jichanqz · 1 year
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PAIRINGS tbz eric x f!oc
GENRE fantasy, mythical creature!au, angst, romance, slow burn
which is better, or which is worse? having no power among those who do or having your power used against you?
Most of his time is spent alone in his study, sitting at the intricately carved wooden table, poring over books after books. His eyes dart among lines, between each words and every pages as his hand moves swiftly across the paper, jotting down every single information obtained.
He drowns himself in the waves of books, too deep to notice the perpetual knock on the door. He finally raises his head at the sound of the door creaking open, slightly adjusting the position of his reading glasses that had slid down his nose bridge. "My highest apologies for barging in like this, Your Royal Highness. You were not answering, I was afraid that something might've happened to you."
He waves his hand at the sight of the maid gravely bowing in front of him. "No, there's no need to apologise. Am I needed for anything?" He takes off his glasses and pays full attention to the servant. "It's already time for dinner. The King and Queen are already waiting for you at the dining table.
His eyes scamper to the old, grandfather clock at the corner of his study. He slams his back against the leather chair as he catches sight of the time, burying his face in his hands. A heavy, disgruntled sigh leaves his mouth. He always lose track of time the moment he's indulged in his books.
He then straightens his posture again. "Thank you for reminding me. You may go." His signature smile is returned with a bow from the maid before she disappears behind the door, leaving him all alone again, alone among the piles of books.
Never once he leaves the room untidy, every book is ensured to be arranged at their original place back. He closes the robust door behind him, making his way across the long, dim hallway to the dining hall. Midway through, he stops in his track, his eyes are locked on the massive aged painting hanged on the wall. He scanned every corner of the artwork with cloudy, uninterpreted eyes.
I am almost there.
His eyes are shaky, jaw clenched tight before he drags his feet away from the massive frame, proceeding to the royal dining hall.
He is greeted by a line of elves servants loyally standing at the side of the dining hall, profoundly bowing as he enters the room. The King and Queen are already there, sitting at both ends of the small dining table, facing each other. "My apologies for keeping both of you waiting." His apology receives a nod from both of his parents. He takes a seat right in the middle, and the hall falls silent again, lacking any voice or whisper.
"Eric." His father starts, breaking the excruciating silence. The cheerful fire burning in the hearth at the side of the hall is not enough to chase away the coldness biting at his bone, not able to tame the churning nervous feeling at the pit of his stomach.
Eric had prepared himself mentally to hear the next words coming from his father's mouth. He had long expected that this moment will finally come. Still, he is not yet ready to face it. Will he actually be ready? He himself has no clue.
"The full moon is in less than a week. I hope you are ready." Eric heaves a hefty sigh he doesn't even realise holding as his father finishes his sentence. His parents' silent stare, waiting for his answer is pinning him in his seat, very discomfited to even shift in the seating.
Eric clears his dry throat, flashing a fake confident countenance along with that signature smile of his, before locking eyes with the King and Queen. "I was born ready." Fake it till you make it they said.
The full moon. The moment when magical powers have no limit. Where the energy of the creatures will not be consumed every time they use their power during that period of time.
"Good. I wont be fully convinced that you are actually ready to take the throne until then." Eric gulps the lump in his throat for the umpteenth time.
The throne. Being the only heir is not promising enough that the sovereignty will fall into his grasp that easily. Owing to that, he has been doing everything to stay on his parents good side, obeying every order that is placed on his shoulder. But this very next dictate that is about to be carried out is contravening Eric's morality.
"Eat up, my son." The three of them start eating as the King picks up his cutlery. Again, the room is filled with silence, not even the sound of cutlery clinking can be heard. The still atmosphere is very different with what's going on in Eric's mind; busy and industrious, sorting up each and every thought flooding in.
"And one more thing, Eric." His father adds, his eyes remain glued to the dish. "The blonde root of your hair started showing. Be sure to dye it before you leave this palace." His hair, the most recognisable dissimilarity that makes him stand out among his people, an abomination to his parents.
He never feels disheartened by his unique feature, but he rather appreciate it. He never understands why his parents dislike his hair that much, yet he never questioned anything and just followed his father's demand. "Yes, father." Eric replies rather curtly.
Suddenly, the Queen clacks her wine glass to the table in an exaggerated manner, an action that the servants are keenly aware of its meaning. Before the servants could dash to the dining table to serve the Queen, Eric grabs the tall wine bottle, stopping the servants in their tracks.
"Eric." The Queen utters rather sternly, her eyes piercing through Eric's. The son simply flashes a smile to their servants before pouring the wine into the glass himself. "Here you go mother." The glass is placed in front of the Queen with much delicacy.
"We hired workers in this residence for a reason, Eric Sohn." Hearing the Queen's words, the elves servants keep their mouth shut, heads hanging low.
"Having workers doesn't necessarily mean that we should just sit back and do nothing, mother." Things are always like this and Eric is extremely sick of it.
Growing up, he has encountered tremendous amount of discrimination towards the elves, done by the people of his bloodline; the so-called fairies. He learned that the messed up relationship between both community had rooted since a very long time ago. He was told that the feud was caused by the elves, but nobody wants to expatiate on the matter every time he brought the issue up.
Everybody seemed to be restraining themselves from talking about that incident, and Eric had discerned that there is so much more attributing to the incident. There is definitely an untold veracity that people are desperately trying to keep buried in the pit of their stomach.
He never once agrees with all of the enmity. He believes that antagonism is a choice, a choice made by the impermanents when they can legibly opt for peace. He has long desired on changing the gruesome history between fairies and elves, and create peace among every creatures, which is the reason on why he is yearning to taking the throne.
"Well, at least this excessive kindness of yours will help you on your mission, deceiving and getting along with that elf community." Eric's mouth feels raw at his mother's remark regarding the dictate. Deceiving. No, he is not deceiving anybody. His parents order is indeed merciless, but he had no choice, this is the only path that is leading him to the royal seat, the only path that he has to end the feud between both tribes.
But he is not taking his parents' order mindlessly. He is not walking into the mission with bare hands. He had came up with a plan. Nights had been spent poring over books, absorbing every single knowledge on ensuring that no harm is coming to both tribes. And what's left is for him to execute the plan very carefully.
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Brown leaves are decorating the ground, crunching as you drag your feet above them, making your way from house to house. The sky's light purple, tint of orange starts to fade as the ball of rays rises higher over the horizon. The clouds are vague, yet the sparkle is evident and discernible, spreading here and there across the vast empyrean.
A rattan basket in your left hand, while your other hand knocks at the wooden door of a beautiful, small cottage in the middle of the village. You hum along to the melody of nature as you wait for the door to be opened, taking in the well-nurtured house compound around you.
Judging by how the variety of flowers in the pots surrounding the house blooms beautifully and how the green axonopus covering the ground is well trimmed, one wouldn't expect that the owner of this house is an old, retired soldier. A werewolf to be exact.
The teak door behind you creaks open, revealing a face that is way too familiar to you. He flashes the brightest smile, one that is contagious. The crinkles around his eyes become even more visible as his lips grow wider. The sign of ageing that gets even more seeable as the days go by never outshine the calmness held by that facade.
"Aletheia." He is one of the few people who calls you by your full name, which never fails to trigger a certain spot in your heart. They remind you of the exquisite meaning behind that eight letters that define your identity and individuality.
He opens the door fully, revealing his neat interiors and his trig outfit. He never fails to appear highly presentable. He is donning a brown, wool crew neck sweater layered over a button-down plain, white shirt, matched with a cotton trousers in light khaki.
"I am expecting you in your shape-shifted body when I see you today, Uncle Elex." Your response receives a neverending smile from him.
"Shape-shifting requires a big amount of energy, Aletheia. And I am getting weaker day by day. I am afraid that I will not be able to enjoy the warm sun rays the next day if I do shape-shift. Plus, kids being scared with this old, grumpy werewolf is the last thing that I wanted." The words leave his mouth slow and steady, unwavering.
"You do know grumpy is the most unbefitting word to describe yourself, Uncle Elex." You rummage through the basket in hand, grabbing a small sac made of rough linen and a glass vial. "Here's the herbs that you requested, Uncle Elex. A sac of dried ginkgo and a vial of grapeseed extract." Taking the items from your hand, he proceeds to put them aside on a cabinet located near his door frame without checking what's on the inside.
"How much does it costs, Aletheia?" He is a regular at the apothecary which you work at. Yet he always asks for the price every time he purchases something, not that you are complaining, though. Just to be sure, that's what he always said.
"It's the usual, Uncle Elex. 20 Copper Pēidtts." He rummages through his woven pouch and hands you a piece of Silver Pēidtts.
"You always pay more, Uncle Elex. I'll feel bad if I let you do that again this time." You hand him 5 pieces of copper, only to receive that usual smile from him. "No, Aletheia. Just keep it for yourself, I insist." When it comes to Uncle Elex, you know that he'll stick to his words, and nothing can change him.
"Have you succeed? Have you found your power, Aletheia?"
You pull up the usual smile you always wear every time you got that question. In the world that you live in, every creature was born with a power. Every creature except for you. Some of them have the healing ability, while others can defy the law of space, teleporting from one place to another. Well, that doesn't sound quite right. In this world, there's no law.
