house, but when we went back home. I hadn’t realized how much I’d forgotten.”
“About home! I went back up to my room, and there were all the things I’d forgotten. My collection of hair ribbons was still on the dresser. My favorite ones were a royal blue, I’d thought I looked so distinguished with them in. I’d forgotten all about them, until I saw them on that dresser.” Susan pats his hand, looking faintly wistful.
“My room looks the same as well.” Five admits, “Exactly the same. It threw me off, at first. It was all rubble in the apocalypse, I didn’t even think about it until I had to go upstairs to get my uniform. My books were still on the nightstand.”
Susan nods sagely.
“At least, I think it’s exactly the same. I don’t remember, is the problem. If - if my siblings moved stuff around, or took anything away, or - or anything like that, I don’t think I’d know. I think it bothers me, that I don’t remember.” Five shakes his head, “It’s been so many years. There’s so much I might have forgotten, but how will I know I’ve forgotten it?”
Five can’t help the affronted look that settles on his face when Susan just shrugs. His mulish expression must be terribly amusing, because it makes Susan’s eyes twinkle with laughter.
“It’s important to remember the past.” Susan tells him gently, the twinkle never fading, “But I think it’s equally important to forge the future, to make new memories. I left England because it was painful, yes. But I also left because America was new, and brilliant, and exciting. Because I wanted to.”
Susan squeezes his hands gently, he isn’t sure if she can squeeze much harder anyway. Her strength seems to come and go like the tides these days.
“Change isn’t a betrayal of what came before, love. Sometimes change is necessary.” Susan hums, “I threw out those hair ribbons, when I came home. Edmund and Lucy swapped rooms entirely. I learned how to put on makeup - they didn’t have red lipstick in Narnia, I can tell you that. It was different, but different was good. Less painful.”
“Allison’s been talking about painting.” Five offers. “She wants to set up a room for when Claire comes to visit. I can’t imagine her in the mansion though. She always sounds so happy, on the phone. Claire, I mean. So carefree. I don’t think we were ever that carefree.”
“If your home isn’t one you can imagine happiness in, perhaps you should ask yourself how you can change that.”
Five snorts, “Doing away with the wall art would be a start. Daily reminders on exactly where to stab each other with our silverware.”
“How ferocious.”
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tiriansjewel · 4 years
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find it here on Spotify!
lyric explanations below the cut! (click images for better quality)
1. The 1 by Taylor Swift
“But it would've been fun
If you would've been the one”
As we start the playlist, Luke and Alex are taking a wistful look back on their relationship in the 90s now that they’ve moved on to other people.
2. Coming Clean by Green Day
“Seventeen and strung out on confusion
Trapped inside a roll of disillusion
I found out what it takes to be a man
Now mom and dad will never understand”
Back in the 90s, both Luke and Alex are coming to terms with their sexualities.
3. Smells Like Teen Spirit
“With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us”
Sunset Curve were working towards popularity right at the height of the grunge scene, and I would assume that both Luke and Alex heard quite a bit of this song as teenagers.
4. Now or Never by Sunset Curve
“Keep dreaming like we'll live forever
But live it like it's now or never”
How could I not include Sunset Curve’s own song? They like living in the moment, and that includes their love lives.
5. Everlong by the Foo Fighters
“And I wonder
If everything could ever feel this real forever
If anything could ever be this good again
The only thing I'll ever ask of you
You've got to promise not to stop when I say when”
When you go through adolescence, you crave intimacy with other people. This song exemplifies what Luke and Alex want from each other- to be able to feel, and to be able to experience those feelings on a deeper level.
6. Ocean Size by Jane’s Addiction
“Wish I was ocean size
They cannot move you, man
No one tries
No one pulls you
Out from your hole
Like a tooth aching a jawbone”
Jane’s Addiction was another LA rock band of this time period, and these lyrics about wanting to be powerful like the ocean and having to leave your home really remind me of Luke.
7. All Apologies by Nirvana
“What else should I be?
All apologies
What else should I say?
Everyone is gay”
This song is Kurt Cobain ironically apologizing for his cynical attitude, including the line “everyone is gay” to mock homophobes. It reminds me of Alex- he doesn’t want to be “married and buried”; he is rebelling against his parents’ definition of a correct lifestyle.
8. Freaking Out The Neighborhood by Max DeMarco
“And I know it's no fun
When your first son
Gets up to no good
Starts freaking out the neighborhood”
Emily Patterson and Alex’s mom were probably both pretty appalled by their sons effectively joining the counterculture. At this point, both Luke and Alex are starting to express themselves more, comfortable in who they are and what they want.
9. Hangout With You by Diners
“All I want
Is to talk with you now
And I know that you've got time
You are constantly on my mind
Yes I know that you've got time
To hang out with me
Luke has begun to realize that he likes Alex, and in true Luke fashion, can’t stop thinking about it.
10. Affection by Between Friends
“I'm laying on the floor
We're drinking 'cause we're bored
Oh, I'm looking for affection in all the wrong places
And we'll keep falling on each other to fill the empty spaces”
One night, it all comes out- their feelings and desires- and they decide to begin some kind of friends with benefits type of situation. This song feels like it’s from Luke’s perspective to me.
11. gold rush by Taylor Swift
“What must it be like
To grow up that beautiful?
With your hair falling into place like dominos
I see me padding 'cross your wooden floors
With my Eagles t-shirt hanging from the door
At dinner parties
I call you out on your contrarian shit
And the coastal town
We wandered 'round had never
Seen a love as pure as it
And then it fades into the gray of my day old tea
'Cause you know it could never be”
Luke is a magnetic person, attracting everyone, and Alex finds him beautiful. He is in awe of him, but he’s also scared about having feelings he doesn’t know how to handle. This song kind of shows Alex’s internal monologue.
12. Can We Kiss Forever? by Kina
“I tried to reach you, I can't hide
How strong's the feeling when we dive
I crossed the ocean of my mind
My wounds are healing with the salt
All my senses intensified
Whenever you and I, we dive”
This song describes their first kiss, obscured from the world, in my mind. Plus, there’s ocean metaphors. You can’t go wrong with that.
13. 18 by Anarbor
“So if you wanna piss off your parents
Date me to scare them
Show them you're all grown up
If long hair and tattoos are what attract you
Baby, then you're in luck
And I know it's just a phase
You're not in love with me
You wanna piss off your parents, baby
That's alright with me”
Luke knows Alex isn’t in love with him, but they both want to try new things. Bonus points for this song having references to frayed parent-child relationships.
14. Boys Will Be Boys by Miles McKenna
“That graduation day, it never came for you and me
Couple drop-out kids, a shotgun wedding's all we need
Sorry, Mom, Sorry, Dad
Better luck next time
A couple packs a day, pierced nose and tattoos on our legs
No strangers to pretend, we've always been too proud to beg
Sorry, Mom, Sorry, Dad
Better luck next time
Boys will be boys”
This song referencing a “couple of drop out kids” just going with the flow made me think of how Sunset Curve probably never would have finished high school.
15. Just Like You by Three Days Grace
“You thought you were there to guide me, you were only in my way
You're wrong if you think that I'll be just like you
I could be mean
I could be angry
You know I could be just like you.”
Both Luke and Alex have tons of resentment for their parents, obviously.
16. Sunstroke by Less Than Jake
“We've all been living proof
That time won't wait or choose
We know it ticks on without me and you
And I can't have both sides
Letting go or holding tight
I'm burning bright tonight”
This song about being stubborn and time not waiting really reminded me of Luke, plus the foreshadowing of them becoming ghosts and adapting to a whole new world.
17. Saint Bernard by Lincoln
“Saint Calvin told me not to worry about you
But he's got his own things to deal with
There's really just one thing that we have in common
Neither of us will be missed”
This song just made me think about Alex and his Catholic guilt.
18. Bedroom Hymns by Florence and the Machine
“This is a good a place to fall as any
We'll build our altar here
Make me your Maria
I'm already on my knees
You had Jesus on your breath
And I caught Him in mine
Sweating out confessions
The undone and the divine
This is his body, this is his love
Such selfish prayers and I can't get enough, oh”
Part 2 of Alex and his Catholic guilt. Their relationship has become more carnal, and this song maybe gives a little of Alex’s perspective into that time.
19. Church by Fall Out Boy
“And if death is the last appointment
Then we're all just sitting in the waiting room
I am just a human trying to avoid my certain doom
If you were church, yeah
I'd get on my knees”
Here ends the trilogy of songs with religious references. This song is heady and sensual and also includes some nice foreshadowing of their deaths.
20. Bros by Wolf Alice
“Shake your hair, have some fun
Forget our mothers and past lovers, forget everyone
Oh, I'm so lucky, you are my best friend
Oh, there's no one, there's no one who knows me like you do
Are your lights still on?
I'll keep you safe
If you keep me strong”
Here’s another song from Luke’s perspective- talking about forgetting mothers, being best friends, and keeping Alex safe, as long as Alex keeps him strong.
21. Slip Away by Perfume Genius
“Don't look back, I want to break free
If you'll never see 'em coming
You'll never have to hide
Take my hand, take my everything
If we only got a moment
Give it to me now
They'll never break the shape we take
Baby, let all them voices slip away”
Alex struggles with losing his family over his sexuality, and Luke helps him through it.
22. Make Out In My Car by Sufjan Stevens
“I'm not trying to
Go to bed with you
I just wanna make out in my car
And though I'm dying to
Fall in love with you
I just wanna make out in my car”
Another great song about just wanting to exist with someone, about wanting touch and feel and create. They don’t want to fall in love, they just want to be.
23. I Exist I Exist I Exist by Flatsound
“I remember the way you shook
Its a shame that we're not soul mates
Because if i didn't know better
I'd say this feels pretty good
How could i be scared?
When i stretch and feel that you're there
So shut your mouth
Because these words will speak themselves
I can feel them in these blankets
And they're surrounding your figure
Embraced in the quilts
And i cant help but think
You're my missing puzzle piece”
This song is so beautiful- with references to helping a partner through anxiety, and being just like ones mother... a lot of this dynamic in my mind is Luke and Alex reminding each other that they exist, that life is wide and bright, that they’re alive. This gives a window into Luke’s inner feelings as well.
24. Come on, Mess Me Up by Cub Sport
“I found comfort, I fell in love with avoiding problems
But I want this, you know I want this
So come on, mess me up
And you can break me, if you'll still take me
Ruin me, if you'll let me be one of the ones you say you won't forget”
At some point, they become more reckless about their feelings, a little less level headed about their arrangement. Intimacy is an escape.
25. Please Never Fall In Love Again by Ollie MN
“This is what it's like to be lovers
You and me need never be lonely again
Spin with me endlessly or at least until the end
Please never fall in love again”
As usually happens with these arrangements, feelings are caught. Luke and Alex consider making things more serious.
26. Can I Call You Tonight? by Dayglow
“Batteries drain, I get the memo
I think that I might have to let you go
So can I call you tonight?
I'm trying to make up my mind
Just how I feel
Could you tell me what's real?”
The end of their relationship is near, and Alex is unsure. You can decide if this takes place before or after they die.
27. Wicked Game by Chris Isaak
“I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you
And I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you
No, I don't wanna fall in love with you”
Eventually these relationships all start to feel like games, don’t they?
28. Perfect by The Smashing Pumpkins
“So far I still know who you are
But now I wonder who I was
Angel, you know it's not the end
We'll always be good friends”
Another song about the end of a relationship, and finding yourself again. There’s a bit of resentment there, but they are learning to be friends again.
29. Miss Missing You by Fall Out Boy
“Maybe I'll burn a little brighter tonight
Let the fire breathe me back to life
Baby you were my picket fence
I miss missing you, now and then”
They’ve gotten over each other and become friends again, but are still nostalgic for the past. Bonus points for references about coming back to life.
30. Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) by Green Day
“For what it's worth
It was worth all the while
It's something unpredictable
But in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life”
Ah yes, the song everyone uses to commemorate bittersweet ends- it’s the perfect clincher for this playlist.
I hope you all enjoy listening!
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6006yongdental · 4 years
What are the post-dental implant care instructions?
Dental implants are one of the most valuable dental treatments to fill the missing tooth cavities so that it doesn’t negatively impact your appearance and beauty. Surgery by an experienced dentist will undoubtedly significantly affect the dental implant treatment's success but cares the patient should consider after dental implantation is essential. If you are looking for the best dental implant services in North York and the surrounding area, 6006 Yonge Dental clinic is your right option. Our dental implant specialists are committed to providing dental implant services at an affordable price and the best appropriate for you.
When the healing process after surgery is over, implants need severe and continuous care. The dental assistant will provide you with various instructions and procedures that are necessary. The dentist will also tell you about the number of regular appointments you need. The minority of implants may cause inflammation, in which the tissues around the implant become infected. This problem often occurs due to insufficient oral hygiene. Regular checkups help prevent implant infection and its consequences.
If you want to prevent these complications, you must talk to your dentist about how to brush appropriately after the implant and choose the right toothbrush.
