#jikook magnate cafe
stormblessed95 · 11 months
Any rational reason for Jimin's dad having cooky toy along with JM and Chimmy on his billing system?
Because he is showing his son in law support from his family? Lol duh
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Honestly, no jokes and being more rational. All those little figures, it's VERY possible that fans gave them to him/the Cafe when they stop by. So he just displayed the toys he was given and not that he went and picked out a small Jimin, a cooky and 3 Chimmys for his register lol
But unless someone asks where they came from, we may never know! So 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I wasn't caring about JM-JK merches in MAGNATE until I saw papa Park's billing system. He got chimmies, PTD jimin and a cookie on system where he takes orders. No way someone would leave it there as it's inside the counter. Only explanation is he took some figures from the gifts on the table and decorated there lol. Man picked 5 toys of his son and 1 his son in law's 🤡. They recently decorated it with Christmas hangings and cookie is still there ☝🤓
Hmm, I wonder if Jimin's dad has a favorite, apart from his son(s). Could it be Jungkook? 🤭
Anon, I was so surprised to see how that Christmas tree was decorated. It's very intentional. It's cute and eyebrow raising at the same time. Chimmy and Cookie come in pair, just like their real life counterparts.
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aricastmblr · 2 years
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안녕하세요 메그네이트(ZM-illennial)입니다 .
다시한번 알려드립니다 .
저희 매장의 공식 계정은 이 계정 하나뿐이며 ,
또한 지민님의 동생 계정이라고 알려진 계정은 본인계정이아니며 모두 사칭계정 입니다 .
그러므로 피해 입지 않게 유의 하시길 바랍니다 .
Hello, I’m ZM-illennial.
This is the only official account in our store
Also, the accounts known as Jimin’s brother’s account are not his own, but all of them are impersonating accounts.
Therefore, please be careful not to be harmed.
Hola, este es Magnate (ZM-illennial). 
Te estoy informando de nuevo. La cuenta oficial de nuestra tienda es solo esta cuenta, y también la cuenta conocida como el hermano menor de Ji-min no es su cuenta, y todas son cuentas falsas. Así que por favor ten cuidado de no salir lastimado. 
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kanmom51 · 1 year
This is so cute 😭😭😭
This is adorable.
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The art is adorable (Jikook holding hands) and the fact that JM's dad has it displayed at Magnate for all to see is amazing as well.
JM's dad clearly loves JK and accepts and supports JM and JK and their bond.
This isn't the first time JM's dad has displayed Jungkook or Jikook photos or accessories or art.
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And photo displays in his old cafe.
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So yeah, a proud father in law😉 .
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juliapark13 · 1 year
~Jikook’s families~
When I think about how supportive and accepting Jungkook and Jimin’s families really are it always gets me emotional. It must part of their destiny.
* This post isn’t about seeking validation from their families, it’s about true genuine support we were able to see.
1. Jungkook’s dad and brother and Jimin’s dad went with them to the airport to send them off to Tokyo in 2017.
2. Jungkook gave Jimin birthday flowers from jm’s dad.
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3. Jungkook’s brother used to like jikook fanart on instagram and recently he opened a tag only for 1 jikook fanart.
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4. Jimin’s dad used to have jikook photos in his cafe and he still has Jungkook’s cap in Magnate cafe.
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5. Jimin’s dad recorded full Euphoria performance and he was smiling while recording it. 🥲
6. Jungkook’s mom said I love you to Jimin immediately when she heard him. 🥲
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7. Jungkook’s mom made seaweed soup because it was Jimin’s birthday.
8. Jungkook said Jimin’s mom kimchi is really good.
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Unrelated 🫠
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9. Jungkook knows the date of Jimin’s grandma birthday.
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Unrelated 🫠
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+ This:
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Conclusion: JK’s family love Jimin and JM’s family love Jungkook. 🫶🏽
They are so lucky to have such a loving, truly supportive and accepting families. 💔
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Jimin's dad is having a giveaway on sep 8 I.e Tae's album releases. So I guess we can forget about his dad doing events only for JK's special days and Vmin having a fall out lol
Hello anon who thinks they've done something. Listen... are you listening? First of all, idk why u brought this to me, because I have never said Jimin's dad doesn't hold events for other members. 2nd and what I usually talk about, is how he NEVER MISSES when it comes to JK. Aka his son in law.
He did an event for Jin's birthday last year. But didn't do one for V after. He did for Suga once too. Thing is, he doesn't always do it for other members. But he never misses for JK.
