#jib crane Singapore
shinguansg · 1 year
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Floor Cranes In Singapore
We are Leading Overhead Floor Cranes Singapore Service & Installation. We offer Overhead Cranes, Jib, A Frame, Monorail Cranes Hoist in Singapore. Looking for a high-quality and durable hydraulic trolley crane for your construction needs? Unipac's got you covered. Find out more.
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mhedemag · 2 years
Looking for Shipyard Cranes in Singapore
A shipyard crane is a large and powerful machine used in shipbuilding and other heavy industrial construction. A typical shipyard crane in Singapore has a lifting capacity of tens of tonnes and is operated by a skilled crane operator. Shipyard cranes are used to move large pieces of steel and other construction materials around a shipyard. There are three main types of shipyard cranes: the crawler crane, the jib crane and the tower crane. Visit the website to explore more wide range of shipyard cranes. Contact us now!
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seoandy · 3 years
Best Overhead Cranes You Can Buy For An Easy Material Handling In Plants
Jib cranes are good for loading and unloading in a plant or factory and you can buy them from an online store that sells good quality jib crane Singapore. The crane increases your productivity and eases the process of material handling. The crane is ergonomic and efficient. It can be used for many purposes. Using a jib crane helps avoid injuries to the workers. It is also useful for reducing downtime. The crane is sold in the market and online stores in many designs and styles with varying features. Factory owners and plant managers must make their workplace safe and secure by buying and using the jib cranes. The crane increases the speed of manufacturing and production in industries so they are an asset for you.  
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seoteams · 3 years
Best Overhead Cranes You Can Buy ForAn Easy Material Handling In Plants
Jib cranes are good for loading and unloading in a plant or factory and you can buy them from an online store that sells good quality jib crane Singapore. The crane increases your productivity and eases the process of material handling. The crane is ergonomic and efficient. It can be used for many purposes. Using a jib crane helps avoid injuries to the workers. It is also useful for reducing downtime.
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robbenjon · 3 years
All Single Girder and Double Girder Overhead Cranes are driver-controlled for  in lifting equipments in Singapore that are professionally qualified and trained.We have provide Overhead crane Singapore,Gantry crane Singapore,Overhead crane,Jib crane Singapore
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cimmeriancrane-blog · 7 years
Tips To Choose the Best Crane Rental Company
Are you in Singapore and are you fetching out some crane lifting services? When you are in need of crane lifting services, you have two options ahead one is to get rental Lifting Crane for solving your issues and secondly if you have a daily lifting needs and if you have a good budget then you can go in for buying a crane that can serve you on a regular basis. So if you are planning to hire crane rental services for your work then here are some things that you need to look for to hire the right crane rental company.
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Price factor
As soon as the word hiring or renting comes in your mind, the next adjacent word is the price or charge that will be levied for renting Tunnelling Crane Singapore. So you must do a proper survey of the price that different crane rental company charges for renting their cranes. You can also ask for price and quotations of different crane rental companies. You can then make a comparison of all the quotations you receive and finally move forward to hire the best suitable crane service company.
Safety measures
When you are hiring a Gantry Crane for your lifting needs, you need to be sure that the company from where you are hiring your cranes make use of specific safety standards. Safety is one of the essential needs that should be deployed along with the cranes thus the safety measure should be considered while renting cranes.
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Standard equipments
Make sure that the company from where you are hiring your Monorail Crane have the latest models and equipment to assist you in meeting your lifting requirements. Look for cranes that are properly maintained and are in a proper state to serve their functionality. You can also consult a professional before renting out the cares for your use.
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shinguansg · 1 year
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kalbong-tiu · 3 years
African Tales
"Gather your things and hurry up to the gangway my friend because you will be be going home before the ship leaves at two this morning", the captain said as I was roused from a pitiful sleep, hopeless and dejected after three confirmed denials from the manning agency regarding my overlapping contract. Eleven months and a few days ain't that long, sure, except for the fact that I was the only one left behind from the seven ship rats that boarded this ship in Singapore last year and amazingly doesn't seems to have an available reliever yet until today. Three succesive calls by the captain to the company's principal probably did the trick though I'm not really sure if he will survive the flood of e-mails from the manning agency afterwards or the dreaded sat-calls from the principal later in the day. Repartrating a crew from a far-off, non-convenient port in the remotest corner of Africa logically do cost a lot of money but I'm not about to mind that either, would I?
