#jemaly's dailies
wolfwithafoxtail · 7 years
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060917 | Today I bought three pumpkins & made pumpkin juice & soup! a u t u m n
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seekingwonders · 7 years
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jemaly's dailies. here is half a promise that i will try to keep track of what happened and will happen these two weeks. i took the plane with anxiety and last minute fear that i wldnt be able to go for one reason or another; and i ended up in a way more spacious than was described, with lovely stewardess on top, stress free flight. and to punish me from skipping work, i was next to two (talkative) collégiens who were more than willing to make friends. they were lovely and i had a good time taking care of them like i usually do & after we said goodbye, i latched onto another group until the gate to haneda airport. between that there was pacific rim, discovering that cold water in beijing was 41degrees celcius for some reason, and managing to sleep a couple hours coz the plane was so empty. arriving to tokyo i was elated and commenting on everything which made it hard to take it all in but i also had to say how Different everything was and there are rules i dont know and people walk on their left for some reason (!). anyways i wanted to do lots getting in, like going to a vegan fest & a lesbian bar but instead i made more friends getting my jr pass, collected my precious pocket wifi and am currently tucked in a yukata under the covers of a futon. apart from chips and airplane food, i only had time for one meal here so far, at Umi Cafe, which was good but really. really it's the girls who are to die for. their style is just. god. i'm moving on to kyoto tomorrow and im Excited. ive only seen shibuya so far here and it is. a bit much for me. but it might be the lack of sleep and that i apparently completely forgot to bring my meds that are to blame. so, my day started at 2pm at paris' airport and its now ending at 8pm the next day. good thing abt not being good at maths is that im not sure im really affected by this timezone thing hah
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wolfwithafoxtail · 7 years
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Today ... moony and padfoot spent their first full day together again. Not that much mischief, but food, walks, tea, clothes fitting, more food, prosecco and limoncello, dancing to Italian music with fairy lights in the background? Yes.
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wolfwithafoxtail · 7 years
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Today I took some time for myself to read and relax! I was woken up by mum in the morning to go get bread, have coffee and a big healthy breakfast full of goodness~ I then placed myself outside in the sunshine and read for a while, before I got called in to cut my lil bro's hair! Don't wanna blow my own horn but it looks so good now hah. Then we went to the library (ft me looking absolutely extra) and I wrote an essay, watched some videos, and put my computer back in Belgium time zones #sad. And with these last essays there officially has come an end to my Kandai adventure. Cue the tiny violin. We had barbecue for dinner, I ate so much potato and cucumber, my belly is a big round tum. Dad bought some veggie sausages which were tasty but obviously not made for BBQ-ing so if we do it again I'll pbb to look in a vegan store to find something more suitable. Tomorrow I'm meeting Anja for brunch, super chuffed for that, and then I'll be starting again on the whole planning and organizing thing! Have to figure out where to get myself a little job, plan trips I want to do, and just in general get all ready to live life on this part of the globe again. In between I'll be doing some ID playing around to help Em out, and yeah, that's it. Another day over and done with. Went so fast.
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wolfwithafoxtail · 7 years
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I know I haven't posted dailies in a while but I've been working at this clothing store the last week, eating lots of delicious food, drinking coffee, and reading, planning, editing, going out for drinks, and writing in between! I've a new little blog post up and I've started doing my kanji again. Also my period popped up which is not as good but I'm managing! Had a couple of mental downs but I feel that overall I'm doing great, I'm happy and functioning without any problems at work, plenty of new opportunities have arrived, life is good for me now :)
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wolfwithafoxtail · 7 years
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Today I spent clearing out a hard drive, discovering old pictures aplenty (such as that hair), and clearing out stuff from my grandparents' home (where I picked an autumn and winter coat that I'm both very excited about). Found pictures, old toys, books... all kinds of stuff! :) Mum and I went for pizza afterwards to celebrate all the work that we did, and as soon as we got home I went upstairs and settled in bed with a book! I had to add an extra blanket already, it's so cold!! Help.
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wolfwithafoxtail · 7 years
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Really bad with keeping up with dailies but I've been cleaning, organizing, eating lots of fruits and veggies, biking, buying little bits and bops and just settling back in! Look at these massive fungi though, they're like flowers??
