aaronheatonwords · 6 years
Go fuck yourself.
I know who you are.
You think I don’t?
The only thing I was wrong about
was thinking
I’d be any different from them.
I tried to pull your mask off
and there was nothing underneath,
not even a black hole,
not a damaged human,
not anything I could touch.
You were everything that pressured you
but nothing of your own.
Do you expect me to sit here
and think you treated me any differently?
Maybe once
but I was wrong.
Talk your shit about me.
Let your boy know how awful I was.
Tell him about my abuse.
Don’t forget anything,
don’t you dare forget a single detail.
I know who you are
and I don’t want you in my life.
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aaronheatonwords · 6 years
Mini-Game: Donut County
Donut County isn’t afraid to ask the hard questions. What does someone mean when they want a donut delivered? Why is there so much trash everywhere in the city? What, exactly, is a donut? This is a game that’s not afraid to ask the hard questions, and make sure people get the donuts they want too.
Well, sort of.
The game is not about delivering donuts, not really. It’s about controlling a tiny little hole in order to collect objects, grow larger, and collect even more objects. It’s part itch.io, part Katamari Damacy and part millennial comfort food, featuring quirky anthropomorphic animals that talk like they text and text like they talk. The dialogue is snappy and light-hearted, even in heated moments, filled with puns and LOLs and intentional typos and an almost stubborn refusal to acknowledge the more serious problems that arise in the story. The world, the characters, the speech and delivery all feel like they came from a group of characters who grew up with the internet. It feels like a game made about my generation by my generation.
The mechanics of the game are limited to using the left stick to move the hole and your eyeballs to see what can fit into the hole. Each object expands the hole a little bit with a satisfying bouncy animation. Crumpled paper laying around and bits of grass give way to chairs and tables, household appliances, people and then eventually entire rocks and whole houses. The objects shimmy and bounce around the hole as you try to stubbornly jimmy them in despite knowing that grabbing a few more stepping stones would make your job easier, but finally getting them in the damn hole is a satisfying feeling. Even though the game doesn’t ask much of the player, despite layering on a few fun tricks in the late-game, scooting around the hole and eating things up is almost therapeutic.
So almost therapeutic, in fact, that you don’t stop to question what you’re doing until the game calls you out on it fairly early on. The driver of the hole is BK, a raccoon who’s using the hole app to get enough points for a quadcopter that he can pilot around, like a typical millennial. His best friend Mira who, along with the residents of the town, put him to task for hole-ing up their property in the form of flashbacks. Each vignette from the inhabitants of the town takes you on a little visual ride, which alone are worth the price of admission. You get to explore a slice of someone’s life as you slowly engulf and disrupt their goings-on, which can range from exploring the campground of a lonely vegetable salesman in the desert or prodding at the questionably-legal fireworks shop that’s opened up near the beach. The hole can explore a restaurant whose reputation has somehow escaped causing it to close, or even visit a raccoon theme park. Most levels have you manipulate the environment in order to remove obstacles or get faraway objects closer to the ground so you can, y’know, do the hole thing to them. The art style, which is full of pastel and contrast, give a personality to the game which makes just looking at it soothing, even as you’re really inconveniencing these poor townspeople.
The game isn’t very long, which is both a compliment and a complaint. The levels move at a fairly quick clip, never overstaying their welcome or presenting any sort of roadblock to progression. Being able to see such a wide variety of situations and art is a treat, plus the game is extremely low-commitment is you just want to jump in and play a level and get a bit of a chuckle. With that being said, the short levels make it hard for any additional tools the game gives you to feel very meaningful, and it loses the ability to teach the player meaningfully new ways to solve puzzles, which tend to be contained to single levels. Most levels can be done in a handful of minutes, with the longest one running me about ten.
In the end, though, it’s difficult not to recommend Donut County just because of how damn charming and warm it is. BK and Mira bickering in person and via text, the plethora of rambling goofs, the low-poly and wonderfully-realized world that you drive the hole to eat up, and the eventual ridiculous places that the story goes are something special. Listening to the contenting and carefree soundtrack while scooping up someone’s motorhome in order to buy a quadcopter hasn’t ever been this relaxing before. It’s never been this anything before, and Donut County has rectified that mistake. It’s light, and soft, and funny and heartfelt, which is sometimes exactly what a game needs to be.
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aaronheatonwords · 7 years
I don't think she's a bad person but
I don't think she knows how to be a good one.