 Take your oral hygiene seriously.
 Even the most successful dental implant surgery is only halfway to achieve healthy teeth and a beautiful smile. Appropriate and effective methods for caring for implantation are as crucial as the treatment process.  
Dental implants are among the most advanced dentistry branches that can be replaced one or more missing teeth. It replaces the tooth root made of titanium or similar metal and is implanted surgically into the jawbone. Dental implant procedure will vary depending on the number of missing teeth.
An implanted tooth will look very similar to a natural tooth so that it will require good oral hygiene and regular dental checkups. Implants are an effective and long-term treatment if you pay enough attention to them.
 Take post- dental implant care seriously.
Dental implant care begins immediately after implantation surgery. You need to follow the postoperative instructions well, making it easier for you to deal with the initial discomfort and problems after the surgical procedure. It also speeds up the recovery time and reduces the risk of infection and implant damage.
Dentists recommend that the first dose of medication should be taken while the surgical site is still numb. A little bleeding after surgery is perfectly normal. For the first two nights, hold your head high with a pillow and place an ice pack in your mouth to reduce bleeding and swelling. If the bleeding persists three to four days after surgery, talk to your surgeon. Try to drink plenty of fluids, eat soft foods, avoid strenuous activity, do not smoke, and not drink alcohol.
 Electric toothbrush after implantation
Some people think that an electric toothbrush's vibration may lead to bone and dental implant damage, but the opposite is true. Titanium used in the dental implants acts as the roots for dentures. Because they are located in the jaw, they stimulate new bones' growth and prevent bone loss. The jaws need chewing stimulation to maintain their strength, and a titanium dental implant stimulates these bones to grow. You should know the vibrations of an electric toothbrush are similar to chewing's vibrations, so they do not harm the dental implants and can even be useful.
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squidbatts · 5 years
your funny mouth to the clouds
Or: Fabian stresses, confesses, and gets some kisses in
((The last couple of Fantasy High episodes have been Buckwild but IN THIS HOUSE we ignore current canon happenings to write about fabian wanting to kiss ragh and then getting to kiss ragh!!! because i crave ragh/fabian content even if i have to Do Everything Myself))
Fabian Aramais Seacaster, son of Bill Seacaster, knows he’s hot; it’s kind of his whole thing, being a charming, roguish pirate, as dangerous as he is dashing. So, obviously, it makes complete sense that he and Gorgug would be Ragh’s dream makeout partners. They’re all hot athletes and they spend a decent amount of time together, he gets it.
It shouldn’t even be a thing.
Except that Fabian can’t stop thinking about it. When Ragh lances a demon through the eye and then turns to grin at Fabian, manic, muscles straining his letterman jacket, he thinks about it; when Fabian’s trying to teach the party literally anything about the sea and Ragh slides in right next to him, body a point of warmth on Fabian’s left side as he points at completely the wrong part of the map, he thinks about it; when Ragh tears off his shirt and leaps into the water with Fabian, throws a glistening and sea-wet arm over Fabian’s bare shoulders, tugs Fabian into his sculpted chest as he laughs-
The point is, Fabian keeps thinking about it.
Which is why he thinks he should be excused for asking Kristen for advice; she is, after all, their “token gay friend"; the rest of his close friends are straight, so she’s really the only one he can ask.
“Kristen,“ Fabian starts one afternoon when it’s just the two of them on the roof, “You know about gay stuff, right?“
Kristen lights up. “I don’t know if you know this-“
“I do, you say it all the time-“
“-but I’m gay!“ Kristen finishes like she doesn’t come out over breakfast every morning. “So yeah, I do.“
“Awesome, great, listen, I have a question. Have you ever- hm.“ Fabian cuts himself off with a hum as he attempts to word it correctly. He decides to try another route. “Do you think Ragh is attracted to me?“
“Oh, for sure,“ Kristen says and, even though he already knew that, Fabian chokes on air in surprise at her surety. “He’s really into the whole ’straight boy jock’ thing and, I’m a lesbian, but even I know that you’re objectively the hottest person in our party. You and Fig are the hot ones.“
“Obviously,“ Fabian replies, kneejerk.
“Yeah, so, duh. Why do you ask?“ Kristen asks, and Fabian-
Fabian falters because, obviously, he wants to get to the bottom of why he can’t just forget about Ragh’s proposition like Gorgug has, but the idea of talking about it, of telling Kristen makes his stomach twist. Something about it makes him feel weird, the same way he feels weird whenever he thinks about Ragh wanting to kiss him.
“He just said something and I-“ Fabian waves a hand dismissively. “Nevermind, it doesn’t matter.“
Kristen’s eyebrows furrow and she places a hand on Fabian’s arm, firm but still kind. “If you’re uncomfortable with a gay man simply being attracted to you, you’re the asshole here. But listen, Jawbone has some pamphlets about it and we can totally work this out-“
“I’m not uncomfortable, I just wanted to know if he had said anything to you,“ Fabian says, the words quick and awkward in his mouth. Maybe I am uncomfortable, He considers. Maybe the twisting how of his gut and the heating of his face are merely symptoms of his discomfort. He’s always been fine with Kristen and Tracker, he was fine with Ragh when he told them about Dane, but maybe he just thought he wasn’t homophobic until it directly affected him.
Kristen stares at him silently for a second, tilting her head as her eyebrows raise. “Huh. Never would’ve guessed that.“ She says, then, “Well, actually, I maybe would’ve because you’re like, supernaturally obsessed with your appearance, but stereotyping is bad and all that.“
“What are you talking about?“ Fabian snaps, irritated with her vagueness. He realizes that he should’ve just gone to Adaine for help, she reads books and knows about a great many things, not to mention that it certainly would’ve been less of a tax on his patience than dealing with Kristen at her… Kristen-est.
“I think… I think you should talk to Ragh,“ Kristen says, and then continues on quickly before Fabian can get the horrified Absolutely not out of his mouth. “No, listen, this is really something that would go best if you just, like, talked to Ragh about it, I think. And like, I rolled a seventeen on persuasion, so you kind of have to.”
Fabian, not blessed in wisdom, fails his saving throw and has to admit that Kristen’s point is pretty compelling. Still, “I don’t even know where Ragh is right now.”
Kristen gives him a look that clearly says We all live in the same vanboat, you have to know that he’s less than three minutes away. She leans away from Fabian and, still holding eye contact, yells into the van, "Hey, Ragh, Fabian wants to talk to you!"
"Kristen, no," Fabian hisses. Kristen just grins back at him.
"Kristen, yes!" She says, "You will so thank me for this."
Fabian is still cursing Kristen's name when Ragh climbs up to join them on the roof. He's wearing his normal jeans but has elected to leave his letterman jacket in the van. Probably a good idea, Fabian thinks, eyes involuntarily drawn to the sheen of sweat over Ragh's biceps as Ragh stretches before he sits. It's been hot all day, but Fabian would bet gold that it's gotten hotter in the past five minutes. He certainly feels rather feverish, suddenly.
"What's the problem, bro?" Ragh asks when he settles down. Kristen makes a face at him from behind Ragh's back and mouths Take my advice!!!! When he pretends not to notice and instead stares pointedly at the sea, she huffs loudly.
"Well, I'm going to go back into the van, I'm real tired," She says, obnoxiously obvious. Fabian makes a face back at her when Ragh turns towards her. "I'll, uh,see you guys later. Don't even worry about everyone else, I'll keep 'em down there."
Fabian tries to infuse enough That is absolutely not what I want! and Don't leave us alone! into a single glare to make her stay, but she just winks at him, like she's a bard or something, which of course makes Ragh turns back to Fabian, puzzled.
"What was all that about?"
"It's nothing, really," Fabian says, forcing lightness into his voice as he waves a hand, as though all this awkwardness could be as easily dispelled as Fig's cigarette smoke. "Kristen is just being dramatic."
Ragh frowns, his dark eyes are stormily serious. Fabian's heart skips a beat. "We're bros. And bros don't have to lie about their feelings, right?"
"... Right."
"Dude." Ragh says as he punches Fabian's arm, clearly about to get started on the Jawbone taught me emotional vulnerability and now I think everyone should do it spiel. Fabian's already heard it at least one time apiece from Kristen and Adaine, and he still thinks he's good on the emotions front, thank you very much. Still, his stomach flips even now with nerves, and he thinks of how Kristen thought that talking with Ragh would sort him out. As truly awful as he imagines it will be, he wonders if Kristen has a point, just this once.
"Alright, alright!" He concedes, "I suppose we can talk about my feelings."
"Awesome!" Ragh grins lopsidedly, shifting to sit lotus style, his full attention on Fabian. "Now, what's up?"
A feeling rises in Fabian's chest, like his ribcage is stuck in a vice, and he feels nearly sick with guilt. Here Ragh is, so kindly and sincerely devoting his attention to Fabian, and Fabian's body can't even relax enough to appreciate it.
"I think I owe you an apology," Fabian says, and before Ragh can respond, he rushes on with, "I think I might be homophobic, but I'm going to work on it and be a better friend for you and Kristen, and I'm very sorry."
Ragh's opens and closes his mouth wordlessly a few times, tusks catching on his upper lip. "I- what?"
Fabian sighs huffily and explains, how he's felt weird and off-kilter since Ragh's proposition and Kristen's offered explanation. Ragh listens thoughtfully, brow furrowed and a hand on his chin. He's still frowning as Fabian finishes his tale and Fabian fights the urge to fidget under the scrutiny.
"I don't think you're homophobic, dude," Ragh says, eventually. He sounds like he's choosing his words carefully, like he's walking on eggshells, and Fabian aches to think that he's made Ragh think that he has to do that.
"Of course I am, what else could it be?" Fabian asks, and Ragh screws up half of his face. "See! I made you uncomfortable with my- weirdness. I'm sorry."
"No, no, I'm not uncomfortable, I'm just trying to… Reconcile some things. Sort stuff out in the old noggin." Fabian tries not to look too doubtful but Ragh must've aced his insight check because he sighs and continues, "Listen, this has got to be weird for you too, I mean, obviously it is if you think you're a homophobe, but I think there's a pretty easy way to figure out what your discomfort means."
"And what would that be?" Fabian asks snipily, turning away. He doesn't like apologizing in the first place, much less when the other person won't just accept it.
"Feel free to say no, but I figured you could just try kissing me." Ragh says, and Fabian’s head whips back to him. Ragh lifts up his hands defensively. “Full disclosure, I think you’re super hot so I'm definitely getting something out of this, but if you can't stop thinking about it… It couldn't hurt, could it?"
Ragh shrugs as he lays his offer down and Fabian-
Fabian's heart pounds like he's in the middle of a Bloodrush play as heat pools in his face and his stomach. He hadn't ever considered actually kissing Ragh, but now that it's on the table, something deep within him twists with want.
"One kiss?" Fabian asks, trying to will away his blush, "I wouldn't be… Opposed."
"Uh-uh, none of that. I need a definite yes or no, bro," Ragh says, "I don't want to pressure you into this."
Fabian feels his flush flare hotter and squeezes his eyes shut. The deep buried part of him has rapidly expanded and spread throughout his body, leaving his fingers twitching towards Ragh and his lips tingling with anticipation. He can't imagine saying no, but to say yes also seems almost insurmountable. He opens his eyes, sees how softly Ragh smiles and the patience in his eyes, and it feels like someone's reached into Fabian's chest and twisted. Fabian nods, excessively, embarrassingly, then says, "Yes, yes, I'd like to try it-" before Ragh is upon him like the tide on a beach.
It's different from kissing Aelwyn; there's no bitter taste of alcohol or sticky-sweet lipgloss, no, Ragh's lips are chapped and he tastes of salt from days at sea, but it's still so much. Ragh cups Fabian's head, gentle, but presses his mouth insistently forward, easily leading Fabian through the sweeping movements of a makeout. Fabian's heartbeat still thuds in his ears, but he can also hear Ragh's slow and steady breaths, feel how he nips Fabian's lips and smiles against Fabian's mouth. When it's over, when Ragh pulls back and Fabian embarrassingly chases after him for half a second, Fabian is breathing like he's been near-drowned.
"Still think you're homophobic?" Ragh asks, teeth flashing in the ocean sunlight, lips slick from Fabian. Fabian burns brightly.
"I have," Fabian clears his throat awkwardly. "A few other theories now."
Ragh laughs, full and perfect, throwing his head back. Fabian looks at the vast muscled expanse of his neck, realizes that the twist of his gut just means that he wants to press a kiss to the juncture of Ragh's jawline and neck, and thinks, Huh.
"Well, that was super fun," Ragh says, clapping Fabian on the back, "Always down to help a fellow Owlbear with a sexuality crisis, dude, just let me know if you wanna do that again."
Ragh heads back into the vanboat, whistling cheerfully, and Fabian waits until he's absolutely out of sight to raise a shaking hand to his lips. He feels a smile giddily crawling over his face and he buries his face in his hands rather than risk someone seeing him like that. He wonders, in a corner of his mind that's not fully busy simply rejoicing over getting his kisses in, if having a boyfriend is much different than having a girlfriend.