It was raining hard and windy when a svelte woman in tight jeans emerged from a compact car, wisely ducking the shore crane jibs overhead, and hopping deftly from the countless water-logged potholes of the pier in her stilleto shoes towards the ship's gangplank which was promptly lowered by the duty AB. In all probability, the guy manning the gangway instinctively had the carnal inkling that a young lucious lady boarding a ship at midnight should be dealt with utmost pleasurability. In this desolate and remote corner of African backcountry this isn't atypical and I'm being honest to even say!
She was soaked from head to toe her wet undershirt pressing against her skinny body that was partly covered by the flimsy transparent raincoat she was wearing. Her speckled skin glow luminiscent against the dark and foreboding dawn tempest that lashed the moored ship since last night, a flotsam bobbing violently from the roiling sea and banging hard time and again against the squeaking rubber fenders of the squalid quay.
'Are you the guy who's disembarking today?', she brusquely asked while leaning slightly on one side as she squeezed her soggy flaxen hair with her pallid hands. She was exceptionally beautiful and I was dumbstruck silly all I could manage to reply was a leery half-smile. 'Hurry up then, chop-chop! The airport ain't that far and I need to get home fast. My baby's alone in the house so we'd better be get going', she added.
'I dont mind the baby' I whispered to myself half-grinning and fantasizing at the thought of spending a few minutes with this heaven-sent blond beauty.
She smells like a blossoming garden, her vaporous sweet scent trailing as she began to descend the rickety gangway down towards the quay where I, following closely behind, was blessfully enveloped by her overpowering fragrance.
The car was rather much smaller than I thought as I stuffed my seabag under the tiny trunk and quickly seated myself up front hoping of all hopes for a car breakdown somehow, somewhere in a secluded place along the way. It didn't happened and the more I wished it would, the faster we had reached the airport instead.
The airport? Or so I thought.
All I could distinguished was just a single-storied small building standing right in the middle of a clearing, or a field to be bluntly precise, which was eeriely dark as the lights were apparently still off. Graciously topped by a limp red-stripped conical wind sock which was depressingly clinging halfway on a small steel framed tower, it almost looked like a surreal movie scene of an abandoned warehouse in the middle of a fog laden nowhere.There was not a single soul loitering around too except for an old stooping black night keeper who was leaning from a mop handle and peering curiously at our apparation behind the framed glass doorway.
'Why so early, Missy?, the skinny oldhand, in an oversized denim coverall that was hanging loosely from his bony shoulder, blurted out as he yanked the door just wide enough for us to squeeze ourselves in. 'We're supposed to open up at six thirty', he submissively added, his downcast eyes transfixed firmly at what was left of his worn out sneakers. There clearly was a slight imperceptible tinge of helpless obeisance from the tone of his half whisphered voice for maybe he knew her beforehand and this ain't the first time either for her to barge impudently into his menial realm of decency at this ungodly hours.
"This guy's taking the first flight bound to Johannesburg today. His ship is already undocked from the port and the agent didn't manage to spare a room for him at the inn. Try to find him a bench or something to rest for awhile and wake him up when the plane's ready to depart. Do you understand me?', the girl in an emphatic tone said while pressing a few rand to the man's widespread palms. 'Be sure to rouse him up for the first flight or you will find yourself cutting the weeds next to the cows along the runway', she added threateningly.
Apparently, blond white African ladies can also be feisty, assaultive and beautiful altogether sometimes.
'Here's your plane tickets, sir', she said, while handing me three sets of stapled envelops snugly wrapped in a cellophane packet. 'A friend of mine will meet you at your next stopover and will assuringly assist you with the next flight details'. I'll call her in the morning. Goodluck, and that's it.
She was gone before I could even ask her her number in case of any unforseen eventualities. This is Africa, for the love of God!
'Come along, my little friend. 'I'll find you a place to lay your head down for a while', the old guy motioned towards me as he gently began dragging my seabag along the mudded walkway towards the relative dryness of the airport's bare lounge.
