#jazzo art
vagoonabeach · 8 months
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oh we IN it boys we in the shadowstar trenches
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moosensweaters · 4 years
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I haven’t posted my art on here in years... Anyway, here’s crazy science experiment alien clown and nihilist depressed teenager who craves death (and big fat cl*ck).
I take commissions through paypal: [email protected]
and am available on fiverr: fiverr.com/michelleorantes
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apoetnamedtrez · 3 years
My stretching song for today!
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where-art-starts · 4 years
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::FAMILY PAINT:: Juneteenth
We are still on a high about Juneteenth and our community art collaboration! With the help assistance of one of our lovely Learning Leaders, Jazzo, we provided families across Baltimore, who registered, with paint packages and a link to work on a painting virtually to celebrate Juneteenth together. ⁠ ⁠ We then took a canvas to the Fatherhood Rally to have families work on one canvas together as a community. ⁠ ⁠ The pandemic has changed so many things but one great thing this is happening is that community is finding more ways to work together, have fun together, celebrate together, and build together. ⁠ ⁠ Thank you to the Baltimore Community Foundation for sponsoring this project and underwriting the cost of materials for families who wanted to participate but needed some community love (something we all need every once in a while). Thank you to Charm City Noir for letting us use their space for our virtual set up!⁠
::Learning Leader:: Jazzo:: [June : 2020] ⁠
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italianaradio · 4 years
ASSOCIAZIONE GENTE IN ASPROMONTE Domenica escursione al piccolo borgo di Precacore
Nuovo post su italianaradio https://www.italianaradio.it/index.php/associazione-gente-in-aspromonte-domenica-escursione-al-piccolo-borgo-di-precacore/
ASSOCIAZIONE GENTE IN ASPROMONTE Domenica escursione al piccolo borgo di Precacore
ASSOCIAZIONE GENTE IN ASPROMONTE Domenica escursione al piccolo borgo di Precacore
ASSOCIAZIONE GENTE IN ASPROMONTE Domenica escursione al piccolo borgo di Precacore Lente Locale
di Redazione
Parte il programma escursionistico 2020 dell’Associazione “Gente in Aspromonte”.
Domenica 19 gennaio è in programma una nuova escursione lungo i paesaggi che circondano Samo e nello specifico, al piccolo borgo di Precacore.
Il Raduno è previsto alle ore 9.30 entrata Samo e “si prosegue- si legge nella nota – in macchina per qualche km per raggiungere la fontana Calamaci, dove parte il sentiero. Si tratta di un’escursione in linea che prevede, una volta giunti al monumento posto all’ingresso di Samo, il doversi organizzare nelle macchine per raggiungere agevolmente, una volta attraversato il Paese e procedendo lungo la strada asfaltata in direzione Pineta/ fontana di Calamacia, punto di partenza dell’escursione”.
“Piacevole escursione – si legge ancora – in linea alla scoperta dei bei paesaggi che circondano Samo, dove numerosi scorci panoramici sulle Gole della Verde si alternano armoniosamente a boschi, prati ed aree coltivate. La ricchezza d’acqua, che da tempo viene sfruttata dagli abitanti della valle per usi agricoli e domestici, è testimoniata da numerose e belle fontane visibili lungo il cammino. Alla diversità di panorami e luoghi si associa la ricchezza di storia, con il piccolo borgo di Precacore custode di resti di arte greco-bizantina e recentemente restaurato”.