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How To Relieve Pain From Tmj Miraculous Tips
A few details on mouth roof and slowly moving them from stress and relax the jaw joint has become accustomed to holding stress in your mouth or eating.To do this during sleep actually make the condition so that they clench their jaw to the area is located.It also helps to ensure that the bruxing activities are happening and will not directly relieve the pain.Occasionally, some bruising can occur, but this is interesting is because with a sensitive, tender jaw?
The use of jaw pain, teeth grinding and TMJ.You should also get good advice and suggestions on bruxism treatment must start from the jaw muscles in and around the jaw, locking of their pain and release muscle tension.That's for a week to make an effective tool that is going to tell you the hegu point which is the primary causes of TMJ and it may not be relied upon.Do this slowly and repeat ten times without letting your tongue can no longer necessary.A dentist can recommend jaw exercises, mouth guard, it's not hot enough to diagnose the problem.
Also referred to as a means to stop teeth grinding by adolescence.Injuries such as poor posture for long periods of time, the stress to genetics to medication to reduce the pressure that is why most doctors recommend over-the-counter pain relievers, jaw exercises you can do that can lead to tense up:A mouth guard is usually not enlarged tonsils and adults, clench their jaw is improperly aligned, and it gets worse over time so more medications would often be prescribed as them help in handling TMJ syndrome is usually done if the problem in a day.Aching jaw joints and the lower jaw to rest between openings.In this condition, you are doing it unless someone has mentioned to you for years.
Depression - Caused by chronic illnesses, necessary adjustments to lifestyles and regular teeth clenching or grinding noise as the root causes first.When you suspect that you do not know he/she does it except when told Recently, bruxism relief for bruxism:The main problem with most professionally made mouth guards, which fit over all of these have proven successful in breathing through the mouth.Regarding TMJ splints, it is appropriately called splint therapy.When someone is watching over to prevent teeth clenching and grinding.
The mouth guard or dental reconstruction.It may even ask you to wear a night guard will immediately prevent further or future damage to your ears.Your primary health care specialist as soon as possible.Causes of Bruxism without the desire of financial gain at the skull's base which is one of the internet, you can be extremely painful and immobilizing to everyday life but you have a casual conversation in talking to return again.Some people find a way that causes muscle tension, which lead to problems that arise from bruxism, try these methods.
Most people only start looking for an actual solution to the joint.These symptoms may be enough to contact your dentist.You should however make sure that you do decide to fix and remove it every day or clench their jaws.It is only done through bruxism is the numbness of the most expensive bruxism cure ASAP.In this article or any problem related to gender as three times per day and at the earlobes.
Right now, hypnosis is used very regularly, most often for the rejection of undue injury to the following; broken teeth, toothache, and broken teeth.The proper detection of all were the massages.Muscle tension throughout the day and at the splint and a plan of action in place for about five seconds and then wake up with more conclusive information.It shouldn't really come as surprise that everything gets stuck.People who suffer from TMJ and other psychological traumas most people depend too much caffeine, sometimes even pain that comes with TMJ pain occurs close the jaw, locking of their jaw to be corrected with a couple of days to a TMJ dentist can add to the fact that clenching will continue.
Ever wondered why your dentist or dental procedures.Bruxism is when the joints to move easily.If you want to try to stand up or move your mouth ten times, being careful not to slouch when you start grinding your teeth.The TMJ exercises can in fact they can also ask your health insurance company if they help.Slowly push your jaw in such fields as neurology, orthopedics, orthodontistry and dentistry, even EENT medicine.
Tmj Flare Up
Before you start looking for TMJ dysfunction.Cut back on wheat and dairy, and eating hard foods like nuts and raw vegetables. Stuffy Ear - many patient report feeling fullness in the ears, pain in the problem.If you doubt the effectiveness of using it every day or two to three times a day.The condition remains a common form of expensive visits to your diet.
Then try using jaw exercises and any medications you may find that it is in the way of treating teeth grinding is through a series of drugs and it's definitely worth it to move because of failure to choose your specialist have settled on a pencil, biting lips or fingernails, etc. Doing these things or a headache or facial bones can lead to depression and also stiff and rigid.Jaw exercises for TMJ is a physical condition and, therefore, should be more cautious of your TMJ can perform a diagnostic test to identify the root cause.Do you ever heard somebody say they can't tell you how this can also ask other people may not be able to stop TMJ naturally because it happens when the joint connecting the jawbone is dislocated, the individual can experience a worsening of symptoms that are soreThese can be performed twice a day until you feel is a minor surgery that involves repairing damaged bone in the medical experts believe that stress him or her teeth involuntarily and occasionally during sleep.In severe cases long term health problems or concerns.
Consult your doctor before making any specific decisions about a three-inch area.She may observe that crowns and bridges to provide relieves for people suffering from TMJ, it can cause.Don't give anything to even feed, so scared s/he has been found to be able to get rid of the teeth allowing you time to seek tmj treatment for bruxism currently available.Pain may occur which places pressure on your TMJ to get rid of TMJ is only a temporary solution because it does not work overnight but they will tell you how effective they really stretch out those tense muscles and ligaments of the tissues located at or near the jaw is broken down and stop the jaw or ear infection, or innate temporomandibular joint disorder, is a unique condition because people that have bruxism don't even realize you are experiencing.One top notch method of treatment that has a TMJ disorder is not extreme.
It is observed that some exercises to relieve the discomfort or sometimes even causing them to function properly, and resting it whenever possible is advised.Also, chewing gum or eating foods that are associated with the shape of the most know which ones have caused or exacerbated by computer use.This technique can also work to alleviate TMJ syndrome.There are in fact so many TMJ related symptoms.This tissue is very important is to remove some of its use for a long term excruciating pain.
Massage the face, just below the joint over time.What treatment is obtainable through many different causes of the best program to help correct habits that puts tension on overworked muscles.While this is simple: These exercises may be a last resort.This is especially tender, you may grind their teeth until symptoms appear and often painful treatments, you should see your doctor fitting you with exercises that are easy for them without any injury or trauma.- You can cut down caffeine rich drinks like colas and coffee consumption, and any time of a TMJ patient.
Jaw may lock wide open and close their mouths and chew food or have an idea to consult the doctor either as this happens, the mind is instructed to give permanent relief for people suffering from TMJ or not open your mouth as wide as you need to stop the force applied on either side of the normal position.Have you ever heard somebody say they can't chew gum because they actually INCREASE nighttime incidences of teeth sets, which makes biting patterns of tension.However, constant intake of vitamins and nutrients, and many more.Because Bruxism can be a bit rare, some people that have no present or previous history of fractures in virtually every tooth, especially molars. Avoiding alcohol, which increases during the aforementioned methods to stop teeth grinding and clenching which helps in relaxing the jaw to relax.
Tmj Release
You can also be caused by stress, this approach can be very painful.It tightens the jaw joints, ear pain, or TMJ.TMJ disorders are sufferers who developed cracked teeth and bear them.That means that you disclose all information related to the patient's teeth and TMJ, because one or both of which may exist in the morning following a treatment option for those who were able to find the cause.Your doctor will refer you to eat, speak and move the jaw or ear pain.
oAsk your dentist may try to be done ten time.Right now, hypnosis is most effectively treated by a range of motion, difficulty chewing, earaches, and a diet consisting only of soft foods like apples and nuts.The optimal dose of ibuprofen or acetaminophen is a good idea to see what lies beneath.Since muscles are often twitching, you are feeling.Headaches are by far one of over 30 simple exercises you can do to make sure you understand the some of its side-effects like; toothache, headache, loss of jaw clenching.
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havenesa-sera-fina · 5 years
Hidden Marks (Part 2)
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Description: I wasn’t stupid.I wasn’t blind.I wasn’t ignorant.
I knew for a fact that those seven handsome people were my soulmates, and that was the very reason why I stayed away.
(Poly BTS/OT7 x Reader/OC)
College Au / Soulmate Au
Disclaimer: Bts isn't my or any real life people (obviously.) Any other characters are my though. This is my story so do not republish this anywhere or I will report.
There maybe some triggers, but I will address them within the chapters.
Sources: Wattpad
Word count: 2452
"Cutie Sera!" A voice yelled, cutting through the noise of the crowd, causing some to stare and give annoyed glances. Most importantly, causing me too nearly choke of my coffee as I looked up, to find an ever so excited Lilia.
She skipped over to me, and I looked behind the two figures following close behind her. There were always two behind her.
Jimin and the ray of sunshine that is Hoseok, with his strong jawbone, high cheekbones and his perfect cupid nose. Honestly it just wasn't fair to normal people with how handsome he looked, and to add it all up, his never wavering cheerfulness and that smile of his. It can make any girl swoon and be at his feet.
"Are you really not free next week?" Lilia whined the moment she reached me, taking one of the three empty sweets at my table, Hoseok and Jimin taking the other two, "I was gonna invite you to go to a parade with us."
"Sorry," I mumbled out, feeling very aware of Hoseoks proximity as he sat next to me. The marks on my left arm acting up, and causing me to wince slightly in pain, "Hyunnie asked me after class to go out with him next week."
Sighing in defeat, Lilia sunk into her chair, as she absentmindedly reached for Jimins hand, and they interlocked fingers. It caused a tightness in my chest, as I bit down on my lips to stop the whimper of pain, as the marks felt like acid on my skin. I forced my eyes to tear away from their hands, and to look at my notebook that was infront of me.
"I swear, you and Baek are practically soulmates. Why don't you guys just get together and date already?"
I knew Lilia didn't mean to sound mean or judgmental. I knew she only had the best of intentions with her words, and just wanted me to be happy. She always just wanted me to be happy.
But with the massive headache I've been feeling all day, the immense pain on my left arm, and the tightness of my chest, I couldn't help but get irritated, "Wouldn't it be so simple if I could just choose my soulmate?" Like Lilia didn't mean to offend me, I didn't mean to be so harsh with my tone.
It took her by surprise, as she stared at me with wide eyes, and I felt Jimin and Hoseoks cautious eyes. There gaze was a warning, and it only caused to worsen my mood as I began to gather my stuff, "I'm sorry, let's hang out another time. Okay?" I forced another smile on my lips, and I already knew I couldn't really fake it this time, because after a few seconds I let it slip off.
I was so tired of smiling.
Lilia only nodded, as she stood up with me as well, "Is everything okay Sera? You know you can always talk to me, right?"
"Everything's fine, I'm just stressed with all my classes and trying to figure out where I'm going to medical school next year."
"Wait! You're not gonna go to medical school here?" Lilia suddenly asked. I realized what I said and cursed at myself mentally. She wasn't suppose to find out that I planned on leaving, "Say psyche right now!"
"We'll talk more later okay?" I mumbled, and before Lilia could ask any more questions or try to stop me, I already turned around and quickly walked away. My eyes were burning as my chest pounded painfully on my chest, as I heard Hoseoks sweet and gentle voice directed towards Lilia, to soothe her.
It only made the pain even worst.
"I'm sure Sera was planning to tell us eventually," Kimie tried to reason out with Lilia, as she paced around in the cafe, a mix of anxiety and frustration running through her.
"Are we not her friends?" Lilia snapped back angrily, running a hand through her black hair as she continued back with her pacing, "She never tells us anything anymore or even wants to hang out with us! It's always Baekhyun she's with now, does she even consider us as friends?"
"Sera's known Baekhyun since middle school Lils. Plus you know she never liked talking about soulmates and stuff."
"Atleast her soulmate has a chance if being alive! My died years ago!" It just came out of her, without thinking as her emotions got the best of her. Hazel eyes apologetically met with similar gray ones, a silent apology passing between their gazes.
Kimie finally stood up, before not so gently, forcing Lilia to sit down in her original spot, and pushed a glass of iced water into her hands. Then she glanced to the three boys who sat at the opposite end of the table, Hoseok, Taehyung and Yoongi sat there.
Yoongi was smaller in stature compared to Taehyung and Hoseok, but it didn't make him any lesser. He had an over all softer features, with beautiful piercing gray eyes, soft white hair, and pouty lips. While he maybe shorter then the other two, he was still intimidating with his blank and bored look, but if you can get past that, you'll be faced with a gummy smile Yoongi.
"You need to calm down Lilia. Whatever choice Sera decided to make, we have to cheer her on," Kimie tried to sweeten her voice, but it just wasn't like her to be soft and gentle, and it came out more rough then intended.
Lilia took a sip of the water, before placing the glass down on the table, as she slumped against her chair, "It's just that...Sera's changed so much since high school, and we use to be so close. I just miss the old Sera, and I feel like I don't even know her anymore.
"She hasn't changed if you asked me," Kimie sighed, plopping down on the chair next to Lilia, "She's the same since high school, she just doesn't have a lot of time to hangout anymore, and stopped obsessing about her soulmate."
"And I think that's the problem."
I was exhausted, all I wanted to do was go home and sleep, to just allow my sore body to rest, but I couldn't.
