#jca dark chi warriors
atlas-affogato · 5 days
Going back to my 2009 YouTube AMV roots with this one
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childofthecandycorn · 11 days
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HAPPY PRIDE˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ
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lastarkhorror · 9 months
Jackie Chan Adventures: Demons Familiar
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I greet you all. And this is the idea for the JCA AU. Those who want can take it, I allow it.
So - demon familiars, or as they are also called Demon sorcerers. Usually I imagined the main eight demons as the children of the progenitor of dark chi, but I came up with the idea that sorcerer demons are the name of special servant demons. Each of them has their own rank, from beginner, to elites and even gods. Their affiliation and meaning can vary, from a simple servant, guide and right-hand man, to a warrior, personal bodyguard and martial artist. Also, each of them has its own mark or sign denoting this or that demon, especially for the highest and elite.I think eye color can also depend, but not on the level, but on the group of demon sorcerers. The main ones are yellow, red, blue, green and in rare cases purple. But at the same time, hostility usually did not arise between groups of demon sorcerers.
One more thing, about their owners. Usually, the master, the master, the owner most often becomes a magician, no matter dark or light, but ordinary people and other demons can also become them. Thanks to a collar or mark, the owner himself can determine whether the familiar will be free or forever servants whose orders must be carried out without question.
The lore of this AU is as follows. One day, 8 representatives of the elite demon sorcerers - Tso-Lan, Po-Kong, Xiao-Fung, Dai-Gui, Tchang-Zu, Shendu, Bai-Tsa and Hsi-Wu decided to rebel and become not just servants, but higher demons that could dominate mortals. As soon as they were able to free themselves from shackles and go free, they began to jointly conquer lands and the state, destroying enemies along the way. It all ended in defeat for ordinary people. For several centuries and generations they ruled the world, creating their own laws and state, but one day they were overthrown and expelled by eight immortals, and imprisoned forever in oblivion. The demons tried in every possible way to get out, but everything ended in defeat and return expulsion. One day, they decided to give them a chance for the right to freedom if they returned to who they originally were - familiars. Most of them were against it, but they understood that there was no choice and they agreed.
Something like this... I hope you liked it. I know both English and Russian text here, but just in case someone is interested in what I originally wrote.
Я вас всех приветствую. И это идея для АУ по ПДЧ. Те кто хотят могут брать я разрешаю
Итак - демоны фамилияры или как их еще называют Демоны колдуны. Обычно я представляла ну основную восьмерку демонов как дети прородителя тёмной ци, но у меня в голову пришла идея о том что демоны колдуны это название особых демонов слуг. У каждого из них есть свой ранг, от новичка, до элит и даже богов. Принадлежность их значение могут быть разными, от простой слуги, проводника и правой руки, до воина, личного телохранителя и мастера боевых искусств. Так же каждый из них имеет свою метку или знак обозначающий тот или иной демон, особенно это касается высших и элит. Цвет глаз думаю так же может зависеть, но уже не уровень а группу демонов колдунов. Основные это желтый, красный, синий, зелёный и в редких случаях фиолетовый. Но при этом обычно не возникало вражда между группами демонов колдунов.
Ещё кое что по поводу их хозяев. Обычно хозяином, мастером, владельцем чаще всего становится маги, неважно темные или светлые, но так же ими могут стать обычные люди и так же другие демоны. Благодаря ошейнику или метке, владелец сам может определить будет ли фамилияр свободными или вечно слугами чей приказ должен выполняться без прикословно.
Лор этого АУ тут таков. Однажды в один из дней, 8 представителей элит демонов колдунов - Тсо-Лан, По-Конг, Ксяо-Фанг, Даи-Гуи, Тчанг-Зу, Шенду, Бай-Тса и Хси-Ву решили восстать и стать не просто слугами, а высшими демонами, которыми могли бы властвовать над смертными. Как только смогли освободиться от оков и выйти на волю, они общими усилиями начали завоёвывать земли и государство, уничтожая врагов на своем пути. Все закончилось поражением для обычных людей. В течение нескольких веков и поколениями они правили миром, создавая свои законы и государство, но в один из дней их свергли и изгнали восемь бесмертных, и заточили навсегда в небытие. Демоны пытались вся чески выбраться, но все оканчивалось поражением и обратное изгнание. Однажды, им все таки решили дать шанс на право свободу, если они вернуться к тому кем они изначально были - фамилиярами. Большинство из них было против, но понимали что выбора нету и те согласились.
