mmechanicat · 2 years
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satyr girl commission for jazeki
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jedijenkins · 7 years
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It’s just been announced by TNT that the first six episodes of The Librarians season four will all be double episode nights!  This means that for the first three weeks, we will have TWO EPISODES OF THE LIBRARIANS EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT, BACK TO BACK.
This means a few things for us as a fandom. While it may seem cool that we’re getting so much content so fast and we don’t have to wait, those are obviously NOT the reasons they changed the schedule so last minute. The premiere is literally TWO DAYS AWAY! And not only do so many people not know that the show is now on Wednesday nights, with a LAST MINUTE HUGE CHANGE like this, it’s terrifingly likely that hundreds of people will tune in for one episode, and then won’t realize there’s another episode after.
This doesn’t just mean those people are gonna miss out and be confused. This means that for the entire first half of the season, the ratings could suffer IMMENSELY! An entire fourth of the season could be ignored by almost the entire fandom during airing, which puts us at risk of not being renewed!
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nedyma · 8 years
∞ + Jazekial maybe?
who’s more into cars?
This has to be Jake. He’s used to the numerous car shows down south, and he was never able to grow out of the habit. At first Jake would disappear on Saturday’s, and one day Ezekiel got too nosy and went searching for him. He found him with his hands in his pockets, taking a stroll down a line of old trucks. Ezekiel approached him, and after a small argument Ezekiel started walking with him, hearing to Jake’s fond memories of attending car shows with his mom. After that, Ezekiel joined Jake at each show.
who’s traveled more?
Ezekiel’s been all over, what with his history that he rarely talks about. Sometimes, when the night is quiet, he’ll tell Jacob a small story. He’ll yawn, roll over and fall asleep only leaving Jake with a stronger yearning to learn more about him.
who swears more often?
Definitely Jake. Never over the top, but he’s got a small temper and words can fly. Ezekiel will admit he’s guilty of roweling Jake up ever now and again because he finds it funny to watch the man’s face grow red.
who believes in ghosts?
Jake finds out one mission that Ezekiel absolutely believes in ghosts. He doesn’t admit it at first, but when the clippings book sends them to a supposedly haunted hotel, Ezekiel’s eyes widen instantly in worry. He and Jake are inspecting said hotel. No one’s around, the light in the hall starts flickering, and Ezekiel pauses. Jake takes the moment to let out a scream and reach for Ezekiel. The other responds terribly, screaming in response and clinging back just as tightly. Jake laughs at first, expecting Ezekiel to frown at him but he only sees Ezekiel’s genuinely afraid. He thoroughly apologizes, and Ezekiel only nods in response because he’s too shocked to do much else. He doesn’t let go of Jake the rest of the night.
who would plant a garden in the backyard?
I imagine it’d be a situation where Ezekiel doesn’t realize what he’s doing at first. He starts complaining about the weeds in the backyard, and the awful, dying bush in the corner. So one day Jake gives him a bunch of tools and tells him if he hates it so much then do something about it. So Ezekiel spends a whole day ripping out weeds and replacing them with more colorful flowers. To say the least Jake was pretty surprised when he got back. 
who would paint the walls in the living room an obnoxious color without asking the other?
They’d argue so much that they almost don’t get to painting the walls. But eventually the find a happy ground so they paint the room together a nice neutral color. 
who owns more shoes?
Ezekiel, but Stone follows close behind with work boots. 
who takes up most of the counter space in the bathroom?
Ezekiel, again. He cares a bit more about his appearance, so he’s got special shampoo, conditioner, and face moisturizer. But Jake absolutely uses Ezekiel’s shampoo.
who’s the big spoon?
Jake. Ezekiel really likes the encompassing feeling of having Jake’s arms around him. He feels protected, more than he ever has in his life.
who has the kinkier fetish? (bonus points: what is the fetish?)
Ezekiel’s a bit more adventurous, but he does have a thing for Jake’s cowboy hat. And when Jake’s southern accent comes out. His fetish is mainly Jake. 
who forces the other to recycle?
Jake’s always reminding Ezekiel to recycle. 
who always leaves their dishes in the sink? who ends up cleaning them?
Ezekiel’s messy, to say the least. So Jake normally comes home and cleans up any dishes he dirtied. But Ezekiel usually helps rinse.
who would be more likely to cook the other a romantic surprise meal?
Ezekiel is a surprisingly great cook… But not so good with timing. He got everything ready for a dinner with him and Jake but Jake was home too soon. So Jake ends up helping him. Jake thinks it’s better, being able to wrap his arms around Ezekiel’s waist and kiss the back of his neck while he cooks pasta.
who’s more likely to come home with a romantic gift just because?
Jake knows Ezekiel loves anything shiny, so he likes to get the other something every few months. Not too often, because he doesn’t want Ezekiel to grow anymore materialistic.
who’s parents are more controlling?
Technically Jake’s, then again he and Ezekiel don’t have to worry about either of their parents. But Ezekiel likes to tell Jake about his mom every now and then.
who was more popular in high school?
