#jellicle hunger games
Saw My Mutuals Doing a Hunger Games
So, I also messed around with the Hunger Games Simulator. I called it Macavity’s Jellicle Choice. Macavity managed to defeat Old Deuteronomy and decided that the next cat to ascend to the Heaviside Layer as to survive a Hunger Games. 23 cats just die. The 24th gets reborn.
I am so terrible with the simulator that I didn’t even have images for the characters, so I didn’t take many screenshots. Instead, I took notes of what happened.
We’ll begin at the end:
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This is the only screenshot you’re getting. All of the nicknames I used are very stupid.
Here are the notes I took as I played this thing:
Content Warning: It’s a Hunger Games. Violence and Death. Also featuring my dark sense of humor.
Pouncival and Plato fought over a bag, but Pouncival was too small to win that fight and ran away.
Tantomile Inventory: Shield x1
Jellylorum managed to scare Tugger away from the Cornucopia. Nobody was surprised by this.
Victoria Inventory: Bombs x5
Bombalurina Inventory: Shield x1
Munkustrap has made the Cornucopia into his base.
Rumpleteazer, Asparagus, and Grizabella got into a fight. I assume it must’ve been some sort of Emotional Ballad Competition, because Grizabella was victorious.
Etcetera Inventory: Canteen x1
Mungojerrie is hiding in the Cornucopia. Munkustrap knows this and is allowing it.
Day 1:
After all that “excitement” (The Bloodbath wasn’t that bloody tbh), there’s still much to be done.
George and Coricopat got into a fight, but it was just practice and they’re fine. George won, btw.
Pouncival has already managed to hurt himself will foraging for food.
Jemima Inventory: Hatchet x1 (The baby has plenty of sponsors, I assume.)
Bombalurina caught some fish, but that’s not that exciting.
Grizabella murdered Alonzo with a trident. I’m starting to become concerned by how good she is at killing people.
Tantomile just fell in a lake and drowned. Quite the anticlimax.
Allience! Electra, Cassandra, and Mistoffelees are on the prowl!
Tumblebrutus managed to scare Tugger into running away. I think “run away” is Tugger’s strategy at this point.
Munkustrap Inventory: Nameless Fruit x3
Jellylorum Inventory: Spear x1 (She made it herself. All those years of teaching kids crafts have paid off.)
Victoria beat Mungojerrie in a fight, but let him go because this was either a practice round or the announcer for the family-friendly TV station that airs The Hunger Games just claimed they were “fighting” in the bushes.
Etcetera Inventory: Canteen x1, Food Item x1 (Thank you, sponsor! …Okay, it was me.)
Mass Funeral 1:
RIP Rumpleteazer. (Lean Lynx) Her ballad wasn’t angst enough.
RIP Asparagus. (No Fuss 2 Pronounce) He just wanted to play Growltiger.
RIP Alonzo. (True Himbo) That was kind of pathetic.
RIP Tantomile. (She Psych) Your death was so boring.
Night 1:
Serial Killer Grizabella got Electra.
Plato became Enemy Number 1 for some unknown reason and he was hunted down by Coricopat, Tumblebrutus, Tugger, Jenny, and Munkustrap.
Remember how Pouncival injured himself? He got pricked with tiny thorns and bled out a few hours later.
Etcetera just screamed for help AND IF SOMEONE DOESN’T HELP HER I SWEAR TO GOD-
Some strange archery accident involved Victoria, Skimble, and Cassandra occurred. Cassandra’s dead now.
Jellylorum isn’t dead, but she’s unconscious, so someone should really look into that.
Misto and Jemima are snuggling!
Bombalurina stabbed George and left him to die. A bit harsh.
Demeter and Mungojerrie have been spotted holding hands. These two Macavity survivors have turned to each other for emotional support.
Day 2:
Allience! Jerrie, Victoria, Coricopat, Misto, and Munkustrap are on the prowl!
Serial Killer Grizabella is stalking Jemima! Luckily, she hasn’t got a chance to kill her.
Skimble stabbed Tugger.