“Itinerario abbastanza agevole – è scritto nella nota pervenuta – altamente appagante e remunerativo per i magnifici panorami da osservare e per le indelebili orme della nostra storia da calcare (visita a Precacore); è incentrato sull’indissolubile connubio tra geologia-natura ed attività antropiche che permea profondamente tutta quest’area, tanto da esercitare un forte fascino anche sull’escursionista più disattento. Una volta radunati alla fontana Calamacia, si procede sulla sterrata che sale dolcemente tra cisti ed eriche arboree, intercettando qualche piccolo ruscello contornato da oleandri. Si cammina agevolmente sulla carrabile (siamo in località Chiusette), con la vista a destra di Monte Iofri ed a sinistra ampie vedute sul fondovalle, con strette anse sinuose di ruscelli che si fanno largo a fatica in una fitta macchia mediterranea. Si procede poi, a tratti in discesa a tratti in piano, fino a giungere in località Mancusa, dove vi è l’innesto con il vecchio sentiero che da Delianuova scende a Samo; si continua in discesa lungo la sterrata limitata a destra da una fitta macchia mediterranea fino a giungere, dopo circa 40 minuti di cammino, ad un incrocio dove, si lascia la sterrata e ci si immette sul sentiero che scende a sinistra verso località Castanito. Il sentiero procede facile, in leggera discesa, tra bassi cisti, perastri e radi farnetti, con ampie vedute a sinistra sul Vallone Grande. Si continua poi, sempre in discesa, tra appezzamenti ad ulivo, ora in stato di abbandono, con affascinanti vedute sulle gole della La Verde. Giunti ad un incrocio con un sentiero che scende a sinistra verso Vallone Grande, si continua agevolmente lungo il sentiero principale, in direzione di C.da Viola. Dopo circa 1 ora di cammino, si arriva ad un incrocio dove, seguendo la pista che sale dolcemente a destra, si giunge ad un “jazzo” (ricovero per animali), per poi procedere lungo la carrabile, con a destra l’affascinante veduta sul costone di Casalinuovo. Trascorsa circa 1 ora e 30 minuti di cammino, si giunge in C.da Pinturi da dove, procedendo in leggera salita, si raggiunge il Puntone Pinturi, con spettacolare veduta, in direzione Sud, sull’abitato di Samo. Si procede in discesa, ammaliati da bellissimi panorami nei quali risalta il magico alternarsi di strette gole e spuntoni di roccia colonizzati da lecci ad essi abbarbicati. Ad un breve tratto in piano segue poi un tratto in discesa, con a sinistra un rimboschimento a castagno e di fronte M.te Puntusu. La sterrata serpeggia in discesa fino a raggiungere C.da Pini dove, all’inizio della recinzione, si devia a destra sulla sterrata che, in discesa e fiancheggiata a destra dalla pineta, conduce in C.da Latro. Il sentiero continua agevole, sempre in discesa, tra lecci e corbezzoli; si è in località Graneri, toponimo che richiama alla semina del grano. Giunti ad un bivio, si procede in discesa a sinistra fino ad immettersi, dopo 50 m., sulla strada asfaltata dove, continuando in discesa a destra tra la macchia mediterranea, si giunge in prossimità della C.da Pizzica, molto nota per l’omonima sorgente, la cui acqua vanta prodigiosi effetti antipertensivi. Si abbandona poi l’asfalto immettendosi sulla sterrata a destra che procede in discesa; dopo 200 m. si svolta a sinistra, lasciando sulla destra un rudere sito in C.da Don Leo. Si continua in discesa fino ad abbandonare la sterrata in favore di un esile sentiero lungo circa 100m. che in salita, tra bassi cisti, conduce al Castello dal quale si gode un panorama mozzafiato su Precacore e sulla Vallata della La Verde. Si ritorna sui propri passi per reimmettersi sulla sterrata, ora ridotta ad un agevole sentiero, che procede in discesa a mezzacosta, tra eriche e lecci, con ampia veduta su C.da Ceramidio, fino a giungere a Malupassu. Prestando un po’ di attenzione nel procedere sui tratti in acciottolato e nuda roccia, attraversando località Muretteglio, si giunge a Precacore”.