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wolfwithafoxtail · 7 years
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Today had a bit of a difficult start with me waking up from a too deep sleep, grumpy and exhausted. But it quickly looked up with coffee, a shower, nice big brunch... then Moons came back from her fitness session and we went to get a coffee at Melk & Suiker, followed by a long walk in the sunshine, and a stop at the food festival where we got apple cider! A special treat was when we got to make our own little coaster! We made it Marauders themed hehe. Back at the flat we decided to start on moony's closet, clearing out everything that wasn't Perfect For Her, and that took the entire evening and then some - but with a break in between for dinner, some videos, and some nostalgia. Very very proud of my bean!
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wolfwithafoxtail · 7 years
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The last two days, I've been preparing to leave Japan and fly back to Europe. I've spent time with Jo, ate delicious food, drank nice drinks, and sweated sweated sweated. Summer, you are beautiful, but you are impossible. Staying in a little place close to the airport, tucking in early to wake up on time to leave... on to the next adventure.
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wolfwithafoxtail · 7 years
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Today I mostly spent cleaning! I jumped between the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom, and I think I made a lot of progress ;D also had a bunch of fruit during the day and a veggie burger at night~ transitioning back to that vegan life… it’s gonna take some time but we’ll get there :) I also called Jo, we played around with Facebook filters and laughed a lot! So good to see his face ahhh
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wolfwithafoxtail · 7 years
Today I had my introduction at my new student job, cleaned the fridge, organised some, had a lovely dinner full of veggies, laughed a lot, got some amazing lunch boxes to take with me to work, a new water bottle, Plenty of Delicious Food (thanks mama) and oh, I also made a proper cuppa the British way. Very proud of today's accomplishments. Feeling very tired but also very good :)
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wolfwithafoxtail · 7 years
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This is a pretty perfect description of my day so I’m not going to use too many words. Add matcha face masks, an unexpected plank, endless samples at a bio store, 12.3km walking and some bus time, and you’ve got the day!
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wolfwithafoxtail · 7 years
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So today we did the thing we had in mind the entire time we spent together and RECORDED A COSPLAY THING!! My eyes are so tiny because I'm p much blind don't judge their tininess. Then I raced home, had coffee with mum, got my bike !!!!!! I have a bike again !!!! I am so excited !!!! We had a gorgeous dinner of sweet potato, brocoli and falafel!! then we took off to the art gallery opening with Jewelry Artist Friend. We had a good time but the gallery was so ... mediocre. The music ... mediocre. The male hosts .... extra mediocre. But we had a good time and we biked home and I am very happy to be in bed right now.
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wolfwithafoxtail · 7 years
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Today was again packed with good things! We slept until 10am, perfectly comfortable and relaxed, and we woke up refreshed and feeling good! Today was bro's tattoo day, so we went for a big breakfast at Eggs & Things ! I took the pancakes, which were absolutely delicious but ... reminded me halfway through I'm lactose intolerant. DUN DUN DUN why do I always forget that in the face of pancakes!!! Then the tattoo happened, and it is pretty damn cool! I might share it in a future post~ then we had coffee in a shop called Pour Mademoiselle (vintage Chanel galore), and then another day of vintage designer shops followed! Bro got some rad stuff, I'm still looking for that Perfect Find, but I had a blast going around, talking about fashion history & how styles are influenced, the evolution of music genres etc etc. Bro grew up so much, he's a fully fledged adult with his own ideas about everything from colour of shoes to politics. Impossible!!! Where is my 9 y/o lil tater!! Then bro suggested I text Jo to join us for curry, and that's what he did! Bro tried the 5 spiciness which he did struggle with. Truth be told, depending on the cook, the spiciness varies, and this was BAD. The waitress didn't bring us chopsticks - only spoons - and when I pointed it out to her she went like "??????" Like, seriously doubting my chopstick skills there, lady. Then we went up the Umeda building, watched the sun set over the skyline, sipped tea, and then had a bit of a struggle getting the right trains back to the Airbnb. Took care of the tattoo, had some tea, took a quick shower to freshen up, and chatted with bro some more. Now we're both lying down, having some video time before bed :)
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wolfwithafoxtail · 7 years
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Today had autumn weather, thrift shops, broken sandals, moony's dad's bday, homemade pizza, sleepy faces and thrifting. Got a shirt that makes me feel like Lestât, and I'm loving it. Aside from it being a slow day ... I GOT THE JOB I APPLIED FOR. I GOT A BIKE. Man living is hard but I'm DOING IT IM ALIVE AND KICKING
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wolfwithafoxtail · 7 years
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There was an entire paragraph about my day but apparently Tumblr hates me and deleted it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I did a lot of organising and cleaning things, which is a lot of work but will be SO rewarding when I'm all done. Jetlag mostly came by having a weird dream about planes and a snowy mountain hideout... odd!
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