Etcetera has found her mom. Jellylorum has kept her safe for the day.
Demeter Inventory: First Aid Kit x1 (From a sponsor)
Jennyanydots Inventory: First Aid Kit x1 (From a sponsor, cleverly giving medical supplies to someone who might be able to help everyone. Hopefully, no more kittens will end up like Pouncival.)
Mass Funeral 2:
RIP Electra (Book and Bell): She didn’t expect Grizabella to go so insane so quickly.
RIP Plato (Not Too Big): He was played by the same actor as Macavity, so maybe the mob got mixed up.
RIP Pouncival (Can Do Handstand): He died from a boo-boo.
RIP Cassandra (Pharaohs’s Girl): I’m still not sure wtf just happened.
RIP George (Could Be Admetus): I almost completely forgot about him, but the audience will remember.
RIP Tugger (Tugs): Skimble took their rivalry too far.
So, that was a massacre…
Night 2:
Coricopat just randomly died from thirst. Remember that Tantomile drowned. One twin died from too little water, and the other from too much.
Victoria is having nightmares. Just thought you should know.
Jerrie, Skimble, Grizabella, and Demeter have set up camp together. After everything that’s happened, sharing a camp with Grizabella sounds like a terrible idea, but everyone’s under a lost of stress and not thinking clearly.
Misto has built a shelter and Jenny is allowed inside. Good choice of ally.
Jemima tried to sing herself to sleep. Poor baby…
Munk killed Jelly with a poison dart. It was quite brutal. I don’t think he meant it that way, but the game only ends after most of them are dead.
Bombalurina has begun to question her sanity. I think this question applies to nearly everyone.
Etcetera, after possibly witnessing Munk kill Jelly, appears to have snapped. She hacked Tumblebrutus to pieces with a weapon that I didn’t even know she had.
Day 3:
Stalking Jemima was a bad choice. Serial Killer Grizabella now as a sprained ankle.
Allience! Victoria, Jenny, Misto, and Jerrie are on the prowl!
Munk died from thirst, and possibly from guilt.
Bomba and Skimble are friends for today.
Etcetera Inventory: Food Item x1 (Sponsor. I had to do something)
Mass Funeral 3:
RIP Coricopat (He Psych): His death matched up with his twin’s.
RIP Jellylorum (Bitches Be Jelly): That was really fucked up.
RIP Tumblebrutus (Fliptastic): He was probably in the wrong place at the wrong time.
RIP Munkustrap (Fearless Leader): At the end of the day, he couldn’t kill his family.
Night 3:
Etcetera is gazing at the stars, looking for a Dead Parent-Shaped Constellation.
Victoria managed to defeat Serial Killer Grizabella, but she let her go.
Jerrie and Jemima are snuggling! I think he might’ve adopted her. Normally, that would be Skimble’s job, but…
Demeter found those poison darts Munk was using and killed Skimble with one of them.
Meanwhile, because everyone’s parents are dying tonight, Misto shot Jenny. I think he might’ve planned it. The Hunger Games brings out the worst in everybody, sooner or later.
Smart Cats Who Stayed the Fuck Out of It: Mistoffelees and Demeter
Bomba just grabbed some food and ran for it, so she’s also pretty smart.
Etcetera’s nervous breakdown continues. She killed Victoria in an ambush, not caring who she was killing at this point.
Serial Killer Grizabella managed to behave when she ran into Jerrie and Jemima. They grabbed their stuff and left.
Day 4:
Misto is ready to die, but Jemima won’t kill him and Jerrie went out to hunt, so he’s not there to do it for her.
Grizabella died of dysentery. This isn’t even a joke.
EVENT: Tsunami (Later to be Dubbed “The Tsunami of Tears”)
Survivors: Mistoffelees, Mungojerrie, and Demeter
Little Etcetera got swept away. Bomba and Jemima both sort of crashed into each other, leaving them stunned for long enough to drown.
We just lost all of our kittens :,(
Mass Funeral 4:
RIP Jennyanydots (Mouse Mother): Misto betrayed her, but she probably didn’t mind.