“Precacore, posto in cima ad un cocuzzolo di roccia, conserva non pochi elementi di incanto e di significato poetico nelle architetture dei suoi ruderi denominati anche Castello di Pitagora. L’antico Borgo ha una posizione altamente panoramica sull’enorme letto ghiaioso della Fiumara La Verde e sui paesi circostanti e, tra le sue case ormai dirute, spiccano in bella mostra la Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista e quella di S. Sebastiano che presenta ancora visibili affreschi del quattrocento. Le origini di Samo risalgono al 492 aC. quando i Samii, fuggiti da Samos di Grecia in quanto scacciati dal re persiano Dario durante la prima Guerra Persiana, in un primo tempo si rifugiarono a Zancle, l’attuale Messina poi, ostacolati dal tiranno di Reggio Anassilao, lasciarono la Sicilia e si stabilirono nella valle della Fiumara La Verde, fondando una città che, per la sua posizione strategica, fu crocevia di notevole importanza. Successivamente, nel X sec. i Samii, per sfuggire alle numerose incursioni saracene e scorrerie piratesche, si spostarono dove il Monte Palecastro poté offrire loro sicuro rifugio. L’antico abitato fu poi più volte oggetto dell’azione demolitrice di diversi terremoti (1349; 1536; 1638; 1783;), il più terribile dei quali fu quello del 1638 che lasciò intatta solo una casa. La leggenda vuole che da questa dimora, una donna, sopravvissuta alla morte dei suoi cari e del suo luogo natio, vedendo la distruzione che la Natura aveva provocato, levò un urlo: “Mi Crepa il Cuore”. Tale urlo nessuno mai volle scordare, e “Crepacore” fu il nuovo nome di Samo, poi mutato in “Precacore”, nome con il quale Samo fu conosciuto fino al 1911. Sull’antico abitato l’insaziabile Natura inflisse il colpo più duro il 28 dicembre del 1908, determinando lo spostamento della popolazione dalle antiche mura al sito dove sorge attualmente Samo, all’ombra del restante Precacore”.
“Visitato Precacore – scrive infine, l’Associazione Gente in Aspromonte – si scende lungo la Via Crucis fino a giungere alla sorgente della Rocca dove si effettuerà la sosta per il “frugale” pranzo per poi ritornare, attraverso il ponte Santa Caterina, all’abitato di Samo”.
ASSOCIAZIONE GENTE IN ASPROMONTE Domenica escursione al piccolo borgo di Precacore Lente Locale
ASSOCIAZIONE GENTE IN ASPROMONTE Domenica escursione al piccolo borgo di Precacore Lente Locale
di Redazione Parte il programma escursionistico 2020 dell’Associazione “Gente in Aspromonte”. Domenica 19 gennaio è in programma una nuova escursione lungo i paesaggi che circondano Samo e nello specifico, al piccolo borgo di Precacore. Il Raduno è previsto alle ore 9.30 entrata Samo e “si prosegue- si legge nella nota – in macchina per qualche […]
ASSOCIAZIONE GENTE IN ASPROMONTE Domenica escursione al piccolo borgo di Precacore Lente Locale
Francesca Cusumano
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cynthiajayusa · 7 years
What’s Hot South Florida: Jun 22 – June 27
Thursday, June 22
Out in the Tropics LGBTQ Performing Arts Series and FUNDarte in association with Centro Cultural Español present La Shica in concert at The Gleason Room at the Fillmore (1700 Washington Ave, Miami Beach). La Shica is a Madrid-based artist who mixes the raw passion of flamenco with the girt of urban Hip-hop and rap, adding touches of rock and funk, and rounding out the sound with generous jazz and blues influences. Purchase tickets at the Fillmore Box office in person or call them at 305-673-7300 or through Ticketmaster.com.
 Friday, June 23
Miami’s own golden boy Pit Bull reunites with Enrique Iglesias for what is sure to be an amazing concert at 7:30 pm at the AmericanAirlines Arena.
