claymoresword · 2 years
The Queen And Her Knight | Chp: 6
Alicent Hightower x Knight Fem!Reader
Summary: Alicent Hightower against her better judgement, falls in love with her sworn protector. Can she bear to fight her feelings or will she finally just give in?
Wordcount: 2.8k
Pairing: Alicent x Reader
Warnings: mention of SA, fluff, angst, smut (?)
Note: as i added in the warning above there is mention of assault in this. ive added asterisks before the paragraph so u can skip it if u need to but again do not read it if its going to be triggering! take care of urselves pls
initially i had ideas to write actual smut for this chapter but leading up to it didn't really feel organic so i changed my mind
i do have plans for it in the future though pls dont get mad it will come have patience!
anyway i hope u enjoy this one as usual let me know what u think <3
taglist: : @blackbirdv98 @flaiire1805 @alicentfangirl @memarrymilf @thegayassbit-ch @pandoraboxofgay @vantestark @babylesbean06 @lelleel @hauntedfictionland @livinginafantasysposts @baddie-on-a-mission-xx @katieask @alanatabalno12 @slytherin-sun @eclosionducharme @evolutionsglory @darthtargnister @jayreadingforfun314 @dxrewclf @rozmrazaradelfinow
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The council meeting had ended hours ago but the day’s far from over.
You’ve been searching every inch of the castle for the crown Prince but to no avail.
Stepping inside Alicent’s chambers you spot Ser Criston next to her. It seems you had walked in on them mid conversation.
“Whatever you may feel for me, as your Queen.” You catch Alicent whisper to Criston.
Your eyebrows knitted together, what could they have been possibly speaking about that would warrant such a statement?
“I will not fail you.” Criston responds.
A beat passes and they still failed to acknowledge your presence.
You cleared your throat before speaking.
“You asked to see me, Your Grace?”
Alicent turns to look at you, moving to further her distance from the other Knight.
“Yes, Lady y/n.” You catch Alicent let out a relieved sigh and for a moment you wonder if she shared the same sentiment.
That early morning’s events had left you feeling repugnant. Criston always had trouble controlling his impulses but witnessing him kill an innocent man in cold blood was not something you could overlook. He was a man without honor and you did not respect it.
Seeing him in close proximity to the Queen now, you could not help but feel protective. Your hand reflexively resting on the hilt of your sword.
“That will be all Ser Criston, you may go.” Alicent says.
Criston doesn’t move. Instead, he shoots you a hard stare, a look you had no problem reciprocating. You gripped your sword tighter, prepared for the physical challenge if it presented itself.
He forfeits the staring contest to glance at the Queen once more before bowing his head at her. Finally walking out, leaving the two of you alone.
How a man at his age could behave with such pettiness was beyond you.
Alicent walks over to her door quickly shutting it. Making her way back she pulls you into a kiss. The sudden nature of it was followed by a familiar fluttering in your belly as the Queen’s lips moved against yours.
Smiling into the kiss, your hand found her face, holding it tenderly.
“I despise today.” Alicent says after ending the kiss.
Brushing your thumb against her cheek, you spoke.
“I’m afraid I must disappoint you further my Queen. I had no luck locating the Prince.”
“I checked in with Ser Erryk and he only mentioned the Prince might have gone into the city.”
“Erryk? Which one’s that?”
Alicent asks with some asperity and you have to suppress the urge to laugh.
“He’s the Prince’s sworn guard, Alicent.”
“Oh, that’s right– Erryk.” The Queen nods, walking away from you.
“Just as well, I have already sent Ser Criston to search for Aegon in the city. I only hope he will have better luck.”
You attempt to hide your disapproval at that but your face betrays you.
Alicent notices before you manage to school your expression.
“What is it?” The Queen questions as she takes a seat at her table.
“After this morning’s theatrics I can’t help but doubt his competence.” You answer after a beat.
Alicent furrows her eyebrows.
“Yes, Ser Criston has always been..” The Queen pauses as if trying to find the right words.
She finally says.
That left you feeling even more unsettled. Her answer provided no reassurance.
You stepped forward kneeling down in front of Alicent, your hands on the armrests of her chair.
“Should I be worried?”
Her eyes met yours, gaze softened with adoration. You watched as her eyes flitted to your lips before answering.
“He has never laid a hand on me, my love.” Alicent says.
You scan her face for a moment, trying to catch any trace of dishonesty. You knew how good she was at deceiving others when it came to her emotions but you had gotten even better at seeing through it.
“Okay.” You said once satisfied that she was telling you the truth.
“But I swear if he ever tries to hurt you he will not be returning to Dorne in one piec–”
Alicent cuts you off by planting a quick kiss on your lips. Earning a smile from you. Your heart feeling like it could burst for the amount of love you felt for your Queen.
Your fingers getting lost in her hair, you quickly pulled her in for a real kiss. You moved to deepen it right away, tongue grazing her bottom lip and Alicent's mouth opens wider in response. The Queen lets out a whimper against your lips as she pulls you closer by your collar, making it difficult for you to think clearly.
Your hands moved to grip her waist. Tilting your head, you left a trail of kisses starting from her jaw, and then her neck.
Alicent’s chest is heaving as you pulled down her dress slightly to place an open mouthed kiss against her collar bone. Moving further down, you planted another at the swell of her breast.
The Queen’s hand finds the back of your neck before moving to grip your hair, she tugs at it forcing you to lift your head.
“Wait–” She says in between pants.
Alicent’s darkened gaze further igniting your desire for her.
Placing her hands on your shoulders she shoves you lightly before sitting upright.
“You have many talents y/n and distracting me is evidently one of them.”
She states and a smirk forms on your lips.
“Well you flatter me, Your Grace.” You quipped, smirk growing into a broad smile.
Alicent rolls her eyes at you before looking away to hide her own grin. Your heart swells at the sight.
“Will you please escort me to the Tower Of The Hand? I have to speak to my father.” Alicent says before standing up, compelling you to do the same.
The air between the both of you still thick. You are admittedly having trouble shaking off the intense make out session that was just abruptly ended moments ago.
Alicent must have noticed as she tugs at the hem of your breeches causing your face to be inches away from hers again, she kisses you deeply.
“Let us have supper tonight? Once the matter with Aegon is settled.” She whispers against your lips.
“I would love to.”
Walking through Maegor’s Holdfast, you had intentions to visit Prince Aegon as you had not seen him since before he disappeared.
