bibiwrld · 1 year
★ Miguel O’Hara x Black fem anti-hero! [OC]
★ Before reading: I don’t speak Spanish, sorry for any mistakes made.
—Synopsis: A new face suddenly arrives at Nueva York, working at Alchemax, catching Miguel O’Hara’s eye and helping the Spider Society with catching villains and anomalies..well sort of.
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previous: –five.
“Did I say throw a punch like an old hag with fucking arthritis?” Miguel snarled, weaving Miles’ punches. “Punch me!”
“I-I am!” Miles’ shouted back with an unsure look on his face, throwing another punch that Miguel easily blocked.
Miles had to be ready for today, he’s their best option for taking down White Phantom.
“Do it better!” Miguel threw a right hook.
Miles quickly dodged it by doing a backflip.
Miguel sighed, placing both hands on his hips. “Miles, we have to catch this guy today.”
Miles panted, slowly walking up to Miguel. “And we will.”
Lyla appeared in front of Miles. “ I think you did a good job, Miles.”
He smiled softly at the AI. “Thanks, Lyla.”
“I’m trusting you.” He sighed once more, looking at the young spider. “You can rest for now.”
He nodded, watching Miguel walk out.
Now at his office, Miguel sat at his desk listening to Pavitr, who was on the mission with Gwen and Hobie to bring Doctor Octavius back to Nueva York.
“She put up a fight, but she should be in Nueva York right now.” Pavitr spoke, swinging through a city.
Miguel looked at the large holographic screen of Pavitr, that was linked from his watch. He leaned back in his seat, satisfied with the younger spiders work. “Good job. Get back to Nueva York asap and locate her, then report back to me once White Phantom is insight.”
Pavitr did a mini salute before his screen disappeared. “Alrighty, boss!”
“Wren texted you.” Lyla appeared with a grin.
“Oh, did she?” Miguel forced an uninterested look on his face, but deep inside he was bouncing off the walls.
“Stop acting like you don’t care, you like her, we both know you do.” Lyla could see through his bullshit.
Miguel kept his eyes on the multiple holographic screen before him, clenching his jaw at her words. “What if I do? There’s no harm in that.”
Lyla squealed, jumping around Miguel. “Text her back now!”
“I’m not texting her back because you told me to.” He hesitantly picked up his phone, staring at her text.
Are you free tonight?
He thought of all of the possible things he could possibly be doing tonight. He had to take down White Phantom, but that’s at an earlier time, then he had a mission with Web Slinger, he could always reschedule that, and he had to file mission reports, and that could be left for another night.
So yes, he was free.
I am. You need me?
Badly, at my place at 9?
He bit his bottom lip and threw his head back at her text.
“Oh my God, look at you!” Lyla laughed, her eyes wide at the way Miguel was acting, it was very rare.
“Shut up.” He sat back up, typing back to Wrenley.
I’ll be be there
Lyla watched him send the final text. “Oh you’ll be there alright.”
“It’s just sex, Lyla.” He murmured, running fingers through his hair.
She crossed her arms. “We all know, it’s more than just sex to you.”
His eyelids lowered, sinking down in his seat. She was right, it was more than sex. Maybe he started developing feelings through every interaction they had, even non sexual ones.
His watch beeped, making him alert and pulling him from his deep thoughts. It was a quick message from Pavitr.
“White Phantom.”
He stood up, his mask immediately going on. “Lyla, notify Jess that White Phantom is here.”
“On it.”
“Get out of my way—AAGGGHHH!” Doctor Octavius glitched during an attempt to grab White Phantom with one of her robotic arms.
“Aw, what’s wrong, Octopus?” White Phantom taunted, floating in front of her. “Are you malfunctioning?”
“Now, Hobie and Gwen!” Jessica shouted to her watch.
“Got it!” Gwen swung down to Octavius, webbing her up once she stopped glitching.
“What the— you again?!” Doctor Octavius struggled in the webs.
“Hobie now!” Gwen called out, holding Doc Oc with multiple webs.
Suddenly Hobie appeared on the side of a building, pressing buttons on his watch, making a portal appear.
White Phantom floated and only watched in amusement.
Gwen jumped off the building, using all her strength to swing Doc Oc around and finally releasing her into the portal.
“I’ll be bac—” The portal closed.
“Such amazing teamwork.” White Phantom clapped.
Miguel, Jessica, Pavitr and Miles, joined Hobie and Gwen on the large street.
“Mind Crusher!” Miles shouted from below.