 Out in the Tropics LGBTQ Performing Arts Series and FUNDarte present Joey Arias in concert at the Gleason Room at The Fillmore (1700 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach).  Joey Arias is an internationally acclaimed vocalist, songwriter, actor, performance artist, and fashion icon. Arias lived and worked with legendary musician Klaus Nomi then became a performance artist, cabaret singer, and drag artist, and became popular among early Gay Pride activists in Miami. Arias played the emcee in Cirque du Soleil’s Zumanity, for which he co-wrote 3 songs. He has performed at such venues as Carnegie Hall, The Freedom Theatre in London and a world tour through cabaret clubs of Paris, Tokyo, Moscow, Germany, Finland, Estonia, Canada, and England. His film credits include Mondo New York, Big Top Pee Wee, Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, Wigstock – The Movie, Flawless, To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar, and Z Chromosome. TV credits include an infamous Saturday Night Live episode with David Bowie and Klaus Nomi, Ann Magnuson’s Vandemonium (Cinemax), Elvira’s MTV Halloween Special, HBOs Dragtime and Real Sex, and Gayer than Gay on VH1, along with appearances on various talk shows. His own recordings include Arias on Holiday, Strange Fruit, Jazzo Lozo, God Shave the Queen, StarLust, Arias with a Twist, and Bar D’o. Purchase tickets at the Fillmore Box office in person or call them at 305-673-7300 or through Ticketmaster.com.
 Saturday, June 24
Compass of Palm Beach presents the 16th annual Stonewall Black & White Ball: Emerald Night (Translation: Black and white with a glimmer of emerald) at the Harriet Himmel Theater in City Place, West Palm Beach. At 7:30p.m. is the VIP and Leadership award reception ($75) and at 9p.m. is general admission ($35 in advance and $40 at the door). Tickets can be purchased at CompassGLCC.com or in person at these locations: Compass Community Center, Roosters, Penny’s at the Duke, Mad Hatter, The Box Gallery, Fort Dix or Studio 205.
 Noche Latina Saturdays inside the Ivy Dance Room and Patio at the Manor Complex presents “Puerto Rican Pride Celebration,” with their annual “Hot Boricua Contest” featuring $300 in cash and prizes (limited to the first 5 contestants that sign up). The night will star Sasha Lords and Selena Jimenez, along with resident DJ Larry Larr spinning your Latin favorites and Hot Latin Go-Go papis. Saturdays at the Manor are from 11pm to 4am and feature NO COVER before midnight and only $7 with Manor card after midnight and $10 without.
 The Frost Museum, in the Hsiao Family Special Exhibition Gallery presents Space: An Out-of-Gravity Experience invites guests on a journey of space exploration with hands-on activities and multimedia components. Guests will get a glimpse of the challenges and triumphs of space exploration. Interactive exhibits invite engagement in the extraordinary conditions of space exploration and the science that makes it successful. What lies ahead for human space flight? And what does it mean for life on Earth?  Discover what is possible and what awaits in orbit and beyond. Space: An Out-of-Gravity Experience is on display at Frost Science from today through Sunday, September 10. Admission is complimentary with museum tickets. More information is available at frostscience.org/space.
Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida presents “Generation OUT!,” which is coming out stories weaved together in a musical collection that spans decades. Expect to hear iconic tunes by Judy Garland, Madonna and Lady Gaga on Saturday, at 8pm at the Parker Playhouse. To purchase tickets go to: BrowardCenter.org
Sunday, June 25
Scandals Saloon presents their monthly Lady Fancy’s Gospel Jubilee at 6 p.m. which is a joyful celebration of Southern Gospel Music.
 The SUPREME diva, Diana Ross performs tonight at 7:30pm at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts. Diana Ross’ famed and remarkable career includes hit singles such as “Endless Love,” “I’m Coming Out,” and “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough.” She is one of the most iconic female singers of all time and was named “Female Entertainer of the Century” by Billboard magazine. For more information or tickets, go to ArshtCenter.org.
 Tuesday, June 27
Broward Equality Connection takes place today from 6p.m. to 8p.m. at Mojo’s Restaurant (4140 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale). There is no charge for this event, so you can bring a guest, or three! Equality Connections are a great way to introduce new people to the work of Equality Florida. If you stay for dinner, Anthony & Domenick of Mojo’s will “give back” to Equality Florida 20% of regular priced menu items. For reservations (recommended) call 954-568-4443.
Miami Live (912 71st Street, Miami Beach) presents Open Mic Night starting at 9pm, hosted by DJ Epps, with Shemuwel performing live!