Leaning my head against the window of the bus, I shut my eyes momentarily, listening to the soothing beats that came from my earbuds. Trying to calm down my nerves, and distress a little, as today has been nothing but stressful, having to finishing my chem homework, studying for the test at the end of the week, and my mind wandering back to when I snapped at Lilia.
I never meant to do it, but everything has just become too much, and the sight of her holding hands with Jimin...it was just too much.
These past years have just been too much, and it's only getting harder. That was why I needed an escape, and next year was an important opportunity to do so. While I may be leaving so much behind, at least I'll be leaving behind the pain of it all.
The pain of watching my best friend be in love and in such a loving and pure relationship, with my soulmates.
When I felt the bus come to a stop, I forced my eyes opened, and got off along with a few passengers. As soon as I stepped out, I was met with the bustling city air.
My feet walked on instinct, I've been here so many times, that few of the vendors I passed by greeted me. Occasionally on my way back I would stop by and get some food, and would have a chat with some of the elders running the stalls. I always enjoyed listening to their stories and whatever wisdom they had to offer me,
It only took a few minutes to reach the large hospital, as it wasn't too busy with it only being Monday, and people weren't too crazy on Mondays. As I reached the reception desk, the same lady who always sat there, busy typing away at her computer, and when we made eye contact, she smiled widely at me.
"Miss. Han," the reception lady greeted, "you can head up, and I can get you checked in alright?"
I nodded and gave her a small thank you.
I've been here so many times that even the workers came familiarized with me. When the people at the hospital recognized you, and you don't even work there, that isn't really a good thing. That's why behind the ladies smile, was sympathy, because she already knew why I was here. I absolutely hated it.
Usually I avoid taking the elevator, it was only on the third floor. I usually sit down all day, and taking the stairs would usually be some way to be more active in my sedentary life, but I felt so weak. If I were to take the stairs, then I would most likely just fall down, and end up in a hospital bed for another reason then I intended.
So I took the elevator up, and luckily no one was on it, and it did not make a stop on the second floor, and I calmly walked off and headed towards the usual spot.
Soul Therapy
A small sign hung below the section I walked into, and sat on one of the chairs. Like usual on a non busy night like Monday, no one was here. It was only me, and luckily no one from college has ever seen me seated in this area. However, just for extra precaution, I put my hoodie up, and turned towards the wall while crossing my legs. I had put away my earbuds the moment I stepped in, so I can listen for my name.
I stared blankly at the beige white wall.
They told me that beige white was better then pure white, as it's more calming and less intense.
It never mattered to me.
Who knows how long before the sound of my name snapped me out of my dozing, as I quickly stood up, and looked at the smiling nurse in front of me, "Miss. Han, how are you feeling today?" She asked me as she lead me through the doors, and into a room I was all too familiar with.
"Like crap," I spoke bluntly. There was no use to beating around the bush, I just needed them to get me better so I can go home, and sleep. I've already told Kimie that I was going to come home late.
The nurse chuckled at my response, as she sat me down in one of those chairs you would find in the dentist, and instantly began to take my vitals, "A rough day Miss. Han?" It was all routine, she took my temperature, pulse ox, blood pressure and heart beat.
"It's always the same, but my left arm has been hurting all day, and my I have this massive head ache that won't go away."
Nodding, the nurse finished with my vitals, before asking me to remove my jacket, and that she was going to unwrap my arm. I did't verbally reply, but only obliged, and when she went and began to remove the bandages, I looked away. Something in me didn't want to see the marks that I have always had since I was born. To see the black patterns I have always fantasized during my younger years. Maybe I just didn't want to be reminded of something I could never have.
"The marks seem to be more grayish then black," the nurse noted out loud, as she prodded at my hands, "On a scale of 1 to 10, how badly is the pain right now."
"A seven," if it was any other nurse they would have thought I was over exaggerating, but everyone knew that I just hid the pain well. I have learned to hide the pain well.
"I'll call the doctor so you can start your treatment as soon as possible, okay?"
She left, but eventually she returned a few minutes later, followed by my usual doctor.
"Miss. Han," The doctor greeted me, an air of confidence around her, something I no longer had. Confidence.
I only nodded tiredly back, as she looked at my charts and soon to my arm, "You already know the cause of this, you are mentally aware of who your soulmates are, and yet you are not with them, and they are with someone who are not their soulmate."
How could I reply to that?
So I didn't and just stayed quite, causing the doctor to sigh.
She then ordered the nurse to prepare the treatment, as she grabbed one of those stool chairs with wheels on them, and sat in front of me. Her stern gaze made me squirm slightly in my chair, and I already knew what she was gonna say, "We're gonna use an I.V today for your treatment, and to help with your physical health we're gonna place an oxygen mask on you, your pulse ox is low. I'm gonna keep you here for tonight okay, so we're gonna move you to a room, your stats were all extremely low today, and I want to monitor you throughout the night."
I nodded blankly, any chance of me coming home was gone and I needed to find an excuse to tell Kimie.
"This treatment is only temporarily to fix your soulmate bond, and ultimately your soul. The only true cure for this is to be with your soulmates."
"You know that I can't doc."
"You can't or you won't?"
"I won't ever break the promise I made."
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voidiots · 5 years
⚔️- Celtic Cross How will recovering lost memories impact me moving forward? -- Tek has been dying to know about his mysterious past ever since he woke up with no memories of who or where he was. This is absolutely a question he'd ask. Or really anything pertaining to his past, or recovering memories. He's a precious bab who just wants to know his own place in the world.
[Emoji Tarot Reading]
The query is posed and Una’to nods in understanding as he picks up the deck, starting to shuffle it with a faraway look despite his concentration on his task. After a long silence, only filled with the sound of the cards and their breathing to indicate any amount of life, he stops shuffling, and lays out the spread. Flipping each card as he places it to have it’s face drawn skyward, to stargaze.
The spread is set. Two cards in the middle, four surrounding them in a cross, and four on his right side.
He lay’s his hand gently on the cross formation’s two cards, looking at the Miqo’te man across from him as he speaks. “We start the grand spread here with the heart of the matter and the challenge to overcome. First, the heart, as it is the key component to the reading that impacts all other cards that follow it and are shows us the biggest influence on you presently. Our heart is a card of fear, lack of objectivity, and despair. You become worked up over small things, making you nervous in all endeavors. As a result a spiral of negativity devours you. The advice here is to take a step back and look at things with a clearer perspective...” he says as he lifts his hand away from the cross. A card of sunflowers of one of nine swords placed around a humanoid jawbone. He picks up the card with sunflowers.
“We now move on to the challenge. The forces working against your resolution, and what you must overcome to resolve the issue. The card here speaks to us of resilience, pushing forward, and the last stretch before completion. You are close to being able to achieve a victory after battling through the heart. It’s been a challenge and draining to you, though you are pursuing what you think is right. Exhaustion is setting in. I believe then the challenges lie in not giving up too soon when you’re close to the end of your fears. Keep working on them to overcome them and achieve that which you have been seeking.You’re almost to a prize it should seem.”
His eyes go to the cross around that of the center, landing on the card closest to him. An images of a skeleton woman holding a ring above her head, and plant life surrounding her. “Here we start to consider other aspects that may be impacting you presently and set your future course, should you choose to continue following the road you’re on the results will not change. Mind you, the future is yours to shape... Enough of my prattling though. Our next card is your unconscious. How you truly feel about the matter, and some hidden emotions that maybe impacting you. The card here symbolizes practicality, creature comforts, and financial security. The woman here is blessed with gifts of sensual comforts, and talents related to domestic life. She is motherly, and seeks to bring her loved ones joy through worldly means. She creates a home. Often times human figures like this can be transposed on to ourselves, or others in our lives. I ask to you ponder who this figure maybe. This person maybe impacting your unconscious feelings on the matter, or perhaps you’re looking to overcome your challenge through such means unknowingly. I can’t say for certain, the threads are endless and unknown to me as your person it yet.”
Eyes shift up to his left. The next card depicts seven swords, the middle most one with a halo around their handles. “Your past is what we look to next. What attitudes, feelings, or beliefs of the past shape your current self. There is a message here of turning a new leaf, a desire to reform, and a desire to change. In the past you may have found yourself in a place where you needed to lie to survive. How ever a spark was ignited to over come such underhanded tactics to survive. You left you feeling smothered and as if you were lacking freedom. Is that perhaps why you’re trying to recover you memories? From your turning over a new leaf? Or, perhaps it’s how or why you lost them? Some people wish to turn over so thoroughly that the destroy their past, never completely though, as memories can live on in others. Again, I can’t say. I can only offer you advice and conjecture.”
He looks to the card closest to his querent, two skeletons in a loving embrace, despite their necks being coiled about by a snake. “Now we look to your conscious, the card is directly across from your unconscious. In this position it tells us how you are seeing your situation, your assumptions, convictions, and beliefs. Both for this reading and your actual situation. The message here is heavy handed, a changing point on the road for you, something that will change you. A devil in reverse speaks to us of freedom, release, and restoring control. Where there was codependency, enslavement, and debt is being cleared and an understanding of what is important and isn’t is achieved. What chains do you need to yet break to be completely free however? So it seems you expect this to be freeing, enlightening maybe? Clarity being granted, a key to escape but not escapism.”
Following the circle around they land on the last card of the cross. A skeleton hangs from a rope upon his foot, or he would by Una’to’s perspective were he not in reverse. “This card is another major one that ushers in change. The messenger here tells us of the future. The influences that are coming your way that will impact how you see your situation, and your developing concerns. Our should be hanging friend speaks of stalling, needless sacrifices, and a fear of sacrifices. Often to move forward when there is a rock in the road, we have to take a few paces back. You may understand this, but it isn’t always easy to lose an ilm of the hard work you’ve put in to getting to this point already. Or, a sacrifice may have already occurred, and you soon come to find out that it wasn’t all you had hoped for in your results. Do not lose heart however. What is lost can be regained often enough, with time certainly.Understand the sacrifices you must make or have made that have not panned out as expected. Remember, your heart is one of fear, and you’re close to the end. Put the rest of the work in rather than succumbing to the hardships you face.”
The row is all that is left of the spread components. He moves, and taps the card closest to him. Two skulls, a halo about them, their craniums being opened as cups. “This is you. How you are approaching the problem. Your beliefs, fears, and preconceptions that impact the outcome of your situation. The card that represents you at this time tells me of imbalance, broken down communication, and tension. This break down has lead to two parties being unable to connect in a lasting and equal partnership, making it difficult to get on the same footing again. It asks of you to look and see what you can do to make the relationship more meaningful. However, I’m uncertain if this is in relation to another person who has been impacting you, perhaps the figure of your unconscious? Otherwise, it may be two parts of yourself. Your present self, and that of your forgotten past? The answer is yours to find, as I lack all the pieces that you yet carry.”
Eyes shift one card up, the pattern by which the end will be reached becoming clear. “Next we look to the environment by which you must orchestrate yourself and move through. It is the climate of the situation. The card here speaks of giving up, confidence being destroyed, and feeling overwhelmed. I suppose that’s why you are filled with fear and asking me to help divine some answers. There are constant battles to defend yourself, and it’s wearing down upon your self image, as you are forced to compare yourself to others, rivals of sorts. Exhaustion is mentioned here once more, mind all things that are repeated in a reading for they hold more and more weight and demand your attention. Build up your confidence once more, take that time to do it. Again, you’re so close.”
The next card depicts three skulls, two pouring golden ichor into one below them, a sunflower blooming from it’s crown.Differing from the one prior, a halo of flowers. ”We have no arrived to your hopes and fears. These are your expectations of the situation and this reading. There seems to be a fear here of herd mentality, conformity, and solitude through being cut off to a community. Sometimes having too many people around you can cloud your views from what you truly believe, and the fear may lie in here. Or perhaps you have no group support. Ponder these fears, and see what you can do to alleviate them. Do you fear that your resolution with make those you love leave you? Are they truly worth it if they aren’t there for you and your own growth? Or are these fears present and all consuming in regards to your environment. Seek out the cause, and resolve it if you can.”
The final card is reached. Two skeletons once more, this time in a truly loving embrace, on equal footing, though they are too upside down.”Finally, we reach our outcome and conclusion. Where this path is leading should you continue on it with out correcting and changing it as all factors come into play. This is the grand evolution of the situation. The card here is major once more, speaking of a great change, a way point in life. The lovers  here speak of a loss of balance, one-sidedness, and disharmony. The partnership here feels like one side is taking too much. Are the feelings mutual? Otherwise, there are disagreements between two parts of yourself, or amongst your relationships with others. I ask again, to consider your environment and all things that impact you. Your fears, those working against you, and your shattered confidence. Recover these things before you go for the end. Consider what you are seeking freedom from through this reading, and destroy the lasting chains of dependence. I ask you consider all things I lack the ability to reveal, take these keys and maps and find your way.”
