r6shippingdelivery · 5 years
This goana be a big one All OP's Christmas tradition can be sexual if you want. Ps mean all of them
Whenever I get an ask for all of the ops, I’ve always kept those family friendly, so if you don’t mind… Holiday traditions for all the ops! I also want to thank everyone who’s helped me with this and endured my questions and prying, thank you so much @demilitarised-zone, @grain-crain-drain, @cerosin & @aesos-caliber. Any mistakes remain my own, y’all did an awesome job helping me!
Ash: Eliza Cohen is Jewish, she celebrates Hannukah, not Christmas. She feels a little alone in the endless sea of Christmas decorations, but she’s happy to see everyone around her being cheerful and festive. If anyone actually tells her “Happy Hannukah” instead of “Merry Christmas” she might feel inclined to share one of her sufganiyot with them. 
Thermite: He loves to decorate the place with luminarias (lights or candles in paper bags). He also makes wreaths out of barbed wire. Nobody knows if he’s kidding or not when he says that’s actually a longstanding tradition in Texas.
Pulse: He takes gingerbread houses very seriously, and tries to make them as elaborate as his baking experience allows him. Do NOT mess with Pulse’s gingerbread houses. Ever.
Castle: Tinsel, baubles and lights might look very pretty, but for Castle it doesn’t feel like a true Christmas tree unless it’s decorated with pop-corn threaded on a string too.
Thatcher: He doesn’t go carol singing, but it’s the only time of the year he’ll go to a church service, and then right to the pub. Also, the Queen’s speech is sacred and a must hear every year, no excuses and no clowning around when her Majesty is on the telly.
Sledge: His favourite celebration is Hogmanay (New Year’s Eve), with the street parties and bonfires and fireworks. Aside from that, every year he burns a yule log, and if he’s argued with someone recently, he’ll burn too a branch of rowan tree, to clean the air and start the New Year with a clean slate. Not that he truly believes it works, but it’s still a nice tradition.
Smoke: If anyone asks him, he’ll say his favorite thing from the Holidays is getting stuffed with good food. However, now that his daughter is a teen, he’ll admit he used to love writing with her a letter to Santa, and then watching her face of wonder when she opened the exact presents she had wished for.
Mute: He only celebrates Christmas because everyone around him does, not because it has any significance to him. But fitting in is easier if you go along with it, and it is a fun festival, even if he’s not the best at gift giving.
Montagne: He loves visiting Christmas markets, walking around, buying a new figurine or ornament. He as a sizeable collection of santons, even if most of the time he sets a pretty minimalistic crèche (nativity scene/manger)
Twitch: When she was a kid she used to celebrate St. Nicholas on the 6th of December, since it was an important tradition where she lived. Nowadays, she celebrates by distributing candy to her friends and teammates (and keeping a good portion for herself as well).
Doc: He is a muslim and doesn’t really celebrate Christmas. He appreciates the festive atmosphere, and doesn’t mind the decorations, but he doesn’t decorate his home, nor does he celebrate anything in particular. He’ll gladly make use of the free days to spend time with his family and friends tho, and also give to whatever charities are popular around these dates (which usually are kid related).
Rook: To him Christmas means good food - mostly scarfing down as much foie gras as he can, and having bûche de Noël (yule log cake) for dessert - and good company. He holds a small pre-Christmas team party every year, so he can celebrate with his teammates before he goes to visit and celebrate with his family.
Tachanka: Watching “The little blue light” (a variety TV show) right after midnight in New Year’s Eve, both him and his sister have been watching that literally all their lives. He used to dress up as Ded Moroz (Grandfather Frost) for his kids and nephews, but they’re too old for that nowadays.
Kapkan: After New Year’s, he’ll always go on a lone hunt for a few days and come back with fresh meat right in time to celebrate the Old New Year (on January 12th).
Glaz: After the celebration of the New Year and being in contact with more people than he usually handles, and drinking a lot more than it’s advisable, he’ll spend the next day  nursing a hangover and painting, isolated from the rest of the world. 
Fuze: He would say the home cooked food from his mother and grandma is the highlight of the Holidays, since he doesn’t care much for celebrating when they all feel his missing’s brother’s absence so keenly still.
Jäger: He adores Christmas and still buys advent calendars for himself every year. He also inevitably forgets to open several days in a row and eventually binge eats all the sweets when he remembers. He hides it tho, because he doesn’t want people to think he’s childish.
Bandit: In contrast to Jäger, Bandit doesn’t care one whit about the Holidays. He’s of the opinion that the only good thing about Christmas season is Glühwein. Although, if he’s with his family, he will accompany his nephews on Epiphany day to go singing carols and get sweets.