Как-то так.. надеюсь понравилось. Знаю тут и английский и русский текс, ну просто вдруг кому-то будет интересно что я изначально писала.
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protagonistheavy · 1 year
I dont have time to rant much about it but JCA season 5 is off to a sucky start. Im glad there's only a handful of episodes left because man it's really lost the charm at this point.
First off, maybe most important even... why the fuck did they straight up ruin the theme song???? For WHAT reason!! They removed the first few measures of build-up from the song so the intro just BEGINS right in the middle, but the animation still plays from the beginning, so you have this intense music replacing what used to be a snippet of "urgent mystery." And seriously, for WHAT REASON? They don't add anything to the intro animation!! In fact it's actually shorter because they put Jade and Uncle's animations side-by-side rather than separate. Yet not only does it play the whole song, but it has to awkwardly loop one of the parts because it isn't long enough! I think they did this so the intro credits could have a few more seconds to show off a few more names lmao, which is just terrible. It's not like JCA had a boppin theme song but it got me in the mood! And now it just looks and sounds so bad, the action doesn't line-up, ugh.
Drago is an interesting concept for a villain but his ineptitude and attitude as a child/teenager makes him unimpressive as the main villain. Honestly the series has a had hard time since season 2 making new villains feel like proper successors; the move from Shendu to Shendu and his demon siblings was an AWESOME transition of power/stakes, but Daolong and Tarakuda were lackluster. Drago has way too many one-liners for a guy that gets kicked into walls by Jade.
That last point is another problem, which is that the action went back to being lazy again lol. It picked back up in season 4, but it's returned to season 3 levels of "just guys hitting each other," with not enough circumstance and environmental fighting. Jade doesn't have to do any tricks or kiddish maneuvers, she just kicks people around; Uncle zaps people with his magic fish while Tohru becomes less and less competent.
And oh Tohru, god they've made him a giggling child. It's honestly disturbing how little of his old self still seems around. I legitimately wondered if he went back to having Jade's chi like in that vampire episode lol, he's just so childish and naive now. A real bummer since Tohru was for sure one of the most compelling characters.
The Enforcers aren't around : ( Bad move, these are just such good and funny characters, and their replacements are simply not worthy. It IS funny to see Strikemaster Ice make a comeback, I wasn't expecting that lol, but him and his two buds are nowhere near as interesting as the Enforcers. Additionally, their Drago-given dragon-forms are just sooooo ugly, oh my god. Considering we already did the "turning henchmen into super-henchmen" thing once before, this is pretty hard to look at, clearly the inferior take on the idea. It's taken lifeless characters and made them look even more lifeless, harder to tell apart, and with nothing making them unique; when the Enforcers became Dark Chi Warriors, they had individual weapons that made them varied as fighters, but these guys are all just dragon things with fire powers, it's a real downgrade and just straight-up looks worse.
So this might be a disappointing end to JCA. I think what's unfortunate is that the series had so much innate charm that the writers didn't capitalize completely on, I genuinely think they just didn't have the creativity to make strong and emotional episodes that an adventure series like this needs. I think A LOT about one particular quote from Alex Hirsch... a show ten years ahead of JCA lol but still relevant. Alex explained that when writing an episode for Gravity Falls, the episode couldn't just be "evil tooth fairy," it had to be a compelling plot about, like, Mable loosing her teeth, or going to the dentist -- there had to be a human character arc that made the evil tooth fairy aspect have context and relevance. JCA badly needed this sort of emotional touch and thinking, because they clearly understand what COULD make the characters more compelling, but they failed to weave that into the episodes themselves. Take the episode about Jade's birthday -- which has NOTHING to do about Jade's birthday, other than it's something she keeps complaining about while they do typical episode stuff. In a better written version of the episode, the plot of Jade's birthday would be interconnected with things happening, it would serve a purpose -- but it's just a random element here, a random point to put pressure on the characters, that ultimately goes nowhere related to the rest of the episode.
Anyway I do love this show but after watching it almost completely, I suppose I do understand why this show didn't retain popularity. The first two seasons are great, but not so fantastic that it shines through its later, less impressive seasons. My brainrot tells me so many ways this series couldve been way more interesting lol, but something like this is super unlikely to inspire any remakes or reboots, so, it is what it is. A cute toon. The ultimate question I have to ask is: is it better than Kim Possible? It isn't. Kim Possible claims another head.
