mad-promises · 10 months
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17 places we wish we could be Escape to these breathtaking destinations and indulge your wanderlust like never before. Discover the top 17 places we wish we could be.
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Sometimes we get so caught up in our daily lives that we forget to take the time out to enjoy the beauty in life.
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polaroidcats · 1 year
I just got a notification for a post I had been tagged in in 2015, does anyone know how that happens? I've had this happen a few times before and it's always a fun blast from the past but also so strange because tumblr just makes it look like a current notification but then when i click on it it leads to an ancient post or ask
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sorenphelps · 1 year
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queers, like penguins, huddle together
part of my marauders era pride fanart series (more: x x x x); celebrating found families💞
also, a shoutout to one of my favourite fanfics, aesthetic: trash boys by @juuuuzou and @seekingwonders (even tho they’re not really active on Tumblr anymore). i love you lots anyways, my Tumblr fandom experience was by far the best when a:tb was still ongoing. i felt seen&included, i was so inspired and in a creative rush all the time, that’s what fandom friendship is at its finest, really, kinda like a… tudumm, a found family, ha! i’m still trying to recreate this here ever since.
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wolfwithafoxtail · 6 years
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94/100 more days of productivity | 190518 | i was supposed to work today but I was called off, so I had a slow morning, with some Korean vocab revision (took ages), followed by jotting down exam speech ideas, and finally sending out an important e-mail. Then me and mum took off on a photography walk, and a beer! We both were a bit knocked off our feet because we hadn’t eaten yet, so we giggled and stumbled out way into a local fries shop, for some good old Belgian fries with Romeo sauce. standard!
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ahollyandivy · 7 years
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April challenge!
My April challenge is surrounding five elements: sleep, showering, socialising, social media, and smiling. The challenge is to get eight hours sleep every night, to shower every day, to go out and socialise with people at least twice a week, to have at least an hour a day with no social media, and to do something which makes me smile every day.
Easy, right?
Day one:
Sleep: I probably got at least eight hours sleeping in bed and about two in naps over the course of the day.  Smiling: I sang with my siblings and I have missed this. Social media: I turned everything off for an hour. Admittedly I mostly napped. I also turned everything off when I went out in the evening with my family. Socialising: I went out with my parents and siblings for coffee and hot chocolate and talked and engaged. Shower: I sat and cried but I scrubbed my body and stole mother's shampoo and conditioner and my hair smells amazing.
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wolfstarlibrarian · 4 years
hi! have you got any personal favorites? fics or authors?
The Librarian used to completely stumped with how to answer these asks in the inbox, but with the bingo card sent in by @goodboylupin, it’s become a lot of fun! 
Check out the list below, and the previous lists, for few more favorite fics! 
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Favorite Fics Bingo: 1
Favorite Fics Bingo: 2
Favorite Fics Bingo: 3
Second row from the right, top to bottom. 
A fic you still remember many years later: Something about the jumping timeline and space travel will make sure that the Librarian never forgets this fic. Lots of space exploration and their easy physical touches make it sweet, fun, and completely unique.
Tabula Rasa by mrs_jack_turner
Sirius Black has always been a bit of a cocky bastard. It's just in his nature. However, his overconfidence and not thinking before he acts gets him into trouble when he finds himself stranded alone on an unknown planet.
A fic that inspires you: This fic was so unique it opened up the world of fun that could be found in texting fics. It’s still a work in progress but so much fun, it gets put on many lists. 
Aesthetic: Trash Boys by @seekingwonders​ , merlywhirls 
A story that starts with dick pics but is really about friendship, falling in love, and summer hols fun.
A fic you’ve gushed about irl: Let’s be honest, most of our fandom gushing happens online, but this one was so sweet, that the family definitely heard gushing about it. 
Seasons by @kittycargo
Remus Lupin receives an unexpected email about his class newsletter.
A fic that made you laugh out loud: This fic has such fun dynamics, chaotic feelings, and hilarious banter that you can’t help but to laugh out loud or cheer for Remus. 