Blitz: He will always organise a secret Santa event at the base before everyone scatters around for the holidays. Loves Christmas markets and the very American traditions of wearing tacky Christmas sweaters.
IQ: She likes to bake Christmas sweets, but dislikes her teammates hounding her for cookies. Aside from that, she’s pretty minimal in decorations and showing the Christmas cheer. Although she has an Aventskranz (advent wreath) and burns one candle every Sunday leading up to Christmas. 
Buck: It’s not Christmas without Tourtiere (a traditional meat pie) and Buck is quite an expert in making those, the results are even better than the one his mother makes much to her frustration.
Frost: Moose Milk, a highly alcoholic beverage that’s a tradition in the Canadian Armed Forces. Frost is the undisputed champion of both preparing the Moose Milk and drinking more cups than anyone else.
Valkyrie: For her Christmas is not complete without gifting (and in turn receiving) Poinsettia flowers, and eating tamales. And while a Christmas tree is a must, she still keeps with her family’s tradition of putting up a nacimiento (nativity scene), even if it’s much more minimalistic than the one her mother does.
Blackbeard: He participates in a Jingle bells 5k run, dressed as Santa. He likes dressing as Santa. Aside from that, he’s very particular about going to personally choose a tree, then set it and decorate it on his own.
Capitao: What he misses the most is watching the kids have fun with  the Christmas play of “Os Pastores” (The Shepherds), he barely goes home nowadays, and there are no more children in the family for now either.
Caveira: She wishes for a proper amigo secreto (aka, secret Santa), where you give (and receive) small gifts all through December using an alias and some sneaking around, and then having to guess the identity of your secret Santa on Christmas’ day. 
Hibana: She sticks to the notion of Christmas being a time to spread happiness, and also a romantic time. She’ll give people small gifts, go admire the Christmas lights, and eat outside. If it can be a romantic dinner with her partner, even better.
Echo: To him Christmas means pretty lights, eating KFC and cake. And visiting Tokyo Disneyland if he’s in Japan during those days.
Jackal: He never celebrated Christmas much, he never saw the point in it when he doesn’t have a family to celebrate with. But he always liked all the traditions around New Year’s Eve to bring in good luck: eating the 12 grapes (one for each strike of the clock at midnight), wearing red underwear, dropping a golden ring on your champagne glass for your first toast at midnight; and most importantly, right after the clock strikes the end of the year, hugging the people gathered around you. It always gave him a feeling of comfort, as if he was part of a family.
Mira: Two words, Christmas lottery. She finds a way to buy some from Spain every single year, and then faithfully tune in on the 22nd of December to hear the kids from San Ildefonso’s schoolchanting the drawn numbers and prizes. It doesn’t feel like Christmas is about to start without that.
Ying: Christmas is synonymous with party, especially since it’s impossible to escape the Winterfest in Hong Kong. Who doesn’t like to party?
Lesion: He likes sending Christmas postcards, by traditional mail yes. And he’d be even happier to receive some as well. Aside from that, he doesn’t really celebrate Christmas.
Zofia: She likes to have a traditional Christmas, especially when it comes to Christmas’ Eve dinner. Even if most years she can’t really buy a live carp to kill herself as her dad did, she still has carp fillet on the menu. Always puts an extra place on the table, as it’s the tradition, but also because she hopes one day Ela will take up her offer to come.
Ela: The true Christmas tradition for her is avoiding her family, although Zofia keeps inviting her to spend either Christmas’ Eve or Christmas Day with them and meet her niece.
Vigil: He prefers to spend the holidays either alone with his parents or with very few people around, he’s not comfortable with those big gatherings and parties everyone seems so fond of. And ice-cream cake from Baskin Robbins is a must. 
Dokkaebi: She still doesn’t get why so many westerners think that money is not an appropriate gift. It’s better than receiving something that one doesn’t like, right? All her Christmas decoration depict Granpa Santa with blue robes, and she will always argue blue is the right color, not red.
Lion: He always attends midnight mass on the night of Christmas’ Eve. He used to hate it when he was a kid going with his parents, but now he finds it calming and comforting.
Finka: She misses celebrating Kalyady, which mixes the pagan celebration of the winter solstice with the celebration of Christmas and New Year. Caroling is so much fun when you also dress up with masks of animals or fantastical beasts.
Maestro: Christmas means family gatherings for him, and home baked Panettone, and carol singing and visiting the Christmas Markets. Will invite to his table anyone who mentions not having plans for the holidays, since nothing seems worse to him than being alone on Christmas.