RIP Skimbleshanks (Railway Cat): I’d like to propose a ban on poison darts.
RIP Victoria (Little White Cat): Another kitten in the wrong place at the wrong time.
RIP Grizabella (Cat Who Sings Memory): She died of dysentery.
RIP Etcetera (Little Tiger Cub): *wails*
RIP Bombalurina (Whittington’s Friend): She played very pragmatically, but lost from last-minute bad luck.
RIP Jemima (Sillababy): *wails louder*
Night 4:
After all the bullshit they’ve been through, the three survivors just decide to duel each other to the death now. Misto defeats Jerrie and Demeter. None of them were trying very hard.
Anyway, Mistoffelees won. I didn’t rig this so my favorite would win. I don’t know how one rigs a Hunger Games Simulator. I would’ve preferred to save a kitten.
If it isn’t obvious by now:
Mean Minx: Mungojerrie
Leading Lady: Demeter
Pied Piper’s Assistant: Mistoffelees
So, that’s what I did on this fine Tuesday morning.
Hunger Games Idea Inspired by: @fluffytuffles and @0zzysaurus​
I didn’t use the same template, but I wouldn’t have thought to do the thing if my mutuals didn’t start it.
As for the backstory I set up before hand, Mistoffelees magically kicked Macavity’s ass and rescued Old Deuteronomy. They figured out that it was all a magical nightmare Macavity had sent to torment the tribe. Misto’s magic allowed him to fight the nightmare for the longest. Demeter and Jerrie and also built up some Macavity resistance over time. Everyone who came close to winning had slightly higher Macavity resistance for one reason or another.
Anyway, they all woke up from the nightmare and everyone was actually fine.
The End
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9,16,21,,25,38 for tate
9: How does your character feel about religion?
religion being the Everlasting Cat, then Tate absolutely believes in them. It's hard not to, being the reincarnation of the Jellicle creator. i definitely think he feels a stronger connection to the E.C. than everyone else, and that's when he starts to kind of realize that things are different.
16: What other fictional characters remind you of your character?
Nico DiAngelo (Percy Jackson)
Dolores Madrigal (Encanto)
Lucy Pevensie (Chronicles of Narnia)
Peeta Mellark (Hunger Games)
Walt Stone (The Kane Chronicles)
21: Is your character flexible?
yes! i definitely think he's more of a contortionist than a dancer!
25: Would you want to hang out with your character?
yes, i want to hang out and watch movies and cuddle him!! he needs hugs!!
38: What role does your character play in their story?
i imagine that when Tate does realize that he's the new life for Aloisa (he definitely starts feeling things early on in life), he becomes someone similar to Jemima's role in the show, or Coricopat and Tantomile's, like a connection to the Everlasting Cat, making Jemima a very proud mama!
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screamingay · 3 years
rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to! put your music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people (i was tagged by @remember-therain tysm!!)