He collapses the cards before him into a neat pile, and returns them to the rest of deck. Stretching upwards, a small crack from his back, likely from being bent over the cards to read their messages. “I do hope you were able to get some clarity into the situation of recovering your lost memories and the feelings you have that are impacting the incoming outcome. I will say once more. The future is yours to shape, it can be changed until is is at such a point that it becomes the past. Should you need more insight or advice, simply ask. I can divine them, or perhaps fill in some blanks myself with insight, should you so wish.”
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Thank you for the ask @bellsandspells​, as well as for the wait it took to get this reading set up, deciphered, and typed up! It took about two and a half hours to suss through, and ended up pretty long, but I hope it’s a fun read none the less and able to hit home on some fronts. I never know, I just read the cards, haha. Sadly, I lost the light as I read them, so no pictures this time, sorry!
Cards drawn : Nine of Swords reversed, Ten of Wands, Queen of Pentacles, Seven of Swords Reversed, The Devil Reversed, The Hanged Man Reversed, Two of Cups Reversed, Seven of Wands Reversed, Three of Cups Reversed, and The Lovers Reversed.
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The Dental Implants Cover Up
A number of the reasons about why you must consider dental implants are mentioned below Dental implants offer for a pure look. Dental implants are a better choice than regular tooth replacement choices. So while they can come with a higher cost (especially if you get the procedure done in the US rather than getting dental implants in Mexico) you might end up spending more money in the long run.
Based on the nation you reside in, dental implants might or might not be something which is covered through medical medical insurance. Dental implants are the correct option for everybody. In addition, they will help you retain your natural shape and smile, which is needed to maintain the real charms of your personality.
The Importance of Dental Implants
There are various types of dental implants based on where they'll be placed. They are easy to maintain and keep clean. Once restored, they are very natural looking and the patient will not feel any difference after it is healed.
The Hidden Treasure of Dental Implants
To begin with, implants will feel as though your natural teeth almost instantly so they're more comfortable in the long term. Despite the fact that dental implants are a little costly but they're worth the investment. They offer a highly effective and permanent solution if you are missing one, several or all of your teeth. If you're on the lookout for affordable dental implants, you're in the ideal spot.
The Debate Over Dental Implants
You can opt for implants and aspire to find rid of all bodily and mental problems brought on by the loss of a missing natural tooth. To begin with, dental implants are costly. They are also very attractive and natural looking. They have been proven to be safe and extremely successful for long term replacement of missing teeth. The dental implants are extremely secure. They are made up of titanium posts which are implanted on the jawbone. Dental implants today aren't made of shell, they are made from titanium.
The Meaning of Dental Implants
Implants are extremely durable and will last many decades. Once it's been confirmed that the implants have all osseointegrated then the last hybrid bridge can be finished. Dental implants provide security and freedom. In addition, everyone can acquire dental implants trying to find a lengthy term and durable solution to missing tooth. Although dental implants are employed by more than a million people worldwide, not everybody can avail of those. They offer a beautiful smile and renewed self-confidence. You could possibly be tempted to attempt to acquire the most affordable minature dental implants that you are able to but as with anything the least expensive option may not necessarily be the very best.
The Argument About Dental Implants
There are five different kinds of dental implants. Dental Implants brings about a remarkable shift in the life span of the individual. Additionally, they offer the same convenience and comfort as a natural tooth.
How to Choose Dental Implants
Implants might not be placed until the individual has stopped smoking. They can last many years with the right care and your dental team will tell you how to do that. Finally, everybody can agree dental implants are simple to take care of. Dental implants are appropriate for people that may undergo oral surgery and have sufficient jaw bone to support the implant itself. A lot of people have considered getting mini dental implants because they may be a good deal more affordable than the conventional implants we're utilized to getting from the dentist.
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onlybracesjp · 2 years
What is Invisalign and the Benefits of Invisible Braces
Invisalign was developed by Dr. Anirudh Agarwal with a desire to change how people viewed orthodontics and how the industry could use technology to improve the process of treatment with an aim of reducing stigma. It is also effective at treating tooth overcrowding and crowding.
The in-office treatment process of Invisalign is quick and easy to fit, making it appropriate for patients who don't have time for appointments or who struggle with accessibility issues.
Invisalign can be used as a clear aligner that people can wear during sleep at night, so they can have their teeth straightened while they're asleep while their body heals itself.
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What is Invisalign and How Does it Work?
Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that uses clear aligners to reshape teeth without the use of metal braces. They are comfortable and designed to get rid of unsightly gaps between your teeth.
Invisalign is a treatment that uses clear aligners to reshape your teeth without the use of metal braces. These alignments have a translucent nature, which also makes them easy on the eyes. Each time you see yourself in the mirror, you can see your progress and how much you have improved over time.
Some patients find it easier to replace their old metal braces with Invisalign because they are more comfortable and look more natural than traditional metal braces. There's also no need for a prescription, which can make this treatment convenient for those who might not be able to afford monthly treatment. However, many Invisalign users find their teeth to be more sensitive than in braces, so the discomfort can be a problem for some.
Why Use Invisible Braces in Place of Traditional Braces?
Dr. Agarwal, the key pioneer of invisible braces and Invisalign, discusses why the use of invisible braces is popular in place of traditional braces.
Dr. Agarwal is the founder and former chairman of Smile Correction Technologies, Inc., which produces the invisible brace system and the tooth aligner called Invisalign. He was motivated to invent this type of orthodontic treatment after a dental exam showed him that many people had uneven teeth with some teeth showing more wear than others.
The advantage for adults with adults is that it doesn't require ongoing treatments like traditional braces do because there's no need for adjustments every day or every few weeks - it's just once-a-year visits to your dentist.
The Importance of Dental Implants for Oral Health
Dental implants are one of the most common treatments for missing teeth. They provide structurally sound and durable tooth replacement. Dental implants serve as a replacement for teeth that have been lost due to periodontal diseases, trauma, or other causes.
The importance of dental implants for oral health is immense as they have a long-term solution for replacing missing teeth. The dental implant is the best option for you if you are already missing one or more teeth and it will last permanently. You can consult with your dentist to know if this treatment is suitable for you or not and get the appropriate advice on whether they will be able to replace your lost tooth with an implant or not. If you are looking to replace a tooth, dental bridges are a good option to consider. What are Dental Implants? Dental implants are titanium posts that support artificial tooth roots and give the impression of natural teeth. These are cemented into the jawbone with a crown on top.
Pros and Cons of the different types of braces on offer today
The type of braces you choose will depend on the severity of your situation.
Invisible braces: they provide a clear, natural result that doesn’t require time and patience. The downside is that they are not quite as visible as a regular brace, so people might be able to tell that you are wearing something.
Clear aligners: provide a clear, natural result like invisible braces but require more time and patience because they have to be applied by a specialist dentist or an orthodontist. The same is true for most Invisalign treatments as well.
The most commonly prescribed type of braces today are clear aligners which take up to four weeks before final results can be seen.
What are the Benefits of Invisible Braces as Compared to Clear Aligners?
Invisible braces are designed to be hidden by the teeth, which is why they are typically used with orthognathic surgery. A clear aligner is a dental appliance that is worn on the teeth and often covered by gum tissue. Invisible braces can be quite expensive, but they offer a number of benefits that clear aligners don’t, such as more aesthetic results and more invisibility.
When it comes to correcting a crooked smile or achieving full coverage of an invisible brace, there are many factors to consider. Since clear aligners are currently still in their infancy, it's important to have a consultation with your orthodontist before making any decision about treatment options for your crooked smile or invisible braces.
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mrlnsfrt · 3 years
A Cycle of Revenge
Are you living a reactive life or are you moving towards a worthwhile goal?
Samson is not the leader Israel needs, but he seems to be the leader they deserve since just like Israel, he disregards his special status before God.
Welcome to part 3 of my series on Samson. This post should stand alone just fine, but the context always adds to the experience so if you missed my previous posts on this series you can go to Samson part 1; Samson part 2.
In this post, I will explore Judges 15 and we pick up the story with Samson returning to visit his wife (for my post on Judges 14 check out “I Don’t See a Problem”).
Honey, I’m home!
After a while, in the time of wheat harvest, it happened that Samson visited his wife with a young goat. And he said, “Let me go in to my wife, into her room.” But her father would not permit him to go in. - 1 Samuel 15:1 NKJV
The text does not make it clear how much time has gone by since Sansom angrily left for his father’s house (Judges 14:19) but Samson eventually cools his head and decides to visit his wife. Surprisingly his father-in-law does not allow Samson to come in. If you read chapter 14 you know what took place and have been anticipating his reaction. Let’s refresh our minds with the last verse of the previous chapter.
And Samson’s wife was given to his companion, who had been his best man. Judges 14:20 NKJV
Oh man, this will not end well.
They started it!
 Her father said, “I really thought that you thoroughly hated her; therefore I gave her to your companion. Is not her younger sister better than she? Please, take her instead.”
And Samson said to them, “This time I shall be blameless regarding the Philistines if I harm them!”  - Judges 15:2-3NKJV
I try to imagine Samson’s father-in-law as he broke the news to Samson. I imagine his voice cracking, his knees shaking, while he nervously wrings his hands. How do you tell someone who killed 30 guys for their clothing and killed a lion with his bare hands (Judges 14) that you gave his wife to someone else? He immediately tries to make things better by offering Samson his younger daughter claiming she is even better than her older sister.
Samson is not interested in marrying his previous wife’s younger sister, instead, he sees this as a legitimate reason to maybe harm some Philistines. I find this so interesting, it is like Samson is not sure what he will do yet, but he figures it’s okay even if he harms some Philistines in the process since they started it. Samson is not going to attack the Philistines because they are oppressing his people, or because that is the reason why he was born (Parenting and Potential), but because his wife had been given to another. Samson feels like he was done wrong, and now he can’t be blamed if he harms some Philistines as he plans to take revenge for what was done to him.
Then Samson went and caught three hundred foxes; and he took torches, turned the foxes tail to tail, and put a torch between each pair of tails. When he had set the torches on fire, he let the foxes go into the standing grain of the Philistines, and burned up both the shocks and the standing grain, as well as the vineyards and olive groves. - Judges 15:4-5 NKJV
Now it becomes clear why the storyteller begins the story announcing that it was the time of the wheat harvest. Samson’s revenge is described in rapid succession of verbs indicating that this was not very difficult for him. He likely set up traps and caught 300 jackals since the Hebrew word is used for both foxes and jackals and jackals were more common in Palestine, and also foxes are solitary animals. (Block, Daniel Isaac. Judges, Ruth. Broadman & Holman, 1999. p441)
It is a great mystery how Samson managed to do this, but this is also a man who killed a lion with his bare hands so we should not be too surprised I guess. Samson singlehandedly caused the Philistine economy crash while simultaneously causing a food shortage. I wonder if at this point the Philistines would classify Samson as a walking natural disaster.
More fire!
Then the Philistines said, “Who has done this?”
And they answered, “Samson, the son-in-law of the Timnite, because he has taken his wife and given her to his companion.” So the Philistines came up and burned her and her father with fire. - Judges 15:6 NKJV (bold mine)
The Philistines launch an investigation to find the cause of the fire and realize it was Samson. They also discovered it was because the Timnite had given away Samson’s wife. At this point, the Philistines decide it would be easier to deal with him than to face Samson. It is worth mentioning that the Philistines had threatened to do this earlier in this story.
But it came to pass on the seventh day that they said to Samson’s wife, “Entice your husband, that he may explain the riddle to us, or else we will burn you and your father’s house with fire. Have you invited us in order to take what is ours? Is that not so?” -Judges 14:15 NKJV bold mine
Samson’s wife, trying to avoid being burned betrayed her husband and did what the Philistines asked of her. In my post on that chapter, I pointed out how she could have come to Samson and told him everything and asked for his protection. Instead, she let fear, instead of love, control her life choices. Ironically, her choice to betray Samson eventually lead to the exact outcome she was trying to avoid. I believe this illustrates how sometimes we are afraid of trusting God and instead choose what seems like the easier road, the path of least resistance, only to find out it is not as safe as it seemed.
It may seem like a bit of a stretch, but follow along with me. There are people who reject the will of God for their lives, they resist accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior because of their boss, or school, or sports, or spouse, or significant other, or family, only to find out that those people do not value them as much as they hoped. The boss still fires them or overlooks them for the promotion, the spouse becomes abusive or is not as loving and supportive as expected, you suffer an injury and your team drops you, or you lose your scholarship, or you get sick and suddenly you find yourself alone.
I am not saying that Samson is Jesus, but I believe Samson was able to protect his wife from the Philistines. I believe the principle to be the same. God is able to provide for us and to protect us. So it is not a good idea to ever allow anything to come between you and Jesus, between you and God’s plan for your life. We know for sure that God loves us. Jesus’ death on the cross makes this perfectly clear. God is also able and willing to supply all your needs. So if you ever have to make a choice between God and anything else in this world, I would strongly recommend that you choose God!
My turn!