And when u put into account; sans Jimin, he had only JK merch in his cafe, JK solo music and only JK's photos. No other member's just JK. And let's not forget he attended a BTS concert where they all performed their solo songs and once again sans his own son, he only recorded JK singing Euphoria. Clearly this man is heavily biased towards JK compared to other members.
In conclusion:
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I really don't know what u thought u were trying to do. If you wanna debunk Jikook, debunk ALL their moments, strong and weak. Don't just pick on one thing and feel like u did dick. Jikook is real because of a million shit combined. Not just because Jimin's dad holds events for JK at magnate. 🖕🏽
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akookminsupporter · 2 years
I am still not sure if the decoration was put up by the army - which is apparently jikooker - who went to the cafe but apparently Jimin's father's cafe is celebrating Jungkook's birthday. If it is the cafe doing this, is so freaking cute ☺️☺️
Also, apparently the roses from proof live is displayed in magnate cafe!🥰
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
https://mobile.twitter.com/rfmfm13/status/1470653265125994498 hello YSJ, have we discussed about this here? Isn't this a big deal ? JK's hat (including hat with his name on it ) displayed in Jimin's dad's cafe. Now it's not there but yesterday a army went there and that supreme one is still kept there. I saw some trying to say other members hats are also kept there like tae. But I didn't saw anyone confirming it, nor jikookers or karmy or tae biased army. Only very few salty people are saying it.
Well hi anon!
Your link:
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I am just now cracking open the inbox after WEEKS of simply Not Having The Wherewithal so it was nice that the question on top was fun - thanks, anon! Come on back anytime. Give yourself a name. ANYWHO here we are at Magnate in Busan, owned by Jimin's father:
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Note the stylized A's. Whatever do they LOOK LIKE JUNGKOOK'S KNUCKLE TATS? Some of y'all still out here talking about that means V when his father-in-law used the same A on his cafe' sign. Derp. Most of you already know that Jimin's parents had their coffee shop relocated (I think) and completely redone in the last year or two. Most of us have seen the wonderful Jimin and Jungkook pics that adorned the old place:
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And my personal favorite "Fuck yeah that's our son and his magic backside and also his boyfriend, we're down, we're so down we enlarged it and HUNG IT ON THE WALL"
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And some folk wonder if Jimin is really as close with his parents, especially his father, as he would have us believe. Answer: YES. Yes he is because HOW COOL ARE THEY. They are so cool that I firmly believe that they see Jungkook as their son-in-law, for all intents and purposes.
The new Magnate interior is larger, and kinda sleek and much higher budget, and their designer went with hats on shelves:
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And as people touch them and pose next to them ALL THE DAMN TIME they sometimes get moved around a bit or changed. Personally I'd have the stuff under alarmed glass but the Parks are nicer than I am. Most of the hats are Jimin's or Jungkook's. I honestly don't know about the blue and yellow beanies, though. The white one is Jimin's and then we have:
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And here's the hat display as of last week:
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So some inventory has gotten moved around. I swear I would not be shocked to learn that the Parks just go home and get into Jimin's old room and grab hats, but I suspect his parents are savvy enough to be able to tell you not only by whom, but when each of those hats was worn. Contextually if not by date. And unless I am very much mistaken, NONE of those hats are Taehyung's. The straw ones are, I think, Jimin's mom and dad's hats. Which makes sense since they OWN THE PLACE. The rest are, I'm pretty sure, just Jimin's and Jungkook's. With the newer arrivals I need to go digging through pics again :)
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
i’m kinda iffy about the birthday cafe thing bc im like oh yea jikook but then i remember jungkook is from busan and im wondering if he’s doing it bc of that ya know?
Dear Iffy,
Why would the fact that JK was born in Busan diminish this gesture, instead of enhance it? The whole nation is gonna be Jungkookified it seems and it's so deserved.
I'm not saying the event is proof of Jikook. Just proof that Jungkook and Jimin (and their families) are still close.
Mr. Park loves that kid; has for years now. But I really doubt he'd choose September 1st to give away food and popsockets if it weren't 1) specifically in celebration of Jungkook's birthday and 2) because Jimin and Jungkook are on great terms and comfortable with it.
(Unless someone thinks Mr. Park is just a shrewd businessman and asshole who uses his son and members for profit... in which case... folks are welcome to their own opinions but we don't tolerate that kind of anti talk in this house, so... everybody step lightly.)