You had the desire to make sure he was prepared for his coronation tomorrow and perhaps talk him out of any plots he might have of escaping again.
Walking past a group of handmaidens you gave them a warm smile before bowing at them politely. Soon you spotted the Lord Hand in the distance speaking to somebody just out of your range of vision, they were hidden behind a pillar.
It wasn’t unusual for you come across Otto of course but his hushed tone is what made you feel inclined to stop and eavesdrop.
“I noticed you have spent many hours with the Queen as of late, Lord Larys.”
“There is no reason those hours could not in the end benefit you.”
Hearing the tail end of that conversation was enough to make you physically recoil.
What in the seven hells was he implying?
You weren’t allowed much time to ruminate as the Hand quickly spots you.
Resuming your walk to Aegon’s chambers you pretended to have not overheard their talk.
Larys throwing you a smile as he passes you, his attempt at gallantry merely causes the hair on the back of your neck to stand up.
“My Lord Hand.”
You bowed your head in respect to quickly acknowledge Otto but he stops you in your tracks again by harshly grabbing your arm.
You had no choice but to listen to what he had to say.
“The Prince needs his rest my Lady, he will not welcome any vistors.”
Otto states and you feel anger creeping up on you quickly. Forcing your lips into a cold smile before responding to him.
“Did the Prince himself, say that my Lord? Or are you merely speaking for him?”
Otto doesn’t respond instead he stares at you in a way that suggested his word was final.
The day has been challenging enough and you did not wish to add to the burden.
Bowing your head again you turn around to take your leave. You settled at the prospect of visiting Aegon early on the morrow.
Alicent sighed as she shut the door to her chambers. Immediately dragging her feet to the flagon of wine, pouring herself a cup.
Truth be told she was more than ready to get into bed and fall into a slumber, but the supper with you was one thing she had been looking forward to since you left her side.
She hears the door open and is glad to be greeted by your presence but an unwanted voice calls out to her instead.
“Your Grace.”
“The hour is late, Lord Larys.” Alicent doesn’t attempt to mask her exasperation.
“I only desired to share a conversation I had with the Lord Hand early today, Your Grace.”
“As you were the topic of said conversation I feel it would not be fair to keep it from you.”
Alicent’s swallows the lump in her throat.
Lord Larys’ presence may often be a discomfort to her but as far as she knows he had always told her the truth.
“Go on my Lord, what did my father have to say?”
Alicent doesn’t bother facing him, instead she lifts the cup to her lips, taking a large swig of wine.
“There was a mention of your shortage of allies as of late, Your Grace.” Larys starts.
“I simply put myself forward as a remedy to that.”
Alicent felt sick.
Larys was speaking in riddles but she understood him well enough.
“As of tomorrow the realm will be officially divided, you will need as many on your side as possible.”
“As Lord of Harrenhal I can assist in ensuring that you will always have somebody by your side.”
Larys steps closer and any effort Alicent has made to move away did not work.
She felt paralysed.
“You must get so lonely.” He reaches out brushing a strand of hair out of Alicent’s face.
She could not move but she mustered just enough to speak.
“You cross a line Lord Strong. How dare you lay a hand on your Queen.”
You made your way over to Alicent’s chambers later than usual as you had spent some of the day with Prince Aemond. You could always count on him to make you to lose track of time.
Nearing the Queen’s room you had noticed her door had been left slightly ajar but Ser Criston was nowhere to be seen. Either he left his post to find a chamber pot or he is in the room with her, again.
Pushing the door open, you stepped inside. The sight you are met with makes your blood run cold.
Larys had Alicent pinned on the ground, you watched as she squirmed underneath him trying to fight her way out of his hold.
You unsheathed your sword storming up to him. You roughly grabbed the back of his shirt, successfully pulling him off her with one harsh tug.
He falls backwards onto the ground, a look on his face that only made you grow hot with fury. He had the audacity to look shocked at your interference.
“Have you lost your mind?!” You shouted.
Larys attempted to sit up but you pressed the tip of your sword directly into his neck, drawing blood.
He winces at the pain and it only urged you to push further.
“Have you any last words before I remove your head? You miserable fuck.” You were trembling with anger.
“Wait y/n. You can’t– don’t kill him.”
Alicent says in between sobs, her voice barely audible.
You glanced at the Queen not making any moves to remove your sword. Still intent on taking the man’s life that assaulted her.
Alicent knew you too well to mince words with you in this moment.
“Spare him. I command it.”
You removed the steel from his neck, sheathing your sword at once.
As much as you hated it Alicent was right, the Lord of Harrenhal murdered in the Queen’s chambers the night before Aegon’s coronation would look very bad.
“What do you suppose I do with him instead, Your Grace?”
Alicent opens her mouth to answer but she is interrupted by Ser Criston walking in, rushing over to the scene.
Making eye contact with him, your fist moved quicker than your mind could comprehend.
You punched him in the face.
Criston stumbles back holding his face in shock.
“Why did you let him in?” You asked through gritted teeth, your hand gripping the collar of his shirt.
“I-” He stutters, failing to answer and you roll your eyes.
Hand still gripping his shirt you pulled him closer to speak directly into his ear.
“Lord Larys had just tried to assault the Queen. You make sure he rots in a cell until the end of his days.”
Criston nods, harshly grabbing Larys to force him on his feet practically dragging him out of the Queen’s chambers.
Somewhere during your confrontation with Criston, Alicent had began sobbing again. Now that the two of you were alone she still has not stopped.
You knelt down, hand instinctively on Alicent’s back you were weary of touching her too much. Unsure if she even wanted you to.
“I’m so sorry Alicent.” You say and she immediately turns to pull you into a hug.
For several minutes you held the Queen in your arms as she sobbed in your chest.
After her crying subsided Alicent remained resting her head against your shoulder with your arms around her. The Queen makes no effort to move to her bed so you decide to help her.
“Come my love let’s get you to bed.”
Alicent doesn’t respond for a moment but eventually she nods before standing up. You swiftly lifted her in your arms before she could walk, the Queen lets out yelp in surprise.
Carrying her to bed bridal style, adorably you caught a faint blush forming on Alicent’s cheeks but decide not to comment on it.
Setting Alicent down in her bed gently you carefully draped the covers over her.
“Do you want me to stay?”
The answer was obvious by the way Alicent was gripping your arm but you felt it important to ask before climbing into bed with her after the night she’s had.
“Please.” Alicent nods, pulling you closer she shuffles to the other side allowing you space to lay in her bed.