something in the night by bruce springsteen - sometimes all u need 2 hear is a man from new jersey going WOOOOOOOAAAAUUGHHHHHHH
rules by jayme dee - from the hunger games soundtrack! which ive been in love with since literally 2012
the jellicle ball from cats (original london cast) - yes i like cats this is nothing new. i prefer the london cast tho
america's suitehearts by fall out boy - i love singing along to this even tho i dont know all the lyrics. i know the sounds he makes is that not enough
halloween by phoebe bridgers - w. whatever y-you want.... 🥺🥺
when you believe from the prince of egypt - this is rlly one of the most fucking songs of all time
meet the plastics from mean girls - literally my name is regiiiinaa geeoouurrhhge 💅
merci by stromae - im not usually into edm or whatever but i cant bring myself to separate it from the album bc i love the album as a whole
night like this by lp - i was super into her in high school and i never took the albums out of my library bc like.. they're not bad! this isnt my fav from its album tho
@bartlesandjaymesandyou @kordate @lochnessbian @chinkz @honourablefool @comfykiggy @fugottron @thewildwooders @ocelhira @kaquyas (and anyone else who wants 2 of course)
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Since @uppastthejelliclemoon​ and @kineticjellyfish​ Have made me cry multiple times because of their absolutely amazing Cats angst. I have decided to return the favor. In a... Special way What I have here is something called “Hunger Games Simulator”. It is a website where you put in the names of random people and/or characters and it creates a scenario about what would happen if these characters were in the Hunger Games.  I, have done it with cat characters . Time for some payback. (TW. Suicide mention) (Also its a long post so get ready-) The horn blows and the tributes all start running, one way or another. First of all, Demeter, Tugger, Misto, and Cassandra formed a suicide pact and killed themselves. Not off to a great start…. Tantomile, Jennyanydots, Bomba, Grizabella, Etcetera, Plato, Victoria, Electra, Gus, and Jemima take off and successfully get away from the Cornucopia without being injured. These cats also did not get any items. Old Doot finds a bow, some arrows, and a quiver. Skimbleshanks finds some rope and a lighter Mungojerrie retrieves a trident from inside the Cornucopia Coricopat stays at the Cornucopia for resources Carbucketty sets off an explosion which immediately kills Alonzo Rumpleteazer and Macavity get in a fight with Munkustrap and Pouncival none of the 4 we’re injured Starting Day Complete Day 2 Start Jemima tries to spear a fish with a trident Tantomile and Gus search for firewood Victoria sprains her ankle running away from Pouncival Coricopat injures himself Electra picks Flowers Old Doot injures himself (oh dear) Mungojerrie receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor (of course he did) Munkustrap, Skimble, Jenny, Bomba, Grizabella, Carbucketty, and Electra goes hunting for other tributes Plato goes on a hunt End of Day 2 Day 3 Start First special event: ACID RAIN The second it starts Victoria immediately tries to push Bomba into a puddle of acid rain but fails, Bomba grabbed onto Victoria pulling her down with her, killing them both. Same thing happens with Munkustrap and Carbucketty. Munkustrap tried to push him in a puddle of acid but Carbucketty dragged Munkus with him. Killing them both. God dang Jemima trips and falls face first into a puddle of acid rain, killing her as well. Plato injures Tantomile and leaves her in the rain to die, man these cats are vicious Aw dang it, Mungojerrie, Coricopat, Old D, Electra, and Jennyanydots are so shocked by Jemima’s dead body they forget its raining acid and they all die. (I’m kidding, they all tripped into a puddle as well) Pouncival refuses to let Skimble into his shelter so Skimble dies. Grizabella refuses Etcetera into her shelter so Etcetera dies dang that’s a lot of death Day 3 End Day 3 Night start Pouncival thinks about home Grizabella is unable to start a fire so she sleeps in the dark Plato quietly hums Gus screams for help (oh boy) Day 4 start Everyone who is alive stays to themselves Grizabella can’t handle the circumstances so she commits suicide Day 4 ends Day 5 Starts Plato practices Archery Pouncival stabs Gus Day 5 ends Day 6 starts Plato is unable to convince Pouncival not to kill him Pouncival shoots Plato with an arrow when he’s not looking AND THE WINNER OF THE JELLICLE HUNGER GAMES IS POUNCIVAL!
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rhaella · 5 years
Film & TV Meme
i was tagged by @ladyofdragonstone, a film hoe who will hate all my answers
Favorite Recent Movie: i’ve seen very few recent movies (like i’m pretty sure only 3 2019 movies) so i’m gonna go with cats (2019)
Favourite Classic: i’m not fully sure what the true classics are, but i like gilda (1946), free willy (1993), & can’t buy me love (1987)
Favourite Western Animation: spirit: stallion of the cimarron
Favourite Anime Movie: kiki’s delivery service!
