#jeon jungkock
meerocean9 · 4 years
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batmaniskpopaf · 8 years
Can I have a fluffy smut with reader X taekook please I NEED THIS IN MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!
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Honestlythis was a blessing….
Type: Smutttty smut smut /Fluff/ Funny 
Pairing: Taekook X Y/N
A/N: Polyamorous: the practice of, or desire for, intimate relationships where individuals may have more than one partner
“You’re so cute!” Taehyung giggles as he continues to ticklemy side… “Stahppp!” I squeal in a futile attempt to sound annoyed… Taehyung hadbeen chasing me around the bedroom for a good five minutes trying to coax meinto cuddling with him and Jungkook… “Not until you come back to bed withJungkook-ah and I he muses” … “But I want a drink of water!” I pout whiletrying to pry his large hands from my torso… “I’ve got you fam! Now you can bethe middle of our sandwich” Jungkook says sauntering around the corner holdinga glass of water… “Come on Y/N!” Taeyhung purrs into my ear… my lower musclesclench and I nod in submission… “Yay!” the older boys squeals and jumps to hisfeet before pulling me up… I yelp and cling to him… Jungkook laughs as we makeour way to their shared bedroom… Taehyung’s legs are tangled in mine and hishead is resting on my shoulder… Jungkook’s arm is wrapped around my waist andmy free hand is tangling in his hair gently as he leans over to place a smallpeck on my lips… the small peck turns into a full on kiss… the kiss starts offsweet and sensual but then grows urgent and hungry… “Tae’s asleep” I whisperonce he pulls away… “But I want to make out with my girlfriend” Jungkook poutscutely…“She’s also my girlfriend” Taehyung mumbles kissing the top of my breastwhere his head had just been… “Well then maybe we should have some fun with ourgirlfriend” Jungkook says … the light from their large TV extenuates thedangerous gleam in his eyes… Taehyung’s large hands run up my side’s and I canfeel the dampness between my thighs… Jungkook’s lips re attach themselves tomine…the kiss holds and urgency that clouds my mind … all I can think about ismyself and reveling in the feel of both their mouths on my most sensitiveparts…Taehyung is quick to slide his sweat pants and shirt off of his toned body like a graceful snake before turning his undivided attention into undressing me ….
Tae’sarms are snaked around my waist as he pulls my shirt over my head in one swiftmotion… Jungkook starts to work on removing my jeans.. his skillful fingerspeeling the denim from my legs in record time… his plush lips placing openmouthed kisses up the apex of my thighs… I squirm as he takes a moment to smell my arousal through my underwear…the familiar ache is back and I raise my pelvis up to his handsome face… Tae’spetal soft lips mold against mine and swallow every one of the moans thatattempt to spill from my mouth…. Jungkook hooks his hands into my underwear andslides them down… Both boys stop what they’re doing and look down at my naked formin awe… “What did we do to deserve her?” Taehyung asks? … “I don’t hyung butI’m gonna fuck her like I do” the younger boy replies… Taehyung guides me to myknees … his plush lips kissing my shoulder blades as he stands behind me… hiserection firmly pressed against my lower back… The warmth spreads through oughtmy body and I give into the feel of him inches from my dripping core… Jungkookwatches Tae as he kisses along my shoulder and neck as he undresses himself inrecord time… his throbbing erection slapping against his toned stomach … histip almost glowing an iridescent red…  Ilick my lips involuntarily… “Later babe” Jungkook says huskily before crawlingonto the bed … “Tonight. Is. All .About .You” he says inbetween chaste pecks tomy lips… I moan as the anticipation builds in my body… Taehyung’s lips cascadea trial of licks and suck along the nap of my neck as his large hands tweak andtoy with my nipples… “Your skin is so soft” he coos into my ear before closinghis teeth around the shell of the sensitive area… I mewl… my hot heat is soakedas I eagerly wait for their next move…. 