Putting out the candle on your side of the bed you reached over to do the same to her side but Alicent surprises you by crashing her lips against yours.
Expecting it to be a quick kiss, you reciprocated. You attempted to pull away but Alicent stills your movement by placing a hand on the back of your neck.
“Please just keep kissing me. I want to feel you.” Alicent’s breath against your lips.
You leaned in, kissing her properly this time. Your hand that remained firmly against her jaw she quickly guided to her waist.
You kiss her deeply, still cautious but tender. Alicent moves her hand underneath your shirt running her palm across your bare stomach. No doubt she can feel your goose bumps forming at her touch.
Disconnecting the kiss to speak, you leaned back to look at her.
“My love, are you sure?”
Alicent nods, her other hand moving to the back of your neck once again. Pulling you close.
“I need to feel you.” She repeats.
Alicent need not ask again, you understood what she was saying.
Moving fully under the covers, you settled your hips in between Alicent’s legs as you placed feather light kisses on her cheek down to her neck, chest and everywhere else she allowed.
Erasing any trace of Larys there may be left on her skin.
“I want to make you Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.”
Alicent blurts out into a silent dark room and you let out a huff in amusement.
“Alicent, you must try and sleep.”
You moved your hand along her back soothingly, you’d truthfully been drifting off yourself before she spoken.
“I’m being serious.” She says firmly.
“As am I. You are going to be exhausted come the morrow.” You matched her tone.
“You do not accept?” Alicent lifts her head to look at you.
“Your Grace, I am hardly competent enough to lead.”
“You would make a better leader than Ser Criston.” Alicent remarks, her hand moving to rest on your chest.
“That much we know for certain.” You mutter.
“Will you sleep on it? Give me an answer on the morrow.”
You nod, arguing with your Queen no further.
Alicent seemed content at that, moving closer she lifts your arm to drape it around herself. Head resting against your shoulder as she finally drifted off to sleep.
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12 Days of Holiday Fics
Day Eight: How Yelena Stole Christmas
(A/N) I just had to add that i fucking knew you sluts would like that wanda fic lmfao im happy yall are enjoying these. this is light compared to the other yelena smut i’ve got stowed away, but it’s here nonetheless! happy holidays, hoes!
Rating: E!! Minors DNI!!!
Warnings: Light degradation; Top!Yelena; Bottom!R; dirty talk as per usual; rather tame compared to the wanda fic lmao
Pairing: Yelena Belova x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Synopsis: You try to convince your girlfriend to put on an ugly sweater. Yelena tries to convince you no sweater is better than any sweater.
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| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | X | X | X |
“I am not putting that on.” Yelena repeats, for perhaps the millionth time, as her fingers grip the edge of your own sweater. You’ve been having this discussion for about thirty minutes now, if one could call it a discussion. In reality, the blonde has been distracting you from your reasoning with her teeth and tongue, and you’re becoming less and less inclined to remind her how late you already are to the party.
“It’s festive,” you tell her as her lips move to your neck, kissing the spot that makes you sigh. “Babe-”
“It’s hideous.”
“That’s the point of an ugly sweater party.”
“I’d rather have an anti-sweater party.” Her lips graze your collarbone as her fingers tug at your sweater. “Better yet, an anti-clothes party.”
“I’ll be sure to invite Tony to that one.” You snort with laughter, earning a displeased groan from Yelena.
“Absolutely not. I was thinking more of a private show.”
“You see me naked all the time, Lena.” You remind her. When she bites down this time, it’s hard enough to make you grunt, hips twitching involuntarily. “And being naked isn’t festive.”
“What, you want to be wrapped up?” Yelena’s hands decidedly bypass the sweater and cup your breasts over your bra. “I don’t think I’d mind that, actually.”
“The party-” you gasp when her fingers slip beneath your bra to toy with your nipples.
“I want to fuck you,” Yelena breathes, rolling her hips tantalizingly against yours. She’s damn near impossible to deny like this, her eyes dark with want and her expression open with adoration. 
“Fine,” you relent, “but you’re putting the damn sweater on after. I don’t care how late we are, you’re wearing the fucking sweater.”
Yelena scoffs, one of her hands immediately darting down to unbutton your pants. “Can’t make it to the stupid party if you can’t walk, now can we?” When she finds the wetness already waiting for her, she shakes with laughter. “Why do you insist on being such a brat when you so clearly want this?”
You hide your grin by playfully biting her shoulder. “Why do you insist on being a brat when you know this party is going to be fun?”
“Because I like having you to myself.” Fingers push inside of you without warning. You arch into Yelena, a gasp of her name leaving your lips. When she leans back to look at you, a curtain of blonde hair falling around you, Yelena is smirking. “You’re so fucking beautiful, you know that?”
You’re dimly aware of her free hand ripping your sweater off of your body, her lips on your pulse point distractingly as effectively as her fingers curling just so.
“I think you like it when I have you to myself, too,” Yelena teases, examining the mark she’s left on your skin. “Considering you’re practically dripping.”
“The point of a quickie is the quick part.” You gripe, whining when her thrusts speed up.
“Oh yeah? And what makes you think this is going to be quick?”
“The party-”
“If you want to go to it without having an orgasm,” she slows her pace significantly, causing you to whimper pathetically. “That’s fine with me.”
“No,” you hiss. “No, I didn’t say that.”
“Really? Sounds like you want me to stop, which is fine.”
“I did not say that, please don’t stop.”
“I’m not convinced. Maybe you should beg me.”
You give her an incredulous expression. Her fingers are sliding in and out of you leisurely, like Yelena has all the time in the world to fuck you. (If she had it her way, she would.) “Seriously?”
“Do I look like I’m kidding, detka?” She bends down to pull one of your nipples between her lips. You gasp at the sensation. “Go on. Be a good girl and beg me.”
You bite your tongue. Yelena’s eyes meet yours, a challenge shining in them. She fucks into you with renewed vigor, her fingers pressing against the spots she knows will drive you to the edge without throwing you off. The pressure against your clit is entirely gone, but the movement of her hand causes the heel of her palm to brush against it often enough to make you twitch under her.
“Always such a fucking brat,” she hisses against your other breast as she gives it equal attention as the first. “I should just tie you up. Show you who’s in charge. Remind you who you belong to.”
Her words cause you to moan. Yelena has always been the possessive type - it’s just part of who she is - but she’d never talked so openly about it like this. 
