#jen writes headcanons
silverofthunder ยท 5 months
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dressage rider!Terzo โ€” headcanons
i've had this idea in my mind forever but i didn't know whether i should do headcanons or just write fic/fics. then i settled for headcanons as i've not done them before. this might be a bit messy but here we go... ๐Ÿ˜Š
relationships: Terzo & Reader (only platonic), Terzo/Omega
Terzo has loved horses and riding ever since he was a kid and when he got older he decided to become a dressage rider
he has a bit of spicy mare called Cadence "Caddie" (a.k.a. Queen of Ebony) and he spoils her - her wellfare is everything to him
Caddie can be really sweet, too, but it might take a time before she warms up to people
she gets easily spooked sometimes (and it might lead Terzo to go straight to the ground whenever he is riding)
she also loves to jump, though Terzo rarely does that as he doesn't feel very confident while doing so (and Caddie is not so easy to keep calm)
he used to have a gelding called Spirit who he basically grew up with and his passing was so hard for Terzo (he also always carries a pic of the gelding in his phone case)
Terzo has been pretty successful at the competitions and he takes his career as a professional dressage rider seriously
sometimes he trains too much and it leads to frustration but luckily he has a great friend (Reader) and a coach who keep him in check
many people say that he has no time for dating as he wants to focus on his career and media has made it look like he dates a lot but never settles for anything serious
that annoys Terzo, even though he rarely says it out loud
it's true that the has had several short flings but he still wants to find something serious. he prefers to keep his private life private - media however makes it hard sometimes
when this big guy (Omega) starts working at the stables where Terzo's mare lives, Terzo wants to immediately get to know the man more ๐Ÿ˜‰
Terzo's brothers has also their own animal related lives: Primo is a farmer, Secondo a vet and Copia keeps a pet sanctuary
Terzo gets really nervous before competitions but it really doesn't show outside and he gets a lot of praise of not being nervous (he usually laughs off those comments and says he gets nervous but of course it's up to people if they believe him or not)
Terzo and Omega get to know each other (at first Omega doesn't seem interested but Terzo knows how to charm people) and later it gets serious (which kind of scares Terzo a bit)
they are cute with their PDA (not showing too much of it) and everyone is so happy for them
(okay, they might get caught once while having some fun in the old barn out on the fields ๐Ÿ˜)
Reader especially is so happy as Terzo really deserves to be loved wholeheartedly
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