Everyone can do extraordinary things, you name it. Except for you. You are just ordinary. The ordinary among the extraordinary.
Your condition has forced you to work harder than anyone else. You need to struggle to get something done that others can settle by just snapping their fingers. You have been working real hard, toiling to survive and to prove that you fit in this society. You have been putting your every efforts in proving that you are just the same as the others. You have been grubbing away, trying to regain your 'lost' power back. But until this very day, you are powerless still.
"No, Uncle Elex. I am still the same Aletheia. The ordinary Aletheia." You inhale deeply, taking in every hope suspending in the air.
Uncle Elex walks out of the door to his front yard. "Look at this bunch, Aletheia." He gestures to a bunch of colourful flower planted on the ground. "Do you know what they are?"
You are an expert when it comes to something related to herbs and wild plants, thanks to the years of experience gained from working at the apothecary. But when it comes to flowers, you don't know as much as Uncle Elex. You shake your head, having absolutely no clue.
"This flower is called gladiolus. Do you have an idea on what these flowers represent?" Looking at how clueless you are, Uncle Elex continues. "The gladiolus is very much like you, Aletheia."
"Very much like me? What do you mean, Uncle Elex?" You are utterly perplexed. His calm smile remains on his façade as he continues. "What does the name of this flower remind you to, Aletheia?" You never lied to the middle-aged man before you, and you don’t intend on starting it now so you just shake your head.
"Gladiator, Aletheia. People commonly recognise the glads by their strikingly tall stalks and large, abundant, spiky blooms, which looks almost like a sword, the weaponry in which is used in gladiator fights." Something about Uncle Elex lights up when he speaks about flowers, which is something he likes. But your confusion is still ravelled.
"How is that related to me, Uncle Elex?"
"The spikiness of this sword-like flower was meant to pierce the heart of its recipient with love, Aletheia. A little romantic, yet a little violent. What I am trying to say is that your burning passion and desire on searching for your power is what makes you who you are today.
It is very admirable, Aletheia. Your personality is never not able to pierce the heart of people around you. Yet, it can also be very destructive, violent, to you, and towards people around you."
"The tall, strong stem symbolises the strength of a character. Strength, the biggest trait in which I found ignited in you, Aletheia. Keep the fire ignited, but forget not that the flame can be ruinous if it is getting out of hand." Uncle Elex looks at me in the eyes as he finishes his word.
People said that eyes are the gateway to one's heart, but you definitely are not able to tell what Uncle Elex is feeling or even thinking right now. His grey eyes hold something that you cant decipher, a look that is very calm, yet very turbulent at the same time.
Romantic and violent.
You had probably uttered that out loud, you can’t tell.
"You don't need to put way too much thought on what I just told you, Aletheia. Just continue your journey with faithfulness and sincerity, and you'll be able to construe and arrange your thoughts as you carry on along the way."
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please consider reblogging, thank you ♡
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halaboyz · 3 years
hii can i be added to the anti-romantic taglist ??
of course! thank you <3
edit: for some reason i can't tag you ):
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hcuyk · 3 years
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synopsis. the college freshman is the only person that makes you believe in love; even if it was just for a second
pairing. co-worker!eric x genderneutral!reader
genres. college au, strangers to lovers, unrequited love, slight fluff, angst, and a merry bad ending
warnings. excessive usage of profanities, poorly written and thought out plot, written in bullet points
word count. 2.3k
perspective. second person limited
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author's note. the first completed work for the 600 special event. i wrote this all on a whim considering i don't have wifi, and i relied on typing on my phone instead, hence why this all written in bullet points. hannah, you deserve the world and a much better oneshot than whatever the hell this was. though, regardless, i still hope this makes your heart ache, even in the slightest :]
taglist. [ @jichanqz ] @stealanity @yourjaylaks @wooyoung-a @kimaya2209 @i2gyus @armysantiny @changminurheart @moonieric @sunfics @fullsunfluff @lcvekdy @deputyjuyeon @nyujjan @jaekiths @i6swoo @fairycob @karsohn @nilesig
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love is a stupid concept
one you adored, yes, but something you truly didn't believe when it came to yourself
it was just simply out of reach for you, and you had a hard time believing otherwise
you wished to be the main character—to have someone look at you like you were the only person that mattered—but you knew you were only a chapter of everyone else's book
hell, you didn't even have a book for yourself
you couldn't even get a motivated writer to write your story
your stupid story is stuck with stupid bullet points with a stupid main love interest
funny to think how he was your main love interest, yet you were never his
it really all started when you were on the bus to work, head rested against the dirty glass window
and when the bus comes to a stop, a male your age hops on
at first, he sits across from you, but then at the last second, he decides to sit his ass right next to yours
fucking weirdo
anyway, he has you yanking out your earbuds, making you utterly confused as to why he chose to sit next to you instead of all the other free empty seats
and he sparks up a conversation almost immediately, jutting out his hand for you to shake as he introduces himself
his name was eric, apparently
again, you preferred fucking weirdo
he talked about how he recently got this new job at a convenience store, and surprise, it's the same one where you worked
but oh, he knew that
he's seen you go on this exact bus from college campus to the convenience store just to put on your stupid uniform to stand behind the stupid counter and wait for stupid customers
he wasn't a stalker—his words, not yours—and explained that he was a frequent visitor
yeah right
you didn't even recognize him, but you shoved it off, figuring that a bit of extra help wouldn't hurt both you and your manager
that day, he helped you with unboxing packages before restocking the shelves
and god, he doesn't fucking stop talking
he talked about how his hair is practically fried after bleaching it seven times and bluffed about how his scalp didn't burn one bit
......fucking weir-
the next day, he asks about you
it was all about you you you
what major did you take? favorite place on campus? what's your grade?
that's when you found out he's a freshman
hah, loser
fucking weirdo? more like fucking loser
he doesn't stop talking when you're scanning the customer's items
your manager, sangyeon, notices all the hassle the newcomer has brought but only smiles throughout his useless nonsense rambles
you're starting to think sangyeon only hired eric just so you wouldn't be moping around behind the counter all night
few weeks go by, and eric is finally able to make you smile
as usual, he joins you on the bus, shoulder brushing against yours as he talks about his day
apparently he got yelled at for sleeping during a lecture
that wasn't what made you smile though
it was when he passed out on the countertop of the convenience store, arms sprawled out as he loudly snores
at first, it was annoying, but you then thought back to his story from earlier
and you smiled
because for once, he wasn't talking
okay that and sangyeon didn't yell at him for sleeping on the job, so it was a win-win
you took a stool over and placed it next to his, sitting down before mimicking his position
back hunched over, head in your arms, but this time you're facing him
it's the first time you actually paid attention to his features, realizing that this man right here
this man is the one that looks at you like you're no other
so you smile, again, because for once, you start to realize that you feel like somebody to someone
that smile would've lasted longer if sangyeon hadn't snapped, making the two of you jerk up in your seats
ever since then, you always looked forward to riding the bus with eric
he made work ten times more enjoyable as well, if you're being honest
once, right before entering the convenience store, he made you join him in a pretend-robbery
"we work here, dumbass"
"won't hurt to steal a few bag of chips"
"fuck you...fine"
eventually, as days pass, it became more clear that you were the one who worked the register, and eric was the one who would clean and restock the shelves
he would be mopping the floors while singing
his goal was to make your ears bleed, clearly
so after waving the previous customer goodbye, you left your station to chase him through the aisles
you never caught him
he was too fast for you
it was actually sangyeon that caught him first
then he caught you
and gave you both a gentle slap to the head for messing around like children
then eric rebutted and stomped on his toes, breaking all of them at once and got you both fired
at least that's what you wanted to have happened
then you wouldn't have to deal with stupid eric and his stupid face
instead, eric only laughed and gave sangyeon the mop before grabbing his bookbag behind the counter
and you did the same
you both waved your manager off as your shifts are now over, walking your way back to the bus stop
"the stars look nice tonight"
you snort at the random sentence
"what makes them look different from any other night?"
eric pauses, frozen in the middle of the sidewalk, as he ponders your question
you wait for him only for him to respond with the raise of his shoulders
"i don't know. i never really look up at the sky"
ironic, because you both work nightly shifts and what else is there to look at besides the sky?
few months pass just like any other, except you and eric have grown relatively closer
only a bit
but it felt like you two weren't just coworkers
he would find you on campus and glue himself by your side, asking if you were ever good at literature
you'd laugh and help him even if you sucked ass
on days where you didn't have work, you still often found yourself going on the bus off campus
you didn't know, but it felt right
and eric would do the same
except this time, he usually remains quiet
he sits in the front, and you're not even sure if he knows you're on the same bus
but then again, why would he care?
the next day, he asks if you were free after your shift
odd question, but you said yeah
so after you're dismissed and rid of your uniform, he follows you
to the bus stop, into the bus, and to the seat adjacent to yours
"why'd you ask if i would be free earlier?"