Magnate is thriving and does not need to capitalize off BTS or anyone else from Busan. It's just a nice gesture. The kind of gesture you don't make if your kid broke up with his boyfriend, is all I'm saying. :-)
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Looks like Magnate is doing a small event for Jungkook’s birthday! They’re going to give away some gifts to 13 people on Sept 1st 💜
Awww I love this. Happy JK day indeed! And I love it so much more that they just did this, their choice. Celebrate JK in a way. And bringing in 13. For BTS, for Jimin, for Jungkook. 13 and 7 truly are such special numbers. And they way they announced it with, what looks like a Maltese Dog is so fucking cute. Really drived home the point that yes, this is for Jungkook. Because while JK is more internationally known as a bunny, in Korea is very commonly referred to as a Maltese Puppy instead. 🥺🥺
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And for anyone who hasn't seen it, some ARMYs posted photos who went to the event! And yeah, no doubt it was for Jungkook. They also had the flowers from the last anniversary stages for Yet To Come that were given to the ARMYs there in a display case now too and little birthday JK cookie that an ARMY made and brought with her for the event 🥺
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This just feels so poignant and special to me especially now considering that in 2020, a JK fanbase asked Jimins dad if they could use Magnate to hold a birthday event for Jungkook and his dad happily agreed and was supposedly excited to do so. Where he had turned down other ARMY requests in the past, which were honestly mostly them using BTS for their personal project views, but this one was an event WITH ARMY FOR a member, for Jungkook. Who is clearly very dearly loved by the Park Family. An example of the requests Jimin's Dad had turned down before the fanbase JK Day....
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And the event that was planned out originally for JK in 2020 that would be held at the Cafe was a cupsleeve event.
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But it ended up getting canceled because of people in an uproar saying it wasn't fair. That they coerced his dad into it or that they put him in a spot where he couldn't say no.... solos and akgaes and a handful of shippers even, called the Cafe nonstop to complain about it and complain so much that they ended up canceling the event and it never got to happen.
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Which really sucks. Both the Cafe calls that Jimins Dad should never have had to deal with and the fanbase that got attacked for daring to do something for JK and a place that was "representive" of Jimin. Like JK isn't all over that place for years TOO. lol
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But now, no one should be able to complain honestly. No excuses. The Cafe did this little event all on their own and they had a small little event to celebrate their cafe AND Jungkook. JK is honestly so loved, he is so adored by Jimins family AND Jimin. This is so sweet. I adore it all so so so much.
Happy JK Day Everyone. I love our Jungkook so much. I hope he is having the best day!!
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Re: Kim Churros & Cooky+Chimmy at the cafe.
My hopeful heart fluttered when I saw those images as well, but I soon realized they were probably placed by the fans who support JM💜JK bond, and photographed for social media posts. The cafe (at both locations) have become army pilgrimage locations and naturally the “shrine” formed within, I reckon. Not sure if they were actually left there by then to remain and the shop owner/managements allowed them to stay in display, but my hopeful Jikook heart tends to think those “offerings” were welcomed by the staff and cherished.
✨😌✨ 아포방포!
I know Magnate has become a shrine (not even an exaggeration, what's left is for people to pray or something 😄), but that happened over time. I've seen the photos and the videos.
I see how all the objects are brought by fans and the management allows them to leave them there, it is the most logical explanation, but I'm surprised by how fast it happened at the Tokyo store. Wasn't that the opening day? So fans, the moment they visited, left there some Jimin-related miniatures? Could be, I guess...
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
You are so sure and confident about jikook...it makes me have a side eye you👀👀 did you know something which we don't??👀👀some inside secrets??👀👀
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That tickled me anon. Ngl. 🤣🤣 I don't need to see their sex tape or the many nude arts JK has drawn of Jimin to believe in them as strongly as I do. 🤭🤭
We have 18+ moments which like I've mentioned before are reason enough. Then listening to Karmys is also key here. Like a major piece of the puzzle. Couple all that with Jikook and their families and that's all she wrote.
Can u imagine the amount of artwork JK's brother was tagged on? Hundreds! Thousands maybe. If you consider the vermin spamming BTS and their friends with disgusting tkk art. Hundreds he got tagged on. And out of all of them he approves only one? A Bamily one no less?
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There is plenty of tkk art with bam and yet this is what he chose to accept. Not to mention how he only used to draw Jikook and post only Jikook.
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Not Tkk. Not Jinkook. Not hopekook. Not yoonkook or Namkook. Jikook and only Jikook.