It was a bench alright, made of hard, cold, unvarnished wooden pallet and it was all there is inside as I scanned the dark entirity of the waiting area.There was not even a single one of those unmistikable plastic butt-hugging blue bucket seat that we always find all lined up in neat rows in most conventional airports. Not a single coffee vending machine was in sight either and with the rain pouring like a burst dam outside this I reckon will be a very, very long cold and freezing night.
Wear your jacket!
I know you'd probably say that but whoever thought of wearing a parka in the middle of Kwa-Zulu, Natal, S.Africa let alone had any idea that the winter nights here is even colder than the farthest inhabited part of Canada?
I never counted how many cigarette butts there was that eventually began piling up on the bare cemented floor underneath the bench where I was ushered into but I guess it was a lot before I managed to fall asleep miserably shivering from the cold and damp only to be awakened by the old janitor's grinning face inches from mine.
'Get along, mister'. 'Yo' planes about to depart any minute now', he imparted wearily as he began to sweep the littered cigarette butts under the bench where I was lying. 'Just show your ticket to the usher by the door and off you go to where you're heading to', he said pointing his bony finger towards a tall and skinny fellow standing next to a side door. A second later, he too was gone before I could even say thank you. These people are always in a hurry, I lamented silently.(They probably knew I had no money too!)
So where's the queue?
All I could see heading towards the side door were a bunch of people running briskly with their luggages and baskets stopping briefly only to wave their tickets right in the face of the skinny sentry who was sporting a close-cropped kinky hair-do and a floral shirt. Aren't tickets supposedly have to be confirmed first before you're going to issue me a boarding pass?, I asked the usher by the door. His quizzical look says it all so I decided not to press any further and instead rushed out the side door smacked into the blanketing fog of a typical bleak African morning, whitewashed, damp, dewy, misty and dense.(Whoa, sounds like Cinderilla's dwarves,right?)
The silhouette of a small whinning turbo-prop plane revving up by the tarmac looms in the distance. Something must have gone horribly wrong this time because I'm supposed to be on a passenger plane and this thing looks more like an oversized cropduster. For pete's sake, where's my plane?
'Thi's yo ride alright, mister', said the black porter guy who hastily shove my seabag into the void of the plane's underbelly. 'Hurry up or yo' lose yo' seat to the chickens', he added laughing hysterically while flapping his hands in the air like crazy.
So this is the reason why my fellow passengers were all running ahead of me. This carrier's motto probably might be a case of 'first come first seat basis' as there was not even a seat number printed on the tickets!
There were less than fifteen passengers already onboard, by the time I reluctantly propped myself up on the plane , most of whom were triumphantly seating by the window as there were that much seats available also. Your guess is predictably right because being the last to board the plane I somehow managed to squeeze myself up into the last available seat in the last row by the last window. Luckily, there weren't any chickens sitting next to me either as I reckoned they were probably being stuffed in the compartment abaft along with the baby pythons and the freshly-poached horns of endangered black rhinos. Who knows?
The lead pilot was definitely Caucasian and the co-pilot black, precisely the entire crew, and that I'm quite sure of because five seats straight ahead of where I was sitting bares the doorless cockpit with its unmistakable array of knobs and flickering monitor lights. Caramba, Puchuelo! No pretty stewardesses on this flight, amigo! I reckoned the flight cart won't even fit through the narrow aisles, anyway. 'Jambo,' to that!
'This is your captain speaking. Please snugly fasten your seat belt all the way to the next destination as we will be experiencing a rough weather pattern this morning. Please secure all your carrying baggage infront of your seat or inside the overhead bin above you. Your lifejacket is stowed somewhere under your seat and if the oxygen mask should deploy due to an eventual thinning of cabin air pressure, please wear it correctly as stated in the safety card stowed in the pocket of the seat in front of you. Please take the time to read the safety instructions carefully and remember I already warned you so don't blame me for anything that might happen to you during the flight. This is a non-smoking flight if you don't have a cigarette. We will be departing in a few minutes or honestly until the fog will clear up and I can clearly see the runway. Thank you for choosing Mtumbo Airlines and we hope to see you again soon, by God's grace.'
Obviously, he need not mention anything about refraining from loitering around because apparently there was not enough space even for a lavatory.