"my roommate is holding a party, so i was wondering if we could spend some time together"
he doesn't even look at you as he speaks
he's looking in the opposite direction whilst speaking with a quieter tone
"i don't even have to crash at your place"
"i just don't want to be alone"
so you comply, allowing him to tag after you into your dorm
your roommate haknyeon couldn't give less of a fuck about the friend you brought home
hell, he barely even gave a fuck about you
he just locked himself in his room, preventing any social interaction
so you and eric reside in the living room, sitting on the couch
"have you ever experienced love?"
you laugh
"why are you asking me that?"
"you're older, right?"
"only by a year"
"so, have you?"
"you're asking the wrong person"
you stand up, and leave the conversation at that
the next morning, he's gone from your couch
gone from the bus
gone from the convenience store
but he's back the next day
and the next
and the day after that
but it doesn't feel like it
he's distant
he doesn't uselessly point out the stars anymore or wait for you before leaving the store
he simply does his job for the paycheck
and leaves
but you didn't expect any less
this was your life
and you were just another side character in his
well, until he began to talk to you again
about small things, of course
asked about how your day was
mentioned the stars
talked about how he was failing literature
"do you believe in love?"
surely it was the same question from weeks prior
but it wasn't
he wipes the countertop with his eyes darted downwards
"doesn't seem like it"
"the hell is that supposed to mean?"
the raise in your tone doesn't even make him flinch
"i don't know"
stupid, fucking annoying piece of his freshman little ass-
"i do believe in it"
"just not when it comes to myself"
and just like that, it strikes his curiosity
"why not?"
you shrug
"it sounds stupid, but i just never thought i was a person...worthy of love"
he's silent, unable to think of how to help you
"if you...if you don't mind me asking, what makes you say that?"
you smile weakly
"i wish i knew, eric"
it was stupid, really
to fall for the only guy that ever had any interest with you
maybe it was how he smiled when he looked at you
or how he always seemed to be happy when he's by your side
at ease
you felt that way with him too
the questions he had about love were truly uncalled for, but it got him to learn about you a little more
and it made you notice how your heartbeat would pick up whenever he sits next to you
whenever he spares you a glance
whenever he smiles
on the bus, he'd point out the stars from outside your window
and you'd smile
and he'd smile
and he'd hold your hand
and you let him
small gestures like these always held your heart over your head
it felt different to have someone care
to have someone acknowledge you as a person
to have someone look at you with love
maybe you were deserving after all
but there came a day on your day off
when both you and eric were on the bus
eric sitting in the front
and you sitting in the back
and you wish you didn't follow him out of curiosity
only to see him enter a flower shop
looking at the girl like how he looked at you
holding her hand like how he held yours
smiling like how he smiled at you
"what am i to you?"
you finally ask him after a month of keeping silent
a month of avoiding him and his stupid blonde hair
him and his stupid mop that he used as a pretend microphone
"what do you mean?"
you pause
like how you meant nothing to him
maybe it was your fault for falling for him
for falling in those eyes that shined just as bright as those stars in the sky
the ones he loved to point out
and it made you realize
your eyes never held the stars of the universe
it was always the sky
if eric had to choose whether to compliment you or the stupid shining rocks in the stupid dark sky
it wouldn't be you
you wondered if he talked about the stars with the girl he was with
or maybe it was just you
because he would never look at you
because he would be too busy looking at the stupid sky
and the days he begin to disappear
and start working at the flower shop
with the one he was destined to be with
you're left alone
an eventful love story, isn't it?
could you even call it a love story?
what love was there in the story?
and was it really a story if it was told through bullet points?
not when eric never showed any love
not when eric took the job at the convenience store to get experience
just so he could work at that flower shop
with the girl that always had her hair up
surrounded with beauty wherever she walked
it sucks
because eric became someone you wanted to see on a daily basis
while you were someone eric used as entertainment
it was cruel
to have you get a taste of something he knew you could never get
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stealanity · 3 years
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- — synopsis ⋆ the transfer student overtakes your position as captain on the swim team right when he's recruited, causing a rivalry to form between the two of you
— - pairing ⋆ swimmer!hyunjae x genderneutral!reader
- — genre ⋆ a little angst
— - warnings ⋆ none for this chapter
- — word count ⋆ 1.9k>
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TAGLIST : @wooyoung-a @twentysixofmays @jichanqz @i6swoo @suzy-rainbow @pinkkyu @sunfics @theboyzeu @super-btstrash-posts @jiminxoxo @angelfqce @sunwoahkim @lilyujin @heojangmi @hyunjaeluv @rdflare51 @swooxygen @moonieric @tbzboba @ilovechanhee @soobins-left-dimple @nyujjan @jaekiths @sknyuz @love-svt @erikyoongs @bubutaeyongie @carolnina55 @minhyunct || fill the form to be included !
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« can you believe it?! » — your voice, armed with an ounce of anger, ricocheted off the walls of kevin and juyeon's shared room. the poor boys has been listening to you complaining for over an hour, your body full of energy pacing the room. juyeon observed your walk and your big gestures, noticing the little details that showed your displeasure : the way you cracked your fingers, nibbling the inside of your cheeks while constantly frowning, sighing excessively, rolling your eyes like they can reach the back of your head. and kevin.. he seemed a little amused by your reaction, trying to hide his laughter with a jaded look that dominated the thin features of his face.
« how can he think i won't be captain anymore, uh? who does he think he is? » — crossing your arms against your chest, you were really wondering by what right he allowed himself to say that. sighing for the umpteenth time, letting you fall between the two boys, you felt some invisible pressure crush your shoulders. kevin suddenly patted your thigh, in a comforting gesture that made you raised an eyebrow, giving him a question-filled look. « don't pay attention to him, » he started to say, getting up and stretching to his room, « he probably just wanted to tease you. on top of that, we all know you are the best at swimming. » — a slight smile took place on your lips, because deep down you knew you were good at this sport : in fact, you weren't captain of the team since two years for nothing. not giving you time to answer, kevin apologized saying he had some important homework to do, leaving you alone with a juyeon not very talkative today.
feeling the sudden need to find comfort in human warmth, patiently waiting for kevin's door to be nice and well closed, you pivoted towards your friend, coming to snuggle in his arms, wrapping your arm around his slim waist while resting your head against his chest. your lips were in a pout, your upset mind full of questions not seeming ready to calm down. and to top it off, juyeon seemed way too quiet compared to this situation, he who would have been the first to reassure you and make sure that none of this will happen. playing with the edge of his t-shirt nervously, you suddenly felt his fingers caress the frail skin of your arm, before a sigh escaping from the corner of his lips. « juyeon, what do you think? » — your voice was weak, almost uncertain, causing the older one to swallow. you felt a slight tension set in, his body tensing under your fingers as he unwittingly tried to pull away from you, making you frown without understanding his lack of reaction.
« y/n listen.. maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing if you weren't the swim team captain anymore.. » — you were caught between astonishment and disappointment. from the start, juyeon was the one who supported you the most : cheering you on at every opportunity, taking care of your sore muscles, chasing each of your fears and each of your doubts, standing up for you on all occasions. but obviously, not this time. you don't understand what you could have done to lose his support, and you understood even less why he preferred to take sides with a complete stranger rather than you. « what– », he didn't let you finish your sentence as he got up from the sofa, slipping one of his hands into his pocket and the other, nervously around his neck, « look y/n, you could rest more and have less pressure on your shoulders. you could enjoy your life a little more, instead of spending each of your free hours training. » — you were inevitably in shock, not daring to believe a single word that juyeon had just said. obviously, it was not easy : you had more responsibilities, meetings, you had to make more efforts than the others — but that didn't mean you wanted it to stop.
offering a sorry smile to juyeon, trapping your lips in a straight line, you walked to a corner of the room, picking up your bag and phone without saying a word. you were hurt, genuinely hurt, but you weren't going to argue about anything tonight with someone who didn't believe in you. a sadness seized your heart at this precise moment, directing your body with a determined step to the exit door, without being able to reach it. juyeon's strong body blocked your way, one of his hands resting delicately against your cheek. despite the anger and sadness that grew in the pit of your stomach, you did nothing to move him away, staring at an invisible point while listening to him chatter : « i say that for you, y/n, because i care about you. a lot. »
your expressionless face remained unmoved, eventually pushing his fingers away from your face, with the back of your hand. continuing on your way, you pressed the handle, taking one last look at the boy before leaving the room for good : « if you really cared about, me you wouldn't tell me that. cause you know i wanna be the swim team captain more than anything. » — your sentence went unanswered, leaving a remorseful juyeon behind you.
strolling through the crowded streets of your city, you kept muttering in your teeth : your words composed of a mixture of anger, disappointment, sadness, and frustration. everything got on your nerves and you could not wait to end up under your blanket once you get home. the cold gave you sore cheek, and the rain threatened the sky to fall to the ground, encouraging walkers to reach the warmth of their homes very quickly. on your side, you weren't that bothered by the rain — your life was 100% water after all. water was everything to you : the rain droplets delicately falling on your delicate face ; the warm water of your well-deserved shower, relaxing each of your muscles after a long day of training ; bottled water that you swallowed at least hundred times a day to keep you hydrated enough ; and finally, the filtered water of your school swimming pool, which was undoubtedly your safe place.
