#jean finds out lefty dink trant heidelstam is going to lefty dink book club meetings with newfound lefty dink harry and gets SO MAD
57sfinest · 1 year
we need to get trant invited to a book club meeting so he can go full lefty dink talking vredefort school economic psychology with steban and ulixes. harry is like “trant i made some friends in martinaise that i think you’d like” and they go to a meeting together and steban and ulixes get on their high horse about the readings and the vocabulary etc but trant knows so much more than them. they spout a bunch of obfuscated nonsense jargon thinking it’ll lose trant but trant replies with a very precise and thorough critique of the logic that’s twice as complicated and by the end of the night their ongoing conversation is unintelligible to anyone but nilsen himself and trant has thoroughly earned their respect. they both are invited back and it becomes one of the only normal activities harry has ever regularly done with anyone from work. the one thing i can’t decide on is if it’s funnier if: a) harry gets completely lost amidst all the highly specialized language and concepts and just kinda sits there being overwhelmed, or b) harry shocks all of them by not only keeping up with but advancing his readings so that he manages some really insightful stuff on a topic trant thought he didn’t even know existed 
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