#jfc Carmine grow a spine and do smth abt this
sage-nebula ยท 5 months
The thing is, I lost all sympathy for Kieran when I saw him bullying that student at the start of the Indigo Disk DLC. Everyone in the game is like "oh he's going through it :( have compassion for him :(" but I'm just like, no? No. Because sure, he's in his feelings over the Ogerpon incident, I'll give him that. But what about the League Club students who are now going through it BECAUSE OF HIM? We see him openly bully that one student, but if you talk to other NPCs around they mention how fucking awful the League Club has become because of Kieran being a brutish little tyrant. I don't give a shit how badly hurt his fee-fees were in Kitakami; that's no excuse for him to bully others.
I'm still not done with the DLC (I'm in Area Zero) so hopefully he'll still apologize and do some community service at school to make it up to the other kids. But he lost all sympathy from me the second he was revealed to be acting like a sweaty little demon to his fellow students. Bullies aren't tolerated here. He deserved to get his ass beat and I'll do it again and again until he learns his lesson, idgaf.
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