underwater, you felt safe, almost invincible, nothing ever gave you more joy than swimming. since childhood, swimming has always been a hobby for you, a hobby that has turned into a real passion, pushing you to redouble your efforts to become the best in this field that fulfilled you so much. but now, it was as if everything was falling apart, sweeping away all your efforts in a destroying gust, knocking you off the chess game you were queen on. kicking the air with your foot while sighing, you hurried up to your house, avoiding as many altercations as possible.
when you finally walked through the door of your shared apartment, the place was unsurprisingly deserted. sunwoo was rarely there, your busy schedules did not give you enough free time to spend some moments together at home. you left early in the morning to enjoy the deserted university swimming pool, while he returned late at night after his endless hours of work. nothing was easy right now, your mind was playing a funny trick on you : were you worthy enough to be the captain of the swimming team after all? you suddenly realized that the comfort of his words and the warmth of his delicate hand cuddling yours, were starting to really miss you.
a sigh left your lips, letting your bag crash onto the living room floor, before your weak body just did the same. you found yourself now in the middle of your living room, your hair still wet from your trip to the pool, sitting on the ground watching the small, almost invisible dust particles wandering around in the sunlight. they were like stars in the vast infinite sky, and like you in the blinding vastness of the human world.
as tears of frustration rolled down your cheeks without permission, you started rehashing all kinds of questions that had long been in the back of your mind. this stranger had puppet you for a split second, using that short amount of time to mess up with your head. how could a pair of lips as beautiful as his, could wreak so much havoc with a few wet kisses? you did not know that a man could have so much power in him, and you even less thought to be one of his victims.
you were terribly angry with him for causing this mess in you, you felt awfully confused and suddenly alone, but also angry. you weren't good enough to be a captain? had these years of hard work been wasted? you didn't know what to think anymore. obviously you knew you were good at it, you knew what you were worth, you knew the team members were counting on you. juyeon might have been right about you only living for swimming, but it was the only way for you to feel alive — being under the water was your escape, you felt free. you thought that in the water, nothing could reach you, like a protective shield enveloping you in all its softness. being an overworker has never been easy, especially when you are also a perfectionist. several tears of frustration have already mingled with the chlorinated water of the pool, camouflaged in a corner of the latter, early in the morning or late at night, in a moment of insignificant weakness — which you chased all damage in a victorious smile, despite it being wobbly.
letting the tears run down your cheeks, slaughtering your doll face, you silently observed the ground, his breathing slightly choppy. you were hoping inwardly that sunwoo wasn't going to come back to the apartment, not wanting anyone to witness your moments of weakness : even though you knew his lovely smile could heal any of your ailments. you just wanted people to keep a strong image of you, you wanted to make a good impression. but this hot as hell stranger had succeeded in bending this bold and confident image, making you lose control at the simple sight of his body sparkling with chlorinated pearls. nervously biting your lip with the simple attempt to contain your crying and annoyance, your attention shifted to your phone which vibrated next to you with a simple message that offered a sweet warmth of comfort to your worried heart.
📩 kevin : i overheard your conversation with juyeon : don't think too much about it, he's just worried about you.
📩 kevin : oh and don't forget that we will help changmin to choose his soulmate jewelry soon, it will change your mind !
you knew that tomorrow, you would feel better, because despite the worries that gripped your damaged heart now, life continued to take its course — and you had to do the same. after silently reading kevin's message, you dried off the salty pearls that slid down your cheeks, forgetting the mess this stranger had made in you while praying that he was just a particle of dust in your sunlight.
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© stealanity, hvae
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jichanqz · 1 year
we all try, but we lose emotion
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໒꒱ personal favourite
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SUMMARY *・゜゚↝ you bump into a stranger and for some reason, you feel drawn towards him
PAIRINGS *・゜゚↝ kevin x f!reader
GENRE *・゜゚↝ soulmate!au , angst
WORD COUNT *・゜゚↝ 8K+
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☁︎ CARREFOUR - series
SUMMARY *・゜゚↝ which is better, or which is worse? having no power among those who do or having your power used against you?
PAIRINGS *・゜゚↝ eric x f!oc
GENRE *・゜゚↝ fantasy, romance, fairy!au
WORD COUNT *・゜゚↝ tbc
PARTS *・゜゚↝ one
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halaboyz · 2 years
end | anti-romantic.
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anti-romantic ༺ ch.24 | ch. 25
PAIRING: the boyz’ kim younghoon x fem! reader | featuring q, new, eric, juyeon and dreamcatcher’s dami and siyeon
GENRE: social meadia au, fluff, angst, attempt at humor and flirting
SUMMARY: flirting was one of the facades you put up to shield yourself with what they called love. you loved playing with people’s feelings, especially those who shook you off their shoulders. apparently, that’s what younghoon did.
taglist: @nyujjan @jichanqz @propollis @ilovechanhee @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @heyimkay @diestheticu @rikisluv @kpopwh0r3
permanent taglist: @deputyjuyeon @sunlightwoo @90s-belladonna @grassbutneo @cosmiclele @flrtwoo @jaerisdiction @zvae @karsohn @moonieric @softforqiankun @changmin-wrlds @cloudykyu @kurosism @mavericsohn @enhacolor @yunkiwii @allorysayshi @defjcm @nyangjjunie @joshuaseyes @nycol-ie @fluffyju @icedcoffeesunwoo @sunwoahkim @woobly @deobibu @onlyticket-home @sohnyjbyeol
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halaboyz · 2 years
23 | anti-romantic.
word count: 597, images after text.
warnings: profanities.
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"Stop shaking your leg, you're making the whole car bounce," Juyeon chuckles as he gives you a glance, while you sharply inhaled and stopped bouncing your leg.
"Sorry, I'm just... nervous." You sigh, facing Juyeon as you shift on your seat.
"Why are you nervous? You're seeing four men you've been seeing around campus," Juyeon giggles, and just like a habit, glances at you to look at your face. "Well, except me. You're seeing me around our block."
"Juyeon, I loathe you so much– you're not helping." Hitting his arm lightly, you slump back to your seat properly.
"Come on, is it because you've finally come to terms with your feelings for the first time in a while?" Juyeon's voice was now soft than teasing, making you want to throw yourself out the window.
"No. Actually, this is the first time, Juyeon." Your feet unconsciously bounce once their building comes into sight, "And despite being very scared..." Juyeon stops by the parking lot, "...I'm really happy it's Younghoon."
Juyeon puts the car on break and sighs in relief, finally getting the minute to look at you with a proud face and a small smile.
You were also just staring at him with a smile, feeling thankful to have met someone who, in a small while, has clicked with you and hasn't judged you for who you were in the past. In fact, sympathized with you.
"Go get him," Juyeon pats your arm in encouragement, needing every energy in his body to look away from your mesmerizing face. "I'm proud of you,"
"Thank you, Juyeon." You smile at him, opening the door as you wait for him to tail you to their flat. "Though I don't really know why you should be proud of me– wait, I'm feeling proud of myself too," You crane your neck, feeling relieved for a few minutes as you walk to Younghoon's flat.
Not until you were in front of the door, though. Stopping in your tracks as you stare the door down, you feel Juyeon's big hands patting the small of your back and then urging you on as he opens the door for you.
"You're going to be fine..." Not when you feel small under Chanhee's glare. "Look, y/n." You didn't even realize you were digging your heels to the floor when Juyeon turns you around by the arm. "You are going to be fine."
And he smiles that smile again.
It was sincere. Genuine. It... held a lot of love for you.
"And I'm... going to be here," He whispers, and it was as if it did magic and made your tensed nerves calm. You heaved another courageous sigh, smiling at him and nodding.
"I can do this." You have finally made your way in front of Younghoon's room, shooting Chanhee and Changmin a shy smile, ignoring Chanhee's glares.
The thing was, Changmin wasn't looking at you. He was looking at his other friend, too skilled in hiding his true feelings behind that smile.
Juyeon was too busy taking care of you and your feelings that he tends to bury his feelings down the well.
Juyeon was too busy loving you that he didn't care whether it was another you loved. He didn't care. In fact, he has been doing it for two years already.
So he just stares, giving Chanhee a nod and Changmin a smile before he leaves, the void beside him a lot more obvious than any other day he wasn't with you.
Because this time, he knows that this was the end of his waiting.