Two minutes later on and we're off taxiing the runway, the same asphalted road that the feisty blondie and me were traversing earlier in the day, a black-topped strip of a country road in the middle of two adjacent grassy field which by now were already blanketed by a mantle of dew-laden cobwebs. The accelerating cresendo of the airplane's four roaring turbo-propellers were beyond calibrating but imperceptibly we began lifting slowly off the ground and into the murky mire of the fog up ahead. 'At least this thing can fly', I said to myself, upliftingly astonished. The Brahma cows grazing on both sides of the grassy-patched runway barely stirred. The feisty blondie probably warned them too!
And fly it did, climbing labouriously at first, towards eternity as there wasn't anything much to see anyway except for the enveloping grayness and the occassional swooshing of something zipping fast by the windows that wasn't even discernable because of the fog. Two and three-quarter hours of travel time is not that burdensome enough if there were a few amenities to be occupied about, like a miniaturized TV with a wide array of movies and music preferences to choose from or an occassional snack of biscuits and coffee. Sadly there were none whatsoever though the guys ahead of me were having a boisterous kaffeklasch straight from their personal thermos bottles and lunch packs while I, on the other hand, hadn't even had a bite yet since yesterday! "Bring your own food" might be this carrier's second catchphrase, I supposed.
Five minutes into the flight and the cabin loudspeaker crackled again though this time it was a little bit comforting. 'Good morning gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We will be skirting our prepared flight plan today and instead head down and south to avoid the predicted incliment weather that the meteorological bureau had recently issued. The fog will be clearing up momentarily so enjoy the view, relax and have a wonderful flight ahead.
If he'd just turned his head around and spoken a little louder than usual, then it would have been the same, anyway.
'Well, everyrhing is okey, I said to myself. At least I'm going to have some quality time for the memories and a more meaningful flight watching the vie...WHOA!
Aren't those trees?
Have you ever experience the feeling of being surprisingly shocked that your lower jaw unintentionally drops and you find yourself choking? One time in my life I did and this was it.
Who wouldn't, considering that the airplane we were flying with had been zigzagging through the mountains of the Drakensberg range all along and the occassional swooshing apparation that somewhat bothers me beforehand were actually trees clinging desperately on the granite cliffs a few meters away from the tip of the plane's winglets?
Down below stretches the sediment-laden and murky rapids of the snaking Ulundi tributaries where legends says giant crocodiles had a penchant of snapping unwary humans in half, let alone airplane survivors if they by any chance survived the crash or from merciless maws of the beasts that lurks stealthily under the canopied watershed. The airplane's traversed altitude was so low that I would have been able to see the monkeys clambering up the forested banks of the winding river down below if I squinted my eyes long enough.. Down and south indeed, as what the captain had said!
Surely you would think that this is going nowhere and far too unrealistic to be believe in but then honestly everything was all true. Well, almost all are, except perhaps for the monster croco's, I suppose.
It was 'terrifyingly amazing' and that's what I probably would have defined the feeling if I had been given the chance to exhort something after that q reflexive involuntary gagging. The plane deftly followed each winding curve and crevasse that the river had patiently chiselled through time across the rust-red layers of the granitic mountain range that for a brief moment of bless I had the feeling of being in an adventure themed movie set. I also think that for a moment I saw the captain grinning.
After an agonizing two long hours of hard twisting and turning coupled by an innumerable gut-wrenching downdrafts and updrafts we were unbindedly thrust right into the verdant savannah of the fertile Gauteng region, a pancake flat and picturesquely mosaicked expanse of endless cropfields and vineyards marching along as far as the eye can see. (much farther of course since I'm not myopic) Whitewashed villas basking besides reflecting cerulean pools and towering crop silos that are bunkered among clumps of tall trees dotted the landscape like islets amidst the fallow fields and emerald greens of cultivated paddies that are crisscrossed by surgically linear straightaways. Wispy ground-hugging fog blanketed the early morning horizon creating a surreal manifestation of comfort and benediction, the blessed White Africaan Land.
(I reackoned that if I survive a plane crash here there'ĺl be a horde of blond beauties and that's for sure!)