“Of course you’d like that,” she continues, laughing at the way you tighten around her fingers. “I could fuck you in front of the entirety of the Avengers and you’d still beg for more. Such a needy little thing.”
Your fingers tangle themselves into her hair. “Fuck. Yelena, please.”
“Please what?” She mocks. “Be specific, detka.”
“Please let me cum,” you groan, body beginning to shake. You’re so close, you can feel your thighs trembling around her waist.”Please, Lena, I’m so close-”
“You’re close?” Yelena’s pace quickens until you’re seeing stars. She’s grunting with the effort of fucking you as deep and hard as possible. “You want to cum for me?”
“Yes, please,” you’ babble breathlessly, “Please baby, I-I need to cum. Please.”
You don’t know what it is exactly that makes Yelena finally give into what you both want. Your moans are difficult to keep quiet once she returns pressure to your clit, so after a few minutes, you don’t. She’s pulling you apart at the seams, and you’re so fucking eager to let her.
“Beg me again, malyshka,” Yelena encourages into your ear. “Beg me to let you cum. I love hearing you beg for me. Let everyone hear what a desperate slut you are for me.”
You do as she says without second-thought. You’re moaning so loudly your throat is starting to ache. Your orgasm rips through you hard and fast, leaving you shaking beneath the blonde’s still thrusting fingers.
“Lena,” you stutter softly, “I can’t-”
“You can,” she places a kiss to your forehead. “Just a little longer. Let me savor the feeling of this tight pussy around my fingers.”
You’re a mess already by the time she gives you a third orgasm.  You can’t think straight, can barely feel your own legs until Yelena pulls out of you with that fucking smirk on her face. 
“Still want to go to that stupid party?” She teases.
You keep your expression even, despite the way your body is folding underneath hers. “Yes. Obviously,” you answer, more out of spite than anything. Yelena laughs softly at the defiance in your face, leaning down to press her lips to yours fondly.
“Alright, detka, I’ll put on the damn sweater.”
(You’re only two hours late to the party, to be fair. Natasha stares at your sweaters for a long moment, her disappointment only deepening when she reads them. Yelena’s ‘Sorry I’m late, I was doing things’ and your ‘I’m things’ not really helping whatever bullshit excuse Yelena had pulled out of her ass to explain your lateness.
(Worth it.)
~ General Tags! ~
@nobody13 @fireflyglass @swords-are-cool @artapdarkstr @pasta-bandit @multi-images @women-am-i-right @fanboy7794 @simplysimping999 @ohmygooddamnbisexual-mood @jayreadingforfun314 @alotofpockets​
//lemme know if you wanna be tagged uwu
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claymoresword · 2 years
The Queen And Her Knight | Chp: 5
Alicent Hightower x Knight Fem!Reader
Summary: Alicent Hightower against her better judgement, falls in love with her sworn protector. Can she bear to fight her feelings or will she finally just give in?
Pairing: Alicent x Reader
Wordcount: 3.2k
Warnings: angst, fluff, unconditional love is the only thing alicent needs and y/n provides exactly that!
Note: this one is basically just set up for the next one but i wanted to add in as much fluff as i possibly could before things really start to pick up next chapter!
i just wanna say thank u so much for all the love shown on this story so far it really means a lot and motivates me to keep it going :)
anyway that's it, i hope you enjoy this one as much as i enjoyed writing it!
taglist: @blackbirdv98 @flaiire1805 @alicentfangirl @memarrymilf @thegayassbit-ch @pandoraboxofgay @vantestark @babylesbean06 @lelleel @hauntedfictionland @livinginafantasysposts @baddie-on-a-mission-xx @katieask @alanatabalno12 @slytherin-sun @eclosionducharme @evolutionsglory @darthtargnister @jayreadingforfun314 @dxrewclf @rozmrazaradelfinow
not my gif!
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"You need to be rested for tomorrow Your Grace, please try to get some sleep."
You have been sat on Alicent's bed, exhaustively trying to convince her to find rest. Since sending Talya away the Queen has not spoken a word.
"Alicent." You try once more but still she doesn't respond.
You were beginning to wonder if she could even hear you.
You stand up, making your way over. Alicent doesn't stop pacing until you are stood directly in front of her.
She finally looks up, meeting your gaze and you release the breath you weren't even aware you were holding.
Reaching forward, you removed her hand from her mouth. The Queen's nails raw and bloody as she'd been gnawing at it endlessly. Her eyes red and puffy, it pained you to witness her in this state.
Alicent has never looked so fragile.
You slowly lift her hand to your mouth, placing a tender kiss against her cuticles. You only wish she would stop hurting herself.
The Queen closes her eyes, visibly relaxing. You take it as a sign to further your efforts. Leaning in, you place a gentle kiss against her eyelid.
Alicent has a bigger reaction to this. Immediately wrapping her arms around you, she nuzzles her face into your shoulder.
You are content with holding her silently. Alicent doesn't say anything and you don't expect her to.
She is grieving her husband, the father of her children. All you can do right now is support her in any way you could.
"Come to bed my love, you must rest." You try again.
Alicent lifts her head off your shoulder.
She doesn't make any effort to walk to the bed with you but finally, she speaks.
"The King.. on his deathbed–"
"He told me he wishes for Aegon to be crowned King."
It was your turn to be at a lost for words.
Staring at Alicent for a moment you fail to conjure a response. Your silence seemed to worsened her anxiety as she snaps at you.
“Y/n, say something-” Agitation prevalent in the Queen’s tone.
“But he named Princess Rhaenyra his heir.”
You stated the obvious, still incapable of finding the right words.
What Alicent’s suggesting is the usurpation of an anointed heir. Stripping away the Princess’ birthright will be catastrophic.
It will mean war.
“He did, but he changed his mind. He expressed the words to me himself.”
“It was his final wish, I must honour it.”
If it weren’t for the faint tremble in her voice you would’ve been fooled by the Queen’s feigned conviction.
You shake your head as you spoke.
Not getting the opportunity to speak what was on your mind, she interrupts you. Predicting exactly what you were about to say.
“Then what would you have me do instead?” She raises her voice.
“Are you expecting me to be deceitful?”
You folded your arms, taking a moment to come up with a sound response.
“Okay. When the Prince Aegon is crowned, What then? The Princess of Dragonstone will not take this lightly Alicent. What you are proposing is war.”
Alicent breaks your gaze her face now in her hands.
She looks exhausted.
You move to embrace her once more and she allows you.
“It isn’t fair, this should not be on you.”