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anti-romantic ༺ ch.22 | ch. 23 | ch. 24
PAIRING: the boyz’ kim younghoon x fem! reader | featuring q, new, eric, juyeon and dreamcatcher’s dami and siyeon
GENRE: social media au, fluff, angst, attempt at humor and flirting
NOTES: philippines isn't really doing great (aka still mourning for its future) but guess what i'd rather write than drown myself in 88m news ew ,,
SUMMARY: flirting was one of the facades you put up to shield yourself with what they called love. you loved playing with people’s feelings, especially those who shook you off their shoulders. apparently, that’s what younghoon did.
taglist: @nyujjan @jichanqz @propollis @ilovechanhee @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @heyimkay @diestheticu @rikisluv @kpopwh0r3
permanent taglist: @deputyjuyeon @sunlightwoo @90s-belladonna @grassbutneo @cosmiclele @flrtwoo @jaerisdiction @zvae @karsohn @moonieric @softforqiankun @changmin-wrlds @cloudykyu @kurosism @mavericsohn @enhacolor @yunkiwii @allorysayshi @defjcm @nyangjjunie @joshuaseyes @nycol-ie @fluffyju @icedcoffeesunwoo @sunwoahkim @woobly @deobibu @onlyticket-home @sohnyjbyeol
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hcuyk · 3 years
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- — synopsis ⋆ the transfer student overtakes your position as captain on the swim team right when he's recruited, causing a rivalry to form between the two of you
— - pairing ⋆ swimmer!hyunjae x genderneutral!reader
- — genre ⋆ slice of life, slightly suggestive
— - warnings ⋆ profanities, slightly suggestive
- — word count ⋆ 1.5k
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TAGLIST : @wooyoung-a @twentysixofmays @jichanqz @i6swoo @suzy-rainbow @pinkkyu @sunfics @super-btstrash-posts @jiminxoxo || fill out the form to be included
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The click of the door echoes throughout the hallways of the recreational center when it scans the card you’re holding up to the sensor, providing you entry into the swimming facility. The tranquil ripples from the pools greets you, and the glistening blue of the water reflecting off the ceiling becomes the first thing you notice as you walk in. The second thing that catches your attention is the loud splash that fills the room, crashing its way into your eardrums.
Through the dim lights is a figure submerged in one of the bigger pools of the facility, and the stranger easily resurfaces after his dive with a follow-up freestyle stroke, completely unaware of your newly added presence. As his feet kick against the water, your eyes are busy tracing his every movement. You attempt to make your way over to your undesignated bench as discreetly as possible, eyes unable to remove themselves from the stranger in the pool when you toss your towel aside. Your hands begin to rest on your hips as you watch, chin jutted out as you observe the motions of his arms.
As the captain of the swim team, the pressure to be the best has never faltered in the past two years you’ve been in college. This causes you to grow accustomed to entering the swimming facility early in the morning to practice. Five AM, to be exact, so it’s safe to say that you’re slightly startled by the extra presence in the facility. Though, your facial expression shows no sense of being bothered as all you choose to do is examine the way his limbs work to get him across the pool. The stranger is neither wearing goggles nor a swim cap, leading you to believe that he is just like any other student that attended CKU.
Now, would a regular college student enter the swimming facility at this time of day? Most likely not, but you’ve disregarded any logical reasoning as you’re positive that he isn’t on the swimming team; your swimming team. Unfortunately, the way his strokes easily take him across the pool has yourself nearly convinced otherwise.
When he reaches the end of the wall, his hands clutch the edge with a heaving chest. His momentary break has you spotting a glimpse of the features that have been sculpted onto his face, and not so long after, you’re analyzing his attractiveness as well. It surely helps when he glides a hand through his dark locks, exposing his soaked forehead before hoisting his arm over the gutter, pushing himself out of the water.
No words are shared when your eyes meet, and his sharp eyes have you gulping. His towering figure makes the lanyard feel heavier around your neck, and it’s to the point where you feel as if it would grow tangled with the necklace accompanying it. The pendant connected to the chain glows a beige blue—one that signifies tranquillity—as the stranger approaches you, and you’re able to catch sight of his soulmate jewel on a band around his finger. The jewel illuminates the same color as yours, but you don’t think much of it when he stands next to you.
“I wasn’t expecting company,” he comments nonchalantly, grabbing the towel that sat besides yours.
“And neither was I,” you scoff.
He’s looking at you while he blots his face with the material, eyes refusing to move from you. This causes him to easily catch sight of how you’re taken aback by the sudden closeness of his displayed torso in front of you, making a grin waltz its way onto his lips ever so gracefully. He roughly runs his towel through his hair, scrubbing it while the silence returns.
Meanwhile, you have chosen to take off your lanyard, tucking the membership id into your towel before interrogating him.
“I’m assuming it’s your first time here.”
The bold claim has one of his brow’s arching, slowing his movements.
“What makes you say that?”
“Lucky guess,” you blatantly lie—and he catches it instantly—but you couldn’t have cared less.
Instead of rebutting, he watches as you hook your fingers under the hem of your shirt before pulling it over your head. The removal of outer clothes has left him completely flustered, especially when you toss the piece of clothing at his chest. His eyes have visibly grown wider with a sense of confusion on what to do, and you’re having a hard time holding yourself back from laughing.
“First time seeing someone ‘strip’,” you outwardly joke. “Or are you just scared of a swimmer in a swimsuit?”
Your taunt visibly has him allured, the poor stranger frozen in his spot as your lips work up a grin of your own.
“It isn’t, in fact,” he mutters, clearly speaking to reassure himself. He clears his throat right after, tossing both his towel and your shirt aside on the bench. “And for your information, I am not scared of a swimmer in a swimsuit.”
His latter claim has him almost snorting at what he’d just said, left in utter disbelief over the effect you have over him.
“Well, if you don’t mind, I’m going to go for a swim.” You take a few steps backwards as you jab your thumb over to the pool the stranger has just left before diving into the water, not giving him a chance to react.
It takes you a second to open your eyes under the water, adjusting to the blinding lights that illuminated the pool. When you resurface, you somewhat expected the stranger to have left by now, but he resumes to stand in his place, his feet truly rooted to the ground.
You swim up to the edge before bringing your arms over the gutter, and your simple gaze is enough to urge him over.
“Mind if I join you?” he asks, slow footsteps making their way over to you.
“I don’t see why not,” you hum in response. The corners of your lips curl into a wicked grin when he dips his toes in the water, clearly hesitant to join you.
Choosing to be playful, you use your feet to kick away from the wall, pushing yourself away from him as he enters the pool. You laugh when you see his face of shock, and eventually he’s swimming after you.
His sheepish demeanor surely diminishes when he has you against one of the walls, trapping you. He’s breathing heavily as he locks his gaze with yours, but his eyes eventually become solely focused on the smirk lingering on your parted lips.
Your glassy eyes are clearly mirroring his, and the next thing you know, the stranger is leaning forward to capture your lips in his.
You comply almost instantly, tossing your arms over his neck as he hooks an arm around your waist, bringing you closer into his embrace. His other hand is gripping onto the edge of the pool, keeping you anchored to the wall behind you.
And for the mere second your lips are locked, the soulmate pendants you both wear are adorned with a blooming shade of pink that goes completely missed.
When he disconnects his lips from yours in order to briefly draw for air, you firmly clasp your hand over the back of his neck, keeping him close. Your head tilts to the side as if to initiate another kiss, but this time he’s quick to part away, dragging his lips down your neck. Passion intertwines with lust as his saliva glides across your skin, his kisses desperately making their way to your shoulder. You’re playing with the wet strands of hair that stood on his nape, breath hitched in your throat.
“Never took you as the type to hook up with the captain of the swim team,” you murmur, tucking strands of hair behind his ear.
“What type do I seem like?” He pulls away from your skin after giving your lips a peck, looking at you with slight curiosity.
You shrug, keeping your arms on his shoulders as you thought. “I’d take you as the shy type. Timid.”
He smiles, but this time, it seems forced. The stranger then scoffs before pulling away immediately after. The pink on your pendant fades and is replaced with a light shade of red: an introduction to anger.
The same shade falls on his ring when you find yourself mirroring his exact expression, eyebrows furrowed as you watch him leave the pool.
“Are you saying I’m wrong?” you ask after trailing his actions, grabbing your towel from the bench to dry yourself off.
He does the same, tossing your shirt back your way whilst avoiding your question all together.
“It’s just—such a shame,” he sighs, clicking his tongue. His response is rather dry, and he’s not even facing you as he slips on his flip flops.
“Huh? What is?”
You watch as he heads for the door, and you're hesitant on what to do, confused over whether your words had pissed him off.
But then he turns around, and out of all the things he could’ve done, he shoots you his infamous, yet also disingenuous, smile—the one that has your heart fluttering for miles—before being utterly stomped on when his response slip past the lips you kissed. 
“How you’ll no longer be the captain of the swim team.”
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© stealanity, hvae
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hcuyk · 3 years
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- — synopsis ⋆ the transfer student overtakes your position as captain on the swim team right when he's recruited, causing a rivalry to form between the two of you
— - pairing ⋆ swimmer!hyunjae x genderneutral!reader
- — genre ⋆ college swimming au, soulmates au, enemies to lovers, slow burn, fluff, angst, humor. more to be added
— - warnings ⋆ profanities, suggestive. more to be added
- — word count ⋆ 7.1k
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more to be added.
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TAGLIST : @wooyoung-a @twentysixofmays @jichanqz @i6swoo @suzy-rainbow @pinkkyu @sunfics @super-btstrash-posts @jiminxoxo @theboyzeu @sunwoahkim @lilyujin @heojangmi @hyunjaeluv @rdflare51 @kuncitizen @swooxygen @moonieric @ilovechanhee @soobins-left-dimple @nyujjan @jaekiths @sknyuz @love-svt @erikyoongs @bubutaeyongie @i-m4rk @yunkiwii @cloudykyu @pockyandme @livalittlelovely @eroshyunjae @nshitae @junglewoos @bloom-bloom-pow @mxlkytea13 @poutykyu @changmin-wrlds @mavericsohn || fill out the form to be included.