This is the rich white African country, as I learned later, and obliviously a parsec apart from the half-clad Bantustan natives proudly embellished in their colored beads and prized seashells huddling in the earthen floors of their dung huts that were protectively barricaded by twig fences against the fierceness of the marauding highland kraal beasts.
After what seems like eternity the chicken had finally landed though definitely dizzy and probably being overly grateful to be alive somehow. Some may have contemplated in hugging the captain if they had the chance save for the nagging interruption from the plane's loudspeaker. 'This is your captain speaking'. We have arrived at Thumbo International Airport five minutes early as promised. Please get your baggages carefully from the overhead bins and hurry up to the tarmac as soon as possible when the plane is in a complete stop. Passengers with connecting flights are advised to consult to their respective transfer airline front desks as the airport building is under renovation and I have no idea where the transfer gate is anymore. Thank you for flying with us and have a wonderful day ahead'. Click. (Yeah, I also wondered what the black co-pilot would have said given the chance but I guessed he too was dizzy, just like the chickens!)
Down the ramp we go and into the warm and steamy morning of a blazing African sun. Predictably there were no transfer buses waiting at the tarmac so we had to walk a couple hundred meters more dodging baggage-towing cars and trailing persperation from hauling our personal packets before reaching the nearest shade of what used to be the airport terminal building. The captain was precisely right as residual tokens of plastic wrappings hanging from above the reconstructed building were lazily flapping wildly in the wind and seemingly waving goodbye to the planes taking off in the nearby airfield. Jackhammers and crowbars were pulverizing masonry everywhere and the dust was blinding. Well, it is always dusty in Africa anyway.
'Are you the guy transitting from Richards Bay who's bound for Hongkong'? said a diminutive black thing in a travel agent's uniform topped-up by a ball of frizzy hair and holding a piece of cardboard with my crookedly scrawled name on it. 'I'm your contact person here, she announced, and I haven't eaten anything yet since this morning. I know a place where we can negotiate over a meal', she added.
"Now you wait a minute, lady. This is absolutely a straightforward, plain and simple 'in your face' extortion! I have had my tickets alright and looking for the front desk isn't that much of a sweat, dont you think?" I also have enough layway since my next flight will be in three hours time! A chicken could have said that but I didn't and instead concocted something like, 'Oh, Im sorry, Missy, but I believe I'm the wrong person you are referring to. I just came from Timbuktu', I assertively lied. She probably knew I was lying because with a leery smirk from her bloated red lips, a rolling over of her disproportionately marble-white eyes and with a weary sigh she was gone without even saying a single word.
Just like that!
What's wrong with these people anyway?
Why the hurry?
There wasn't any ressemblance of a queue let alone an orderly line of people by the information desk exactly an hour after I found it. It was more like a scene from an old war movie where the front desk is swamped by a horde of boisterously yelling commuters desperately vying for the last available ticket out of a failed country. Regrettably, I shouldn't have lied to that frizzy-haired woman.
An hour of pushing, shoving and a bucketful of sticky perspiration later this is what actually happened.
African man at the front desk:
CX 643 bound for Hongkong?
Third level.
Don't use the escalator, it's broken. Turn right at the landing and then proceed to the door with Chinese markings in it and a logo of a stork flying over a green sky.
Green sky,huh?
Crazy Chinese!
Chinese girl at CX booth:
Good morning, sir. Here is your boarding pass. Please proceed to Gate 17 immediately for your final boarding arrangement. If I were you, I wouldn't pass through the Custom's area. It's notoriously corrupt.
Crazy Africans!
Young boy at the boarding area's waiting lounge:
'Hey,mister, you want Marlboro? Chicklets? Coca Cola perhaps? I can get you very, very cold water too!'
Me: No. I'm good.
Boy: 'No? No cigarette, no chewing gum, no drinks but good?
Crazy foreigners!'
Who wants to drink a two-dollar "very, very cold water" in a capless Pepsi bottle anyway?
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seoandy · 3 years
Best Overhead Cranes You Can Buy ForAn Easy Material Handling In Plants
Jib cranes are good for loading and unloading in a plant or factory and you can buy them from an online store that sells good quality jib crane Singapore. The crane increases your productivity and eases the process of material handling. The crane is ergonomic and efficient. It can be used for many purposes. Using a jib crane helps avoid injuries to the workers. It is also useful for reducing downtime. The crane is sold in the market and online stores in many designs and styles with varying features. Factory owners and plant managers must make their workplace safe and secure by buying and using the jib cranes. The crane increases the speed of manufacturing and production in industries so they are an asset for you.  