----- Again, JK's brother dressing his dogs in Jikook colours. 💛💜
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All Jikookers already know those are the Jikook colors. Bonus with JK dressing them 👆🏽 in the outfits Jikook had on during LGO
Anyway, back to family.
----- JK's mom making sea weed for JK because it was Jimin's birthday
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According to Karmy this is a testament to how close not only Jikook are but how much JK's family or rather his mom, values Jimin. (Ftr I think this story was embellished and I think Jimin was there but I digress)
Speaking of, more proof of how much JK's mom loves Jimin
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That's her son in law right there. 🥺🥺
---- Jimin's dad using JK as the messenger for Jimin's birthday
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Why not RM the leader? V the 'soulmate'? Why JK? 🤔🤔
--- Jimin's dad having ONLY Jikook stuff in his cafe. Not Yoonmin, not Minimoni, not Vmin or Jinmin. Just Jikook.
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Putting JK's and both their solo songs in his playlist. Just JK. I don't need to remind y'all that other members have solo music too.
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Looks like Jimin's dad is really proud of his son in law 🥺🥺🥺
---- Jimin's brother getting upset because Jimin was spending too much time with JK and he thought Jimin was replacing him. That was in the beginning too so for those who say JK hated Jimin u think again....
----- JK knowing Jimin's grandma's birthday. Almost like he was there even, going by how Jimin looked at him for confirmation.
---- Last year. Apart from Jimin of course, the only other member Jimin's dad held an event for at Magnate was.......... you got it! JK 😜😜 (and no he didn't do it for RM. People tried to ot7 this by including RM coz their bdays are close when infact only JK's merch was being handed out to those who attended the event)
----- Bonus! Bam hearing Jimin's name and immediately rushing to the door thinking his other dad is here 🥺🥺
What can I say anon, i'm convinced. JIKOOK IS REAL. 🤷🏽‍♀️
People running around like headless chickens, yapping about how Jkk don't see eo anymore meanwhile these old moments shall never change the fact that Jikook and their families are super tight for some reason 👀 You can't erase facts people. No matter how much you try.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Jikook Other Moments
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GCFT, GCFS the likelihood of Jikook being just friends
All of my life (Park Won) - Jungkook’s cover from 27 February 2018
Jungkook’s cover of Adam Levine’s Lost Stars
Is Magic Shop about Jimin
JK’s cover to ‘Only then’
JK’s Still with you (LINK NOT WORKING)
Just because - Only then again
Your Eyes Tell
Falling too
Jikook and Lauv’s Never not - JK’s cover included
Jikook and Charlie Puth’s We don’t talk anymore
We don’t talk anymore - Jikook
Jungkook and Hate everything
Stay alive
My You
BTS and Lauv - why wasn’t ‘Who’ promoted by BH
Okey guys, we can now reveal the big secret
Is letter a song for army?
Letter - the lyrics that didn't make it
Serendipity and Letter
Bringing this back
Fire MV the making of - Jikook
BTB Coldplay X BTS ‘My Universe’ MV Shoot
BTB ‘Yet To Come (The Most Beautiful Moment)’ MV Shoot Sketch - does this ring any bells?
Yes, this does look familiar
And just in case my previous point about this moment was not understood...
More Jikookery in the Yet to come MV shoot BTB
JM loves telling us JK is handsome
Leaving for LA 17 November 2021
JM & JK at the airports (NY & Seoul) September 2021
One year ago...18 September 2021
JK and JM left in separate cars
Other moments
Jikook in London
Jikook in London 2
JM staring at JK
with JK it's a matter of control
Is Jungkook being himself most with Jimin
Catalyst explained
BTS do have different work schedules at times...
And yet again in unison
JK’s film dreams fulfilled?
BTB Bad decisions recording sketch
When Jikook are not sat together in lives
Jikook hesitation to touch
Jikook selfie
Jikook selfie 18 September 2021
They are happy
Jikook are not Romeo and Juliet (the tragedy)
Jungkook calling JM handsome
BTB 28 October 2021 - BTS visit to the UN
Love yourself 4 year anniversary
[BANGTAN BOMB] Meeting with Megan Thee Stallion - BTS - 8 November 2021
Jikook at the concert
Look familiar?
Jikook at the concert  Link 5; Link 6
Beautiful beach photo
JK is a romantic at heart
April fool’s 2022 from LV - enjoy while it lasts
JK being as bold as shit on his IG story 2022
JK has grown and matured so much
Are Jikook different now days?