Alibi: While her family doesn’t celebrate Christmas, she sometimes will celebrate it with friends if she doesn’t have those days free to go home to visit her family. The thing she likes the most is decorating. Proper, tasteful decorating, not those kitsch nightmares so many people seem so fond of! 
Clash: She loves Boxing Day as much or even more than Christmas, cause while family meetings can sometimes be a little tense, she’s always felt at ease with her friends; and especially after joining Rainbow, she’s dying to celebrate with them.
Maverick: It’s been years since he last celebrated Christmas, between being deployed and then, well, imprisoned for a time. He remembers he used to go watch “The Nutcracker” almost every year, and build snowmen Santas, but it seems like that was a lifetime ago.
Kaid: Doesn’t celebrate Christmas and he’s not very fond of the over-the-top decorations that pop up everywhere. He’s a bit grumpy about it, especially since doing good deeds for the community sounds like what the holidays should be about. He actually likes that bit.
Nomad: She doesn’t celebrate Christmas either, but doesn’t mind participating in the festivities. She’s travelled all over the world and observed the local traditions when she was there, this is no different.
Mozzie: He will sing the carol “Six White Boomers” 8about how Santa’s reindeers are replaced by kangaroos since the heat is too much for them) until everyone is either sick of it or knows the lyrics by heart or both. And also, beach barbecues!
Gridlock: For her Christmas means summer and going to the beach and Santa in a surfboard. The idea of a white Christmas is very aesthetically pleasing, but in reality she hates it and can’t wait to go back to a place where Christmas means beach parties.
Warden: He has to have some fruitcake (mostly nuts, some other dried fruits, and spices) soaked in bourbon. It’s a true delicacy, trust him, he’s a man of refined tastes, right?
Nokk: The tradition she likes the best is, before opening any presents, lighting up the tree (with real candles instead of lights if possible) and walk around it while singing carols. She and her mother used to sing and twirl around the tree as fast as possible, until they were almost dizzy and laughing.
Amaru: She will make dark hot chocolate with cinnamon and cloves for everyone. The fireworks at midnight on Christmas’ Eve are a must, as is gathering at home with her family and closest friends.
Goyo: It’s not Christmas without ponche and rompope (more or less equivalents to punch and eggnogg, and alcoholic). He also likes to eat pozole, although his is never quite as good as the one his mom cooked for him. (And no, tía Azucena, he’s too old for a Posadas party, stop bringing piñatas!)
Kali: She doesn’t celebrate that, and doesn’t really give any special free days to her men either. Lucrative opportunities for work don’t stop just because it’s Christmas or New Year, quite the contrary she would say.
Wamai: He doesn’t care much about celebrating Christmas or not. The only special consideration he’ll take is to eat meat instead of fish (since his fishing family always had meat that day as a treat) and have a couple of strong drinks, maybe with Kali, and she will even smile at his toast. Those are his only indulgences for the holidays.
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r6shippingdelivery · 5 years
I see ty then I ask again 10, 18, 19, 20 again NokkxVigil
Sure thing buddy, here we go!
10)who usually makes dinner?
Nokk, mostly cause while her cooking isn’t stellar, at least it’s edible enough. Vigil knows how to microwave stuff or prepare just one single dish. She’s teaching him tho, both cooking together when they can.
18) who finds it impossible to stay angry at the other for long?
Nokk, she usually gets angry for how unresponsive or withdrawn Vigil is, but after knowing about his background, she can’t really get mad at him for that. She thought her family situation was fucked up, but good lord, Vigil’s is downright depressing.
19)who clings to the other for comfort when they’re sad or scared?
In his own way, Vigil. At first it’s just lingering by her side, but slowly, with the pass of time as they grow closer, he will start grabbing her hand in those moments too. She squeezes back, touched that he trusts her so, and also wondering how he would react if she just hugged him. Still, she thinks it’s better to let him decide instead of pushing him into more, especially in vulneravle moments such as those.
20)who is more ‘physically passionate’? (hugs, kisses, or maybe more…)
Would you believe it’s Vigil? At first they both thought it was Nokk, but just because she wasn’t afraid of making the first move. Once Vigil is comfortable in their relationship, he’s actually really passionate. Nokk is delighted by the discovery 😉
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r6shippingdelivery · 5 years
So Nøkk's fetish is Exhibitionism? She kinda hoping people will see her naked but giving them a hard time finding her?
Yeah, you could say so! Ironic how the operator who keeps herself -and any information about her- so hidden has a fetish that essentially boils down to being seen, right? Humans can be weird like that, and well, maybe she loves the rush of knowing she could get caught in a compromising situation 😉
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