Jugnkook’s deft fingers swipe astipe up my slit making me squirm…. Taeyhung’s large hands kneed my breastcooing sweet nothings into my ear “you smell like lilacs” he whispers placingopen mouthed kisses along my shoulder …. His gentle hands move from my breastsand tighten their grip on my hips… I can feel his hardened member against myhot skin …. Feeling bold and aroused beyond coherent thoughts I grind my assagainst his erection… Jungkook’s finger flicks my clit and I groan loudlysavoring the feel of his touch…. Taehyung kisses the hollow of my neck…. Hislips and tongue mingling with my overheated skin… My hips buck at their ownaccord as Jungkook’s arousal coated finger teases my entrance… he swirls thedigit around my entrance of my sex …. I try to grind against his finger insearch of any friction… Taehyung’s hands continue to toy with my mounds and Iarch my back pushing them into his palms… Jugnkook’s fingers wonder deeper intomy entrance… his cheeks are pink and his lashes fan against his cheeks…. Ican’t help but giggle at how cute he looks even when his fingers are fucking meinto a haze…. Jungkook looks up at me an attractive pout forms on his lips…Behind me I can hear the Tae’s fly unzip and the tear of foil…. “You think I’mfunny?” Kook smirks…. but his stance indicates that he’s anything but amused ….“Hyung, I think we should show Y/N here how entertaining we can be” he muttersdarkly… I can feel my chest tighten but the wetness between my legs grows atthe carnal promise in Jungkook’s eyes… Before I can respond Taehyung is insideof me… his length stretching me…. I yelp at the sudden feeling of fullness buthe does not give me time to adjust before he’s moving his hips at an animalistpace…. I slam back and forth between his and Kookie’s toned chests…the tearsare pricking my eyes… but my body welcomes the added pressure of Jungkook’slength stretching my wetness… his length fills me to the hilt and I cry out asthe over stimulation is almost too much…
I hold onto to fistfuls of the comforter trying to keep mybalance …. Jungkook kisses my chest as I unhook my fingers from the cottonmartial only to rake them through his chestnut hair… Taehyung pulls my backflush against his front as he continues to pound into me…“You beautiful littlefool ” he whispers in my ear … I shiver despite feeling sedated and well used…“Am I funny now” Jungkook asks, his velvety voice making the heat between mythighs sparks once more …. “It’s going to be a long night baby” Taehyung cooskissing up my spine and lingering his tongue on the fresh purple blossom thatnow adorns my shoulder …. I smile a small moan escaping my lips as Taehyung’sthrusts slow to a sensual pace…. Jungkook’s thickness is inside of my tightensonce more his hips rolling into me at deliciously slow pace…. I moan louder atthe euphoric feel of the double penetration arching my back….the coil in mystomach snaps and the world falls to pieces … I close my eyes and see white behindmy lids as a slur  of moans and cursesfall from my lips… Taehyung and Jungkook continue to pound into me in search oftheir own release… I let myself go once more my second orgasm building up asthey both reach their peak…we all three cum in unison… our moans and sighs ofrelease being the only thing to resonate off of the bedroom walls… I’menveloped between two sweaty bodies … my limbs feel weak and very well used…Taehyung giggles cutely his dominant demeanor seems to have been milked out ofhim…he snuggles into my bossom and gives my areola a chaste kiss…Jungkook and I both watch him through heavy lids… “Are either of youhungry?” he asks … I nod….Jungkook and I look at one another and then at him… “Pizza?”we all three ask in unison….
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honeyedhoseok · 7 years
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hello everyone! i just recently reached a milestone of mine [3k!!!] so i thought i would do another one of these things. thank you always for all the support and love for the things that i write, even when it takes me forever to update because motivation and inspiration escapes me. you guys are the best. like most, i’ll be doing a little shout out to some of my favorite people on tumblr, so bear with me. thanks again to every person that’s followed me, whether that was just yesterday or if you’ve been with me since the beginning. this hobi hoe loves you all <3 
first and foremost, @risinginfire. aileen you probably don’t even know how much i adore you. honestly, i consider you one of my best friends, and i’m so sorry for the times when i take long to reply on kkt, because i love our talks so so so so much. thank you for always supporting my writing, giving amazing feedback, and even doing things that have nothing to do with tumblr like listening to me complain about my love life or school. i love you so much, i’m so glad we became friends because of tumblr. you’re the sweetest p.s. i would love to play table tennis against you someday haha <3 <3 <3
@sleevelessparkjimin you’ve been mia because you’re in Seoul right now, but you’re still my #1 hoe lmao. you’re my real life bff and roommate and the only person i can scream at when its 3am about anything and everything. thanks for supporting me in writing as well, i’m sure you’re tired of me complaining about exposure but you never say so. i miss you lots and can’t wait until you get back so you can catch up on all things tumblr and bts related and we can watch dramas together until our eyes fall out. i love youuuuuuuuu <3<3<3<3