JK IG story 29 April 2022
JK being JM’s copycat all the way
BTS Proof live photo sketch
Jikook at Hobi’s Jack in the box party
Big hit Global auditions 2022 (BTS) message
BTS message on DisneyPlusHotstar
Jack in the box party - BTB
More from the Jack in the box BTB
The way I see it...(photo folios)
Jikook at the white house - BTB
Happy Chuseok
Run BTS dance practice
BT21 have you ever seen something so cute?
Naver new article - Title look familiar?
JM now fulfilling the dreams of some super lucky fans
BTB Hobi Entrance Ceremony with BTS
BTB Hobi enlistment translation of JM-JK moment
BT21 Chimmy's red undies
Magnate cafe IG 26.4.2023
Time to wrap up and close shop
The Jikook/JK/JM allies
Letter again
Serendipity is now the preface and Letter is the forever
Did RM just show us he's working out with Jikook?
Do I need to say anymore?
Once again they do this
Jikook June 2023 posts, Still with you and the numbers
Dear.Army again
JM playing the Guitar BTB
This happened
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Jimin masterlist
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JM’s tattoos
It’s official - the new back of ear tattoo is YOUTH
New tattoos?
JM 7 tattoo
JM’s 7 tattoo a clearer view
JM has a new tattoo
Happy 26th birthday Jimin
JM’s birthday tweet
Jimin day on Weverse
BTS members wishes for JM
Benny Blanco wishes for JM
This is so cute
A little more for the Angel’s birthday
JM birthday event Magnate cafe 2022
He is so precious
JM back in Korea 23 Jan 2023
JM leaving for the US 13 March 2023
JM back from NY 19 March 2023
JM leaving for the US 13 March 2023
JM back from NY 19 March 2023
JM leaving for NY 25 April 2023
Jimin return from NY 6 May 2023
JM leaving for London 23 May 2023
JM back from London 27 May 2023
He’s so friggin adorable
He looked so happy
JM leaving for NY 13 July 2023
JM return to Seoul 18 July 2023
JM’s Folio - ID: Chaos
Honey I’m home - and so is Mr. Park so it seems
JM ID : Chaos  photo folio concept photos
ID: CHAOS JM’s photo folio
Jjyaman’s folio
Did Jjyaman do this?
JM the Jackalope?
JM WKorea
Mr. Park Jimin what do you have install for us?
No words
What are you doing to us JM?
W Korea looking forward to Vibe as well
JM rules
W Korea announcing the Dior ambassadorship on their IG account.
Jyaman the man
JM W Korea 20 Jan 2023
JM W Korea - IG 23 January 2023
So, I guess this is confirmed
Vibe released
Vibe TikTok challenge
Taeyang about JM and their collab
JM IG 14 Jan 2023
Taeyang and Suga interview - the ease JM and JK are mentioned in one breath
BTB 28 Jan 2023 - VIBE (Feat. Jimin of BTS)’ MV Shoot Sketch - BTS
JM on the cover of Vogue Korea
JM Vogue Korea
More JM for Vogue Korea
JM Vogue Korea - exquisite
JM Vogue Korea - more
JM Vogue Korea - behind the scenes
DIOR - TIFFANY & CO Ambassador
JM - Dior Global Ambassador
As expected JM posts on IG 17.1.23
JM at Dior fashion show
JM Dior show Jan 23
B&W pics gorgeous as usual
@zzinu79’s Ig story 21 January 2023
JM Weverse 21 Jan 2023 18:41 KST
JM IG post 21.1.23
JM and Dior
JM Tiffany ambassador
JM on the cover of Vogue Korea
JM Tiffany campaign
JM and Tiffany
What landed overnight - 12 April 2023
JM/JK 27 - 30 April 2023 
JM new Tiffany campaign
This is a day
JM Tiffany 8 August 2023
JM at the Lady Dior event - 1 September 2023
JM for Tiffany 27 September 2023
JM face of Dior men Spring 2024
JM Dior spring 2024 collection
JM GQ 15 October 2023
JM GQ 16 October 2023
JM Elle Korea 16 October 2023
JM GQ 18 October 2023
JM behind Elle photo shoot
JM Elle Korea
More JM GQ
JM global ambassador Dior
What we had today 23 March 2023
JM on Jimin Fallon
More JM for today
Did I or did I not say Jimin Fallon?