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© stealanity, hvae
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halaboyz · 2 years
18 | anti-romantic.
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anti-romantic ༺ ch. 17 | ch. 18 | ch. 19
PAIRING: the boyz’ kim younghoon x fem! reader | featuring q, new, eric, juyeon and dreamcatcher’s dami and siyeon GENRE: social media au, fluff, angst, attempt at humor and flirting WARNINGS: profanities, drinking NOTES: boogsh boogsh pow pow it isn't the way i thought i would take but here it is
SUMMARY: flirting was one of the facades you put up to shield yourself with what they called love. you loved playing with people’s feelings, especially those who shook you off their shoulders. apparently, that’s what younghoon did.
taglist: @nyujjan @jichanqz @propollis @ilovechanhee @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @heyimkay @diestheticu @fluffyju
permanent taglist: @deputyjuyeon @sunlightwoo @90s-belladonna @grassbutneo @cosmiclele @flrtwoo @jaerisdiction @zvae @karsohn @moonieric @softforqiankun @changmin-wrlds @cloudykyu @kurosism @mavericsohn @enhacolor @yunkiwii @allorysayshi @defjcm @nyangjjunie @joshuaseyes @nycol-ie @fluffyju @icedcoffeesunwoo @sunwoahkim @woobly
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halaboyz · 3 years
17 | anti-romantic.
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anti-romantic ༺ ch. 16 | ch. 17 | ch. 18
PAIRING: the boyz’ kim younghoon x fem! reader | featuring q, new, eric, juyeon and dreamcatcher’s dami and siyeon GENRE: social media au, fluff, angst, attempt at humor and flirting WARNINGS: profanities, drinking NOTES: lmao filler ig ??? took long bc changed phones so it kinda deleted everything and updated the app I had to teach myself first ><
SUMMARY: flirting was one of the facades you put up to shield yourself with what they called love. you loved playing with people’s feelings, especially those who shook you off their shoulders. apparently, that’s what younghoon did.
taglist: @nyujjan @jichanqz @propollis @ilovechanhee @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @heyimkay @diestheticu
permanent taglist: @deputyjuyeon @sunlightwoo @90s-belladonna @grassbutneo @cosmiclele @flrtwoo @jaerisdiction @zvae @karsohn @moonieric @softforqiankun @changmin-wrlds @cloudykyu @kurosism @mavericsohn @enhacolor @yunkiwii @allorysayshi @defjcm @nyangjjunie @joshuaseyes @nycol-ie @fluffyju @icedcoffeesunwoo @sunwoahkim @woobly
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halaboyz · 2 years
22 | anti-romantic.
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anti-romantic ༺ ch. 21 | ch. 22 | ch. 23
PAIRING: the boyz’ kim younghoon x fem! reader | featuring q, new, eric, juyeon and dreamcatcher’s dami and siyeon
GENRE: social media au, fluff, angst, attempt at humor and flirting
WARNINGS: profanities, drinking
NOTES: n/a
SUMMARY: flirting was one of the facades you put up to shield yourself with what they called love. you loved playing with people’s feelings, especially those who shook you off their shoulders. apparently, that’s what younghoon did.
taglist: @nyujjan @jichanqz @propollis @ilovechanhee @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @heyimkay @diestheticu @rikisluv @kpopwh0r3
permanent taglist: @deputyjuyeon @sunlightwoo @90s-belladonna @grassbutneo @cosmiclele @flrtwoo @jaerisdiction @zvae @karsohn @moonieric @softforqiankun @changmin-wrlds @cloudykyu @kurosism @mavericsohn @enhacolor @yunkiwii @allorysayshi @defjcm @nyangjjunie @joshuaseyes @nycol-ie @fluffyju @icedcoffeesunwoo @sunwoahkim @woobly @deobibu @onlyticket-home @sohnyjbyeol
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hcuyk · 3 years
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SYNOPSIS ⋆* soccer player rivals sunwoo and y/n both play for their university's soccer team. competing for the star player position, sunwoo and y/n are constantly at each other's throats, trying to outdo one another to get onto the front page of the school's newspaper
PAIRING ⋆* soccerplayer!sunwoo x gn!reader
GENRE ⋆* crack, angst, mutual pining
WARNINGS ⋆* profanities, verbal fight, mentions of verbal assault
⋮≡ [ HEADLINE EXCLUSIVE ] @flwrtbz @rindomo @minsikluv @bberryblossom @juhakfeedzz @markistheloveofmylife @illiterateliz @cvlliesstuff @17scheol @yeostars @marsophilia @iovnyu @sofie296 @morauvmi @swooxygen @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @jichanqz @love-svt
≈ HEADLINE M.LIST ˊ˗ ; previous
⋮≡ [ PERMANENT TAGLIST ] @stealanity @yourjaylaks @wooyoung-a @kimaya2209 @armysantiny @changminurheart @moonieric @sunfics @fullsunfluff @lcvekdy @deputyjuyeon @simpforsunwoo @nyujjan @jaekiths @i6swoo @fairycob @karsohn @nilesig @twentysixofmays @changmin-wrlds @mavericsohn @lisori @nanamioo @enhacolor @kyswoo @sunwoahkim @jaerisdiction @yunkiwii @ja4hyvn @choielyssa
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Chanhee constantly shuffles in his position on the bleachers, but he finds it difficult to reach a sense of comfort when his partner in crime hasn’t even arrived yet.
He’s impatiently tapping his feet against the grass whilst chewing on the tip of his pen, anxiously searching the surrounding areas for any newcomers. His eyes can’t help but check his phone every second in case Changmin has returned any of his texts, but the only notifications he’s received are from his mom.
With Hyunjae leading, the entire team is on their seventh lap around the soccer field, leaving Chanhee very exhausted at the sheer amount of running within the first five minutes of practice despite only watching the group. His limbs have barely moved an inch, and yet he can already feel himself sweat bullets.
Eventually the pack of soccer players disperse throughout the field to do their individual stretches, and that’s when Chanhee catches you heading for one of the benches. He stands up with pride and tucks his pen behind his ear, believing that now is the perfect time to approach you.
“Y/N!” he calls, grabbing your attention with the wave of his clipboard as he makes his way over to where you’re standing.
“Woah there, Chanhee. You’re not supposed to be on the field,” you playfully scold. You look over both of your shoulders to make sure neither Sangyeon nor Hyunjae caught a glance of your illegal conversation with Chanhee. You put one of your feet up onto the bench and grab at the loose laces, tying them. “What do you want?”
“Where’s your brother?” Chanhee pants after stopping in front of you, aggressively sucking air into his lungs after the short exercise he’s received from jogging a few meters over to you. “It’s the first and only open soccer practice for the next few weeks.”
“Yeah, I know,” you scoff, pulling your laces tight. “He knows.”
“I really need him here, Y/N. How does he expect me to write this article on my own when I don’t know anything about sports, much less soccer? Please tell me he’s coming soon.” Chanhee sticks out his lower lip into a pout, standing jittery in his spot with every passing second.
You can only sigh in response, unprepared to tell Chanhee the unwanted news.
“I talked with him earlier,” you begin, “I tried getting him here I swear, but he really isn’t feeling like it today.”
“But he’s been looking forward to this specific day ever since you were born. I’ve been looking forward to this specific day since you were born!” he exclaims, tossing his hands up in the air. He flails them so hard that his clipboard nearly falls out of his hands, and this action grabs the attention from those around you.
You snort. “Okay, now that’s a stretch.”
“I’m not kidding, Y/N! We both talked about this day for the past two years, and all of a sudden Changmin isn’t feeling it? You’ve got to be kidding me, ri-”
“Choi Chanhee!” a voice interjects.
Both you and Chanhee turn to look at the voice, and the reporter audibly gulps at the sight. He begins to sputter as his clammy hands scrummage into a more professional position, keeping his clipboard over his chest in order to keep his blank sheets of paper away from eyeshot.
“Hello, sir, coach, err-”
“I thought we agreed that interviews would take place after practice,” Sangyeon huffs, pressing his lips into a firm line as he sets his hands on his hips.
“He’s assaulting me, coach,” you nonchalantly blurt, grabbing an unopened water bottle for yourself after popping open the cooler.
“Assaulting?!” Chanhee screams, grabbing plenty of prying eyes as he darts his gaze at you.
“Verbally, I hope,” Sangyeon jests with a raised eyebrow, looking at you for confirmation.
You blankly look at the two of them, shifting your gaze between their two figures before shrugging your shoulders.
“Sure, let’s say that.”
“Y/N!” Chanhee yells, watching you down your water with raised brows. He takes a step back, disgusted from your false implied claims. “I treated you with nothing but respect ever since I’ve known you, and this is how you treat me?”