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shinguantravel · 4 years
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A service provider in Singapore provides you with all types of Machines. The screen systems for one of the highly demanded crane systems all over the world. the aur electric overhead traveling cranes standard mild steel frame sleeking JIB cranes and crane components. the crane components include CM series wire rope hoist CM series electric rope hoist and many more.
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fassicranes · 4 years
A Fassi F2150RA.2.28 with super front stability
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Fassi’s Singaporean importer-distributor, Sun-Pacific Equipments Pte Ltd, delivers an F2150RA.2.28 xhe-dynamic hydraulic crane to an engineering and logistics company
Jurong East (Singapore) - The Singapore importer-distributor, Sun-Pacific Equipments Pte Ltd, recently built and delivered a set-up of an F2150RA.2.28 xhe-dynamic crane with an L916 hydraulic jib installed on a Scania G500 truck. The customer, the company Hong Fa Logistics & Engineering Pte Ltd, already has a number of similar Fassi cranes in its fleet. This one, unlike the others, has been fitted with front outriggers tested and approved by the Land Transport Authority of Singapore. It should be remembered that improving the front stability of the vehicle, as in this case, means increasing the crane's lifting capacity in the work areas in front of the truck cab. This characteristic is especially valuable in urban areas where truck positioning spaces are often critical, so being able to work to the best of your ability on all sides can become a great advantage. The Fassi stability system chosen for the crane is the FSC/SII. (Courtesy of J. Goh - Sun-Pacific Equipments Pte Ltd)
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Un allestimento di una gru Fassi "heavy-duty" con stabilizzatori anteriori approvati dalla "Land Transport Authority" di Singapore
L'importatore-distributore di Singapore, la società Sun-Pacific Equipments Pte Ltd, ha recentemente realizzato e consegnato un allestimento di F2150RA.2.28 xhe-dynamic con prolunga idraulica L916 su camion Scania G500. Il cliente, la società Hong Fa Logistics & Engineering Pte Ltd, possiede già nella sua flotta alcuni modelli di gru Fassi analoghi. Questa diversamente dalle altre è stata dotata di stabilizzatori anteriori testati e approvati dalla "Land Transport Authority" di Singapore. Ricordiamo che migliorare la stabilità anteriore del veicolo come in questo caso, significa aumentare la capacità di sollevamento della gru nelle aree di lavoro davanti alla cabina del camion. Questa caratteristica è preziosa soprattutto nelle aree urbane dove spesso gli spazi di posizionamento dei camion sono critiche e quindi poter lavorare al meglio su tutti i lati può diventare un grande vantaggio. Il sistema di stabilità Fassi scelto in dotazione alla gru è l'FSC/SII. (Per gentile concessione di J. Goh - Sun-Pacific Equipments Pte Ltd)
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L’importateur-distributeur Singapourien de Fassi fait la livraison d’une grue hydraulique F2150RA.2.28 xhe-dynamic a une entreprise de la logistique et l’ingénierie
Jurong East (Singapour) - Notre importateur-distributeur à Singapour, Sun-Pacific Equipments Pte Ltd, a récemment construit et livré un aménagement d’une grue F2150RA.2.28 xhe-dynamic munie d’un jib hydraulique L916, installée sur un camion Scania G500. Le client, l’entreprise Hong Fa Logistics & Engineering Pte Ltd, possède déjà un certain nombre de grues Fassi semblables à celle-ci, au sein de sa flotte. Contrairement aux autres, ce modèle a été équipé de stabilisateurs avant, ayant été testés et approuvés par la « Land Transport Authority » (Autorité pour le transport terrestre) de Singapour. Il est important de rappeler que l’amélioration de la stabilité avant du véhicule, comme dans ce cas, signifie une augmentation de la capacité de levage de la grue dans les zones de travail devant la cabine du camion. Cette caractéristique s’avère particulièrement utile dans des zones urbaines où les espaces de positionnement des camions sont souvent critiques. De ce fait, être en mesure de travailler au mieux de vos capacités sur tous les côtés peut se transformer en un véritable atout. Pour cette grue, nous avons choisi le système de stabilité Fassi FSC/SII. (Avec l’aimable autorisation de J. Goh - Sun-Pacific Equipments Pte Ltd)