JM on Jimmy Fallon
Jimin after day
JM IG 25.03.2023 9:09 pm KST
JM on Pixid - Find the imposter among the provincial fans
Need to watch this
Beat coin cast and Joo woo Jae with JM
More pics from Beat coin
We need this show with translation
More JM on Beat coin
Like JM like crazy
Such a sweetheart
Full English subbed JM interview at SBS radio - Like JM Like crazy
I Can See Your Voice S10 final episode preview- JIMIN cut
JM’s IG 4 August 2022
JM in the studio on 1st September
JM is busy in the studio
Max on Twitter
JM 20 October 2022
JM on Tommy Brown’s IG
PJM2 is coming
JM MUSE Setlist
JM Muse Blooming
Smeraldo garden marching band - JM
JM Muse Serenade concept photos
Well lookie here
Who JM
Minimoni Album Exchange - JM Muse
To those who were still contemplating
I do love a good coincidence
JM knows exactly what he’s doing
Jikook twinning again
JM #1 billboard achievement
JM Who + BTB
Rebirth and Slow dance live performance
Blond JM - why - reblog
Rebirth - Muse - JM
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hi! I saw a few posts about Magnate café in the jikook tag and how their anniversary and other dates are relevant... I don't quite understand why. Are the owners fan of jikook? If you know and can explain, thank you :)
This is a really cute ask. I really like this. Lol Jimins dad is the owner of Magnate Cafe! So yes, I'd say he is a fan of all the members! But he also clearly has a soft spot for his son and JK too since he has/had mostly Jimin photos/merch around his Cafe, followed by JKs stuff. And he has hosted small events for Jimin at his Cafe and now did a little birthday event for Jk too at his cafe!
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Decorations have continually changed over the years, but these are some examples from various times ARMYs have gone to the cafe. But yeah, that's Jimin's Dad. Lol
I mention some of the jikook photos that used to be in cafe in this post
And JKs birthday event here
Hope that helps!!
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
But isn't it just an excuse. Until now all jkkrs were saying JK having a bday event at jimin's Cafe, it's so special, his family loves JK etc. Now that RM have it too, it's suddenly all members family are close and his dad celebrates all members bdays in cafe.
you know what else is on September 12 ? Jikook's 2500th day. As mentioned in another jikook blog it can be on on 11 or 12. But as of now that can also go as a explanation for magnate event.
I think we have to wait and see if they are doing it for Jin's bday in December. Not mentioning jimin's because they obviously will Celebrate their son's bday. If there's this same event on Jin's bday it's for for members and if not then it was a jikook thing.
I don't understand what's wrong with you people and thinking if it happens more than once it's not special. Let's be clear. IT IS SPECIAL. JIMINS FAMILY DOES LOVE JUNGKOOK. Stop. End point. Nothing else to add. No excuses. No addendums. No additional sources. I don't care if he throws an event for Yeotan next. Throwing a small event for JKs birthday is really sweet and special. Doing it for everyone else would ALSO be really sweet and special and worth cooing over. "Suddenly it's all" NO ITS ALWAYS BEEN "ITS ALL." THEY ARE ALL CLOSE AND ALL LOVE EACH OTHER AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN CLOSE AND LOVE EACH OTHER.
The gatekeeping is weird.
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"They will obviously" THEY HAVENT. THEY HAVENT BEFORE. So if it's just JK or if it's everyone, this is the FIRST TIME they've done an event celebrating the members (minus a few for jimin and a few general army event, but none of those were on his birthday unless I missed hearing about it) and I LOVE THAT. FREAKING LET ME LOVE IT PLEASE. It's special because he got hate for trying to let fans do something there before when asked and now he is just doing it if he wants to anyway even if it's something super small.
Let me say something is cute and sweet and lovely without yall having to tack an additional note onto it about why its "not special" or "not THAT special" or how if something else happens it proves its not "what all jkkrs were saying." IM NOT ALL JKKRS! I don't care what all jkkrs say or do. I'm not them, ill pass on the need for association. I also really don't care what other jkk blogs are saying about whatever. If I'm being totally honest. I'm not the one. It could also just simply be for CHUSEOK since everyone has forgotten that in favor of a ship anniversary. It also IS NAMJOONS BIRTHDAY THAT DAY. PLEASE just let me bask in this families love for each other!
Me saying "it's so sweet, I like this ask" about the anon who was asking about Magnate owners was not an open invitation for cafe discourse. Yall I'm TIRED and my anons have barely been open.
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