#jealous dan truthers in the house!
godlizzza · 1 year
Suggestion: Dan learns that he is not Herbert's first love
Dan had never thought of himself as one of those guys who got excited when his girlfriend told him she was a virgin. Honestly, he thought guys like that were just pumped at the prospect that their girl wouldn't be comparing them to anyone else, something he'd never had a problem with. He'd left those insecurities behind in high school.
However, when it came to Herbert, Dan relished the fact that he was his first everything.
Herbert was knowledgeable in so many things, carrying a haughty twinkle in his eye that told everyone he was acutely aware he was the smartest in the room. So, when things between them took an unexpected detour into the romance department, Dan was thrilled that he would have the upper hand for once. Now it was his turn to watch Herbert squirm and ask questions. His turn to teach and guide Herbert into uncharted territory.
He also didn't mind the idea of Herbert falling in love with him. Of Dan being the first person to hold Herbert's heart in his hand.
This fantasy was quickly dashed the first time they had sex.
Dan had initiated it- sliding up behind Herbert in the kitchen to pull him back against him and press kisses down his neck- but he had been expecting Herbert to falter. He'd played out the scenario of Herbert turning in his arms, his expression apprehensive but burning with desire at the same time. Instead, Herbert had responded deftly. He'd spun around in Dan's arms, fisted his hands in Dan's shirt, and pulled him down in a searing kiss.
Things progressed quickly from there, the two of them stumbling to the bedroom, shedding clothes as they kissed feverishly. It was only once they were both naked and laid down on the bed that Dan paused. He hadn't given much thought to the fact that he'd never slept with a man before, assuming that since he and Herbert were in the same boat in that department, any ignorance on his part would be easily over-looked.
This wasn't to be the case, as Herbert took one look at his blank eyes and clicked his tongue impatiently. He reached over and swiped the bottle of lube sitting on Dan's nightstand then shoved at his chest until Dan leaned back on his haunches. Herbert pushed him onto his back and crawled over him to straddle his hips. Dan then got to witness the incredible sight of Herbert reaching around to finger himself. Dan's mouth went dry at Herbert's pinched face and his hand pumping back and forth behind him.
When he reached over to try and replace Herbert's hand with his own, Herbert gently pushed him away and said in a clipped voice, "I've got it."
A minute later they had rolled over again and Dan was pushing his cock inside with minimal resistance. He quickly lost himself to the tight squeeze of Herbert's ass, of Herbert wrapping his arms and legs around him to squeeze him close, and the breathless little cries he was panting into Dan's ear. Dan couldn't think or focus on anything other than how good it all felt. So, he happily fucked Herbert into the mattress, completely unbidden.
It wasn't until afterwards, when he was lying in a sated sweaty heap on his back, Herbert cradled to his chest, that his brain finally began to catch up with him. He blinked down at the dark shock of hair tickling his chin as he considered how fluid and relaxed Herbert had been.
"Herbert?" he asked, his voice coming out scratchy.
Herbert merely hummed, his fingers splayed out against Dan's stomach, rubbing slow circles into his skin.
Dan licked at his dry lips. "That wasn't your first time, was it?"
Herbert snorted and Dan felt his body jolt against his. "Why? Are you worried I'm disappointed you didn't sprinkle some rose petals on the bed or play sultry music?" When Dan didn't answer he huffed out a laugh and said, "No, it wasn't."
"Oh," was all Dan could say.
Herbert shifted, propping himself up on an elbow so he could squint up at Dan. He was quite a sight with his glasses discarded on the pillow, his hair mussed up, and his skin blotchy and flushed. Everything screamed freshly fucked, and if Dan weren't busy rearranging his entire perception of Herbert, he would've been tempted to pull him in and have his way with him again.
"Oh?" Herbert echoed, raising an eyebrow. "What does that mean?"
"Nothing," Dan insisted, glancing away. It would be easier to concentrate without Herbert's disheveled body looking back at him. "I just...thought maybe you'd never been with anyone before."
Herbert's pause had cool sweat breaking out on Dan's brow.
"Sorry to disappoint you," he finally said.
Dan swung back around to face him again. "I'm not disappointed."
"Really?" Herbert questioned, then bopped him on the nose. "Then why're you pouting?"
Dan swatted his hand away in annoyance. "I'm not."
"You're sulking."
"I am not!"
Herbert hummed, sounding unconvinced. He threaded his fingers together, laying his hands flat on Dan's chest, then laid down, resting his chin on top of his knuckles so he could peer up at Dan.
"It was a while ago," Herbert said, and Dan could feel his voice rumbling where their bodies were pressed together. "Back when I was studying pre-med in Chicago. His name was Walt. He was studying accounting. We both lived in the same dorm, kept similar hours. I'd see him studying in the library. Sometimes he'd come over and offer me a soda from the vending machine and we'd study together. I didn't hate him."
"High praise," Dan scoffed, and Herbert glared at him.
"I liked him, actually. It just took me a while to realise it."
"So, what? This guy was your...boyfriend or something?"
"Yes," Herbert replied simply, startling Dan even though he'd asked the question. "I suppose you could say we were together." His nose wrinkled as he said the last word, as though it didn't quite fit.
"Did you love this guy?" Dan asked between numb lips.
"At the time, yes," Herbert said conversationally, as though he weren't currently melting Dan's brain. "Looking back on it, it was so saccharine. Clandestine meetings in the library, notes left between the pages of books- ugh. I'm almost ashamed of myself. But I was young and in love, as you pointed out."
Dan laid there with his hands folded behind his head, glaring at the ceiling. He knew it was ridiculous to be jealous of past relationships, but he couldn't help but smart at the thought of this Walt guy getting to woo a younger, softer Herbert. Though Herbert was scoffing at his past actions now, there must have been a time where he'd found his late-night romps with this accountant to be something romantic. Just the thought of Herbert looking at someone else with ardor, permitting them to hold him close and kiss him was enough to get Dan's teeth grinding together.
"You're being strangely quiet," Herbert observed after a minute, staring at Dan from atop his laced fingers.
"It's not strange to be quiet," Dan shot back, and Herbert smirked.
"Oh, Danny," he purred, but Dan refused to meet his eyes. "There's no need to be jealous. You know you're the only man for me."
Dan glared down at him, and Herbert batted his eyelashes.
"You're enjoying this," Dan muttered.
"I've been enjoying lots of things today," Herbert answered, pushing himself up to throw a knee over Dan's hip and sit on his lap.
Desire swirled in Dan's gut and his cock stirred with interest. He smoothed his hands up Herbert's bare thighs to grip his hips, and Herbert smiled down at him. His eyelids were heavy, his eyes smouldering beneath his lashes.
"Now that you've had a crash course," Herbert said, rocking back to grind his ass against Dan's hardening cock, "do you think you can manage?"
Dan felt a familiar stab of annoyance that usually accompanied Herbert's snide remarks. He rose up to catch Herbert in his arms, rolling them so Herbert landed flat on his back, caged beneath Dan's body. Dan was glowering but Herbert looked back at him with sparkling excitement, his hands coming up to loop around Dan's shoulders and play with his hair.
"I think I can manage," Dan bit out, and Herbert grinned.
"I certainly hope so," he replied merrily.
Dan surged down to seal their lips together. As Herbert gave a pleased moan Dan was determined to show him there was no comparison between him and Walt. He made a promise to himself that he would own Herbert's heart completely. That Herbert would fall for him so comprehensively, that he would never be tempted to even think of Walt again.
If Herbert was going to be the center of Dan's world, then Dan was going to make sure he was the center of Herbert's, locking them together in a mutual orbit.
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