#jesse mccree rp
quick-drawn · 1 year
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well yes sir, yes sir, yes it was me. i know what i’ve done, ‘cause i know what i’ve seen.
ind. selective, semi-active rp blog for COLTON “ COLE ” CASSIDY / “ jesse mccree ” of blizzard’s OVERWATCH — written by reiikon.                               formerly: COUNTRYWESTERN. est. 2019 please read rules & about before following / interacting.
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quick-drawn-a · 1 year
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    well yes sir, yes sir, yes it was me. i know what i’ve done,                                   ‘cause i know what i’ve seen.
         ind. selective, semi-active rp blog for COLTON “ COLE ” CASSIDY / “ jesse mccree ” of blizzard’s OVERWATCH — written by reiikon.
                              formally: COUNTRYWESTERN. est. 2019                     please read rules & about before following / interacting.
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skritchandscratch · 10 months
Yeehan RP
Hello there!
I am looking for 18+ RP buddies to do some Yeehan RP with me! I apologize in advance for the poor formatting on this post, I’m a bit Tumblr illiterate XD;
I am a 34 female who has been RPing for literal decades and would love some new RP buddies in this fandom. I’m looking for a literate, paragraph style, 3rd person, past tense writing format to compliment my own. Sometimes I write novels, sometimes it’s a few short paragraphs, depends on the situation in the RP. I won’t call out your spelling/grammar mistakes (Lawd knows I make them myself) but I struggle to read posts that have many grammatical errors/many spelling mistakes and it takes me out of the RP. I enjoy all types of genres - angst, fluff, nsfw, drama, slice of life, a mix of all the above - as well as many types of settings, both canon and AU.
I've played Cassidy most, but am currently in a Hanzo mood. I left the fandom prior to the name change for Cassidy and I totally understand why it was done, but sometimes I slip and use the old name. Just want to put that out there in case anyone does feel strongly about it!
I’m hopeful that my new buddy (or buddies!) will be around to post a few times a day if we miss each other timing wise, but would really like the ability to have a nice back and forth a few times a week. I’m happy to talk what you do and don’t like as well so we can keep away from any squicks you might have. I’m pretty open to just about anything with a few exceptions but we can talk about that in detail later. I’d also love to chat outside of RP!
My last caveat is that I’d prefer to RP on discord. I’ll give that info out through messages, so if you’ve made it this far and are interested shoot me one! Or if you want you can interact with this post and I’ll reach out to you.
All right, I think that’s it! Thanks for reading and hope to hear from you soon :)
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velvv-et · 4 months
bro if literally ANYBODY 18+ will rp a semi-lit cassidy x hanzo plot with me , i'd actually love you forever 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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cassidyscalm · 1 year
Hello! Not sure how open these types of things are on tumblr but I’m lookin for a long term ish roleplay partner if anyone’s interested!
I’m generally looking for a yeehan / mchanzo one! I can play either character, and I’m open to most anything and or plot. If anyone’s interested feel free to dm me, I’m also good to take it to a different app!
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roleplaysearchers · 2 years
Hi all! Looking for a few fandoms oc x canon roleplays if anyone’s down. Doubles are welcome too! 
I am over 18 and would appreciate it if my partner was also above the age of 18.
Fandoms I’m looking for:
Mortal Kombat (Really Want)
Marvel (Learning)
Overwatch (getting back into)
Style: Lit and can be advanced Lit
Type of rp: 1x1
Characters I can Play as for your oc/canon:
Mortal Kombat: Really anyone if given the option, I’m open to learn and try new characters.
Tony Stark,
Natasha Romanoff
Steve Rogers
I am open to anyone to try
Soldier 76
Characters I’m looking for someone to play against my oc/’s:
Mortal Kombat:
Hanzo Hasashi/Scorpion
Sub Zero (Kuai Liang)
Shang Tsung
Doctor Strange
Mandarin (Comic or Movie)
Hanzo (Really looking for)
Jesse McCree (Or Cole Cassidy, whatever you use to call him now)
Reaper/ Gabriel Reyes
Please DM/ Interact with the post so I know if people are interested!
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colecassiidy · 5 months
I. please dni if you, the mun, are younger than 21+ years old. by interacting with me on this blog, you are telling me that you are a legal adult and therefore i will be treating you as such.
II. This blog runs off a ghost queue of ~1/day. My RP Prompts/Memes are always open! and I have a wishlist here!
III.  i will write with duplicates, ocs, and x-overs! i treat every plot and muse as their own separate verses, unless discussed otherwise (that is to say, i do not have over-arching plot/narrative on this blog and i do not practice mains and affiliations). because of this, i would very much prefer plotting over memes. even with canon ovw characters, lore is very vague and wishy-washy and there’s much room for interpretation and differences. come to me info-dumping me about your character and i will try and find a way where i can fit :p If I have followed your blog and have not yet reached out to plot, i either immensely enjoy your writing or i have yet to formulate a proper way to reach out; the latter of which can take a bit of time, so i will appreciate any and all patience :pray:
III - A. if there is no biography on your blog in regards to your muse, i may not follow back.
III - B. While I am duplicate friendly, I would politely request that if you ship your muse with a duplicate cowboy that we do some plotting before hand. My personal joy is finding threads/directions that have not yet been taken and exploring them to diversify the experience, which includes exploring other verses if need be.