This is HOT
Nonesuch Records releases The Natalie Merchant Collection,—a deluxe ten-CD box set compiled by Merchant—on June 23, 2017. The Natalie Merchant Collection comprises ten discs, including all eight of her solo studio albums from the past three decades. A ninth disc, Butterfly, is a new studio set featuring four new songs and six reinterpreted selections from her catalogue, all arranged for string quartet. The final disc is Rarities, a collection of fifteen rare and previously unreleased tracks recorded between 1998 and 2017, which offers a unique view of Merchant’s creative experimentation through home studio demos, album outtakes, live tracks, and collaborations with diverse artists like Billy Bragg, David Byrne, The Chieftains, Cowboy Junkies, and Amy Helm.  The package includes a 100-page lyric book and pictorial history of the singer-songwriter’s solo career—an archival treasure box for collectors.  Pre-orders are available now at nonesuch.com with an instant download of the new recording of “Frozen Charlotte” from the Butterfly disc as well as an exclusive, limited-edition print autographed by Merchant.
 To coincide with the release of the box set, Merchant will tour the US this summer with Natalie Merchant: 3 Decades of Song, performing songs from across her entire career.  A portion of the tour’s proceeds will be donated to the environmental organization Food & Water Watch, which champions healthy food and clean water. Tickets are on sale now, and more information may be found at nataliemerchant.com.
   source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/06/21/whats-hot-south-florida-jun-22-june-27/ from Hot Spots Magazine http://hotspotsmagazin.blogspot.com/2017/06/whats-hot-south-florida-jun-22-june-27.html
0 notes
demitgibbs · 7 years
What’s Hot South Florida: Jun 22 – June 27
Thursday, June 22
Out in the Tropics LGBTQ Performing Arts Series and FUNDarte in association with Centro Cultural Español present La Shica in concert at The Gleason Room at the Fillmore (1700 Washington Ave, Miami Beach). La Shica is a Madrid-based artist who mixes the raw passion of flamenco with the girt of urban Hip-hop and rap, adding touches of rock and funk, and rounding out the sound with generous jazz and blues influences. Purchase tickets at the Fillmore Box office in person or call them at 305-673-7300 or through Ticketmaster.com.
Friday, June 23
Miami’s own golden boy Pit Bull reunites with Enrique Iglesias for what is sure to be an amazing concert at 7:30 pm at the AmericanAirlines Arena.
Out in the Tropics LGBTQ Performing Arts Series and FUNDarte present Joey Arias in concert at the Gleason Room at The Fillmore (1700 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach).  Joey Arias is an internationally acclaimed vocalist, songwriter, actor, performance artist, and fashion icon. Arias lived and worked with legendary musician Klaus Nomi then became a performance artist, cabaret singer, and drag artist, and became popular among early Gay Pride activists in Miami. Arias played the emcee in Cirque du Soleil’s Zumanity, for which he co-wrote 3 songs. He has performed at such venues as Carnegie Hall, The Freedom Theatre in London and a world tour through cabaret clubs of Paris, Tokyo, Moscow, Germany, Finland, Estonia, Canada, and England. His film credits include Mondo New York, Big Top Pee Wee, Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, Wigstock – The Movie, Flawless, To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar, and Z Chromosome. TV credits include an infamous Saturday Night Live episode with David Bowie and Klaus Nomi, Ann Magnuson’s Vandemonium (Cinemax), Elvira’s MTV Halloween Special, HBOs Dragtime and Real Sex, and Gayer than Gay on VH1, along with appearances on various talk shows. His own recordings include Arias on Holiday, Strange Fruit, Jazzo Lozo, God Shave the Queen, StarLust, Arias with a Twist, and Bar D’o. Purchase tickets at the Fillmore Box office in person or call them at 305-673-7300 or through Ticketmaster.com.