Sangyeon only laughs and rolls his eyes, subtly shaking his head before turning to look at Chanhee. “What do you want, Choi?”
“Changmin isn’t here,” he whines, bouncing in his spot. “He should be here!”
“I already explained to you why he isn’t here,” you mutter, twisting the cap back onto the bottle before repeating what you said earlier. “He really doesn’t feel like it.”
“I don’t care about how he feels. I wake up every single day asking myself ‘Gosh Chanhee, why, just why, are you still alive?’ but you still see me dragging my ass out of bed and over to interviews with people that spit gum onto my shoes.” Chanhee humphs.
“Okay that’s enough,” Sangyeon says, cutting the conversation short. “Y/N, you need to be stretching right now. You shouldn’t even be here. Water breaks aren’t allowed till after the second round of laps.”
You gape at his words, looking at him with utter shock.
“I’m sorry, a second round? We just ran seven laps around the field!”
“Yeah, I was pretty generous today. I usually have Hyunjae stop around ten before stretches. You have ten more to go in a few minutes, so I recommend you take this time to save your breath for your lungs.” Sangyeon pats your back before giving you a gentle shove, urging you to leave.
“But wait! Y/N!” Chanhee yells as you begin to jog backwards. “Don’t go!”
“I can’t do anything, Chanhee, I’m sorry.” You frown and then turn around, running back to your spot on the field which results in leaving Chanhee alone with your coach.
“I’m sure the article will turn out alright,” Sangyeon says, trying to comfort him.
“By myself? I doubt it,” Chanhee grumbles under his breath, turning on his heels. He’s frustrated, unable to believe that Changmin, his best friend since basically forever, has ditched him on your most important day.
He’s about to sit back down on his spot to start on his notes when his eyes unintentionally roam the bleachers, and through the crowd, he catches the eye of someone who would make a great messenger.
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Haknyeon regrets everything that was handed to him in life. He regrets having eyes, and he blames his mother for birthing him with a pair because if it wasn’t for them, he wouldn’t be walking down the hallway to Changmin’s apartment.
If he hadn’t looked at Chanhee, he wouldn’t be here. He wishes he pried his eyes away from him when he went to talk to you, but of course he just had to have watched the entire scene unfold and then have eye contact with him immediately after.
Of course, Haknyeon didn’t go down without a fight, but with Chanhee’s consistent begging, Haknyeon officially became his messenger.
Curse him and his stupid curiosity.
Haknyeon’s feet instinctively lead him to Changmin’s apartment despite not wanting to be there at all, and eventually he works up the courage to knock on the door.
Seconds pass without an ounce of noise from the inside, leaving Haknyeon irritated. His impatience forces him to press in the passcode, giving himself entry to the apartment.
He trails in, and the silence and lack of presence overwhelms him. It’s weird seeing it empty, especially considering how crowded it has been the past few days.
Usually you’d be by his side or Changmin would have company over, like Juyeon or Hyunjae, but there’s not one other person within his range.
It makes him question whether Changmin is truly in the apartment to begin with, but unfortunately the worn out pair of sneakers by the front says otherwise. Not to mention that the door to Changmin’s room is closed, hinting that Changmin remains inside.
Haknyeon quietly drags his feet over to the door, hesitant to knock with the amount of thoughts spiraling in his head. He isn’t sure how to approach this since he didn’t think he’d be facing Changmin this early on after leaving him alone in the rain yesterday. With a sigh, he fights against his fears and taps his knuckles against the door.
To his surprise, the door immediately swings open with a hoarse voice that greets him.
“I told you I’m not-...oh.”
Changmin’s heart falls to his feet and it causes him to immediately look away, not daring to face Haknyeon. His hair is messy and he’s dressed in pajamas from head to toe, leaving Haknyeon to believe that he hasn’t left his bed once.
Haknyeon barely has his eyes focused on Changmin, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans out of discomfort.
“You should be at practice,” he mumbles.
Changmin purses his lips before leaning against the doorframe, sighing.
“I know.”
“Chanhee sent me here,” Haknyeon explains, “and forcibly, may I add, so you should get dressed unless you want to go out like—that.” Haknyeon eyes his outfit pointedly before darting his gaze away once again.
“I’m not going,” Changmin deadpans.
“I know.”
“Great. Tell Chanhee to record it for me,” he mumbles. He’s about to close the door but then Haknyeon chooses to stick out his hand, preventing him from doing so. His hand firmly presses up against the door, and his eyes meet Changmin’s.
“You’re going.”
Changmin stares at him, silent, before letting go of the door. He drops his hand to his side and walks over to sit in his chair.
Haknyeon doesn’t dare to move an inch, watching his every movement as Changmin taps his fingers against his desk. After minutes of not doing anything, Changmin is fed up with the uncomfortableness brought to him, forcing him to speak up about what’s been bothering him.
“Look, Haknyeon,” he starts. “About what happened yesterday-”
“Oh, so now you want to talk,” Haknyeon scoffs, appalled. He enters Changmin’s room and rests his back against one of his walls, crossing his arms tightly over his chest as he continues to stare at him.
“Haknyeon,” Changmin tries again, standing up from his spot as he attempts to speak up. “I really, really-”
“No. Whatever you’re going to say? Forget it,” Haknyeon cuts. “I’m just here to bring you to practice, yeah? Nothing else. I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Why can’t we talk about it?” Changmin asks, raising his voice as he takes a step forward.
“Because there’s nothing to talk about!” Haknyeon yells, pushing himself away from the wall to stand merely a foot away from Changmin. “Tell me, Changmin, what is there to talk about because from what I remember, I gave you a chance to talk yesterday, now didn’t I?”
His voice remains stern as he burns his eyes into Changmin. He doesn’t dare to move any close because he knows he’ll break, so he remains in his spot, staring him down as he continues.
“I left a bus and walked through a storm to give you a chance, and you blew it. You blew it, Changmin, so it’s over. Whatever happened, happened, and it’s best that we forget it because oddly enough, I don’t care. I never cared, and yesterday wasn’t any different.”
Haknyeon goes back to leaning against the wall, and his head falls back against it. He closes his eyes as his head tilts heavenward, calming his nerves as the returning silence swallows them both.
Changmin moves to sit on the edge of his bed with his head dropped to his feet, staring at the ground as he remains quiet due to the inability to speak.
After minutes of no words being spoken, Haknyeon decides to speak up once again, his voice coming out softer compared to earlier.
“Your apartment is small, you know,” he murmurs, opening his eyes so he can stare at the ceiling above him. “It’s hard to miss conversations that happen in the next room over. I heard everything…yesterday. I know you didn’t want me to tag along to begin with. I shouldn’t have, and I know that now.” He sucks in a sharp breath. “I regret it.”
Changmin grits his teeth, finding himself emotional at the remembrance of what happened the previous day.
“It was stupid of me, wasn’t it? To believe that I could redeem myself in the slightest if I made an extra sandwich for you.” Haknyeon laughs bitterly. “To hold this bit of hope that maybe, just maybe you don’t hate me entirely. I regret it all. These thoughts, my actions, maybe even me choosing this college to begin with. I regret thinking that maybe after two years, everything between us would be okay. We both would have matured, and we would set this childish past behind us. The bickering, the stares, the looking down on each other-”
“Haknyeon,” Changmin utters more firmly, cutting him off. He doesn’t want to hear any more of what he has to say, already emotional with the topic given. Here Changmin is, right in front of the man he’s supposedly hated for years, torn into pieces because of the reality he’s been tossed into. The facade he put up. The realization of why he hated Haknyeon in the first place.
“I regret it because none of this would’ve happened. I wouldn’t have had to walk all the way back to campus through the rain, and you wouldn’t have locked yourself up in your room all day. It’s not like you to shut yourself off like this. You would’ve been at Y/N’s practice right now if it wasn’t for me.” Haknyeon smiles solemnly as he speaks.
I’ve always been a burden to you, haven’t I?
“It’s not your fault,” Changmin tries to argue, but a crack appears in his voice.
It’s never been your fault.
“Whatever,” Haknyeon mumbles, pushing himself away from the wall. “Just- get dressed. I’ll be in the hallway.”
Changmin watches in defeat as Haknyeon doesn’t dare to spare him another glance as he exits.
He wants to break, he wants to scream for not understanding things earlier. For not understanding his feelings from the very start, the ones that have just unveiled themselves to him at this very moment.
And I’m sorry.
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“Your passes are shit,” Hyunjae mutters, running a bit to the side as he struggles to stop the ball.
“Give me a break,” Juyeon groans. “I haven’t played all summer, remember?”
“What happened last year doesn’t excuse how the ball isn’t even going in a straight line, mister,” Hyunjae tuts. He kicks the ball back towards Juyeon. “Even Y/N’s doing better than you.”
“Comparing me to a freshman. Great.” Juyeon huffs and kicks the ball up into his hands. He wraps his arms around it and holds it against his abdomen. “Where is Y/N anyway?”
His eyes follow where Hyunjae’s finger is pointed to, and he catches sight of the big smile on your face. You're sharing a ball with two other teammates, continuously passing it around as you all converse.