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aaronheatonwords · 7 years
One small white pill
At the same time every day
A physical fix
For my mental imbalance
“Here, take this,”
And all of your worries will go away
“Just a half at first,”
But if you don’t feel like killing yourself,
“Increase the dose.”
So much science and well-meaning
Compacted into a tiny thing
Like someone crawled inside my skull
And saw the hurt
Saw the fear
And concocted the answer
What I feared all along was true:
I never had anything
To justify this.
If this is a fix, why did my brain
Act against me?
Why was I cursed with
Bad chemicals?
Why did my sadness
Consume me?
My life, my work, my love
God dammit
The woman I loved
All because
I was too proud to accept
That maybe my life
Wasn’t quite as
Bad as I
Because I was too proud
To ask for help
It’s true what they say,
That you can never know happiness without sadness
And this little pill
Drowns my sadness like
I always wished a bottle could do.
I don’t know sadness anymore.
I don’t know much.
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aaronheatonwords · 7 years
Waiting for the next one
because you are not moving.
“You” has lost meaning;
Three letters and a bitter taste;
Faded memories and empty promises
kept by the ghost that lives in my mind.
Another person to remind me of the dull ache
that my resignation into obscurity invites.
Without a wall to lean on and against myself,
my thoughts struggle against a tidal wave
of pressure cooked by my own sealed lips
which refuse to open to anyone
(if there were anyone who cared to try).
My hands are ten useless digits that used to feel useful
by using you-
For pleasure, for comfort, for a simple connection;
But now they are used to being unused,
regarded unamusingly by souls passing through.
My heart longs to be used again, even if for the
beautiful lie that we were meant to be together.
My heart ached then, pounding and screaming
to be good to you.
Now my heart simply is; a still muscle without
motivation beyond finding the right place to curl up.
To wrap my hands around my lips,
and be quieted forever.
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aaronheatonwords · 7 years
Just because you’re hurt,
Doesn’t mean you aren't to blame.
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aaronheatonwords · 7 years
Dead flowers are just as beautiful
As the living;
To see how the wilt and decay courses
through the petals
tells as much as how the sun
feeds the flower.
There is no shame in a wilting plant
except for what
you’ve been told to be ashamed of.
Like a flower preserved,
blooming healthily,
one falling down
is a biologically woven story.
Death is not the end.
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aaronheatonwords · 7 years
I Will Be Happy
My knuckles are smooth and fresh again;
my bones hidden by layers of
healthy fat and plump skin,
no longer dried hide stretched
for use to survive,
but a modern, living citizen.
And yet, it’s missed.
The bloody knuckles are in my memory.
The painful squeak of swollen joints
was calming, somehow,
And the sharp edges of bone
jutting out into the world bestowed
a kind of confidence
That doesn’t make sense to describe.
I was a skeleton, leaking its last millilitres
of blood.
A canvas pulled taut over an easel,
My poems are forced words
just like the hurt
I try to feel.
The words slip away into
a place that isn’t,
calling me
to feel, to write, to live.
But happiness is too real
Too present
Too heavy
To go back to how it was.
Drowning the happiness in drink
is a headache.
And to ignore my friends feels
a complete waste.
A poor employee brings a
shame to myself.
Anger hurts the soul more
than you.
And ignoring sleep only seems
to kill tomorrow.
So I will be happy,
against my better judgement.
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aaronheatonwords · 7 years
Another New Experience
I wish I could have it back:
That year
full of lies;
what i thought was passion,
reduced to pleasantries;
words said just to please.
Sweet denial and
Too afraid to let go,
to face life,
to face yourself.
Someone new fills the void,
an escape in the shape
of a cute
band boy.
Another new experience
set to make
your heart race
until reality
reels you back in.
There is no escape,
no solution
in other people.
Darkness doesn’t take pity
on those wanting reprieve.
Loneliness can be with
and sometimes
the loneliest people
are together.
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aaronheatonwords · 7 years
Adult Children of Alcoholics
Look at me, what a catch:
A quivering ball of fat suffering from depression,
dragging my feet from day to day hoping
that maybe someone
will be the one to finally save me.
My emotions are suppressed and my
need for constant attention is in overdrive.
I’ll ignore you until I feel desperate,
And then I won’t ever stop.
And god help you if you show
me affection first.
Can’t talk, can’t write, can’t create.
A waterfall of words drowning themselves
in a basin of stupidity, too damn
mushy and real to leave on the page.