Saturday, June 24
Compass of Palm Beach presents the 16th annual Stonewall Black & White Ball: Emerald Night (Translation: Black and white with a glimmer of emerald) at the Harriet Himmel Theater in City Place, West Palm Beach. At 7:30p.m. is the VIP and Leadership award reception ($75) and at 9p.m. is general admission ($35 in advance and $40 at the door). Tickets can be purchased at CompassGLCC.com or in person at these locations: Compass Community Center, Roosters, Penny’s at the Duke, Mad Hatter, The Box Gallery, Fort Dix or Studio 205.
Noche Latina Saturdays inside the Ivy Dance Room and Patio at the Manor Complex presents “Puerto Rican Pride Celebration,” with their annual “Hot Boricua Contest” featuring $300 in cash and prizes (limited to the first 5 contestants that sign up). The night will star Sasha Lords and Selena Jimenez, along with resident DJ Larry Larr spinning your Latin favorites and Hot Latin Go-Go papis. Saturdays at the Manor are from 11pm to 4am and feature NO COVER before midnight and only $7 with Manor card after midnight and $10 without.
The Frost Museum, in the Hsiao Family Special Exhibition Gallery presents Space: An Out-of-Gravity Experience invites guests on a journey of space exploration with hands-on activities and multimedia components. Guests will get a glimpse of the challenges and triumphs of space exploration. Interactive exhibits invite engagement in the extraordinary conditions of space exploration and the science that makes it successful. What lies ahead for human space flight? And what does it mean for life on Earth?  Discover what is possible and what awaits in orbit and beyond. Space: An Out-of-Gravity Experience is on display at Frost Science from today through Sunday, September 10. Admission is complimentary with museum tickets. More information is available at frostscience.org/space.
Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida presents “Generation OUT!,” which is coming out stories weaved together in a musical collection that spans decades. Expect to hear iconic tunes by Judy Garland, Madonna and Lady Gaga on Saturday, at 8pm at the Parker Playhouse. To purchase tickets go to: BrowardCenter.org
Sunday, June 25
Scandals Saloon presents their monthly Lady Fancy’s Gospel Jubilee at 6 p.m. which is a joyful celebration of Southern Gospel Music.
The SUPREME diva, Diana Ross performs tonight at 7:30pm at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts. Diana Ross’ famed and remarkable career includes hit singles such as “Endless Love,” “I’m Coming Out,” and “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough.” She is one of the most iconic female singers of all time and was named “Female Entertainer of the Century” by Billboard magazine. For more information or tickets, go to ArshtCenter.org.
Tuesday, June 27
Broward Equality Connection takes place today from 6p.m. to 8p.m. at Mojo’s Restaurant (4140 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale). There is no charge for this event, so you can bring a guest, or three! Equality Connections are a great way to introduce new people to the work of Equality Florida. If you stay for dinner, Anthony & Domenick of Mojo’s will “give back” to Equality Florida 20% of regular priced menu items. For reservations (recommended) call 954-568-4443.
Miami Live (912 71st Street, Miami Beach) presents Open Mic Night starting at 9pm, hosted by DJ Epps, with Shemuwel performing live!
This is HOT
Nonesuch Records releases The Natalie Merchant Collection,—a deluxe ten-CD box set compiled by Merchant—on June 23, 2017. The Natalie Merchant Collection comprises ten discs, including all eight of her solo studio albums from the past three decades. A ninth disc, Butterfly, is a new studio set featuring four new songs and six reinterpreted selections from her catalogue, all arranged for string quartet. The final disc is Rarities, a collection of fifteen rare and previously unreleased tracks recorded between 1998 and 2017, which offers a unique view of Merchant’s creative experimentation through home studio demos, album outtakes, live tracks, and collaborations with diverse artists like Billy Bragg, David Byrne, The Chieftains, Cowboy Junkies, and Amy Helm.  The package includes a 100-page lyric book and pictorial history of the singer-songwriter’s solo career—an archival treasure box for collectors.  Pre-orders are available now at nonesuch.com with an instant download of the new recording of “Frozen Charlotte” from the Butterfly disc as well as an exclusive, limited-edition print autographed by Merchant.