@mrsmon i have endless love for you rike. it has never waned and will probably never ever go away. i’m so glad we met on tumblr a long long time ago and that i still get to call you my friend. you’ll aways be the squad car driver in my eyes haha. caged will always be one of my favorite fics ever, and your writing continues to amaze me each and every time you release something…you are truly an inspiration. if i get some extra time in japan, please please please please please lets meet and drink <3 ilysm 
@michellehahmart i remember our first conversation as a really in depth discussion about crossroads? haha it was the first time anyone every asked me stuff like that and i’m so thankful you did because now we’re friends!!! thank you for everything <3
@12destiny12 you send me tons of hobi stuff that keeps me alive and screaming, lol. thank you for that and for our talks as well. i’m sorry you followed me for falling for jeon and then i let you down by discontinuing but i’m so so so so glad you stuck around <3
@mykye we just recently started talking again but i enjoy our conversations a lot as well! i feel like i can talk to you about anything and for that i’m sincerely grateful, thank you so much <3
✿ also, i would love to tag some blogs right now that are my absolute favorites and that i look up to so so so much and i wish i had the courage to talk to them but don’t askfj; they are absolute fantastic writers and if you don’t follow them, please do and give their work a chance:
@gukvory @jeonjagiya @kimtrain @btssmutgalore @baeseoul @jungblue @sugajpg @inktae @kareverie @kimvtae @hobibliophile ✿
[F o l l o w  f o r e v e r  u n d e r  t h e  c u t ]
♥ after a blog = favorite
✧ #-C  ✧
@0hwoon / @12destiny12 ♥ / @2seoke ♥ / @7bgyeom / @95er / @agust-fire / @an-exotic-writer / @angstdeer / @azurepaperplanes / @bangtangtangtang / @baekbluex / @baeseoul ♥ / @blushoseoks / @btssmutgalore ♥ / @bts2701@bwiminie / @bxebxee / @chimble / @chinnychimchim / @chimtae / @chokemejimin / @cloudjimin / @creativeandorignalurl / @cyphertrip  ♥
✧ D-F ✧
@daegusans / @dearkook / @dearjunghoseok / @deerguk ♥ / @deesficrecs / @do-i-still-love-jungkook / @domjoonie / @exobtssmutimagination / @exoticarmy127 / @fairyjeons / @fawnreads / @flakandforay ♥ / @floralseokjin / @fortheloveofjeon / @fuckmejaebum
✧ G-I ✧
@gotsinvn / @greasytae / @gukvory ♥ / @gxtsmxt / @gyeomfics / @had-me-at-saranghae / @highkeyhoseok / @hoesoks / @hobibliophile ♥ / @hob-e / @hobuing / @hobgi / @h-obii / @hoseok-net ♥ / @hope-world-97 / @im-jae-bum / @imyourhope / @in-my-world / @inktae ♥ / @inkedrecs / @ivoryrecs
✧ J-L ✧
@jaybean-scenes / @jeonjagiya ♥ / @jeonheart / @jeonggukk / @jeonify / @jeon-jungkock / @jeonheart / @jjeoncookie / @jimindoingthesplits / @jinoodle / @jiminniemouse / @jjkfire / @jingogi / @jgguks / @jhoe ♥ / @jungblue ♥ / @jungk0oksthighs / @joonjuly / @kareverie ♥ / @kikyuns / @kimstation / @kimtrain ♥ / @kookingtae / @leaderbum / @lthyl / @loudandweird
✧ M-R ✧ 
@melaninjungkook / @melaninkimchi / @mia-caldwell / @michellehahmart ♥ / @millie-ionaire05 / @minsbf / @monstax-nm ♥ / @monstaccato / @moonsuns / @mykye ♥ / @mymisstina ♥ / @mx-scenarios / @namjoongi / @nickithetraveller / @noir0neko / @not-jeon-biased / @nottodayjeon / @nuclearsugarbmb / @ohmyjaeb / @ohyasuko / @onceuponakookie / @orangejiminie / @park-jimeme / @parkjiminology / @parkjiminsjagiya / @picficskpopstyle ♥ / @princexjimin / @queenjunghoseok / @radkookie / @reaaalbangtxn / @romanticfall 
✧ S-V ✧
@@satanjeon / @seokline ♥ / @seokvie / @seoulscapes / @seulgis-hoe / @shin-hoseok / @shitjeon / @snowpeajimin / @sparkljimin / @spicytaehyung / @strwberrytae / @stvgma / @sugatheswagmaster / @sugajpg / @taenekiii / @tahyungs / @taehyungifs / @taeniasis / @taestylips / @tayegi ♥ / @tinamisu ♥ / @the1907 / @the-golden-jhope / @thules / @uekyangkyang / @uncreativelex / @versigny ♥ / @vikooks / @vminevmin / @vmintrash / @vtrap26 
✧ W-Z ✧
@war-of-hormoan / @with-hoseok / @with-jungkook / @wonbebes / @wonho- / @wonhour / @wonhosprincess / @wonderer-ru / @workofteaguk ♥ / @writingseoul / @yanghyunsukmyass / @yimkugyeom / @yourdailyhope / @yourdailyjimin / @yourdailyjungkook / @your-miss-right ♥ / @yng-min / @yoohtae / @yugyeomish / @yugyeom-jebal / @zoseok
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meerocean9 · 4 years
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meerocean9 · 4 years
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meerocean9 · 4 years
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meerocean9 · 4 years
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meerocean9 · 4 years
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meerocean9 · 4 years
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meerocean9 · 4 years
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meerocean9 · 4 years
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meerocean9 · 4 years
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meerocean9 · 4 years
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meerocean9 · 4 years
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meerocean9 · 4 years
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meerocean9 · 4 years
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