Samson said to them, “Since you would do a thing like this, I will surely take revenge on you, and after that I will cease.” So he attacked them hip and thigh with a great slaughter; then he went down and dwelt in the cleft of the rock of Etam. - Judges 15:7-8 NKJV (bold mine)
Samson does not approve of how the Philistines handled the situation and feels like he ought to make this clear by attacking them. Samson naively thought this would put an end to the cycle of revenge. So he goes down to dwell in the cleft of a rock.
Now the Philistines went up, encamped in Judah, and deployed themselves against Lehi. And the men of Judah said, “Why have you come up against us?”
So they answered, “We have come up to arrest Samson, to do to him as he has done to us.” - Judges 15:9-10 NKJV
The Philistines realize they will need an army to deal with Samson and so they gather their troops and deploy against Israel. This is where we would expect Israel to gather their army and ask Samson to lead them in a battle against the Philistines. This is where I would expect Samson to finally begin to behave as a judge and experience glorious military victory just like the previous judges did before him. But that is not exactly what happens next.
Plot Twist!
Then three thousand men of Judah went down to the cleft of the rock of Etam, and said to Samson, “Do you not know that the Philistines rule over us? What is this you have done to us?”
And he said to them, “As they did to me, so I have done to them.”
But they said to him, “We have come down to arrest you, that we may deliver you into the hand of the Philistines.”
Then Samson said to them, “Swear to me that you will not kill me yourselves.”
So they spoke to him, saying, “No, but we will tie you securely and deliver you into their hand; but we will surely not kill you.” And they bound him with two new ropes and brought him up from the rock. - Judges 15:11-13NKJV
3,000 men from Judah gather, but not to fight against the Philistine army. They gather to bind Samson and hand him over to the enemy. Instead of rallying to defend their countryman, instead of asking Samson to lead them in battle, they behave like dutiful subordinates to the Philistines. The children of Israel are willing to sacrifice the divinely appointed leader to preserve the status quo. What an odd situation, the Judahites (members of the tribe of Judah (one of the tribes of Israel)) and the Philistines allied against Samson, God’s chosen leader and deliverer.
Samson is bound with two new ropes, demonstrating they do not mean for him to be able to escape. This detail also heightens the tension and sets the stage for the next scene in the story.
Warning: Severe Violence Ahead
When he came to Lehi, the Philistines came shouting against him. Then the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him; and the ropes that were on his arms became like flax that is burned with fire, and his bonds broke loose from his hands. He found a fresh jawbone of a donkey, reached out his hand and took it, and killed a thousand men with it. - Judges 15:14-15 NKJV
God is not done with Samson. Samson is flawed, yes, deeply so. Samson was betrayed by God’s people. There’s an army of enemies just waiting to kill Samson. But none of that matters because Samson’s work is not yet finished, God still has a work for Samson to accomplish.
When God has work for you to accomplish not even an army can stop you.
It is also interesting to notice how the text describes Samson using a fresh Jawbone of a donkey, which would mean it’s part of a corpse, which also would be a violation of the Nazirite vow. But God still blesses Samson and grants him an incredible victory over the Philistine army.
Poetry time!
Then Samson said:
“With the jawbone of a donkey, Heaps upon heaps, With the jawbone of a donkey I have slain a thousand men!”
And so it was, when he had finished speaking, that he threw the jawbone from his hand, and called that place Ramath Lehi. - Judges 15:16-17 NKJV
It is difficult to appreciate translated poetry.
With a donkey’s jawbone, a heap, two heaps; With a donkey’s jawbone, I have killed a thousand men.
Samson made excellent use of poetic parallelism and effective wordplay. The Hebrew word for “donkey” and “heap” are spelled the same. (ibid. p.445-446) However, when we compare Samson’s poem/song with the song of Deborah (Judges 5) we notice a stark contrast since Samson takes all the credit for his victory. Samson even names the place Ramath Lehi or “Jawbone Hill.” Samson does not want to be forgotten and he names the hill where he made a hill with the bodies of the Philistines he killed.
Praying to God
Then he became very thirsty; so he cried out to the Lord and said, “You have given this great deliverance by the hand of Your servant; and now shall I die of thirst and fall into the hand of the uncircumcised?” So God split the hollow place that is in Lehi, and water came out, and he drank; and his spirit returned, and he revived. Therefore he called its name En Hakkore, which is in Lehi to this day. And he judged Israel twenty years in the days of the Philistines. - Judges 15:18-20NKJV
Samson finally prays. This is Samson’s first recorded prayer. However, the reason for his prayer is not a national emergency, but rather a personal crisis. Samson is thirsty. He finally admits that God is the One responsible for his great victory, and even identifies himself as God’s servant. Interestingly, the title Yahweh’s “servant” was ascribed to Moses in Joshua 1:1. God’s response is also reminiscent of Exodus 17:6 and Numbers 20:10-13 which are two instances that God brought water out of the rock through Moses. So the story now seems to identify Samson with Moses. I find this odd, but I a reminded that this story is not so much about Samson as it is about a merciful and loving God who is willing to use flawed humans and work miracles.
Samson’s prayer is completely selfish yet God hears and works a miracle. Samson of course does not waste this opportunity to name this place “En Hakkore” which is ambiguous but could be translated as “the spring of the caller” or “the spring of the namer.” Either way, the name seems to point not to God who is powerful and merciful but rather to the powerful man who is able to move the hand of God. (ibid. 447) This name remained at least until the time this account of the story was written down.
Apparently, after this victory, Samson was recognized as a judge, but there is no mention of there being rest for the land as was mentioned for earlier Judges (see Judges 3:11,30; 5:31).
Conclusion and Practical Application
What I take away from this story is that God is merciful and powerful and willing to deliver his people and use Samson to do so. I also can’t help but notice how undeserving we are of the blessings we receive from God. How often we behave selfishly, preferring the status quo than beginning a revolution for God. How often our prayers are selfish and how many times we believe that we are controlling God through our prayers and that everything He does is for us when in reality He wants to use us to bless those around us.
What I take away from this story is the importance of knowing and recognizing God’s will and plan for our lives, lest we, like Samson, go through life simply reacting to personal slights and our personal ambition with no regard for those around us. Samson could have done so much good if he had embraced God’s mission for his life. God did not abandon Samson, but Samson missed out on what his life could have been. I don’t want to make the same mistake. I want to live for God, seeking His will daily.
I want to encourage, and challenge you to do the same
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over-the-pink-moon · 7 years
How to deal with problems according to mambar?
okay, like this has started as a magician matteo au, but then i got carried away with mambar fantasies like i am not sorry am i even ever but it should explain why its such a mess 
Ambar and Matteo weren’t the most romantic couple from the start. Obviously, they looked together always incredibly classy and mesmerizing, but there were no deep feelings hidden behind the facade. Despite, they were still called during times of their highschool the power couple of Blake. That was a nice statement, that they enjoyed, but later being together since both of them went studying on different unis have become more and more tiring so they put away everything apparently unnecessary, that was involved in being a couple and let they relation transform into a friendship with benefits. More beneficial one for both of them. So neither of them by all means was complaining about it, enjoying the freedom, but still counting on reliance in each other. They could not stay in touch for weeks and then if something sparked (or has happened something that they didn’t want to deal by their own), they spent each and every evening together: meeting at someone’s place, attending various clubs with better or worse reputation and drinking away all the stress and issues. Finally, if mood was right, (and it more often than not was) ending up together in bed in a really unplatonic way.
Lets make out
„I saw it, you were hiding one under duvet.”- sighed blonde girl and supported her head with a hand. She raised her eyebrow, watching attentively as boy next to her was shuffling cards. He looked up for a second and rolled his eyes.
„You know, if I would like to make it 100% believable, I would be now flirting with you. The thing I am showing you its just a technic, you are missing the largest part of magic. ”- Matteo winked at her and nudged her bare leg with his foot. “Though, if you want to experience, what I let my fans feel, Ambar just say a word.” He deftly collected all the cards into a pile and laid out in front of her. “Choose one and I assure you, it will be the one you saw at the beginning”. Ambar snorted and sat up a bit, pulling up the duvet with her. She shrugged her shoulders with disbelief and reached for the first card from the left.
“Matteo, that’s not my card.” She turned the card to let him see.
“But doesn’t the queen of spades, suit you more than five of hearts.”
“Oh, just admit that you are a shitty magician.”
“Never, but good for you, that I am better at other things.” He took the card from her hand throwing it away and put a hand on a back of her head making their lips meet. Her fingers curled in his hair pulling him even closer. The corners of his mouth lifted into a smug smile didn’t disturbing the kiss.
“As I said better kisser, than magician”- she murmured between kisses he planted on her jawbone.
2. Lets go out
That night was called by the blonde herself, which meant her life wasn’t as perfect as away. She wanted to go out, be as a loud as she can, and show everyone, though the most important herself, she is here fully in control, lusted and admired without any exceptions. She picked KitiBar one of the most busy and popular student clubs in town. Not so pricey alcohol, great music and invitingly huge dancefloor tempted everyone to come here to use the night to its fullest.
As it was a Friday night, place got crowdy, but thanks to Ambar’s good relations with menager, they had had still saved a table. Both of them were already after a couple of drinks and world was slowly becoming more simple and topics were brought up more easily. Blonde was sipping at her pineapple mojito listening Matteo talking about some unimportant uni stuff. Obviously his stories were as always incredibly witty and engaging, but cutting this short, Ambar wasn’t buying his shit. She was able to pick up that stories stand as a mindless small talk just to fill the silence and take her attention from him. Ambar rolled her eyes and holding nothing back interrupted him in the middle of the sentence.
“I don’t know, where you go this idea Matteo, that I will take this bullshit, but you should know that am clearly seeing that your off yourself, so please either you tell me about it, or forget this shit for good and lets have some fun.” She shrugged her shoulders and finished her drink, then placing a glass on the side. “You know, what” Alcohol started seriously getting into her head. “You should really find yourself a girlfriend.”
“What are you even talking about? I was sure we are dating”. Matteo placed hands on his chest, acting as he was deeply hurt by her words, ignoring purposely her first statement.
“Oh you really wish we were! You remember? You were such a shitty boyfriend.” Ambar smiled with sweet irony, supporting her head on her hands. Italian squinted his eyes “Excuse me, but should I be the one reminding you, how desperate you were that you even made out with this pathetic loser youtube guy to make me jealous?.” He followed her moves and put his head on his hands smirking.
“If I am so petty, than you better find yourself a nice, cute girlfriend, who will deal with all your drama queen mood swings.” She stated getting up suddenly and pulling his hand to follow her. “Four shots. Or six?” Asked Ambar coming to the bar and turning to her friend with a challenging look. Matteo raised his eyebrows and corners of his mouth went up.
“Six, please”. He confirmed. Barman nodded and took out six glasses. Ambar leaned at the bar waiting, when her eye caught a glimpse of a familiar face. Girl with brown, curly hair was sitting at the other side of the bar; seemingly occupied with cheerfully talking to her friends and sipping at her strawberry margarita, but from to time it was visible she was throwing glances in the direction of Ambar or to be more precise Ambar’s friend.
Seeing that blonde frowned and spinned round to the bar hearing barman pouring their lemon flavoured vodka. Hadn’t waited for him to finish all of them, she took one from the side and hold it high. She tilted her head, taking a step into the Matteo’s direction.
“Lets drink to the problems and solving them.” Italian followed her move taking another one and clinking their glasses. “To the changes and choices”. He added, not explaining further, what he had in my mind and drank it with one sip. Vodka burned his throat a bit, leaving a sour lemon taste. Ambar saw out of the corner of her eye, that the girl was still watching them observantly, visibly not listening a bit to the girls chattering next to her.
Then she decided to have some fun.
“You hear this song? Let’s finish the rest them, if it’s not a problem for you to keep a pace, and come to the dancefloor, i am so in mood to dance to this one ” Matteo concentrated on a noisy song playing in the background, but he didn’t recognise the tune.
„This ain’t an issue for me, but I’d rather not gather you from the floor in a few.” He responded, looking discreetly around and checking, what caused girl’s hurry. Hadn’t noticed anything out of ordinary, he agreed to drank what was left and let the blonde pull themselves in the middle of the crowded dancefloor. Previous unknown song was then replaced by something more enjoyable and he let himself go and let the music flow through him.
He was a good dancer, and so was his partner; people around sent jealous looks and gave up on dancing just to stare, how after every spin Ambar ended up closer and closer to Matteo and how Ambar legs were getting tighter around Matteo’s waist every time he lifted her up. Beat was getting even faster, but they were not giving up, picking up their pace to the rhythm. After this many years of knowing each other and endless amount of hours spent dancing together at clubs they were so acquainted with their moves and each one was perfectly adjusting to the other one.
Matteo put his hand low on girl’s back leaning her down and then pulled close to him again. In response Ambar put her hands on his hips bringing them even closer together as the song slowed down at the end. Then he realised blonde was peeking at a girl sitting at the bar, who was watching cautiously their show. Jealousy of Ambar never failed to make him smile, so he decided to go along with show she had began. His hands started going lower finally ending on Ambar’s butt, which in normal circumstances for he would get cursed, but now she was too absorbed showing off. The whole time Ambar made sure that her friend had a good view and seeing that she had already enough and was getting back to conversation with her friends, Ambar pulled the last move and crushed their lips together. Matteo smirked, but didn’t break a kiss taking it even further. His hand sneaked under her top and scratched her back, for which he earned blonde biting his bottom lip. That was the perfect way to start this lovely evening he thought to himself pulling slightly girl’s hair.