Jake was more focused in school. He was the classic jock, with the love of the team and the cheerleaders. Ezekiel was more of the practiced bad boy, skipping class here and there so he wasn’t around enough to be hugely popular. 
who is more frugal?
Jake, no doubt. 
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everystupidsheepie · 8 years
by Jazeki
When the soft crunch of bone
Meets the subtle snap of disconnect
And his head pivots to the right
Bleeding noses
Spat teeth
Breaking knuckles and jaws
These are the comforting sounds
Of a collective conscious
Reeling under the pressure
Of the still-burning pit of loss
Without consequence
Read more
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Shoutout to Jazeki for being brave enough to create the Transparency thread and for keeping a list of thoughts in the first post!
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nedyma · 8 years
96 and Jazekial
Thank you
96. “Sorry.” - “Good choice.” 
It’s the middle of the week, and the clippings book hasn’t made a peep in over a week. The lack of activity leaves plenty of free time for the team to continue with everyday tasks. Jake’s in the training room on this late afternoon, wearing a light t-shirt and worn sweatpants. 
He takes his time stretching, putting his arms out at his sides and rowing them in circles for ten seconds. Then he swings his left arm across his chest and pins it with his right as he counts. Then he switches to his right and continues the same routine. 
IT’s quiet, and he’s enjoying the peacefulness. But it’s interrupted within moments. 
“Stone, do you think that you could-” Ezekiel’s voice cuts off as he comes further into the room, finding Jake in the center. His face contorts into a grimace as he looks him up and down confusedly. “What are you doing?” 
“Training. You should join me.” Jake offers as he brings his arms behind his back and locks his hands together. He then lifts, stretching his shoulders and pectorals. The motion causes Ezekiel’s eyes to drop down to those bulging muscles.
The other is admittedly distracted, but he clears his throat after a few seconds and forces his eyes back up towards Jake. “And why would I do that?” 
Jake rolls his eyes, but he’s smirking fondly. “So you’ll actually learn how to fight. It’ll come in handy one day.” 
Ezekiel scoffs at that, smugness now rolling off of him. He leans his shoulder on the door frame as he looks at Jake. “Why fight when I can run?” 
Jake brings his arms back around him, shrugging. “One day you won’t be able to run.”
Ezekiel looks unconvinced, but he ponders the idea. He glimpses over his shoulder at the hall, as if something’s going to pull him away. Then he shrugs as he turns back to Jake. “Fine. But I’m only agreeing to this because I’m bored.” 
Jake smirks as he plays along. “Fine. But you’ll want to change out of that shirt.” 
Ezekiel stops on his jaunt over, giving Jake a hesitant stare. “Why…?” 
Jake rolls his eyes at the untrustworthy tone. “If you wear it during training, chances are you’ll lose every button on there.” 
Ezekiel glimpses down at the shirt, and then back at Jake. “I love this shirt.” 
Jake holds back another eye roll as he sits down on the ground to stretch his legs. “I’ve get extra clothes in the locker room you can wear.” 
Ezekiel’s head falls back on his shoulders childishly as he walks off towards the room. Jake works on stretching, but Ezekiel returns minutes later wearing an oversized long-sleeve shirt with the Stone family business written on the front with the year it was founded underneath. The sweatpants, on the other hand, fit just fine on Ezekiel. Truthfully, the pants were a little small on Stone, so they fit snugly to Ezekiel’s figure. 
Jake takes the other’s entrance as an invitation to start. He stands up, bouncing on his toes lightly. “Okay, do a little bit of stretching. I don’t want you to tear anything.” 
Ezekiel groans but he listens. He half-heartedly works on stretching his arms, and then lifts his leg and pulls. After a few more minutes, he raises his hands towards Jake. “Okay. Let’s do this, Cowboy.” 
The second the word’s leave his mouth, Jake’s reaching out. He pulls on Ezekiel’s wrist, and then swings one leg under Ezekiel’s. He follows with the movement, pinning the other librarian firmly on the ground. 
He grins down smugly at Ezekiel, until he notices he knocked the wind out of him. “Oh, shit. Ezekiel, are you okay? That was a bit rough. Sorry.” 
Ezekiel moves to roll over, so Jake leans back to give him room. But then Ezekiel’s hands are on his shoulders pushing him onto his back. He lands on his back with a thud, and Ezekiel quickly takes the upper hand and swings one leg over so he’s straddling Jake. 
Jake recovers quickly, smiling up at Ezekiel with pride. “Good move. Good choice, Jones.” 
Ezekiel smiles back smugly, head tilting to one side as Jake lifts his hands to his hips. “I think I like this position too. Why didn’t you suggest training me sooner?” Ezekiel teases as he leans down, both full aware that Stone and Baird have both tried getting Ezekiel into training. 
Jake doesn’t argue though, only smiling as Ezekiel pecks his lips in a sweet kiss. 
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cooljazsheepie · 7 years
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Commission: Jazeki by Ace-Zaslavsky
(Yayyyy, it’s the best feeling to get commisshus after you forget you paid for them)
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