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Eine von der „Land Transport Authority“ in Singapur zugelassene Konfiguration eines Fassi-Krans aus dem schweren Sortiment mit frontalen Stützbeinen
Jurong East (Singapur) - Der Importeur und Vertreiber in Singapur, die Firma Sun-Pacific Equipments Pte Ltd, hat vor kurzem die Konfiguration eines Fassi-Krans F2150RA.2.28 xhe-dynamic mit einem hydraulischen JIB L916, der auf einem LKW vom Typ Scania G500 montiert ist, gebaut und ausgeliefert. Der Kunde, die Firma Hong Fa Logistics & Engineering Pte Ltd, hat bereits eine Reihe ähnlicher Fassi-Krane in seinem Fuhrpark. Dieser Kran jedoch wurde im Gegensatz zu den anderen mit frontalen Stützbeinen ausgestattet, die von der „Land Transport Authority“ (Landesverkehrsbehörde) in Singapur geprüft und zugelassen wurden. Dabei ist zu bedenken, dass die Verbesserung der vorderen Stabilität des Fahrzeugs, wie in diesem Fall, eine Erhöhung der Hebekapazität des Krans in den Arbeitsbereichen vor der LKW-Kabine bedeutet. Diese Eigenschaft ist besonders in städtischen Gebieten von Nutzen, da dort die Platzverhältnisse für die Lkw-Positionierung oft kritisch sind und es daher von großem Vorteil sein kann, nach allen Seiten hin optimal arbeiten zu können. Das Fassi-Stabilitätskontrollsystem, das für den Kran gewählt wurde, ist das FSC/SII. (Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von J. Goh - Sun-Pacific Equipments Pte Ltd)
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El importador y distribuidor singapurense de Fassi entrega una grúa hidráulica F2150RA.2.28 xhe-dynamic a una empresa de la logística y la ingeniería
Jurong East (Singapur) - El importador y distribuidor de Singapur, Sun-Pacific Equipments Pte Ltd, construyó y entregó recientemente una configuración de una grúa F2150RA.2.28 xhe-dynamic con jib hidráulico L916 instalada en un camión Scania G500. El cliente, la empresa Hong Fa Logistics & Engineering Pte Ltd, ya cuenta con varias grúas Fassi similares en su flota. Esta, a diferencia de las demás, ha sido equipada con estabilizadores anteriores testados y aprobados por la “Land Transport Authority” (Autoridad de Transporte Terrestre) de Singapur. Cabe recordar que mejorar la estabilidad delantera del vehículo, como en este caso, significa incrementar la capacidad de elevación de la grúa en las áreas de trabajo delante de la cabina del camión. Esta característica es especialmente valiosa en áreas urbanas donde los espacios para colocar los camiones suelen ser críticos, por tanto, poder trabajar de la mejor forma posible en cualquier lado puede convertirse en una gran ventaja. El sistema de estabilidad de Fassi que se ha elegido para la grúa es el FSC/SII. (Cesión de J. Goh - Sun-Pacific Equipments Pte Ltd)
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seoteams · 4 years
Best Heavy Lifting Equipments In Singapore
Why looking at the amazing architecture and industrious Marvel we make think how it is possible. But the reality is that all these things need many effective products to build them. A service provider in Singapore provides you with all types of Machines and required process materials so that the complete work will be of high quality. Some of the trending products provided by them are CMAK crane systems winches and Portal frame frames. These types of service providers claim to provide quality machines and tools to the industries. in this article we will see about some of the main business activities and the popular industries that are using high and heavy equipment lifting systems from CMAK.
CMAK crane systems
the screen systems for one of the highly demanded crane systems all over the world. the aur electric overhead travelling cranes standard mild steel frame sleeking JIB cranes and crane components. the crane components includes CM series wire rope hoist CM series electric rope heist and many more.