The Queen is crying again and you only hold her tighter.
Once again Alicent is left to pick up the pieces.
The King married Alicent when she was a child. She was then forced to bear his children and raise them by herself, and now this.
You felt a rage overcome you.
Letting Alicent go you walked away from her. Facing out the window you attempt to collect yourself.
“If I deliver this news to the council I would be dividing the realm.”
Alicent’s voice is still shaking, if only the feeling of you holding her could solve all of her problems.
You shake your head again.
“No, King Viserys divided the realm when he decided to name the Princess his heir.”
Venom in your tone at the mention of his name.
A beat passes of complete silence from Alicent and it’s only then you realise what you have just said.
“I am sorry Your Grace, I have spoken out of turn.”
The Queen doesn’t give you a reaction and for a moment you wonder if you had gone a step too far with your words.
“You have.” Alicent asserts but there is no harshness to her words.
“But you are also right.”
The Queen sighs. She moves her fingers to her mouth again but quickly stops herself.
You held your hand out, offering her it to hold. She takes your hand in hers gladly, intertwining your fingers.
You guide her to the bed and she relents, sitting on the edge she’s now moved her hand to grip your arm, drawing small circles against it with her fingers anxiously.
“What do you think I should do? Answer honestly.” She looks at you expectantly.
“Truthfully, I believe it matters not what you do, Your Grace.”
You catch Alicent wince slightly before placing your hand over hers.
“If I may speak freely?” Alicent nods and you elaborate.
“I believe the Lord Hand will plot to install your son as King either way, Alicent.”
“It matters not what you do.” You repeat.
Alicent stares at you for a moment before letting out a defeated laugh.
You only feel more sad for her.
Alicent rests her head on your shoulder, she intertwines your fingers again.
“You are entirely right. I suppose there is no use dwelling over the inevitable.”
You nod.
“This is a fairly distressing reality to be faced with, Your Grace. If there was any way for me to lessen your burden I would do so in a heartbeat.”
Alicent lifts her head to look into your eyes.
A faint smile on her lips, her hand now cupping your cheek as she guides your face closer, kissing you passionately.
The Queen’s hand moves to rest on your chest after your lips left hers.
“My knight in shining armor.” She whispers.
In any other situation you would’ve taken her words as mockery but in this moment, you knew Alicent was being entirely serious.
You matched her longing gaze, not fighting the smile threatening to form on your lips.
Shuffling backwards you held onto Alicent’s hand as you pulled her into bed with you.
She doesn’t fight it this time.
Situating yourself against the pillows Alicent wastes no time in snuggling into you, her head now resting against your chest. Your hand moves to stroke her back soothingly.
A few moments pass and you wonder if the Queen has drifted off.
Testing your luck, you spoke.
“I don’t believe the Princess would be a just ruler with Daemon as her council.”
Maybe you were justifying only to make Alicent feel better, but there was still truth to what you said.
The Rogue Prince valued cruelty above all.
Alicent’s still awake. She responds quickly.
“So you feel Aegon should be King?”
“No.” You admit simply.
Alicent let out a chuckle at that.
“In truth, I have no faith in the young Prince.”
Alicent hums in understanding and you are genuinely surprised.
“I do not think Aegon himself has any faith in Aegon.”
Alicent quips and it was your turn to laugh.
“I don’t believe in him Alicent but I do believe in you.”
The Queen sits up to give you a warning look but you continue anyway.
“You should sit the Iron Throne.” You state bravely.
Alicent was quick to place her hand over your mouth.
“Don’t jest.” She scolds.
“I do not mock you, My Queen.” You say pulling her hand away.
“Speak no more of it y/n, I’m serious. One could mistake your words for treason. It is not my desire to see your head on a spike.”
You remained silent and Alicent takes that as a sign that you were done speaking on the matter. She resumes her previous position, wrapping her arm around you.
“With your guidance, Aegon might just make a good ruler.” You reassure.
“Your belief in me moves me deeply, my love.” Alicent says you feel her pull you closer.
“I will send terms to Rhaenyra in the morrow and pray that she sees reason.”
The Queen breathes out, before slowly drifting off into a much needed slumber.
You were stood guard by the door, listening in on the dreaded small council meeting.
Maybe it was the fact that the sun has not fully come up yet, but there was an eeriness looming over this morning and it makes you uneasy.
“What was so important that it could not wait another hour?” Tyland says, taking his seat at the table.
He’s met with a stony silence.
“Was Dorne invaded?” He jests and you grimace.
His sheer inability to read a room was astounding.
More silence before the Hand finally speaks.
“The King is dead.”
Ser Tyland slumps back into his seat, his grin quickly dissipates as if it were never there to begin with.
Another chill goes down your spine.
You watched as Alicent puts her face in her hands, she had managed to get a few hours of sleep but it was hardly enough rest for something as demanding as today.
“We grieve for Viserys the peaceful, our sovereign. Our friend.” Otto says and you detect a real sadness behind his words.
For a moment you wonder if he actually did possess the capacity to care for another but he didn’t leave you much room to ponder as he speaks again.
“With his last breath, he impressed upon the Queen his final wish. That his son, Prince Aegon should succeed him as Lord of The Seven Kingdoms.” The Hand says and Alicent looks petrified.
“Then we must proceed now with the full assurance of his blessing on our long laid plans.” Ser Tyland states after a long silence.
You scoffed, not caring that everyone else could hear you.
You so badly wanted to be wrong about the Hand.
Not only has he been plotting Aegon’s succession behind the Queen’s back he was now hiding behind her word. Acting as if it was not all apart of his plan to begin with.
He is truly a cunt.
“Yes, there is much to be done as we’ve previously discussed.” Otto states.
Alicent stares at you bewildered.
Eventhough she knew you were right, she naturally expected more from her own father.
You merely shake you head apologetically, breaking her gaze. You could not bear to watch her right now.
“Now, there are two among the captains of the city watch that remain loyal to Daemon let us replace them.” Otto states with such ease, taking his seat the table.
“Lord Lannister?”
“The treasury is well in hand. The gold will be divided for safe keeping.” Tyland reassures.
“Am I to understand that members of the small council has been planning secretly to install my son without me?” Alicent finally speaks, her voice sounded so frail.
All you could feel was pure disdain towards the men surrounding her today.
“My Queen there was no need to sully you with darkling schemes.” Lord Jasper explains.
Alicent did not appreciate his condescension and neither did you.