They all looked at him in utter disbelief.
“I really thought that one would’ve stuck with you guys.” Miles sulked.
White Phantom laughed with their distorted voice. “Oh how cute, you came up with a name for me.”
“It’s actually White Phantom.” Pavitr told them.
Hobie nudged him and shook his head. “C’mon mate.”
Pavitr quickly apologized, forgetting that they were talking to the enemy.
Miguel signaled for the spiders to move into their positions and White Phantom couldn’t but help but notice.
Chuckling, they revealed their white gloved hands. “If you think you little spiders can take me down, you’re nothing but delusional.”
“Hey!” Gwen shouted in offense.
“I don’t want to hurt any of you.” White Phantom began.
Miles turned invisible, crawling on a building that was closer to White Phantom. Now that they were distracted, Miles could go through with the plan.
“It was never my plan to hurt any of you. I know how it feels to be scared, how it feels to lose someone you love.”
Their words touched almost all the spiders.
“I just wanted to help.”
“Well we don’t kill people.” Jessica narrowed her eyes.
“I’m not included in that ‘we’ they speak of.” Hobie added.
“Hobie.” Everyone gave him a look.
“I mean now I am apart of that ‘we’, because of rules and whatever, but I follow rules because I want to.” He rambled with his hands.
“In order for to get rid of the problem, you have to kill it.”
Miles stretched his hand out as far as he could to touch White Phantom and shock them. White Phantom’s head suddenly snapped in Miles’ direction, scaring him to the point where he almost became visible.
“I can see you little spider.” White Phantom chuckled and head butted Miles with their hard metal helmet.
The only thought that went through Miles’ head was ‘How?!’
The impact of the helmet made Miles become visible and unconscious as he fell from the building.
“Miles!” Gwen swung down quickly and caught him by his hand, then retreated to a building for him to recuperate.
Taking off his mask, she stared at the bruise in the middle of his forehead. “Miles..Miles you okay?”
Miles could barely look straight but he still managed to answer. “Y-yeah..totally.”
“Coño.” Miguel cursed under his breath, seeing that the plan didn’t work.
“After I poured my heart out, this is how you treat me?!” White Phantom shouted. “After I helped you all?! Ungrateful spiders!”
“Now they’re upset.” Jessica rubbed her stomach while straddling her bike. “Plan B?” She looked to Miguel.
“Plan B.” Miguel sighed.
The other spiders instantly knew if Plan A didn’t work: make Miles shock White Phantom until they go unconscious, then they would have to resort to plan B: Distract White Phantom until Miguel got close enough to bite and paralyze them.
Pavitr wasted no time in using his yoyo to hit White Phantom in the head. Hobie shot webs on their helmet, making them spin out of control.
Miguel hopped on the side Jessica’s bike as she drove up a building.
“You two are starting to piss me off!” White Phantom groaned in frustration, both gloved hands emerging from underneath their cloak. Using their telekinetic powers, they slammed Hobie and Pavitr into the ground effortlessly.
The sounds of a motorcycle got White Phantom’s attention. Jessica’s bike soared through the sky and Miguel jumped off, his fist instantly connecting with White Phantom’s helmet, resulting to a large crack.
White Phantom was knocked out and began falling. Miguel attached his web to a building, swooping in to catch them and landing safely.
Jessica pulled up beside him with her bike. “Are you gonna bite them?”
“Yeah, just to be safe.” Miguel answered with his rough voice, staring down at the villain in his arms. He grabbed White Phantom’s wrist, sinking his fangs deep and releasing his paralyzing venom.
“That gets creepier every time I see it.” Miles commented with Gwen by his side.
He had a crazy bruise in the middle of his forehead, but he already had a crazy story to tell his parents when they asked.
“You okay mate?” Hobie asked, but he looked more beat up that Miles.
“Yeah.” He nodded, feeling Miguel’s stare on him.
Miguel put White Phantom over his shoulder, protracted his claws, then wiped his mouth from the excess venom that dripped from his fangs, onto his chin; he hated it. “You did okay, good job everyone.” Miguel walked over to Miles and ruffled his hair, then walked off to open a portal for himself.
That meant the world to Miles, his eyes sparkling in pure happiness. Even the other spiders were shocked by Miguel’s praise.
Gwen teasingly nudged him. “Good job.”
Hobie and Pavitr gave each other a fist bump.
“Time to head back to HQ.” Jessica told the young spiders.
Next Part: –seven.
Tags: @ohxx @thel0velykey190
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