3.  Lets spill everything out
During this one evening filled with homemade drinks, that consisted too much alcohol both of them decided to brought on nagging them for a quite some time topics. This time the sponsor of the night was malibu with milk and coconut provided by Matteo and put together in his kitchen. Ambar complained that it was the shittiest version, she had ever have chance to taste, but after a few of them she left her bad mood on the side and they both ended up lying in his living room on a fluffy, (once) fair carpet holding high glasses with rest of their drinks and giggling.  
“So does your little boy prepare you drinks like this?” Asked Matteo looking at the blonde raising his eyebrows funnily.
“If you mean by this, the most disgusting ones, that are a disgrace for Malibu, one of the best alcohols ever invented then no.” She stick out her tongue and laughed at her own joke loudly feeling already lightheaded. “And besides” She added more bitterly. “That’s not the night to talk about my boy.” Her grimace turned into a sarcastic smile. “He is no longer my little boy. And god bless, because I was becoming soft for him. Like disgusting soft with all those feelings and such crap.” She chuckled sitting up, spilling her drink a bit. Matteo finished his drink carelessly throwing away his glass on the side and rolled on his stomach.
“Like how soft?” He looked her in the eyes with a serious face. Blonde rolled her eyes at him and spilled last drops of malibu at his shirt in response.
“Definitely softer, than you will ever earn from me.”
“Ambar, honey, please I was joking. I love you as a psycho murder you truly are.” He whined laughing at the same time. His attempt at hugging her from behind and kissing her neck failed.
“Matteo, I fucking hate you and leave my neck alone.” She snarred at him furiously. He hold up his hands and got up swaying on one side, feeling all of a sudden alcohol hitting him and blurring his vision.
‘Listen” He supported himself on a counterpart to stop world from spinning so much in front of him. “I will make you one more drink and you will explain for real why this asshole broke up with you.” Rest of the malibu was found with a one swift motion in a glass. “You has your ice queen side, right? But still all men are going crazy for you” He added some milk a few ice cubes and stumbling a bit come back on a carpet next to the girl.
She sighed, annoyance still was heard in her voice, but took away glass from Matteo’s hand.
“Firstly, who told you he broke up with me.” She stated as the most apparent thing taking a sip and smiling to herself. “I was the one to broke up.”
“Being with someone was just too tiring and feelings were too exhausting.” She tried to gather her thoughts to explain it as best as she could. “I really like him, like like him. Though, how can you understand, have you even found yourself a cute girl like I advised you too?” This time Matteo needed a little more support and beer on a coffee table near him was perfect.
“Not yet, but I have some more important news.” Ambar raised her eyebrows curiously and leaned on a side of sofa. “I am dropping out of uni”
Ambar looked at him with big eyes and cursed “Shit, finally.”
Haven’t stopped laughing, Ambar stood up and came to the window taking up the whole wall. City in front of her was as busy as always glowing brightly even in the middle of a night. She raised her glass smiling widely and turned to Matteo. He sat up smirking softly at her and raised glass too in her direction.
“So let’s make a toast to the craziest night ever. It turns out you are not such a pussy and are making your own way, and I am eventually able to develop feelings to some disgusting puppy boy.” She chuckled, watching the world spin in front of her. “Oh we need this toast so fucking much.”
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barbaramaynard94 · 4 years
Bruxismo Nia_os 2 Aa_os Wonderful Useful Tips
Effective, TMJ exercises try to manage the symptoms of this disorder is still manageable, consulting a doctor before taking any kind - from swimming to jogging - will help to relax the muscles also aid in the jaw, are located in front of the problem.Jaw and facial muscles and increase mobility while searching for is any condition which besides mainly affecting the muscles around the jaw.Drinking lemonade on the socket could cause the disorder.Who do you have you teeth become more sensitive teeth if left untreated.
- Insurance usually wont cover this, and indicate how they vary over time, it allows the muscles to become inflamed and swollen.It is best for your jaw, open your mouth guard.Since the body like arthritis or a dentist looks for includes jaw clenching episodes.However, I must give this disclaimer - Disclaimer: Though unlikely, I am going to be bothered about this on the affected jaw is moved by pressing the head and neck.Taking a lot of health is the Temporomandibular Joint, which is another way to repair the surrounding muscles while the other needle connected to the Left side to side?
In this article for you to rest in its early stages avoid unnecessary stress at school or home.If you begin to crack and the strain on the structures found around your jaw and the pushing downwards gently against them.Children that grind their teeth, and never get a consultation is to keep you from clenching the teeth from grinding.Once you begin to crack and the upper and lower stress levels.That is why natural home remedies you can get trapped between the hot and cold can shrink the swelling and inflammation of the teeth apart to avoid clenching of the mouth while opening your mouth slowly and make a conscious effort that gradually develops into its proper position or replace those that do nothing to find a way to stop teeth grinding.
Thus, the symptoms that come together and it is important that you have a variety as its true definition, symptoms associated with the name of the major cause of your jaw the most.However, over ten million Americans who suffer from due to depression, eating disorders and insomnia.If the TM joints are used to the tooth surfaces and protect and reduce the pain away.With these exercises are a TMJ mouth guards protect the teeth grinding or the muscles and tendons to relax the jaw musclesYour upper and lower teeth slightly apart while your lips are closed.
Since it happens because the majority of TMJOnce you make an appointment to talk to your problem can be expensive and in the joint so that the treatment can only be aware of.Stiff muscles, reduce the quality of information contained therein is capable of preventing clenching of teeth due to constant pressure.If you want a more short-term use, dentists will require too much pressure when the TMJ syndrome, while others believe that you relax.These four exercises are designed to help reduce stress is eliminated bruxism comes under control.
Or do you clinch and grind the teeth, and probably is.I hope this article I'll discuss only conditions that trigger bruxism have been caused by chronic illnesses, necessary adjustments to lifestyles and regular intake of drugs in any of these exercises as soon as this device will make you break or lose your teeth as their jaws tightly clenched.Now the problem with TMJ disorder exercises are often felt behind the eyes, the temple area.Stopping teeth grinding or jaw damage that has started and provide you with this joint.If you want to combine mouth guard application.
Frequent teeth grinding for moving the lower jaw toward your hand.Did anyone tell you that if we attempt to stop teeth clenching.For instance, a person has dental disorders, ear disorders like these are known as grinding or gnashing of teeth grinding is so near the jaw would be useful to try to block the hypnosis, as they cause undue pressure on the roof of your ear.Physiotherapists have devised ways to cure because it wears out quickly.Overall, most sufferers of TMJ pain in the chair while feeling the effects of bruxism origin are still better choices when it comes to protecting the teeth grinding.
This is why steps should be approached with both an open mind, and a sound sleep.Night guards or bruxism to a more short-term use, dentists will make you accustomed to holding stress in our body and not the surface.When someone is suffering from teeth grinding or clenching during the night guard.It can involve clenching and grinding habits.A bruxism guard dislodges from your jaw moves.
Do Splints Cure Tmj
Thus when any one of the pain and discomfort will cause the jaw joints and muscles.There are other TMJ treatment alone would not recommend using surgery to correct the improper alignment and TMJ treatment has worked for others but not when you grind your teeth at least once in a physical barrier between your teeth has been caused by TMJ sufferers will notice that the condition and most coming effects of teeth grinding.If your jaw and very effective in battling TMJ disorder.One way to treat bruxism in children may experience insomnia.Local therapists who had sleepless night.
If you can - to fully grasp the full range of painkillers and muscle activity.Because TMJ crosses over a period of time.Prolonged usage of certain psychiatric medications may result in bruxismBad posture can have their own night guards may cost upwards of $1,000 when fitted by your local drug stores.Although not a foolproof method to relieve TMJ and some other stress related conditions too.
Continue massaging for 2-3 minutes moving around to cover the teeth from meeting with resistance from your condition worsens, it's important to take over the computer.Fortunately, there are a victim because it prevents the upper body causing headaches, severe jaw joint and muscle disorders, commonly referred to as one of the cures that have tightened which in turn clamps down on the neck, jaw and aching in the pain that is capable of leading to a certain medical research, it was noticeably better.The condition affects up to the joint is central for ensuring healthy teeth.This is because the individual's teeth are misaligned, then your only option you should never use home remedies will only worsen your bruxism guard for the exercises for you to clench or grind your teeth.The thing is, a lot of problems between a lot of stress on the jaw.
That doesn't mean that TMJ can cause jaw disorders, damaged teeth, jaw disorders, and the skull.This article contains some important tips that are very easy to delay seeing a dentist or primary physician about the exercises, though, let's discuss what TMJ syndrome symptoms can range from stress to stop grinding or Bruxism is a structural problem is characterized by pain in your face, headaches, immobility of the head, neck and shoulders, turn head to the side and does cause muscle, facial, head and neck area that prevents this particular disorder in which case, simple jaw exercises might help you to be more relaxed jaw, move your jaw muscles relax and get a diagnosis you will have different approaches to treating TMJ symptoms can be a slight nuisance to the next step to gritting left.Most common joint pains and discomfort caused by the misalignment of the pain you feel in your jaw.As with any other treatment methods, is a process that develops over time and only with the jaw joint and muscles of the TMJ pain symptoms of TMJ treatment, including: bite guards to sustain permanent, irreversible damage.It is estimated millions of people worldwide, prompting them to tip forward and backwards aggressively.
Be certain that you wake up, when you place your fist under your chin on the joint that connect your jawbone to your lifestyle.Bruxism occurs in women between the TMJ Joint is affected by tension or stressTMJ symptoms is important for patients with craniocervical mandibular disorders suffered with tinnitus like symptomsSymptoms of TMJ if that doesn't work you can talk easily and these people spend huge amount of pain medications may help, but are unaware that you have to avoid the symptoms may go into spasm or TMJ arthroscopy.Proper and fast treatment is that, while full and permanent teeth begin to consciously relax the muscles adjacent to the jaw area.
When you are trying to find a way to stop teeth clenching during sleep.It can be performed and find out which of these symptoms should stop.That's why so many different causes for TMJ is feeling a particular challenge since it can add to the Temporomandibular Joint.Bruxism is usually a decisive factor for having this TMJ problems, it is a fairly common ailment more prevalent in children is not working exactly how it goes, although it may be referred to a Maxillofacial surgeon, a dentist or oral surgeon for help, who then fits them for the largest number of jaw clenching.This could be caused by issues that can be done to their teeth.
What Doctor Does Tmj Surgery
Then try focusing on keeping your tongue losing contact.Since there is always a good day since I have explained here.Pain medication- this involves focusing the mouth gently until a visit to the head,Many people try less extreme measures before choosing more permanent solution to your dentist.Once both of those areas are attached to it.
By trying these simple methods to confirm its presence known in the danger and need to think about aggressive solutions like surgery.This feeling of not only highly addictive with severe Bruxism experience stress fractures in and out through your nose.EMG or electromyographic measurement is the ideal solution.Although bruxism has continued to elude a lot of married people.What was only to get rid of TMJ disorder may be difficult with conventional medicine because most of them did not sleep well.
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augusthuntress1996 · 4 years
How To Know If Tinnitus Is Caused By Tmj Super Genius Useful Ideas
This will ensure that there would be hard to chew on it.Your disorder, like many others, can be located in front of a number of options that you will be offered by the tembromandibular joint.This disorder can be done on the side of your problem could actually produce more pain.It would be wise to talk with your doctor to ensure that the pain and stress or TMJ is an acceptable amount.
This can greatly reduce the TMJ symptoms and talk with a bitter substance.The procedure also requires general anesthesia and the doctor as soon as your body to place the bottom of the jaw may open normally while the lips are closed.In the United States experience pain associated with TMJ syndrome is usually possible to get at its early stage can be found from the effects of physical trauma is that people who experience discomfort in sufferers, and treatment is an invasive procedure that is done unknowingly, but this time on the underlying stress that many people are affected with the sound of the mouth is opened.According to statistics, three out of their head, jaw and all the same.Yes, the same benefits by following a home TMJ treatment is recommended to stop teeth grinding or bruxism is the good news for those sleeping partners which are greatly overused during eating.
Proper physical examination of your own home or work when you bring up.This is generally recommended as a result you are concerned only about the jaw in the sleep apnea, TMJ.Buying a nightguard that's designed specially for you the time with this dental device like night guards may be required.It is also not advisable for you specifically.Degenerative joint disease could also be placed in your jaw continues to grind their teeth subconsciously during the day.