“I will not have this. To hear that you are plotting to replace the King’s chose heir with an imposter!” Lord Beesbury protests and you honestly could not find it in yourself to blame him.
“His firstborn son is hardly an imposter.”
“Hundreds of Lords and landed Knights swore fealty to the Princess.”
“That was some 20 years ago. Most of them now dead.” Tyland interjects again.
“You heard the Lord Hand, plot or no the King changed his mind.”
Lord Beesbury was not backing down.
“I am 6 and 70 years old. I have known Viserys longer than any who sit at this table. And I will not believe that he said this on his deathbed, alone, with only the boys mother as a witness.”
You instinctively placed your hand on the hilt of your sword. You watch as Ser Criston steps forward as well.
“This is seizure! It is theft! This is treason!”
“That is quite enough Lord Beesbury.” You warned, stepping forward.
What he is accusing Alicent of, you could not merely stand by and listen. Especially after seeing the look on her face.
“The King was well last night, by all accounts.”
Beesbury states confidently and you failed to suppress the sardonic chuckle that escapes your lips.
The King's health was deteriorating rapidly for all to see. You did not understand the insistence to deny this.
“Which of you here can swear that he died of his own accord?”
Beesbury accuses and you interpose quickly. You understood his anger but to accuse the Queen of such slanders is an act of treason in itself.
“You have said enough, my Lord.” You warned him again.
“Exactly which of us are you accusing of regicide, Lord Beesbury?”
You move to guide the man back to his seat but Ser Criston beats you to it.
“Sit down!” Criston forcefully pushes Lord Beesbury back down in his seat, resulting in his head hitting the marble on the table harshly. You watched as everyone winced, blood now pooling by his head.
Lord Beesbury is dead.
“Ser Criston–” Alicent gasps, her hand over her mouth.
Swiftly stepping in between him and the Queen, you couldn’t believe you had to now protect her from a sworn Knight of the Kingsguard.
The Lord Commander unsheathes his sword pointing it at Criston.
“Remove your cloak and throw down your sword Ser Criston.”
Criston moves to grab his own sword but you unsheathe yours quickly before he got the chance, pointing it directly at his neck. You walk him backwards away from the table, far from the Queen.
“You forget yourself Cole. That is the Lord Commander, and I am the Queen’s sworn protector.”
You challenge and watched as his face contorted in anger.
“I will not suffer insults to her Grace the Queen.”
You grimaced.
Something about his tone did not sit right with you. He was behaving as if Alicent was his to protect, to own.
“There was no insult to me Ser Criston.”
Alicent chimes in, but you do not break Criston’s heated stare.
“Put away your blade y/n, please.”
Alicent pleads, not using your title. A slight that didn’t go unnoticed.
In that moment she was speaking to you as someone who loved her, not as her sworn Knight.
You obey, sheathing your sword. Although, Criston does not make any effort to remove himself.
The council immediately goes back to discussing their business. Grand Maester Orwyle suggested removing the body but the Lord Hand was quick to dismiss him.
“What of Rhaenyra?” Alicent interrupts.
Otto stares at her for a moment and the odd glimmer in his eye almost makes you shiver.
“The former heir cannot ofcourse, be allowed to remain free and draw support to her claim.”
“You mean to imprison her.”
“She and her family will be given the opportunity to publicly swear obeisance to the new King.”
Alicent scoffs, her black smile mirroring your own.
“She will never bend the knee. Nor will Daemon, which you know.”
Only silence from the Hand so Alicent answers for him.
“You plan to kill them.”
The Lord Commander glances at you in shock.
You look away, humiliated by the decisions made by the council eventhough you had no part in it.
“And all here exceed to this?”
“Your father is correct Your Grace, a living challenger invites battle and bloodshed.” Orwyle chimes in.
“It is unsavory, yes. But a sacrifice we must make to secure Aegon’s succession.”
You scoff again. The Lord Hand perpetually hiding behind his righteousness.
“Then there is Daemon to consider– The King wouldn’t wish for any unsavory–”
“But the King did not wish for the murder of his daughter! He loved her I will not have you deny this.”
Alicent raises her voice and you are glad she is standing up to her father. However, some part of you wonders why it was only the notion of Rhaenyra being harmed that finally urged her to do so.
“And yet–”
“One more word and I will have you removed from this chamber and sent to the wall!” Alicent slams her hand against the table, swiftly putting Lord Jasper in his place.
“What do you suggest, Your Grace?” Lord Lannister asks.
“Time is of the essence.”
Alicent fails to respond.
“Lord Commander Westerling, take your Knights to Dragonstone. Be quick and be clean.”
Otto orders and the Lord Commander glances at you once more before tearing off his cloak.
“I am the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. I recognise no authority but the King’s. And until there is one– I have no place here.”
With that, Westerling walks out of the chamber. Leaving Ser Criston and you alone with the council.
A smug look on Criston’s face and you suddenly felt the urge to punch him.
“There is no need for brute force. Let us send terms to Rhaenyra and hope that she sees reason.”
Alicent says and Otto nods in agreement.
“Then that matter is settled.” ══════════════════════════════════════════════
You were sat across Princess Helaena in her chambers. Alicent had requested you spoke to her about the King's passing when she attempted moments ago and failed.
Helaena paid you no mind at first, but eventually she speaks.
“It is our fate I think to crave what is given to another. If one possesses a thing, the other will take it away.”
Heleana’s profound intelligence never failed to astonish you.
“You are right, Princess.”
Helaena says nothing else so you break the silence.
“I must extend my apology, Princess.”
Helaena looks up at you, with the same kindness and understanding you’ve seen many times. One that never seemed to leave her eyes.
“Whatever for?”
“Since being back in King’s Landing I have failed to make an effort to visit you.” You say sheepishly.
The Princess smiles as she shakes her head. Turning her attention back to her sewing before she responds.
“No need for apologies lady y/n, I’m sure you have been very busy with more important things. Your absence has not offended me I assure you.” Helaena says, quickly dismissing the matter.
You breathed in deeply, mustering the courage to state your true business.
“I regret to dampen your mood Princess but I relay an important message from your mother.” Helaena nods wordlessly, glancing at you for only a moment.
“The King– Your father, he passed last night. I’m very sorry Princess.”
You brace yourself for tears but they don’t come.
“Oh.” The Princess says, no longer looking up at you.
You felt inclined to reach out to her. Sitting next to the Princess you take her hand in yours, forcing her to meet your gaze.
“Will you be alright, truly?”
Helaena gives you a warm smile as she nodded.