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howdoyoudothedew · 2 years
a hope for season three of jca with chosen one!jade
"We will add the talisman's powers to the chosen one's chi. That way they can not fall into evil hands again."
"Does that mean you found the chosen one?" Jackie asked.
"We found them a while ago," the head monk admitted. "Back when Tohru came for his ceremony."
"Wait-" Jade said. "Does that mean Uncle Jackie-?"
The head monk turned to her. "We had mistaken the warrior for the chosen one, but did not want to reveal her as she was young and still had many years to live before having such weight placed upon her shoulders. Sadly, it does not look like we can afford to wait any longer."
"Jade is the chosen one?" Jackie said, eyes wide and vaguely panicked.
"Woah," Jade breathed. "Wait, does this mean I can actually keep the talismans?!"
"The powers each one possesses, yes," the head monk said. "Though we will have to awaken your chi to do it, they should be safe within you. The hand of darkness will not be able to access your chi. And we have seen that you have a good relationship with your warrior, as well as two others to help him keep you save." He turned to Jackie. "She will be fine."
"I don't like this..." Jackie trailed off. Jade looked up at him, eyes big and pleading, and he turned to Uncle. "Uncle?"
"It is our best option, Jackie," Uncle said. "Besides, everything he says is true."
Jackie sighed and turned back to Jade, who hastily paused her victory dance when she noticed his attention redirected on her. "You must promise not to use the magic carelessly."
"Of course not, Uncle Jackie! I'll be uber careful with it!" Jade said. "'Careful' is my middle name! " She splayed her hands out like she was displaying her name in the air. "Jade Careful Chan."
Jackie sighed again. Hopefully he wouldn't have to explain this to her parents.
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gatorkid509 · 4 years
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I know, I know." Where's Spike's Character Ref, GK?!" " When are you going to post Spike's Character Ref?!" I'm still working on him, I already have his head done, I just need to figure out what pose to give him for his body. So I decided to take a break from that and work on this. Redesigning the Fire Demon Chi Forms of the Ice Crew!!( Yes, I know some people call them Dragon Warriors forms or Dragon Chi Forms, but I just call them Fire Demon Chi Forms since they do come from Drago's chi) So, this actually stems from my opinion on the Ice Crew's Demon Chi designs in a journal on DA www.deviantart.com/gatorkid509… , I like their designs, but they could've been better in my opinion. So that's where this redesign comes in. ( And yes, I did use the actual image of the Ice Crew's Fire Demon Chi Forms from the JCA Wiki for their new looks, I figured their new looks would look better with the style of the of the show then in my own, so I just used image of them, drew over it and added the details I needed for the redesigns, call it lazy if you want, I'd say I was a good call, plus I'm giving credit.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'll go over each member and discuss my changes to their design. StrikeMaster Ice His redesign isn't actually all that different from his official design, the only major change I made was changing the colors of the flame on the shirt, adding the hip armor(?) that was actually apart of his design when he gains Dai Gui's Earth Demon Chi in the finale and adding gray talons to his feet as I thought it was a bit weird that all 3 didn't have detailed talons like Shendu and Drago has, so I gave them some! MC Cobra Now, Cobra and Fist's designs are the ones with the major changes. For one, he has a different shirt color that is purple( And before you ask me why I made it purple, it's not just because it looks cool, but also because purple fire does exist as it's a pyrotechnic effect) and there's no flame on the shirt because it's actually on his sash( You just can see it since Ice's arm is blocking the sash, and yes, the flame color is purple). His head scales get purple tips because I have said before that, while the head scales are really cool, it does take away Cobra's awesome purple hair. He also get's a glove that's actually a homage to him gaining Xiao Fung's Wind Demon Chi( He actually only gains Xiao's Puffed up chin and nothing else, which is kinda lame compared to Ice and Fist's Earth and Thunder Chi designs) DJ Fist Like Cobra, Fist get's some major changes to his Fire Demon Chi Form. His shirt and the flame get changed to blue and flame is moved up to Fist's headband. His skin is also a darker shade of green because is human form has a darker skin tone then Ice and Cobra, he also gets armbands, shoulder plates and greaves that was part of his design when he gained Tchang Zu's Thunder Demon Chi( His clothes were actually going to be the same color as Tchang Zu's armor, but the armor was actually a really dark unsaturated purple, not dark blue like I thought it was originally). I also made his arm more buff because, like I've said before, it really bugs me how thin his arms look in the show. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And done!! This took me about 2 days to do, and I'm really proud of how good they look, their are some things I did want to add but couldn't, like adding references to the Dragon, Rabbit and Ox Talismans( You can actually see this with Cobra's ear being longer then it is in the show, referencing the Rabbit Talisman) and giving them more dinosaur looking feet( Cobra was actually going to get raptor feet with big toe claws). Anyways, I had fun drawing this I've been wanting to redesign the Ice Crew's Fire Demon Chi forms for a while now, maybe I'll tackle another design if a another JCA character( Maybe Po Kong since I really don't like her design). UPDATE:  My friend @amnshe-wolf said that Cobra and Fist need something on their shirts since I got rid of the flame emblem on them, so I decide to put a rabbit and ox on them, to not only fill the empty space the flame left behind, but to reference the Super Speed Rabbit Talisman and the Super Strength Ox Talisman. 