IV.  this blog will contain graphic depictions of violence, drinking, and smoking – due to my realizing it too late, there are threads and images that are not tagged for blood. if these are things that discomfort you, i would highly recommend not following this blog :(
V. you can call me tek, i am 25+, i am here to be a complete and utter clown. i’m sorely lacking in graphics and icons but please do not let this stop you if this is something you utilize!  i also use the beta editor and, due to simple preference, will be avoiding writing with blogs that use the legacy formatting in long term threading. i write a lot on the phone and the legacy format is incredibly unfriendly towards post snipping; in the best interest of creating an ease for myself, i am going to begin enforcing this rule. 
VI. i do not intend on writing smut. please respect this, thank you! as somebody who has always had aroace tastes in fiction, i am more obsessed with friendships and complicated relationships as opposed to exclusively romantic/sexual ones; i find it incredibly difficult to insta-ship and trying to develop dynamics that are based off of flirting alone (platonic flirting is easier for me to do and something i will write him doing; if your character is not sexually attracted to him and if i do write a line towards your muse in this nature, please do not feel as if i am forcing a ship on you; i am very content and happy with my platonic relationships!). i do think cole has a healthy libido and can be quite a bit of a charmer when he wants, but it’s really just a writer problem on my end. 
VII. depending on the timeline, my writing will address cole as jesse mccree or cole cassidy following the name that he was using at the time. for simplicity’s sake, he will simply go as cole cassidy for any interactions outside of overwatch. because of the sensitivity of this topic, i will generally not follow overwatch blogs first. i’m adaptable upon request otherwise. if you have explicitly stated that you do not want to follow or write with blogs using that name (and all the power to you, there is no bad blood), i will hardblock in order to avoid future confusion and stepping any toes.
VIII. i’ve been a para roleplayer - (with a past avg of ~200 words - key words being past tense lol - i genuinely don’t think i can consistently do 200 these days); i would rather avoid novella, semi-lit, and literate threads as my energy levels are just absolute dog. my lengths can greatly vary to what the thread calls for, and thus i’ll be just as flexible with you. just, y'know, as long as we aren’t sending one-liners to para’s. chat rps + crack are always fun, and i’ll gladly participate!
IX. i respond to whatever i see that has been responded to (this includes ask answers - my default is to usually make threads out of them since i grew up with those acting as starters back in the day lkjsldfa; feel free to inform me if that is something you would prefer me not to do if it is not spoken in in your rules!) if you would like to drop a thread by simply not answering to it, i have no issue of this!
X. i’m slow, i’m so so slow, and i’m sorry - i have 2 jobs :’) my dashboard can also be quite quick at times and i will miss a good number of my mutuals that are located in different time zones and won't see posts until weeks later by chance of them coming up in my for-you.
XI. i want to make a disclaimer that i do block liberally. i've had to block blogs due to my for-you being flooded with blogs i'm not mutuals with and that it'll be so consistent they are all i see until i press the block button aslkdjfsl. It is not personal,
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ksmetrp · 3 years
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portrayal notes:
- played to canon.
- potential triggers in my portrayal include canon typical violence.
plot ideas:
- cole x hanzo. look, i’m trash for this ship, okay? gimme the idiot cowboy and the clever archer. pls and thx. there are a hundred different things we can do with them. including fun aus like monster hunter cassidy and dragon shifter hanzo or deadlock cassidy and shimada clan scion hanzo.
- open to plotting.
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blackwatch-cowboy · 3 years
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“It’s High Noon.”
Indie RP Blog for Jesse McCree from Overwatch
9+ years experience
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bxckle-up--a · 4 years
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hey guys, my name is angie, and i’m new to the overwatch rpc! not sure how alive this rpc still is... but i really wanted to give it a go since i really vibed with this boy.
please like this if you’d like to interact! thanks!
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quick-drawn-a · 2 years
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                         — is how t’put a GANG together.
          ind. semi-selective, semi-active rp blog for “ JESSE MCCREE ” / colton cassidy of blizzard’s OVERWATCH — written by reiikon.
                    please read rules & about before following / interacting.
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shotwest-blog · 5 years
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guess whos making a comeback bois - that’s right me!! considering i’ve been inactive for like,, at least a solid year or two at this point,, the names mint and i am one whole cowboy enthusiast -- so,, if you’re interested in interacting with one dumb pistol slinger, LIKE or REBLOG this post!
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vltio · 5 years
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howdy! it’s currently 4:30 in the morning and i’m not too good at making fancy promos, so could you pretty-please give this post a like or a reblog if you’d be interested in interacting with a brand-new, semi-sel, indie JESSE MCCREE?
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huckleberrytm-a · 5 years
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——   ❛  the  weed  of  crime  bore  some  ,  uh  ...  CRAZY  FRUIT  .  ❜
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roleplayfinder · 5 years
hi, im emmie! i rp mainly overwatch and very occasionally haikyuu. my muses in overwatch are angela ziegler, moira o'deorain, jesse mccree, hanzo shimada and genji shimada. i mostly roleplay mchanzo, mcgenji and moicy. i rp literate, and i have discord, instagram, and skype! please dm me at dairy queen#9677 on discord if you're interested in seeing some of my writing or want to talk things such as that! i'm open to p much anything :)))
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xbiiteme · 6 years
by following THIS LINK you’ll be taken to SIXTY FOUR icons of Jesse McCree from the Reunion short. 
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if you plan on using these, please give them a like or reblog! you can edit them all you want but please do not claim them as your own!
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