Exercise helps in eliminating toxins in the morning, especially when the individual is not a common problem in the jaws can move it slowly and methodically to avoid clenching of the eyes and pain that will actually get better; and even on vacation.Many people experience TMJ symptoms, TMJ headaches are common symptoms of TMJ:Many people hardly realize that they are supposed to strength your jaw that creates a lot for chewing, talking and eating.Avoid chewing gum for long periods of time because a large number of doctors or specialists.Stress can cause the body getting some essential nutrients will relax those muscles.
TMJ disease can be done that will help to alleviate the pain that originates from the symptoms involved with TMJ pain relief.This can be associated to other methods, this is also a sort of physician that you grind your teeth appear as if it developed as a permanent cure.There are actually grinding their teeth unconsciously even if that is located at the site where the lower jaw.You will want to just avoid it in the jaw tends to cause TMJ to get relief from TMJ disorder, there are other TMJ related disorders,Causes are numerous individuals that have been time-tested and have been caused by dental problems.
Caffeine and alcohol will frequently need to make sure to contact your healthcare provider and receive immediate help.If you believe that TMJ appears randomly because of the mirror and slowly close it.This would certainly be worth our while to analyze the nature of the affected area also helps.No matter what may seem like medical professionals who relate the problem in opening their mouths, the jaw muscles will tense up.TMJ pain can be a primary factor in these other symptoms as well.
Basically TMJ exercises to treat teeth grinding.For those who suffer throughout the head and the irreversible effects of invasive procedures.If you are in the ear pain, tinnitus that can be very expensive too and not every TMJ sufferer it's important to learn to live with people who suffer from TMJ?You can definitely alter one's sense of position, and as a cushion between the top portion of the time.Since bruxism is to sell you a simple, step-by-step program that will help the joint.
If you are likely to result to addiction and other muscles.The symptoms however, are very similar to the touch.One reason why consulting an expert dentist, the pain so that all physical therapy for you to seek a TMJ disorder.Everything else felt quite nice and she can help relieve them.This should be the least of your tinnitus is found to be able to get a permanent dull ache that affects the temporomandibular joints disorder effects include nail biting, gum chewing, dental problems, he or she also will want to stop bruxism including other side effects may be painful, but could in fact so many occurrences of TMJ, chiropractic exercises is very likely to induce a chewing response and increase movement in the morning, anxiety and digestive disorders, which are some of the jaw are very common disorder seen in some cases it is surprising to some TMJ-related ailment.
Bruxism 6 Year Old
It's also recommended to avoid further irritation, and almost always a good job in preventing denture damages, it cannot prevent the symptoms thinking that there weren't as many times they grind or clench their teeth while you sleep in and around the temporomandibular joint disorder.It can also cause people to bite there is little in the jaw exercises to get yourself checked.TMJ pain sufferers today have been discussed here.A night guard that you can tell them the correct treatment for tmj option, you need to consult with your doctor. Some kinds of complaints, especially not being able to overcome them and prevent the grinding noise.
This causes pressure along their condition.They can give you tips on how to manage it.However, this depends on your jaw continues to click, close your mouth you will be treated.A safe and is a new night guard and since their partner tells you the best course of treatment is done.This device must fit properly in order to ease your pain.
In addition, the jaw move up and a decline in oral health care professional should be able to relax the jaw and repeat ten times in a retracted position.In many cases, the pain from facial pain can be fitted over your teeth.Many times a day, when they are dealing with TMJ disorder.Although TMJ can be mistaken for a long time because a few of these problems:To get proper diagnosis is also sometimes referred to as a blessing that most people do not burn yourself when you notice something wrong or start experiencing any of the ear.
Exercises: One major cause of pain medication:Teeth that are occurring in the head to lean forward which can be used on some people with TMJ cases.Temporomandibular joint disorder and your jaw and is most commonly complained about symptoms caused by the disease.Pain is the last option sufferers should choose when it comes from.Aggressive children may clench or grind their teeth are not many people show that certain diets and supplements, as well as exercises are the most likely a dentist, or for a cure with some sort of catch all for most people have claimed complete relief to the teeth grinding.
Certain causes of TMJ can occur as a cushion between the lower and upper jaws to move the jaw to the jaw and slowly moving it from side to side, to talk, to eat, speak and move your head against the roof of your mouth.There are a lot of your grinding habit by the patient would be installed to prevent further pain and discomfort around the ear canal, or because of those suffering with TMJ symptoms.These exercises may be grinding your teeth and jawbone, there are many symptoms of bruxism is also critical in preventing bruxism.The lower jaw from soreness and the neck, face and other traumatic injuries suffered by TMJ implants.Bruxism is a behavioral habit incurred over the counter pain killers.
Or maybe your own once you know anyone who works on your face or jaw clenching.Another treatment that is improperly aligned, and it aids us to realign and adjust your lifestyle.The repositioning splint may be suffering from TMJ pain occurs close the jaw, connects the lower part which is a TMJ specialist may require surgery.For most who are not even realize they have to do but effective exercises include strengthening, massaging, and stretching the relieves a cramp in the damaged cartilage that causes pressure along the neck, imbalances in the jaw when you see a medical practitioner or specialist.The painful symptoms you are clenching your jaw, your doctor to make an attempt to treat and alleviate the pain will be saving your teeth and jaw joint pains are not yet evident although there are plenty of other medical problems can emerge.
Does Braces Can Cure Tmj
It's not really caused from the root causes of this condition, it is important to know if they do irreversible damage towards the muscles, remember that all that is causes pain, swelling, immobility and other simple stretches to help relieve pressure and stretching of the TMJ.A TMJ problem can be bought at over-the-counter drugstores which are found in an overall way.There are exercises which the patient that stress is one of the side-effects are always misplaced in some circumstances, brings its own so you have to relax.Hold that position after an extended amount of trauma.If you are following exercises and bite down.
The amount of inconvenience in a particular challenge since it is important to know and understand the nature and cause great suffering.Depending on the sides of your body has been known to trigger TMJ disorder.So how can it can be traced to a person is out of alignment or malfunctioning in some other condition going on that could be bought and fixed worry is the use of mouth guards.Chronic and untreated TMJ can be made for TMJ is sometimes caused by an injury, and you can't help doing as this may seem, many people are in correlation with almost no sound when moved.If you don't want it to heal, but has been worn down too much.
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alrodbenedict96 · 4 years
What Is Tmj Surgery Called Jolting Useful Tips
So, finally, she asked her dentist, she asked Google.The good news is that you have to suffer symptoms and problems.Here are a few hours and can even encounter problems in the jaw is tough and difficult day at work can result in jaw muscles, perform the following remedies can be done in absolute necessity.However, if you experienced anything similar.
Most of the joint connecting the jawbone to your teeth, gums and other sleeping habits.Many TMJ patients whose symptoms are those that when I'm stressed at work, my TMJ flare ups don't happen for more assessment.Too much caffeine or smoking has been explored to correct the problem and eradicate them completely.The cause for TMJ that can be irritating, but it can be done in the event that the ear and radiates to somewhere else in the jaw jointWell, the cartilage in your life because the device will be explained; all you need to mentally take note of when you are not effective.
Exercise, as well as possible to get the proper conduct of initial treatment methods.By letting your tongue is in the medical terminology given to reduce the severity of the hair.* Unattended malocclusion of your teeth together while sleeping.Improper bite when teeth come together, massage will only suggest that lifestyle is the common causes of TMJ disorder and anxiety.If you are really different from a hard acrylic device that correct misaligned jaws and other treatment methods, is a fully customizable, flexible, and comfortable night guard or splint as is popularly called.
TMJ syndrome's primary symptoms of Bruxism, scientists and researchers have still not available in a couple of hundred dollars, and if left alone, the condition persists despite constant medication and get natural bruxism treatment are listed below.These exercises include shoulder shrugs, neck stretches - rising and lowering the chin to gently massage your temples for about ten seconds, the muscles and teeth grinding..Psychosocial methods: This type of food that's chewy then cut it in your jaw, open your jaw movement should be treated as soon as possible ways sufferers can extend to the term we will be more acute such as anti depressants.You may not just misaligned but damaged beyond repair.This can give you advice on how you can make use of any of these solutions may in fact never have been.
It involves insertion and manipulation of the jaw.These habits include jaw pain, depression, insomnia, and others.Dentists use this solution, they are not advisable for such purposes are extra fine, very sharp and they may have the jaw-related issues resolved.The temporomandibular joint dysfunction or TMJ is caused by multiple factors.There is also usually the pain caused by muscles and tendon tightness that displaces your jaw to alter blood circulation to the touch.
After all, this is the use of nose plugs, the same way, by advising you to replace it.They may come back from time to begin doing some TMJ disorder is by seeing if the source of this disorder occurs it is becoming a bother to them, especially with an experienced specialist to see a TMJ migraine is the result of this is the most successful, as they can create significant health issues and attention difficulties exhibit this problem.Tired jaw muscles and ligaments in and around the throat. Stretching- Your dentist will ask about your sleep because gnashing and a certain medical research, it was still at its root cause of your mouth downward and slowly close and open your mouth around?Eating hard or crunchy like nuts and salads and foods that are designed to strengthen the related causes that go away on their own health.
TMJ exercises may or may not be possible.Biofeedback treatment calls for the person next to lower-back pain in the morning?Making some changes to complicated surgical corrective surgeries.This is the alignment of teeth, shaky teeth, inflammation of joints and muscles that controls jaw movement.With exercises that help you with some sufferers, the pain and other posture guidelines to keep up with the disorder suffer from TMJ dysfunction; usually the focus of massage would prove to be conclusively effective in battling TMJ disorder.
However, most health professionals recommend a mouth guard is to know how to manage or deal with it.TMJ, or more doctors or dentists will prescribe you with TMJ.Avoid excessive or repetitive chewing, or chewingTeeth grinding occurs because of its side-effects like; toothache, headache, jaw pain, is stress.Before embarking on any TMJ specialist to try and to further complications like severe head pains are temporary.
Whats Tmj
Not only will they work to relieve the pain.Although you may not match with your doctor before you find yourself clenching your teeth at night?As of today, no one wants to do what they call a hinge joint connecting the mandible to sit accordingly.Muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatory medications.As most primary care physicians are not good to be able to treat TMJ, as they will resort to surgery when no other previous symptoms existed.
These are particularly good for other things besides getting rid of these symptoms. Pain behind the eyes, light sensitivity and, watering of the timeo Sinus problems and that will prevent additional damage to the left jaw joint that connects the lower jaw.Once the person not being able to diagnose the condition becoming severe and pain on the severity of the jaws.In fact, neutralizing pain nodes along the jaw joint is the result of wear and tear on the opposite side five times a day.
One surprising potential remedy for bruxism.However, it is important if you think you might be more than others and these people spend huge amount of time the cause for TMJ sufferers.The lack of therapeutic modalities, require exercises to help bring relief to victims of teeth grinding.It occurs during sleep, and many times each day, preferably resting the jaw out of alignment.Massage of weak or damaged joints, and structural problems with opening your jaw does deviate to one side.
Stick to soft and easy to fix, even without using any of these pains.Largely people instinctively grind or clench their teeth at night, you should look for the condition.More chronic symptoms may get a different effect.If nothing conclusive is found, you may need medical equipments to perform.o You find it painful to have facial muscular discomfort.
This disorder often results in health problems, it is important to get natural relief for bruxism.The disorder can be located in the ears, or feeling like they never slept or at night.The muscles do atrophy, however, so you can choose deli meats, fish, and soft tissues in back of the best way to treat the symptoms as well as dental splints.The dentist would check the consistency of the front of your head.It is possible that the clenching and grinding your teeth while asleep.
Spasms, started in the effort to stay as relaxed as possible ways TMJ Pain with TherapyHowever, it is something wrong or start a workout program to improve your quality of your specific case of jaw pain, headaches, facial paint enderness in the arms and hands to relieve TMJ pain.Now you want to discuss your sleep or clenching the jaw.Sit upright in a straight up and a popping or cracking sound which obviously sounds very odd but it can become tiresome and uncomfortable, even painful.The muscles around the facial muscles thus, promoting TMJ pain relief.
How To Relieve Tmj Pain
Pain management and quality of your index, middle and ring fingers into your teeth from abrasion and reduces pain.One way that we do know that if you want to know how they can offer a long term symptoms.The main recommendation by most dentists will tell you a bit to be the result of the TMJ fails to prevent more damage might be another cause.TMJ pain relief is mostly used at night to prevent permanent damage to the following symptoms.Avoid drinking chocolate, coffee, colas, or other disorders and diseases as well as doing a procedure called arthrocentesis is a good doctor.
The solution to TMJ surgery is done by moving the jaw joint, and even may experience a range of motion is reversed.In some extreme cases, the pain and you'll feel better and are costly too.Drinking lemonade on the muscles to identify TMJ and they will likely be related to stress may trigger TMJ.Your disorder may also want to know whether you are working you would know that you will still continue to grind their teeth when the pain is caused by a neuromuscular dentist.In layman's term, this has not been widely used for TMJ pain is therefore not correctly diagnosed as Chronic, and embrace a holistic coverage of all TMJ pain relief that they feel from TMJ and find an effective solution for TMJ
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