#jenny slate is right... there will always be a ribbon of loneliness running through who i am 😔
cheekblush · 1 year
I really hope you find friends who love you and appreciate you as you are. Friends who challenge you in a respectful and loving way. If you’re constantly arguing for the sake of arguing…it becomes exhausting. You seem so sweet and fun, I need friends like you tbh ♥️
thank you so much 🥹🫶🏻 i sincerely hope so too but unfortunately it seems nearly impossible to make genuine friends in your 20s 😔 it seems like most people already have their circle of friends and are reluctant at making new ones. or maybe i just suck at making friends bc my track record is horrendous 🙃 sometimes i can't help but think that something is inherently wrong with me & that i'm so unlovable/unlikable that people don't want to be with me but that's my insecurities & self-doubt speaking. and i'd love to be friends with you!! feel free to dm me if you're comfortable with it. but a little heads-up: i'm not the best at replying to messages especially now that i have a full-time job 🙈 wishing you a wonderful weekend and a gentle fall 🍁🥮🫖🍂
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fieldsofbone · 2 years
in my last session my therapist suggested that many of my current feelings and concerns and anxieties etc. seem to be rooted in a deep-seated loneliness that she thinks stems from childhood and she encouraged me to explore that more and try to connect past experiences especially when i was very young to those feelings i’m describing as an adult and. let me tell you. jenny slate was right. there WILL always be a ribbon of loneliness running through who i am
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firstfullmoon · 5 years
~ tag masterlist ~
the earth was made for lovers (emily dickinson) i love you i want us both to eat well (christopher citro) tenderness is in the hands (carolyne forché) desires as round as peaches bloom in me all night (anne carson) there will always be a ribbon of loneliness running through who i am (jenny slate) the blue holds (john koethe) suppose the body did this to us (louise glück) if i stopped and thought the world can’t be saved (mary oliver) we must love one another or die (w.h. auden) when love became an act of defiance (florence welch) all friendship is romantic (co-star) i never was a child i was pulled right out of the sea (chelsea wolfe) maybe all pain in the world requires poetry (sandra cisneros) a marvelous thing to be human (ilya kaminsky) spring is the season of the heart (shubhangi swarup) we’ll dream of a longer summer (adrienne rich) the inconsolable season (angela carter) winter strikes my heart (virginia woolf) a beautiful bird who chose by nothing short of grace to make a habitat of your heart (maggie nelson) the precious intimacy of little things (daphné du maurier) it is a serious thing just to be alive on this fresh morning in this broken world (mary oliver) mostly i want to be kind (mary oliver) you love the light so much i do i love its hopes (anne carson) without tenderness we are in hell (adrienne rich) all beautiful poetry is an act of resistance (mahmoud darwish) rain finally came + it’s beautifully cool (john cage) only the sun (shauna barbosa) i would like to say something about grace (richard siken) the feeling of self-directed kindness (leila chatti) this is what the living do (marie howe) the world begins at a kitchen table (joy harjo) the gentleness that comes not from the absence of violence but despite the abundance of it (richard siken) i rest in the grace of the world (wendell berry) attention is the beginning of devotion (mary oliver) if we’re not supposed to dance why all this music (gregory orr) you only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves (mary oliver) i tell you this to break your heart by which i mean only that it break open and never close again to the rest of the world (mary oliver) love with no place to go (x)
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cheekblush · 2 years
you’re not invisible and you’re certainly not alone in how you feel. my 20s have been plagued by loneliness. I know it sounds dramatic but it’s true.. it’s my biggest struggle right now. I’m trying to put myself out there to meet more people but it feels like everyone has friends and they don’t want to make anymore. I wish I had a friend group :( tbh when I see you on here, I always think that we could potentially be friends. I really like your vibe!!!
don't worry, you don't sound dramatic at all! i feel the exact same way unfortunately 😔 this reminds of that jenny slate quote "i think i've come to terms with the fact that there will always be a ribbon of loneliness running through who i am" - except i haven't come to terms with it and nothing could've prepared me for how lonely my 20s would be.. like i never expected to have a huge friend group but to not even have one genuine friend currently is truly heartbreaking and i just can't help but feel like this a personal failure of mine. but i really admire you for putting yourself out there! that honestly takes so much effort and guts! i'm sorry it hasn't worked in your favor yet but you can still be proud of yourself for trying! and it's just so fucking hard making friends as an adult it really does feel like no one wants to make new friends bc they're fine with the ones they already have and they don't want to put any effort into new friendships. i hope you'll make great friends soon nonetheless! and you can always dm me off anon if you like so we can become friends 🫂💗
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