Remus Discovers Burritos by @elanev91
Remus Lupin, PhD has just moved across the country to start a new job at a university in Southern California. He's got quite enough on his plate already, thank you, but the universe decides that he needs to navigate feelings for a certain leather jacket-wearing department manager, too. Title has no significance, but it's prof-r's birthday so they get what they want
A fic you’ve stayed up too late to finish reading: This fic was...a journey. It will take you completely by surprise on a dark, winding, and eventually satisfying journey. Could not put it down. 
This is You and Me by Children_of_the_Shadows
The first time Charlus Potter met Remus Lupin, he was reminded of a past he was trying to forget. The first time Dorea Potter met Remus Lupin, she was reminded of her own limitation. The first time James Potter met Remus Lupin, he was indifferent. The first time Sirius Black met Remus Lupin, he threw a punch to his face.
Happy reading!
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thegrimmgrimm · 3 years
Apropos of nothing but merlywhirls @seekingwonders if ur still out there I AM still thinking about trash boys and I love you
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pocketpadfoot · 6 years
Do you still do fic prompts/fanfiction/cosplay? Xx
Hello lovely!
I must say it's been a while since I've done any cosplay at all~ Life just seems to be a succession of busy moments and recovery from said busy moments... It's a miracle if I find the time to even look at my cosplay things :')
Sadly it is pretty much the same story for fanfiction.. Though I think about it daily and talk about it often, I haven't sat down and actually written anything in ages. @seekingwonders and I talked about it last week like;"have you even written anything??""I have been writing!!""Yeah when was the last time?""... two months ago"
But I have been thinking about actively taking it up again. It's always been a great way to destress and I think it would be good for me to get on it again hehe.
I'm not sure I will be taking prompts anytime soon though, I will need to familiarise myself with the whole not-academic writing again pfffrtt
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jencala · 7 years
nachodiablo replied to your post: Okay so I just finished reading Text Talk and...
idk why she’s not on tumblr anymore but her co-writer for aesthetic trash boys is still active. (seekingwonders)
Thanks Nacho!  
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thisispocketpadfoot · 8 years
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Turn and Say - A Les Mis ExR Modern AU fic // written by paranomasia on AO3  (aesthetic made by @seekingwonders w only pics from her phone. A+)
Summary : For half a year, this was titled "oh shit, you thought I was a homeless person" - and really, that's the best summary I could give you.
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juuuuzou · 8 years
tagged by @seekingwonders thanks babe!!
5 things you’ll find in my bag
5 things in my bedroom
embroidery shit everywhere
5 things i’ve always wanted to do in my life
publish a novel
write for tv
be able to seriously dance in front of other people
spend time away in the middle of nowhere
own a bookstore
5 things that make me happy
my friends
videos of long dogs
“this made me think of you”
new hair
5 things that i’m currently into
embroidery/cross stitching (again, i took a break)
also reading!! im reading more!!
sleeping with sirens
day trips with my brother
rick and morty
5 things on my to-do list
dr’s appointment tomorrow
maybe some gay stuff on sunday
getting cross stitch supplies
do my last shift
go for my L’s!
5 things you may not know about me
i waver between saying nothing and saying everything
im literally incapable of talking about myself/my problems in a serious manner
im shit at photography
my no.1 impulsive thought is to bash my head into a wall repeatedly
uh... im kinda small?
tagging @ecthelions @gayyholtzmann and @kinkyreaver !!
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sorenphelps · 7 years
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mermay is over so it is just the perfect time to post a pic starring mermen wolfstar from @braveremus‘ ocean rhapsody fic.
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ahollyandivy · 7 years
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There is sunshine and there is sleepiness, and there is the wonderful @seekingwonders' wonderful Aesthetic: Trash Boys to read, so fuck exams and anxiety and shitty friends; I'm still here, I've got this.
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pocketpadfoot · 7 years
Are you and Em enemies yet?
well, she picked me up from the station when I arrived in Paris, helped me get through one of the worst bouts of sicknesses I have been through with constant fussing and soup feeding, up to a point that she got ill afterwards because she was constantly taking care of me, and even after that she is letting me stay again next week to finally get that yoga class we missed out on because I couldn't breathe last time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
arch enemies, aren't we @seekingwonders
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juuuuzou · 8 years
@ecthelions replied to your post: tagged by @seekingwonders thanks babe!! 5 things...
you’re short
i fucking knew as soon as i typed it youd make a comment on it
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