To coincide with the release of the box set, Merchant will tour the US this summer with Natalie Merchant: 3 Decades of Song, performing songs from across her entire career.  A portion of the tour’s proceeds will be donated to the environmental organization Food & Water Watch, which champions healthy food and clean water. Tickets are on sale now, and more information may be found at nataliemerchant.com.
  from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/06/21/whats-hot-south-florida-jun-22-june-27/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/162086293645
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hotspotsmagazine · 7 years
What’s Hot South Florida: Jun 22 – June 27
Thursday, June 22
Out in the Tropics LGBTQ Performing Arts Series and FUNDarte in association with Centro Cultural Español present La Shica in concert at The Gleason Room at the Fillmore (1700 Washington Ave, Miami Beach). La Shica is a Madrid-based artist who mixes the raw passion of flamenco with the girt of urban Hip-hop and rap, adding touches of rock and funk, and rounding out the sound with generous jazz and blues influences. Purchase tickets at the Fillmore Box office in person or call them at 305-673-7300 or through Ticketmaster.com.
  Friday, June 23
Miami’s own golden boy Pit Bull reunites with Enrique Iglesias for what is sure to be an amazing concert at 7:30 pm at the AmericanAirlines Arena.
  Out in the Tropics LGBTQ Performing Arts Series and FUNDarte present Joey Arias in concert at the Gleason Room at The Fillmore (1700 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach).  Joey Arias is an internationally acclaimed vocalist, songwriter, actor, performance artist, and fashion icon. Arias lived and worked with legendary musician Klaus Nomi then became a performance artist, cabaret singer, and drag artist, and became popular among early Gay Pride activists in Miami. Arias played the emcee in Cirque du Soleil’s Zumanity, for which he co-wrote 3 songs. He has performed at such venues as Carnegie Hall, The Freedom Theatre in London and a world tour through cabaret clubs of Paris, Tokyo, Moscow, Germany, Finland, Estonia, Canada, and England. His film credits include Mondo New York, Big Top Pee Wee, Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, Wigstock – The Movie, Flawless, To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar, and Z Chromosome. TV credits include an infamous Saturday Night Live episode with David Bowie and Klaus Nomi, Ann Magnuson’s Vandemonium (Cinemax), Elvira’s MTV Halloween Special, HBOs Dragtime and Real Sex, and Gayer than Gay on VH1, along with appearances on various talk shows. His own recordings include Arias on Holiday, Strange Fruit, Jazzo Lozo, God Shave the Queen, StarLust, Arias with a Twist, and Bar D’o. Purchase tickets at the Fillmore Box office in person or call them at 305-673-7300 or through Ticketmaster.com.
  Saturday, June 24
Compass of Palm Beach presents the 16th annual Stonewall Black & White Ball: Emerald Night (Translation: Black and white with a glimmer of emerald) at the Harriet Himmel Theater in City Place, West Palm Beach. At 7:30p.m. is the VIP and Leadership award reception ($75) and at 9p.m. is general admission ($35 in advance and $40 at the door). Tickets can be purchased at CompassGLCC.com or in person at these locations: Compass Community Center, Roosters, Penny’s at the Duke, Mad Hatter, The Box Gallery, Fort Dix or Studio 205.
  Noche Latina Saturdays inside the Ivy Dance Room and Patio at the Manor Complex presents “Puerto Rican Pride Celebration,” with their annual “Hot Boricua Contest” featuring $300 in cash and prizes (limited to the first 5 contestants that sign up). The night will star Sasha Lords and Selena Jimenez, along with resident DJ Larry Larr spinning your Latin favorites and Hot Latin Go-Go papis. Saturdays at the Manor are from 11pm to 4am and feature NO COVER before midnight and only $7 with Manor card after midnight and $10 without.
  The Frost Museum, in the Hsiao Family Special Exhibition Gallery presents Space: An Out-of-Gravity Experience invites guests on a journey of space exploration with hands-on activities and multimedia components. Guests will get a glimpse of the challenges and triumphs of space exploration. Interactive exhibits invite engagement in the extraordinary conditions of space exploration and the science that makes it successful. What lies ahead for human space flight? And what does it mean for life on Earth?  Discover what is possible and what awaits in orbit and beyond. Space: An Out-of-Gravity Experience is on display at Frost Science from today through Sunday, September 10. Admission is complimentary with museum tickets. More information is available at frostscience.org/space.
Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida presents “Generation OUT!,” which is coming out stories weaved together in a musical collection that spans decades. Expect to hear iconic tunes by Judy Garland, Madonna and Lady Gaga on Saturday, at 8pm at the Parker Playhouse. To purchase tickets go to: BrowardCenter.org
Sunday, June 25
Scandals Saloon presents their monthly Lady Fancy’s Gospel Jubilee at 6 p.m. which is a joyful celebration of Southern Gospel Music.
  The SUPREME diva, Diana Ross performs tonight at 7:30pm at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts. Diana Ross’ famed and remarkable career includes hit singles such as “Endless Love,” “I’m Coming Out,” and “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough.” She is one of the most iconic female singers of all time and was named “Female Entertainer of the Century” by Billboard magazine. For more information or tickets, go to ArshtCenter.org.
  Tuesday, June 27
Broward Equality Connection takes place today from 6p.m. to 8p.m. at Mojo’s Restaurant (4140 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale). There is no charge for this event, so you can bring a guest, or three! Equality Connections are a great way to introduce new people to the work of Equality Florida. If you stay for dinner, Anthony & Domenick of Mojo’s will “give back” to Equality Florida 20% of regular priced menu items. For reservations (recommended) call 954-568-4443.
Miami Live (912 71st Street, Miami Beach) presents Open Mic Night starting at 9pm, hosted by DJ Epps, with Shemuwel performing live!
This is HOT
Nonesuch Records releases The Natalie Merchant Collection,—a deluxe ten-CD box set compiled by Merchant—on June 23, 2017. The Natalie Merchant Collection comprises ten discs, including all eight of her solo studio albums from the past three decades. A ninth disc, Butterfly, is a new studio set featuring four new songs and six reinterpreted selections from her catalogue, all arranged for string quartet. The final disc is Rarities, a collection of fifteen rare and previously unreleased tracks recorded between 1998 and 2017, which offers a unique view of Merchant’s creative experimentation through home studio demos, album outtakes, live tracks, and collaborations with diverse artists like Billy Bragg, David Byrne, The Chieftains, Cowboy Junkies, and Amy Helm.  The package includes a 100-page lyric book and pictorial history of the singer-songwriter’s solo career—an archival treasure box for collectors.  Pre-orders are available now at nonesuch.com with an instant download of the new recording of “Frozen Charlotte” from the Butterfly disc as well as an exclusive, limited-edition print autographed by Merchant.
  To coincide with the release of the box set, Merchant will tour the US this summer with Natalie Merchant: 3 Decades of Song, performing songs from across her entire career.  A portion of the tour’s proceeds will be donated to the environmental organization Food & Water Watch, which champions healthy food and clean water. Tickets are on sale now, and more information may be found at nataliemerchant.com.
    from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/06/21/whats-hot-south-florida-jun-22-june-27/
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vagoonabeach · 1 year
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getting back into the swing of doing art again with harumichi ☀️🌊
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vagoonabeach · 7 months
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cascadia every time we touch plays in the bg (shadowheart/astarion modern au ✌️)
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vagoonabeach · 8 months
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shadowstar shadowstar shadowstar, or as someone on twitter calls them: bloodloss
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vagoonabeach · 8 months
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hi, shadowstar stole my heart and also my entire brain
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vagoonabeach · 1 year
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i'm going to throw up over their interactions, i have to draw wlw versions of every single one
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vagoonabeach · 4 months
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did a meme on twitter and it was rly fun and silly
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vagoonabeach · 1 year
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was ryoko from tenchi muyo formative for anyone else?
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vagoonabeach · 1 year
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No. I can't.
so i did a painting study (my first ever!) of this Warrior Nun still because i'm emotional and everything hurts :-)
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