“I mean it, really,” Yoohyeon says, kicking the ball your way. “I strongly believe that we’ll make it to finals this year! Especially with you on our team.”
“You really believe that?”
“Definitely! Back me up here, Jangjun.”
You almost trip over your feet as you run to stop the ball, Yoohyeon apologizing once again for how poorly she passed it. You kick it back her way, forgiving her with a smile.
“She’s not wrong,” Jangjun shrugs, resting his elbow on her shoulder. He ignores her complaints and continues pressing down onto her shoulder playfully. “We were close to making it last year, but we got cut due to Juyeon’s injury. He and Hyunjae are basically the team’s backbone. The legs, if you will. It’s impossible to run without having one supporting the other.”
“Juyeon got injured?” you ask, surprised at the newfound information. “How?”
“Beats me,” Jangjun shrugs. “But it happened near the end of our game with SNU during the quarterfinals.”
“I just know Kim Younghoon has something to do with it.” Yoohyeon kicks the ball angrily due to the topic before realizing that her kick wasn’t going straight towards you at all.
“Who’s Kim Younghoon?” you ask, jogging over to the direction where the ball was kicked in order to receive it.
“Someone you’d never want to encounter in your life,” a new voice enters, distracting you from trapping the ball under your foot.
You watch as it rolls past you at an incredible speed, and it makes you groan because you hate chasing after soccer balls. Runaway soccer balls truly don’t have a mind of their own, and you hate how you blatantly allowed it to pass you.
Juyeon’s smile drops when he sees how he distracted you, apologizing profusely as you rush after it.
“It’s okay, I got it!” you exclaim, reassuring your teammates.
Your eyes train on the ball as it skips away, but your footsteps come to an immediate halt when the fugitive is stopped by someone’s foot, and it certainly isn’t yours.
You’re about to thank the person for sparing you a jog across the entire soccer field, but you find your words caught up in your throat when you catch a glimpse of who’s standing in front of you.
His thick crimson lips quirk up into a smirk when your eyes land on them. A smug look dances on his face when he kicks your ball up and into his arms.
“Long time no see, don’t you think?”
He takes a few steps forward and then gently shoves the ball into your chest, fingers still latched onto it. The sinister smile that creeps up onto his face disorientates your thoughts, and your attentiveness causes you to catch onto the way he ever so slightly tilts his head to the side and into the crook of your neck.
His breath hits your ear, and he’s so close that you’re afraid he’ll be able to hear the effect he has on you.
His lips part to whisper something ever so delicately in your ear, something so seemingly sweet if it isn’t for the venom that drips casually from his tone.
“It’s about time you have some real competition.”
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© https://hvae.tumblr.com/
146 notes · View notes
halaboyz · 3 years
16 | anti-romantic.
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anti-romantic ༺ ch. 15 | ch. 16 | ch. 17
PAIRING: the boyz’ kim younghoon x fem! reader | featuring q, new, eric, juyeon and dreamcatcher’s dami and siyeon GENRE: social media au, fluff, angst, attempt at humor and flirting WARNINGS: profanities, drinking NOTES: he washed JUST his hair .. if u get me [4th] ; THE LAST MEME yn replied to chang's was a meme stealing license :') it got cut </3
SUMMARY: flirting was one of the facades you put up to shield yourself with what they called love. you loved playing with people’s feelings, especially those who shook you off their shoulders. apparently, that’s what younghoon did.
taglist: @nyujjan @jichanqz @propollis @ilovechanhee @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @heyimkay @diestheticu
permanent taglist: @deputyjuyeon @sunlightwoo @90s-belladonna @grassbutneo @cosmiclele @flrtwoo @jaerisdiction @zvae @karsohn @moonieric @softforqiankun @changmin-wrlds @cloudykyu @kurosism @mavericsohn @enhacolor @yunkiwii @allorysayshi @defjcm @nyangjjunie @joshuaseyes @nycol-ie @fluffyju @icedcoffeesunwoo @sunwoahkim @woobly
66 notes · View notes
halaboyz · 3 years
15 | anti-romantic.
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anti-romantic ༺ ch. 14 | ch. 15 | ch. 16
PAIRING: the boyz’ kim younghoon x fem! reader | featuring q, new, eric, juyeon and dreamcatcher’s dami and siyeon GENRE: social media au, fluff, angst, attempt at humor and flirting WARNINGS: profanities, drinking NOTES: n/a !
SUMMARY: flirting was one of the facades you put up to shield yourself with what they called love. you loved playing with people’s feelings, especially those who shook you off their shoulders. apparently, that’s what younghoon did.
taglist: @nyujjan @jichanqz @propollis @ilovechanhee @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @heyimkay @diestheticu
permanent taglist: @deputyjuyeon @sunlightwoo @90s-belladonna @grassbutneo @cosmiclele @flrtwoo @jaerisdiction @zvae @karsohn @moonieric @softforqiankun @changmin-wrlds @cloudykyu @kurosism @mavericsohn @enhacolor @yunkiwii @allorysayshi @defjcm @nyangjjunie @joshuaseyes @nycol-ie @fluffyju @icedcoffeesunwoo @sunwoahkim @woobly
56 notes · View notes
halaboyz · 2 years
24 | anti-romantic.
word count: 545, images after text.
warnings: mention of drinks/drinking, profanities.
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Knocking on the door, you sighed once more before letting yourself in, hearing a little bit of Younghoon's whines as he mumbles the something like the words of "get in,"
"Oh, it's y/n!" With droopy eyes and a smile so bright, one could know how much he drank even without looking at the empty cans of beers around the small table. "y/n, y/n... Why are you here?" He sing-sang, struggling to balance as he tries to walk to you, only to stumble back to his chair.
"Stop and just sit, you'll get hurt." You naturally wince as the scent of the familiar beer strikes your nostrils from Younghoon's giggles, leaning to you for assistance as you dragged him to his bed.
"Oh! You're the first ever lady to enter my room," And just like how you teased him that day, his eyebrows wiggle as he pokes your cheeks. "God, you're so cute," Between slurred words and his continuous giggles, it was such a miracle that you're still able to understand whatever was coming out of his mouth.
His long limbs reach out to cup your cheeks as you sat beside his bed, hands caressing his as you adored each other, being able to express your feelings freely without doubt— because this time, you saw how Younghoon gave it back to you a hundred times more.
He loved you a hundred times more.
"You're so cute," He repeats, but this time, a bit more slurred.
And a bit more in love with you.
"You're squishing my face, Hoon," You mumbled through squished cheeks and pouted lips, awkwardly looking everywhere except his eyes that looked familiar, yet unfamiliar because of the gaze it held, your hands holding his arm, ready to pull your face off of his hold but never did.
"Can I kiss you?" Younghoon's question got you gasping for air, then choking because of air. You wanted to push his face away and just magically get him to sleep that second but Younghoon's eyes have never been more alive than now.
"Younghoon." You finally sigh, holding a big smile as you bite the inside of your cheeks. "I very much would love to," Leaning closer to him, the reek of alcohol strong against your nose makes you scrunch your nose, a giggle coming out of your lips.
Younghoon, half-lidded and just waiting for your lips to touch, only receives a smack in the head.
"And I'm doing this when you're sober." You smiled at him, pulling the blankets over his face as he exhaustedly whines behind the covers.
"I'm sober!" Slurred. Definitely isn't sober.
And he sure isn't going to stop anytime soon.
So when he pulls the covers down to glare at you, you smile at him, caressing his cheek and landing a soft kiss on his forehead.
"We'll talk in the morning. Right now, I need you to sleep." Younghoon's silly smile was now back on his face, cheeks redder than before as he silently giggles, hands habitually covering his face in embarrassment.
And it was just the spur of the moment— the right time, and only the first of the many. That was it— the endgame of all the other hearts you've broken. Him.
"I love you, Hoon."
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anti-romantic ༺ ch.23 | ch. 24 | ch. 25
PAIRING: the boyz’ kim younghoon x fem! reader | featuring q, new, eric, juyeon and dreamcatcher’s dami and siyeon
GENRE: social media au, fluff, angst, attempt at humor and flirting
NOTES: iam slowly getting back to writing ,, i think , anyway ITS ENDING ! i'll try to get the last chap out as soon as my ass can <3 if you're still here, thank you :'(
SUMMARY: flirting was one of the facades you put up to shield yourself with what they called love. you loved playing with people’s feelings, especially those who shook you off their shoulders. apparently, that’s what younghoon did.
taglist: @nyujjan @jichanqz @propollis @ilovechanhee @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @heyimkay @diestheticu @rikisluv @kpopwh0r3
permanent taglist: @deputyjuyeon @sunlightwoo @90s-belladonna @grassbutneo @cosmiclele @flrtwoo @jaerisdiction @zvae @karsohn @moonieric @softforqiankun @changmin-wrlds @cloudykyu @kurosism @mavericsohn @enhacolor @yunkiwii @allorysayshi @defjcm @nyangjjunie @joshuaseyes @nycol-ie @fluffyju @icedcoffeesunwoo @sunwoahkim @woobly @deobibu @onlyticket-home @sohnyjbyeol
42 notes · View notes