Truth be told she almost seemed amused.
“Father held no affection for me, y/n. Nor I him. I will be fine.” Helaena admits blandly and you nod in understanding.
You could see where the Princess’ apathy was coming from and it left a bitter taste in your mouth.
You release her hand and Helaena goes back to sewing a spider into the quilt.
You are sat in comfortable stillness for awhile and you prepare to take your leave but the Princess stops you by speaking.
“In truth, I only worry for mother.” Helaena admits, it warms your heart and shatters it all the same.
“You will see after her won’t you? Be there for her?” She asks shyly and you smile.
“Ofcourse, Princess. You have my word.”
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12 Days of Holiday Fics
Day Five: A Thousand Ways (A Thousand More)
(A/N) the way this is the last fluff before i turn everything into p0rn for this series <3
Rating: G (General Audiences! E for everyone!)
Warnings: Cheesy oneliners; Gross Fluffy Fluff; almost certainly the last fluff/family friendly fic before i do what im best at sldkf
Pairing: Carol Danvers x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1k
Synopsis: Your girlfriend takes you out for a romantic flight to look at the pretty holiday lights.
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“If you drop me, Danvers, I swear on my life I’ll never forgive you,” you warn your girlfriend as she scoops you into her arms. The blonde snorts with laughter, holding you close to her chest as she takes off into the sky with surprising speed. You’ll never get used to flying like this, but you do trust Carol to not drop you, at least.
“You’ve already fallen for me, baby, why would I drop you?” She teases and you roll your eyes.
“Your cheesy lines won’t work on me this time, dork.” You kiss her cheek anyway, the cold air incomparable to the warmth of her powers as they surround you. 
You love moments like these. You never liked heights - or flying - until you started dating Carol. You truly trust her with your life in the air more than you trust any other pilot, even if it’s flying like this. Still, looking down at the twinkling city lights as they fade into distant stars makes you a little dizzy.
You’ve been with Carol for two years. Two perfect years. You have no idea how the hell you became so lucky, when most of your life had been so tragically boring. You’re not exactly the run-of-the-mill mutant, with your simple ability to speak any language you hear, it’s not like the X-Men were knocking down your doorstep. So to have Carol Danvers walk into your dive bar as if she owned the place, and then take a notice of little old you - it felt too good to be true.
Sometimes, in moments like this, it still feels like that.
She’s just so powerful and important. She’s traveled through space, she’s been through so much. But every time she comes back, it’s to you, and to you alone. It’s your arms she finds comfort in, and your love she calls home. 
“What are you thinking about?” Carol asks, one of her favorite things to ask you.
You give her a wide grin that she returns immediately, her eyes shining in the moonlight. “Just how lucky I am to have you in my life.”
She snorts. “Now who’s dropping cheesy lines?”
“I’m serious!” You pout.
Carol chuckles, kissing you fondly. “Besides, I’m the lucky one.”
She says it as if she didn’t land you a decent job with a pension. As if she isn’t literally flying you across the country to show you holiday lights she’d passed on her way from actual outer space. 
“I can say ‘I love you’ in like, a thousand languages, but I still don’t think I’d say it enough.” You tell her honestly, earning another kiss.
“And all I can do is fly you around.” She breathes, still smiling that wide, dorky smile that made you fall so hard for her in the first place.
“And so much more, too,” you snuggle deep into her shoulder, letting her warmth envelope you in a net of safety and summer.
The lights below are beautiful, but they don’t hold a candle to Carol. When she uses her powers, she looks like a falling star. Dazzling in her light, breathtaking in her beauty. You wonder if people mistake her for a shooting star. If they did, did they wish for anything? 
“Babe, look,” Carol gasps, catching your attention as she points vigorously upward. A streak of silver cuts through the sky. “Make a wish!”
“I don’t need to,” you tell her, kissing her jaw softly. “I’ve got everything I need right here.”
“Really?” Carol lands on a hilltop just outside of a small town. It’s chilly, but she doesn’t let you go nor does she relinquish the warmth her powers provide you. “Because I’ve kinda been planning this a while.”
You pull away from her curiously. “What?”
She sets you on your feet and fishes around in the pocket of her suit. How she fits anything in it is a wonder to you, because you never see her putting anything in there. What she produces is a small black box.
“When I walked into that bar, I just wanted to get a drink away from people who’d ask me a million questions,” Carol begins. Slowly, puzzle pieces start connecting in your mind. Plans. Wish. Box. Box. “But then I found you, and I found an answer in a thousand different languages to a question I didn’t even ask. I didn’t expect to fall in love, like, ever,” she breathes out a disbelieving laugh at this and now you’re starting to go numb with nerves and excitement. “But then I met you, and I knew immediately that you were it for me. My person. My only.”
Sure enough, Carol gets down on one knee and your stomach and heart just about do the same. “I’m not good at speeches,” she admits, uncharacteristically shy. “But… (Y/N), I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Protecting you, loving you. Will you marry me?”
“Yes,” you rasp immediately, unable to resist reaching out for her any longer. “Of course I’ll marry you.”
Her smile is brighter than any fairy lights below. Brighter than any sun. It thaws you to your very core, melting away the frigid bits of winter until nothing but spring is blooming. Kissing her is steadying, anchoring. The world falls away, and it’s just you and Carol and the seasons of warmth you share together in your embrace.
When she pulls away, she’s still grinning, and so are you. 
“I love you,” you tell her, then repeat it in as many languages as you can think of. Carol’s smile only widens, her laughter musical in your ears as she peppers your face with kisses and her hold tightens around you.
You never liked flying. You didn’t want to fall from the sky. But with Carol, you’ll fall thousands of times over.
(“It’s about fucking time!” Tony exclaims when you both return to the Compound later that night, the ring on your finger catching his eyes immediately. “Danvers has been toting that thing around for months.”
“Aw, babe,” you croon, “it took you months to propose to me?”
“Months?” Natasha scoffs. “She bought that ring six months into the relationship.”
“As she should.” Yelena adds. “That’s how real lesbians do it.”
“What are we, fake lesbians?” Natasha gestures between herself and Wanda. Yelena doesn’t answer.)