Services provided
Our service providers along with providing quality materials they also provide some highly demanded and required services to all their customers some of them are, spare parts. it is such a thing that can be used while repairing and also while dismantling the hole machine. service repair these types of products are highly complicated and their mechanism is very difficult to understand and hence while repairing those machines they require high quality experience and professional servicemen in our organization we have most experienced serviceman to repair your machines. it is always better to prevent before it causes and hence we provide quality preventive maintenance to all types of machines which are bought from our organization. Refurbishment and upgrading it is an excellent way to increase the quality of the existing models.
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shinguansg · 1 year
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hudsonespie · 5 years
Photos: SAL Heavy Lift Showcases Offshore Capabilities With Greater Changhua Test-Pile Project
2019 proved to be an important year for SAL Heavy Lift when it came to offshore installation projects. As a highlight the Greater Changhua Test Pile Project in the waters off Taiwan stands out – a project SAL Heavy Lift completed over 3 months together with main contractor Per Aarsleff A/S.
It was a complex project whereby SAL could utilize its experience in offshore test piling to ensure a successful project. Making use of MV Lone’s large deck space and a newly installed Fly-Jib, the vessel served as the perfect DP installation platform.
It was SAL’s track record in offshore test piling for offshore wind farms that secured the Greater Changhua Test Pile Project from the Danish engineering and construction house Per Aarsleff A/S.
Image Credits: SAL Heavy Lift
The Greater Changhua Offshore Windfarm is an offshore wind site in the Taiwan Strait ca. 50 km off the coast of Taiwan, which is being developed by Ørsted A/S the Danish utility giant and the holder of the largest offshore wind portfolio in the world.
SAL was subcontracted for the provision of a DP2 installation vessel, the MV Lone, and to perform pile installation and testing work as part of the pre-piling phase of the project. As the soil of the seabed on the project site had to be ensured, a test foundation was installed on designated locations around the project site. In water depths of 35 m – 40 m, six piles with a length of up to 80m were hammered into the seabed though a special Pile Guide Frame.
Image Credits: SAL Heavy Lift
To realize the project, a substantial preparation phase was set in motion which turned into the largest mobilization of a vessel in the history of SAL. To be able to lift the long piles vertically, a jib extension to one of the cranes of MV Lone had to be designed, manufactured, installed and tested. This resulted in the Fly-Jib installation on crane no. 2 on Lone which provides up to 23m extra jib length.
The vessel had to be equipped with Temporary Living Quarters (TLQs) and additional lifeboats to be able to host up to 100 people that would be onboard during the project execution. To operate as an offshore installation vessel with so many people on board, MV Lone had to also change its certification from cargo vessel to become a Special Purpose Ship (SPS).
Image Credits: SAL Heavy Lift
The mobilization took place in Singapore during Spring 2019, where no less than 3 additional SAL vessels supplied the necessary project equipment from both Rotterdam, Shanghai and Esbjerg to the MV Lone. This included, in addition to the Fly-Jib and TLQs, the “Pile Guide Frame” and a special “Load Beam”, both designed and manufactured by Per Aarsleff A/S as well as various purpose built testing equipment, lifting- and handling equipment, the pile driving spread, survey equipment and the ROV spread. In the project port in Taichung, Taiwan six piles were collected, before locating the vessel to the offshore site.
The full test campaign comprised two phases with the tests being performed at two locations.
During the first phase between May and July 2019, two sets of three piles, with a unit weight of up to 140t each, were installed through the Pile Guide Frame at target locations to their required depths.
Image Credits: SAL Heavy Lift
After a standby period, the second phase taking place during August 2019, involved static and dynamic testing on selected piles on the seabed. These tests provided the engineers from Ørsted with the necessary data to optimize pile design for the planned wind farm.
At the end of the project phase, the installed piles had to be decommissioned from the seabed, making use of a special cutting tool and then lifted back onto the deck of MV Lone transporting them back to shore for recycling.
Image Credits: SAL Heavy Lift
With a successful execution completed Project Manager, Peter Munk, Per Aarsleff A/S stated; “The crew of Lone and the SAL Project Team did an outstanding job. We are very impressed with the performance and the results we obtained. It has been a great pleasure to work with the SAL team on this challenging project. Arguably of more importance is the HSE performance which has been excellent”.
Marine Insight does not own the rights of the video.
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