Favourite TV Show: idk, this shifts so often but recently anne with an e & the good place
Favourite Comedy: cats (2019) and after (2019)
Favourite Drama: lion (2016) made me weep like a baby
Favourite Guilty Pleasure: high school musical 2
Favourite Horror: a nightmare on elm street (1984) 
Favourite Kid’s Movie: other than the ones i mention multiple times in this meme, mulan is a forever fave and coco is a more recent fave
Favourite Movie Performance: robbie fairchild in cats (2019)
Favourite Show Performance: winona ryder in stranger things
Favourite Musical: if we’re talking movie/tv musicals, mamma mia!, galavant, & cats 1998
Favourite Soundtrack: the hunger games & catching fire
Last Movie You Saw: booksmart
Last Show Your Saw: riverdale 😬
Most Relatable Film: unfortunately booksmart lmao
Most Rewatched Movie: probably either shrek 2 or spirit: stallion of the cimarron
Most Underrated Film: spirit: stallion of the cimarron
Most Underrated Show: galavant!!!
Must See Before You Die: cats (2019)
i’m tagging: @babygoestozspace, @thehound, @deirdrearchleone, @aribatchelder, @cosmonauthill, @jellicle-cat, @demigodinator, @anorlondo, & whoever else wants to do it (just tag me so i can see it!)
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aquitainequeen · 5 years
Here's what I don't get about Cats: the Musical; all the cats we see, save for Grizabella and Macavity, are clearly enjoying their lives and having fun. None of them have any problems or troubles, other than getting scared and running off when Macavity shows up. Why would they WANT to be reborn as something better, when they've already got a pretty sweet deal as they are now? And this is why the Jellicle Ball should be more like the Hunger Games. 
(I'm being a bit silly.)
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henchlifebucky · 4 years
Been working on this fic for four years and have taken more rabbit trails than there are sidequests in a Final Fantasy game. Are some of the early chapters dreadfully Cringe and need some serious TLC? Probably. Is it really The Macavity Show anymore? Not exactly. Has it turned into The Kitten Show? You bet. Also, I’ve no idea what ages I headcanon anyone anymore. Somehow or other Carbuckety ended up as one of the oldest kittens rather than one of the youngest, George ended up as a kitten (I blame Palladium/Broadway Revival Pounce-George for that), and Alonzo, Carbuckety, and Pounce ended up as half-brothers. I don’t even care at this point, so long as I finish it. So here, have a HenchKitten Rescue Sidequest and a Look, We’re Twins! encounter. 
“Georgie!” Carbuckety’s face broke out into a broad grin. “C’mere, bring everyone else, I’ve got something to show you! But quietly, mind, it’s a surprise, and it’s just for kittens, not grownups.” He glanced pointedly at the two henchqueens seated on a pile of bricks nearby—meant to be watching the kits, but mainly talking to one another and paying little attention. Kitten escapes were rarely a problem; and anyway, the queens reasoned, the kits couldn’t get far; they had no idea where to go and hunger would be certain to bring them back again before long.
George frowned. “That sounds awfully su—spewishuss. You’re not going to get us into trouble, are—”
“Please, Georgie, no arguing, just get the others here without anyone seeing you and I’ll explain everything! It’s nothing bad, I promise! It’s the Surprise I’ve been telling you about.”
As little George bounded off to gather the others, Carbuckety shot a smug grin over his shoulder, in the general direction of Alonzo, Quaxo, and the twins’ hiding place.
“‘Georgie’ and ‘Bucky,’ eh?” muttered Alonzo. “They seem to know each other well, and it isn’t as if they are the right ages to’ve spent time in the kitten den together. Gather he’s been paying them visits a long time, then. Funny he shouldn’t have mentioned it. Or tried to help them escape before.”
“There’s a right time for everything,” Quaxo whispered. “And big as he talks, he knows it was smarter to wait until he had backup. He’s cleverer than you give him credit for.”
“Oh, I’ve no doubt he is. Plenty clever. My worry is he sells his cleverness to the highest bidder.”
“He despises the henchcats and everything to do with them,” Tantomile murmured. “You may rest easy on that score.”
“Except the henchkits.”
“They are innocent.”
“He doesn’t seem to like the Jellicles all that much either.”
“If he keeps up a tough exterior to protect himself, can you blame him? I know plenty of others who do the same.”
Alonzo’s pelt prickled uncomfortably, and he didn’t respond to that last.