Grab the soggy paper and tear it up
like it deserves
Anxious and insecure and unsure
and guilty and controlling and
always too responsible
too harsh
too critical
too unloving
to be loved
Antisocial? Borderline?
Or just insane?
It’s hard to tell when your own brain
is fighting against its judgement.
Locked in with another person
(or are they locked in
with me?)
I grab a bottle and get to work
(booze, cough syrup, whatever’s in reach)
on removing myself from me.
A body without a mind or a mind
so out of it’s mind that it leaves
the body to mind itself,
and in most ways the body doesn’t mind.
Hundreds of long conversations
just beat around the bush
ramblings and false truths falling
of two mouths that are just struggling
make a connection with someone
Paranoia and suicidal thoughts;
Are they fucking right now?
Is he bigger than me?
What did I do to deserve this?
But the biggest thing?
I’m just not really enjoying myself.
If only it could be not so
God damn messy.
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aaronheatonwords · 7 years
With clenched jaw and closed fist,
and eyes that are afraid
to meet;
With unsteady gait, weakness
in the legs,
with brain that struggles to focus
or find meaning;
I persevere.
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aaronheatonwords · 7 years
Date Night
Minutes tick to hours.
“Are you okay?”
Water is fine, I say.
I watch the walls intently
and my phone absently.
If you never look at the time,
it doesn’t pass,
What did people do before
Reddit, or Instagram?
Aside from engage with
other humans.
“Are you okay?”
Another pint, I say.
How long has that chip in the paint
been there?
How do I have to angle
just right
to see the door in the mirror?
How many dollars am I wasting
just by being here?
I’d like to order please,
with a smile,
as if I’m not choking back.
I’d like…
“Sweet potato fries?”
Yes please,
with a laugh
as it’s written down.
As if my absent mind can be blamed
on anything other than this.
I get them in a container.
I’m too sick to finish.
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aaronheatonwords · 7 years
To sweethearts and wives,
to selfish lovers.
To those in our lives
who take and take and take
without return:
May you forever regret
what you’ve done.
May your memory never fail
even in old age.
May your mind be as spry
and as sharp
as now, for as long as you are.
As the world freezes over,
as inclemency
because of foolhardiness,
To sweethearts and wives,
I cry.
To sweethearts and wives
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aaronheatonwords · 7 years
“It's okay, you're just upset on the inside.”
Dad's wisdom.
He says it as if it's any different than being upset on the outside,
but he means well, and he loves me (obligatory).
But something about the lack of beauty in those words is beautiful;
A recognition of pain after a childhood of facades and miscommunication
(or communication a little too direct to know affection),
the feeling that maybe he's known this feeling:
the hurt of insecurity and loss and the pure terror
of never being quite enough
and compensating by being too damn much
for anyone.
But then he rewinds the movie, prodding me with his eyes
still glued to the screen-
“Look at the rack on that broad!”
Her body obscured by steam
and the million miles between her and him
and me and Her
and him and I
And I realize I've been fooled again.
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aaronheatonwords · 7 years
Pen-stealing inconsiderate fucks
Rifling through what’s mine
Only one day absent
Taskbar moved, chair tilted back
Do you see your name on here?
Outward politeness begets ignorance
Old white women who think
“Please” and “excuse me”
Are catch-alls for condescension
Manager in title only sits behind a desk
Away from his office
The 12x8 room where responsibility
Impatiently taps its foot
Waiting behind a two year old mantle
To finally be filled
And the countless other air-brained bees
Buzzing along to a dance
From a different hive
Asking where each foot should be planted
Before putting them down
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aaronheatonwords · 7 years
You taught me a few things:
the importance of family;
always keep a tissue in your pocket;
and never trust anyone
especially if you think you can.
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aaronheatonwords · 7 years
Promise Me
Promise me this:
If I ever stop being special,
please leave me
If my company becomes
or dissatisfactory,
please leave me.
When my jokes fall flat
and my smile no longer
warms you,
please leave me
When you know
you’ve already moved on,
Please leave me.
I would rather be thrown aside
But knowingly.
I’d rather the truth,
no matter the pain.
To keep me locked up
and to feed off of
my support,
to use my kindness as fuel
to escape me
is more painful than the truth.
Look in your heart.
Ask yourself the questions
you don’t want to ask.
Promise me this:
If you’ve ever loved me,
please leave me.
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