  And so I think that it, tell me what you think.
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atlas-affogato · 1 year
yall think the whole ‘being turned into inhuman creatures and being enslaved by an evil sorcerer who tortures us for our mistakes’ has a lot of angst potential?
because i do
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protagonistheavy · 1 year
Really wish that JCA episodes were listed in the right order, it's such a peeve that the season finale can happen but then there's extra episodes that should've been watched first. The worst offense is season 3, where I was really convinced that the season was losing out on tons of potential -- namely that the noble animals were never utilized outside their one episodes -- since it was getting to the finale so quickly. No, turns out there WAS an episode EXACTLY what I wanted before the finale... but it's listed immediately afterwards.
This compounded aspects of the finale I didn't like. I specify "compounded" because these issues would still be issues regardless if the episodes were in the right order, but the fact that I watched the finale thinking "this is the finale (<- dumbass)" the flaws just stand out more.
I quite enjoyed the power-up of the Dark Hand goons this season, and I was pumped to see Hak Fu eventually get in on it -- a nice way to raise the power levels and threats to the protagonist. But Hak Fu comes waaay too late in the show, only getting a couple episodes to even be around before he's returned to normal. Really would have liked to see Dark Chi Warrior Hak Fu get a little more use, especially since Dark Chi Dark Hand quickly became underwhelming.
This is made worse by the fact that everything happens so abruptly to end this season. Daolong literally turns around in his own evil lair, only to find Uncle casting a spell that just automatically reverts the Dark Chi Warriors into humans -- literally moments before they get supered up in magical armor, hyped up for a big battle against Shendu. All that gets dropped, because Uncle just finally happens to know the spell that makes Dark Chi Warriors turn to normal..... ughhhhhhhh
Uncle in particular is REALLY annoying this season, because almost all the conflict gets resolved by him and some bullshit magic that he just pulls out of his ass. He ruins so much tension by just having magical answers to everything, and its way too convenient how he just happens to know these spells when it matters -- and also immediately has a way to cast it. I like Uncle's magic shenanigans when there's some sort of obstacle in casting the spell, such as finding the right ingredients or getting the execution of the spell correct; it isn't fun when Uncle and an entire army of chanters just appear out of no where to stop the bad guys, which they do twice this episode, holy shit. In general it also just feels awkward that Uncle is now just fully equipped with magic lasers and shit this whole season, he goes from being a vulnerable bystander with a martial arts tricks, to a full-blown wizard that constantly equalizes the antagonist. It's just too much for Uncle, makes him a more important character than anyone else.
The plot with Shendu's rebirth was also a let-down, he just doesn't get to do anything meaningful before he's beat. By the time he gets his powers back, Uncle is already there with the spell lol. It would have been much, much cooler if Daolong and the Dark Hand had to help Jackie Chan beat Shendu, but nope, Daolong's only input is providing Uncle the sealing spell off-screen, for seemingly nothing in return except the vague idea of vengeance. Bah, stupid plot, it is what it is.
All in all this was a bit of a clunky season. Hunting for the talismans again was made more interesting by putting the powers into living animals, but not enough is done with the concept by the time it's over. Daolong sometimes poses as a credible threat, but he too often gets humiliated post-battles, and too often gets foiled by stupid shit that makes him less engaging as a villain -- but I do really like the evil chanting/vocalizing he does, aesthetically he's on-point. The finale really deserved to be a two-parter for a more satisfying climax. But otherwise it's still been good JCA fun.
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