After a few more moments, a small parade of kittens headed by Carbuckety approached their hiding-place. Alonzo shot another anxious glance over to the two henchqueens, who still appeared wrapped up in their conversation and heedless of the fact that their charges were getting away. Almost as if this were planned, as if they wanted the kits to escape… Perhaps it was only that they intended to snatch the kits right back again, when the henchcats invaded the junkyard…
Well, no matter. For the moment, the thing was to clear out of here as quickly as possible—not an easy prospect with this many kits… “Ten,” Alonzo breathed, rapidly counting them up. “Is that everyone?” he whispered to Carbuckety. The younger tom gave a nod and a grunt, already carrying George on his back and the smallest kit in his mouth. Wordlessly, Quaxo and the twins each likewise carried one kit by the scruff and another pigaback. Alonzo followed suit, expecting some resistance—they were strangers, after all—but the kits were all oddly cooperative. Only George showed any sign of worry. Alonzo wondered if Tantomile had brought a feeling of calm to all of them. Or, perhaps they were simply too young to worry about much of anything yet.
“Right, let’s go,” he mumbled, careful not to drop the kit he held in his mouth.
About halfway to the junkyard, as they were passing through a humans’ residential area, Carbuckety stopped, setting down the kit in his mouth and crouching to allow George to climb down from his back. “Off you get, Georgie. Auggie, go and walk with our friends. There’s just one little detour I need to make…”
Alonzo and the others halted as well. Alonzo carefully set down the kit he’d been carrying by the scruff. “What are you playing at now, kit?” He glanced at Coricopat and Tantomile, who looked slightly disapproving but unsurprised, then at Quaxo, who merely shrugged.
“Nothing,” said Carbuckety tranquilly, “just something I’ve got to do. It’s important.”
“It can wait till we’ve got the others safely home,” Alonzo frowned. The kit he’d been carrying in his mouth was jumping up, trying to join his friend perched on Alonzo’s back. The harlequin tom crouched down to allow the kit to climb up, whilst keeping his gaze fixed suspiciously on Carbuckety. “This whole thing is your operation.”
“And this is part of it,” the younger tom explained. “It really can’t wait. But…why don’t you four carry on back to the junkyard, and…”
George’s face grew panicked. “I’m not goin’ wif them, I wanna go wif you, Bucky!”
“Here, what’s this then?” Carbuckety chuckled, shoving George goodnaturedly, albeit gently so as not to knock the smaller tom off his feet. “I told you, these are my friends and they’ll keep you safe. They’re taking you to the most fun new home you ever saw. You can do whatever you want there! Didn’t you promise to do everything I said? All of you?” he added, looking round at the other kits. A few of them grumbled and shuffled their paws, but made no further attempts to argue the matter. “Anyway,” Bucky went on, “I’ll be right behind you—with a surprise. So be good and go along with these nice cats now.”
“Follow him,” Coricopat muttered to Alonzo. “We’ll see the others safely to the ’yard.”
With something of an exasperated sigh, Alonzo transferred his charges to riding on Quaxo and Coricopat’s backs, the twins and Quaxo each once again picked up a kit by the scruff, and the four biggest kits walked.
Alonzo turned to follow Carbuckety, who was already making his way up to one of the houses. Just what is he up to now?  
Alonzo crouched behind a bush—a very prickly bush, thanks—watching Carbuckety. Or, rather, watching Carbuckety watch another tomkit who was frolicking about the garden, chasing after insects. A human sat on the front stoop, also watching the kit.
Why are we all sitting around watching a kit? Would’ve been nice if Coricopat or Tantomile had given him some sort of hint as to what this was all about…
Just then, the human looked over its shoulder and went into the house, evidently to fetch something. Carbuckety darted from his hiding-place; apparently this had been the opportunity he was waiting for. “Hey—psst!” he hissed, approaching the smaller tom. The kit turned round in surprise. “Remember me?” Carbuckety grinned.
“Um…Bucket Bean?” the other tom ventured.