~ Gen Tags ~
@nobody13​ @fireflyglass @swords-are-cool​ @artapdarkstr @pasta-bandit​ @multi-images​ @women-am-i-right​ @fanboy7794​ @simplysimping999​ @ohmygooddamnbisexual-mood @jayreadingforfun314
//To be tagged, just lemme know if it’s for all my works, a specific series, or a specific character xoxo
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12 Days of Holiday Fics
Day Four: How To Introduce Your Girlfriend To Your Superhero Family
(A/N) did u guys know cinnabon sells just the centers now? like??? slap me in the ass and choke me out??? bitch???? anyway i ate one and can feel the sugar rotting my teeth v pleased w the taste it’s been years since my last bun sldkf yet again saving this in my drafts long before it’ll be posted. hi future me, how’s the nog? i know ur drunk ass has some eggnog by now. jealous. anyway xoxo babes
Rating: G (General Audience ^-^)
Warnings: Found Family Tropes Abound!; i toy w an idea of an r with powers to see how u guys receive it (if it sounds cool lmk); The Avengers Are Embarrassing But You Love Them Anyway
Pairing: Darcy Lewis x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1k
Synopsis: You bring your girlfriend over for holiday dinner with your family. Unfortunately, your family is the world’s most powerful superheroes and they just so happen to love embarrassing you.
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“And you have to promise you won’t be embarrassing,” you say for the millionth time. “Like, talk like normal people and don’t be weird.”
“You’re only making it weird by giving us this talk,” Natasha points out with an amused chuckle.
“I like Darcy,” Thor grins, “she-”
“Tased you once and that will not compare to what I’ll do to you if you embarrass me in front of my girlfriend,” you warn, earning a kicked puppy look from the Asgardian.
You’ve been with the Avengers pretty much since the initiative first started. You had once been a private detective, your ability to see past, present, or future by holding objects making you damn good at your job. Naturally, SHIELD wanted you among their ranks and to be honest it sounded a lot more exciting than what you already did. 
In that time, you’ve kept your dating life rather quiet. It’s not that you don’t enjoy dating, really, but it’s hard to find someone to connect with given your abilities allow you more insight into their life than either of you want. Then there was the occasional date with someone who was actually going to go to jail for something, which was awkward, and yeah… the whole mess wasn’t really worth it.
So when Thor suggested a double date with his girlfriend and her best friend, you were more than hesitant. You wanted to humor him though, because Thor is one of your closest friends and the guy is just too damn sweet to say no to. To say you were surprised the date went so well would be an understatement.
You’ve been dating Darcy for ten months. Ten glorious months. It’s amazing, how everything you didn’t get about dating before suddenly clicks into place with Darcy. She’s smart, funny, she gets all of your jokes, plays along with your sarcasm- she’s perfect for you, and you don’t want to ruin that.
Of course, she knows about your abilities and has even asked about them. You don’t mind sharing them with her. She also, obviously, knows what you do for a living and who you work with. That being said, you have been dreading bringing her to the Tower to meet the others.
It’s not that you don’t love your teammates. You do. They’re the only family you have - at least, the only one you care about. But they are so goddamn embarrassing- 
“Doctor Lewis has arrived,” announces JARVIS. “Shall I let her in?”
“I’ll go meet her!” You yelp, ignoring the laughter behind you as you stumble to the elevator.
You hope you don’t look as nervous as you feel. You’re frantically adjusting your sweater when you open the door to find Darcy doing the exact same thing. She stops when she sees you, a shy smile on her lips.
“Hey, you,” she greets.
“Hey yourself,” you grin, pulling her inside and giving her a long, sweet kiss. 
“You look nervous.” Darcy notes, pulling away from the kiss and joining your hands together. 
“Do I?” You blush. “I mean, they’re a little much, Darce.”
“They’re literal superheroes,” the brunette snickers as you load into the elevator. “They can’t be that bad.”
“Oh, you’d be surprised.” You groan. 
The door opens, and to your chagrin, everyone is sitting peacefully at the dinner table. To the untrained eye, this would seem like the perfectly normal scene: your friends waiting patiently for you to introduce them to your girlfriend, the food still hot and steaming. You, however, are not the untrained eye. These little shits are up to something.
Introductions go by suspiciously smoothly. Light conversation follows, only the occasional teasing from your friends. They ask Darcy about her work, all totally normal.
It’s Pietro who starts shit first. “Hey, did (Y/N) ever tell you about the time in Bangladesh when she-”
“Don’t. You. Dare.” You warn, glaring at the boy with a venomous expression.
“-tried to convince Wanda that-”
“I’m warning you, Maximoff,” you growl. “Finish that sentence, and-”
“Oh, that time she tried to convince me she could predict what others would do better than I could? And she ended up mistaking a woman for being pregnant when she wasn’t?” Wanda snickers.
You groan. “How was I supposed to know she had her baby two years ago?”
“They’re your powers!” Darcy snorts with laughter. “How can you not tell when it’s the past or the future?”
“Wanda distracted me!” You huff. 
“Remember when you thought you could beat Yelena at Mario Kart and she made you cry after the first lap?” Natasha adds.
“I wasn’t crying!” You protest. “I was sweating from my eyes!”
“When she wanted to tell me she loved me,” Darcy cuts in. Oh no. “She spent at least ten minutes trying to figure out how to word it to see how I’d react.”
“Only ten minutes? Her little brain must have been working overtime.” Tony nudges your shoulder with his and you resist the urge to plant your face into the mashed potatoes. 
To your horror, the rest of the meal is spent sharing awful stories about you. Darcy is smiling and laughing the whole time, but her hand never leaves yours. She keeps giving you these sidelong glances full of adoration that make all the teasing worth it. 
By the end of the night, you’re both warm with wine as you pull her into your room and connect your lips. 
“I’m sorry about them,” you mutter. “They’re-”
“Your family.” She finishes, kissing you again. “I get it. And I like them.”
“Don’t let them hear that, it’ll go right to their fat heads.” 
She chuckles, pulling you closer and leaning her forehead against yours. “You’re still my favorite, though.”
“I better be.” 
(You’ve never spent the holidays with someone you love like this before. You’re really starting to see what all the hype is about. Especially when she drags you under the covers, arms and legs tangling with yours until you can’t be sure where your bodies begin and end.)
(Just wait until the rest of the Avengers get back from their missions.)
(Yelena might give Darcy a run for her money in terms of snark.)
~General Tag List!~
@nobody13 @fireflyglass @swords-are-cool @artapdarkstr @pasta-bandit @multi-images @women-am-i-right @fanboy7794 @simplysimping999​ @ohmygooddamnbisexual-mood @jayreadingforfun314
//To be tagged, let me know if you want to be tagged for all my fics, a specific series, or a specific character!
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