“Carbuckety,” Bucky corrected. “But you can call me Bucky if it’s easier. Ready to go?”
The tomkit froze. “Go?”
“I told you,” Carbuckety sighed, somewhat impatient now, “that I’d be back for you.”
“And—and I told you I couldn’t leave,” returned the other, glancing uneasily towards the house.
“But you’ve got to. It’s about to get dangerous—say, what’s your name anyway? You never said…”
“Percival George,” said the tomkit, straightening his shoulders proudly and momentarily forgetting to worry, “after Knights and Kings.”
Carbuckety was unwilling to admit he had no idea what that meant—must be ‘some human nonsense,’ as he muttered to himself. “Well,” he said aloud, “sorry, we’ve already got a George. You’ll have to go by just plain Percival.” He grimaced. “But that sounds so silly. Can’t we change it up a bit? Something…well, more cat-like and less human-like…”
Alonzo shifted restlessly in his hiding-place, unsure whether this were a kitnapping he needed to put a stop to, or a rescue he needed to help with. Whichever, Carbuckety needed to get on with it, why was he wasting time quibbling over names?
“Is your name cat-like?” Percival pointed out. “Car…Bucket? Cars and Buckets? What’s so catlike about those? They’re very human. Which suits me fine,” he added smugly, “I love humans.”
“Yeah, yeah, fine,” Carbuckety waved a paw impatiently, trying not to show his embarrassment, “everyone loves humans, they’re all wonderful, and all that. Anyway, cars are good for hiding-under and buckets make cozy nooks. But you. Just now I saw you running around the garden, leaping, jumping…”
“Yeah, pouncing!”
“Well, of course I was. Everyone pounces, it’s fun!”
“Yeah, except old granny cats who’d hurt their backs. But that’s not the point. What I mean is, that’s what we’ll call you!”
“What?” Percival stared in confusion.
“Instead of PURSE-ivvle, we’ll call you POUNCE-ivvle. Or even just Pounce.” Carbuckety grinned.
“That’s the silliest thing I ever heard,” Percival scowled, “and I’m not changing my name. I like it. It’s the name my humans gave me.”
“Almost no one in the yard goes by the names their humans gave them,” Bucky informed him. “Those are just for when they’re with the humans. In the yard we like more peculiar, dignified names.”
“S’nothing undignified about Percival, and I never asked to come to your ol’ yard.”
This was getting out of paw, Alonzo decided, preparing to show himself and intervene. Whether Carbuckety meant well or not, this kit clearly didn’t want to come along, and you couldn’t force someone to come live in the junkyard…
“But don’t you want to meet your mum?” Carbuckety urged.
Alonzo froze. He was out in the open now; the two toms would see him if they only turned round to look, but he neither moved closer to them nor returned to his hiding-place. Who…?
“I s’pose so,” Percival sighed, softening just a little. “But…how do I know you’re even telling the truth about that?”
“Look at me. We look almost exactly alike. You think that’s coincidence? Your mum is my auntie—my mum’s sister, not that she’d ever tolerate me calling her auntie. Anyway, you ought to let her know you’re alive at least.”
Before Alonzo could fully take in the meaning of all this, the two younger toms turned round to face him, and the three felines merely stood staring at one another in stunned silence for a moment.
“Guess the moon twins couldn’t trust me to get the job done myself,” Carbuckety observed finally.
“Who’re you?” asked Percival, bewildered. He looked once more towards the house, as if hoping the human would return and scare off these two strangers.
Alonzo merely gaped, glancing from Carbuckety to Percival and then back again. He did this several times before finally blurting out, “There’s two of you!”
“Just said that,” Bucky shrugged. “You coming or not, Pounce? The henches’ll be…”
“Fine,” Percival exclaimed, all out of patience. “But only if you promise to bring me back!”
“If I can,” Carbuckety allowed, “if it’s safe. And,” he grinned, “if you don’t decide you like it so much in the junkyard that you’d rather…”
“Not going to happen.”
“Suit yourself,” Carbuckety shrugged. “Will you take us home, Alonzo?”
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